scarynikki12 December 2, 2017 Share December 2, 2017 Quote Amunet kidnaps Caitlin and puts meta-dampener handcuffs on her to keep her from turning into Killer Frost. Link to comment
Whodunnit December 6, 2017 Share December 6, 2017 Oh Barry, why didn't you grab the body and run? 3 Link to comment
Lady Calypso December 6, 2017 Share December 6, 2017 Not the worst mid-season finale, but also not the best. Hello, Dominic. Not a bad entrance to his character. Before the end scene, I honestly expected him and Caitlin to hook up. Why is it that when any man interacts with Caitlin, I assume the worst about her becoming a love interest? Maybe because it's happened three seasons in a row that I just expect any new guy to hook up with her. At least they've avoided Caitlin/Ralph...for now. I'm surprised Tom got to interact not just with Candice, but Danielle as well. Usually, it's Harry/Cisco scenes, so I'm glad for a Harry/Caitlin and Harry/Iris scene. Ralph still irritates me. How many times is he going to be a dick, only to correct himself by the end of the episode? Also, it was NOT just Ralph to be mean to Caitlin. Harry and Cisco both jumped in gleefully and didn't bother to apologize. So that annoyed me. So, I guess Dominic being DeVoe was a surprise. I guess I should have suspected it with the foreign object. I guess it's a way to still have the character, but not the actor. Barry, when you get your door kicked in by your own co-workers, maybe try to explain that you didn't do it, or something. I did enjoy seeing Iris have to make a choice. I mean, she wasn't wrong. Caitlin was about to be killed and Barry got himself out. But she couldn't have known either outcome. I did enjoy Amunet kind of praising Caitlin and not Killer Frost. I'll comment a little later once I process. 8 Link to comment
raven December 6, 2017 Share December 6, 2017 Poor Domenic :(( 11 Link to comment
dkb December 6, 2017 Share December 6, 2017 (edited) Jeez show, can't Barry and Iris be happy together for more than a couple episodes? For some reason I thought this episode would be lighter following the Nazi's on the crossover. I really dislike this DeVoe dude, but looks like the wife is having second thoughts already. Is this going to be the trial of the Flash that was on the newspapers from the future? But he wasn't Flash when they caught him, just Barry Allen. I agree with Cisco in this episode, "Ralph, shut up!" Also watching live is torture. Edited December 6, 2017 by dkb 2 Link to comment
Whodunnit December 6, 2017 Share December 6, 2017 I missed the first half hour because I was making cookies (and I get the impression that it was Ralph intensive) did I miss anything important? Link to comment
Jediknight December 6, 2017 Share December 6, 2017 I knew that Barry was being framed for murder when he got the knife, but I didn't expect DeVoe to switched his mind with Dominic. Poor Caitlin, all her love interests either die or become villains. Yep, Iris was pissed about Felicity and Oliver's wedding. Her and Barry's looks were ones of not being happy. 10 Link to comment
Rachel RSL December 6, 2017 Share December 6, 2017 3 minutes ago, Whodunnit said: Oh Barry, why didn't you grab the body and run? I said the exact same thing! It's like he forgets he has super powers. Same with when Devoe/Dominic called him. Instead of telling him not to hurt your family, just zip over there, it would take half a second. Speaking of, Mrs. Devoe really traded up! Iris being bitter about Felicity hijacking her wedding is probably the most realistic thing that's ever happened on this show. No sane woman would ever be ok with that happening. 16 Link to comment
ottoDbusdriver December 6, 2017 Share December 6, 2017 That was .... confusing. Did DeVoe copy himself into Dominic ? Or transfer himself into Dominic, leaving his body lifeless ? So who was driving the floating the chair into the river ? Because I don't see Dominic cooperating if it was an exchange. So Devoe now has telepathic powers. What's one more. DeVoe has invented laser grids, teleportation, Doc Ock-style remote arms and anti-gravity flying chairs -- so why not just patent this stuff and retire with billions. Was Devoe's entire Rube Goldberg-style plan just to frame Barry for murder ? 4 Link to comment
