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S05.E10: King Come-On-I-Wanna-Lay-Ya


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Jen, the laundry and the cleaning never ends because that's what you signed up to do. You're a glorified maid. Everyone else in that position has recognized it and owned it (well ... mostly). Join that club or get out.

Jen must have a skewed sense of time. It takes her eight years to make a iced chai latte, she takes "maybe twenty minutes" for lunch (not the 40 minimum we were shown).

I feel bad for Matt. Nothing on the preference sheets except "wants to be wowed" is a complete setup for failure. Plus it was a douchey move for the guest to complain about it but not take those complaints to Matt ... and then apparently air those grievances on her way out. He might not be the most creative, but of all the BD chefs he seems to be the one set up to fail by the guests (as opposed to Ben or Adam who just tended to disregard preferences for fun). How many restaurant-based guests have we had now?

I won't miss EJ. Nico will probably work better with Kyle, anyway.

  • Love 9

"Two drunk Nicos" indeed.  Quite the douchebro pair.  EJ is bailing!  Yeah!

Bad on the film crew missing Nico's injury.  Looks like he got a big pile of meds.  I want his Doctor.  His absence really helped the episode, as well as the brother disappearing.

Charter Dudebro wants his boatride.  Waaah!  Aww.  Leering at Bruno was gross.  I want him puking over the side.

Kate, Bruno did not have to offer to help.  Sometimes she needs to get over herself.  As others have said, she really seems to be just "phoning it in" this season.  She is right about these people being just complainers.  Nothing will ever be good enough for them.  I've escaped from people like this.

An 80's party??  Barf out!  Gag me with a spoon!

Nice going Capt. Lee with the little boat ride.  Some people have to see for themselves.  Boating is no fun in rough seas.

"Laundry never ends, cleaning never ends.  It's a vicious cycle"  Cry me a river Jen, it's your bleeping JOB!  She is insufferable.  Kate cuts her yet another break on her breaks.  I tried to watch her eat.  It's like a mouse nibbling.  No wonder it takes her forever.

Makes latte like she does her hair.  "Takes forever and still looks like shit"  LOL

Matt.  A luau is like a buffet with pineapples and duck sauce on the side.  Maybe start with sweet & sour something, teriyaki steak, lobster and some shrimp.  Lay off the fish.  Crankypants has had enough fish.  Was he sick that day at chef school?  Ah ribs.  Of course!  He seemed to pull it together somehow, plus Bruno made his desserts.

Jen is psychotic.  How can you not get the damn laundry done.  Fire it up, set a timer, go do other work, repeat until finished.  She seemed to agree to Bri's plan to knock out the work and then it didn't happen.  Her "dramatic" reenactments are really over the top.

Then Bruno goes off on Kate for some reason.  Not a good move.  Maybe he got caught up in all that silly drama.

Captain Lee steps up to jack up that tip.  Well done.  He would make a great King Neptune if he ever crosses the equator.  The hula girls were a very nice touch.

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57 minutes ago, PaperTree said:

"Laundry never ends, cleaning never ends.  It's a vicious cycle" 

That's like me complaining about all the people who come up to my reference desk to inquire about, or place holds on, books.  What is up with the people that need computer help?  I AM A LIBRARIAN!

I think Jen thought she would spend the days sunning herself .............................

57 minutes ago, PaperTree said:

How can you not get the damn laundry done.  Fire it up, set a timer, go do other work, repeat until finished.

How can she be a mom, or an adult, and not know this simple tip you posted.  I would say I want to smack her but I think I want to smack her mother.

Back in the 60s we kids would go downstairs and jam out to Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass

Edited by jumper sage
Herb Alpert rocks!
  • Love 19

Earth to Jen.  Every job has routine things that have to be done.  Even a music director told us (a huge chorus) that we had to do warm ups, the same damned warm ups (should do it daily), that it was a chore, just like cleaning a toilet.  No one likes to do it, but it has to be done.  Every job must have something.  And Jenderella, you signed up to be a waitress and a maid (occasionally an entertainer).  That is the job.  It's not glamorous.  It's not like charmed animals will come out and help you do your work like in a Disney movie.  How does she get her shit done at home?  I am thinking her parents are raising her kid, or doing the heavy lifting, while she does the fun stuff.

