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S08.E01: Mercy

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15 minutes ago, Lady Iris said:

Can anybody tell me how after all this time there is still any gasoline or oil to keep vehicles running is still around? It irks me way more than it should but I have trouble suspending my belief for this particular point.

I developed my own head canon for this. In their world someone came up with a revolutionary new additive which made gasoline and oil never evaporate, and in fact sometimes even regenerate, so they never run out. Unfortunately for these nincompoops, it turns out it has the same effect on humans, which is where all the walkers came from in the first place. So endless gasoline is balanced out by flesh eating monsters. Is that a fair trade?  :)

13 minutes ago, Pixel said:

Ok, I still don't get what the point was of wasting thousands of rounds on shooting out windows. Anyone?

Good question. Since the show won't tell us, I'm guessing Rick and company were trying to kill any saviors who happened to be in the building, like snipers maybe? Me, I would have focused my bullets on the asshole with the bat.

Edited by KirkB
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8 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

I just can't with this show's "artistic" time shuffling, so I'm just not reading much

You know what happens every single time the gray-haired frat boys in charge of this show decide that they are artistes. A big, incomprehensible mess (remember the fucked-up ep where Tyrese dies?)ensues. They need to stick with guns and guts and gore.

Speaking of which, some of the zombies last night  were pretty damned cool and I did enjoy Rick casually ransacking the Savior's belongings while the guy lay on the ground screaming. And then he releases the zombie to finish him off. Heh. Rick "Kill 'em all" Grimes -  a savage!

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18 minutes ago, Pixiebomb said:

When Rick was waking up in bed and they showed the flowers I thought "oh no- please don't tell me this entire show has been a dream and Rick is just now waking up from his Coma in the hospital."  I can just see it now- Rick is waking up with Lori and Shane by his side- pan out to the hallway where delivery guy Glen is delivering flowers. Paramedics T- Dog an Jackie talking to cop Daryl- who is guarding his prisoner Meryl while Dr Andrea is treating him.  Candy Striper Amy is playing with Sophia while her dad Ed wheels pregnant Carol into ER. And Dale is on the TV running for Mayor of a town called Woodbury. And Morgan is eating cheese. 

I like that.

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I know nothing about weaponry, but when Rick & Co. formed their reinforced vehicles in a circle outside a multistory building, couldn't a Savior from an upper floor (one with good aim) lob a grenade right into their barrier and blow everybody to wallpaper paste in one swell foop?

Didn't Maggie say the doctor had told her it was okay for her to go on murder/death/kill missions through her second trimester?  (Who knew?)

The more I think about this ep, the confuseder I get.

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42 minutes ago, KirkB said:

I developed my own head canon for this. In their world someone came up with a revolutionary new additive which made gasoline and oil never evaporate, and in fact sometimes even regenerate, so they never run out. Unfortunately for these nincompoops, it turns out it has the same effect on humans, which is where all the walkers came from in the first place. So endless gasoline is balanced out by flesh eating monsters. Is that a fair trade?  :)

I can accept this ;-)

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One of the things I did like about this episode was all of the characters were in it.  The episodes that focus on only one or two characters are usually the ones I hate.

Negan not getting killed would make more sense if the writers would not keep putting Negan in situations where he could easily be taken out.  Dozens of these people are sharp shooters until they have a clean shot at Negan that lasts for hours (okay only minutes, but it seemed like hours).  Negan constantly gets in Rick's face, and yet the guy who ripped out a man's juggler with his teeth does nothing, but tell Negan he is going to kill him.

I've never read the comics, and I guess they can keep the comics and show going for as long as they want to, but I was wondering if Rick is hallucinating because he is dying and he is going to end up being a ghost advisor to Maggie and Carl.  Some of the comments Rick, Michonne and Jesus have made make me think Maggie and Carl are going to become the leaders at some point this season.

I got the impression with the taking out of the look out guards, and the different groups meeting up with each other that the attack where Negan was was just the beginning.  From here, the different groups are going to attack different Savior outposts.  This is actually a pretty good plan, except for the fact that once again they could have taken out Negan, and didn't.  Yeah, I'm going to be harping on that for a long time.  Uh oh, I wonder if that means I'm turning into Negan, and am going to start making long boring pointless speeches that say the same thing over and over again.

Edited by TigerLynx
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5 hours ago, millennium said:

A new season with nothing new in it.  Not even a little bit.   