DearEvette December 6, 2017 Share December 6, 2017 Yup Iris was not pleased by wedding interruptus. Added to that her shade included their non-registry gift. Ha! Poor, hot psychic dude. I couldn't help flashing back to Get Out after Devoe brain swapped him. I don't mind the development of Barry going to jail. I am looking forward to see where this is gonna go. Also, Mrs. DeVoe looks like she is not quite 100% on board with new guy. 13 Link to comment
Primal Slayer December 6, 2017 Share December 6, 2017 Overall it was an ok mid season finale. Felt a little bit to much like a regular episode though besides the beginning and ending. Caitlin has gotten a decent storyline this season which is nice, especially this episode which was good for her and showing how important she is besides just shooting icicles out of her palms. smart SOB, body swapping not only to give Flash their first POC villain but also use your OG body to set Barry up for murder! Which we saw in S1 or 2 when Barry was running through time I believe, so thats nice. I wonder if this is a new thing they will do each season, bring in a new male character and make sure to find everyway to insert him into each episode. I don't mind Ralph that much but I noticed, like Julian, they treat him with a bit more importance then they do other characters. Mainly Wally who they seem to have fallen out of love with for the time being. They also should've cut Ralph hitting on Amunet. It was beyond stupid. 7 Link to comment
Terrafamilia December 6, 2017 Share December 6, 2017 A halfway decent defense attorney should be able to poke multiple holes into whatever story the prosecution can come up with. Which is why Barry won't be getting one. 4 Link to comment
notagain December 6, 2017 Share December 6, 2017 ? get out, really! 1 Link to comment
cambridgeguy December 6, 2017 Share December 6, 2017 OK, a show called the Flash is not going to have the titular character moping in a jail cell for that long unless they're going to have Barry do his Flash thing in between cell checks. That being said, maybe some of Henry's old prison buddies are still in Iron Heights and they can swap stories. 4 Link to comment
Primal Slayer December 6, 2017 Share December 6, 2017 Flash pulling a Get Out lol 4 Link to comment
Maverick December 6, 2017 Share December 6, 2017 I missed Iris being pissed about the wedding. What did she say? Devoe took over Dominic's body after he was rescued. Amunet found him again and sold him to Mrs. Devoe. Devoe took over Dominic, the sent a robot to release Barry and die. Devoe is really a villain. He straight up murdered Dominic. Unless he's still in there somewhere. 6 Link to comment
amass December 6, 2017 Share December 6, 2017 20 minutes ago, RogerDodger said: Can someone clarify the time line when Devoe became Dominic, when he captured Barry, when he released Barry and fell in the water, and when Amunet captured and sold Dominic. Devoe captured Barry and Barry got away... at the same time Amunet kidnapped Caitlin to do surgery on Dominic and then they got away. After that Amunet captured Dominic and brought him to Devoe who then did the mind swap. 15 minutes ago, ottoDbusdriver said: That was .... confusing. Did DeVoe copy himself into Dominic ? Or transfer himself into Dominic, leaving his body lifeless ? So who was driving the floating the chair into the river ? Because I don't see Dominic cooperating if it was an exchange. So Devoe now has telepathic powers. What's one more. DeVoe has invented laser grids, teleportation, Doc Ock-style remote arms and anti-gravity flying chairs -- so why not just patent this stuff and retire with billions. Was Devoe's entire Rube Goldberg-style plan just to frame Barry for murder ? Devoe was driving the floating chair into the river.... they did the mind swap after that. 2 Link to comment
Primal Slayer December 6, 2017 Share December 6, 2017 1 minute ago, Maverick said: I missed Iris being pissed about the wedding. What did she say? To which all I gotta say to Iris is.... 19 Link to comment