Jen always wants to bitch or moan about something right at their busiest times.  She has no common sense.  None.  Yes, let's discuss break times or whatever is bothering you at that moment instead of getting shit done for the luau which is in minutes.  Jen had to have been a pampered little princess who never was told no, who has never grown up.

Does Bruno want to be a steward?  Why so pissy?  Oh he thought the décor was awful for the luau.  Maybe mention it before it was set up?  Or offer an idea beforehand?  No, it's easier to bitch after the fact.  Or was he trying to be bitchy to get back at evil Kate for his friend Jen?

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This isn't the only time Jenderella has been shown eating instead of doing work.  On the episode where she was late for the morning sift because she got up late and then spent like half an hour on her hair while the guests wandered around asking for coffee she makes herself a PB&J and eats part of it before tending to the guests (and by that time Matt's already given up and just dealt with it).  Normally maybe it wouldn't be a big deal, but it's Jen, so you know that PB&J took a good 20 minutes to make.  

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On 11/7/2017 at 9:42 PM, McManda said:

Jen, the laundry and the cleaning never ends because that's what you signed up to do. You're a glorified maid. Everyone else in that position has recognized it and owned it (well ... mostly). Join that club or get out.

Jen must have a skewed sense of time. It takes her eight years to make a iced chai latte, she takes "maybe twenty minutes" for lunch (not the 40 minimum we were shown).

Jen also doesn't seem to understand that until they are off the ship there will always be laundry and cleaning because the crew continues to wear clothing and use the boat. It's the dumbest most juvenile complaint and she willingly signed up for a job that includes these things and she's too dumb and immature to realize it.

Jen does have a skewed sense of time because every task takes her forever. Additionally, she complained that she'd been on service for 19 hours, which is impossible for Jen because she has a hard time getting up before 8am and the crew is pretty much going to bed around 1am. They tend to include time stamps or clocks when it comes to Jen's footage because Jen is a dumb entitled princess who believes she's the ultimate victim.

Edited by HunterHunted
  • Love 11

I thought the crew did a nice job of keeping the guests busy and entertained since they couldn't leave the dock. Actually, I think I'D have more fun doing all the stuff they did this charter, than just hanging out and playing with "toys" in the middle of the ocean. But that's just me. 

I especially liked when Cap'n Lee took the guys out on the boat the next morning to prove to them that he wasn't dicking around about the weather. 

Jen continues to be useless. We're how many weeks in and it still takes her an entire morning to make a damn soy/chai/whatever-the-fuck latte. She just acts like she totally doesn't give a fuck. And she absolutely took advantage of Kate being gone to sit around gabbing and take a long lunch. The problem is, it's not overt laziness. It's delusion. She THINKS she's this overworked saint who is just taking what's owed her. She constantly complains - "the laundry never ends, the cleaning never ends". Yea, you're essentially a maid on a luxury boat. What did you think you'd be doing? Hanging out on the bunny pad and painting your nails? 

That laundry was a hot mess, by the by. 

Bruno is definitely justified in some of his complaints about the interior, but he needs to dial it down SEVERAL notches. Actions speak louder than words. Sure, help Matt out. Make sure the journey to shore is dialed in without relying on the girls. But don't crow about it. Just do a good job and keep your head down. I'd respect you a lot more. 

I'm eternal skeptic, but I thought Nico's injury was kind of sketchy. It just happened to happen when he's alone on a boat? And then he's all, "I can't move my fingers".....while moving them. Maybe he meant he can't FEEL them? I don't know.....he seemed pissed about having to lay around, so maybe it was legit. But, on the other hand, maybe he was so sick of EJ he wanted to be like, "Fine! You run the boat by yourself. See how it goes!" 

Does he get any of the tip from this charter? 

These guests weren't too bad. But that one lady was a royal bitch. Was she the restaurant owner? Complaining about fish twice in one day when you're in the middle of the fucking Caribbean? Give me a break. 