The writing is beyond awful.  "I hope you got your shitting pants on.  Because you're gonna shit your pants."  Really?  This is what you produce when you're a highly paid television writer?  

And that scene before the battle, everybody smiling and chatting like they're at a local swop meet.   Exchanging one liners like an eHarmony commercial?  wtf?

Speaking of commercials, the show was damn near unwatchable thanks to the gazillion commercial breaks.  

Seems to me Negan had a LOT more guys than the five or six we saw at the compound.   They were all gathered in the yard when Negan was saying "we're going to war" at the end of last season, now where are they?

Rick's fantasy sequence is hugely annoying.   You know what?  I don't want to speculate what's happening.  I don't want to guess.    Quit fucking with me and just tell the story, assholes.  

You said it all.

When Nicotero was on Talking Dead talking about Scorcese and other great directors, I almost laughed out loud.  Do they really think they're making ART here?  There have been some amazing episodes in the past and Nicotero has directed a few.  But the glory days of TWD are clearly over, if THIS incoherent mess is the best they can come up with for the 100th episode.

I understand that Danai isn't available for shooting because she's off shooting something exponentially better.  But on this show, she's still playing a character named MICHONNE. And if you're going to leave Michonne behind while EVERYONE besides the children and Rosita go off to war, Michonne should be bedridden, too injured to fight.  Because that was bullshit.  Michonne didn't have a mark on her.  And she didn't even express a LITTLE unhappiness with being left behind.

I know that a lot of people are happy that Michonne is Rick's woman and some are even satisfied that that's ALL she is now.  But Michonne is one of the most iconic characters in the TWD-verse and this bullshit is fucking insulting.

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18 minutes ago, spiderpig said:

Didn't Maggie say the doctor had told her it was okay for her to go on murder/death/kill missions through her second trimester?  (Who knew?)

At a stab of macabre humor (see what I did there), how many women do you think are asking their ob/gyns if they can continue with their murder/death/kill missions? That sounds more hazordous than going shoe shopping. 

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8 hours ago, Lady Iris said:

Can anybody tell me how after all this time there is still any gasoline or oil to keep vehicles running is still around? It irks me way more than it should but I have trouble suspending my belief for this particular point.

This whole show requires suspending disbelief.  Conservation of ammo was completely ignored last night, as the gang liberally shot up everything that wasn't a live person with their finite supply.  The fact that there are still massive hordes of zombies walking around completely defies belief.  Their bodies would have crumbled long ago from deterioration and the elements.

Edited by Dobian
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1 hour ago, Pixel said:

Ok, I still don't get what the point was of wasting thousands of rounds on shooting out windows. Anyone?

I can't say for sure, without understand the entire structure of their compound. Maybe they were worried about shooters being stationed up there? Maybe they're trying to make the entire place more vulnerable to the walkers coming down the road? Maybe it just looked cool? LOL


53 minutes ago, Pixiebomb said:

When Rick was waking up in bed and they showed the flowers I thought "oh no- please don't tell me this entire show has been a dream and Rick is just now waking up from his Coma in the hospital."  I can just see it now- Rick is waking up with Lori and Shane by his side- pan out to the hallway where delivery guy Glen is delivering flowers. Paramedics T- Dog an Jackie talking to cop Daryl- who is guarding his prisoner Meryl while Dr Andrea is treating him.  Candy Striper Amy is playing with Sophia while her dad Ed wheels pregnant Carol into ER. And Dale is on the TV running for Mayor of a town called Woodbury. And Morgan is eating cheese. 

I had the same fear, minus all your dead-on details. I'm glad it wasn't a "this was all a dream" trope. I think they shot it that way on purpose, to give a little call back to season one. I also was strongly reminded of Days Gone Bye when Rick and Carl were at the gas station. 

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Ok Rick, since you can't hit the broad side of a Negan with your machine gun, keep one sharpshooter beside you trained on Negan. With a codeword (say "seven"), sharpshooter takes out Negan's skull. What's hard about that plan? We're not talking hundreds of feet, you're within shouting distance.

I was half explecting Rick to run up to Negan's dumpster and toss a grenade in there. That would have been fine too.

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I didn't understand wasting bullets on a building. I figured the Neganites went down to the lunchroom to chill while our crew spent all their ammo. I think I saw Maggie shooting the building with a handgun and it looked so stupid.

