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Season 1 - 3 Discussion

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10 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

I feel like there a really obvious “this season really went out with a bang” joke in here somewhere...

Guilty!!  I said that to my hubby and he rolled his eyes so hard I thought he was going to have an aneurysm!

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19 hours ago, NeenerNeener said:

Something has been bugging me about the story Jamie's father told him about killing his wife. The crack whore that was turning tricks for drugs and ignoring her tiny baby doesn't sound like a woman that would be close to John Dutton and his wife. I suppose she could have started with the drugs after she married Randle but wouldn't the Dutton's have tried to help her if she was close enough to them that they adopted her baby?

I'm hoping they explore the connection between John Dutton and his wife and Randall (Randle?)...there's got to be something else going on there. Why would they adopt this baby? Seems odd to me. 

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Shouldn't the FBI or Federal Marshals show up at some point and start investigating this shit?! 

So Beth's big revenge against her old boss was to call in an anonymous sexual harrassment tip?   

And here I thought Jaime's dad might turn out to be a likeable guy who made a horrible mistake and paid his dues. ...but I guess everyone on this show has to be homocidally derranged! 

Josh's hair can look good, he is just getting older and maybe needs some extensions to fill it out now. He should be dead soon though, since Dutton now knows he is Roarke.  


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First of all, what the hell was going on with the hair and wardrobe this season? So many characters looked so off, and how do you mess up Josh Hollowell so much? His hair is the source of his greatest power!

Certainly one intense way to end the season, assassins everywhere and all kinds of shit going down. Although I have to say, those were some crappy assassins, there has to be easier ways to kill people, especially people that live out in the middle of nowhere. How did they manage not to hit one 50 something guy alone on the road with only one lady and a kid more than one time in the gut? Yeah they make sure to get the random soccer mom, but John only got a gut wound. Those morons could have just walked up and shot him in the head after he got gut shot. Not that I want John to die or anything, far from it, but they could at least make it so contrived. And why would they try to kill Kasey in such a dramatic and public way that could so easily just kill other random people, and not Kasey, who had time to get read to get away? I know that they are trying to make it look like Jamie or Rainwater did this, but I dont buy that it was either of them, not for a second. Jamie might be pissed at his family, but this is a pretty big leap, nor do I see him knowing how to hire assassins in a massive murder plot against his family, thats just such an escalation from when his last big act of violence was a spur of the moment freak out that almost led him to kill himself. And this just so isn't Rainwaters style, he might have violence done or even have really nasty people killed like the serial killer, but this is so big and showy and killing most all of the Duttons for business just seems to be crossing a line in a way that doesn't seem in character, especially considering he and John are kind of cool with each other in a frienemy way. Besides, I dont think that he would buy the lawyers big "sounds bad ass but is just really blah blah blah mostly" speech, at least if its being framed that that led him to a triple murder. This area might be big on frontier justice and pushing the boundaries of civilized society and all that, but he is smart enough to know that he cant just kill people and take their land and that just flies with the US government, this is Montana not freaking Westeros. 

I normally like Jimmy, but man what an absolute dumbass move, and after he managed to magically heal so fast from the last major injury! That was totally on him, what an idiot, I thought that he had grown a bit more of a brain but his brain was overridden by his dick this time. Pun intended. I should have known his girlfriend would end badly. 

I did crack at up at "what the fuck?" looks on the barrel girls faces when they saw the brands. Like they were "ohhhhh so this is a cult..."

This adoption thing with Jamie is so weird, I feel like there is way more to this story than we are being told. John talking about Jamie's bio mom sounds very different than the women his bio dad described, especially if this was a women that John was friends with, or even dated, so much that he would adopt her son and raise him as his own. The adoption and how and why this happened just raises so many questions, and Jamies bio dad just seems super off, it almost feels like this is all a con that Beth came up with to fuck with Jamie and make him finally kill himself or something. So Jamie can now pick between the creepy white trash dad who cheers him on to murder people and beat his wife/Jamie's mom to death, or the emotionally distant dad who can barley stand him for becoming the thing that he wanted him to be, and admitted that he doesn't love him. Jamie can be such a total messy messy ass, but it really sucks to be him. 

