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S12.E21: Reunion Part 2

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This season and the new one of RHOA have been soooooooo boring!!! And honestly, I think it's all because of dumb storylines, bad casting and stupid mean girl shit---like when women team up against each other and refuse to film with certain cast members or don't invite them to shit, it seriously RUINS the natural vibe and rhythm of these shows.

And please God, can NOBODY ELSE on this show mention cancer ever again? I'd really appreciate that...it's the deadest horse ever beaten, especially on this particular series.

One reason the RHofNYC worked so well is because the women genuinely seem to know how to party and have fun together. They might have stupid spats here and there, but they get over them and seem to not drag the overactive butthurtedness into actual storyline arcs.

I hope Shannon gets some kind of hormones or therapy already. I used to cackle a'la Drunk Kelly at her melodramatic outbursts, but now they just make me feel unsettled and worried for her. Maybe now that David is finally gone she can chill out and learn to embrace her fun inner drunk and less of the anxious fat kid.

I used to like Lydia but am with everyone else on this: she's annoying and sanctimonious AF. At least she somewhat acknowledged that she acted like an asshole in Iceland. Hope she rides her poor pussywhipped hubby's ball-free self away into the sunset forever.

Megan is so boring to me. Oh wait, she's having yet another baby mealticket with her cromagnum husband to complain onscreen about again, oh good for her.

Oh Peggy...cue the Vikki snoozing reel...go away.

Tamara with her tearless crying/nasty put-downs takes over yet another set of reunions. At least she's "made up" with Vikki---those two crazy hags deserve each other. I actually much prefer them as friends than enemies; she and Shannon and/or Heather as sidekicks never rang true with me, but she and Vikki share the same evil souls, so I'm good if they're good.


Vikki, I'll never stop loving to hate you. Or hating to love you. Whatever it is, I wish I could quit you and your ill-fitting clothes.

And can we *finally* retire the "I'M DONE!" grand proclamation after every random blowup already? It's either running away crying or throwing shit while invoking that stupid line across the entire reality show universe, but this particular series((ahem, Shannon)) really wallows in that overused line. I'm done, I'm so done!!!

  • Love 14
18 minutes ago, Former Nun said:

I think that Lydia (for some crazy reason) thought SHE would have the upper hand on the season and Shannon was on her way out.   I wonder if producers blew smoke to get Lydia back.  But why???

They brought Lydia back to be ride or die Vicki and she/Vicki saw Shannon as THE reason Tamra wouldn't make up with Vicki. 

3 minutes ago, Sun-Bun said:


I used to like Lydia but am with everyone else on this: she's annoying and sanctimonious AF. At least she somewhat acknowledged that she acted like an asshole in Iceland. Hope she rides her poor pussywhipped hubby's ball-free self away into the sunset forever.


Tamara with her tearless crying/nasty put-downs takes over yet another set of reunions. At least she's "made up" with Vikki---those two crazy hags deserve each other. I actually much prefer them as friends than enemies; she and Shannon and/or Heather as sidekicks never rang true with me, but she and Vikki share the same evil souls, so I'm good if they're good.


And can we *finally* retire the "I'M DONE!" grand proclamation after every random blowup already? It's either running away crying or throwing shit while invoking that stupid line across the entire reality show universe, but this particular series((ahem, Shannon)) really wallows in that overused line. I'm done, I'm so done!!!

Yet, Lydia never really apologized for her behavior, instead she defended it. LOL

Tamra and Vicki are not friends, they do not see/talk to each other after filming ends, whereas Tamra/Heather/Shannon do but I agree. Tamra/Vicki do deserve each other. LOL

IMO, Lydia used the "I'm Done" more than Shannon did this season, a lot more. LOL

  • Love 24
13 minutes ago, Sun-Bun said:

Tamara with her tearless crying/nasty put-downs takes over yet another set of reunions. At least she's "made up" with Vikki---those two crazy hags deserve each other. I actually much prefer them as friends than enemies; she and Shannon and/or Heather as sidekicks never rang true with me, but she and Vikki share the same evil souls, so I'm good if they're good.

My sentiments, exactly!

