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"The View": Week Of 1/22/18


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30 minutes ago, OnTime said:

At the start of her blathering speech, Meghan says "government shut down in 2016".  What is that?


She’s also said things like, Tim Pawlenty would make a great democratic presidential candidate...watergate was in the 80’s... and doubts that military members were paid during the previous shutdown.  


I think you nailed it when you described her speech as “blathering”.   She’s always so anxious to shoot her mouth off, she forgets to remember to make time to load her brain first.  

Megan:  talktalktalktalk ANA talktalktalktalk.  talktalktalktalk JOY talktalktalktalk. 

Her need  to punctuate by spitting names in a hostile tone infuriates me.   

What the mother fuck is eating her?.  Jesus. 

A producer in Whoopi's ear told her to stop the cross talk finally!  That went on too long.  

MM has to go.  She cannot give a counter point without attacking.  State your opinion in dulcet tones for fuck sake!  See what I did there?

MM's way of communicating reminds me of this SNL skit

Edited by Wings
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Wow, thanks to everyone for the build up to the Ana takedown of Meghan! It was a thing of beauty to watch very intelligent and eloquent immigrant Ana tell off that lip twitching, sullen, spoiled and ill-informed twit . MM was on ABC's This Week Sunday show as a panelist and probably thought she was making it to the big time in political commentary, but she can't hold a candle to Ana Navarro. I always like the expression that Ana has on her face when she's listening to Meghan, like a tolerant, sweet aunt listening to a toddler's rantings. Then the pouting began after MM was schooled. That was hilarious.

19 minutes ago, Wings said:

MM has to go.  She cannot give a counter point without attacking.  State your opinion in dulcet tones for fuck sake!  See what I did there?

MM's way of communicating reminds me of this SNL skit

Oh, my gosh, Wings, thanks for that trip down memory lane! I always loved that skit, especially when Dan, said, "Jane, you ignorant slut" and went on with the insults. Thanks for making me laugh!

Edited by Kenz
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Ana is actually a Nicaraguan-American. Not Cuban.

She is a Republican strategist and political commentator that works for CNN, CNN en Espanol, ABC, Telemundo and The View, according to Wiki.

I saw MM on ABC's Sunday show and she had absolutely nothing to add. Although she did not melt down.

MM did say 2013 and then compared it to the current one - in 2016. Rather than 2018. See video above. 

Edited by maggiemae

I watched most of the Hot Topics this morning, and I just don't get it.  I understand that Megan is loyal to a fault to the Republican party and that she is a "ride or die" type of party follower.  Much the same way as Joy is with the Democratic party.  

But, Megan gets in her own way so often, it is difficult to appreciate, agree with or understand what point she is trying to make.  She clearly takes everything said against or critical about the Republican party as a personal insult and affront.  She takes almost every single thing said at that table to heart, as if the criticisms and discussions about what is going wrong are personal jabs at her (and, as an extension, her father).  Her father has bucked the Republican party on many, many occasions, and has gone up against Trump, as well.  

Joy is always well prepared, with facts to back up her arguments and talking points - she refers to her cards quite a bit, and remains unruffled.  Megan has note cards as well, but she seems to lose her train of reasonable thought as soon as she gets insulted (which is pretty easily done....).  I think if she would stick to her talking points in a less combative way, there would be lively, intelligent, respectful discussion.  She may even be able to make some of the other ladies see a different point of view.

I just cannot take her acting like a juvenile, spoiled brat every time she can't sway the other hosts or change their minds.  What did she expect when she took this job?  She knew that The View's current, majority view is decidedly and loudly Democratic.  She had to be aware that she was going to be in for disagreements and discussions daily.  She had to know that she would be the "lone defender" of the Republican party.  She is an adult!!  She needs to stop yelling, stop being rude, overbearing, smarmy and dismissive (eye rolls, huffing and puffing, side eye at the camera when she's unhappy).  There's an old saying - if you can't take the heat, get out the kitchen - I think it's time for Megan to not only leave the kitchen, but entirely leave the house!  

