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S08.E18: The Ties that Bind

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6 hours ago, CofCinci said:

Addie is NOT fucking eating Country Crock out of the tub!

I literally dry heaved when watching this - after rewinding it way too many times than I care to admit to confirm it was a tub of freakin'  butter!!!!

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4 hours ago, Miss Chevious said:

Leah is trying to put on a good front but it's obvious she has no control over those girls. They're just running roughshod all over her right down to scarfing down the margarine straight. 

And what kid's morning routine includes a few swipes with the makeup brushes on the way out the door. 

They need subtitles during Leah's segments, can't understand 'em half the time. Especially when she's on the phone with someone. 

I thought I was the only one who caught the "gotta look good in 2nd grade, so I better but on my make-up" bit! Maybe she is in touch with Sophia and they compare make-up notes?

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1 hour ago, GreatKazu said:

Leah telling her kids not to tell on each other. Ohhh boy. Just wait until they’re teenagers and they are sneaking dudes in and out of the house while mama is passed out. 

Gracie putting on make-up for school. Can never start 'em up too young, Leah? The three R's - reading, writing, and rolling in the sack. 

Vee dressed fine and looking pretty while Kail sits on the couch with her three kids by three different guys, looking rough and big as a whale just like she did before she was ever pregnant. 

Did anyone see that big bottle of "Stress Relief" on Jenelle's nightstand? lol 


I totally thought the same thing! Those three girlses in collusion is a future season of this clusterfuck of a show we all cannot quit just waiting to happen. I still want to know in what context a 2nd grader would say "bullshit." And on a school bus. WIth pre-schoolers. NOT OK LEAH! Someone needs their mouth washed out with Country Crock...and it's not Addie!

As we have learned from the momses, the kidses parrot what they hear at home. I can make a sailor blush with my cussing, but in front of kids?!?! Not even an option. I just do NOT get it and never will. (at least to the extremes we've seen on the show - every other word is bleeped like it's Jerry Springer!)

Next to the Stress Relief lotion/oil from Bath & Body Works was a MASON JAR!

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7 hours ago, HeySandyStrange said:

I'd rather deal with a weeper like Javi then a seether like UBT.

I wouldn't touch either of them with a 10-foot pole.  There's a whole range of normal behavior between their two extremes.  

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8 hours ago, Linny said:

So do we think Addie eating Country Crock straight from the tub is a downgrade from eating icing from the can, or is it more of a lateral move?

Downgrade due to chosen eating utensil.  Judges give Leah 9-9-9 for neglect.  

2 hours ago, Bridget said:

She lucked out BIG TIME (and twice!) with Jo & Javi while some of us are searching for only ONE guy. Damn you Kail!

I agree with you on Jo.  Apparently he just had some maturing to do, and he did it.  Also, he and Karl were not good together.  I think Javi is a screwed up whiny wimp, and the fact that he's sniffing around Briana (or wants us to think he is) bears that out.  

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7 hours ago, CofCinci said:

Javi at his core wanted to be a father and have a family. 

And look what his current choice is.  Yecch.  

7 hours ago, SmashleyMcSlayin said:

Roxanne: “I don’t wanna be like that!”

Then... don’t be like that?

Choices!  What a concept!  

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7 hours ago, pheebs said:

Jesus God Leah - you be looking like you been rode hard and put up wet. Love the tats, gnarly toes and another sighting of the trashtastic clip-on extensions. Also, she seemed kinda high - just a touch too mellow.

She was goofy on something.  And could she be more of a hillbilly caricature if she tried?  For my money, she is the worst human being on the show.  Worst mother, worst pet owner, worst driver (seat belt not on again this show), worst housewife, worst worst worst.  And if she swallows one more syllable when she talks, she's going to hurl.  

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6 hours ago, SimonSeymour said:

Did anyone else notice all of the empty seats at Jenelle’s wedding? They must have invited more than the 25 people who actually showed up. 

Remember from her dress shopping day it was at least 150 or something...they were raving at how large their guest list was.  lol!!

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7 hours ago, SimonSeymour said:

Did anyone else notice all of the empty seats at Jenelle’s wedding? They must have invited more than the 25 people who actually showed up. 