bettername2come December 6, 2017 Share December 6, 2017 I didn't see that twist coming. I am glad they're following up on that "Barry in jail" flash we got back in the season 1 finale. Didn't see the knife coming as a murder weapon either, which is sad because I've been watching TV my whole life. Love the Dominic actor. He did a great job with both characters. Barry choosing to get caught isn't even the worst decision he's made in the last week. I definitely think he was in a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation. Devoe is certainly capable of having a backup way to frame Barry. I'm amused that Harry was wearing a hat all episode. Presumably because Tom Cavanagh is still sporting Eobard Thawne hair. Glad Caitlin got the villainous pep talk. If Killer Frost is going to be such a part of the team, I'm gonna need to see her hanging out with the team in non-crisis moments. 7 Link to comment
tennisgurl December 6, 2017 Share December 6, 2017 13 minutes ago, DearEvette said: Poor, hot psychic dude. I couldn't help flashing back to Get Out after Devoe brain swapped him. Yeah, thats where my mind totally went as well. So DeVoe created the meta humans to...steal their bodies and powers? That is WAY nastier than anything I expected. Mrs. DeVoe seemed a little freaked out watching what hubbie was up to, and I felt some chinks in the relationship armor here and there. Good finale, I enjoyed the group dynamics and Barry being framed. Shouldn't last very long, but it should be an interesting ride. Although, did we just HAVE to bring up the stupid double wedding thing? I AM SO SICK OF TALKING ABOUT THIS!!!!!!!!!!! *breathes* Anyway, I did enjoy watching Barry and Iris go through their registry, and the stuff with Iris being team leader and having to make hard choices was well done. I like seeing the ruthless side of Harry some back, especially with Iris and in the scene with Joe and DeVoe. "A smarter man would remember my finger is still on this trigger". Also enjoy when Joe gets his Liam Neeson on. "If you dont tell me where my son is, I will find you, and I will kill you". I hope poor Dominic is still alive somewhere. Poor guy. I liked the actor as well, and having a telepath as an ally could be very helpful. I thought Ralph was improved on from last time we saw him, they toned down the skeevy side and had him being more of an exuberant asshole, which is something I can deal with. I actually enjoy having someone on the team again who takes some getting used to, and is trying to be a better guy. Although, Harry and Cisco were talking about how awesome Killer Frost was to Caitlin too. Thats not all on him! 7 Link to comment
bmoore4026 December 6, 2017 Share December 6, 2017 ..............................................................................................................................................................................................I hate frame up storylines 3 Link to comment
benteen December 6, 2017 Share December 6, 2017 (edited) Quote Not the worst mid-season finale, but also not the best. I think that's my assessment too. Though I do appreciate when they do a Christmas scene. The guy playing Dominic seems good but I'll miss the original Devoe actor, who was quite good. I just remembered that in Season 1 (or possibly 2) Barry saw an image of himself in jail. When Barry threatened Devoe about Joe, I wanted the exchange to go... Barry "If you hurt him, I swear I'll..." Devoe "Let him go like you did with Thawne last week. I watched Crisis on Earth-X, idiot." Seriously though, Barry let a mass-murderer like Thawne walk because he was too lazy to lock him up so what does Devoe have to worry about? Edited December 6, 2017 by benteen 6 Link to comment
SnoGirl December 6, 2017 Share December 6, 2017 Who got Barry and Iris twenty toasters (was it toasters?) Was it Mick? Barry and Iris commented on them stealing them. It had to be Mick right? Who else is a thief on the three shows other than Not!Snart? 7 Link to comment
scarynikki12 December 6, 2017 Author Share December 6, 2017 It was Mick. He stole a bunch of them and they only realized it after exchanging them for all the store credit ever. 12 Link to comment