I thought it was magical, first, when Ana put Megan in her place, and then, Whoopi put her ugly-shod foot down and rather loudly put an end to the discussion and went to break.  I think that even Whoopi, who usually gives Megan her head in these types of discussions, has seen how juvenile and rude Megan is.  If anything, the other women on the panel are older and have more life experience, so they, at the very lease, deserve some respect (Is that old fashioned thinking on my part?).  IMO, Megan went very low today with Ana.  Ana usually keeps her temper on this show and doesn't rise to the bait, but this time, I think Megan threw a shot at Ana that hit a sore spot for Ana.

I do hope that Megan will realize that she either needs to be less argumentative, less rude and more impersonal.  If that is impossible, then the producers need to find someone more well balanced for the panel.

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45 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Except she already used to work there. Why would she need to audition...again?

Maybe she was at her "new face of the Republican party" stage and that didn't fly so she has to re-audition?

If I hear, "I have to explain this point......", one more damn time I may have to fly to NYC.............

Edited by jumper sage
9 minutes ago, maggiemae said:

Ana is actually a Nicaraguan-American. Not Cuban.

She is a Republican strategist and political commentator that works for CNN, CNN en Espanol, ABC, Telemundo and The View, according to Wiki.

I saw MM on ABC's Sunday show and she had absolutely nothing to add. Although she did not melt down.

MM did say 2013 and then compared it to the current on - in 2016. Rather than 2018. See video above. 

I saw her too and that is a much better format for her and not this show. Her conservative husband was on another show yesterday and he is very handsome. If she stays on this show she needs to chill. I wish Ana lived in NYC.

27 minutes ago, Wings said:

Megan:  talktalktalktalk ANA talktalktalktalk.  talktalktalktalk JOY talktalktalktalk. 

Her need  to punctuate by spitting names in a hostile tone infuriates me.   

I think that is the trait I hate the most. It's bad enough when she does it to Joy, a fellow co-host. But today to Ana, who is a GUEST on the show!

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7 minutes ago, Haleth said:

Sha also said 2016.  Obviously a slip of the tongue and not a big deal. 

She really does need to work on not getting so overwrought when people disagree with her. 

I agree, it takes time..I sometimes have these types of talks with my son, they get heated. On TV, you cant do that..well you can, but it doesn't go over too well.Although I enjoyed today..feisty!

1 minute ago, Silver Raven said:

She said the first one in 2013 and this one in 2016

Okay, I heard 2103..I didn't hear 2016, sorry about that

Thanks @buffynut for the clip.  I'm stuck at work until late tonight, I can't wait to see this.  But I will comment on the clip. 

Meghan makes the point  that if people didn't blame Obama for the shutdown in 2013, they can't blame the GOP for the current shutdown.  She misses the crucial element here.  TRUMP blamed Obama in 2013, and said that it is the president who is responsible when things don't work.  But now he is trying to pass the blame over to the democrats, and specifically Chuck Shumer. Forget trying to call out one party or the other for being hypocrites - it's the man in the White House who is contradicting his earlier stance.  

What really bothers me, and has for a long time, is the attitude that everyone must be in one camp or the other, Rep or Dem, and then agree with that "side"  on every issue.  MM is the only one on the panel who sees things that way, and yet she's the one who says she doesn't like labels.  Outnumbered on the panel?  is she really?  While there are some pretty progressive views from the other hosts, I've never heard any of them express themselves in terms of "as a democrat..."  or to challenge anyone on their views based on party.  For example, Sunny said she was pro-life last week.  OK. nobody challenged her, saying no, she's liberal she has to be pro-choice.   It's accepted that she has views that are just the way she thinks, not based on a political affiliation. 

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4 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Not only that, but when she was on this show, as a guest, right before the election, she said she would write in her mother's name on the ballot for November. From what I am reading today, it seems like Meghan thinks/believes that if you choose country over party, then you are not a "real" Republican. Does she lump her father in the same category? I recall being annoyed with Ana when she used to come on Real Time, but she's won me over because she is one of the sane and rare ones: choosing Country over Party.