Had Jenelle invited her mother, she would have definitely had one less empty seat.  Serves her vindictive ass right.

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26 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I thought it was weird that Kail didn't have the boys come meet baby-no-name in the hospital. When my subsequent babies were born, family brought my other kids up ASAP.

I didn’t think so. Kailyn seemed to have a vagina delivery with no complications, she would be home in a couple of days, and since the boys were with their Dads it was just logistically easier to wait a few more days. Vee WAS so gracious to make Kailyn some meals post birth. 


The only time I have a bit of hope for Kailyn being an emotionally functional human being is when I see her interacting with her sons. There was a genuine warmth and love there, able to laugh at herself and her stomach without being self conscious- BUT we have to remember she was probably high as a kite off of happy hormones since Chris came to the birth like she wanted. I see Kailyn as taking out her emotional issues on her sons, and when she realizes how she treated them it might be too late to really mend fences. 

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9 hours ago, Linny said:

Barb's friend is still the fucking worst. No, Donna, if Barb were to abandon her principles and kiss up to David it wouldn't do anything but reinforce this asshole's belief that his behavior is okay. Any relationship Barb has with Jenelle and David needs to be contingent on respect, not concessions from Barb.

No shit. This isn't just a regular case of inlaws not getting along because their personalities don't mesh or something. David has hurt her fucking innocent grandkids. How is she supposed to make nice with that???


9 hours ago, nikita said:

It's great that Chelsea is happy and stable, but I don't think it's because she learned anything. I think she lucked out that her next LTR after Adam was a Cole and not another Adam. I would give her more credit had she stuck with therapy, but girl is just lucky, from the family she was born into to Randy being so supportive to meeting Cole "at the gas station."

Maybe there is some luck here, but Chelsea is also making better CHOICES. She could have met Cole and decided he was "too nice" and continued to hook up with Adumb or looked for another bad boy. Despite how they met, the fact that she settled down with a guy who is RADICALLY different from the first guy tells me that she's learned something. 


9 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

I actually think Jo is a nice guy now. Yeah he was rude in season 1, but he was still pretty young. Also in the early seasons of this show Kail was continuous a user with his family. He paid for her schooling, his brother was watching Issac when Kail was at school and Jo was working, she was getting a place to live. I think both of them were wrong in the ways they were with each other.

Season one was how many years ago? Almost a decade now? People can change. Jo has done nothing to indicate her is still the same kid he was when Isaac was first born. He has continued to grow and improve his life. I like Jo. 


7 hours ago, Ladystardust said:

Someone posted a screenshot of Jenelle saying that her veil was a “different kind of veil”. I guess she’s trying to pass it off like it was supposed to be like that. Um, no. It was a traditional veil - you could see the hair clip on top when she flipped the veil over her face. My veil was exactly like that. The clip should have been down in her hair, not lying across the top of her head like that. I couldn’t stop laughing.

Was that supposed to be her "out of the box" fashion choice? Major fail. 


6 hours ago, Booted said:

I just read that Davids son Kadens mother Olivia was a hardcore heroin addict - that has me majorly wondering about David now. 

Really???? Any sources on this? I've looked at her SM before and she seems very young. She's a stylist and is super cute. She doesn't look like someone who struggled with hardcore drug use. Just looks like your typical, peppy, basic young girl. This surprises me a lot. 

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Wow Nova's first day of Kindergarten celebratory lunch sure turned into a shit show fast.  Not the time or the place to talk child support or visitation.  Roxanne truly seems mentally unstable.   Devoid is a horse's ass but I have to think that it felt good to flip the double bird at the Coven. 

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The first day of kindergarten is hard for kids, esp those who are super attached. You know what you don't do? You don't bring your whole effing family to the first day drop off. What you do is make it as low key as possible, which is impossible with the Coven and their histrionics. Does MTV pay by the hour, because it sure does seem like Devion and the Coven try to get as much screen time as possible. I'm guessing that Devion knew they were filming NOva's first day and needed extra cash. That's also why he wanted to go to lunch. But it it wasn't for Luis and Devion's appearances,  Brianna's storyline would consist of B stilling around with a sad sack look and talking about how overwhelmed she is. 

Nova must be going to a public charter school. Lots of them are in strip malls. 