  • Love 9

Tamra and Icky deserve each other. They should ride off my tv and into the sunset together forever. I'm  sure Shannon is smart enough not to buy into Icky's fake apologies and promises. She wants to comfort Shannon? yeah right - she wants more info to sell to the tablets. Shannon would be wise to find another confidant than Tamra. hopefully one that's not on this show,because i wouldn't trust any of them with the possible exception of Meghan. She may have trouble expressing her feelings, ie Peggy, at times,, but I do think she's real and has some integrity

  • Love 7
5 hours ago, eclectcmoi said:

You must've been watching a different show than I watched.  

Meghan had every right in the world to call Peggy out for grabbing her mouth. It was condescending and rude and no one should be putting their hands on anyone like that, especially by someone you barely even know.  Can you imagine if anyone had done that to Peggy? I think I heard Meghan say Peggy had done it three times too.  After the first time, Peggy would've gotten her hand slapped if she came near me again.  You just do not do that! 

I'm a very feeling person, crying at stupid commercials (don't even get me started when Sarah Mclachlan and the ASPCA ads are on TV!), but Peggy's pity party elicited no sympathy from me.  Sorry, but if you are dealing with so much personal tragedy and drama, DON'T GO ON A REALITY SHOW and expect people who you won't clearly communicate with to understand what you're going through.  Peggy and her bitchy face need to be a one and done.

The hug was the fakest of the fake and did not happen organically.  If Andy hadn't pushed Tamara and Vicki into it, it wouldn't have happened.  It was pretty obvious too that Shannon wanted no part of it either.  Afterwards, Vicki moving over to the other couch and sitting between Tamara and Shannon... Vicki was smug and in her glory.  It made me want to gag.  

Lydia didn't get a raw deal.  She created a story line out of attacking Shannon.  Lydia came out swinging, knowing Shannon (as Shannon correctly assessed) would react.  Lydia isn't a Friendship Whisperer. She's a shit stirrer and a Christian when it's convenient for her. 

Did anyone else hear how much farther Vicki was prepared to go with the Eddie is gay accusation?  She questioned Tamara, asking if Eddie had ever told her he'd dated men in the past, before Tamara, but the question was lost when Tamara started her wailing about Vicki attacking her family.  Vicki is a disgusting human being and a waste of oxygen.

Funny!  I'll never cease to be amazed at how far apart viewers interepret the women on these show.  One says "a few good years" and the other says "a few good months".  Not even in the same ballpark.

C'est la vie.

Edited by Jextella
  • Love 7
1 minute ago, Jextella said:

Funny!  I'll never cease to be amazed at how far apart viewers interepret the women on these show.  One says "a few good years" and the other says "a few good months".  Not even in the ballpark.

C'est la vie.

Agreed! You say tomato and I say tomatoe and it's all good.  Want a hug? :) 

Edited by eclectcmoi
  • Love 6
13 hours ago, Jextella said:

So this must mean Vicki and Shannon haven't really recovered.  I wonder if Vicki and Tamra lasted a little longer???

On that same episode of WWHL, I did notice that when Leslie Grossman was putting down Vicki, Shannon did not put in her two cents of agreement - she stayed atypically silent. If I had to guess, she is probably in a "wait and see" phase of things with Vicki.

  • Love 5

The theme for reunion part 2: Electric boogaloo was dance monkeys, dance while Andy dangled certified Bravo checks from a fishing pole positioned high about their heads. No one will ever convince me that the big forgiveness hug at the end wasn't due to Bravo holding a proverbial gun to Tamra and most especially Shannon's head. To this day, I doubt Vicki think she did anything wrong. She is the truest form of a narcissist every documented on a long running reality show. 

I absolutely believe that Tamra and Shannon were trying to freeze Vicki out and get her off the show. I mean hell, Tamra made a comparison to Phaedra who was kicked off RHOATL for lying.  Unfortunately for them, Bravo seems to think Vicki is integral to the show and won't fire her and worst of all the ratings suck and most viewers seem to have found this to be a dud of a season - myself included. I don't know if the answer to that is to sweep everything Vicki had done under the rug but another season of the same would be torture and they don't have the balls to fire Vicki. 

