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S08.E06: Wham, Glam, Thank You Ma'am

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32 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

LVP has been friends with PK and Dorit for years (Lisa even mentioned it on an episode). I think that's how Dorit was cast for the show. I just don't understand how LVP doesn't see what a phony poser Dorit is. How can you stand hanging out with someone like that?  Makes me question her judgement. 

LVP sees a lot more than she lets on,LVP is classy , no need to bring something like that up..no need at all



Also, Erica is continuing to dress like Shelly Winters character on Roseanne. 

That's hilarious..

21 minutes ago, Thumper said:

This forum is so educational.  I have probably said "flute glass."  Mostly I say "champagne glass," but now I know that is also wrong because I am actually serving sparkling wine.  ??

I hate bubbles in a wine glass, and I'm not a snob..LOL

Edited by NeverLate
18 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

Kyle's sisters are mad because Kyle keeps capitalizing on the family. Her excuse it that the show is "inspired" by their lives but not "based on a true story" How she gonna say that YET the mom character is saying the exact same shit her mom used to say and Porsha who barely knew grandma will now get to know her better?  Can she not hear herself speak?

I think a big part of Kim's current problems is the abuse she most likely endured as a child star.  Over the past few months we have seen many former child stars come out and tell how they were sexually abused by producers, managers etc.  I think Kim Richards most likely was a victim of sexual abuse as well.  At the very least her mother exploited her daughters.  I can totally see her turning a blind eye to some producer abusing Kim if it would get Kim the part and get her mother more money.  I don't think Kim and her older sister look back on the childhood the same way as Kyle.  They are angry because Kyle, like their mother, is exploiting the family's painful past to gain more fame and money.  

  • Love 6
9 minutes ago, movingtargetgal said:

 I don't think Kim and her older sister look back on the childhood the same way as Kyle.  

This is interesting and I've never considered this as part of the reason for the rift between the two camps. Now that I think of it, I can't recall Kim speaking of their mother and childhood in the excessively glowing way that Kyle does.

  • Love 3
31 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

This is all based on what Rinna said last season and nothing more. 

The producers work the HWs up, telling them any gossip the others are saying about them first, then they ask the questions, after which they edit the answers to fit into the storyline the producers set for each HW/the show. So, the THs aren't quite just each HW voicing their opinions/thoughts about what we just saw, especially since they may not have been talking about that exact scene to begin with. The producers don't show the HWs footage to watch before they ask questions either, the HWs don't see any footage until they get each episode 1 week before we see it on air. On top of all that, they film/re-film TH segments throughout the entire season up to the reunion filming if the producers need more drama. The THs are filmed for us and to help the producers up the reunion drama. LOL

That's interesting. I guess it don't see it that way. I think the TH interviews are to give us the perspective of the HW's as to what happened. I know they don't see the footage, but they were at the event. They don't have to see the footage of Dorit acting like an asshole about a glass because they were there when it happened. So when a producer says "how funny was that deal with Dorit and the glass", they can comment on it regardless of whether or not they saw the footage yet. My guess is - should Dorit sing next week - and I have no idea if she does - that you would have a HW or two making a funny comment in their TH about it. Maybe saying something they wouldn't say directly to Dorit at the time. Maybe one or more will be nice to her to her face, but in their TH say something slightly nasty/funny/hurtful. Happens all the time, and they all do it. 

20 hours ago, WhoaWhoKnew said:

Was Harry really a big deal? Rinna talks him up, but, really, I've always only known him as being Rinna's husband.

Back in the 80's he was, when he was on LA Law. Before and since then, not so much. He was in some things, and he was with Ursula Andress (I think they have a son), but except for LAL, he was a bit player.

19 hours ago, whydoievencare said:

Dorit's beyond horrible this season.   And if you know everything about proper dining and which glass to use - good for you, but you don't need to make the hostess feel uncomfortable as Dorit is doing.  Such a fucking phoney.  Poor Teddy. And what was with her hanging over Camille to give her version of an apology.  Dorit is wired all the time.

This was really poor manners.  Drink it don't drink it.  Teddy should have grabbed the drink and just walked away.  There is someone on twitter that has posted her HS picture.  Girl has had a lot of work done.  I'd attach it but for some reason cannot copy it.  