I think that Roxanne has always been the way she is. She loves playing the martyr. She revels in it, because it plays into to her "you and me against the world" narrative. If Brianna or Brittany got involved with a stand up guy, she would do her best to undermine it, because martyr mom is her identity. I get that it must have been tough raising 2 kids pretty much on her own, but hell lady, your kids are grown ass women and you can't let go of it. 

As bad as Javi was treated by Kail, don't forget he showed his ass many times and treated Jo like shit on Kail's behalf. He is best rid of her. He should steer clear of Brianna. That's a whole new world of torture. 

Lots of the people at Janelle's wedding looked like MTV crew members as seat fillers. 

Edited by poeticlicensed
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1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

Aubree's little, surprise recording was sooo sweet. I wonder who had her do that? Lois Griffin? Randalicious? 

I thought it was super cute idea too. It must be a pinteresty thing. Kudos to Chelsea and Cole for pulling it off so well. It had me tearing up.

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5 hours ago, Bridget said:

She lucked out BIG TIME (and twice!) with Jo & Javi while some of us are searching for only ONE guy. Damn you Kail!

And some of us (me) are searching for only ONE girl, and she doesn't seem to be hurting in that department either!! WTF?! I second your "Damn you Kail!!!".

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They also kept asking Nova if it was "ok" for them to leave. DON'T DO THAT!

Jo and Javi both surprised me with their emotional responses in different ways. It was nice to see.

ETA: my little brother used to eat Cool Whip out of the tub with a butter knife too. So to me Addie's choice was endearing as long as it's not a daily habit or anything ;)

Edited by 3outta5
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9 hours ago, AmandaUnbidden said:

While I agree that Brianna and co are very passive aggressive, and for the most part do not handle things correctly, I'm starting to think that Brianna really was trying to be understanding with Devoin in regards to child support and thought he didn't have a job or only one shitty one. I can understand when she got pissed hearing he has two jobs but hasn't even tried to step up and support Nova in any way without Brianna telling him to. But this is why Brianna should've file for child support from the beginning. She knows who Devoin is, and she should know she cannot depend on him to do the right thing without being forced. 

Oh, and, she should've been having this convo with Devoin by their selves. Instead she was making her mother fight her battle for her, as always. She didn't even talk directly to Devoin. She whined to her mother even though Devoin was sitting right there!

This is true. Brianna doesn't handle things correctly, but I do think that she was understandably shocked to know he has money or at least gets paychecks (and then squanders them on whatever). From the way she talked about his money before it seemed she thought he had none at all or was living hand to mouth. She should put her money where HER mouth is and get a solid agreement. She's an absolutely terrible communicator, but I also get the sense that she doesn't know a lot about his life because he suddenly kind of showed up again once MTV started filming.

Edited by Lm2162
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Kaiser roll totally adorbs in his wedding outfit.  I LIVE for Watson (who looks like a little old man).  Okay, was it just me or was David wearing some kind of a lace-front wig or hairpiece at the wedding?  They showed a close-up of David hugging Kaiser and David's hair looked so fake and odd.  Ink jet black at that.  There was also a shot of David standing in his tux and it looked like a straight up helmet on his head.  Hmmmm.  Inquiring minds want to know.  Guess I'd better hope over to LSA 'cause they will be tearing him a new one if that's the case.

I see Roxanne's keeping it classy as usual.  Ummm, was Nova's kindergarten in a strip mall?  I'm glad Devoin finally told Brianna where it hung.  Why can't Nova go to Devoin's house?  Is there something I'm missing from a past season.  The ONLY reason Brianna's not getting serious about taking Devoin to court for child support is because she knows a formal visitation schedule will be set up regarding Devoin/Nova and no way does Brianna not want to be controlling that situation.  I see you Brianna ....

Edited by beesknees
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I wonder why Babs & her friend were hanging out in a hotel room.  Maybe "the Land" is super far from Babs' & she had to bring Jace & pick him up?  that is crappy.  I wish she'd brought a better friend to hang out with, if that were the case.  (like all of us!  We would've shown her a damn good time!)