SevenStars December 6, 2017 Share December 6, 2017 I see a vow renewal or a new wedding in Iris and Barry's future cause clearly the Flash writers were not really here for that interrupted double wedding shit, lmao. I love, love the ending with Devoe. Devoe is becoming my favorite villain. I can't wait to see how the Dominic actor play him going forward. But so far, so good. Barry could have easily cleaned up that murder mess before the cops got in. That was really bad writing. The writers should have cops come while Barry was there and have them search the house and find the body, and have Barry discover the body at the same time. That would have worked better. With that said, I love, love that Barry didn't run because of Iris. I wonder if the team is going to believe Barry when he claims that Dominic is the now deceased Devoe. Iris, Iris, I understood why Iris picked to save Caitlin first. But that makes me realize how different Barry and Iris really are because if Barry was in Iris' position, Caitlin and Dominic would be dead. Because Barry wouldn't care about what was best, only about saving Iris I guess that's why Barry needs Iris, someone who is willing to think beyond what they want or desire. I have nothing to say about the Caitlin part of the story, except I'm glad her fans got to see her be appreciated. 15 Link to comment
Proteus December 6, 2017 Share December 6, 2017 So what's does everyone think? Is Dominic dead? Im glad Caitlin got good scenes tonight. 2 Link to comment
ottoDbusdriver December 6, 2017 Share December 6, 2017 When Dominic got up from the table after Amunet was knocked out, he still had the piece of metal in his head -- even though Caitlin just removed it. Hello, continuity guy ?? And they never really showed HOW Dominic got that piece of metal lodged in his skull ? He didn't get it when he was initially kidnapped -- he just got his head smashed against a car window. Why would Amunet risk damaging Dominic's head at all ? How did DeVoe escape from the river without drowning, exactly ? It would have really helped if they showed Amunet actually re-capturing Dominic, and also Devoe escaping from the river. Wouldn't Barry have searched the river to see if DeVoe was really dead ? At least try and recover his floating chair -- because that would be some valuable tech. And wouldn't the CCPD detectives wonder why they found DeVoe dead in Barry's loft, but not his wheelchair ? I know Barry can't fly, but couldn't he just jump off the floating chair and run down the side of the buildings that they slammed into ? 1 Link to comment
srpturtle80 December 6, 2017 Share December 6, 2017 I didn’t take Iris’s comment about getting married during their wedding not being on the registry as being about Oliver and Felicity at all. I think she meant that she and Barry couldn’t get married during their wedding, as they could not because the Nazis interrupted. JMHO. But I definitely see how it could be interpreted the other way! 2 Link to comment
mxc90 December 6, 2017 Share December 6, 2017 (edited) What excuse is Mrs. Devoe going to use to explain having a "new" man to others and her hubby's body isn't even cold? I am having a hard time embracing Katee Sackhoff in this role after watching her on Battlestar Galactica and Longmire. I thought Cisco was going to remove the extra devices in Barry's suit? Wally in Cambodia. Is this leading to something? If Dominic owns a minivan, why was he taking the bus? Edited December 6, 2017 by mxc90 Link to comment
ruby24 December 6, 2017 Share December 6, 2017 I like that the Flash writers hated the double wedding just like we did, lol. I hope this leads to them having some sort of other celebration later in the season, maybe. Interesting that we're doing Trial of the Flash so early! I predicted this was the Thinker's plan, but I thought it would happen somewhere in the mid-teens (in episode numbers). Now we know why Grant's had that beard going on, looks like Barry's going to be sitting in jail for a while. But this also means the story kind of has to resolve itself earlier too, because no way does the Flash sit in a jail cell or a courtroom for the rest of the season. 7 Link to comment
johntfs December 6, 2017 Share December 6, 2017 (edited) 17 hours ago, ruby24 said: I like that the Flash writers hated the double wedding just like we did, I didn't hate the double-wedding and don't think Iris hated it... much. If she hated anything it was that her big, beautiful church wedding got trashed by fucking Nazis from another dimension. Edited December 6, 2017 by johntfs 5 Link to comment
ruby24 December 6, 2017 Share December 6, 2017 I have to know if this is really it for Neil Sandilands. It just seems like such a waste, he's been great in these few episodes. I'm skeptical about that...I think they're going to figure out some way to bring him back eventually, like a clone body or something. 3 Link to comment