When she and Erika were driving that car they looked really nervous!

On 1/22/2018 at 5:34 PM, zoeysmom said:

Regardless of what production shows, does not mean Dorit was suppose to be there at 4:00 pm.  That is when Teddi arrived.  The text said nothing about Teddi being there-just said looking forward to having drinks with her.  Like I said, it is the Erika Jayne theory of texting to girlfriends.  Girlfriends apparently want a lot of texting.  

Dorit was late, and she apologized, she said she was so so sorry, the rub seemed to be more that Dorit shared with Kyle than anything else.  I think that is why Dorit said I introduced you to Kyle.   I was just curious why Kyle thought it necessary to bring it up and why Teddi lied and said Kyle told her 6 minutes.  There is the accountability.

I think it is double finger pointing.  The facts are simply Dorit claims she had a 4:30 start time and Teddi claims it was 4:00 pm.  

Since they cannot break the fourth wall, how would Dorit go about explaining the situation.  It is already very vague about how these two women even agreed to meet for drinks.  Normally there would be a conversation such as -you told me 4:00 or you told me 4:30-all missing from the conversation or texts.  

Teddi had every right to pull up stakes and split and there is also Dorit's side that she said she was 18 minutes late-why didn't Teddi correct her.  She just said she had been sitting there an hour.  To me, the big decider would be what time did production order the car for Dorit?  

The thing that sucks for everyone is the video tape.  Production got what they wanted little niggly conversations.  

Agree with you here. And if I hear any more talk on this show about how many minutes late Dorit was I'm gonna scream. just when I thought pantygate was the most ridiculous story line ever, now we have timegate  Please , enough  Who cares? And Teddy needs to back off bringing in it up ala Eileen's "is that when that affair started bs" endlessly. let's move on ladies.

I like Dorit though I will be the first to agree she was totally out of line with Camille.  NOT COOL  But I do think her apology was sincere.  And she should dial it back a little. Loved her scenes with Erika - nice to see them getting along and having fun  I'm also liking Erika a lot more this season. less glam squad last night thank God, but those outfits no  just no .

And thankful no Delilah and sister, though of course Rhinna had to have a segment talking about them . 

Less Rhinna brats, more puppies!

  • Love 1
19 hours ago, Jel said:

Dorit's not wrong about the glasses though. The party planner must think so too or she wouldn't have brought different glasses for different wines.  Wine just tastes better in the right glass -- once you notice that it's hard to go back.

I thought Teddi's party looked pretty and I loved that she had a terrarium station.

I'm so annoyed about lategate though. Please, puhleeezuh can one of them just let it go so it can die a timely death.

She isn't wrong she's just being a bitch about it.  Be a gracious guest or go home.  But I might be bitchy if I was married to PK too. 


With Dorit it is all about the ultimate narcissitic, poser idiot girl raised in Connecticut with faux Brit/Italian/Middle Earth Elvish accent spending money everyone questions if she even has acting a plum fool over rich woman problems like tardiness and stemware. I'll take that over lyme disease and alcoholism any day. 

Yeah, frontin' or not, at least Dorit's bringing the shi, shi, shi and cupcake drama, and not down and out in BH nastiness.


That little peanut puppy sleeping in Ken's shirt was everything.

It so was. I love me some Ken.

I wonder how much extra bank Dorit and Erika made off that car dealership commercial.

  • Love 2
19 hours ago, ticklemepink said:

The pajamas “trend” is the height of basicness.

Last night I was being extra basic and buying cupcakes and the I thought the person in line behind me was doing the whole pajamas trend, but then I noticed it was a onesie so then I couldn't decide if she was trying to be trendy or just really wearing pajamas.

17 hours ago, WireWrap said:

Actually, that is an old school champs glass. I have my mothers etched crystal wedding set in that style.  https://www.katespade.com/products/darling-point-crystal-champagne-glasses/808066.html

I loved that Lisa took the wind out of Rinna's sails when she brought up the lawsuit against her/Ken to Rinna on camera! You could see Rinna deflate when she did that. LOL

Back when I was in junior high we were reading some book for English class and the protagonist describes his love interest as having perfect breast shaped like champagne glasses and I didn't know about coupes so I was so confused because I thought he meant flutes.  I remained perplexed for years and then discovered coupes and was like "Oooh! The boobs!"  I wish I could remember what book it was.