Kasey going into politics? I mean, Kasey is really good at some stuff, but I dont see him doing very good in this office, or enjoying it very much. Even if thats what the old guys want, he is going to be miserable in an office. 

John does seem to have a way with kids, it makes me wonder how things got so messed up with his own kids growing up. The scene with everyone in the room was great, there was a real energy, and its often hard for a show to do "people talk legal stuff" for a whole scene and make it really work, but they really did. John has to know that giving up to get what he can is the smart choice, maybe the only real choice, but...he just cant do it. Maybe thats why the assassination attempt, someone knows that he will just never give that land up and will hold onto it and until they pry it from his cold, dead hands. 

Normally I am all about Rips very specific kind of darkness, but digging up his mom to take her ring is just...super creepy. Why would he even want that ring, he wants a ring that was a symbol of a marriage that ended with her husband killing her and one of her sons and led to Rip killing him and seriously messing him up? Although the gravedigger wasn't wrong, that was a great embalming job, she looked great for a woman who has been dead for several decades. 

What a wild ride this season was. 

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1 hour ago, tennisgurl said:

How did they manage not to hit one 50 something guy alone on the road with only one lady and a kid more than one time in the gut?

50 something?  Since I’m two yrs younger than Kevin Costner I love you!

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Beth is such a skank and a lush. She gets knocked up at god knows what young age, she begs Jamie to secure an abortion for her- the clinic she goes to makes hysterectomy part of the deal, she agrees and now she's pissed at Jamie? I'm glad she is sterile, twats like her should never reproduce.

And she needs botox or something on her lip that won't close when she occasionally shuts that pie hole of hers. 


Oh, and that ranch hand she's boinking is blind as a bat if he hasn't noticed the scar.

Edited by CanuckFan
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Did the undertaker say to Rip “I never thought I would have to do this for you again?”  As in, he’s dug her up for him before?  Or did I totally hear that / interpret it wrong?  Either way, why would you want a ring from such a horrible marriage?  Yuck.

Why was Angela talking so slow when she addressed the group in Jamie’s office?  It was like she was sedated.  But maybe she just can’t mover her mouth at a normal face because of her lips.  I can’t take her seriously because of the way she speaks and has he eyes half closed.  She has weird movements, too.  I can’t explain it, but she’s just extra.

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15 hours ago, geauxaway said:

Did the undertaker say to Rip “I never thought I would have to do this for you again?”  As in, he’s dug her up for him before?  Or did I totally hear that / interpret it wrong?  Either way, why would you want a ring from such a horrible marriage?  Yuck.

I believe when Rip is on the roof with Beth (Season 2?) and they are talking about his money he mentions moving her grave. I believe he says he exhumed/moved his brother, mother & father. He then put up a new stone for his mother and one for his brother, you see his brother's stone with the engraved picture when he gets his mother's ring. He then mentions he took his father's bones and threw them out the window on his way driving home, his father must have had a different embalmer 🤷‍♀️


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Had to spend a lot of mulling time on this season. Several things stood bright when I recovered from the cliffhanger overkill...

Rip & the ring -- The man who killed Rips mother was not his father but his stepfather. This was made clear in the conversation between John and the men taking John to the barn to deal with a teenage "wild animal" in survival mode Rip. It was also stated that the stepfather " came back" and killed "the whole family" and they said they hadn't found the oldest son-- intimating the possibility he was responsible for the stepfathers death but also that the stepfather killed him elsewhere & they hadn't found the body yet. Rip's carried guilt for his mother & brothers death as evidenced by his statement that he " should've killed that **** a long time ago ".  The huge traumas Rip suffered in his early years can explain his actions and the attitudes he holds in adulthood-- his intense love for Beth & unquestioning, unwavering, core- deep loyalty to John & the Yellowstone. He's an absolutist  in that love and loyalty- these feelings towards his mom haven't diminished with the passing of years. So when she's exhumed his reaction is not one of revulsion or horror but sadness and longing unabated by the passage of 30+ years. 

