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S09.E04: Meri's Crazy Idea

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2 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

$50,000 each person per episode? If yes, then no wonder she can afford 2 homes! If they split that between the 5 of them, it's still in the or close to 6 figures per season. I'd say these grifters are doing just fine for themselves. And here I spin my wheels trying to figure out when and how I can retire. Life just isn't fair sometimes.

No kidding!  I'm reading about how these people are always having money troubles and I just don't understand it!

  • Love 1

I could be wrong, I stipulate that I have been and might still be BUT, Mr. Kicotan used to dabble in mortgage financing so I asked him his opinion.

He said acquiring a second mortgage means a bigger down than the first one, so if her Mom contributed her gain from selling her house to the down then that part would make sense if approved. Whatever her earnings from her business, seeing how it's an MLM (social retailer?), it wouldn't be considered/included as income on the BL.  Her income from the show would be more than likely used.  Proposing to the lender that it is a business purchase, not a second home, would also be in her favor and most likely result in approval, especially if the Vegas house's equity is also included as an asset, subject to lien, should she default on the second.

  • Love 7
14 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

$50,000 each person per episode? If yes, then no wonder she can afford 2 homes! If they split that between the 5 of them, it's still in the or close to 6 figures per season. I'd say these grifters are doing just fine for themselves. And here I spin my wheels trying to figure out when and how I can retire. Life just isn't fair sometimes.

No, not per person.  For the entire group.  

7 minutes ago, kicotan said:

I could be wrong, I stipulate that I have been and might still be BUT, Mr. Kicotan used to dabble in mortgage financing so I asked him his opinion.

He said acquiring a second mortgage means a bigger down than the first one, so if her Mom contributed her gain from selling her house to the down then that part would make sense if approved. Whatever her earnings from her business, seeing how it's an MLM (social retailer?), it wouldn't be considered/included as income on the BL.  Her income from the show would be more than likely used.  Proposing to the lender that it is a business purchase, not a second home, would also be in her favor and most likely result in approval, especially if the Vegas house's equity is also included as an asset, subject to lien, should she default on the second.

Thank you Mr. Kicotan!!  :D

  • Love 3
46 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

I read $50.000 per episode,

This number has been discussed about a million dozen times in this forum and someone who is very familiar with reality show production has said they more than likely make $20,000-25,000 an episode for the entire family. The family has said they split it evenly six ways (four wives, Kody and a family pot). So after taxes, each pot isn't that much.

  • Love 5
12 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

$50,000 each person per episode?

Based on the earnings of other TLC shows, I believe it's between $30K -$40K per hour show, times 24 hours of show per year.  Somewhere in the neighborhood of $720K - $960K per year. After taxes and given the amount of people in the Browns' household, I am guessing each family gets about $100K.  Which is why Meri can afford to send her child to a private college, complete with a brand new car.  So unfair. 

  • Love 5
10 minutes ago, RoxieRambles said:

It is so unfair. I bust my ass everyday and will probably never have half as much, material things....but i have my dignity and never have to share cold sores or a peen.

The last part of your post is a huge plus in itself.  Not sharing those things is something I'm happy about, as well!

  • Love 6

Speaking of money and how the multiple wives that aren't the first don't get benefits...this is just me thinking out loud...I may be way off base...

...but an ex-wife can collect on her ex husbands social security if they were married at least 10 years. So couldn't Kody marry each wife and divorce each one after 10 years? Then they could all collect. Not saying it would be much money...just wondering if this is conceivable and actually done? Or maybe it's stupid  ?

  • Love 5
15 minutes ago, MoodyGirl said:

Speaking of money and how the multiple wives that aren't the first don't get benefits...this is just me thinking out loud...I may be way off base...

...but an ex-wife can collect on her ex husbands social security if they were married at least 10 years. So couldn't Kody marry each wife and divorce each one after 10 years? Then they could all collect. Not saying it would be much money...just wondering if this is conceivable and actually done? Or maybe it's stupid  ?

