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S09.E05: PolygaMexicamist Wedding

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25 minutes ago, Cherrio said:

I already posted about FT, but wanted to comment on the bride.

Everything she wanted, planned and demanded made everyone uncomfortable, mad and disgusted.

The outside wedding in the cold.

Making her mother sing.

Allowing FT to go dress shopping.

The incredible bad taste pinata's.

Demanding outdoor photos

The flowers

and the list goes on and on.

Even her choice of groom seemed to be made because she knew her family would not like him and be grossed out.    

I will never understand why couples insist on making an already stressful time even more convoluted. First of all, there is no way in Hades that I would have a wedding that required me or any member of my family or wedding party to arrived early in the morning to decorate. Why the hell were her brothers tacking up decorations? That is madness. Get a venue that has people who will set up the decorations for you.

You know what I did on my wedding day? I slept until 11, got up and had some breakfast, showered, did my own hair and makeup, got dressed, and waited for my sisters to arrive at my condo. Once we were all ready, we drove to the venue, which was about five minutes away. No one in my family or wedding party lifted a finger - the venue was beautifully decorated already and what few things we wanted out (napkins, cake topper, bride and groom toasting glasses) had been dropped off earlier in the week. Pinterest can kiss my behind - I scoff at the idea of handmade decorations!

Edited by Gothish520
  • Love 24
42 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

I noticed that about Robyn, too.  When she was Kody's obsession it was nothing but Robyn, Robyn, Robyn!  And Meri said something like 10 words in the entire 2 hours.      I thought it was really bizarre that they would do that to a book - you can buy an entire ream of printer paper for very little at Office Max / Office Depot / Staples - whatever you have in your area of the country.  But then I considered the source.  (eyeroll).

They were probably punching out hearts from Mykelti's unused and now unnecessary college textbooks.

  • Love 21
4 minutes ago, Fuzzysox said:

I  NEVER would say this to anyone but those two NEED to use birth control stat. Until they grow up or grow to see what a huge mistake they made, a baby should not be added to the mix.

Eww they look like brother and sister in that picture above.

I was trying to figure out what struck me as "off" about them in that picture. I think you've nailed it!

  • Love 3
11 minutes ago, MrSmith said:

You've gotta love Starcasm. This picture really shows just how stupid and stupid-looking these two really are. Perfect!


PLEASE tell me that's Pedro's wig from Napoleon Dynamite (what with being a Mexican tradition and all) and that nobody would actually really "style" their own hair like that for a wedding.  Please...

  • Love 20
11 minutes ago, MrSmith said:

You've gotta love Starcasm. This picture really shows just how stupid and stupid-looking these two really are. Perfect!


I recall them talking about the symbolism a time or two. I still feel they act like they're super unique because they give Claddagh rings and that they're among the minority of people who give them, while completely ignoring there's a whole culture wherein the rings and associated symbolism were created. Seriously, if they were appropriating Native American culture the way they're appropriating Irish culture via Claddagh rings, they'd be receiving hate mail and threats.

Ok this picture is making me laugh hysterically!

Can I just say I truly loathe the term cultural appropriation? Like, loathe it. The Irish don't own exclusive rights to Claddagh rings. I'm not Irish and I wear one. And now that you mention it, I don't recall anyone accusing Maddie and Caleb of appropriating Native American culture by having dream catchers as decor at their wedding.

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, littlemommy said:

I agree the “Tony gives his suit jacket” was pre-planned. Jennelle gave her not one, but TWO, lovely wraps far more appropriate, and Mykelti gave them a serious “nope” eye. She never thought they were real fur—when’s the last time anyone saw a real fur coat? Honestly. Mykelti gave them a stank face because she was NOT going to wear them. She was going to wear Tony’s sweaty suit jacket.

Me too. HAD to be planned. With Mykelti being so obsessed with her "vision" for the wedding, I can't imagine that she would have been cool with impromptu jacket wearing and her "thank you" to FT when she put it on was SO FAKE.  She barely wanted the bridesmaids to wear their "pashminas" while walking up the aisle. No way she didn't preapprove the jacket.

