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S07.E04: SYSTEM OVERLOAD 2017.12.11

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4 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Of course he did. And of course they needed a break. They'd been working non stop for what, two full days? All those two do is take breaks. If they didn't have this stupid show Cate would be working the overnight shift at 7-11 and Tyler would be stocking shelves at Walmart, complaining about that bitch who was going to do him out of the coveted assistant shift manager job, and trying to mow lawns or sell Amway or something on the side to make ends meet and keep them in weed. They are the worst.

Ty Land would be working with the likes of Lisa Potter.

For those who don't get that reference, check out the recent posts on the Barbara Evans thread about her retirement from Walmart. 

54 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

There are lots of reasons for being overweight.  We don't know what Cate's is.  I understand you want her to enjoy everything but sometimes they have to want it too. 


Sure we do. Lack of energy due to her unhealthy eating habits and no energy due to being "loopy". Binge-watching Netflix for several hours while in bed. Napping for hours (per Tyler). Doing shit all damn day. Eating those 7 pound quesadillas smothered in sour cream. Throw in the beer and soda she drinks. Smoking weed on a daily only brings about the munchies and I highly doubt she is running to the refrigerator for a cup of yogurt or cottage cheese. 

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Is she? Is there anything in real time to tell us that Maci has sought out a court order for drug-testing and visitation? Or is this all for appearance sake for the Teen Mom viewers? I am sincerely asking because it seems Maci has been rattling off since May, when Ryan was filmed drugged out of his mind, that she had to do something to protect her child. Ryan's rehab stint was over in June. We are now in December. What is she doing now? Does @DRUZY or @MKAY have anything as far as what has happened in real-time? Are there any court documents? Are there any articles that can shed light on what is being done now?

Again, Ryan told the attorney that he lacked court ordered visitation and that they'd been "winging it" for 7+ years.  This tells me that all visitation is on Maci's terms. She doesn't have to do anything to stop Ryan from seeing Bentley other than saying no to his requests.  

In terms of what's happened in the months since these scenes were filmed, who knows?  Does anyone follow Ryan, Larry or Jen on social media?  Have they posted any pics with Bentley?  Maybe Ryan started taking the drug tests and Maci agreed to resume visitation.


I feel like somewhere in South Dakota, Adam Lind's parents are composing an email that says:

"Dear Jen and Larry,

Now you know why viewers hardly ever saw us on TM2. 

Sincerely, Adam's Parents"


The best thing Jen and Larry could do at this point is stop filming. It isn't making them look any better...quite the opposite.

So true.

Failed to mention in my earlier posts how glad I was to see Amber finally kick Matt to the curb.  Unfortunately, she's another one who can't live without a man & I feel she's similar to Janelle in that each one will be progressively worse than the last.  

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14 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

It made me wonder if Ryan grew up watching his father beat his mother...

I figured Jen was crying because of how poorly Larry treated Ryan. 

I have to ask again, is Jen's eyeliner tattooed? That shit didn't smear when she was wiping her tears away from her eyes several times. 

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3 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:


Can you all who went through it/are familiar with PAWS explain it better? I know all about the withdrawals in the short term from middle school drug videos, but what about PAWS?

Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome kicks in about 2-3 weeks after the bad withdrawal symptoms disappear. Because your brain chemistry is reliant upon the drugs, it takes time for your system to sort itself out and recover. There are quite a few substances that increase levels of serotonin and dopamine (the things that make you happy and relaxed). When those are depleted, you can fall into a major depression-which is VERY common in PAWS. Plus, you have the cravings for whatever it was that you were on. Your brain makes you crave the substance and you start convincing yourself that your life will never be the same, that you'll never be happy again, that nothing good will ever happen because the drugs made everything better. So you start wanting more and you think about it ALL the time. This can cause anxiety. On top of that you have the leftover physical symptoms. So imagine being in the most depressive state you can imagine, having frequent panic attacks, and suffering from joint aches and chronic headaches. That's PAWS. 

I reccomend that ANYONE who goes off of substances that can cause dependency or addiction, legal or otherwise, to seek help after quitting. A few months of Prozac or Wellbutrin can make a world of difference in your recovery.

