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S09.E04: Meri's Crazy Idea

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2 hours ago, Sandy W said:

They could have made a mad dash to the supermarket and grabbed armloads of carnations, I'm sure they come in their lovely color scheme of maroon, yellow and teal, wrap them up with some silver ribbon there ya go.

Or, in keeping with the Mexican culture theme, go to a flea market and get giant paper flowers...but being Brown's they have to complicate everything.

And they looked like ass. Especially Christine's grubby creations! What the hell was I looking at?

  • Love 10
14 hours ago, LucyEth said:

Tony's parents are sitting there completely clueless.

I hate to disparage them, because I'm sure they are lovely people and are just confused by the cameras and all the commotion, and are not used to living life under a microscope, but... showing a little personality would be refreshing. Say what you want about Tony, but he at least has a spark. Anytime his parents are onscreen, I start to nod off.

  • Love 2

I'm guessing the whole story line with Meri was made up . I know her mom probably does live in the B and B but the wives TH's all sounded like it was read off a script. Kody wants to pretend Meri is still with the family to keep up appearances. 

I hated the flowers and Mykelti acted like she didn't even care her mother made her such a special thing. Sorry everyone but I still can't stand Christine. I think she is nutty and not in a good way. And how did they match up a guitar player with a woman who sings at the dog whistle level? No guitar could accompany such a high voice. My biggest annoyance this year is how we already know how every single thing turns out due to social media, so what is the point?

  • Love 7
15 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

Few things are uglier than cheap, wadded up pieces of fabric trying to take the shape of flowers. Eye roll. Not only would I not help her make those, I would tell her, "they're ugly, Mykelty. Stop making them."

I have to disagree, I think the finished product looks lovely. But it's way too much work. I believe heartily in keeping things simple and going the easy route if at all possible when planning a big event like a wedding. There is already so much stress and so many things to take care of.  7000 petals is ridiculous.

15 hours ago, suomi said:

True, but then we get a Meri segment and it's always worth the wait.

Those stupid, stupid rings. They love saying "Claddagh" and they love that it always gets a reaction and requires an explanation. Claddagh this, Claddagh that, Claddagh him, Claddagh her. Ad nauseam.

That's one thing that I think is kind of sweet, actually. My husband and I have Claddagh rings (he's half Irish) and the symbolism behind them is quite lovely. But the Browns do say Claddagh a lot, lol!

Edited by Gothish520
  • Love 5
10 minutes ago, Gothish520 said:

But the Browns do say Claddagh a lot, lol!

Actually, they say "colada" a lot,  as in "pina coloda" that's all I could hear when they kept on saying it.  

So what is FT doing to prepare for this wedding? He couldn't even tell his bro-men to be at the rehearsal on time (or at all), and seems to be happy with the Browns doing all the planning and work.  Who indeed will be decorating inside and out?  Not Tony, it seems.  And the previews show Kody being late to arrive to the wedding, did he lose his hair products?

Actually I feel sorry for poor Taunya at the country club trying to work with these doofuses, and good for her to trying to wrangle that oversized wedding party into rehearsing.   I thought she was simply the coordinator for the facility, but the Browns are taking advantage of her knowledge to rope her into coordinating the cerermony . 

  • Love 14
13 hours ago, cereality said:

They plan a Dec wedding outside in the desert and are shocked that it's cold?? WTH? And so what if it's normally 50 and now it's unexpectedly 40. Is 50 supposed to be comfortable outdoor wedding weather??

Why the heck didn't they get married indoors with the Christmas theme -- red/white type of colors or blue/white/silver (little more Hannaukah-ish in colors but also reminiscent of snow/winter generally) kind of colors? I've seen both done quite elegantly around Christmas time and both times it was done by young/underemployed/just starting out couples just like T&M bc then you're paying nothing for decorations bc most places are already decked out for the holidays and let you use their existing décor. All you have to provide is your own bouquet, bridal bouquet, and boutonnieres and that's literally it. 