Marrying each wife so each wife had some semblance of equal benefits would be a loving, thoughtful, and intentional act, so yes, you are thinking too much ;-)

  • Love 18

Yes, Kody could have married/divorced  each wife after 10  years. As long as they didn’t marry anyone else, they could collect on his social security. They would each have  been able to draw as if they had been the only wife. So 4 full payouts. 

however, Meri wouldn’t have done that for either Janelle or Christine. Christine wouldnt have been able to collect public assistance. Kody would have been required to pay child support for children he claimed as his from each marriage.  Meri did get bamboozled into divorcing for Robyn. So Meri and Robyn may collect social security, Janelle will get her own. Christine will be out of luck. Because I bet they claim minimum wage for the TLC income after deducting all kinda of ‘expenses’. 

Edited by mythoughtis
  • Love 9
3 hours ago, suomi said:

That place is seriously overpriced, income property or not. And fuck any sentimental value. You can buy a newly constructed, absolutely stunning McMansion with a home warranty for less than that in Utah. Chalk up another incredibly stupid/delusional Brown family financial decision.

Don’t forget, that price included all those dusty, musty, stuff your grandmother wouldn’t want furnishings.  Umbrellas hanging from the ceiling don’t come cheap, missy!

While I think that part about Meri suggesting they buy the house for her Mom was producer driven, I think we got a real glimpse of Christine when she said Meri should get a smaller house. I love when the seething resentment seeps out!

Poor Ysabel, hope it was her idea to share her struggle, and that she doesn’t have to have surgery. That x-ray looked awful.  

  • Love 7
7 hours ago, suomi said:

The wives share in raising the kids - except when they don't. They lean on and support and trust each other - except when they don't. They provide safe harbor for each other - except when they don't. They love and respect each other - except when they don't. They share the burdens of managing large households - except when they don't. They rise above jealousy and favoritism - except when they don't.

I'm quoting this because it needs to be seen again. So true, Suomi. The wives can pontificate all they want about wanting to be ambassadors for polygamy and to demonstrate how well it works, but surely they don't really believe that. They're masters are making a claim and then beautifully illustrating the exact opposite. Nobody could possibly watch this show - especially the last few seasons - and think, "Wow, polygamy is awesome! If this is what sharing a husband looks like, sign me up!" Wow, how could anyone pass up the opportunity to spend her life begging for attention from a self-absorbed part-time father and making snarky, passive-aggressive comments to the sister wives she's supposed to love but doesn't?

  • Love 16
3 hours ago, Pachengala said:

I agree with @suomi—it’s pretty much impossible to pick a favorite part of your recaps, @LilWharveyGal. Though tor some reason, ‘Truely rolls across the lawn,’ absent any further explanation, is making me die laughing.

agreed. The lularoe seam splitting line was great, but for some reason I can't stop lol'ing over "Truely rolls across the lawn".

  • Love 6

To me, Kody's comment about how he and Meri are like a divorced couple living on the same street, is surprising, because he is acknowledging that it's not the way they had represented it being.  When they divorced, it meant nothing to the family, because they were in a spiritual marriage and a piece of paper did not touch that.  So, all of the reassurances about how nothing would be changed with the divorce, did not pan out.  That's why I think the new revelation sheds much light on what really happened.  I suppose the catfish situation didn't help matters, but, they have drifted far apart.  Now, there are not even pretending to be in a marriage.  Not sure how that spiritual thing fits in there. 

  • Love 13
16 hours ago, suomi said:

The wives share in raising the kids - except when they don't. They lean on and support and trust each other - except when they don't. They provide safe harbor for each other - except when they don't. They love and respect each other - except when they don't. They share the burdens of managing large households - except when they don't. They rise above jealousy and favoritism - except when they don't.

The crazy-making cherry on top of this dysfunctional cake is how they refuse to admit to any of the above. Polygamy is a multi-level marketing scheme. MLM sellers recruit others to join the company as fellow salespeople so that they can become the recruiter's down line distributors. Meri had a good, long run as bottom bitch until her down liners rebelled and bolted. Which always happens, eventually.


These are some of the reasons that I no longer will begin watching any new shows that feature polygamists.  I've watched quite a few over the years, even some documentaries. But, it never pans out, like they say.  And, even with all my witching, I do like to watch the Brown family.  I have watched from day one and will continue,  but, I have no desire to watch another one, because what their ideal is and what happens in reality is very different.  No marriage is perfect, but, the disparity between the ideal of the polygamist marriage and the reality is so great, that it boggles the mind. Of course, you may not get a person who is devoted to polygamy to accept that. It is their religious teaching, so, I get how you can't just let go of that easily.  I suppose what shocks me are those who go for it without any religious leanings and just think that it's a good idea.  That tells me they haven't done their homework. 