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1 hour ago, mamadrama said:

Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome kicks in about 2-3 weeks after the bad withdrawal symptoms disappear. Because your brain chemistry is reliant upon the drugs, it takes time for your system to sort itself out and recover. There are quite a few substances that increase levels of serotonin and dopamine (the things that make you happy and relaxed). When those are depleted, you can fall into a major depression-which is VERY common in PAWS. Plus, you have the cravings for whatever it was that you were on. Your brain makes you crave the substance and you start convincing yourself that your life will never be the same, that you'll never be happy again, that nothing good will ever happen because the drugs made everything better. So you start wanting more and you think about it ALL the time. This can cause anxiety. On top of that you have the leftover physical symptoms. So imagine being in the most depressive state you can imagine, having frequent panic attacks, and suffering from joint aches and chronic headaches. That's PAWS. 

I reccomend that ANYONE who goes off of substances that can cause dependency or addiction, legal or otherwise, to seek help after quitting. A few months of Prozac or Wellbutrin can make a world of difference in your recovery.

I know a few people who took Wellbutrin after kicking their addiction. It did wonders for them. Thanks for your insight and input. :-) 

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23 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

The stuff with Farrah makes me sad for her. The scene where she started to cry in the restaurant was sad.

Usually they have them in a room by themselves, and I can see why--watching the people at the other tables appear and disappear and reappear was distracting, plus it showed how the scene was spliced together.


22 hours ago, Marley said:

Tyler and Catelynn make me laugh. They really do think very high of themselves.

If they really do have millions of followers on social media, I can see how they'd think highly of themselves.  Yet another reason I hate social media.


13 hours ago, ghoulina said:

And then she takes the kid out to get a pedicure and Sophia gets bored after awhile. Farrah's like, "Too bad! I'm trying to enjoy myself!"

She snapped at her just like she snaps at adults, using the same words.  It was kind of scary.


5 hours ago, CaliforniaLove said:

Shamer disclaimer: I don't mean to be a dick, and it's been said before, but dang Cate needs to lose some weight.

I feel shortness of breath when I'm watching her.  But she's not the only one--Gary and Kristina need to lose weight, too, and it probably wouldn't be a bad idea to keep an eye on Leah in that regard, too.  I think she's got the genes to be overweight.

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5 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

That makes me sad for Bentley and Jen. But just wait until Maci needs a babysitter, then she'll be cool with Bentley (and possibly his half-siblings) going to Mimi Jen's. Mimi Jen has really been the main constant in Bentley's life and she's been in the same house, with the same partner, where as Maci has moved a gazillion times and had at least one other live-in boyfriend besides Taylor. Mimi Jen's is probably the stablest place he knows aside from whenever Ryan waltzes in and out while high. 

HMMM. Interesting.....

Jen and Larry kept saying that Ryan was their everything and all they've got in that heartbreaking scene on the couch. I am an only child and I know too well the kind of pressure you can be under as the only kid, so part of me feels for Ryan (however, my parents never would have enabled me like Ryan was/is). It's a ton of pressure to be your parents' "everything" and "only thing." Ryan obviously reacted to it differently than I did. He was a spoiled kid who turned to drugs and I was a perfectionist who had to make good grades & finish graduate degrees to show my parents that their "only thing" was the "best thing."

I get where Jen and Larry are coming from since I'm now a parent. I know what they mean when they say Ryan is their only thing and everything. But they really need to get other things - work on their relationship, figure out who they are without Ryan defining their identity.  I think their whole we know Ryan loves Bentley thing is them projecting how much they love Ryan as parents of one child onto how Ryan feels about Bentley. Ryan is their world (for better or worse) and they can't imagine that Ryan's only son isn't also his world and that the drugs have just been masking that. It just isn't so, Jen and Larry. I think they mean well and my heart breaks for Jen. , but everyone in that family needs to do some intense work on themselves with individual therapy.

And I was pissed for Jen when Larry said (and she agreed) that she was Ryan's trigger. F that. Ryan's drug issues aren't her fault. Her enabling hasn't helped but she didn't make Ryan use. He's an adult and Jen is an easy scapegoat. Jen is too good for all of them (including Maci, who uses her for babysitting) except Bentley. I wish she could see that.

Can you all who went through it/are familiar with PAWS explain it better? I know all about the withdrawals in the short term from middle school drug videos, but what about PAWS?

Also, I could have sworn the outside of the nice house Ryan was at was his friend's house, not his. I thought he even asked his friend how he was liking his house???

Ryan doesn't look 100% clean, but I think he looks a lot better than he did last season. Did y'all catch Mac's face when Ryan admitted he was doing heroin out loud? Home girl was pissed and wasn't hiding it well. 

PAWS (post acute withdrawal syndrome) occurs after detoxing from opiates. It includes crippling depression and pain and a feeling of wanting to crawl out of your skin. It can last for months, and in my case, years.