  • Love 14

@Gothish520 Here's my take on the Browns and their cultural appropriation (we can agree to call it something else in order to avoid triggering you; I'm open to suggestion). Madison and Caleb get, in my opinion, a pass on the use of dreamcatchers because they're not running around trying to shill shit that looks like it or is "based on" it. They're also not acting like using them in a wedding is some grand tradition that's almost the exclusive domain of the Brown family.

However, when it comes to Claddagh rings, this is not the case. When they first gave (Robyn?) a Claddagh ring, they acted like the giving of a Claddagh ring was something that was almost entirely unheard of; like it was something almost completely unique about the Brown family. Also, there's this: https://mysisterwifescloset.com/search?q=claddagh. They're shilling cheap, poorly made trinkets based on Claddagh rings and the traditions and meanings around them.

The-term-we-will-agree-not-to-use is about whether you're showing respect for the traditions you're borrowing or whether, like the Browns, you act like a Johnny-come-lately that invented it out of whole cloth.

Edited by MrSmith
  • Love 15
14 minutes ago, nikkichan said:

I hate that my brain actually went here, but all I could think about when FT was "dancing" and whipping that girl around like a spaz, was how bad their wedding night was likely going to be. Somehow I don't think FT will have his bride's comfort and satisfaction in mind when they do the deed.

He looks like the type who'd be in disbelief if Mykelti said she'd never had an orgasm with him. He just seems innately selfish.

  • Love 14
8 minutes ago, MrSmith said:

@Gothish520 Here's my take on the Browns and their cultural appropriation (we can agree to call it something else in order to avoid triggering you; I'm open to suggestion). Madison and Caleb get, in my opinion, a pass on the use of dreamcatchers because they're not running around trying to shill shit that looks like it or is "based on" it. They're also not acting like using them in a wedding is some grand tradition that's almost the exclusive domain of the Brown family.

However, when it comes to Claddagh rings, this is not the case. When they first gave (Robyn?) a Claddagh ring, they acted like the giving of a Claddagh ring was something that was almost entirely unheard of; like it was something almost completely unique about the Brown family. Also, there's this: https://mysisterwifescloset.com/search?q=claddagh. They're shilling cheap, poorly made trinkets based on Claddagh rings and the traditions and meanings around them.

The-term-we-will-agree-not-to-use is about whether or not you're showing respect for the traditions you're borrowing or whether, like the Browns, you act like a Johnny-come-lately that invented it out of whole cloth.

LOL, ok I see where you are coming from! No need to tiptoe though, call it what you will, but thanks for the consideration! :D

I do agree that they lay it on a bit thick with the Claddaghs. I guess because my husband is half Irish, I appreciate that the Browns appreciate (or at least pay lip service to) the symbolism of it. I did not realize that they sell versions of them on their website, I will have to check them out.

ETA: Just looked - the circle necklace is ok, the Claddagh charm is...kind of creepy-looking? The hands look weird - and it's all way overpriced!

Edited by Gothish520
  • Love 2

Manatees, clothed or otherwise, are adorable.

Comparing FT to a manatee is just a insult to manatees.   They deserve so much better.


When they first gave (Robyn?) a Claddagh ring, they acted like the giving of a Claddagh ring was something that was almost entirely unheard of; like it was something almost completely unique about the Brown family.

These morons probably think that they invented the whole concept since none of them seem to have enough ambition to actually research anything.  Other than on Pinterest, of course.  That's about their level of sophistication. (Apologies in advance to Pinterest lovers.  Personally I hate it.)

  • Love 11
4 minutes ago, Granny58 said:

women know where their boobs are.  She knew. 

True, but sometimes women end up showing more of them than they realize. I wouldn't have been able to remain seated in that situation and I also wouldn't have been able to let her leave the table without giving her a heads-up. I've had to do that before at a wedding, actually.

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, TheGreenWave said:

So true.  He is a classic emotional manipulator.  Nothing she will do will ever be good enough because he will be constantly criticizing her.  I'm sure he thinks his statements are hilarious, but her self esteem will disappear by a thousand small cuts.

I agree because, for all her bratty tough-girl antics, the camera frequently catches her looking hurt after Tony makes one of his pronouncements. She holds it in but I think he is already hurting her feelings. Kudos to Kody for punching the guy. 