Ana ended up voting for Hillary. http://www.cnn.com/2016/11/07/opinions/navarro-republican-voting-for-clinton/index.html

Elsa starts out by reacting to someone in the audience, who she just assumes said something against her, and tells the audience she is not in support of the shutdown either.  WTF?  Then she asks Whoopi if she can go first.  Then she tries to megsplain that people are misunderstanding what is going on and she goes into how Democrats inserted DACA into "our spending bill".  Then she  compares the two shutdowns and says just as Boehner and Cruz were responsible in 2013, Shumer is responsible now and shows a clip that points out his hypocrisy.  Sunny then says Shumer learned from the Republicans from 2012 when they tied the spending bill to removal of Obamacare.  She says both sides are accountable but then points out that it all began with Trump ending DACA which led to the March deadline.  Sunny outs Trump's hypocrisy by showing his tweet from 2013 where he says Obama is responsible, and she points out now it is Trump's turn to be responsible.  Elsa starts pointing with her pen, tells Sunny that what she said was not accurate, not accurate.  Then Elsa asks Ana, as a supporter of DACA, if she thought it was a good idea for dems to agree to concessions on the wall in exchange for a DACA deal.  Ana says yes, and that was already offered to the White House and she cannot understand why the WH did not agree to it.  She said more than 80% of Americans support the DACA deal, and that not even puppies get that much approval!  Ana then went on to say she is against the shutdown and the whole damned government, and its dysfunction. She says the reason that something like DACA gets attached to a  spending bill is because they cannot do their jobs normally.  She says they have to find a vehicle to get a "must pass" in order to get anything done.  Whoopi then outlines the timeline which began last January, and illustrates how Trump keeps switching his position on DACA.  Whoopi says that she gets why they are doing this, because of the dreamers and what will happen to them.  Then she goes on about how Congress is still getting paid.  Joy said she is not interested in the fighting and who gets the blame and then points out that in 2013 the military was paid, now they are not.  Elsa tells her she is wrong.  Joy points out that a dem put an amendment on the table to pay the military and then McConnell takes that amendment off the table.  Joy points out the hypocrisy of the party that says they support the military, but allow this to happen and in the background Elsa is saying, that is so wrong.  Joy ignores Elsa.  Ana picks up on Joy's point and says that McConnell didn't want to give her more leverage, and also says that they should not play with the people that are defending our lives.  Elsa says she agrees with that and switches back to the blame game, and says: quite frankly  you are showing your partisanship if you don't place the same blame on Trump that you did on Obama and John Boehner, and on Chuck Shumer at the same time.  Forget how nasty the beginning of that statement was, but WTF?!  She then says it is not intellectually honest to sit here and say this is Trump's fault, dems are playing partisan politics in exactly the same way.  She says; to sit here and say that this shutdown has anything to do with my or the Republican Party's love for the troops, is just intellectually dishonest.  Again, WTF?  Ana and Joy say, we are not saying that.  Whoopi says, that is not what they said.  Ana asks Elsa if McConnell should have allowed for the amendment to pay the military.  Elsa says, of course not (?) but this is playing party politics, they have another month to figure out DACA, and then she really raises her voice and starts screeching about the dems attaching it to a SPENDING Bill, a SPENDING bill, and then there is cross talk and Whoopi holds up her arms and says hold on, hold on, and she says listen, wait, At first she is directing it to Elsa, then to the table.  Elsa is sitting there with her mouth open.  Now this was all bad enough for Elsa to this point, and she should have just kept her mouth shut, but then she keeps talking (and Joy throws her hand in the air) and says: I know that DACA is a very emotional issue, but most repubs are on my side on this one, Ana, and it is really difficult for me to understand sometimes why you still consider yourself a Republican.  Oh, boy, Elsa, you just walked into it.  Ana says, because I am Hispanic and an immigrant Latina... Elsa interrupts to say she understands, but the audience is cheering now.  Ana describes how her parents came to the US when she was eight and it was not her decision to come .... Elsa shrieks, it's a spending decision....  Ana says she could have been a dreamer too if her parents had not had visas and lawyers, and says that is why this is personal to me.  Audience cheers.  Sunny sips her tea.  Elsa says, you know, it is attached to a spending bill right now, we have another month to figure this out. She says this is partisan politics and obstructionist at its very worst, and says to Ana: and by the way, my father and Lindsay Graham are also your very good friends and have been at the forefront of this... and Ana says that is why she loves them and will walk on hot coals for them... and Elsa starts shrieking again, then please don't insinuate to me that I am not on the right side of DACA, and Ana and both Whoopi say, you asked the question, Ana says, you asked me a direct question, and Whoopi fed up, takes it too commercial. 