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4 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

This is true. Brianna doesn't handle things correctly, but I do think that she was understandably shocked to know he has money or at least gets paychecks (and then squanders them on whatever). From the way she talked about his money before it seemed she thought he had none at all or was living hand to mouth. She should put her money where HER mouth is and get a solid agreement. She's an absolutely terrible communicator, but I also get the sense that she doesn't know a lot about his life because he suddenly kind of showed up again once MTV started filming.

From what little I know of life, one of the reasons Brianna never “put Devion on child support”(god I hate that phrase) was because he didn’t have steady employement (especially as an employee where his wages could just be garnished) so even with an order there was no reason for her to believe she would see anything. (This is one of the reasons not the only one)

Devion has probably been living off of his parents and “hustling “(either legally or illegally) for a good bit of time, and NOW he has actual employment. If he’s receiving steady pay in Briana’s mind why has Nova not seen a piece of it on a regular basis?!!

Again Briana is awful but she isn’t wrong about every single thing, she’s incredibly emotionally immature. 

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12 hours ago, CofCinci said:

I really hate this woman talking to Babs.

For those of you who like to investigate, I found Babs “friend” on the real Barbara’s Instagram page. 

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3 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

From what little I know of life, one of the reasons Brianna never “put Devion on child support”(god I hate that phrase) was because he didn’t have steady employement (especially as an employee where his wages could just be garnished) so even with an order there was no reason for her to believe she would see anything. (This is one of the reasons not the only one)

Devion has probably been living off of his parents and “hustling “(either legally or illegally) for a good bit of time, and NOW he has actual employment. If he’s receiving steady pay in Briana’s mind why has Nova not seen a piece of it on a regular basis?!!

Again Briana is awful but she isn’t wrong about every single thing, she’s incredibly emotionally immature. 

Right. As with many things with the coven, the method and delivery are about the shittiest I've ever seen, but often the message isn't actually wrong. It's part of why they drive me so nuts, because more than half the time I'm like, YOU ARE RIGHT! You are actually right in this conflict! But you are so goddamn annoying and obnoxious that literally no one is going to listen! Who cares about being nice to the baby daddies, I'm pretty sure they were going to be worthless either way, but don't they want people in general to actually hear them? It makes me want someone very smart and patient to sit them down, put duct tape over their mouths, and slowwwwly say, "You are not allowed to speak unless you've written out what you want to say and it's been translated by a lawyer."

Edited by Lm2162
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10 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

From what little I know of life, one of the reasons Brianna never “put Devion on child support”(god I hate that phrase) was because he didn’t have steady employement (especially as an employee where his wages could just be garnished) so even with an order there was no reason for her to believe she would see anything. (This is one of the reasons not the only one)

Devion has probably been living off of his parents and “hustling “(either legally or illegally) for a good bit of time, and NOW he has actual employment. If he’s receiving steady pay in Briana’s mind why has Nova not seen a piece of it on a regular basis?!!

Again Briana is awful but she isn’t wrong about every single thing, she’s incredibly emotionally immature. 

One of his jobs is landscaping. I bet he gets paid cash. 


I think another reason she didn't file is because now she dictates his visitation. If he actually starts caring with child support filings, formal visitation would also likely come. At that point the coven can't dictate shit. Nova would actually be able to go to his place (well his parents place). 


The coven drive me crazy because they often have very valid point, but they just go batshit insane when making them. They make me feel sorry for some deadbeat parent. Additionally they never seem to fault Bri for any of her horrid decisions. She's just some poor little lamb being led to slaughter. 

Edited by ClassyCourtHeels
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2 hours ago, ghoulina said:


I about fainted when Javi pulled out a chair and sat down and Kail didn't say a word. 



This is why I don't get why he is so sad. The way that disgusting cow treated him. I damn sure wouldn't let her see me all sad like that. I would wake up everyday, realize I'm not with this disgusting bitch and probably walk around high fiving people all day. Let's see if he can turn that sad into mad when she wants to move to CA with the boys.

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27 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

This is true. Brianna doesn't handle things correctly, but I do think that she was understandably shocked to know he has money or at least gets paychecks (and then squanders them on whatever). From the way she talked about his money before it seemed she thought he had none at all or was living hand to mouth. She should put her money where HER mouth is and get a solid agreement. She's an absolutely terrible communicator, but I also get the sense that she doesn't know a lot about his life because he suddenly kind of showed up again once MTV started filming.