I maybe the cheese that stands alone but I can do without Meghan next season. Congrats to her and Jimmy and I hope she has a healthy and happy pregnancy and birth, but if I want to see people conceive and birth babies I'd watch any of the myriad of shows on TLC or Teen Moms. Not interested. 

Peggy needed to go to grief counseling and/or a cancer support group. What kind of comfort or understanding is there to be found on a reality show? Worst yet, a den of self absorbed vipers like the OC. The most sympathetic and supportive would have likely been Shannon but Peggy seem determined to be antagonistic towards her. 

I don't hate Lydia, but she can go. 

  • Love 17
16 hours ago, dosodog said:

The only thing that could have made that moment better when Kelly smacks the fly on Vicki's head, is if she had a football in her hand.  I laughed every time I saw it.

Kung Fu Bunny!  Master of GIFS!  And fellow admirer of Jason Mmmmmomoa..can you find one of Kelly smacking Vicki?

Shannon is not buying what Vicki is peddling. Shes being civil and socially polite.  But she still thinks Vicki is nasty. It was in her face and body language during the apology and hug.

Hi Dosodog!

I don't have a GIF of that yet - but it's at the 19 second mark of this clip


I do have the KFB Exclusive Behind the Scenes Footage of the ladies being prepped. A good Makeup Artist starts with an even coating of foundation


  • Love 15
7 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

why did they just drop the whole Peggy recording them thing because she started crying? I was like what she is totally trying to worm her way out of this and she did and no one really went after her .... I thought it was precancerous so she never had cancer (her story keeps changing)

I thought this from Vulture summed Peggy up pretty well:

At the end of the couch there wasn’t exactly a person, because it didn’t utter even a single syllable the whole time. Instead it was just a speed bump that seemed to be constructed entirely of hair and covered with a shiny purple oil slick, probably from all the cars bottoming out while traveling over it. Apparently this is where weaves go to die: the giant hair speed bump at the end of Andy’s second couch. (From Part One of the Reunion)

Now, instead, we have Peggy sitting at the end of a couch poorly explaining how she doesn’t understand a single thing. The way Peggy listens to words without comprehending them must be the same as it is for a person to taste food without a sense of smell. I wanted to put Peggy in one of her two-toned sports cars and bury her in a bomb shelter somewhere when she demanded an apology from Shannon for calling her “that one.” I mean, really? This is what we’re going to be upset about? In the great realm of Real Housewivesinjuries, this doesn’t even sting as much as biting the inside of your cheek a little too hard after you shoveled in a Triscuit with three distinct layers of topping on it.  (from Part Two of the Reunion).

I thought this summed up the Lydia/Meghan discussion pretty well.   Meghan just needed greater articulation.  (Also from Vulture

Lydia would also like us to know that she isn’t homophobic and that’s not why she felt uncomfortable at drag bingo. It’s because the Bible didn’t tell her how to feel about it, because if there isn’t a chapter and verse to describe how she should process a situation, she apparently doesn’t know what to do. I’m with Meghan on this one: Just use the Bible’s teachings and apply them to drag bingo. I no longer practice, but I remember learning the Golden Rule in Catholic school and I think it says to treat people the way you want to be treated. These drag queens welcomed Lydia into their space, so she should have been welcoming in return, not a judgmental sourpuss who made them feel like they’re sinners or something because she was uncomfortable.

(Also, I love that Lydia is afraid of psychics because she actually believes in them and their powers, which makes the fact that she didn’t want to be around one even more hilarious than I thought possible.)

I felt like the last ten minutes we were invited to a production meeting with Andy pounding the table about bad ratings.  Andy even went so far to give a not so subtle warning about engaging on social media and interviews.  All of sudden he had his four favorites on one couch, earnestly taking his direction.  Meghan is around for as much or little as she wants to participate. Andy loves his hometown girl and her Cardinal husband.  There is absolutely dead silence on social media from the women and only Peggy has gone so far as to submit a blog.