5 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Holy crap. He really is 66, isn't he? He does not look like the stud he was in his youth, but I certainly wouldn't peg him as a man in his 60s. 


YES. The way she does everything is just so offensive to everyone. First of all, I don't know who she thinks she is, that only very specific aestheticians can touch her precious face. But that's her prerogative. However, she doesn't need to announce it to the room. She could have just said, "I've been having a lot of pain in my neck lately and I'd rather focus on that". I hate people who feel they have to honest 100% of the time, to the point of being rude. They're all, "I just can't be fake". No, you're just an asshole. 

Honestly, if she wasn't interested in the services provided, and she knew well ahead of time what the event was about, she should have stayed her ass home. She just didn't want to miss an opportunity to film. 

I had to have an executive coach (kinda lame but my company paid for it) teach me how to sugar coat things to be polite because I'm not a fake liar and don't mind being an asshole, but people want you to lie to make them feel better.  She tried to convince me that it isn't actually lying, but I decided to just give in and lie to be polite and broke the seal by lying and saying I agreed with her that it wasn't lying.

2 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:


I think the comment about the hoarders shocked me because they said they just got them.

The puppies themselves were adorable - but shouldn't they have been quarantined a bit longer - for their own safety as well as the other dogs in the look n see area? If they were in a hoarders possession, the possibility of worms and parvo are high.

It doesn't take that long to screen for those things.  Parvo is like 15 minutes and worms take about a day.  My little one got really, really sick when she was a puppy - blood coming out both ends sick.  She was just a limp little sprawled out pathetic thing that couldn't even move.  I think she was only ~10lbs at the time and was so dehydrated that she lost over a pound, which is a lot at that weight.  When we got to the vet they quarantined us because they thought it might be Parvo and it was the longest 15 minutes of my life, but only 15 minutes.

6 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

I try not to get too charged up over this because it is so common but it is annoying, not only in its widespreadedness (haha, I think I made that up!) but in its misuse. First of all, yeah, that "am OCD" usage is dumb. Second, being neat, even to the point of rigidity, is not proof of OCD. Conversely, not all OCD manifests in neatness; it can totally be the opposite. And as a person who's been diagnosed with it--and also a neat person--I thank the gods that mine does not manifest in messy ways. It's like people somehow decided that "being OCD [but not really]" makes them special/quirky in some way.

Meh.  Just like it is common when someone is an asshole to call them bipolar or self-centered people are all narcissistic and difficult people all have borderline personalities.  It's just the way it is.

9 hours ago, CrinkleCutCat said:

And has never ever ever ever ever had a birthday party?! Hmmm, didn’t Dorit throw one for him last season? My memory about these grifters is hazy...but surely his Mummy and Daddy threw him a party or two way back in the day?!

[please read out next bit in try hard accent] But PK has neeeeeever had a birthday party..... especially one with Hermés dinnerware and the appropriate stemware (except Dorit would say ‘glasses, how tacky!), and Boy George!

My sister has the same narrative of never having a birthday party and it drives me nuts because I have been to all of them and they happen yearly.  

Do you think PK's extra special birthday celebration will also be for his twin since it's obviously his birthday too and 50 is such an important one that you can't not celebrate it?  Or maybe PK has never had a birthday party planned for him before because they were all for his twin and this is his chance to strike back against the oppression of twindom.


So what was up with Rinna's "hilarious" story of telling a little girl she'd grow a penis if she spit?  I couldn't understand how it related to the conversation they were having or how it was so fucking funny.

1 hour ago, Thumper said:

This forum is so educational.  I have probably said "flute glass."  Mostly I say "champagne glass," but now I know that is also wrong because I am actually serving sparkling wine.  ??

It's still a champagne glass even if it is sparkling wine in it.

17 hours ago, rho said:

I really think Teddi was throwing Dorit a bone with the pre-party apology. It seemed like her intention was to put it to bed so they could all relax and get massaged or facialed or whatever. But then Dorit blows in bitching about wine glasses like someone had offered her a dog bowl to drink out of. And then she shows up to a spa party and the first thing she says is she doesn't want any treatments done.