I think the ring he removed isn't one given her by the monster stepfather but perhaps by Rips actual father or her own mother/ family. I also think he doesn't even have a passing thought that it may seem creepy or macabre. Beth's the only woman he's ever loved/ felt as deeply for as his mother. Likely his mother was the place all his tenderness & finer emotions/ higher humanity fled to during the horror of his childhood. She might have been unable to protect him physically yet somehow kept the higher part of his nature surrounded with softness encased in a layer of stone -- having just enough of a crack that he can access that part of himself for Beth, a different piece for John (& a drop or two for horses). His mother's ring is the symbol of what she protected for him - what makes Beth possible for him. So giving the ring indicates the transfer of the safeguard of that part of Rip from his mom to Beth - the only place he allows himself access to that light.

The Assassination Dance-- I'm tending to agree with the idea of multiple perpetrators. I also tensed up when John stopped to help with the tire situation. I think the woman might have been involved somehow - mainly because the killers made such a point of killing her not only John. I can also see the boy coming to be another orphan folded into the Dutton family.  Entertaining the possibility he could be the eventual "child" for Beth & Rip (providing their eventual marriage comes to pass).  For this murder attempt I put it to Jamie/ his father.  The dad may have indicated to Jamie that he could/ would take care of John for him & Jamie didn't tell him not to but didn't want to know the details so his hands would appear clean. Jamie has many character flaws one of the biggest being cowardice. I wonder if it will be revealed Jamie's mother was Johns' wife's sister or related somehow?     Anyway, John survives & wreaks epic vengeance.                      .                                         

A Bomb for Beth-- this feels like Willa/  Roarke/ Market Equities. Beth loses another assistant to the Dutton family associated violence.

First scenario--Beth survives, is found amid the rubble (possibly by Kayce, maybe by Rip) injured and unconscious. She has emergency surgery , ect., remains in a coma, at some point Rip, who stays by her bed, slips that ring on her finger and vows revenge while steadfastly maintaining to all that she will wake up 😇 .(This depends on the depth level of suds )...

Next scenario -- Beth survives but with a major injury such as paralysis which throws her back into pushing Rip away because she doesn't want to burden him-- thus creating misery for them both. Rip will never give up on her and she will eventually walk again possibly after Rip carries her to that mountain meadow and the marriage ceremony set up there. I'm fervently hoping for their happily ever after by series end and also fervently hoping the writer delivers a less predictable journey there.

Kaceys Razor Reflexes--- This one is most puzzling as to who's responsible. Kacey hasn't been prominent in the affairs of John & Beth vs ME ect. His existence is known, of course, but he's been occupied with Livestock Agent stuff. So I'm thinking the attack on Kacey comes from a different source. Perhaps even a consequence of Jamie's tenure. Maybe someone related to the situation with the death of the thieves in the horse trailer?  Jamie was only in that office a very short time. Whoever came through that door might not realize a change was made and Kacey is the Dutton currently in place.

Kacey being highly trained -and a very good shot- will most likely emerge unscathed or with minor wounds. .He & Rip will make contact quickly and one or both find John and Beth - events unfold from there.

I appreciate this show on so many points. The setting is different than any other show and so delightful to see. It's very well cast, the writing is mostly superior, serving drama and humor in a pretty good balance. Personally this is the only "must see tv" around of late-- & I hope to get to enjoy a lot more of it for a good long time!

 Currently suffering from insomnia - brain-- 3am is now "naptime" vs. middle of the night dreamland. Combined with this insanity that's been 2020 I'm never sure what day it is let alone what time...😳 thus repeated binge watching....


Edited by BlueHawk
Enduring utterly evil autocorrect - insists on changing Dutton to "sutton" , Kacey to Lacey, Jamie to maybe & other infuriating things I thought I got all of the first time!
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On 9/7/2020 at 11:25 PM, BlueHawk said:

Had to spend a lot of mulling time on this season. Several things stood bright when I recovered from the cliffhanger overkill...