When they spoke about Mo'nique and her boycott of Netflix, I always wonder, do all of the women on the View make the same salary?  They always spout off about equal pay, but in the entertainment industry I don't think that really exists. If they are saying that Mo'nique should make as much as Chris Rock, Amy Schumer, and Dave Chapelle, then I am really curious to what each one of them make.

Do you guys think they all make the same amount of money? If not, why?

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2 minutes ago, NotinKansasanymore said:

When they spoke about Mo'nique and her boycott of Netflix, I always wonder, do all of the women on the View make the same salary?  They always spout off about equal pay, but in the entertainment industry I don't think that really exists. If they are saying that Mo'nique should make as much as Chris Rock, Amy Schumer, and Dave Chapelle, then I am really curious to what each one of them make.

Do you guys think they all make the same amount of money? If not, why?

I doubt it and I actually hope they don't. As much as she annoys the shit out of me at times, Whoopi better be paid more than MM.

20 minutes ago, NotinKansasanymore said:

Do you guys think they all make the same amount of money? If not, why?

I don't think they do or should all make the same money.   I assume Whoopi makes the most because she has the highest level of all-around experience/awards and probably has the best agent--and the "moderator" title.  Meghan should make the least because she has the least amount of experience (and talent).   

40 minutes ago, NotinKansasanymore said:

When they spoke about Mo'nique and her boycott of Netflix, I always wonder, do all of the women on the View make the same salary?  They always spout off about equal pay, but in the entertainment industry I don't think that really exists. If they are saying that Mo'nique should make as much as Chris Rock, Amy Schumer, and Dave Chapelle, then I am really curious to what each one of them make.

Do you guys think they all make the same amount of money? If not, why?

When Sunni & Meghan said they think people should make it known how much they are paid, I was hoping Joy or somebody would say, "You'd be willing to announce your salary right now to our viewing audience?"

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Just saw most of the show and it was better than what y’all posted!

The second Meghan came after Ana and Ana cut her down I was all ??????????????????????

But Meghan lost me with her repeated “Intellectually dishonest...partisan politics...” blah blah blah.

Every time Ana shut her up, I was all:


Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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And seriously, are all the producers stupid as well? They’re always yelling in the hosts’ ears, they couldn’t have corrected Meghan about her being wrong about the shutdown in 2016? That never happened? Forget them; what about Joy, Ana, Sunny, or Whoopi, the woman who claims to know everything? There was another one in 2014 too, I think.

Now I’m going back to watch the first segment to watch Sunny silently sipping!??

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
5 hours ago, maggiemae said:

MM did say 2013 and then compared it to the current one - in 2016. Rather than 2018. See video above. 

That's what happened. I was hoping one of the ladies would correct her, but that was when Ana's smackdown began and it left my mind. You know Meghan isn't a very good pundit or whatever she calls herself when she can't even keep the year straight. 

Ana is phenomenal. At the end of the day I wouldn't say I agree with her politics most of the time, but she is intelligent, vibrant, and likable. The View would be lucky to have her. They could always give her Friday's off with Whoopi so she could fly back for the weekend and Paula fill the fourth seat. I don't think she'd be appearing this much if she wasn't interested.