And not to be all snotty about wine glasses, because personally I only ever drink out of the largest wine glass I can find. But if we're getting nitpicky about glasses, Teddi's planner only pulled out coupes and tulips, both of which are champagne glasses. Traditionally rosé is served in a hock glass, and not once have I seen Dorit drink it properly.

This glass thing is interesting.  I am not a drinker so I wouldn't care how it was served.   I would care if my guest was bitching about the wrong glass to my face as much as Dorit was to Teddi.  Then there was the reaction to getting there 15 min early.  I think Dorit is having a harder time hiding her bitchiness and classist attitude.  Really Dorit?  You married the human equivalent of boiled ham with atrocious table manners and are probably less affluent than I am in real life (I am a mere middle class person).  Snap out of it!   

I don't have any experience with this, but is Dorit acting coked up? Is that how one acts? I was just wondering from those that have commented on it whether it is an obvious kind of thing, or if people are thinking it because of what Rinna said last season. Or better way to ask it: would people think she was on coke if Rinna had never said anything? 

17 hours ago, AuntiePam said:

Lisa needs to get a ramp in her salon, so no one has to lift an 80-pound dog onto that bathing station.

And Kyle doesn't need four dogs, or four untrained dogs.  I hope Caesar helped them.

If the little one is peeing all over the place, it probably drives the other dogs nuts.  I assume her property is fenced, so why can't the dogs go in and out on their own?  It's much less boring outside -- so many different smells, things to look at and listen to.  Our dog can spend hours just sitting and looking around, and when she comes inside, it's nap-time. 

Nothing like a multi million dollar house covered in dog pee!  My husband used to work in these types of houses in Montecito.  The habits of some wealthy folks really skeeved him out.  Vomit left to dry on the floor, random animal (he hoped)  feces and or pee all over the place, it was icky.

  • Love 2
43 minutes ago, gundysgirl said:

That's interesting. I guess it don't see it that way. I think the TH interviews are to give us the perspective of the HW's as to what happened. I know they don't see the footage, but they were at the event. They don't have to see the footage of Dorit acting like an asshole about a glass because they were there when it happened. So when a producer says "how funny was that deal with Dorit and the glass", they can comment on it regardless of whether or not they saw the footage yet. My guess is - should Dorit sing next week - and I have no idea if she does - that you would have a HW or two making a funny comment in their TH about it. Maybe saying something they wouldn't say directly to Dorit at the time. Maybe one or more will be nice to her to her face, but in their TH say something slightly nasty/funny/hurtful. Happens all the time, and they all do it. 

The problem is that the THs can be filmed months after an event/fight/argument when no one's memory is accurate, which is why the producers comments to the HW can influence what the HW says. I always take their THs with a grain of salt because we don't know what was said/asked by the producer or how long it was between what happened and when the TH was filmed. Oh, and add in that production then edits the HWs answer on top of it. THs are about as clear as mud IMO. LOL

23 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

I didn't realize that Storm was adopted from Saving Spot - the people suing LVP & Ken

Yes, and Kyle was at the event where they claim Ken assaulted the woman and Kyle says nothing happened in her last blog. From Kyle's last blog, "And for anyone to suggest that Ken Todd would ever lay a hand on a woman is ridiculous. I was actually at the Vanderpump Dog Foundation event where the person had claimed this happened. It was a beautiful evening without incident, so why is Lisa Rinna bringing this up?" .

  • Love 2
10 hours ago, Christi said:

Oh they are...Watch Atlanta  Housewives for one of the worst examples.  Sheree is lately rocking this tragic blond monstrosity with 2 inches of black roots?


Why????  Why deliberately give the impression that you're too lazy to keep up your roots?  I guess the "ombré" look was meant to make those black roots fashionable.  

1 hour ago, movingtargetgal said:

I think a big part of Kim's current problems is the abuse she most likely endured as a child star.  Over the past few months we have seen many former child stars come out and tell how they were sexually abused by producers, managers etc.  I think Kim Richards most likely was a victim of sexual abuse as well.  At the very least her mother exploited her daughters.  I can totally see her turning a blind eye to some producer abusing Kim if it would get Kim the part and get her mother more money.  I don't think Kim and her older sister look back on the childhood the same way as Kyle.  They are angry because Kyle, like their mother, is exploiting the family's painful past to gain more fame and money.  