Yea, I think Devoid kind of got "caught" there. He was talking about his work in a way of almost excusing why he's absent and/or late for shit. But then it was like, "Wait, you work two jobs???" Cat's out of the bad. They all handle shit horribly, though. If Briana would just insist the other two back off, and handle it a lot more calmly and maturely, she'd have many more people in her corner. 

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12 hours ago, Emkat said:

I cannot believe how fucking stupid that looked and why did nobody fix it?!

Because everyone hates her?

4 hours ago, Sprockets said:

Downgrade due to chosen eating utensil.

At least she was using a butter knife and not a steak knife.

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32 minutes ago, teapot said:

I wonder why Babs & her friend were hanging out in a hotel room.  Maybe "the Land" is super far from Babs' & she had to bring Jace & pick him up?  that is crappy.  I wish she'd brought a better friend to hang out with, if that were the case.  (like all of us!  We would've shown her a damn good time!)

I thought I read somewhere that she had gone to the beach with a friend that weekend.  Some friend.


1 minute ago, ClassyCourtHeels said:

And bounce that versus Janelle's "friends" who don't even fix her veil. 

Didn't they show someone putting the veil on her correctly?  But by the time she was walking down the "aisle" she had it all lurch style wrong.  

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14 minutes ago, Mr. Minor said:

Let's see if he can turn that sad into mad when she wants to move to CA with the boys.

He can make that transition in five seconds.  What we haven't seen is healthy adult behvior from either of them.  

8 minutes ago, TexasGal said:

But by the time she was walking down the "aisle" she had it all lurch style wrong.  

If I've told her once, I've told her a thousand times.  Never bang a production assistant up against the sound van right before your wedding.  You will mess up your veil every time.  But does she listen?

Edited by Sprockets
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15 minutes ago, TresGatos said:

At least she was using a butter knife and not a steak knife.

At least Gracie put makeup on her face and not battery acid.

At least I didn't plant that shrub where the kittens are buried.  

At least I remembered to take all three girlses to the bus today.  

Leah, is that you? 

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9 hours ago, Booted said:

I just read that Davids son Kadens mother Olivia was a hardcore heroin addict - that has me majorly wondering about David now. 

I found her Facebook page yesterday.  She works out hard core and even mentions being so many years sober.   But, I took this screen shot because poor Kaden is most definitely named Kaden David Eason.  ?‍♀️


Edited by Mkay
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Where do i even begin with this shit??

 Everytime Roxanne is on MY screen I say "ay dios mio....no puedo, i cant..."

Disgusting is not enough to describe all 3 of them. From roxannes behavior, to brianas sillicone ass, to brittney not wearing pants! Wtf is wrong with these bitches? Still continuing to play out these dramatic scenarios in front of nova, no wonder the poor kid cries on her first day... the emotional damage that they're doing to her is beyond fucked up! Devoin AND luis are deadbeats and shitty ass men, and like others have mentioned they have my full sympathy because of these bitches. I could go on and on about this trainwreck family, luckily for them we have jenelle...

That wedding was the saddest, fakest, shit ive ever seen. Marissa's face said it all!! 

David's mom...weird af.... although, she may be the brains behind this fake shit show wedding and pushed david to marry this dumb bitch and take every last dime she has!! 

Chelsea's 2nd wedding was beautiful, planned, organized and supported by REAL friends and family! Im not gonna lie, i teared up not only hearing aubreys speech (which was so beautiful and sweet ❤)...but when she walked out in her dress, and when they took their bridesmaid pics, and seeing they joy in all of their faces!

I honestly think they should of closed the show with chelseas family, none of the other bitches have anything positive going on to make it a "happy ending" kind of thing.

Leah's such a fucking hick...

Jo and Vee, also beautiful family. Vee shows out and doesnt even try! Shes so pretty, and a normal wife, mother, friend..etc. hulk doesnt deserve ANY of these people in her life. Javi needs to grow a pair, know that its a blessing he didnt end up with this beast! 

Lastly, fuck Donna! 

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And another trashtastic season of TM2 comes to a close. And how trashy was it? SOOOOO TRASHY!!