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Just my reaction:

Macy and her ear stretching thing - OMG, it looks terrible and will look even worse as she ages. [shakes with the willies]

Ryan's parents are is serious denial.  For them to worry more about how their son looks to the viewers they should be worried about their grandson.  Bentley should come first.

Tyler and Cate - I am glad they chose to do the "Michigan Made" route.  Detroit is in a rebirth and I applaud them for going this route.


Did Matt steal money from Amber?  Gotta say I am really liking Gary.

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7 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

I feel like somewhere in South Dakota, Adam Lind's parents are composing an email that says:

"Dear Jen and Larry,

Now you know why viewers hardly ever saw us on TM2. 

Sincerely, Adam's Parents"


The best thing Jen and Larry could do at this point is stop filming. It isn't making them look any better...quite the opposite.

They love the  money and let's face it they think they are great parents.  Ryan has just hit a little bump in the road!  Lol

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9 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

I figured Jen was crying because of how poorly Larry treated Ryan. 

I have to ask again, is Jen's eyeliner tattooed? That shit didn't smear when she was wiping her tears away from her eyes several times. 

A few of my friends have tattoo eyeliner (one has a permanent dot on her cheek due to a clumsy technician) and I’ve seen a few of them cry and it looks the same as Jen. I do believe she has the tattoo version (I mean, you gotta have that “working” on the show teen mom where Chelsea taught them the value of waterproof mascara).

As for Jen and Larry. Methinks there was a lot of verbal abuse if not minor physical abuse in the house which would explain Ryan and Larry’s hot and cold relationship. You see, if isn’t obvious or anything, but Ryan is a mommas boy.

He probably witnessed Larry verbally berate Jen (taking advantage of a woman that lives to make her men happy happens a lot) with a few minor pushes and shoved along the way (I can’t see him beating her even though pushing and shoving should still be taken seriously as assault) and make her cry a lot.

It might be why he doesn’t know how to have a relationship with his own son, as Larry seems to be the type of standoff dad that only shows up to holler at ballgames but left the parenting as woman’s work. I dunno. But Ryan, spare your mom some agony and not use her in your list of triggers.

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I don't know much about addiction, thanks for educating me about PAWS, it sounds awful. I thought that "triggers" were for the addict's knowledge- understanding the things that make one want to use and learning how to cope so that it doesn't happen. Isn't that the addict's responsibility? Ryan and Mac are using the term to blame everyone around them for Ryan's using. Jen, stop crying! It's a trigger! Maci, stop breathing! Don't you know that's a trigger? At what point does Ryan take responsibility for his sobriety? 

And he was definitely high when he talked to the lawyer. That looooong uncomfortable pause when the lawyer said "as soon as you take a drug test" said it all. 

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17 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

Last but not least Amber.  I feel soooo sorry for Gary's wife/girlfriend..what is she?  How does she put up with Amber.  She must be a saint for sure.  I could not do it..could not.  Amber is lazy, self serving and only sees Leah when the cameras are rolling.  Thank heavens Leah is in a good, safe environment.  And now a new baby.  I wonder if Gary will raise this new one because we all know it will soon be a shit show!

It always looks like Christine has that walking on eggshells/when is this bitch leaving look on her face. Why should Gary have to raise her baby, let the dumb schmuck that laid down with her. I don't see worthless Amber being any different than she was with Boo Boo. (gag)

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2 minutes ago, druzy said:

I looked on the court dockets that are posted on Monday and didn't see anything for this week. I'll keep looking.

When was this filmed? Probably June/July 2017, right?


I wouldn't invest too much time digging though. I'd bet my vacation balance at work that these people are all talk, and none of them have been near a court to file anything.

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2 minutes ago, Tatum said:

When was this filmed? Probably June/July 2017, right?


I wouldn't invest too much time digging though. I'd bet my vacation balance at work that these people are all talk, and none of them have been near a court to file anything.


1 minute ago, Kb60 said:

I think the reason why they don't go to court is that obviously they both have something to hide. Maybe pot?

I agree with both posts.

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12 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

I know a few people who took Wellbutrin after kicking their addiction. It did wonders for them. Thanks for your insight and input. :-) 

Mamadrama is one smart lady, learned so much from her,

so glad she is part of 'us' on here:)

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19 minutes ago, Kb60 said:

I think the reason why they don't go to court is that obviously they both have something to hide. Maybe pot?