Rip & the ring -- The man who killed Rips mother was not his father but his stepfather. This was made clear in the conversation between John and the men taking John to the barn to deal with a teenage "wild animal" in survival mode Rip.

So since I am at work alone I am watching Yellowstone on Peacock and just watched the episode where Rip is on the roof with Beth and he definitely says it was his father and his father's bones he through out the window, now I have to go back and figure out what episode it was when they find Rip in the barn. Watching this all over again is a bit strange because I keep wondering what has happened with some of the "forgotten" story lines.

So I watched the Unraveling (Part1) and the men, John Dutton specifically, say to Rip that on a pig farm near Miles City the ex-husband showed and killed the family and someone cracked his head with a frying pan. So I think it was Rip's bio dad that he killed but his parents were no longer married.

Edited by spacefly
Watched The Unraveling (Part 1)
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I stand corrected on the pater position! I'm attributing my error to my own experience re: evil stepfathers. Between the insomnia and the insanity of 2020 I must've unconsciously projected & substituted evil stepfather for father. Lordy, makes that situation even worse for Rip, that monster being a blood relative... One reason I love this show is the opportunity to mine all sorts of psychology in the characters. Characters with depths like that aren't such commonly written things in tv shows. The way these are not revealed all in one season but slowly makes for satisfying involvement -- for me anyway👽

Thanks for straightening me out on  the show family connection 🤓

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6 hours ago, BlueHawk said:

I stand corrected on the pater position! I'm attributing my error to my own experience re: evil stepfathers. Between the insomnia and the insanity of 2020 I must've unconsciously projected & substituted evil stepfather for father. Lordy, makes that situation even worse for Rip, that monster being a blood relative... One reason I love this show is the opportunity to mine all sorts of psychology in the characters. Characters with depths like that aren't such commonly written things in tv shows. The way these are not revealed all in one season but slowly makes for satisfying involvement -- for me anyway👽

Thanks for straightening me out on  the show family connection 🤓

No problem, I would never have even thought twice about it if I hadn't just rewatched the entire series from the beginning. It was a tough watch when you consider how these characters evolved in what appears to be a 6 month time frame. Rip and Kacey were pure hate and Beth making out with Walker were things I just didn't remember well. Where has Jamie's baby gone? I guess with the short timeline the baby has yet to be born. So much has happened that it seems like years but it hasn't been at all.

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10 hours ago, spacefly said:

No problem, I would never have even thought twice about it if I hadn't just rewatched the entire series from the beginning. It was a tough watch when you consider how these characters evolved in what appears to be a 6 month time frame. Rip and Kacey were pure hate and Beth making out with Walker were things I just didn't remember well. Where has Jamie's baby gone? I guess with the short timeline the baby has yet to be born. so much has happened that it  seems  like  years but it hasn't been at all.

Just like 2020, eh? Much better on this show than out here in the world. I'd happily mount a horse &ride right into the Yellowstone. I'd go straight into the kitchen and help Gator cook😁

Edited by BlueHawk
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I started binge watching Season 1 on Peacock until the app started thrashing and hung up, so I canceled my service.

Then I started watching Season 3 again from the beginning...whoa, the foreshadowing they wrote in all season long that you can't recognize unless you know how the season ends. When Tate was telling John about his nightmare, John told him his nightmare was stopping to help someone at the side of the road but what they wanted wasn't his help. Then Beth asking Rip to outlive her because she didn't want to have to live without him. I'm sure there are others but they're more subtle.

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19 hours ago, NeenerNeener said:

I started binge watching Season 1 on Peacock until the app started thrashing and hung up, so I canceled my service.

