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S08.E05: Unfashionably Late

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No matter what, the tack Dorit should’ve taken would be apologetic, not apoplectic.

I had a friend who would pull the stuff Dorit was doing (except she’d use her kids, and other friends, as her excuse). “I thought we said 4:30, not 3:30.” “I just don’t have time to get things done, because Kid 1 had to do x and Kid 2 needed y, and...” “I ran into so-and-so and I haven’t seen her in a million years, and I just lost track of time.” Basically, it was my fault that she was 1/2 hour plus late, consistently, because I had crazy notions about “being on time” and “being responsible” and, you know, watching a clock. If she wasn’t plain-old late, she’d text me five minutes before we were going to meet to tell me (after I’d driven 1/2 hour to her house in a small community with nowhere to kill time) she needed an extra half hour or whatever. (Of course, one time I got to her house a couple minutes early and she blamed me for being late because her oven clock said a minute after the hour.) If she wasn’t a super-old friend, I wouldn’t have put up with it as long as I did—but yeah it got REALLY OLD and she refused to take my feelings into consideration, so now I see her like once or twice a year.

Phew, sorry ;)

So watching Dorit do that to Teddi? I’m like, nip it in the bud, sister, and come with receipts.

Edited by ivygirl
  • Love 13
29 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Actually Ken and Lisa lawsuits all occurred after Season 3 of RHOBH.  

The first was a sexual harassment lawsuit they lost.  And did not pursue an appeal.  It was a manager doing the harassing.  

The second was Ken filing against a contractor for assault and extortion.  Ken abandoned the suit.  The defendants the sued Ken and it was dismissed

The fourth is the present one Rinna mentioned and it too was dismissed.

The fifth is the dog designer and was filed in September.  So there is a chance Rinna may bring that up as well.

Supposedly these women are suppose to be friends.  Over the years bringing up tabloid articles and other situations have kind of backfired on the person who brings it up.  I don't know why Redemption Rinna brought it up as it really doesn't concern her.  LVP does bring up the lawsuit next week.  From an entertainment stand point most of the suits are not fully adjudicated during the season so it makes it an unresolved issue and chances are excellent the party being sued has been advised not to talk about it.  This is twice Rinna has brought up another's legal miseries.  Last season no one took Rinna's side when she did it.  I was kind of under the impression LVP and RInna had kind of resolved their issues-apparently Rinna wants more mileage out of her LVP situation.  Over the holidays Rinna took to Snap Chat and rewatched the first couple of seasons and kept making snide comments about LVP.  Sounds a little thirsty to me on Rinna's part.  

Yet Rinna claims she is all about supporting women, that she is going to be kinder this season! LOL When does that start? Oh, that's right, Rinna promises this at the start of each season and never, ever, hold up to said promise for longer than 3 - 4 episodes. LOL

  • Love 5
11 minutes ago, Happy Camper said:

At least she doesn't brag about dick sucking lips and she hasn't begun marketing a line of DSL baseball caps.  

Lisa may have DSL's but Erika is trying to brand herself around this. Geez.

They both are ridiculous regarding the whole big lip thing.

Well, she did give blow-job tips in her book, which her girls creepily mentioned on the show.

  • Love 18
9 hours ago, Higgins said:

Tom has available to him,  PT/OT, home health aide and possibly even a nurse to care for him during rehabilitation from orthopedic surgery.

Plus he has enough money to hire whatever else he needs to help him.  Erika just needs to do whatever a wife would do for her husband. 

This should not be a burden to her. I would hate to think that if I was the victim of an accident, my husband would consider it a burden  to take care of me, no matter what age I am.

  • Love 8
5 hours ago, Jel said:

Anyone know how successful Dorit's swimwear line was in the pre-PK years?

Dorit said last night that she had been on the cusp of taking her line “to the next level” when PK swept her off her feet and they went off to make babies. So presumably she’s ready now to go all the way. Or fizzle out like most of the hws products do.

My take on lategate was Dorit just didn’t give a shit what time her appointment with Teddi was. I think Teddi was so far down on Dorit’s list of priorities that she figured she’d get there when she got there. Teddi’s the newbie, she not as rich as the other women so Dorit blew her off. Teddi was right to be insulted, it was a bitch move.

On WWHL when she was asked about her sisters I thought Kyle gave the same kind of rueful answer she did on RHoBH. It seems the sisters aren’t that close anymore. 

  • Love 14
36 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

I wonder how much facilities get if they're required to shut down for a bit or open early to accommodate filming. 