Lantern7 December 6, 2017 Share December 6, 2017 Damn, Cliff. Dominic. Cliffinic? The Flash just came back from fighting Nazis on another Earth, and you float in and fuck up his shit? I know, midseason finale, but c'mon, man! Interesting that the writers are going "The Trial Of The Flash" on us. Yes, more like "The Trial of Barry Allen," but the spirit is still there. And Thinker played him like a dang fiddle. "You want to know where I came up with this idea?" "Um, by yourself, because you're so damn smart?" "No. My wife took me to the cinema earlier this year, and-" "STOP." Yes, that's where my mind went as well. Really hoping that Caitlin and Killer Frost can be reconciled, because the split persona thing is annoying. Also, weren't Cisco and Harry liking KF like Ralph was? I know Ralph is a jackass, but I can't see him being entirely at fault. I can live with him and Cisco being frenemies, especially since Harry is more sociable. And I liked the payoff with Gypsy's cube. Just don't let her dad find out. Amunet is a good villain. But since she's not the main villain, she's probably dead meat before the finale. 4 Link to comment
johntfs December 6, 2017 Share December 6, 2017 7 minutes ago, Lantern7 said: Really hoping that Caitlin and Killer Frost can be reconciled, because the split persona thing is annoying Actually, I like what they're doing with it this season. It's going where I hoped it would go. Killer Frost as the Dark, Evil Twin, is boring and been there, done that. Killer Frost as a version of Chloe from "Don't Trust the B---- in Apartment 23" is awesome. 3 Link to comment
ottoDbusdriver December 6, 2017 Share December 6, 2017 1 minute ago, johntfs said: Killer Frost as a version of Chloe from "Don't Trust the B---- in Apartment 23" is awesome. I miss that little show. Chloe was awesome 1 Link to comment
tennisgurl December 6, 2017 Share December 6, 2017 I also really cracked up at Gypsy's Christmas gift to Cisco, and everyone's reaction to it. Hope her dad never hears about that one! They really are doing a good job at the whole long distance relationship thing. 5 Link to comment
InsertWordHere December 6, 2017 Share December 6, 2017 (edited) I hope Dominic isn’t “dead.” I really enjoyed the character. I really like the actor as well. That said, I wish the show hadn’t chosen to have a white man buy a black man’s body and take over his free will, assuming Dominic’s consciousness even exists anymore. 4 hours ago, Rachel RSL said: Iris being bitter about Felicity hijacking her wedding is probably the most realistic thing that's ever happened on this show. No sane woman would ever be ok with that happening. Well, call me insane because I totally would, especially if it took absolutely no time or expense from me. Expense being the main reason I think most brides would be upset to have their moment “hijacked.” I also chose to forego a wedding registry so I probably wouldn’t be complaining about a nice espresso machine that’s not on the registry either. Shrug. It’s understandable that Iris is disappointed with how her wedding turned out, many women would be, but not all of us are the bride must be the center of attention (when there’s a two person audience) type. It’s worth noting that show could have chosen to subvert the trope and had Barry be the disappointed one if someone must be disappointed. That would have been in character for wedding planner Barry, I think. I have no anger at Iris for displaying the typical bridal behavior we see in all forms of media, it would just be nice to see the opposite attitude represented once in a while. And it would be definitely nice not to read comments implying that that attitude is not sane. Edited December 6, 2017 by InsertWordHere 5 Link to comment
TDT December 6, 2017 Share December 6, 2017 Did Devoe watch X-Men The Last Stand..? He must have paid close attention to that after-credit scene LOL I bet Barry will be sitting in a jail cell for the rest of the season,and Wally takes over Flash duties(with some assistance from LoT's Jax) until Barry can clear his name.. On the subject of Ralph,i wonder if those Microsoft Surface shorts will be how they bring Sue in.. Link to comment
ruby24 December 6, 2017 Share December 6, 2017 I don't think Barry can sit in a jail cell the entire rest of the season- four episodes tops, is my prediction. Either they have to break him out, or he manages to clear his name. 1 Link to comment