13 hours ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

Roxanne is crying because she lost her shit? And so briana has to comfort her?

Her ass makes me nauseous enough but I almost lost my dinner after Roxanne's fucking antics.

Roxane is ridiculous. She wants to be different? Then be different. She wants not to be an asshole, but its too hard. She doesn't know any other way to be.

Briana's comically engorged ass gives me life. I live for the shots of it. Its needs its own zip code. She was six inches above the seat on the bench. Looked like she was hovering, not sitting.

13 hours ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

David saw Jenelle walking down the aisle and started crying "there's the woman I'm going to murder someday."

Mic drop. You win the thread today! Brava!

13 hours ago, CofCinci said:

Anyone get a screengrab of the wild pitt bull running around during the wedding?

I noticed it and I believe I emitted a small scream. Nothing says "classy" like a pit bull running among your wedding guests.


12 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

I'd like to hope that Barb's friend was just going along with whatever the producers were prompting her to say, maybe?

If that's the case, then she is the best actress this show has ever seen and she should get her ass to Hollywood, stat.


2 hours ago, neece26 said:

Wow Nova's first day of Kindergarten celebratory lunch sure turned into a shit show fast.  Not the time or the place to talk child support or visitation.  Roxanne truly seems mentally unstable.   Devoid is a horse's ass but I have to think that it felt good to flip the double bird at the Coven. 

The whole coven hovering over Nova at school gave me the creeps. What a bunch of ghouls. And of course no event involving the DeJesus coven is complete unless Nova is in tears. She was OK going in--a little nervous but she could have been encouraged, they could have been brisk and cheerful (but of course they don't know how). They could have reminded Nova that she has a nice, sweet pretty teacher who was going to look after her and make her day great. But why do that when they could hover over her, increase her anxiety, and upset her? Poor little Nova. She's a sensitive child. And my god that whole thing about her being popular because of the show! She's six! She cares about making friends and drawing and singing and playing games! These women are horrible.

No occasion among the coven is complete without tears, a scene, yelling and flouncing off, is it? I still remember that breakfast after the baby shower, with all of them in a restaurant, feeding off each other and all of them sobbing like a bunch of preschoolers denied a cookie. No one will ever remember any celebratory occasion, any birthday, any holiday, any cookout, any dance recital or school play, any family outing of any kind, with anything resembling happiness. It will just be cold shudders or furious anger. Or a desire to hide under the bed to escape the crossfire.

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1 minute ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Briana's comically engorged ass gives me life. I live for the shots of it. Its needs its own zip code. She was six inches above the seat on the bench. Looked like she was hovering, not sitting.

It is beyond belief.  And she chose too look that way!  Woman needs a "wide load" sign if she's going to be on public roads and in hallways.  



3 minutes ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

. . .when Kail kept going on about Chris supporting her during labor!

Disgusting the way she was going on.  "He let me grab his hand."  Amazing. Wish that had been all you grabbed nine months prior.  

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Has it been discussed that Leah, who doesn't do jack all day, took Addie to the bus on her first day of school?  Does that not seem weird to anyone else?  Why not drive her to school and walk her into the classroom on her first day?  She gets so emotional about Addie going to school and just drops her off at the bus like "Vaya con Dios, Babe!" And don't get me started on Gracie putting on makeup before school.  I have a second grader. Neither she nor any of her classmates wear makeup.  That's just weird.  Probably even weirder than eating butter out of the tub with a knife.  Such a weird family.


I used to think the only acceptable option was for Javi to take Lincoln and raise him while Jo and Vee raise Isaac and have the two boys get together all the time, much like is done now, while Kail does whatever weird stuff she does that doesn't really involve her kids.  But then I heard Javi is dating Briana.  Dear gracious, is there a man out there with worse taste in women?  Good luck, Lincoln.  Both your parents are apparently stupid.


Jenelle is a bitch. Einsley has a messed up head because neither of her parents should have ever reproduced. Kaiser is abused by UBT.  Jace hates being on the compound known as his mom's place.  Water is wet. 


Chelsea and Cole have such an adorable family and I love seeing that someone from this franchise has actually managed to get her stuff together and develop a healthy family life.