Well if the accusations against Big Kathy are true, she hired someone to teach Kathy sexual tricks to snag a millionaire.  And I'm sure she's behind Kyle's first marriage.  Who marries a man when they don't share a common language?

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19 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

Why????  Why deliberately give the impression that you're too lazy to keep up your roots?  I guess the "ombré" look was meant to make those black roots fashionable.  

Well if the accusations against Big Kathy are true, she hired someone to teach Kathy sexual tricks to snag a millionaire.  And I'm sure she's behind Kyle's first marriage.  Who marries a man when they don't share a common language?

I don't get the root wigs.

Just for the record Kathy started dating Rick Hilton at 15 and they have married for almost 40 years.  Vile rumor. I don't particularly like Kathy Hilton but she and her husband have stayed the course.

Kyle walked away with only child support and to be clear-the reason Kyle and first husband divorced is he was wealthy and spent his days (didn't have to work) with 60 year old guys playing golf.  Kyle could have gone in for the kill but she felt guilty divorcing him so she let him off with just child support and paying for Farrah's college.  Having said that-Mauricio first real estate listing was a $5 million dollar home Kyle's ex owned.

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, SweetieDarling said:

I can't believe I'm defending John, but at least he wears button-down shirts (not t-shirts) with suit/sport jackets and, although his hair is slicked back, he appears to be clean and not disheveled or as sweaty. An obese Slade perhaps?

I'll give you the shirts, but John always looks sweaty to me. :) One way or another, I think they're all (PK, Harry, John, and Slade) unpleasant critters. We might not agree on the ranking, but I figure we'll agree on the unpleasantness.

I guess we are supposed to be impressed by Dorito taking the three million dollar car out for a test drive? (And did anyone else notice - as soon as she turned onto the street there was horn honking and a car very quickly showed up behind her. I think she cut the car behind her off). Anyhoo, since I know that Dorito and Spam are about as likely to buy a three million dollar car as I am, I just laugh at her shallowness and vacuousness. 

I was not at all impressed that LVP and Kyle were having fun filming for the cameras, and ignoring Storm who was obviously stressed at being groomed. Why prolong the poor dog's treatment so you can play up to the cameras. Stupid people.

As others have pointed out, Kyle is contradicting herself by saying the series is not based on her life, and then saying Portia will be able to get to know her grandmother through the show. I have no use for Kim, and don't know Kathy other than she is responsible for the waste of space that is Paris Hilton. But if Kyle has three shows she has sold, all based on her childhood (or not, according to Kyle) I would be pissed too. 

Someone should tell Dorito and Erika that wearing sweats with a designer name on them doesn't make them any less ugly. 

I really liked Teddy this episode. I like that she is pretty down to earth (certainly in comparison to the others) and appreciated how she was not impressed by Dorito's declaration that PK's party would be black tie. I hate that crap myself. I think Dorito should worry less about what wine glass she is drinking out of, and more about her husband's atrocious table manners. If the way he chowed down at her dinner party is any indication, his tux will need a built in bib.  

Edited by UsernameFatigue
  • Love 1
29 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

Why????  Why deliberately give the impression that you're too lazy to keep up your roots?  I guess the "ombré" look was meant to make those black roots fashionable. 

Most women who dye their hair blond are not going through the process as often as needed to not have black roots, because if you did you'd lose more of your natural hair from the chemical stripping process. Hair growth is constant so even after a week or two - those roots are coming in - and no one dyes their hair every week.

Wigs such as toppers in blond - have the dark roots as they are meant to fall over and blend with your real hair/part. It is also more natural looking to your scalp so that the cap isn't obvious. A flesh colored cap is easier to detect

1 hour ago, WhoaWhoKnew said:

This is interesting and I've never considered this as part of the reason for the rift between the two camps. Now that I think of it, I can't recall Kim speaking of their mother and childhood in the excessively glowing way that Kyle does.

Kim has ONLY ever spoken of her mother in glowing terms, just like Kyle. Even when she was telling the story about the booth at that hotel bar, and how her mother used to take her there was she was a child, it was spoken of as a fond memory. Even when she had that fake story line with Brandi about stalking some dude (they dressed up in wigs and crap), Kim talked about doing the same with her mom and her mom's exes. And she spoke of it as though it was a great lark of her childhood and not the horrible parenting it was. 