Why didn't Gabriel just tell Gregory to get in the car?

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28 minutes ago, Pondlass1 said:

The whole Negan Can't Die plot is now beyond annoying. How much longer must we put up with this stupidity?  How many more episodes is Negan in?  

Someone ought to set up a Twitter or Facebook account (not me. I'm old and don;t understand that tech stuff). Call it Days To When Negan Dies.

19 minutes ago, Iguessnot said:

I didn't understand wasting bullets on a building. I figured the Neganites went down to the lunchroom to chill while our crew spent all their ammo. I think I saw Maggie shooting the building with a handgun and it looked so stupid.

Why didn't Gabriel just tell Gregory to get in the car?

I don't know if this is true, but I heard that when out troops went to Iraq and Afghanistan, they were given flip cards with photos of all the baddies in the area.

Evidentally, despite other wonderful plans that Team Rick came up with, they didn't think to do this. So FPP didn't know what to do with Gregory. (Rick should have kept that camera he had. Then, he could have done a set of flip cards for everyone! And Negan has such en ego he would probably pose.)

Edited by JackONeill
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2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I think when the Tara/Carole/Morgan/Daryl crew caused the first big explosion on the highway, a bunch of Saviors took off to see what happened - leaving their compound not as defended. Where they actually ended up and who's planning on dealing with them is another story. 

They did show us a caravan leaving the Saviors' compound to check things out. I thought they were the ones Tara/Carole/Morgan/Daryl blew up just before they split up, and Daryl took off on the motorcycle to lead the walkers to the Saviors' compound.  Did I imagine that?  When they were worried that walker was going to trip the wire, so Morgan took him out?  

Also, I'm guessing I'm the only one here who actually likes Tara.  She's grown on me.  

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13 hours ago, AimingforYoko said:

I gotta hand it to Rick and co., it was a solid plan. I have no complaints. Maggie or Jesus must've come up with it.

Father Gabriel is OK, at least for the short term, no way Negan deprives himself of a listener for his bullshit.

***still laughing at your screen name***

Good point about Gabriel.  I hope he's okay.  I really like him.

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13 hours ago, Armchair Critic said:


Negan, eloquent as ever. (eyeroll)

Aw I love older Judith.

She confused me.  How long have they been planning?  Maggie's still not showing, but Judith has aged a year.

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This show is just s anticlimactic. No Rick you aren't going to kill Negan this isn't the end of the war. It's hard to invest in this story when the unimaginative dickheads can't wonder to far away from their precious comic books.

This didn't feel like a season premiere it just felt like any old episode. They need to do something different and engaging not 8 different battles where it all ends in a tie because no one can win until this storyline is done and they gear up for whatever/whoever the next big bad is. 

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13 hours ago, jcin617 said:

What plan?  They had Negan dead to rights and did not shoot him.

THAT was truly annoying.  I know Rick was trying to honestly give Dwight cover to leave, as well as the others a chance to defect, so I do understand his holding his fire.  It doesn't mean I liked it.  I kept telling him to JUST SHOOT ALREADY.  

13 hours ago, AngelaHunter said:

Why does Maggie sound more and more like EllyMae Clampett? Where is her belly? How preggo is she?

Just found out that last season, beginning to end, was only three weeks in TWD time.  She wouldn't be showing yet.

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13 hours ago, MostlyContent said:

I enjoyed the episode!

I think the reason why they didn't immediately shoot Negan and his posse was a timing issue.  They were waiting for the herd to advance.

Thank you.  That does make sense.

13 hours ago, TigerLynx said:

Oh please let Shiva eat Gregory and Negan.  She would actually get the job done.

She would, but I don't want her to get sick.

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11 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

I just can't with this show's "artistic" time shuffling

I FULLY agree. I wish this show would 'experiment' with a linear episode or two.

For me, the problem with all the time-jumping and remembered/dreamed/imagined scenes is that EVERYONE LOOKS THE SAME. Same dirty clothes, same scenery, same players - except Rick's beard, which: what was THAT about?? t's not like we are getting obvious hints like "oh! so much tie-dye! this must be the sixties.." or, "oh! see how much longer her hair is? this is from before she shaved it all off...".  

It's frustrating and confusing to not follow an episode until rewatching after the whole season is over and having seen the whole picture.

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They build up to a climax, then go to commercial.  When they come back, they're insert another stupid dream or alternate time sequence.