Does Meghan hear herself? When both Joy and Ana asked if McConnell should have allowed the amendment that would continue to  pay the military and their dependents, she snapped “of course NOT!” What? So she agreed that the military shouldn’t be paid? And what the Fuck did she mean when she said: “A bunch of our U.S. troops weren’t able to watch the championship football game yesterday. Do you think that I want that for the people serving in our military?”

Me: What does football have to do with this??

And then her mouth hanging open in shock that Whoopi “yelled” at her. Sooo sublime. Yes, I am that petty.?

No one was accusing Meghan of not supporting the troops. Except Meghan in her own mind. I’ve said it before, but she takes any criticism against 45, or Republicans, as a personal attack against  her. And that’s just not the case.

And what was she talking about when again, she was rude to Joy and told her that a lot of Republicans agreed with her or were on her side with respect to DACA? What? That they think it’s emotional? And neither Ana or Joy said or implied that her dad or Graham were against DACA. She is woefully ignorant and doesn’t listen. She just needs to be on a show where she’s not challenged and can spout whatever, even if it’s not true.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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For a brief time is was thought the military would not be able to watch the  championship game or the Super Bowl - but the DOD stepped in yesterday morning and determined it was "an essential activity." MM was uninformed about that and also the Obama allowed military pay in 2013. For a political pundit she sure is uninformed.

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1 hour ago, NotinKansasanymore said:

When they spoke about Mo'nique and her boycott of Netflix, I always wonder, do all of the women on the View make the same salary?  They always spout off about equal pay, but in the entertainment industry I don't think that really exists. If they are saying that Mo'nique should make as much as Chris Rock, Amy Schumer, and Dave Chapelle, then I am really curious to what each one of them make.

Do you guys think they all make the same amount of money? If not, why?

Wouldn't the moderator make more,? in which case Whoopi makes more. I do not believe they make the same, Joy has also been on the view for awhile, so should make more..jmho

1 hour ago, Gemma Violet said:

When Sunni & Meghan said they think people should make it known how much they are paid, I was hoping Joy or somebody would say, "You'd be willing to announce your salary right now to our viewing audience?"

Then Sunny would have said, "No, not on-air or to the public. But I am willing to reveal my salary to you backstage. Are you?"

Of course Joy would have said no because I bet she receives the 2nd highest salary on that table.

Edited by Blissfool
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43 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

And what the Fuck did she mean when she said: “A bunch of our U.S. troops weren’t able to watch the championship football gane yesterday. Do you think that I want that for the people serving in our military?”

I think she meant the democrats canceled their cable service.   Taking their TVs would have been far too time consuming and a felony.  Got another idea? 

Yes someone help me with the fact our military was not able to watch football yesterday. In Afganistan ,Iraq ,Syria ,Africa  etc?  I've sent hundreds of packages to the troops and the ability to watch football was ever on their lists of in need of. The heck with keeping children and  their parents together,  no football? Cruel. 

Edited by athousandclowns
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31 minutes ago, Blissfool said:

Then Sunny would have said, "No, not on-air or to the public. But I am willing to reveal my salary to you backstage. Are you?"

Of course Joy would have said no because I bet she receives the 2nd highest salary on that table.

I don’t think Joy would be embarrassed about her higher salary. She’s earned it; she has a long tenure and a lot of experience. I would guess the ladies know roughly what the others make. 

7 minutes ago, deaja said:

I don’t think Joy would be embarrassed about her higher salary. She’s earned it; she has a long tenure and a lot of experience. I would guess the ladies know roughly what the others make. 

I beg to differ. I think that she would be very private about her salary, as would Whoopi, but not because they're embarrassed. They should be proud of their salaries. I agree they earned it. But they would be private because they know sharing this info would cause tension between them, the lower-paid ladies and TPTB.

(You KNOW Sunni is already dying to know this info so she can renegotiate.)

Edited by Blissfool

The government-funded American network that is available to troops overseas was shut down.


And reinstated prior to the games on Sunday. Meghan was wrong on This Week and she was wrong today, but stuck with the GOP talking points anyway, the truth be damned.