  • Love 16
10 hours ago, urusai said:

Ummm Kate, I love your talking heads snark but I don't think you of all people should criticize how their hair looks.

Valid point. But I think KATE'S point was more about the time it takes. She said, "Jen making a soy latte is like Jen doing her hair - It takes forever and it still looks like shit". Kate probably just throws her up as soon as she rolls out of bed. 


9 hours ago, jumper sage said:

That's like me complaining about all the people who come up to my reference desk to inquire about, or place holds on, books.  What is up with the people that need computer help?  I AM A LIBRARIAN!

Or me (a SAHM) saying, "These kids are here EVERY day. They always want to bed fed and cleaned. It's so annoying!"

  • Love 16
26 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Bruno is definitely justified in some of his complaints about the interior, but he needs to dial it down SEVERAL notches. Actions speak louder than words. Sure, help Matt out. Make sure the journey to shore is dialed in without relying on the girls. But don't crow about it. Just do a good job and keep your head down. I'd respect you a lot more. 

He was unusually agitated this episode.  Not sure why, but it's not a good look for him.

  • Love 6
10 hours ago, PaperTree said:

"Two drunk Nicos" indeed.  Quite the douchebro pair.  EJ is bailing!  Yeah!


While I feel for the unimaginable pain Nico must be going through with the loss of his brother, I just don't like him at all.

And Bri.  She does have a great body.  I just don't see what is so supposedly hot about her.

  • Love 7

Oh I just think that Jen is ready to get shipped home. I don't see redemption in her future but we do have a familiar deckhand coming back next week. I thought the Luau party looked Dollar store tacky. The Hula dancers weren't in synch and didn't look like they really were sure of what they were doing. I have to agree with Bruno that things like candles (real or battery due to fire hazards) should be plentiful for decoration needs. 

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Nico's injury was fortuitiously timed for right after he failed spectacularly in his attempt to impress the Captain with his abilities. Hope he doesn't again become boatswain by default when EJ leaves. EJ is a doofus but he has grown on me; he got the deckhands in shape despite being undermined by Nico and his crush on Baker was cute. Nico will win the prize with Jen as asshole of the season. ( And by the way, between the pills and playing games on his phone and being waited on by Bri, he did not look to be upset at all about his injury!)

  • Love 5
11 hours ago, jumper sage said:

That's like me complaining about all the people who come up to my reference desk to inquire about, or place holds on, books.  What is up with the people that need computer help?  I AM A LIBRARIAN!

I think Jen thought she would spend the days sunning herself .............................

How can she be a mom, or an adult, and not know this simple tip you posted.  I would say I want to smack her but I think I want to smack her mother.

Back in the 60s we kids would go downstairs and jam out to Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass

Apparently, at Jen's house, she pulls up a chair at the front-loaders and watches the cycles like it's TV.  

  • Love 7

What kind of classless, jerk, whines about the weather preventing them from leaving the dock and suggests "We could have stayed in the hotel, if we can't leave the dock."  Well, there are so many things wrong with that complaint.  For one, I would surmise that most charter guests are not on a penny pinching budget AND, of course, you always take a chance that your recreation plans may be curtailed due to weather.  That's why planes are grounded in wind and ice storms, sometimes. People's lives aren't worth risking death for recreation.   I suspect these whiners are peppered or encouraged by Bravo producers.  Just my hunch.  I mean are there that many idiot charter guests?  lol

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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Nico needs to shut it. Really easy to armchair quarterback when you don't have any real responsibility. 

I enjoyed this much more with what's his name shut up in his cabin. Can we keep him there all season? Please?

Dear God Jen! STFU! You know where else laundry never ends? AT HOME! Also toilet cleaning, cooking,grocery shopping,changing beds, washing up, etc. And you sure don't see the Caribbean while you're doing it...I really would hate to see what her house looks like (shudder)

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

Oh I just think that Jen is ready to get shipped home. I don't see redemption in her future but we do have a familiar deckhand coming back next week. I thought the Luau party looked Dollar store tacky. The Hula dancers weren't in synch and didn't look like they really were sure of what they were doing. I have to agree with Bruno that things like candles (real or battery due to fire hazards) should be plentiful for decoration needs. 