They like being their own buzzkill.

This is the same shit Lost always did, give you little bits of the actual present-day story and then pad it up with flashbacks, killing the momentum.  Those flashbacks were automatic cock-blocks.

What is it that these TV show runners think they're doing, those fake marathon sessions of tantric sex that Sting always boasted about?

Edited by scrb
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43 minutes ago, xaxat said:

Did we lose an original character last night? Was that Hershel's Dale's RV they blew up to breach the gates?

I don't think so. I think this was the RV they found after meeting Aaron, when Abe and Glen (and others?) were investigating Aaron's story. 

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29 minutes ago, LadyMustang65 said:
3 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I think when the Tara/Carole/Morgan/Daryl crew caused the first big explosion on the highway, a bunch of Saviors took off to see what happened - leaving their compound not as defended. Where they actually ended up and who's planning on dealing with them is another story. 

They did show us a caravan leaving the Saviors' compound to check things out. I thought they were the ones Tara/Carole/Morgan/Daryl blew up just before they split up, and Daryl took off on the motorcycle to lead the walkers to the Saviors' compound.  Did I imagine that?  When they were worried that walker was going to trip the wire, so Morgan took him out?  

Yup - the group of cars/motorcycles was supposed to be the lead squad of Saviors and Carol's crew took them out with the trip wire to make sure the compound didn't have the full defense team.  And yes to Morgan and the walker, it was to keep it from tripping the explosives (risky plan there, what if a walker came along a minute later, before the cars got there but where the driver could have seen Morgan).

I liked how the opening with Carl mirrored the first scene of the first episode ever with Rick at the gas station, from carrying the container, to hearing another person and getting down to peek under the car, nice touch.  They need to get Carl a proper eye patch.

Can't figure out the future Rick scenes in terms of is it real or a dream.  What made me wonder was the music (well it's Weird Al so first it made me laugh then it made me wonder).........that music was loud - enough that it could be heard upstairs in the house.  First rule of survival is don't attract the walkers to you so why would they be having what sounds like a town-wide spring break frat party complete with pounding bass music unless they've done something where they don't think there's any threats nearby or it's all in Ricks head and in his happy fake world there are no rules.  But what's live and what's memorex remains to be seen - if they ever have Neegan shut up long enough to get to those plot points.

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52 minutes ago, xaxat said:

Did we lose an original character last night? Was that Hershel's Dale's RV they blew up to breach the gates?

Dale's RV bought the farm at The Farm. It caught on fire after Jimmy tried to save Carl and Rick in the burning barn. 

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4 hours ago, allyw said:

This episode was better than last season's premiere but I was still underwhelmed and I'm probably going to continue to feel this way as long as Negan is still illogically on the show.  Kirkman & co needs to realize that television and graphic novels are two different mediums and what works on one may not work on the other.

Kirkman is the problem.  The show was MUCH tighter before they made the decision to closely follow the comics.  And Kirkman is NEVER going to let go of Negan.  That's his alter ego.

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2 hours ago, TigerLynx said:

Uh oh, I wonder if that means I'm turning into Negan, and am going to start making long boring pointless speeches that say the same thing over and over again.

Have you found yourself leaning back while you make those pointless speeches?

1 hour ago, LadyMustang65 said:

They did show us a caravan leaving the Saviors' compound to check things out. I thought they were the ones Tara/Carole/Morgan/Daryl blew up just before they split up, and Daryl took off on the motorcycle to lead the walkers to the Saviors' compound.  Did I imagine that?  When they were worried that walker was going to trip the wire, so Morgan took him out?  

Also, I'm guessing I'm the only one here who actually likes Tara.  She's grown on me.  

I like Tara, too!  She's always been one of my favorites.  She sweet, loyal, and has a light heart.

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3 hours ago, Pixiebomb said:

When Rick was waking up in bed and they showed the flowers I thought "oh no- please don't tell me this entire show has been a dream and Rick is just now waking up from his Coma in the hospital."  I can just see it now- Rick is waking up with Lori and Shane by his side- pan out to the hallway where delivery guy Glen is delivering flowers. Paramedics T- Dog an Jackie talking to cop Daryl- who is guarding his prisoner Meryl while Dr Andrea is treating him.  Candy Striper Amy is playing with Sophia while her dad Ed wheels pregnant Carol into ER. And Dale is on the TV running for Mayor of a town called Woodbury. And Morgan is eating cheese. 