Eh, in Maci's defense, it sounds like she can just arbitrarily make up the rules as she goes. She doesn't need the courts to require drug testing or supervised visits- she can just tell Ryan he can't have Bentley over to his house and he can't drive with him, or whatever other rules she wants to impose.  There really is no incentive for her to go to court. In fact, going to court may diminish some of the power she has over the Edwards family.

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I continue to be baffled about the freakshow that is Debra. Where did she find this hanger on friend? 

The scene where Maci was telling her friend about the texts from Ryan that where actually from Mac, I had flashbacks to my own childhood where my stepmom would email (this was before texting!) my mom pretending to be my dad. She could always tell. 

Leah is a sweetheart and her awful mother doesn't deserve her.

Tyler and Cate were so ridiculous with their website! 

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1 hour ago, ginger90 said:

Going to court would take the blame off Maci, imo. Court ordered or not, I doubt Ryan will keep up with his time to have Bentley. Hell, I doubt he will even test clean.

Can she though? Not trying to be argumentative, I am just really curious. From what I can tell, everything between Ryan and Maci as far as visitation goes is unofficial. Ryan has no recourse (at the exact moment) if Maci decides to not let him see Bentley. So, if Maci were to go to the courthouse to file some kind of motion for supervised visitation/required drug tests/whatever, it seems like the court could say, you already have total control over this, what do you need us for? But I know nothing of family court.


Does @lezlers still post here? She knows about this kind of thing.

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19 hours ago, SPLAIN said:

Ah, really? That might be the hold-up. We know Ryan's reasons for not seeking a court order. Bentley has never been a priority in his life and he knows he will test positive for drug use. What is Maci's reason for not seeking at least drug-testing through the courts? I know she said she would pay for the drug-testing herself. But I wondered, does that mean she will go out and buy a drug test and have Ryan piss on the stick and then hand it over to her? Why does she need to be the one to pay for it when she could easily go to the courts and have it mandated he be drug-tested?


I know you're being facetious here, but I find that hilarious picturing Maci intending to administer the drug tests herself, right down to watching Ryan pee in the cup so she knows he's not using Mack's pee or something to pass the test.


I would imagine though she meant she'd pay for him to go to one of those drug testing places large companies send new employees to- you go to a center, pee in a cup, and then the lab runs the test.


I think she was bluffing about paying for it though, because she knows Ryan would never agree to do the drug test in the first place, and now she looks like she's the one trying and he's the one refusing, even at a financial cost to Maci only. And really, those testing centers aren't cheap, Plus, she'd have to do it with some regularity. I think I read once that the harder drugs actually leave your system sooner than drugs like pot, so Ryan could theoretically be using and still pass the tests if he was lucky on timing.

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21 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

I truly threw my head back in laughter as Cate filled her two overpackaged Tierra Reign orders and proclaimed that presentation was very important to her. Girl bye.  Sitting there looking like a Tuesday night at the Bingo Hall in that Walmart caftan.

Lmfao!!!! Maaaannnn.... i must of went thru 2, 3 pages of comments, but yours did it! Lol im dying!!! 

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On 12/12/2017 at 3:42 PM, GreatKazu said:

Ty Land would be working with the likes of Lisa Potter.

For those who don't get that reference, check out the recent posts on the Barbara Evans thread about her retirement from Walmart. 

Sure we do. Lack of energy due to her unhealthy eating habits and no energy due to being "loopy". Binge-watching Netflix for several hours while in bed. Napping for hours (per Tyler). Doing shit all damn day. Eating those 7 pound quesadillas smothered in sour cream. Throw in the beer and soda she drinks. Smoking weed on a daily only brings about the munchies and I highly doubt she is running to the refrigerator for a cup of yogurt or cottage cheese. 

*fucking dead!!!! Lol You always make my days with your posts! 

Btw...i think cate chooses to be a sloppy mess, there are a lot of big beautiful woman that i personally know that dress nice (in fashionable, cute, body fitting clothing), do their hair/makeup, and absolutely do NOT go around looking like that. This bitch has a bank account with a shit load of money to at least be put together a little better...no excuse, just pure fucking laziness.

Edited by JuliesMommy
Apperently i couldnt spell "absolutely"...twice!
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16 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

I feel shortness of breath when I'm watching her.  But she's not the only one--Gary and Kristina need to lose weight, too, and it probably wouldn't be a bad idea to keep an eye on Leah in that regard, too.  I think she's got the genes to be overweight.