Then I started watching Season 3 again from the beginning...whoa, the foreshadowing they wrote in all season long that you can't recognize unless you know how the season ends. When Tate was telling John about his nightmare, John told him his nightmare was stopping to help someone at the side of the road but what they wanted wasn't his help. Then Beth asking Rip to outlive her because she didn't want to have to live without him. I'm sure there are others but they're more subtle.

I also wonder if the father of the girls who had the trailer stolen had a part in some of this. Jamie does tell him that he may take him up on his offer of owing a favor to Jamie. It was a bit ominous in tone.

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On 9/7/2020 at 11:25 PM, BlueHawk said:

Rip, who stays by her bed, slips that ring on her finger

In my imagination, Beth wakes up and says that they will have to pry the ring from her cold, dead hand.  Rip replies "Well, its been done before." 

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I just binged the whole series over the last two weeks.  

Had a big old pile of mess I was going to post, but let's condense.

I like Beth, I love Rip.  Jamie was only good when he was cowboying.  On the fence about Kayce (or however it's spelled), don't like Monica or the kid.

I really like the bunkhouse crew and love their interactions.

Sometimes the business stuff goes over my head.  Especially the POA.  Why would it be a Utah POA if the ranch is in Montana?  I wouldn't think that Beth was that stupid.

Looking forward to season 4.

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6 minutes ago, madmax said:

Sometimes the business stuff goes over my head.  Especially the POA.  Why would it be a Utah POA if the ranch is in Montana?  I wouldn't think that Beth was that stupid.

I'd bet a lot that this will somehow end up being a super shrewd move on her part.  So many liberties have been taken with the legal and financial goings on that this piece of data will be one more.  It was definitely placed for major effect down the road.

And....I, for one, would welcome any more sharing/observations you may have! 

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20 hours ago, madmax said:


Sometimes the business stuff goes over my head.  Especially the POA.  Why would it be a Utah POA if the ranch is in Montana?  I wouldn't think that Beth was that stupid.

Looking forward to season 4.

The first thing that snapped to my public school educated head was the full faith and credit clause. And now it is time for the lawyers to jump in and fight specifics..

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On 9/25/2020 at 8:46 PM, Lonesome Rhodes said:

I'd bet a lot that this will somehow end up being a super shrewd move on her part.  So many liberties have been taken with the legal and financial goings on that this piece of data will be one more.  It was definitely placed for major effect down the road.

And....I, for one, would welcome any more sharing/observations you may have! 

I though I remembered John putting the ranch into a Trust and then naming Beth as the trustee of the Trust.   Am I crazy?  If the ranch was made trust property and Beth is the only trustee, power of attorney doesn't matter at all.  Only the current trustee of the trust that owns the ranch can make any decisions.  

Edited by JenMcSnark
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On 9/3/2020 at 11:49 PM, CanuckFan said:

Beth is such a skank and a lush. She gets knocked up at god knows what young age, she begs Jamie to secure an abortion for her- the clinic she goes to makes hysterectomy part of the deal, she agrees and now she's pissed at Jamie? I'm glad she is sterile, twats like her should never reproduce.

And she needs botox or something on her lip that won't close when she occasionally shuts that pie hole of hers. 

Hub and I just binge watched several episodes yesterday and I had to come here to see if my hate for Beth was just my imagination.  (Sidebar:  I couldn't place where I've seen the actress before and was shocked to find out she  was Mr. Bingley's sister , Caroline, in the 2005 Pride & Prejudice)

Maybe it's the way the actress tries to present 'Beth', but I just can't buy the strong, sharp, savvy business-woman.  With her veiled eyes (under those awful wig-bangs), constant head tilt and kittenish voice she is anything but.  Yeah - writhing around on the ground  in the corral like Tawny Kitaen in a Whitesnake video is real female empowerment - idiot!

My only other gripe is the language.  I get it - these guys are rough and rowdy ranchers, but I can do with about 20 less 'F' or 'MF' per episode and still buy into the machismo (same with Teeter who has an even worse mouth than all of them put together)

Kevin Costner is still.....sigh, but his voice makes him sound much older than he is

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8 minutes ago, ctlady said:

Kevin Costner is still.....sigh, but his voice makes him sound much older than he is

I hate the gruff voice he puts on for this show. I guess, character-wise, it makes sense, but, it annoys me.