  • Love 3
15 minutes ago, Absolom said:

Ratings are in and they indicate the show will continue.  1.436M viewers and a .41 rating.   .62 with women 18-49.  TLC loves that.  For more perspective 15th cable show of the evening and they were against the Grammies. 

So, how does this show rank along with TLC's other shows, say.....My Big Fat Fabulous Life or My 600 Pound Life.  I'm just trying to gauge if they are a TLC top show, middle of the road or on their last leg.

This year with the Grammy's.....I'll admit that I turned there a few times, but, it was painful vocals.  Not much better than Christine.....lol.  I'm not kidding. With the exception of Ben Platt. (GREAT prefomance), there were some pretty sad performances.  Not sure if the mics were messed up or what. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe

First I don't watch or track those shows.  1.5M is close to double TLC's prime time average so is in the good range.  For comparison Seeking SW was low and I expect heading toward cancellation at 783K viewers and a .26 rating.  I've seen a couple of TLC shows get a second short season with numbers like that and then they vanished.  Years ago TLC was trying for its top shows to be 2M or higher.  The Roloffs were cancelled back in that era.  They brought the Roloffs back as the TLC overall audience dropped. 

  • Love 1
12 minutes ago, neh said:

Do you think that Tony and Meri get paid extra for being the reviled focal points of the season?  Without them what would we have to snark about...ok, Robin...add her to the list too.

I think Tony, Meri and Robyn would 'perform' for free.  Everyone's talking about them and fame is it's own reward.  As the old Hollywood saying goes, "say what you want about me, just spell my name right".

  • Love 6

There were a lot of exterior shots of Mykleti's apartment in the two episodes.  I thought that she lived above the pawn shop.  Her apartment looked like it was in an apartment complex - no commercial enterprises.


When in the nail salon, I also got the impression that Tony's mother didn't appreciated Christine's comments about Tony.  Maybe she isn't liking Christine 2.0 so much.

  • Love 4
4 minutes ago, neh said:

There were a lot of exterior shots of Mykleti's apartment in the two episodes.  I thought that she lived above the pawn shop.  Her apartment looked like it was in an apartment complex - no commercial enterprises.


When in the nail salon, I also got the impression that Tony's mother didn't appreciated Christine's comments about Tony.  Maybe she isn't liking Christine 2.0 so much.

I noticed the difference in location too and wondered if Mykelti moved so Tony's comings and goings wouldn't be noticed by the pawn shop owner (friend of Kody's).


The Brown's treat Tony's family like second class citizens and speak of him as if they are not even there.  They act like they are doing the Padron's a favor by allowing them to be on their show.

  • Love 3
23 minutes ago, neh said:

There were a lot of exterior shots of Mykleti's apartment in the two episodes.  I thought that she lived above the pawn shop.  Her apartment looked like it was in an apartment complex - no commercial enterprises.

I think Kody said that Mykelti was living in an apartment owned by the pawn shop owner.  So he gave her a job and put her up in an apartment of his.  He may own the whole apartment complex.  Kody has referenced him being a "business man" and "owning businesses", so I don't think the pawn shop is his only gig.

I hate to think what her apartment looks like before it was most likely cleaned up for cameras to come inside.  I can just imagine.

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

These are some of the reasons that I no longer will begin watching any new shows that feature polygamists.  I've watched quite a few over the years, even some documentaries. But, it never pans out, like they say.  And, even with all my witching, I do like to watch the Brown family.  I have watched from day one and will continue,  but, I have no desire to watch another one, because what their ideal is and what happens in reality is very different.  No marriage is perfect, but, the disparity between the ideal of the polygamist marriage and the reality is so great, that it boggles the mind. Of course, you may not get a person who is devoted to polygamy to accept that. It is their religious teaching, so, I get how you can't just let go of that easily.  I suppose what shocks me are those who go for it without any religious leanings and just think that it's a good idea.  That tells me they haven't done their homework. 