  • Love 16
14 minutes ago, shoovenbooty said:

I don't know if this theory has been discussed before, but after watching this episode (yaaaawwwn), I am suspicious that Tony and Mykelti were already married before the big wedding. I recall Mykelti saying they didn't want a long engagement, and I think the Browns' insistence that she not get married so close to Maddie's wedding was producer-driven ("Give us a storyline to film for another season!"). Then Tony is wearing his wedding ring, which he and Mykelti brushed off ("He just wants everyone to know he's already taken!"). It seemed pretty obvious when they showed scenes at "Mykelti's apartment" that they were already living together. Why put your future husband's last name in letter blocks on top of your fridge...unless it was already your last name, too. Tony was very "meh" on the wedding day ("I've already seen Mykelti in her wedding dress, so what? Where's my tres leches cake?!")

My bets are on a quickie Vegas wedding, with the promise of a big wedding to be filmed in the future. Is there proof out there that their actual marriage occurred in Dec 2016, not just the wedding?

This makes a LOT of sense.  Tony wearing his ring, the block letters on the 'fridge, Tony saying he's "home" when arriving at "Mykelti's apartment, etc.  That "wedding" was just a big party.  Just an excuse for famewhoring & middle fingering.

  • Love 13

Shoovenbooty, I think you nailed it.  All excellent points and....

1 minute ago, Kath94 said:

Just an excuse for famewhoring & middle fingering.

This sums it up.

I will confess that, due to a very low gag reflex threshold, I have not viewed any of these morons since season one.  The descriptions on PTV are so brilliant that I get to "witness" the depravity without actually having it burned into my retinas.

  • Love 5
19 minutes ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

I agree because, for all her bratty tough-girl antics, the camera frequently catches her looking hurt after Tony makes one of his pronouncements. She holds it in but I think he is already hurting her feelings. Kudos to Kody for punching the guy. 

Nice that Kody punched Tony - however, Mykelti has watched her own mother be dissed by her father for most of her life, I'm guessing (given his disdain for Christine before Robyn came along, and especially after), so Kody punching Tony really doesn't give me the warm fuzzies.  What I would like to see is Paedon letting Tony know that if Tony hurts his sister, Paedon will destroy him like a groom-shaped pinata, and it will only take one swing of the bat.

Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 12
20 minutes ago, shoovenbooty said:

I don't know if this theory has been discussed before, but after watching this episode (yaaaawwwn), I am suspicious that Tony and Mykelti were already married before the big wedding. I recall Mykelti saying they didn't want a long engagement, and I think the Browns' insistence that she not get married so close to Maddie's wedding was producer-driven ("Give us a storyline to film for another season!"). Then Tony is wearing his wedding ring, which he and Mykelti brushed off ("He just wants everyone to know he's already taken!"). It seemed pretty obvious when they showed scenes at "Mykelti's apartment" that they were already living together. Why put your future husband's last name in letter blocks on top of your fridge...unless it was already your last name, too. Tony was very "meh" on the wedding day ("I've already seen Mykelti in her wedding dress, so what? Where's my tres leches cake?!")

My bets are on a quickie Vegas wedding, with the promise of a big wedding to be filmed in the future. Is there proof out there that their actual marriage occurred in Dec 2016, not just the wedding?

I think that you are on to something here, Shoovenbooty.  Maybe Tony and Mykelti had a religious ceremony or a civil one.  The two of them seem very comfortable with each other.  Also, the apartment looks like Tony decorated it....in his unique style.

  • Love 6
17 minutes ago, MrSmith said:

True, but sometimes women end up showing more of them than they realize. I wouldn't have been able to remain seated in that situation and I also wouldn't have been able to let her leave the table without giving her a heads-up. I've had to do that before at a wedding, actually.

You're very nice but I find it hard to believe that women don't know what's showing.  

  • Love 3

How long was that episode, 44 hours?!?!  I thought it would never end.  They just kept showing more and more of the horror.  Very weird, they would show people freezing and then cut to a TH where everyone was saying wonderful things.  Then more crap - the dancing, the cake gutting, the horrible piñatas, the SINGING (groan, she actually did it!) always followed by wonderful glowing THs.  It really made everyone look completely stupid, like if they tell us enough about how glorious it all was that the viewers will believe their words and NOT what was actually shown.  It was just BAAAAD.