Maybe I am wrong but I thought the decorations/costumes were brought on board by one of the guests.  I saw them bring in a suitcase and then the stuff was on the table.

11 hours ago, bref said:

Ahhh, Herb Alpert. Back in the day, this album cover scandalized America, including my preadolescent self. 


Captain Lee is so corny but I love him. And Kate. They are the only reason I watch. 

Aww, sweet memories. Jen and Nico always work my last nerve, however last night it Bruno was added to the list. I was hoping he'd fall overboard. When he started spewing that crap about not wanting a stew to help with the picnic because they couldn't do as good a job (I can certainly understand not wanting Jen) and then complaining about the luau setup. Too much for me. What a pissy little ass wipe!!

I thought Matt did a good job on the luau. I've never been to one, but it's my understanding that a whole roasted pig is what is traditionally served. Since roasting a pig was not feasible, I thought the ribs were a good substitute. Pineapple rice sounded good too.

Those guests, just like most this season were insufferable!!!!

Edited by pieinmyeye
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12 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Bug eyed, stringy haired Jen is not near as cute as she thinks she is. It's hard for me to believe she's a Realtor. Can you imagine her putting a contract together and negotiating a deal? I can't. 

Me EITHER!  Is it confirmed?  I recently got my Broker's license and it is NOT easy.  I mean....it's very challenging and I had a fair amount of experience in my other profession.  I really can't imagine how she would pass the class test, (my state requires 75 hour pre-licensing and passing class test) THEN the National and State exams. (Separate tests.) It boggles the mind! It's much more difficult than folding clothes. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
  • Love 5
Just now, Mindthinkr said:

Congratulations @SunnyBeBe On getting your Brokers license. 

I'm highly suspect of what she did for a living before coming onto this show as well. 

Thank you!  I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it, but, I hope to have some fun and build a new career.  It's a lot more involved than it seems on tv. That's for sure.  I know it won't involve a reality show though.  lol 

  • Love 6
4 hours ago, ghoulina said:

These guests weren't too bad. But that one lady was a royal bitch. Was she the restaurant owner? Complaining about fish twice in one day when you're in the middle of the fucking Caribbean? Give me a break.

She was probably expecting enough creativity in the preparation so that it seemed more like entirely different dishes than having the same thing again.

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, ghoulina said:

These guests weren't too bad. But that one lady was a royal bitch. Was she the restaurant owner? Complaining about fish twice in one day when you're in the middle of the fucking Caribbean? Give me a break.

She was probably expecting enough creativity in the preparation so that it seemed more like entirely different dishes than having the same thing again.

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, Carolina Girl said:

Apparently, at Jen's house, she pulls up a chair at the front-loaders and watches the cycles like it's TV.  

She's dumber than a box of rocks, so this is believable.  

1 hour ago, pieinmyeye said:

I thought Matt did a good job on the luau. I've never been to one, but it's my understanding that a whole roasted pig is what is traditionally served. Since roasting a pig was not feasible, I thought the ribs were a good substitute. Pineapple rice sounded good too.

Having been to one, I agree.  

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3 hours ago, eurekagirl mOo said:

Nico needs to shut it. Really easy to armchair quarterback when you don't have any real responsibility. 

I enjoyed this much more with what's his name shut up in his cabin. Can we keep him there all season? Please?

Dear God Jen! STFU! You know where else laundry never ends? AT HOME! Also toilet cleaning, cooking,grocery shopping,changing beds, washing up, etc. And you sure don't see the Caribbean while you're doing it...I really would hate to see what her house looks like (shudder)

"I think I should be the bosun!"

Yeah, and I think I should be the pianist for the New York Philharmonic.  

  • Love 14

Sorry, I didn't buy Nico's arm being hurt that bad.  Asked if he could move his fingers he said,'No' while proceeding to wiggle them.  Reminded me too much of someone 'trying' to be sick.  I just don't like him.  And if he's hurt that bad what's he doing mentioning to Bri about their going out to dinner and a hotel on shore?  Or did I mishear that?  I've been watching Season 4 again this week where Nico is supposed to be Kelly's underling-- what a real creep he was then,too!  I'd forgotten how much of a little slimy weasel he was always with the excuse for why he wasn't doing the job right and talking about Kelly behind his back.  I thought he was just letting off steam this season because of his brother, but he acted just the same last year.  He can go for good.  I don't enjoy him AT ALL. 