Depends on the location and their connection to the show. Locations in Beverly Hills and adjacent LA start around $1500/day and keep climbing. Production can occasionally finagle free locations in exchange for promoting the business. 

Industry standard, is to charge the monthly rent or mortgage for one day of filming. I know a couple of LA people who travel or work around the clock and paid off their homes that way.

  • Love 1
23 hours ago, NeverLate said:

Rinna is a bitch, a snippy bitch, with bratty kids who can't do laundry.

Love Dorits hair, I have changed mine so many times, and the colour. My sister has the same old, tired worn out hair, and has the same personality to go with it..lol

I'm with you. Love Dorit's hair. Change is good (Rhinna needs to know that) - oh wait she did try that Kris Jenner do, now that she the mom of 2 supermodels - in her own mind. God how I hate that woman. Barely in her seat before she attacks Ken. And then her signature throw up her hands and eye roll. Total bitch move. And why are we being subjected to her bratty spawn every week. They will never reach the heights of the Hadid girls. I am in no way a Yoyo fan, but her girls are beautiful and SWEET and real. Compare their past scenes - cooking, enjoying their family. Gigi won me over seasons ago at her graduation party at Mohammed's. Now look at Rhinnas little bitches. Spoiled nasty and rude. Their 15 minutes will be over soon. 

  • Love 7

And if we're gonna talk about the husband, let's talk about HH. Let's address those allegations of battery on his lover. And Rhinna going after her.  I have no doubt that she did. That I would love to see.  But LVP is way to classy to bring that up hmmmm maybe we need one more appearance from Kim. 

One final thing about Rhinna. She said it herself on her first reunion. She'll do anything for money. Think about that. 

  • Love 10
8 hours ago, Fiero425 said:

Well I guess that makes it ok! I would have raised holy HELL with Rinna, but they didn't! That's why my ire is so pronounced! I'm not necessarily a fan of Yo's, but that was just PLAIN EVIL and LR should have been called out long before the reunion! It had to hurt that woman deeply with all she's gone thru with her own health and her daughters! ;-(

It must be difficult indeed to be scientific anomaly to the point of 1) developing a viral load from a bacterial infection as well as 2) being the first family in history to contract Lyme from horseflies and not ticks, not to mention 3) have multiple dates of infection. Statistical medical impossibilities are like that, I guess. 

The only way to cope is to post photographs of one's daughter and her IV on Instagram. 

3 hours ago, Avaleigh said:

I'm enjoying this season. For me it's been the right balance of fun, travel, drama, and luxury.

Dorit is a total asshat. It can't be said enough. She completely misrepresented the situation. Even if they were meeting at 430 and not 4, she still didn't communicate with Teddi until 18 minutes after she was supposed to be there. Then it would have taken her another 15-20 minutes to finally arrive. IMO that's definitely rude and yes, she could have and should have sent a text a lot earlier just to discuss whether or not Teddi would be cool with her being some forty minutes late. 

Ultimately, this is a job for all of these women and Dorit was super late to getting to work. She can yammer all she wants about how she's building her empire but this RHBH gig is what is (likely IMO) paying most of the bills. Maybe a little respect is in order? Keep in mind that it isn't just Teddi who was kept waiting. I think this incident was definitely worth keeping during the editing process because it shows what an inconsiderate and untruthful person Dorit is. Somehow she thinks that Teddi is the bad guy here? Wow. 

Regarding the way Dorit tried to blow off her comments to Camille---not only is Dorit rude and unwilling to take responsibility for her behavior, but it also shows that she's insensitive and foolish. How many people would truly laugh off a comment like that especially under those circumstances? I feel positive that Dorit would have been furious if, say, Rinna or Teddi had made comments like that to her during a dinner party. 

Oh, and while I'm unloading on Dorit---those purple boots and the white shirt? Somehow this woman looked at herself in like, a dozen mirrors and thought that she looked absolutely fabulous. Whoever said that she dresses like Edina from AbFab is spot on. Ensembly challenged indeed.

Regarding Kathy and Kim being annoyed with Kyle over American Woman---for Kathy, I believe it's still left over bitterness from Mauricio leaving H&H. For Kim, I think it's jealousy on top of drug induced paranoia and the general misconception that she's somehow being used or taken advantage of because Kim never misses the opportunity to play the victim especially when it comes to Kyle. 