I'm ready for Mykelti and FT to move far, far away, never to be seen or heard from again. 

I also wonder how Meri can stay awake during the filming of those couch scenes.  She does nothing but sit there.  I think she said one sentence the entire episode.  Of course, I may have missed more because I was losing focus myself. 

Forgot to add:  Mykelti's hair color looks like a bad attempt to cover grey.

Edited by suzeecat
  • Love 15
19 minutes ago, MrSmith said:

True, but sometimes women end up showing more of them than they realize. I wouldn't have been able to remain seated in that situation and I also wouldn't have been able to let her leave the table without giving her a heads-up. I've had to do that before at a wedding, actually.

so I thought about it for a few minutes and need to clarify.  Yes, you're still nice :-)   I can see 2 circumstances where this may be true.  1.  getting out of a pool because they everything is cold and wet and so a bare boob may not be noticed.  2.  An actual wardrobe malfunction...somebody steps on a dress hem or something not functioning as planned.   But if you dress a certain way, it's planned. 

  • Love 3
18 hours ago, Armchair Critic said:

Tony looks like he's been eating 10 tacos at a time, he looks sloppy at the wedding

It also looks like Kody has been scrunching his hair

When they were taking a bite of the cake did ya see him lean over and take a bite of another cake?  MAN he is one slovenly dude!  Mykelti was stupid for not wearing the shrug Janelle gave her.  Didn't want it to ruin her look I guess?  But then she is so cold because its FREAKING DECEMBER IN UTAH! so she takes FT's coat.  Mykelti, the pics would have looked better in your shrug.  I would have been sitting inside during the wedding.  No way would I be sitting outside in that weather.  I was glad Kody put his foot down re pics outside.  

If they wanted outside in December Mykelti should have gotten a winter wedding dress suited for cold weather.  It would have looked wonderful.  She looked like she planned a summer wedding, got knocked up and had to move it earlier so her dress would still fit.  I would NOT have let my fiance wear what FT did.  NO WAY.  He gets to comment on her hair and dress and he's wearing ill fitting clothes that are casual (I don't care if he had a jacket on, he was casual, sloppy, and his shirt REALLY didn't fit)?  I didn't like Christine's look.  She is a youngish woman and her get up aged her.  Her singing?  Well bless her heart.  At least she gave it her all and I gotta give people credit for not laughing.    Kody needs to be in charge of his own clothes.  It should not have been Christine's issue.  Maybe one of his other wives should have been his clothing wrangler since he is seemingly incapable. 

I understand the wedding is about the bride and groom.  BUT, the guests are coming from far and wide and they are bringing you presents.  The least you could do, in winter, is not make them sit outside in really cold weather.  It wasn't just brisk, it was cold.  So cold water FROZE the night before.  Guests, that spend money to wish you well, deserve to be treated better.  Plus maybe there were people with compromised health that didn't need to be in the elements.  They WILL remember your wedding Missy.  It will be remembered as the one where everyone froze their ass off and your husband is a slob.

  • Love 22
18 hours ago, Chicklet said:

The gall of Mykelti and her insistence that the wedding be outside. What is her issue? She's just loving having the whole group dance to her tune. I would have turned around and left if I was a guest and found it was outside in December.

I woulda left with you and we could have gone to Mesquite for some gambling (not far from St. George).

18 hours ago, Mimiray802 said:

I know this is petty and terrible but Mykelti's penciled in eyebrows during the talking recap portion is so distracting and looks cartoonish  along with that terrible hair and lipstick color.  They look slightly better during the actual wedding but not by much. 

Her brows are lacking an arch which makes them look like caterpillars sitting on her face.  She needs a new brow person.

  • Love 7
30 minutes ago, Kath94 said:

This makes a LOT of sense.  Tony wearing his ring, the block letters on the 'fridge, Tony saying he's "home" when arriving at "Mykelti's apartment, etc.  That "wedding" was just a big party.  Just an excuse for famewhoring & middle fingering.

And if you invite a lot of people, you get more presents.

  • Love 5
17 hours ago, Oldernowiser said:

Wow, patronizing much? So many stereotypes, so few brain cells...

Glad someone knows how to diligently work.  I think its a novel concept for these folks.