Gary and Cate definitely scare me the most. But I think Cate might give more people pause because she was a LOT smaller when the show started. While Gary has put on pounds too, he's always been heavy. Cate was NOT heavy at the start of the show. So that's a lot to put on in such a short time frame. It's not just her weight. Her hair is awful and her clothes look like she just grabbed an outdoor umbrella and wrapped the canvass around her body. At least Kristina takes care of herself. 

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2 hours ago, Tatum said:

Can she though? Not trying to be argumentative, I am just really curious. From what I can tell, everything between Ryan and Maci as far as visitation goes is unofficial. Ryan has no recourse (at the exact moment) if Maci decides to not let him see Bentley. So, if Maci were to go to the courthouse to file some kind of motion for supervised visitation/required drug tests/whatever, it seems like the court could say, you already have total control over this, what do you need us for? But I know nothing of family court.


Does @lezlers still post here? She knows about this kind of thing.

I'm here!  Since there's no court order in place, I think Maci would be kind of dumb to go to court, tbh.   Without an order, she has all of the power when it comes to visitation.  She wouldn't have to be afraid of someone coming at her with an endangerment charge for allowing Bentley to be with Ryan if she doesn't allow Bentley to see Ryan, you know?  Or if she insists that visitations be at Jen and Larry's and gets that in writing.   If those things are done, her ass is covered plus she still maintains total control over visitation.  The minute she walks into court, she puts herself at the mercy of the court and will have to comply with whatever the court orders.  The person who needs to go to court is RYAN but we all know he'll never do it since all he does is talk a big game but never actually follow through with anything.   Now, if Ryan DOES ever go to court, THEN Maci can respond with a request for drug testing and supervised visitation.  But until he takes that step, she makes the rules.

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2 minutes ago, lezlers said:

I'm here!  Since there's no court order in place, I think Maci would be kind of dumb to go to court, tbh.   Without an order, she has all of the power when it comes to visitation.  She wouldn't have to be afraid of someone coming at her with an endangerment charge for allowing Bentley to be with Ryan if she doesn't allow Bentley to see Ryan, you know?  Or if she insists that visitations be at Jen and Larry's and gets that in writing.   If those things are done, her ass is covered plus she still maintains total control over visitation.  The minute she walks into court, she puts herself at the mercy of the court and will have to comply with whatever the court orders.  The person who needs to go to court is RYAN but we all know he'll never do it since all he does is talk a big game but never actually follow through with anything.   Now, if Ryan DOES ever go to court, THEN Maci can respond with a request for drug testing and supervised visitation.  But until he takes that step, she makes the rules.

Thank you! That's what I was getting at. I am no fan of Maci's, but I don't think there's some secret skeleton in Maci's closet that is making her reluctant to go to court. I am sure she just thinks, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.


The ONLY advantage of her going to a court that I can see is that if Jen asks Maci about unsupervised visits with Ryan, Maci can shrug her shoulders and say, it's not me, Jen, the court says Bentley cannot be with Ryan unsupervised. Which is moot because Jen and Larry would just be pissed that she got a court order requiring supervised visitation in the first place. Plus, whatever blame she could deflect would be offset by her total loss of control over the situation, and we all know Maci likes control.

24 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Gary and Cate definitely scare me the most. But I think Cate might give more people pause because she was a LOT smaller when the show started. While Gary has put on pounds too, he's always been heavy. Cate was NOT heavy at the start of the show. So that's a lot to put on in such a short time frame. It's not just her weight. Her hair is awful and her clothes look like she just grabbed an outdoor umbrella and wrapped the canvass around her body. At least Kristina takes care of herself. 

I was just thinking about that. In the first season of TM, Cate was probably a size 10, maybe even smaller. She did yo-yo diet a bit in the first few seasons (like 2009-2011, maybe?), but since then, she has been steadily gaining the weight, with the most noticeable jump probably within the last year. I agree with those who think she has some kind of mental illness.


Actually, I'd say all moms on both series, with the exception of possibly Chelsea and Maci, suffer from some kind of mental illness.

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47 minutes ago, Tatum said:

Thank you! That's what I was getting at. I am no fan of Maci's, but I don't think there's some secret skeleton in Maci's closet that is making her reluctant to go to court. I am sure she just thinks, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.


The ONLY advantage of her going to a court that I can see is that if Jen asks Maci about unsupervised visits with Ryan, Maci can shrug her shoulders and say, it's not me, Jen, the court says Bentley cannot be with Ryan unsupervised. Which is moot because Jen and Larry would just be pissed that she got a court order requiring supervised visitation in the first place. Plus, whatever blame she could deflect would be offset by her total loss of control over the situation, and we all know Maci likes control.