Regarding Yolanda---I'm one of a tiny handful of people who doesn't give a shit about what Rinna said about her so called illness. Nothing about Yolanda's story added up then or now so I'm glad that somebody called that inconsistent hypocrite out. I still don't believe the tale that Yolanda was spinning to viewers about her illness and feel that way too much time was spent on debating the use of the word Munchhausen. I totally understand why Lisa, Kyle, and Rinna had their doubts (not to mention Mohammed) and I was delighted when I read that Yolanda would no longer be apart of the show.  It was too hilarious that the favorite child Gigi was the only one to not be diagnosed with LD. It was all a bunch of bullshit IMHO.

This. All day. 

The commentary on Yo's woes were when this series effectively lost most of the emotional authenticity from the main players. LVP and Kyle were too timid to point out the bald insanities in Yolanda's narrative and Rinna was too inarticulate and feckless. 

Edited by lunastartron
  • Love 21
56 minutes ago, rho said:

Depends on the location and their connection to the show. Locations in Beverly Hills and adjacent LA start around $1500/day and keep climbing. Production can occasionally finagle free locations in exchange for promoting the business. 

Industry standard, is to charge the monthly rent or mortgage for one day of filming. I know a couple of LA people who travel or work around the clock and paid off their homes that way.

Damn! That's some serious (and easy) cash to make! 

  • Love 3

Personally, I think the whole being late thing was a little ridiculous. I can see why Teddi is pissed, but the way she talked to Dorit was unnecessarily mean. Dorit didn't sign up for her zero tolerance treatment. I can see why Kyle is sad that her sisters aren't including her in things anymore, but she needs to, imo, keep it to herself or talk to them personally. They will resent that she's using them for a storyline (like the disaster with Tamra and her daughter, Tamra crying about her daughter on camera just made the daughter hate her more). 

  • Love 3

It must be difficult indeed to be scientific anomaly to the point of 1) developing a viral load from a bacterial infection as well as 2) being the first family in history to contract Lyme from horseflies and not ticks, not to mention 3) have multiple dates of infection. Statistical medical impossibilities are like that, I guess. 

Well....Yolanda is an overachiever...so...

  • Love 6
5 hours ago, bravofan27 said:

Personally, I think the whole being late thing was a little ridiculous. I can see why Teddi is pissed, but the way she talked to Dorit was unnecessarily mean. Dorit didn't sign up for her zero tolerance treatment. I can see why Kyle is sad that her sisters aren't including her in things anymore, but she needs to, imo, keep it to herself or talk to them personally. They will resent that she's using them for a storyline (like the disaster with Tamra and her daughter, Tamra crying about her daughter on camera just made the daughter hate her more). 

How was she mean? She was just laying out the facts. If the truth hurts,  too bad.

Edited by Higgins
  • Love 15

I think the TrashTalkTV recap summed it up nicely:


Dorit continues “I was late, but I wasn’t as late as she thinks I was.”  Ok, BEST CASE SCENARIO HERE, by Dorit’s story, she would have been 40 minutes late.  WORST CASE, by Teddi’s account, she would have been 1 hour and 15 minutes late.  Either way, it’s unacceptable, especially without a phone call.

Dorit says- “If you are ever going to be late for Teddi, just assume she’s not going to wait for you. Her leaving when I’m on the way to meet her is a little abrupt. Honestly, you can’t wait another 10 minutes?”  This bitch.

Dorit, BABE, you were late.  40 minutes vs 70 minutes, it doesn’t matter.  Why does the degree of lateness matter?  It’s not like we are talking 6 minutes vs 10 minutes.  You can’t be a little pregnant.  You were late, plain and simple.   And Teddi wouldn’t have been waiting another 10 minutes, the Driver even said 10-15 more minutes.

And not for nothing, exactly WHO does Dorit think she is?  The ego, honestly, MisRed can’t.

Kyle says, well if someone was an hour late, I would leave too.

And the fact that she is trying to spin it to make Teddi look bad makes it even more hilarious. Either she is an idiot, or might not be aware that production was filming Teddi waiting and waiting waiting...maybe she foolishly assumed filming would only start once she arrived.

  • Love 21
41 minutes ago, BBHN said:

I think the TrashTalkTV recap summed it up nicely:

"Dorit, BABE, you were late.  40 minutes vs 70 minutes, it doesn’t matter.  Why does the degree of lateness matter?  It’s not like we are talking 6 minutes vs 10 minutes.  You can’t be a little pregnant.  You were late, plain and simple.   And Teddi wouldn’t have been waiting another 10 minutes, the Driver even said 10-15 more minutes."