17 hours ago, tabloidlover said:

WHY is Christine saying Tony is an excellent dancer???   What the actual fuck?   He was rather violent with Mykelti, it was quite uncomfortable to watch. 

She knows how to keep sweet

  • Love 10
12 minutes ago, MrSmith said:

What's even worse is just what kind of an indictment this all is of the utter failure in parenting this child as she was growing up. It's sad and a shame that she grew up to be that needy, desperate, and lacking in confidence that she's unable to choose a man as a life partner that would be supportive, gentle, considerate, loving, and positive.

Ehh, we've all made mistakes. You can't always blame the parents when someone marries a jerk. My sister and a first cousin have each been divorced three times, and my parents and my Aunt and Uncle are wonderful people, loving and supportive. My cousin especially has a knack for picking losers, as she'd be the first to admit.

  • Love 9
51 minutes ago, shoovenbooty said:

I don't know if this theory has been discussed before, but after watching this episode (yaaaawwwn), I am suspicious that Tony and Mykelti were already married before the big wedding. I recall Mykelti saying they didn't want a long engagement, and I think the Browns' insistence that she not get married so close to Maddie's wedding was producer-driven ("Give us a storyline to film for another season!"). Then Tony is wearing his wedding ring, which he and Mykelti brushed off ("He just wants everyone to know he's already taken!"). It seemed pretty obvious when they showed scenes at "Mykelti's apartment" that they were already living together. Why put your future husband's last name in letter blocks on top of your fridge...unless it was already your last name, too. Tony was very "meh" on the wedding day ("I've already seen Mykelti in her wedding dress, so what? Where's my tres leches cake?!")

My bets are on a quickie Vegas wedding, with the promise of a big wedding to be filmed in the future. Is there proof out there that their actual marriage occurred in Dec 2016, not just the wedding?

Found this 

Application Date: 11/30/2016 
Marriage Date: 12/17/2016

  • Love 6
2 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

When they were taking a bite of the cake did ya see him lean over and take a bite of another cake?  MAN he is one slovenly dude!  Mykelti was stupid for not wearing the shrug Janelle gave her.  Didn't want it to ruin her look I guess?  But then she is so cold because its FREAKING DECEMBER IN UTAH! so she takes FT's coat.  Mykelti, the pics would have looked better in your shrug.  I would have been sitting inside during the wedding.  No way would I be sitting outside in that weather.  I was glad Kody put his foot down re pics outside.  

If they wanted outside in December Mykelti should have gotten a winter wedding dress suited for cold weather.  It would have looked wonderful.  She looked like she planned a summer wedding, got knocked up and had to move it earlier so her dress would still fit.  I would NOT have let my fiance wear what FT did.  NO WAY.  He gets to comment on her hair and dress and he's wearing ill fitting clothes that are casual (I don't care if he had a jacket on, he was casual, sloppy, and his shirt REALLY didn't fit)?  I didn't like Christine's look.  She is a youngish woman and her get up aged her.  Her singing?  Well bless her heart.  At least she gave it her all and I gotta give people credit for not laughing.    Kody needs to be in charge of his own clothes.  It should not have been Christine's issue.  Maybe one of his other wives should have been his clothing wrangler since he is seemingly incapable. 

I understand the wedding is about the bride and groom.  BUT, the guests are coming from far and wide and they are bringing you presents.  The least you could do, in winter, is not make them sit outside in really cold weather.  It wasn't just brisk, it was cold.  So cold water FROZE the night before.  Guests, that spend money to wish you well, deserve to be treated better.  Plus maybe there were people with compromised health that didn't need to be in the elements.  They WILL remember your wedding Missy.  It will be remembered as the one where everyone froze their ass off and your husband is a slob.

I agree with so much of what you wrote. I had to make a couple of changes, though. But let's go back to the top, eh?

FT is definitely slovenly. It's .... appalling. Honestly, I think that one reason he likes Utah is because he's surrounded by these desperate, co-dependent, needy, weak, lacking in self-confidence FLDS girls because then he doesn't have to put any effort into himself or his appearance. If he were just about anywhere else in the country, he wouldn't get a second look from 80% (or better) of the single ladies his age. If he weren't in Utah, he'd have to put effort into his mode of dress, his teeth, his hair, his diet, his manners, and - hardest of all - his character and personality. From what I've seen of him, I can't see what he has to offer a mate on any of those counts. Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but when someone takes that little care of their appearance that tells me they don't really like themselves very much and have low self-esteem.