Somehow I enjoyed how shell shocked Lydia looked when she was excluded from the meeting and Kelly in disbelief as she wasn't included.  Peggy of course was just confused and probably checking her phone to see if Dicko could give her instruction.

  • Love 21
33 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

why did they just drop the whole Peggy recording them thing because she started crying? I was like what she is totally trying to worm her way out of this and she did and no one really went after her .... I thought it was precancerous so she never had cancer (her story keeps changing)

It really speaks to how irrelevant she is because there is no point in delving into it because they don't care and we don't care. "This one" will be gone by next year. Irrelevant.

  • Love 15
43 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

Now it makes perfect sense why Vicki didn't want to go to the hospital. She managed to get really fucked up, wanted to let it work its way out of her system, and didn't want to have it be chalked up to more of her lies and exaggerations. So the timeline for this is that they flew 11 hours to Iceland. They were 7 hours ahead of Pacific time. Vicki and Kelly stayed up partying and drinking. Kelly gave Vicki an Adderall in the morning. They went on a long hike and didn't eat much. Vicki wanted to sleep, but couldn't.  Kelly gave her a Xanax and Peggy gave her a Nyquil PM. She was fucked up, which also explains why Peggy dumped water on Vicki's head because everything Peggy learned about overdoses came from the movies. 

LOL. I was waiting for the shot of adrenaline through the heart. 

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, HunterHunted said:

They put Peggy's Armenian genocide march footage in the season trailer, but didn't include a single second of it on the actual show. They left in footage of Peggy not knowing words and idioms, cooking with love, and arguing with Diko about what purse to bring to New York city. The producers must have hated her.


The significant politics and emotions tied up with the Armenian genocide (on both sides) might have influenced Bravo to not air the footage -- the producers may have felt it is too incendiary an issue, preferring to get mileage from GayEddieGate, AvoidVickiForCancerGate, PsychicGate and ShannonHasAMeltdownGate. 

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, Jextella said:

The hug was the fakest of the fake and did not happen organically.  If Andy hadn't pushed Tamara and Vicki into it, it wouldn't have happened.  It was pretty obvious too that Shannon wanted no part of it either.  Afterwards, Vicki moving over to the other couch and sitting between Tamara and Shannon... Vicki was smug and in her glory.  It made me want to gag. 

It made me want to gag as well. And indulge in a full-blown vomit. But I am not sure it was all Andy. It was Tamra who said once that she wanted to rearrange the couches, and then said with more conviction that she wanted Vicki to come over and sit on her couch. That was all Tamra, and Andy seemed more than a little bit shocked by it all. 

Edited by gundysgirl
  • Love 8
2 minutes ago, SCS said:

The significant politics and emotions tied up with the Armenian genocide (on both sides) might have influenced Bravo to not air the footage -- the producers may have felt it is too incendiary an issue, preferring to get mileage from GayEddieGate, AvoidVickiForCancerGate, PsychicGate and ShannonHasAMeltdownGate. 

That's a possibility, but this is Evolution Media. They had no issues showing Kim Richards' addiction issues, the events leading up to and after Russell's suicide, Lauri and Lynn's terrible parenting, and all of Vicki and Brooks' cancer shenanigans. Those were all controversial topics.

I know that many nations refuse to recognize the genocide, but I think it could have made it to air with some really good producing. However, Peggy's inability to understand the subtleties of English might have been quite a hurdle to overcome if you are trying to do a segment on the Armenian community and the genocide. I do think it is something the show could have handled with a smarter housewife who had a better command of English.

On other housewives topics, TV Guide has a list of housewives who need to be axed. I agree with the list, but Peggy is conspicuously absent. I choose to believe that the writer thinks it's a foregone conclusion that Peggy won't be asked back.


  • Love 7

Why did Kelly bring Adderall and Xanax to Iceland and why does she have so much she can share?  Those drugs plus the heavy drinking can explain her erratic behavior.  Everyone seems to have forgiven her and even Vicky and I don’t understand how someone can gossip about your private secrets spoken in confidence with a friend and then forgive them.  No way, not ever!  I guess for a paycheck they will do anything.