Rachel RSL December 6, 2017 Share December 6, 2017 They don't know that Barry is a meta so, if they put him in a regular jail, couldn't he just zip in and out easily? Or am I overestimating his powers? 2 Link to comment
paulvdb December 6, 2017 Share December 6, 2017 3 hours ago, srpturtle80 said: I didn’t take Iris’s comment about getting married during their wedding not being on the registry as being about Oliver and Felicity at all. I think she meant that she and Barry couldn’t get married during their wedding, as they could not because the Nazis interrupted. JMHO. But I definitely see how it could be interpreted the other way! I hope you're right about that but unfortunately I don't think you are. Unfortunate because I think that makes Iris a hypocrite. After all, not too long ago she tried to hijack someone's funeral to have her wedding. Which in my opinion is even worse. I really hate it when writers make likable characters like Iris and Felicity do such unlikable things. 3 Link to comment
ruby24 December 6, 2017 Share December 6, 2017 (edited) 17 minutes ago, Rachel RSL said: They don't know that Barry is a meta so, if they put him in a regular jail, couldn't he just zip in and out easily? Or am I overestimating his powers? No, he definitely can. I think they're probably going to have him make a conscious decision to stay in there and prove his innocence the right way (like his dad had insisted once when he wanted to break him out). Or he tells everyone who he is and they put him in the metahuman prison. I personally hope they use this as a chance to finally let Captain Singh in on the secret at least, because I don't think he'd really believe Barry murdered someone. Edited December 6, 2017 by ruby24 2 Link to comment
thuganomics85 December 6, 2017 Share December 6, 2017 The Flash writers clearly weren't down with the double wedding thing, since Iris clearly seemed to be miffed by what Felicity and Oliver did. And, really, an espresso machine really is a half-hearted gift at best. Sure, toasters aren't much better, but at least Mick did the courtesy of stealing... err, "gifting" twenty of them so they can get a good amount of store credit! Totally fell for the twist, so that is something at least. The idea of Devoe "dying" and replacing his body never occurred to me, because they went out of their way to make Neil Sandilands a regular, so I'm surprised he would be exiting this early. Of course, like any superhero show, there is really a good chance that he won't be gone for too long. Until then, I'm curious to see how Dominic/Brainstorm as Devoe will play out. I remember the actor from Gracepoint and I thought he was pretty likable here. Really played off Caitlin well. It does look like Devoe's wife is having doubts, so I'm sure that will come into play. Katee Sackhoff is still delightfully campy as Amunet, but I still just think how they were dumb to not capture her after their first encounter. Interesting seeing Iris have to step up and make the best decision, and I do think she likely made the right choice (even though she, unlike the audience, doesn't know that Barry is the star of this show and has all the plot armor!) Also liked her brief exchanges with Harry. I honestly can't remember the last time I was so conflicted by a character like I am with Ralph. Because I still think Hartley Sawyer is charming as hell and I really like how he plays of the rest of the cast, but almost every scene the writers just take it a step too far, and he comes off obnoxious and like a jerk. They really need to find a better balance with him, because I feel like they have potential with Sawyer's skills. Although, I really felt like he didn't deserve the full blame for hurting Caitlin's feelings, because neither Cisco or Harry did themselves favors in that scene either. So, "The Thinker's" grand plan is to set up Barry for the murder of "Clifford Devoe", by leaving the original body at his loft, and I guess someone tipped off Singh and the rest of the force. Again, I still don't understand why Barry wasn't fast enough to clean up the crime scene considering all of the other things he has done in the past, but whatever. I doubt he'll be stuck in jail for too long (maybe they'll give him Henry's old bunk?!), but I guess he's going to have to deal with this obstacle for a bit. 3 Link to comment