Also, there is this false narrative that Kim somehow supported the Richards family and that is the reason for all of her dysfunction. That NEVER happened. That was speculation from an unauthorized biography of Paris Hilton called House of Hilton. The truth is that Kim and Kyle's earnings were put into a Coogan trust until they became of age and could claim it. Once Kim claimed her money from her trust, she blew through it. 

Big Kathy earned a percentage of their income as their manager - but it would never have been enough to support the family. Mainly, because Kim never earned large amounts of money as a child star - even for the time period. Kim got the "perks" of being a Disney star - horses, fame, and getting to meet famous people along with standard pay rates and anything that Kathy negotiated for her. Kathy supported the family by marrying wealth and she encouraged her daughters to do the same as they got older. Her children did not support the family financially. 

  • Love 5

I know this will be unpopular, but after seeing the photo of PK's brother and the fact his parents are flying in for the party-think of his parent's feelings when his looks are disparaged.  The guy is not handsome but his parents love him.  I always remember Vicki Gunvalson after Slade called her Miss Piggy saying her mother thinks she is pretty.  It is not about going on a reality show it is more about he is a human and loves his wife and children.  I feel the same way about Tom Girardi, I don't necessarily agree with his behavior but he and Erika love each other. Bald and old is not a crime. Beautiful women falling in love with a beast is not that unusual.  Women who sell their children as beautiful models is another thing-they are selling beauty and the world does get to weigh in on their looks.

So as parents, siblings, grandparents, friends to the less fortunate in looks, does it really make us feel better to make fun of another's looks?  I have a hard time believing everyone on here is a 10 or married to a 10  in the looks department.   Sometimes beautiful people need more than another beautiful face to look at.

  • Love 8
2 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

I know this will be unpopular, but after seeing the photo of PK's brother and the fact his parents are flying in for the party-think of his parent's feelings when his looks are disparaged.  The guy is not handsome but his parents love him.  I always remember Vicki Gunvalson after Slade called her Miss Piggy saying her mother thinks she is pretty.  It is not about going on a reality show it is more about he is a human and loves his wife and children.  I feel the same way about Tom Girardi, I don't necessarily agree with his behavior but he and Erika love each other. Bald and old is not a crime. Beautiful women falling in love with a beast is not that unusual.  Women who sell their children as beautiful models is another thing-they are selling beauty and the world does get to weigh in on their looks.

So as parents, siblings, grandparents, friends to the less fortunate in looks, does it really make us feel better to make fun of another's looks?  I have a hard time believing everyone on here is a 10 or married to a 10  in the looks department.   Sometimes beautiful people need more than another beautiful face to look at.

Reality TV brings out the monster in everyone, viewers included.

  • Love 2
20 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

I know this will be unpopular, but after seeing the photo of PK's brother and the fact his parents are flying in for the party-think of his parent's feelings when his looks are disparaged.  The guy is not handsome but his parents love him.  I always remember Vicki Gunvalson after Slade called her Miss Piggy saying her mother thinks she is pretty.  It is not about going on a reality show it is more about he is a human and loves his wife and children.  I feel the same way about Tom Girardi, I don't necessarily agree with his behavior but he and Erika love each other. Bald and old is not a crime. Beautiful women falling in love with a beast is not that unusual.  Women who sell their children as beautiful models is another thing-they are selling beauty and the world does get to weigh in on their looks.

So as parents, siblings, grandparents, friends to the less fortunate in looks, does it really make us feel better to make fun of another's looks?  I have a hard time believing everyone on here is a 10 or married to a 10  in the looks department.   Sometimes beautiful people need more than another beautiful face to look at.

There are people who are not necessarily good looking, but they are beautiful on the inside which makes then beautiful on the outside. PK is a narcissistic pig, and a grifter to boot. So due to his horrible personality, I have no problem with insulting his looks as well. He is as ugly on the inside as he is on the outside. For me they just blend together. YMMV of course. 

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, TV Diva Queen said:

Are Dorit and her 50yo wallet really into the cocaine or are we just surmising it?  If they are, it would explain sooooo much. 

She's on something.