  • Love 3
17 minutes ago, stcroix said:

Sorry, I didn't buy Nico's arm being hurt that bad.  Asked if he could move his fingers he said,'No' while proceeding to wiggle them.  Reminded me too much of someone 'trying' to be sick.  I just don't like him.  And if he's hurt that bad what's he doing mentioning to Bri about their going out to dinner and a hotel on shore?  Or did I mishear that?  I've been watching Season 4 again this week where Nico is supposed to be Kelly's underling-- what a real creep he was then,too!  I'd forgotten how much of a little slimy weasel he was always with the excuse for why he wasn't doing the job right and talking about Kelly behind his back.  I thought he was just letting off steam this season because of his brother, but he acted just the same last year.  He can go for good.  I don't enjoy him AT ALL. 

I would need to go back and look but it looked to me like the index and middle finger wiggled but not the ring or pinky. It is possible for the nerves to affect just two of the fingers. I'm not a hand specialist but my niece dislocated her elbow and when they popped it back in place, the nerve got entrapped. She wound up with numbness and tingling in those two fingers and had to have surgery to release the nerve.

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On the cutesie theme parties -- that is the aspect that most baffles me.  Wonder if the guests have to pick something off a list? I would be down for an elegant white dinner or something like that but most of these do not seem like anything truly wealthy people would agree to. Why have a luau in the Caribbean when you could get talented local dancers and musicians to do something typical? 

  • Love 6

So the guests were annoying to be sure, but I sort of understand the irritation of the guest who was served fish twice in one day. Matt served like two of the most boring fish ever. Mahi Mahi and Salmon are freaking everywhere. What's next, tilapia? Why isn't Matt sourcing some locally caught seafood like conch. fresh crab, scallops and snapper? He could have prepared a traditional Caribbean seafood stew for example. Call me crazy, but if the guest lists restaurant owner as her occupation, would't that be a blaring siren of wake up call to up your fucking game and offer up something a little more inspired than salmon? I mean what a snooze fest. I can whip of salmon and greens on a bleeping Tuesday night. 

For the kind of scratch these guests are paying, I would want some fresh, locally sourced food prepared that was a bit more exciting than what I can find at my local Publix. Spare me the dime-store luau and put some talent and effort into providing a five star meal. 

And in a totally unrelated matter, I just love how that entitled brat Nico commented that it was great to have Bri as a roommate, so she could bring him food and wait on him. Last time I checked, that turd blossom's legs weren't broken, and he still had use of one hand. He really does hold himself in high regard. 

Edited by Chickabiddy
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Please. Nico hit his funny bone. What a wuss. 

This season is just not entertaining to me. While I don't like Nico, or Jen, they're not even  fun to hate on like Rocky, or that cross-eyed weirdo from last season (maybe he was Med? Trevor? I can't keep the 2 straight). I usually dig Kate & the Captain, but even they aren't bringing it like they usually do. I'm not giving up on the show, but I think they put together the wrong group of people for this one. 

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, escapetoreality said:

On the cutesie theme parties -- that is the aspect that most baffles me.  Wonder if the guests have to pick something off a list? I would be down for an elegant white dinner or something like that but most of these do not seem like anything truly wealthy people would agree to. Why have a luau in the Caribbean when you could get talented local dancers and musicians to do something typical? 

I agree that the food and entertainment should be more typical to the destination. I'd think those silly themes would strike me as "dance monkey dance" for the cameras and it would be a total turn off. A couple of ex guests have posted that they didn't request something that was shown so some of this is tptb driven. That said, I,ve been on a couple of one week or longer cruises and silly passenger participation is really a lot of fun and a great way to get to know other passengers.

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14 hours ago, diadochokinesis said:

I would need to go back and look but it looked to me like the index and middle finger wiggled but not the ring or pinky. It is possible for the nerves to affect just two of the fingers. I'm not a hand specialist but my niece dislocated her elbow and when they popped it back in place, the nerve got entrapped. She wound up with numbness and tingling in those two fingers and had to have surgery to release the nerve.