johntfs December 6, 2017 Share December 6, 2017 3 minutes ago, thuganomics85 said: So, "The Thinker's" grand plan is to set up Barry for the murder of "Clifford Devoe", by leaving the original body at his loft, and I guess someone tipped off Singh and the rest of the force. Well, probably not all of his grand plan. He referred to it as the Enlightenment, not the Entrapment. Figure locking Barry in a frame buys DeVoe and his wife a lot more freedom of movement (what monster will harass a widow whose husband was just murdered by a member of the police?). DeVoe probably figures that eventually Barry will beat the charges, but by that time there's a pretty good chance that DeVoe will have acquired the other six metas on the bus. Hell even the situation on this episode went pretty much according to plan. DeVoe took Barry so that Amunet could take (and keep) Caitlin without the Flash interfering in the surgery. Figure if Barry hadn't gotten loose on his own, DeVoe would have let him go and set him up to arrive and be arrested at his own apartment. 1 Link to comment
SevenStars December 6, 2017 Share December 6, 2017 (edited) 33 minutes ago, paulvdb said: I hope you're right about that but unfortunately I don't think you are. Unfortunate because I think that makes Iris a hypocrite. After all, not too long ago she tried to hijack someone's funeral to have her wedding. Which in my opinion is even worse. I really hate it when writers make likable characters like Iris and Felicity do such unlikable things. It was in bad form what Iris did. The writers made it clear that Barry saw it was wrong and Iris recognized it as being wrong. But that whole episode and the fact that Barry had to constantly reassure Iris that they would eventually get marry without interruption should make it understandable why Iris feels the way she does in this episode. That episode and other scenes in previous episodes show how much Iris feared that she would never get to marry Barry without something or someone interrupting it. Something she has been trying to do for almost a year but something or someoone kept getting in the way of. One of the main reason she and Barry decided to do a simply and quick wedding. So imagine how much fear/dread Felicity's interruption cause her when she was almost about to get what she has been fighting hard to get. Imagine all the fears that Felicity's interruptions brought up for Iris, except this time it was coming from a friend. Iris' heart probably almost stopped when Felicity interrupted. And on top of that Iris and Barry took the time to do registry to make it easier for people to get them a gift and that same friend didn't care enough to look at it and get them something they needed. So to me, this is not about Iris being a "sterotypical" or "typical" bride but having legitimate fears that Felicity showed no consideration for and having that lack of consideration be representated not only in the interruption but also in the gift. It's like all the writers both the cross-over ones and Flash are basically saying that Felicity/Olicity are inconsiderate and self-center friends. Edited December 6, 2017 by SevenStars 13 Link to comment
Trini December 6, 2017 Share December 6, 2017 That ending!! Both heartbreaking and awesome! More on that later… So that opening scene was really useless — except to establish again that Caitlin/Killer Frost are two personalities sharing one body; which is still ridiculous, but moving on… But I thought Gypsy’s Earth didn’t have Christmas as a holiday - so what holiday shift is she working?? Aw, sweet WestAllen scene! ? West-Allen is canon now. It really sucks that neither wedding happened on the show. At least they got an offscreen honeymoon - I wasn’t sure they’d even have that. Who is in charge at Jitters that they keep naming drinks after villains?? And does Harry always carry a gun around? Can Devoe really just be out on the streets in his hover chair with NO ONE noticing? Barry showing off that ring! Hate how they have to keep disabling Cisco because he’s so powerful. Also, the ‘you can find only one’ thing was so contrived. But I did like that Caitlin actually got a subplot, and got to be smart. They flashed out Amunet a bit more, but I’m not sure if she’s a character that needs that. Ralph - so. unnecessary. Aside from occasional comic relief (and only if you think he’s funny), he has no purpose. Harry is also not needed, but at least he’s got history with the team, and is less annoying