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Yeah, I rewatched the seasons and Beth is even more despicable than I remembered.  Being a drunken, foul-mouthed floozy with a cigarette constantly stuck in your mouth is not my idea of a "strong" woman.  

Even though Tate is a nice, sweet kid, I didn't realize that he was seen so often--a bit too much.   And don't get me started on sourpuss Monica who always looked like she just sucked on a dill pickle.

I wonder if Rip has ever been with another woman besides Beth.  He was taken in as a teenager, and it seems like Beth is the only woman he's ever known.  Even when he was sitting in the titty bar talking to Avery, he shooed that other woman away who walked up to him.  It's almost as if he's suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. 

Speaking of relationships, I started wondering about the other guys in the bunkhouse.  Do they even see other women?  All I've seen are the two buckle bunnies who stayed in the bunkhouse in season 3.   


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I wasn;t sure about Beth the first season but she's grown on me.   Now I really like her and I love Beth and Rip as a couple.

I also love Kevin Costner's voice.  I don't think it's that different from his normal voice.  I didn't notice or think about any "gruffiness" until I read about it here.   The only character I truly DO NOT LIKE AT ALL is Monica.   She's a whiney, wimpy, mushy pain in the a$$.  I've even come to like Teeter who I hated at first.

ETA:   I just saw a commercial for Kevin Costner's new movie. I think it's titled "Let Him Go.'  Anyway, his voice in the promo is exactly the same as it is on Yellowstone.  I don't think he's changed it for the role of John Dutton.

Edited by AnnA
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On 8/24/2020 at 1:48 PM, Bulldog said:

Josh Holloway has been wasted this season.  Why would you cast someone with his name recognition and give him such a nothing role? 

So late to the party, but I totally agree!  Only decided to watch because of JH, then Paramount reran the whole three seasons so we have watched it all over the past couple of months. Most of his scenes are either screaming, cursing and throwing things, or clever/snide banter with Beth.  I expected him to have a meaty part like Malcolm Dutton.  I hope they do a better job with his character next season! 

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Been lurking but came out to say that watching this in the the pandemic makes me want to move out of the city and get bison and breathe fresh air

Beth is both hot and scary.  Jamie kind of sucks.  Waiting for season 4.  Hoping Kayce makes it.  

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I have S3 on my DVR and I've been watching it all week.   June just can't come soon enough for me.  I don't know how the S3 cliffhanger will play out but I sincerely doubt any of the main characters will die.  My hope is Rip beats the crap out of Jamie this season.  I would enjoy watching that.  I'm also hoping that we get to see Rip and Beth tie the knot.  Anyone else have a wish list for S4?

Edited by AnnA
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3 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

My wish is for Jamie to make amends with his dad and they get the hell out of Montana.  


Jamie isn't going anywhere as long as he stands to inherit part of the ranch.   Although now that he's publicly "out for himself" that could change.  It could also change if he winds up at the train station.

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22 hours ago, AnnA said:

I have S3 on my DVR and I've been watching it all week.   June just can't come soon enough for me.  I don't know how the S3 cliffhanger will play out but I sincerely doubt any of the main characters will die.  My hope is Rip beats the crap out of Jamie this season.  I would enjoy watching that.  I'm also hoping that we get to see Rip and Beth tie the knot.  Anyone else have a wish list for S4?

The only person guaranteed to be gone is Beth's assistant. I hope all three Duttons are back. The show will not be right if it loses one of them.

My wishes are for the revenge on Roarke's people to be 10x worse than what was done to the Duttons and the title of the thread to be "Season 1 - 4 Discussion".

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19 hours ago, AnnA said:

Jamie isn't going anywhere as long as he stands to inherit part of the ranch.   Although now that he's publicly "out for himself" that could change.  It could also change if he winds up at the train station.

Well, we were talking about wishes.  We'll see what happens.