I agree. I have been cringing so hard and trying not to see the “Seeking Sister Wife” commercials, especially with them since apparently two of the families don’t even have religious convictions behind their family structure. There is likely some patriarchal/long-suffering-woman bullshit going on and I am tired of women being played. I am REALLY tired of these attempts to normalize downtrodden women. 

Edited by Tabbygirl521
  • Love 6
1 hour ago, neh said:

Do you think that Tony and Meri get paid extra for being the reviled focal points of the season?  Without them what would we have to snark about...ok, Robin...add her to the list too.

Robyn has been completely chill this season. She's become one of the sane ones amidst all the Meri and wedding drama. Christine is in the catbird seat, Robin is in post-baby mode, Janelle is cruising under the radar and Meri is doing backflips trying to stay relevant while also doing her own thing. Kody seems much happier now that he doesn't have to deal with Meri on any kind of day-to-day basis.

1 hour ago, Sandy W said:

The Brown's treat Tony's family like second class citizens and speak of him as if they are not even there.  They act like they are doing the Padron's a favor by allowing them to be on their show.

I don't see that at all. If anything, they are going overboard to include them and make them feel welcome.

Edited by Gothish520
  • Love 6
On 1/29/2018 at 4:08 AM, onatrek said:

And if someone's not on FB, it's also included in this article (about 2/3's down below a picture of Kody, Janelle and I think Meri and an umbrella)


Or here under a spoiler is the quote:

  Reveal hidden contents

Meri Brown said her mother has sold her house in Lehi and will live at Lizzie’s Heritage Inn. The mother and daughter will run the bed and breakfast together, the latter said, in what they want to be a moneymaking endeavor.

The irony of the first photo, Meri running for an organization to help women leave polygamy...

  • Love 3
On 1/29/2018 at 1:27 PM, trimthatfat said:

So I spoke to a friend of mine who sells for LulaRoe and has done well enough that she can pay her mortgage (under $1,000 a month) without using money from her full-time job. If Meri is as successful as it's been said (I read elsewhere that she's a top seller), I bet she could pay for the home without everyone contributing.

I'm going to go out on a limb, though, and guess that it's the full time job your friend has that qualified her for the mortgage, even if she uses her LR money to pay the mortgage. Meri's already carrying a mortgage on her television money (I presume), and has no other job.

(A fraction of) The time spent on the gazillion bouquets might actually have been better spent on the frisbees.  A little bit of tulle on each one would have been better than plain plastic with Sharpie. 

  • Love 7

Well, technically, Meri divorced Kody. Is she still considered a felon in the eyes of the law in Utah?  Right now, she and Kody are exactly what they said on the show. A divorced couple living across the street from each other. 


Because you KNOW there's nothing going on between them, otherwise. In fact, I'd guess that only Robyn and Christine share 'wifely duties" with Kody at this point. 

Edited by ChicksDigScars
  • Love 11
4 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

To me, Kody's comment about how he and Meri are like a divorced couple living on the same street, is surprising, because he is acknowledging that it's not the way they had represented it being.  When they divorced, it meant nothing to the family, because they were in a spiritual marriage and a piece of paper did not touch that.  So, all of the reassurances about how nothing would be changed with the divorce, did not pan out.  That's why I think the new revelation sheds much light on what really happened.  I suppose the catfish situation didn't help matters, but, they have drifted far apart.  Now, there are not even pretending to be in a marriage.  Not sure how that spiritual thing fits in there. 

Exactly. The fact that they are going to see the family therapist before going to the Parawan (sp?) house so Kody feels, and I quote, "safe" says it all. You could go, walk around, and drive back all in 10 hours.

  • Love 3
On 1/29/2018 at 9:29 AM, JDAlexander said:

MARTY ALLEN!!!!  That is EXACTLY who Tony reminds me of

FT reminds me of the former child actor John Cassisi


He was in the movie Bugsy Malone starring Scott Baio and Jodie Foster. He played a character called Fat Sam. He was also an actor in the series Fish, the Barney Miller spin-off starring Abe Vigoda. Later in life he was Director of Global Construction for Citigroup where he was found guilty in a bribery scheme and sentenced to prison. (Another aside: my son named his pug Pugsy Malone).

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