I'm a firm believer in keeping things as simple as possible when it comes to weddings. I understand that every bride has her own vision, blah blah blah, but time, expense, and the comfort of your wedding party and guests should be taken into consideration. I was lucky enough to find a venue that provided everything but a photographer and officiant - food, decor, wedding cake, limo, DJ, and cocktail hour for guests and wedding party were all covered under the per-plate cost. It was glorious. 

I have a problem with people insisting on an outdoor wedding, no matter what time of the year it is. I married in May (northeast) and did not want to take any chance that the weather would not cooperate. The venue said that we could do it outdoors and if the weather was bad, it would take their team 10 minutes to break it down and move it inside, but I didn't want to have to worry about that. Besides, they had a gorgeous onsite wedding chapel.

  • Love 3
12 hours ago, Pollo Loco said:

So much to comment on. 

I greatly enjoyed how unimpressed everyone seemed to be with Mykelti refusing to alter her vision of an outdoor wedding. I hope when I get married that my guests will have (un)fond memories of freezing their asses off during the ceremony and the lasting gift of pneumonia. 

Maybe I'm missing something but if people are on either side of FT and Mykelti tossing the frisbees over them, would that not mean that there's a good chance that they'll be hitting people on the other side?? That visual makes me laugh. 


I don't understand what the point of Meri's announcement was or what she was hoping for, "ok guys, instead of possibly generating income from a B&B, I instead want to buy a large house for mom to live in. By herself. While I continue to live in this even larger house. By myself. Yes? All good with that?"


Hell to the no with those stupid fabric flowers. They looked ugly and no one's going to keep them. My understanding is that she did it to "save money" which she may think she did but this bears truth to the "what's your time worth". Personally I'd rather ante up a little more money(few less tacos/guests/generic white candy and/or fancy exotic Mexican candy perhaps?) and get real flowers or come up with something a little less labour intensive. If I was Aspen I'd already be planning my wedding favour revenge that Mykelti can help with. I'm petty. Lol

Haha, that's what I'm thinking about the frisbees as well - if it's not actually raining, it will at least be raining frisbees! I get the symbolism, but plastic disks with words written on them in magic marker? Tickity-tack.

I think the flowers and boutonnieres look pretty, but they are just not worth the time invested. If she didn't want to do real flowers (which really are a waste of money), then she could've bought premade bouquets or went with something untraditional. My wedding party and I all carried pretty clutches instead of flowers, and the guys had pocket squares. I gave the clutches as part of the bridal party gifts - two birds with one stone and they had nice purses to keep and use again. 

  • Love 2
3 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

What were M and T cutting out when Christine arrived? It looked like they were cutting paper thingies out of a book. Is that right?  Is there significance in this?  I mean, did they have a free book, so they used it instead of paying $3.99 for a ream of plain paper? 

I wondered if they were chopping up Mykelti's unused college textbooks as she probably has no use for them anymore.  I would have been cheaper and more colorful had they used old magazines.

  • Love 20
3 hours ago, RoxieRambles said:

Yes! I also thought he just learned the work "trite", he misused it about 4 times.

I thought so too, so I double-checked. If you go deeper into the meaning, I did see the words silly, corny, and overworked used as either definition or synonym. All of which would fit a description of this wedding so far, lol. But I think tacky is definitely the better word to use.

  • Love 3

I have a theory that Meri's Mom has nothing to do with any of this house business. I think Meri wanted the house, Meri didn't want to run the business, and she is manipulating everyone around her including her mother.  We have no idea what Meri told her mother or what her mother said to her. Maybe I just have very little trust in what Meri says, but unless they show the conversation between them, I'm suspicious that Meri's Mom expected Meri to buy this house for her to live in without kicking in any money or work.  Meri could be using her mother to try and grab this house and have everyone else pay for it. Just a theory.

  • Love 17

Christine had 11 sessions with a voice coach...I have a hard time believing ANY professional voice coach would encourage her to keep up the fantasy that she can soprano.  Where did they find this woman, Craigslist?

Meri seems just flat out delusional, and with as therapy happy as this bunch is I can't believe they aren't insisting she go for a few sessions with Nancy to figure out why she seems so far out of touch with any kind of reality.