Also, didn't he do something with his arm, smirk at the camera with a wink/wink/nudge?  I saw that briefly and thought "are you faking this to keep from working, you dirtbag"?

I agree with CaliforniaLove above - when he was describing his symptoms, the first thing I thought was "you hit your funnybone, you twit."  Sure it hurts for a little bit and your fingers tingle, but after that you're fine with only a little residual soreness.  Hell, I did it a couple weeks ago, winced, cursed and went on.  I didn't rush my 64-year-old ass to Urgent Care.

Edited by Carolina Girl
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5 hours ago, Carolina Girl said:

Also, didn't he do something with his arm, smirk at the camera with a wink/wink/nudge?  I saw that briefly and thought "are you faking this to keep from working, you dirtbag"?


I thought it was a joke. As in now he couldn't rub one out so Breeze could give him a Hand Job!

  • Love 5

The way Nico described where he had pain and numbness, it sounded like he hit the ulnar nerve. Hit it in a bad enough way, there can be damage or, it seems in Nico’s case, he inflamed the nerve and had to wait for it to calm down. My husband actually needed surgery on that nerve, but he did more than bang it. 


All that said, it was lovely having a mostly Nico-feee episode. Though it did feel like, with Nico out on injury, Bruno was substituting as the leading douchecanoe. It pissed me off a couple weeks back that Bruno, in an effort to cheer Jen up, he made disparaging remarks about Kate’s personal life. And it pissed me off that this week, Bruno has decided he knows and does better, inside AND out. I’m not saying that it isn’t confusing that Bruno is playing multiple roles here and thereby giving Bruno some arrogance and authority he certainly hasn’t earned. But Bruno’s lack of respect for the full jobs everyone does, while he just skims off the top, is BUGGING. He wants to do interior, i agree that he should scrub a toilet or get his ass down in the laundry. I didn’t feel like that moment with he and Kate and Lee was satisfying. It didn’t knock him down a peg at all and he deserved to be reminded of his position.


So, what was the point of EJ if he’s leaving already? Is that why Lee never formally addressed who was really in charge and nothing was done about Nico’s insubordination? Because everyone knew EJ was temporary?  That’s so...dumb. So much drama for nothing. EJ is awkward as hell, but I’d prefer he stay over Nico. 


Jen... there’s nothing to say about Jen that hasn’t already been said over and over and even to her face. She took a job and didn’t expect to have to do it. She prefers complaining about how hard she’s working than actually working. She’s ridiculously slow and doesn’t seem to have any incentive to actually work harder or better. I agree with Kate’s attitude at this point. Special lessons don’t work on Jen. It just furthers her victimhood. No more talking things out or playing games. Just do your job, girl. 


Based on rumors, i think i know who the mysterious new deckhand will be. Meh *shrugs* Don’t think it’ll add anything but a familiar face. 

Edited by VagueDisclaimer
  • Love 2
On 11/8/2017 at 10:54 AM, Nancypants said:

Send Jen HOME already! Like what do you have to do to get fired from this boat?

Off the top of my head.....

1.) Be a lazy chef who relies on his Betty crocker for beef cheeks and engage in a hate/hate relationship with Kate

2.) Be a deckhand who completely lies about their resume

3.) Be a deckhand who goes on a drunken ramapage

4.) Be a deckhand who sucks at their job and pisses everybody off

I really can't think of any Stews that have been fired, even Rocky (who protested Leon's firing by getting down to her thong one-piece and jumping into the ocean) or Kat, who got drunk during a service while she was getting sexually harassed and lied her ass off about it. There might have been a stew that just plain didn't show up, but that might have been the Med show. I don't think Captain Lee takes the stew service as seriously as he takes the deck crew, so they're not under as much scrutiny. He leaves all that to head stew.

I feel like Jen has to be a plant. There is no way you could be a single mother raising an 8-year old daughter and not have multi-tasking down to science. ESPECIALLY laundry.

Edited by methodwriter85
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