And the fact that she is trying to spin it to make Teddi look bad makes it even more hilarious. Either she is an idiot, or might not be aware that production was filming Teddi waiting and waiting waiting...maybe she foolishly assumed filming would only start once she arrived.

Agree about the lateness and the spin. But the bolded part has got to make the baby Aristotle cry.

Edited by Jel
  • Love 7

Actually Dorit's driver said she was 15-20 minutes away after Dorit tried to make it seem like she was on her way and near by. Then Teddy heard 20 minutes and was like Nope. Like she said with traffic that could have easily been another half hour.  

I'm one of those super punctual people to the point where I arrive 1 minute before we are suppose to meet. My friends all know these and it has annoyed some of them. Others know when meeting me they have to be on time. It is all about respect. You invite me somewhere and I will be there on time for you. I have slowly tried to not be so intense about it because as my husband likes to point, we are the first ones to arrive.

  • Love 11

I am assuming Dorit was throwing shade at Rinna with saying that she does not keep the same hairstyle for thirty years, but I kept thinking that her new BFFs Kyle and LVP are not really known for changing their hairstyle that much either. I do not mind Rinna's hair and really do not care that she has had the same style for so long.

  • Love 9
9 hours ago, Lady of nod said:

And if we're gonna talk about the husband, let's talk about HH. Let's address those allegations of battery on his lover. And Rhinna going after her.  I have no doubt that she did. That I would love to see.  But LVP is way to classy to bring that up hmmmm maybe we need one more appearance from Kim. 

One final thing about Rhinna. She said it herself on her first reunion. She'll do anything for money. Think about that. 

I would think that they are too classy to bring up internet rumors that are damaging.  Very different from bringing up an actual lawsuit that is reported on heavily in the media. 

  • Love 10


You and me both, TattleTeeny -- any amount of humidity in the air on a vacation and I need to get another room for my hair. 

Haha, and NO ONE in my family has this but ME! WTF is this nonsense?! Luckily, I have a great hair lady, and super-resilient hair (as evidenced by the fact that the ^&%^#$@@!! curls come back with a vengeance). That said, I am sure I do nowhere near the damage to mine that anyone on this show--or all of TV--does to theirs (partially because I'm lazy). 

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 1
24 minutes ago, DeeReynolds said:

Did anyone else notice in the scene where Erika is talking to Mikey that there were two pillows embroidered behind them with their faces on them? Who has pillows of themselves on their own couch?? Poor Mr. Girardi was not present in embroidered form as far as I could tell.

Can you believe that people have pictures taken of themselves and they actually hang them on their own walls? i mean who does that? maybe it was something they had done has a joke and kept who knows who did it maybe mikey did it but god forbid that someone does something fun ya know. i get attacking Erika for being cold or something but now we are gonna start attacking because she had a throw pillow that didn't have her husbands face on it? so she should only have pictures of her husband around in her Erika Jane office // even she says she keeps Erika jane and Erika G separate

Edited by Keywestclubkid
  • Love 7
26 minutes ago, DeeReynolds said:

Did anyone else notice in the scene where Erika is talking to Mikey that there were two pillows embroidered behind them with their faces on them? Who has pillows of themselves on their own couch?? Poor Mr. Girardi was not present in embroidered form as far as I could tell.

Missed it. I always FF through scenes when it's just the two of them. Mikey, to me, is like nails on a chalkboard. But your comment did make me chuckle.

  • Love 4
26 minutes ago, DeeReynolds said:

Did anyone else notice in the scene where Erika is talking to Mikey that there were two pillows embroidered behind them with their faces on them? Who has pillows of themselves on their own couch?? Poor Mr. Girardi was not present in embroidered form as far as I could tell.

It's her work space. I have all kinds of pictures and things in my work space that don't include my husband or family. 

  • Love 6
10 hours ago, BBHN said:

Except Diving With the Stars. Even Rinna turned that down.

So far, Rinna also turned down Sharknado


2 hours ago, janie2002 said:

Actually Dorit's driver said she was 15-20 minutes away after Dorit tried to make it seem like she was on her way and near by. Then Teddy heard 20 minutes and was like Nope. Like she said with traffic that could have easily been another half hour.  

I'm one of those super punctual people to the point where I arrive 1 minute before we are suppose to meet. My friends all know these and it has annoyed some of them. Others know when meeting me they have to be on time. It is all about respect. You invite me somewhere and I will be there on time for you. I have slowly tried to not be so intense about it because as my husband likes to point, we are the first ones to arrive.

I wonder if the Rose Gold Bentley got repo'd.