Mykelti's references to his family being "Spanish" made my eyes roll so hard I wasn't sure they'd ever roll back. 

The original piñata is an Italian thing, brought by Marco Polo back from China and then brought by the Spanish to Mexico.

Edited by kicotan
Piñata "culture"
  • Love 11
7 minutes ago, Sandy W said:

I wondered if they were chopping up Mykelti's unused college textbooks as she probably has no use for them anymore.  I would have been cheaper and more colorful had they used old magazines.

Personally all I could think of was - wow, all this litter blowing in the wind!  But that's probably because my kids and I volunteer every year to help clean up our city and it's unbelievable how much crap is blowing all the place.  It doesn't make sense to toss MORE paper out there for a two second buzz.  That's why I like birdseed.  Even rice is better than paper hearts.  Thank heavens they didn't release a bunch of helium balloons into the air!

  • Love 15

With the looks of the adult family members, they might should consider downsizing to one floor homes. (Including Meri.)  As you age, have extra weight, knee problems, hip problems, etc. Just saying.  Do they have room to stay on first floor?  

I was impressed with Kody just coming out with the truth about he and Meri......they are just a typical divorced couple who live on the same street.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
  • Love 11
2 hours ago, mamey2422 said:

This scene was classic Meri. I think she was hoping for everyone to jump on the bandwagon of her mom living there on the family's dime., no questions asked. When they didn't, and were actually (and rightfully) incredulous at the idea, she backpedaled into "I don't know; I'm just giving an update, this just happened (two weeks ago BTW)."  I thought Kody handled the situation very well and saw through Meri on this one. If anyone, especially him, had pushed back on her she would have turned it into a "woe is me; feel bad for me; I have no support."  Instead, he, and everyone, asked reasonable, logical questions and left it on Meri's plate to be clear on the financials. It reminds me of her conversations around having another kid - a lot of aimless conversations with non-answers, with her just playing the sympathy card. 

I've been doing a lot of reading on LuLaRoe and its shady practices. Most retailers are losing money and abandoning ship. I highly doubt Meri's LLR business would be able to support a mortgage payment. 

I was impressed by Kody in this scene as well as when he teared up talking to Mykelti and said his baby girl was getting married. I've said before that the kids are the best reflection of the parents, and I think the family bonds outside of wife-to-wife are authentic and loving. 

ITA. Mykelti looked stunning in the photos they showed of Robyn's wedding. She was blond and looked like a totally different person. I think Madison was also blonde or at least a more natural brunette. They're not doing themselves any favors with their hair color. 

I love how Robyn basically told Meri that if she wanted it, she was going to have to figure it out herself. 

  • Love 8

So I spoke to a friend of mine who sells for LulaRoe and has done well enough that she can pay her mortgage (under $1,000 a month) without using money from her full-time job. If Meri is as successful as it's been said (I read elsewhere that she's a top seller), I bet she could pay for the home without everyone contributing.

  • Love 2
16 minutes ago, MV713 said:

so much ugly!  https://www.lularoe.com/

Oh my goodness.  I'm not sure what to say.  I do get it.  It looks like Meri.  I have to be careful, because a friend of mine invited me to a party for this stuff.  At the time, I did't know what it was, but, was unable to attend.  I can't imagine what I would have done, if I had showed up for that party with no warning.  lol  

  • Love 7
5 minutes ago, Chicklet said:

Ok that lularoe website made my flu-related headache much worse. This is a huge scam that has managed to convince a segment of the population that this stuff is tasteful. 

Well the man's shirt wasn't horrible. And one dress, on the right body.

Tell me this is an ugly joke and the owners are in on it.

I'm a sucker for a denim jacket, so that Harvey looks interesting. And The Amelia dress is cute and flattering to different body types. But most of it is just a big NO. It's really basic stuff in a lot of really ugly prints. But I'm sure if we took the time to search we could find something wearable in a decent color/pattern. But is it worth it? I've heard they have a lot of quality issues as well as terrible customer service.