I was just thinking about that. In the first season of TM, Cate was probably a size 10, maybe even smaller. She did yo-yo diet a bit in the first few seasons (like 2009-2011, maybe?), but since then, she has been steadily gaining the weight, with the most noticeable jump probably within the last year. I agree with those who think she has some kind of mental illness.


Actually, I'd say all moms on both series, with the exception of possibly Chelsea and Maci, suffer from some kind of mental illness.

Exactly.  The only reason I could see for a custodial parent to go to court to establish visitation would be 1. they're afraid the non-custodial parent will try to take the child and flee 2. They want a child support order in place and want to hold the non-custodial parent in contempt for not paying or 3. they don't want to deal with the non-custodial parent at all and want to just go through the courts.

Those are the only reasons why, as a custodial parent, you'd want to get the courts involved.  Otherwise, you're just putting yourself at a potential disadvantage for no real gain.

Edited by lezlers
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Soo I truly believe if Ryan was left alone he would never see Bentley.

He makes small efforts just for Jen and maybe his dad.

Remember way back when Mack and Ryan were living together.  Heck he would do nothing for Bentley.

Maci  knows this.  Jen knows this.  Mac knows this.

Ryan just wants to do nothing but lay around all day, be Jens boy and shoot up!

Mac only entered the picture when Jen stepped aside!

As it told my daughter when her ex disappointed her again...he was a snake when you picked him up!!!  Do you really expect greatness from a snake?

Edited by Jeanne222
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The thing is as I said before, the Ryan and Maci saga makes me like none of them any more or less than I did before. Both Mackenzie and Taylor annoy me for different versions, Ryan’s parents are delusional and Ryan and Maci have always been people I dislike. Ryan with his bad attitude and terrible parenting and Maci with her high horse attitude. None of her scenes make me like her. And look I get that it bothers her that Ryan has this attitude that he had a choice to parent.

Maci did step up and Ryan did not, Ryan was coddled and she sees the same thing happening when Bentley comes home from his grandparents, at the same time, I can’t get behind her being the best parent ever. It’s an edit that she’s gotten for a good bulk of this show but sometimes I can’t buy it. I think Maxis a decent enough parent and maybe I have no room to talk  as I am not a parent but something about Maci has always rubbed me the wrong way after the first couple seasons of TM. And then there was her Being Maci special.. I don’t know. I just can’t with her either. 

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The main thing I wanted to say was:  Did anyone else notice the Marilyn Monroe t-shirt Catelynn and Tyler's friend was wearing while they were packaging the clothes?  *laughs*

I might be alone in thinking Catelynn actually looks somewhat decent this season. Compared to her greasy sidebang and Angry Bird t-shirt phase.  Her eye makeup looks like it took some effort and her clothes may be unflattering to her age but they do fit her body type.  I don't want to shame her for her size but she does need to worry about her triglyceride levels with what she eats and her lack of exercise. She may be at risk for heart disease and she has time to turn it around. 


I would expect nothing less from Amber then to brag about if someone had a verified Twitter.  Leah and her little sister (can't remember her name) are absolutely gorgeous little girls.


Ryan surprised me by his drug of choice.  I assumed it was a pill addiction or meth from the way his eyes always popped out of his head. 

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On 12/12/2017 at 11:39 PM, jumper sage said:

Just my reaction:

Macy and her ear stretching thing - OMG, it looks terrible and will look even worse as she ages. [shakes with the willies]

Ryan's parents are is serious denial.  For them to worry more about how their son looks to the viewers they should be worried about their grandson.  Bentley should come first.

Tyler and Cate - I am glad they chose to do the "Michigan Made" route.  Detroit is in a rebirth and I applaud them for going this route.


Did Matt steal money from Amber?  Gotta say I am really liking Gary.

This is slightly off topic, but in regards to the ear stretching, there is a channel on YouTube called “dr pimple popper” she is a dermatologist in California (near la I think) and she just posted a video recently of repairing an ear after they had been stretched. I’m weirdly interested in that kind of stuff (I’m a nurse so I don’t really get squeamish easily) but it’s not for everyone.

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I created an online Amazon Ads course for authors. I've been pushing it all week and it finally went "live" today. It's hopefully going to give us extra money for December and January. We have a lot riding on it. Within an hour, 10 people had signed up for it. Three hours later, my entire website crashed. People were messaging me left and right, kind of panicking. 

It was embarrassing and frustrating but you know what I did? Apologized to everyone, sent a ticket to Bluehost, and waited until it was back up. 