I've decided (mostly because it suits my planned ending) that these Flashforwards to Old Man Rick is Rick's heaven and he's going to die either by end of Season or end of Series.

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31 minutes ago, Haleth said:

I don't think so. I think this was the RV they found after meeting Aaron, when Abe and Glen (and others?) were investigating Aaron's story. 

I think you're right.  They lost the RV, either at the farm or when they left the prison.  I know it was gone by then, because they left the prison on foot.

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14 hours ago, leela46 said:

Didn't FPP have a gun? The moment Negan made his shitting pants comment, just shoot him. God would understand.


14 hours ago, mmecorday said:

So our fearless heroes have explosives. Why didn't they use them to, oh, I don't know -- BLOW UP NEGAN'S COMPOUND? No, just waste several thousand rounds of ammo that could be useful later. In their down time, it might be useful for them to find some books about how actual wars were waged and won.

And Negan, Gabriel doesn't wear pooping pants. He wears pee-pee pants. Get with the program, dickhole.

I was thinking the same thing. It's PEE pants. Poor FPP. I missed him saving that coward Gregory. I hope they get him out of there. 

3 hours ago, Pixel said:

Ok, I still don't get what the point was of wasting thousands of rounds on shooting out windows. Anyone?

I wondered, too. Pointless. It's not like they can just go out and buy more. 

I didn't mind the episode at first. I wondered why they were blowing things up along the road, and gathering walkers, but I saw someone say here as I was scrolling, that they were trying to draw the saviours. 

Rick and his scary beards. At least the new one looks clean. 

As everyone else has said, they could have shot him right there, but of course they didn't.  

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I enjoyed the bulk of the show. I know Negan is wearing layers of Plot Armour and, apparently, has to go on and on and on, so I’ve decided I can live with it. I do my best to tune him out and use his monologues for posting over on the live chat. The show now needs to do its part by keeping Negan out of the line of fire. If he’s not supposed to die for a while (a short while, I hope) then have him make his speeches from cover and show that Fr Gabriel has lost his gun. Stop making it easy to kill him and then fail. It doesn’t look good on anybody.

Same with Michonne and Rosita. Those women are badass. If they’re sitting out a fight, then both of them need to look like a truck just ran over them. 

I was initially confused by all the ammo wasted on the building but I’m starting to think it makes sense if Rick is looking at a war of attrition. As soon as the attack happened, Negan or one of his Lts called for a lockdown. Everyone is inside now. That’s great for them but not so much for Rick, if he had to besiege the compound. He doesn’t because the walkers are doing for him. The people in lockdown cannot leave now and the walkers aren’t going anywhere because they can hear and smell the people inside. They’re going to be motivated to get in and the Saviours inside are going to start freaking out. Rick can stay back, keep a few people on watch and wait while the walkers and the trapped Saviours solve his problem for him.

I like seeing people like Tara and Fr. Gabriel level up, but Tara would never have gone back for Gregory and I wish Fr. Gabriel hadn’t. I love that he hesitated, though. Seth Gilliam was great there. He really didn’t want to go, but went anyway. It was boneheaded, but he doesn’t deserve to get stuck with Negan for it.

Carol and King Ezekiel better be okay. Rick needs to talk to Carl about adopting strays. Looks like Judith will be needing a new babysitter though.

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 It's like they think if they throw in some "arty" shit they can bring this show back to Darabont levels of good storytelling, to compensate for all the ridiculous shit they've made us put up with - The Glenn fake out, Negan refusing to die, horrible CGI. But it ain't Darabont. It's just a big fail. 

The irony here is that I first really got into this show because it had a bullshit-free, linear approach to storytelling that was straightforward and easy to follow. I'm so over these shows that have to jump around in different time frames just to seem deep and clever. This isn't Westworld (a show I loathed, by the way, for that very reason.)

So yeah - I did not care for all the jumping around and had a hard time figuring out what the time frames were. We left off last season with Negan rallying his people to war. Did they spend the next few months just sitting around thinking about it? Because it seemed like they were gearing up to go back and fight right then and there. How on earth did Rick and his people manage to do all that recon and planning and prep work and how much time has passed and why haven't the Saviors been doing anything while Rick's crew has been doing all this shit?

I'm also worried that the battle we just saw was a jump forward and the rest of the season will go back and build up to that and show us how what led up to it. Ugh - I hate that idea.