As for Mykelti's wedding attire, you're absolutely right that she would have looked amazing in a season-appropriate dress and accoutrements. If she'd put a little more thought into it, she could've gone with something like https://image.dhgate.com/albu_286831431_00/1.0x0.jpghttps://image.dhgate.com/0x0/f2/albu/g3/M01/3A/67/rBVaHFaCMOmAP_oqAAM8pGd3KOk816.jpg, or https://i.pinimg.com/736x/99/83/3f/99833f33f012122593d579ee57b0ba31--winter-wedding-ideas-winter-weddings.jpg. And I got all of those with a simple Google search for "russian winter wedding dresses"! There are plenty of other cold-region countries that have equally beautiful and functional winter wedding wear. It's a shame they didn't put more thought and effort into their wedding. It's also a shame she didn't bridezilla a little bit on her groom and force some standards on him.

Similarly, they could have selected a venue that was on the cool side and yet provided shelter from the wind and cold for their guests. Of course, that would have required them to be a bit realistic, which isn't possible since they're both essentially about twelve years old emotionally. The same is the problem and cause of their lack of concern and consideration for anyone other than themselves. That marriage is going to be a "big spoons in Hell" kind of a situation for sure.

  • Love 11
1 minute ago, ghoulina said:

Did anyone catch Meri's one, random statement about Myklelti? She said something about remembering Mykelti back in high school and all her dreams (obviously talking about being a fashion designer) and how it's been so cool to watch her change and develop new dreams. I'm thinking, "what dreams?" - to marry a fat slob who won't even let her pick her own wedding hairstyle? That girl had no fashion sense, but at least she wanted to DO something. She has seriously de-volved. 

Yes, I think Meri really wanted to take that comment in a different direction, but just put a positive spin on it for the cameras.

You know, it IS possible that we could all be wrong about the situation, but...I always find it amazing how often people outside of a relationship can see things so much clearer than the two involved. 

  • Love 8
3 minutes ago, MrSmith said:

I agree with so much of what you wrote. I had to make a couple of changes, though. But let's go back to the top, eh?

FT is definitely slovenly. It's .... appalling. Honestly, I think that one reason he likes Utah is because he's surrounded by these desperate, co-dependent, needy, weak, lacking in self-confidence FLDS girls because then he doesn't have to put any effort into himself or his appearance. If he were just about anywhere else in the country, he wouldn't get a second look from 80% (or better) of the single ladies his age. If he weren't in Utah, he'd have to put effort into his mode of dress, his teeth, his hair, his diet, his manners, and - hardest of all - his character and personality. From what I've seen of him, I can't see what he has to offer a mate on any of those counts. Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but when someone takes that little care of their appearance that tells me they don't really like themselves very much and have low self-esteem.

As for Mykelti's wedding attire, you're absolutely right that she would have looked amazing in a season-appropriate dress and accoutrements. If she'd put a little more thought into it, she could've gone with something like https://image.dhgate.com/albu_286831431_00/1.0x0.jpghttps://image.dhgate.com/0x0/f2/albu/g3/M01/3A/67/rBVaHFaCMOmAP_oqAAM8pGd3KOk816.jpg, or https://i.pinimg.com/736x/99/83/3f/99833f33f012122593d579ee57b0ba31--winter-wedding-ideas-winter-weddings.jpg. And I got all of those with a simple Google search for "russian winter wedding dresses"! There are plenty of other cold-region countries that have equally beautiful and functional winter wedding wear. It's a shame they didn't put more thought and effort into their wedding. It's also a shame she didn't bridezilla a little bit on her groom and force some standards on him.

Similarly, they could have selected a venue that was on the cool side and yet provided shelter from the wind and cold for their guests. Of course, that would have required them to be a bit realistic, which isn't possible since they're both essentially about twelve years old emotionally. The same is the problem and cause of their lack of concern and consideration for anyone other than themselves. That marriage is going to be a "big spoons in Hell" kind of a situation for sure.