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, answerphone said:

Hey Brown family, there are beautiful silk flowers at all the nation-wide craft stores. They have coupons and sales all the time. 

Mykelti could have just had her bouquet a sentimental keepsake she made by hand.

Well, considering the fam'ly we're talking about, your suggestions are entirely too logical and lack the slap-dash, wackadoodle shenanigans that are specific only to polygamists.  Why do something easy such as purchase ready-made silk flowers when you can shred your wedding dress into a million pieces and hand-sew 43985365789999 flowers to underline the fact that having such a large fam'ly is just all kinds of zany cray?

Come to think of it, I'd bet that Meri had 7000 silk flowers stashed in her hobby room, left over from the Corn-Can Spray-Paint Thanksgiving Fest of '15.  And considering Mykelti's color "scheme," I'd further wager that some of those flowers fit with the gnarly maroon/teal/polka-dot theme.  Of course, that would mean that someone would have to step foot into Meri's house and ask her a favor, which......yeah, never mind.


P.S....I hope my favorite recapper is warming up her typing fingers, as those are the highlight of my Mondays. :)

Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 15

Okay hold the phone...what? Now I thought the Brown "family" all pooled their incomes together into a community pot, and then shelled out an equal amount to every sister wife. So are they now saying that Meri gets to keep her entire lularoe income, since they kept asking if that could maintain the B&B payment?

Wow so when Meri said two weeks ago she wasn't going to take care of the other sister wive's children, I guess she meant financially as well!

She's really only about spending "her" money on herself, Mariah, and now her mother, screw the other children!

  • Love 20

So...how much extra money did the guitarist demand to keep a straight face when the camera was running?? How on earth did he not fall on the floor laughing when Christine opened her mouth?  He could barely push out his "lines" with any kind of enthusiasm.


Shame on you Brown family!!  Shame Shame Shame for having that poor child on camera so you could use her as a storyline!!  My heart broke for her trying to discuss it for the collective family coffers.


Isn't Meri being all coy and stuff in that twitter post about "trying to remember the storylines" Hmmm....Meri, so you aren't even bothering to act like this is all "reality" and stuff, but all made up shit that you can't even bother to remember what your prior acting gigs are?  She isn't even trying to hide her contempt for it all....cause you know....even when it comes to the family its only all about her happiness.

  • Love 21
17 hours ago, DaisyDuke said:

Y’all—Meri made me make a profile and turned this long time lurker into a poster...

That selfish woman has some nerve! As she sits in her huge empty house crying at her wet bar she actually expects the “fambily” to finance ANOTHER huge empty house?! Girl bye...

and her telling Kody “come see it!” Like he’ll walk into a golden palace and suddenly change his mind....

Meri needs to take a seat

Yes, unbelievable!!!  And not to mention Meri would have long been gone if her catfish had actually been a real man. Two houses for Meri for just her and her mom and 1 each for the other wives who have filled-up bedrooms.  Makes a lot of sense.  Why? Just to make Meri "sparkle" again. Kody even said they are like a divorced couple (which they really are). Not to mention when he brought up how old the house is and that it would most likely be a money pit. When Kody is making this much sense you KNOW your idea is whack.

  • Love 20

A divorced couple who live across the street from each other and are on a reality show about 1 big happy family.  It’s like an old movie I saw where a  style/ homemaking columnist is forced to admit she can’t cook or clean house. A Barbara Stanwick movie, maybe?

She got nothing for signing those divorce papers. Kodys name is still on the house. Their equity is probably nothing, and she won’t have a place to live if they sell- except maybe the B&B. She’d be much happier if she moved there and quit the show.  

Even though they are supposed to be 1 big family- you can’t tell your heart how to feel. That divorce sucker punched her, and then she got catfished, and then her daughter decided she didn’t like her. 