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When Rick was waking up in bed and they showed the flowers I thought "oh no- please don't tell me this entire show has been a dream and Rick is just now waking up from his Coma in the hospital."  I can just see it now- Rick is waking up with Lori and Shane by his side- pan out to the hallway where delivery guy Glen is delivering flowers. Paramedics T- Dog an Jackie talking to cop Daryl- who is guarding his prisoner Meryl while Dr Andrea is treating him.  Candy Striper Amy is playing with Sophia while her dad Ed wheels pregnant Carol into ER. And Dale is on the TV running for Mayor of a town called Woodbury. And Morgan is eating cheese. 

And Carl is sitting quietly, playing with a snow globe...and the building inside the snow globe is HERSCHEL'S FARM!

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And who's taking care of her while Zeke and Jerry are otherwise occupied?  She's lounging in a flat bed truck, with a simple chain on.   I realize she has the magical ability to determine friend or foe (she proved that last season), but most of these people saw her go to town on some humans a few days ago.  For pete's sake, they keep her in a cage during down time in her own home.  A girl gets hungry and there's plenty of living food running around.

This made me crazy in the finale! Though I did rewind Shiva's attack about 20 times (while yelling "whoooo!"), I felt so worried about her after! Ezekiel was off and running and conquering and banishing and I'm thinking like an overprotective pet owner worried she'll get hurt or lost!

Now I wonder if the Kingdom people are forced to be vegetarians because it takes a goodly sum of meat to feed a tiger daily!

Aww, man-- I just love that CGI tiger so much.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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8 hours ago, millennium said:

The writing is beyond awful.  "I hope you got your shitting pants on.  Because you're gonna shit your pants."  Really?  This is what you produce when you're a highly paid television writer?  

Father Gabriel should've worn his poopie suit.


8 hours ago, millennium said:

And that scene before the battle, everybody smiling and chatting like they're at a local swop meet.   Exchanging one liners like an eHarmony commercial?  wtf?

According to Greg Nicotero, that was his personal tribute to the movie Goodfellas, specifically the scene in the nightclub where the camera pans along a zillion characters (Johnny Roastbeef, Petey No-Nose, etc) and we hear snippets of their conversations. I think that to really hit this reference home he should've had one of the Hilltop characters say "I'm gonna go get the bullets, get the bullets."

Edited by Ouisch
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18 minutes ago, Ouisch said:

Father Gabriel should've worn his poopie suit.


According to Greg Nicotero, that was his personal tribute to the movie Goodfellas, specifically the scene in the nightclub where the camera pans along a zillion characters (Johnny Roastbeef, Petey No-Nose, etc) and we hear snippets of their conversations. I think that to really hit this reference home he should've had one of the Hilltop characters say "I'm gonna go get the bullets, get the bullets."

I love MST3000!  The ultimate snark. 

Edited by Pixiebomb
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18 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

Aww, man-- I just love that CGI tiger so much.

If the writers would just let Shiva kill Negan, or eat him alive, I would forgive all the other times Negan should have been dead, but survived.

I guess maybe FPP tried to save Gregory to atone for when he didn't help the people at his church.

Carl's comment to Rick, "There isn't enough hope for that to happen," was really nice.  I liked the quiet way the line was delivered.  It's funny Carl used to annoy me, and now I really like him.

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7 hours ago, Gobi said:

I think the season will go like this: Every episode, Rick or someone else will miss a chance to kill Negan, while more of  the Saviors die. The last scene will be Negan, monologuing about how he's lost everything. He looks off camera and says, "You're my only hope." We hear a voice say "Don't worry, I'll take care of Rick." The camera pans over, and we see Madison Clark.

I mean she's the angel of death. If anybody can reduce the cast-bloat we have going on here, it's her. Though she'd also kill Negan in the process, because that's just what she does.


6 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I probably should have rewatched last season, because I spent the first half of this episode trying to remember what happened. 

You have to be a massive masochist for even considering doing that.

Edited by Miles
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7 minutes ago, Miles said:

I think the season will go like this: Every episode, Rick or someone else will miss a chance to kill Negan, while more of  the Saviors die. The last scene will be Negan, monologuing about how he's lost everything. He looks off camera and says, "You're my only hope." We hear a voice say "Don't worry, I'll take care of Rick." The camera pans over, and we see Madison Clark.