If not coke or Adderall, what else could it be? She was bad last year, but not this bad. Obnoxious, over the top, overbearing, loud, rude, just a few off the top of my head. Even portly PK shushed her at the dinner party. What a freakin' nut job. 

3 minutes ago, UsernameFatigue said:

There are people who are not necessarily good looking, but they are beautiful on the inside which makes then beautiful on the outside. PK is a narcissistic pig, and a grifter to boot. So due to his horrible personality, I have no problem with insulting his looks as well. He is as ugly on the inside as he is on the outside. For me they just blend together. YMMV of course. 

What has he actually done on the show that is so horrible?  I can't remember seeing him do anything that bad aside from "getting into women's business" when sticking up for Dorit and maybe talking a little shit, but not shit worse than we've seen most of the ladies talk.  Supposedly he leered at Erika's crotch, but I feel like that's more hyperbole as I don't recall actually being shown that on the show.  

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6 hours ago, BBHN said:

One could have said the same thing about Brandi circa season 5...that turned out well for her, no?

Isn't that what happened?

I havbe't seen much of that...and certainly nowhere near on the scale we've some of the others do. Granted, she is new, but still.

All anyone needs to do is watch the episode, where the timeline was laid out clearly. Teddi's right. 

3 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

LVP has been friends with PK and Dorit for years (Lisa even mentioned it on an episode). I think that's how Dorit was cast for the show. I just don't understand how LVP doesn't see what a phony poser Dorit is. How can you stand hanging out with someone like that?  Makes me question her judgement. 

LVP likes her projects. 

I think Dorit thinks she's akin to Kyle, when really she's a lot more like a Cedric or Brandi

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38 minutes ago, yourmomiseasy said:

What has he actually done on the show that is so horrible?  I can't remember seeing him do anything that bad aside from "getting into women's business" when sticking up for Dorit and maybe talking a little shit, but not shit worse than we've seen most of the ladies talk.  Supposedly he leered at Erika's crotch, but I feel like that's more hyperbole as I don't recall actually being shown that on the show.  

Let's start with his statement...

We're showing the “have nots” the finer things in life

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1 hour ago, UsernameFatigue said:

I guess we are supposed to be impressed by Dorito taking the three million dollar car out for a test drive? (And did anyone else notice - as soon as she turned onto the street there was horn honking and a car very quickly showed up behind her. I think she cut the car behind her off). Anyhoo, since I know that Dorito and Spam are about as likely to buy a three million dollar car as I am, I just laugh at her shallowness and vacuousness. 

I was not at all impressed that LVP and Kyle were having fun filming for the cameras, and ignoring Storm who was obviously stressed at being groomed. Why prolong the poor dog's treatment so you can play up to the cameras. Stupid people.

As others have pointed out, Kyle is contradicting herself by saying the series is not based on her life, and then saying Portia will be able to get to know her grandmother through the show. I have no use for Kim, and don't know Kathy other than she is responsible for the waste of space that is Paris Hilton. But if Kyle has three shows she has sold, all based on her childhood (or not, according to Kyle) I would be pissed too. 

Someone should tell Dorito and Erika that wearing sweats with a designer name on them doesn't make them any less ugly. 

I really liked Teddy this episode. I like that she is pretty down to earth (certainly in comparison to the others) and appreciated how she was not impressed by Dorito's declaration that PK's party would be black tie. I hate that crap myself. I think Dorito should worry less about what wine glass she is drinking out of, and more about her husband's atrocious table manners. If the way he chowed down at her dinner party is any indication, his tux will need a built in bib.  

Introducing Dorit's "Dickies For Dicks"



In reality, Dorit will just keep a few extra Miami Vice white T shirts on hand

1 hour ago, yourmomiseasy said:

What has he actually done on the show that is so horrible?  I can't remember seeing him do anything that bad aside from "getting into women's business" when sticking up for Dorit and maybe talking a little shit, but not shit worse than we've seen most of the ladies talk.  Supposedly he leered at Erika's crotch, but I feel like that's more hyperbole as I don't recall actually being shown that on the show.  

The worst thing PK has done is remark, "maybe Erika's bits are available to the world." Which is worth criticizing. 

But Erika explicitly demanded he engage in the discourse during which he supposedly inserted himself into "the women's business." 