  • Love 10

Looking forward to seeing whether or not the Frisbee arch works. Depending on where the tossers are standing, I'm thinking that the diameter of the discs they're using (and therefore the surface area) is too small to achieve enough lift (upward force) to fly over their heads instead of at their heads. Plus, the gale force wind. (Evil laugh)

  • Love 13
2 hours ago, Granny58 said:

I need clarification.  Did Meri's mom ask for this, or did Meri suggest it?   

The way Meri told it during the "fambly meeting", SHE brought it up to her mom and her mom laughed her off. Then the next time she visited, Mom suddenly wanted to live there. But who knows what really happened. Meri loves to spin the truth. 

  • Love 8

Again I am surprised at the choice of bridesmaids.  Obviously bonds and friendships are formed we do not see.  Robin said her sister Sarah and her older niece Mindy and a young niece were in the wedding party.  Why not Ysabel and Gwendolyn?  Those are Mykelti's sisters and are left out like Savannah was left out of Maddie's party.  Do they think they are too young to be bridesmaids?  Something seems odd.  I always liked Christine, but now she is just way too over the top with this wedding.  You would think she were the bride.  Can't wait for this wedding to be over, I don't think they showed this much of Maddie and Caleb's planning.

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, Gothish520 said:

I understand having a fondness for one's cultural traditions, and I'm sure Mexican candy is just yummy, but does that mean he has to eye-roll over anything that he deems "white people" stuff? It;s very dismissive, if not a little insulting.

Exactly. Can't he just celebrate his culture without diminishing that of others???


2 hours ago, Gothish520 said:

I hate to disparage them, because I'm sure they are lovely people and are just confused by the cameras and all the commotion, and are not used to living life under a microscope, but... showing a little personality would be refreshing. Say what you want about Tony, but he at least has a spark. Anytime his parents are onscreen, I start to nod off.

I don't see any spark in Tony. I just see someone who thinks he's very special and is trying too hard to convince others of that fact. He thinks he's hilarious and he's really just obnoxious. His parents seem like normal people, to me. Not everyone is an extrovert. Plus, I think they're probably struggling just to understand these wild, fast talkers in a language that is not their native one. This all must be really hard for them. 


1 hour ago, ginger90 said:

Did they ever bother to explain to Tony what a “clada” symbol represents?

Why bother? It's just generic, white people culture. 


1 hour ago, Sandy W said:

I wondered if they were chopping up Mykelti's unused college textbooks as she probably has no use for them anymore.  I would have been cheaper and more colorful had they used old magazines.

I thought it was a Bible???

  • Love 13
4 hours ago, trimthatfat said:

My parents don't speak English well and I wonder how I would translate 'They are going to throw frisbees at your son and his new wife'. I bet they would be so confused.

LOL!! This is true...

2 hours ago, Gothish520 said:

I thought so too, so I double-checked. If you go deeper into the meaning, I did see the words silly, corny, and overworked used as either definition or synonym. All of which would fit a description of this wedding so far, lol. But I think tacky is definitely the better word to use.

I stand corrected but I still think just "stupid" would have described it perfectly.

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, trimthatfat said:

Also, Robyn was well within her rights to say she wasn't going to the wedding if all of her kids were sick. The preview of her sitting in the cold with her baby bundled up pissed me off. Kody should have put his foot down when they realized the weather was getting worse, not better. The venue seemed to have glass views of the entire property so why was an outdoor wedding even necessary? Mykelti is selfish.

Frankly, I think she should have had her nanny/sister/cousin/whatever go inside the facility with the sick kids while Robyn stayed outside & watched the ceremony outside. It is ridiculous to have sick babies outside in the wind, rain and cold. To hell with Mykelti if she didn't understand that. 

1 hour ago, Gothish520 said:

I love how Robyn basically told Meri that if she wanted it, she was going to have to figure it out herself. 

I thought it was hilarious that Meri is just now realizing that Robyn careful responses might probably make her a tad sketchy.  Gurl, the woman ousted you out of your 20 year marriage on some trumped up fear of her ex coming like a thief in the night to 'steal' the kids. Not exactly quick on the uptake are you Meri?