Those dresses are beautiful! And honestly, it may seem cliched, but a December wedding just begs for Christmas decor. What's the point of getting married in December if you aren't going to take advantage of the Christmas spirit? The place was already decorated nicely for the holidays - maybe throw a few more twinkle lights up, pop some poinsettias here and there and you're done. 

  • Love 13
3 hours ago, Gothish520 said:

I really think (hope?) that either they are playing up their support for the cameras or they are just trying to put on a good face for Mykelti. I would LOVE to hear the private conversations that go on about this!

On a personal note: I usually watch the episodes twice (yep!) because I watch it on DVR as soon as the episode is over, and I watch it again with my husband later in the week (he works on Sunday nights). So I have read all the comments on here before my husband has seen the episode. I sometimes wonder that we may be a bit too hard on Tony, and maybe I am biased because I'm a woman and therefore I (and perhaps many others here) see things differently because we come from a woman's perspective - some of us have gone through bad relationships or seen bad relationships up close, and are sensitive to the signs that maybe men don't notice. But, when watching this season with my husband, he has made the exact same comments and observations about Tony that everyone here has made - the dress shopping, the hair issue, the snarkiness, the controlling and inappropriate behavior, the selfishness, everything - and every time he makes a comment I laugh and say "that's what they said on the PTV board!". 

Nope.  We are not too hard on him.  He is an asshole who thinks WAY too much of himself and treats others with disdain.  Mr. Natalie CANNOT stand him and is not a regular watcher.  His sense of FT is a lot like ours.  He may be harder on him if that's even possible.  This dude cannot even hide his worst qualities from the camera.  Where you would THINK you would be on your best behavior.  

  • Love 15
27 minutes ago, MrSmith said:

What's even worse is just what kind of an indictment this all is of the utter failure in parenting this child as she was growing up. It's sad and a shame that she grew up to be that needy, desperate, and lacking in confidence that she's unable to choose a man as a life partner that would be supportive, gentle, considerate, loving, and positive.

Not saying I disagree, but sometimes people turn out that way regardless. My parents, although divorced, were pretty great growing up. My father was very involved and supportive growing up. He always pushed me to do anything I wanted, without being overbearing. I'm still an incredibly insecure woman. I have horrible self esteem issues.  My first serious BF was a dream, but the next guy was pretty damn controlling and often verbally abusive. He did a real number on my already frail ego. Sometimes it's just the personality you are born with. Not all of Christine's kids seem to be as needy as Mykelti. In fact, the other 5 seem pretty great. 

I do think polygamy puts kids at as disadvantage. Unless they're living in one big house or making an effort to do something as a family on a daily basis, SOME kids are going to be missing out. And it does seem Christine's family missed out a lot for awhile. I think Mykelti may have already just had a naturally low self esteem and some of the issues with her mom and dad over the years might have exacerbated the issue. 

  • Love 11
45 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

Nice that Kody punched Tony - however, Mykelti has watched her own mother be dissed by her father for most of her life, I'm guessing (given his disdain for Christine before Robyn came along, and especially after), so Kody punching Tony really doesn't give me the warm fuzzies.  What I would like to see is Paedon letting Tony know that if Tony hurts his sister, Paedon will destroy him like a groom-shaped pinata, and it will only take one swing of the bat.

I completely agree with this. Kody gets no props from me for punching Tony or any kind of standing up to him for being emotionally abusive to Mykelti. Kody is the reason she doesn’t see his abuse in the first place. This is the kind of treatment she’s seen modeled by Kody toward her mother her whole life. 

  • Love 12
7 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

Nope.  We are not too hard on him.  He is an asshole who thinks WAY too much of himself and treats others with disdain.  Mr. Natalie CANNOT stand him and is not a regular watcher.  His sense of FT is a lot like ours.  He may be harder on him if that's even possible.  This dude cannot even hide his worst qualities from the camera.  Where you would THINK you would be on your best behavior.  

Yes I have to agree, and my husband feels the same way. Does not like him at all. 

I will bet Kody cannot stand him and is beside himself. That punch was more deliberate than even we know!