And most of the stuff for which is supposedly a "pig" ("leering" up Erika's dress, maligning her as a "slut") was behavior committed as much if not more so by others like Kyle and Eileen. Or, you know, never happened at all (telling Tom's business associates that Erika had attempted to seduce him or whatever that nutty yarn was). 

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3 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

Introducing Dorit's "Dickies For Dicks"



In reality, Dorit will just keep a few extra Miami Vice white T shirts on hand

Gotta laugh at the tee shirt she wore at the dealership while spending PK's money. Good god she'a an idiot.

1 minute ago, lunastartron said:

The worst thing PK has done is remark, "maybe Erika's bits are available to the world." Which is worth criticizing. 

But Erika explicitly demanded he engage in the discourse during which he supposedly inserted himself into "the women's business." 

And most of the stuff for which is supposedly a "pig" ("leering" up Erika's dress, maligning her as a "slut") was behavior committed as much if not more so by others like Kyle and Eileen. Or, you know, never happened at all (telling Tom's business associates that Erika had attempted to seduce him or whatever that nutty yarn was). 

No, the worst thing he has done was steal from people in the UK and Vegas

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1 hour ago, UsernameFatigue said:

There are people who are not necessarily good looking, but they are beautiful on the inside which makes then beautiful on the outside. PK is a narcissistic pig, and a grifter to boot. So due to his horrible personality, I have no problem with insulting his looks as well. He is as ugly on the inside as he is on the outside. For me they just blend together. YMMV of course. 


While I agree with everything you said, I would like to take this moment to apologize to Ham In A Can, SPAM, parboiled eggs, actual pigs, oh and an innocent loaf of bread

Edited by KungFuBunny
  • Love 5
21 hours ago, rho said:

I may be alone but I think Kyle looks great! She hasn't touched her lips and her 50 year old neck looks better than my 25 year old neck ever did. Every time I get my annual bonus I'm so tempted to get one of those Silence of the Lambs facials she was rocking a couple seasons back.

I do agree re Kyle - she was smart to do the nose job when she was younger & her skin looks fantastic. I think certain procedures work better on women with angular features.


Anyhoo, since I know that Dorito and Spam are about as likely to buy a three million dollar car as I am, I just laugh at her shallowness and vacuousness. 

I saw it as her helping her friend advertise his expensive cars.  I was not impressed either.  I knew there was no way in hell she was going to buy one of those cars.  She can stop with the pretentiousness now. 

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Dorit...is it so damn hard to admit that you goofed and just apologize? She's reinventing the details of the story each time she talks about. She first told someone she was 6 minutes late. Then she told Kyle she was 20 minutes late. Then she said that she called Teddi when she was 18 minutes late. By the time Dorit called Teddi, she was still in traffic and it was on camera that she was maybe 25 minutes away depending on traffic. Even by Dorit's shoddy timeline, she would have still been about 45 minutes late anyway which is still rude. 

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38 minutes ago, ChitChat said:

I saw it as her helping her friend advertise his expensive cars.  I was not impressed either.  I knew there was no way in hell she was going to buy one of those cars.  She can stop with the pretentiousness now. 

Was I the only one expecting Dicko from the OC to pop up like a prairie dog?

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

Supposedly he leered at Erika's crotch, but I feel like that's more hyperbole as I don't recall actually being shown that on the show.  

Well, he said he leered at it, so there is that. Although he didn't call it leering. He admitted he could not look away. Then he went on to talk about her basically being "available". That is more than enough for me to judge him. 

Edited by gundysgirl
  • Love 4
5 hours ago, Thumper said:

This forum is so educational.  I have probably said "flute glass."  Mostly I say "champagne glass," but now I know that is also wrong because I am actually serving sparkling wine.  ??

If you said it around me, dear heart, I would have NO problem! I just pick on Dorit because she is such an annoying poseur!

The Champagne thing is a big deal in my world (I live in a well known wine region) because there are legal constraints in Australia against labelling a sparkling wine ‘Champagne’. The French protect that name now!

4 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:


Back when I was in junior high we were reading some book for English class and the protagonist describes his love interest as having perfect breast shaped like champagne glasses and I didn't know about coupes so I was so confused because I thought he meant flutes.  I remained perplexed for years and then discovered coupes and was like "Oooh! The boobs!"  I wish I could remember what book it was.

Great Gatsby?

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