3 hours ago, ghoulina said:

YES. My sister used silk ones for all of her flower arrangements and I know she wasn't into spending a lot of money. They were very pretty and I DID actually keep mine for awhile. If I had spent months sewing it, I would have pitched it in the trash first chance I got. 

They have silk flower rentals now. I know because my sister-in-law did this over 5 years ago and they were stunning. They even have on-line companies that will rent you silk flower arrangements.. You pick you arrangement, they mail them to you and you send them back when done.  

  • Love 21
18 hours ago, DaisyDuke said:

That selfish woman has some nerve! As she sits in her huge empty house crying at her wet bar she actually expects the “fambily” to finance ANOTHER huge empty house?! Girl bye...

and her telling Kody “come see it!” Like he’ll walk into a golden palace and suddenly change his mind....

THIS. What was up with Meri asking/not asking "the family" (in which she barely plays any role at all) to finance a house for her mother to live in? And why on earth couldn't "so blunt" Meri ask come out and ask? Instead she just dropped the idea into the living room like a grenade, then sat back and said, "who me?" when Christine rightfully called her out on the ridiculousness of everyone else buying a house for MERI'S MOM. I hate that plausible deniability shit. Meri did that crap on purpose; then when the other "wives" said no, like normal people, she could say, "Oh, nooooo! That wasn't what I meant at all!" Seriously, Meri wants all the benefits of a big, rich family without actually doing anything that family members do. So freaking selfish.

When Christine commented to the guitar player, "this is lower than usual," I said, out loud, "he's doing you a favor!"

  • Love 17

When they were cutting the paper hearts out of the book for guests to throw I thought oh I’m sure the Bloomington Country Club and it’s members would love to have their grounds covered in trashy hearts from this clusterfuck of a wedding!

I realize Tony and Mykelti think of nothing other than Tony and Mykelti, but wouldn’t any fool realize they’re littering trash all over?

Edited by valdawn
  • Love 14

I'm still watching, and I can't even with these people. 

When Mykelti was doing her TH about Christine's wedding dress flowers, she looked so self-satisfied. She was smirking like she was just loving this attention, and Tony was egging her on. Sometimes I get the impression that most of Mykelti's decisions hinge on whether or not her family will FINALLY PAY ATTENTION TO HER NOW.

  • Love 15
6 minutes ago, the-grey-lady said:

I'm still watching, and I can't even with these people. 

When Mykelti was doing her TH about Christine's wedding dress flowers, she looked so self-satisfied. She was smirking like she was just loving this attention, and Tony was egging her on. Sometimes I get the impression that most of Mykelti's decisions hinge on whether or not her family will FINALLY PAY ATTENTION TO HER NOW.

Is that what it is?  I've noticed that Mykelti seems to smirk a lot. IT's like she is just so smart, so great, so all over things, that it's a turn off.  I know teens can be know it all, but, hers is different.  IT's like a 45 year old woman know it all.  It's odd.  ??? Plus, she looks very mature to me.  At times, she looks quite pretty, but, then she appears so pious. but without the religion. If that makes any sense. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
  • Love 6
3 hours ago, greekmom said:

I was wondering during the TH if she's isn't trying to look more latina. Her eyebrows were also a bit darker and thicker (if I'm not mistaken).

Those eyebrows were hideous, maybe she had Meri draw them on for her.

2 hours ago, kicotan said:

Christine had 11 sessions with a voice coach...I have a hard time believing ANY professional voice coach would encourage her to keep up the fantasy that she can soprano.  Where did they find this woman, Craigslist?

And why couldn't the voice coach provide some info for the accompanist regarding key, pitch, etc so he wasn't left trying for figure it out for himself?

  • Love 6
43 minutes ago, valdawn said:

When they were cutting the paper hearts out of the book for guests to throw I thought oh I’m sure the Bloomington Country Club and it’s members would love to have their grounds covered in trashy hearts from this clusterfuck of a wedding!

I realize Tony and Mykelti think of nothing other than Tony and Mykelti, but wouldn’t any fool realize they’re littering trash all over?

I was wondering the same.... like could they even actually use those???? 



  • Love 8

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