than HR. They really couldn’t get Wally just for the West Christmas party scene?? He would have been much more helpful than Ralph in the rest of this episode too, but I'll take what I can get. Disappointed that Cynthia only showed up as a hologram for a few seconds. — But it gave us some Joe ‘not in MY house’ West! Aw, I was actually looking forward to the new hot metahuman working with Team Flash as a good guy, but other than that I thought the brain swap was one of the better (best?) villain twists the show has done. So does DeVoe/Thinker still have his superbrain powers AND Dominic’s powers? Is that really the last we’ll see of Neil Sandilands’ DeVoe? Because then they should have had more scenes with him and Barry/Flash. At the same time, I'm looking forward to seeing more of HotDeVoe. I was got verklempt when Barry chose not to run. That scene was done really well. 2 Link to comment
ruby24 December 6, 2017 Share December 6, 2017 1 hour ago, johntfs said: Well, probably not all of his grand plan. He referred to it as the Enlightenment, not the Entrapment. Figure locking Barry in a frame buys DeVoe and his wife a lot more freedom of movement (what monster will harass a widow whose husband was just murdered by a member of the police?). DeVoe probably figures that eventually Barry will beat the charges, but by that time there's a pretty good chance that DeVoe will have acquired the other six metas on the bus. This. I don't think Trial of the Flash will last the rest of the season, I bet it will take up a handful of episodes before Barry can clear his name. The Thinker has some greater plan involving the metas, this seems like an obvious distraction to get rid of Barry for a while, so he can work on it. Frankly, looking back on some of the pacing problems they've had in past seasons (especially last year, with the difficulty in dragging the "death of Iris" out from episode 10-23), this is actually a much better way to do it. It gives them a good plot to work through before they can get to the final arc of the year with whatever the Thinker's grand scheme is. In fact, I can kind of see what they did in structuring the season out this time- it looks like they sort of had arcs of A, B and C in mind. We just finished A, Trial of the Flash will be B, and then whatever the final Thinker plot is with the metas is probably C. So I'm thinking TotF/Barry in prison will last through episode 13 or so. In my opinion, Barry can't really be "gone" much longer than that. I bet that Dawn Allen will be involved in clearing his name though. And I also don't believe that Neil Sandilands is not returning at all, I think this is a temporary situation somehow. 3 Link to comment
Jediknight December 6, 2017 Share December 6, 2017 3 hours ago, thuganomics85 said: The Flash writers clearly weren't down with the double wedding thing, since Iris clearly seemed to be miffed by what Felicity and Oliver did. And, really, an espresso machine really is a half-hearted gift at best. Sure, toasters aren't much better, but at least Mick did the courtesy of stealing... err, "gifting" twenty of them so they can get a good amount of store credit! He didn't get them 20, he got them 40. That's as many as four 10s and that's terrible. Sorry, had to do it. 8 Link to comment
cambridgeguy December 6, 2017 Share December 6, 2017 They really do need to decide what Killer Frost is on this show. Originally she was the Hyde to Caitlin's Jekyll but then they started having bits and pieces of Caitlin bleeding in to rationalize not tossing her in prison. But now she's apparently Caitlin except not as uptight. Are they heading for a situation where over time the two personalities merge into one? Oh, and is Iris still a reporter or has she given that up? They still pay lip service to Barry being a CSI but we haven't heard any mention of her day job in a while. Speaking of which, I guess the CCPD has a job opening now since their only CSI is a murder suspect. 3 Link to comment
johntfs December 6, 2017 Share December 6, 2017 1 hour ago, cambridgeguy said: Are they heading for a situation where over time the two personalities merge into one? I kind of doubt it. Killer Frost is basically The Hulk to Caitlin's Bruce Banner - a second, uncontrolled form with metahuman powers and some negative personality traits. 2 Link to comment
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