I mean she's the angel if death. If anybody can reduce the cast-bloat we have going on here, it's her. Though she'd also kill Negan in the process, because that's just what she does.

Rick and Company are outside Negan's compound again.  Rick is threatening to kill Negan.  Negan is yaking yaking yaking.  Suddenly, one of Negan's top henchmen shoots Negan in the head, and says, "There.  Negan is dead.  Now for fucks sake will you people just leave.  We would like to forget you exist."

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This show has jumped the shark. They really do think they are making " art". Gimple is so far up his own arse he has lost sight of the basic things that made this show great in the beginning. 

Assuming they rained bullets on the savior's home base to goad them into coming outside for revenge, with the intent on the walker herd arriving just in time to do some damage, it seems so lame considering they could scarcely come up with a handful of ammo previously. 

The actress that portrays Rosita did not look healthy- she gave birth recently, and I hope she is ok. 

Most of the actors did a poor job trying to scrape up some fake enthusiasm about the show on the 100 th episode special. Gimple maintains TWD will go on for many years- at this rate they will be lucky to be renewed for one or two more seasons. 

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3 hours ago, LadyMustang65 said:

They did show us a caravan leaving the Saviors' compound to check things out. I thought they were the ones Tara/Carole/Morgan/Daryl blew up just before they split up, and Daryl took off on the motorcycle to lead the walkers to the Saviors' compound.  Did I imagine that?  When they were worried that walker was going to trip the wire, so Morgan took him out?  

Also, I'm guessing I'm the only one here who actually likes Tara.  She's grown on me.  

Negan sent ten of his best men (his words) out on a recon mission. Those were  two cars and a couple of motorcycles that Carol and Daryll blew up (real good) in the ambush.

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4 hours ago, Iguessnot said:

I didn't understand wasting bullets on a building. I figured the Neganites went down to the lunchroom to chill while our crew spent all their ammo. I think I saw Maggie shooting the building with a handgun and it looked so stupid.

Oh my gosh, Maggie shooting long range with that revolver just made me groan. 


3 hours ago, smorbie said:

She confused me.  How long have they been planning?  Maggie's still not showing, but Judith has aged a year.

Maggie's still not showing, yet Carl is ready to buy a pack of smokes and enlist in the Army. 

Seriously. Chandler Riggs turned 18 this summer.  According to TWD Wiki, it's still only been 2 years and some change since the show began.  So Carl should be, what? At MOST 14? And that's really being generous, IMO. I don't think he looked any older than 10 when the series began. 

Of course, they can't help how the actor ended up growing. But that's what they get when they drag a damn story out for too long. 

1 hour ago, Miles said:

You have to be a massive masochist for even considering doing that.

Haha, I didn't consider it. Not even once. In the early days, I LOVED spending the summer rewatching all the previous seasons to gear up for the premiere. The last few years, I couldn't be arsed to do it. But it does mean I find myself going, "huh?" a few times once the new season kicks off. My memory SUCKS. 

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I was happy the show was back. The only thing that really bothered me was Rick having endless opportunities to kill Negan and yet never taking a shot. Once Negan is dead, it would be a lot easier to either turn or kill the rest. I also didn't understand where they got all the ammo and why they wasted so much of it. My sister is convinced Rick will die this season and the dream/flash forward thing was a scene of life going on without him, even though he appeared to be there. I hope not.

I'm not big on Maggie as some kind of leader, especially one that Rick follows. Michonne and Carol have more leadership qualities to me. I liked Carl leaving some food for the mystery guy. I believe the only way people would really survive is to decide to help each other. Of course that doesn't mean they have to trust him, but giving a couple cans of food to someone starving is something we all should do always. Finally, I will be really annoyed if FPP ends up getting Lucilled. I like his character now, and he has a gun with him-I dont believe he would stand by and get killed.  And Negan's vocabulary should at least be at a high school level-the shitting pants comment didn't make sense even as an insult. 

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When they were herding the walkers, I kept expecting Tara to say, "puppies and kittens" every time the herd would come into view. The Sunglasses/Licorice while counting down was very Z Nation like...I am in the minority, I guess, because I really like Tara. She brings a little bit of much needed silliness to this show.

I knew they weren't going to kill Negan. It's too early in the season for him to die. Maybe the whole point of wasting all of those bullets was just to make a bunch of noise to direct the herd. At least that's what I'm going to tell myself.

Edited by JusLaugh
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