I still don't watch Briana's segments and fastforwarding during them shows me enough to know that I'm not going to be changing that anytime soon. 

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24 minutes ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

I have to say Javi couldn't have a more fitting comuppence for his asshole ways. Standing there, looking like a mope in his former home while his ex and son gush over a child fathered by the man his ex-wife cheated on him with.  However,  I would have at least wanted him to get one petry dig in just to see the looks on everyone's face. Would have loved to see Javi blurt out "so why isn't he here now?" when Kail kept going on about Chris supporting her during labor!

The things that this bitch finds "sweet" about this asshole is unbelievable!! She's so pathetic, its sad. I'll never forget how happy she was when he called her and said "hi" to her friends lol. I was hoping javi's bitchy snarky side would come out and he said some shit to her too! 

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13 hours ago, CofCinci said:

The front was never hemmed so she couldn’t walk. It looked like her straps were falling down. Marissa’s dress looks like something I made when I was 8 and my mom threw out old white sheer curtains.

I've never seen a a bride have to hold up the bottom of her dress when she walked down the aisle, but I've never seen a bride walk down an aisle of fresh sod in a dress that she can't walk in. 

I don't remember Marissa's dress, but someone in another thread mentioned Aubree's mother-of-the-bride dress.  She's a cute kid but that dress was unfortunate.


3 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I forgot, Briana really pissed me off when she was trying to comfort Nova on her first day by telling her she'd be the popular kid because of Teen Mom. Like her 5 year old classmates watch that show!!! What priorities anyhow.

I was taken aback because, yeah, priorities, but figured/hoped she was referring to the cameras that were filming that scene.  Like it or not, people with cameras on them are very popular in our celebrity-worshiping society, and I can definitely see that making her special among the other kids.  But surely five-year-olds have more sense than to actually watch this show.

I know people can refuse to sign releases and the show has to blur their faces, but I sure wouldn't want Teen Mom cameras in my kid's classroom.


1 hour ago, beesknees said:

 I'm glad Devoin finally told Brianna where it hung.  Why can't Nova go to Devoin's house?  Is there something I'm missing from a past season.  The ONLY reason Brianna's not getting serious about taking Devoin to court for child support is because she knows a formal visitation schedule will be set up regarding Devoin/Nova and no way does Brianna not want to be controlling that situation.  I see you Brianna ....

I find it strange that both Luis and Devoin have told Brianna, with respect to child support, "Do what you have to do," almost in a "Please do," but not threatening, way.  As always, I think there's a lot more going on than we see, but the theory about establishing formal visitation sounds plausible.  As other posters have pointed out, Luis has not shown up empty-handed every time he's come around.  Is it enough?  Probably not.  But he could be giving her money that we never hear about.  Let's just say I'm not sure I trust the coven's version of anything.

It's interesting that Devoin was citing things they'd said about him on the first episode this season.  Do they usually start airing the season before they finish filming? 

I was so disappointed that he flipped them off as he was leaving because it's just trashy, but if that's what it took to keep from strangling them, then I guess it's good.  What I'm wondering is if the customer who restrained Roxanne thought he was on an episode of "What Would You Do?" until he realized the cameras on that one are hidden.

And I found it amusing that my captions said "unintelligible" when Devoin said where he worked, but even I could understand him:  Winn-Dixie. 


12 hours ago, Miss Chevious said:

I wanted to punch Donna right in the face. It's Jenelle's wedding day, for Pete's sake! Of course Babs is going to be emotional over not being invited! Babs was looking for a little consolation, a ear to listen and a shoulder to cry on, that's all. She sure didn't need Donna's trite and pithy remarks or her supposed solutions that weren't solutions at all. Donna needs to be thrown on the same dung heap as that producer Kristin. 

So...why is this the person Barb chooses to film with?  I just can't help but think that whatever facts she's working with are more reliable than the curated versions we viewers are getting.  Hell, she's getting Barb's unedited side of the story and still doesn't agree with her?  And apparently Barb can't find anyone to film with who does?


9 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Is Addie related to Paula Deen? Eating trans fat with no fucks to give.

Believe it or not, Country Crock doesn't contain trans fat. 

Maybe I'm a snob, but I would have had a much kinder reaction if she'd been eating real butter on a knife.

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