  • Love 10
11 minutes ago, gundysgirl said:

Yes, FFS, bring back Heather. Give her whatever she wants. I think the dynamics of having her back would be everything. She has a huge history with Shannon, Tamra and Vicki. She knows everything. Was around for all of the big stuff. She gets along with most everyone. She travels well, dresses perfectly, brings house porn (although I imagine her house is far from my taste), and provides just the right amount of snark. I also think it would be interesting to see her with Kelly next year. When she left, no one but Vicki liked her, Kelly, and now that has all changed. Would love to see how Heather fits in with everyone now. I would start some type of campaign, but am not smart enough to know how. 

It took me a moment to understand that the her in your original comment referred to Kelly. But yes, we need Heather back. She always brought the rich people shenanigans--weird beauty treatments, Chanel flasks, 6 types of ice, and calling non-champagne sparkling wine "methode champenoise."

8 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

And what was with Kelly feeding Vicki adderall and sleeping pills? that came across has kinda creepy that they thought it was funny she was high the entire trip 

This was entirely designed to get Vicki over the completely altered state she'd put herself in previously. Rather than try to get a couple hours of sleep for the next day, Vicki and Kelly tried to power through and reset their body clocks by staying up, which left them more tired. Unfortunately they spent the night drinking. Alcohol is a diuretic and a system depressant and actually left Vicki worse off the next morning. She'd have been dehydrated and fighting her body to stay awake. In comes the Adderall because it's a stimulant (some Bravolebrities use it to during filming to stay awake and keep weight off). Vicki suddenly has energy to participate in activities, but her body is running on empty. They sit down for lunch. None of the women eat much. They do more activities. When they get back to the hotel, Vicki wants to sleep because she's been up for days. The adderall is still in her system and she's too wired to get to sleep. Kelly gives Vicki a Xanax (it's a mild tranquilizer that some people use to sleep) in hopes that it will counteract the stimulant. It doesn't work. She takes a Nyquil PM. At this point, Vicki starts throwing up. She's got a shit ton of substances in her system all doing some contrary things. It might be getting better, but only slightly. Vicki takes to bed. Someone calls emergency services. Peggy might have dumped water on Vicki around this time.

The problem is that Vicki was taking downers (Alcohol) followed by uppers (Adderall--speed) followed by downers (Xanax and Nyquil PM).

  • Love 11
20 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

It took me a moment to understand that the her in your original comment referred to Kelly. But yes, we need Heather back. She always brought the rich people shenanigans--weird beauty treatments, Chanel flasks, 6 types of ice, and calling non-champagne sparkling wine "methode champenoise."

This was entirely designed to get Vicki over the completely altered state she'd put herself in previously. Rather than try to get a couple hours of sleep for the next day, Vicki and Kelly tried to power through and reset their body clocks by staying up, which left them more tired. Unfortunately they spent the night drinking. Alcohol is a diuretic and a system depressant and actually left Vicki worse off the next morning. She'd have been dehydrated and fighting her body to stay awake. In comes the Adderall because it's a stimulant (some Bravolebrities use it to during filming to stay awake and keep weight off). Vicki suddenly has energy to participate in activities, but her body is running on empty. They sit down for lunch. None of the women eat much. They do more activities. When they get back to the hotel, Vicki wants to sleep because she's been up for days. The adderall is still in her system and she's too wired to get to sleep. Kelly gives Vicki a Xanax (it's a mild tranquilizer that some people use to sleep) in hopes that it will counteract the stimulant. It doesn't work. She takes a Nyquil PM. At this point, Vicki starts throwing up. She's got a shit ton of substances in her system all doing some contrary things. It might be getting better, but only slightly. Vicki takes to bed. Someone calls emergency services. Peggy might have dumped water on Vicki around this time.

The problem is that Vicki was taking downers (Alcohol) followed by uppers (Adderall--speed) followed by downers (Xanax and Nyquil PM).

Great explanation re the drugs! Thanks.

1 hour ago, KungFuBunny said:

Considering Vicki looked like this in Iceland


I think the wardrobe/makeup department did an excellent job for Vicki


As a poster said pages ago, their makeup looks great in photos but not on tv.

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