You know what I DIDN'T do? Freak out, melodramatically feel like my life was over, and then ask my husband to send me to rehab. 

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1 hour ago, mamadrama said:

I created an online Amazon Ads course for authors. I've been pushing it all week and it finally went "live" today. It's hopefully going to give us extra money for December and January. We have a lot riding on it. Within an hour, 10 people had signed up for it. Three hours later, my entire website crashed. People were messaging me left and right, kind of panicking. 

It was embarrassing and frustrating but you know what I did? Apologized to everyone, sent a ticket to Bluehost, and waited until it was back up. 

You know what I DIDN'T do? Freak out, melodramatically feel like my life was over, and then ask my husband to send me to rehab. 

Congratulations !


And look I get that it bothers her that Ryan has this attitude that he had a choice to parent.




Edited by ginger90
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9 hours ago, S86226 said:

I'v never been a fan of Farrah, but as of lately, i like Mackenzie WAY less than Farrah.  Farrah has been much more likeable, imo, now that there is distance between her and Deb.

You know, there are people in our lives that are so toxic to our growth that they truly do bring out the worst in us and I think we saw that with Farrah and Debra.

Even though Farrah was always RUDE to Michael, she did that when Debra was around annoying the shit out of her so Farrah’s annoyance level meter went off at the smallest things. With Debra out of site, Farrah doesn’t have that annoyance bench mark already being met by Debra so she can tolerate Michael a little more because Debra didn’t prime her patience. Lmao. I think.

There is a member of my family that irks the hell out of everyone. Whenever this person is around people get short tempered QUICK.

I’m one of those annoyingly bubbly people so when this person is around me I’ve had longtime friends look at me like “What the hell is wrong with you today? I’ve never seen you be so short tempered and bitchy!! Please! Are you okay?” Until I realize so and so is around priming my patience with their toxic nonsense (Johnny Raincloud, the woe is me, the I like to speak to your manager type, and the one that nonchalantly makes backhanded compliments of your achievements and home) so I can see that maaaaaybe Debra influenced Farrah’s shitty personality but Farrah needs to take responsibility for a lot of it because there is a thing called self control and one should use it when speaking to strangers and loved ones regardless if someone crapped on your mood.

Edited by Calm81
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7 hours ago, jumper sage said:

Just wanted to add that I thought that Ryan's dad opinion that Maci is still in love with Ryan is RIDICULOUS!  Wow, now I see where Ryan gets his delusions from.

You know, I don't know how Maci feels about Ryan. It's not impossible she still has feelings for him, but the examples Larry and Mackenzie used for the "smoking gun" evidence that Maci still loved Ryan were ridiculous. Particularly the one where Mack says, yeah, remember, how she said on TV that she cries every night in bed with Taylor over Ryan? Hey Mack, this be a foreign concept to you, since you left your child for 3 weeks so you could twiddle your thumbs outside of the rehab facility in another state, but some parents actually do cry when they feel like they have saddled their child with a shitty father, which Ryan is, and I am positive that's what Maci meant when she said it. If Maci was sobbing over her unrequited love for Ryan, I don't think she'd do it in front of her husband and she certainly wouldn't admit it on national TV.


That said, if Maci is annoyed when she sees that scene, I'll have to laugh at her.


Hey, Maci, isn't it frustrating when every word you say is analyzed and used as proof that you're still in love with someone, regardless of how irrelevant it was? Maybe give your friends a heads up then.

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7 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

Maci did step up and Ryan did not, Ryan was coddled and she sees the same thing happening when Bentley comes home from his grandparents, at the same time, I can’t get behind her being the best parent ever.

She's made some questionable parenting choices, and I don't just mean drinking while pregnant and texting while driving with all her kids in the car. In the early days, Maci left Bentley with her parents for an entire month (this was probably 2010-ish) so she could go on some Teen Mom speaking tour that led to a lot of drinking on beaches and at hotel bars. I also never approved of her decision to live in a frat house while raising Bentley and playing beer pong with the local college coeds in the garage after Bentley went to sleep.  She also frequently in the early days encouraged Bentley to call Kyle K. after he and Maci had argued as a way to smooth things over. And she frequently asked 3-4 year Bentley leading questions on camera about his time at the Edwards house to make a point of how not involved Ryan was.


Maci is a decent mother, but she's very immature. That bleeds into a lot of aspects of her life.