Edited by merriebreeze
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I was absolutely gobsmacked to hear Meghan ask Ana why she still considered herself a Republican, because no one in the world has been called a RINO (Republican In Name Only) more than Meghan herself.

For her to throw that at someone else was shocking, because she loathes the name.

At one point, believe it or not, she was imploring Republicans to stop interfering with Roe v. Wade because it was none of their business and that women would continue to have abortions, albeit illegal and dangerous ones. She also posed with NO H8 duct tape on her mouth, as did her mother. For that, she earned a lot of RINO name calling.

Interestingly, this article in Breitbart urges her to leave the Republican Party, since she's "obviously" not one.

I liked that Meghan more than the one I saw today on The View, screaming at Ana and questioning how she could still call herself a Republican.

Edited by ChicagoCita

To ask Ana why she still considers herself a Republican with MM knowing Ana's family are first generation immigrants was just about as low as you can get. MM not only lacks empathy, but showed what a foul human being she is!

MM has never evolved from the playground where she threatened her fellow schoolmates with, "My daddy is a Senator and I'm a Republican!" ...and giving her recent tantrums, she never will!  Being so self conscious, I thought she'd learn from the negative social media comments...but not MM! 

I'm still still not over the Senator Durbin interview and now this?

Edited by Catnip
1 hour ago, NeverLate said:

Wouhldn't the moderator make more,? in which case Whoopi makes more. I do not believe they make the same, Joy has also been on the view for awhile, so should make more..jmho

ITA.  yes I would think so.  In any job I've ever had before the last one of 25+ yrs, its always been a structured payroll system.  Both public and private sectors.  Everyone in said job title made X.  The longer you were there, the bigger the X.  I equate 'moderator' to 'lead' and a bump in pay.  I like Sunny and definitely want her to stay but no way equal pay.  Equal with Sara, Sunny and MM MAYBE, but W and J are above that.  Sunny may deserve a bump having been there longer than SH & MM but thats all. Be careful Sunny, dont paint yourself into a corner with demands.  Are you ready to walk if you don't get?

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17 minutes ago, ChicagoCita said:


I was absolutely gobsmacked to hear Meghan ask Ana why she still considered herself a Republican, because no one in the world has been called a RINO (Republican In Name Only) more than Meghan herself.

For her to throw that at someone else was shocking, because she loathes the name.


I think I have mentioned this somewhere on the board as well but my suspicion is that MM is fighting hard against the RINO accusations when she says stuff like this. Maybe it’s some sort of insecurity? I don’t know, but if it is she needs to deal with that on her own time.


2 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Now I’m going back to watch the first segment to watch Sunny silently sipping!??

Sunny knew exactly what she was doing! I’m wondering when it will become an internet meme/gif ?

1 hour ago, deaja said:

I don’t think Joy would be embarrassed about her higher salary. She’s earned it; she has a long tenure and a lot of experience. I would guess the ladies know roughly what the others make. 

I agree.

MM kept talking, talking, talking, over EVERYONE, even Whoopi, at one point.  And she was WRONG on several points. 

I got the feeling that she  memorized and practiced this "speech" and had to hurry up and get it out before she forgot,  or lost her place (like kids do with the ABC song--if they get interrupted, they have to start at the beginning again).

Seriously, the rapid fire talk, the big, awkward adjectives (intellectually dishonest? ???), the talking over the cohosts loudly, angrily, repeating terms like" spending bill" over and over,  and not answering questions, all smack of a prepared statement on blaming the shutdown on the other side. 

Sipping my tea now. 

I really think that MM studied her Fox notes to put up a front, and deep down knows that she is not good speaking  off the cuff, cuz she really doesn't know current history as well as the others who lived through it AND paid attention. 

Also,the other day when Whoopi, Yvette Nicole Brown and Sunny were discussing  white friends who talk Black around them and how awkward it is, I wondered about "gangsta" MM. Just saying. 

I love you, Ana. 

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