Dorit's Driver = Uber

  • Love 14
1 hour ago, Misslindsey said:

I am assuming Dorit was throwing shade at Rinna with saying that she does not keep the same hairstyle for thirty years, but I kept thinking that her new BFFs Kyle and LVP are not really known for changing their hairstyle that much either. I do not mind Rinna's hair and really do not care that she has had the same style for so long.

Didn't LVP keep the same hairstyle from the music video? It might have been shade at LVP - being that Dorit is the only one not afraid of her

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, gundysgirl said:

I would think that they are too classy to bring up internet rumors that are damaging.  Very different from bringing up an actual lawsuit that is reported on heavily in the media. 

I also see those things as different, but she wasn't obligated to bring it up.  

Rinna's redemption tour lasted one episode.  I'd say good effort, but I wouldn't mean it. 

  • Love 8
On 1/17/2018 at 4:44 AM, BBHN said:

Isn't that her office/clubhouse/whatever?

Anyone listen to the podcast Bitch Sesh? One of the hosts said they had it on good authority that Erika lives in an ANOTHER apartment building, separate from the one shown on the show as her office. Person has seen her at the mailbox on a regular basis. There was some speculation is maybe she has a "city apartment," since their home is in Pasadena. 

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, KungFuBunny said:

So far, Rinna also turned down Sharknado


I wonder if the Rose Gold Bentley got repo'd.

Dorit's Driver = Uber


37 minutes ago, Jel said:

Yeah, where is the rose gold Bentley? I haven't seen hide nor hair hair of it since. 

I'm pretty sure she drove it to LVP's when she was wearing those god awful purple boots.  It can also be seen in the opening montage of the first episode of the season where Dorit is getting into it wearing her TH holo top with a white suit.  So it's still around.

  • Love 2
35 minutes ago, candle96 said:

Anyone listen to the podcast Bitch Sesh? One of the hosts said they had it on good authority that Erika lives in an ANOTHER apartment building, separate from the one shown on the show as her office. Person has seen her at the mailbox on a regular basis. There was some speculation is maybe she has a "city apartment," since their home is in Pasadena. 

“Since their home is in Pasadena” - and their marriage is a sham?

  • Love 1
4 minutes ago, nexxie said:

“Since their home is in Pasadena” - and their marriage is a sham?

I didn't say that. There are happy couples that live apart from each other.  Rich people also have multiple homes, and if she's spent a long day filming perhaps she doesn't want to drive back to Pasadena.  I just was passing along what I thought was some interesting info (taken with a grain of salt.)

Edited by candle96
  • Love 7
3 minutes ago, candle96 said:

I didn't say that. There are happy couples that live apart from each other.  Rich people also have multiple homes, and if she's spent a long day filming perhaps she doesn't want to drive back to Pasadena.  I just was passing along what I thought was some interesting info (taken with a grain of salt.)

I was just being snarky - imo the marriage is questionable.

  • Love 6

What’s in it for Kyle? A super fan? I am not following why Kyle is sticking up for Dorit so hard. Kyle can say Doritos mouth is a tennis ball machine but it’s not ok for a Teddi to say that Dorito was drunk ? 

Over the course of the show, Kyle has often made odd sometimes baffling choices on which other housewives to stick up for.  Remember how she would speak up for Taylor or Faye both hugely unpopular with the viewers, but stay silent when called on to defend LVP, or even her own sister.  

  • Love 4
53 minutes ago, yourmomiseasy said:


I'm pretty sure she drove it to LVP's when she was wearing those god awful purple boots.  It can also be seen in the opening montage of the first episode of the season where Dorit is getting into it wearing her TH holo top with a white suit.  So it's still around.

I think she brought up the apartment on her first season.... the apartment is for Tom when he gets crazy busy / work proximity. 

  • Love 4

With their age differences I would have thought that Erika would have anticipated something happening to Tom at some point. Illness or a heart attack or stroke happens all the time to people in his age group. Heck, it can happen to anyone at anytime but surely she went into this marriage knowing at some point she'd have to give up on her needs and focus on his. 

Loved that Kyle and Teddi did the exercise thing. What I didn't like was when the showed the equipment post work out there looked to be pools of perspiration on the floor. Yuck. 

I thought Kyle's comment that who wants to drink their 400 calories was spot on...exception made for alcohol lol. 

My brother and I are punctual people. He will not wait more than 10 minutes for anyone. I would have been extremely worried and/or annoyed about waiting there for so long. Dorit only cares about Dorit...well maybe a modicum for Jagger or PK. 

  • Love 6

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