1 hour ago, Lm2162 said:

This. I don't know if I'd go to court if I was Maci. You never know what you're going to get in family court. It's so subjective. She *could* get mandated drug tests, but she could also get a judge who just went through a bitter divorce and is all about fathers' rights, and rules that Bentley see his father MORE often. Right now she has all the power, which, yes, she enjoys having because she is a control freak, but in this case she needs it, with an addict baby daddy, his scheming wife, and enabling grandparents. I'd be scared that I would lose that control in court. 

On the topic of Farrah, I think Deb is a very abusive person. Farrah is no angel, but I think she and Michael both suffered extreme psychological abuse at Debra's hands. And Farrah was a child during it. She's not good at expressing herself, and Deb was her model for how to communicate, so she can't get across how manipulative she was. The first time I noticed this was at Sophia's first birthday party. Farrah had written her a card and was reading it aloud to Sophia/the table, and Debra openly interrupted her repeatedly to draw attention to herself, and disrupt the moment with her mom, and never let her finish reading. Farrah asked her to wait until she was done reading and she pretended she didn't hear multiple times and just kept talking, drawing all the focus to herself, until Farrah just gave up on reading the card and looked sad. It was a small thing, but it was silencing and gaslighting for no apparent reason.

Deb was so confusing, because sometimes she came across as so normal and down to earth, with really practical, good advice for Farrah, and sometimes she just went off the freaking walls- and often she could switch back and forth with no warning. I still remember in the 16&P episode, after Sophia was born, Farrah and Deb were going to look at cars. Farrah had crashed her car and was getting a replacement, I believe with some money from her grandparents and Farrah would also be responsible for the payments. I don't think it was going to be much of a financial investment for Deb. Anyways, so Farrah had some a fair amount of research, especially for a 17 year old, and decided for affordability and reliability, a Ford Focus (I think- pretty sure it was a small sedan, domestic) would be her best bet. And as she's earnestly explaining her reasons (which were surprisingly mature for a 17 year old), Deb just snaps, I HATE Ford Focuses! And the nice, pleasant convo devolves into Deb calling Farrah the anti-Christ and smacking her across the face.

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20 hours ago, MaggieG said:

I continue to be baffled about the freakshow that is Debra. Where did she find this hanger on friend?

I’m pretty sure that is her hairdresser friend she met at an executive MBA class.  I think they showed him a few years back doing her hair and explained the friendship.  Dude is fame hungry.

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17 hours ago, JuliesMommy said:

*fucking dead!!!! Lol You always make my days with your posts! 

Btw...i think cate chooses to be a sloppy mess, there are a lot of big beautiful woman that i personally know that dress nice (in fashionable, cute, body fitting clothing), do their hair/makeup, and absoluty do NOT go around looking like that. This bitch has a bank account with a shit load of money to at least be put together a little better...no excuse, just pure fucking laziness.

I've been reading these how Cate looks and dresses posts for a long time now and I have to stick up for her for a second.

Most of us girls in rural Michigan dress like Cate. We aren't fashion forward and to be blunt we would stick out like a sore thumb in most places if we did our hair and put on tons of make-up and dressed up just to go to Meijer. Same with her hairstyle, I could go out today and get pics of twenty girls in ten minutes with the same ponytail and one piece of hair pulled forward. The majority of us here are overweight too.

Cate and Tyler fit into Michigan and where they live. We're a little backwoods and wear a lot of hoodies with pink camo but I've really never seen them act out of character for where they live. It seems strange to me to go to a larger city and see everyone dressed up with their hair and nails done and that's where I would feel out of place.

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51 minutes ago, citychic said:

I've been reading these how Cate looks and dresses posts for a long time now and I have to stick up for her for a second.

Most of us girls in rural Michigan dress like Cate. We aren't fashion forward and to be blunt we would stick out like a sore thumb in most places if we did our hair and put on tons of make-up and dressed up just to go to Meijer. Same with her hairstyle, I could go out today and get pics of twenty girls in ten minutes with the same ponytail and one piece of hair pulled forward. The majority of us here are overweight too.

Cate and Tyler fit into Michigan and where they live. We're a little backwoods and wear a lot of hoodies with pink camo but I've really never seen them act out of character for where they live. It seems strange to me to go to a larger city and see everyone dressed up with their hair and nails done and that's where I would feel out of place.

I get what you are saying.   However, Cate looks dirty and greasy.   She also wears the SAME hoodie/pants on multiple days.   There is a difference between dressing down and wearing stuff that looks like she has slept in it and worn it multiple days.   She crosses the line and she is ON DAMN TV!  Just my opinion.  

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