Edited by Gothish520
  • Love 9
24 minutes ago, tobeannounced said:

Re the dancing, I remember the same craziness going on at Madison's wedding. I definitely remember thinking Madison was going to have her arm ripped out, possibly by Kody and Caleb. Can't remember for sure. Is it a Utah thing? A plyg/Mormon thing?


It's a Stupid thing.

Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 18
19 minutes ago, MrSmith said:

I agree with so much of what you wrote. I had to make a couple of changes, though. But let's go back to the top, eh?

FT is definitely slovenly. It's .... appalling. Honestly, I think that one reason he likes Utah is because he's surrounded by these desperate, co-dependent, needy, weak, lacking in self-confidence FLDS girls because then he doesn't have to put any effort into himself or his appearance. If he were just about anywhere else in the country, he wouldn't get a second look from 80% (or better) of the single ladies his age. If he weren't in Utah, he'd have to put effort into his mode of dress, his teeth, his hair, his diet, his manners, and - hardest of all - his character and personality. From what I've seen of him, I can't see what he has to offer a mate on any of those counts. Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but when someone takes that little care of their appearance that tells me they don't really like themselves very much and have low self-esteem.

As for Mykelti's wedding attire, you're absolutely right that she would have looked amazing in a season-appropriate dress and accoutrements. If she'd put a little more thought into it, she could've gone with something like https://image.dhgate.com/albu_286831431_00/1.0x0.jpghttps://image.dhgate.com/0x0/f2/albu/g3/M01/3A/67/rBVaHFaCMOmAP_oqAAM8pGd3KOk816.jpg, or https://i.pinimg.com/736x/99/83/3f/99833f33f012122593d579ee57b0ba31--winter-wedding-ideas-winter-weddings.jpg. And I got all of those with a simple Google search for "russian winter wedding dresses"! There are plenty of other cold-region countries that have equally beautiful and functional winter wedding wear. It's a shame they didn't put more thought and effort into their wedding. It's also a shame she didn't bridezilla a little bit on her groom and force some standards on him.

Similarly, they could have selected a venue that was on the cool side and yet provided shelter from the wind and cold for their guests. Of course, that would have required them to be a bit realistic, which isn't possible since they're both essentially about twelve years old emotionally. The same is the problem and cause of their lack of concern and consideration for anyone other than themselves. That marriage is going to be a "big spoons in Hell" kind of a situation for sure.

Those dresses are fabulous Mr. Smith!  That is what I was thinking of.  She is a voluptuous gal and another dress like this would have been much more flattering.  My peeve is back fat (that someone mentioned).  You don't even have to be a big person to get it, plenty of thin women have it.  If it doesn't pass the back fat test it isn't a keeper.  A good bra can help but when you are curvy, there is only so much that can be done.  Everyone I know that has gotten married wants to look the best they possibly can.  This takes some effort and time but it is well worth it.  Unless you go casual.  That is fine too but if you are going fancy, don't look like you rolled around in the mud (or hot dog grease) and put a nice, ill fitting dress over it.  Dress for what you have, not what you want.

I want to know why they didn't have outside heaters during the wedding.  They don't have to be plugged in, they are run off propane or something like that.

  • Love 8
Just now, Fuzzysox said:

Remember the wedding shop Robyn went to? I do they sold really pretty modest dresses with sleeves. I doubt that they stopped there because her dress was not a winter dress. Boobs hanging out in the winter or the summer are not very modest.

In Utah, it's not hard to find a bridal shop with modest choices, if that's what the groom wants. ;-)

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, Natalie68 said:

When they were taking a bite of the cake did ya see him lean over and take a bite of another cake?  MAN he is one slovenly dude!  

Because he wanted 10 tacos and only got FOUR! ;) 

54 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

I woulda left with you and we could have gone to Mesquite for some gambling (not far from St. George).

Her brows are lacking an arch which makes them look like caterpillars sitting on her face.  She needs a new brow person.

Sadly I think it's a family trait.... Christine's (although hard to see) also have that same weird angle/shape. 

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, Wings said:

Absolutely and tacos were a bad idea.  A main course casserole is best for a large crowd; enchiladas would have worked very well with a waiter placing one on each plate.  A corn salad and a green salad as sides. 

But that is not what Tony wanted!. We all know that Tony gets what he wants cause he's da man! 

  • Love 10

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