My other wish is for Rip to wind up at the train station. 

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On 3/15/2021 at 2:44 PM, Crashcourse said:


My other wish is for Rip to wind up at the train station. 

Dear God - No! No! No!  Not RIP!  I love Rip

Edited by AnnA
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So we just started watching this and have finished season 1. It's kinda stupid, and the hub probably doesn't care if we watch any more of it, but I want to see the Duttons get their comeuppance for all their crimes. I know, I know, they're supposed to be the good guys we viewers root for, good country folk stickin it to the (city) Man and all.

I won't get into plot points since there are two seasons we haven't watched, so I'll snark on generalities.

First, where is their Hop Sing? I mean, who is cooking and cleaning for these people? That scene in the last ep of seasons one, where Beth and her father are sitting at a lavishly set dining room table? Made no sense. Who set that table? Why was it set for 8? Even if the whole family was supposed to be at that dinner, as Beth seemed to imply, that would be 6 (father, two sons, 1 daughter, 1 daughter-in-law, 1 grandson). 

Second, what is with the ranch hands living 24/7 in that bunkhouse? None of them have or want families, girlfriends, time off, privacy? Even if they're all former criminals, surely they can't be made to work all day every day, all year. Maybe Montana doesn't have any employee rights.

And what exactly do these cowboys do all day? I haven't seen much actual work done on that ranch that warrants a staff of 10. Roping cattle for fun isn't work. They're not actually out on the range doing any work. 

And doesn't Montana have winter? Maybe season two will answer this'll, but it seems all of season one happened in autumn, given the semi-heavy jackets they wore and the trees' leaves having changed colour. I know Hollywood doesn't actually understand how winter and snow really work, but this seems to be filmed on site, so there should be more snow coming.

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2 hours ago, Shermie said:

So we just started watching this and have finished season 1. It's kinda stupid, and the hub probably doesn't care if we watch any more of it, but I want to see the Duttons get their comeuppance for all their crimes. I know, I know, they're supposed to be the good guys we viewers root for, good country folk stickin it to the (city) Man and all.

I won't get into plot points since there are two seasons we haven't watched, so I'll snark on generalities.

First, where is their Hop Sing? I mean, who is cooking and cleaning for these people? That scene in the last ep of seasons one, where Beth and her father are sitting at a lavishly set dining room table? Made no sense. Who set that table? Why was it set for 8? Even if the whole family was supposed to be at that dinner, as Beth seemed to imply, that would be 6 (father, two sons, 1 daughter, 1 daughter-in-law, 1 grandson). 

Second, what is with the ranch hands living 24/7 in that bunkhouse? None of them have or want families, girlfriends, time off, privacy? Even if they're all former criminals, surely they can't be made to work all day every day, all year. Maybe Montana doesn't have any employee rights.

And what exactly do these cowboys do all day? I haven't seen much actual work done on that ranch that warrants a staff of 10. Roping cattle for fun isn't work. They're not actually out on the range doing any work. 

And doesn't Montana have winter? Maybe season two will answer this'll, but it seems all of season one happened in autumn, given the semi-heavy jackets they wore and the trees' leaves having changed colour. I know Hollywood doesn't actually understand how winter and snow really work, but this seems to be filmed on site, so there should be more snow coming.

All your questions will be answered in S2 and S3.

You will meet the cook.  The ranch hands do a tremendous amount of work.  You'll see.

Table for 8 is set for John, Kayce, Monica, Tate, Beth, Jaime and the deceased Lee and Mrs. Dutton.   That totals 8

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Setting places at dinner for two dead people, especially one who's been gone for 20 years, is ridiculous. It's not like these people are so sentimental and close-knit. Even the snappiest family on tv (This is us) doesn't set the table for their dead father. 

And if I have to wait for season two to get answers to the most rudimentary questions, than that's bad writing, hopefully the writing in 2&3 expands from shoot someone, punch someone, say something hateful to your kin.

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I'm watching the Yellowstone marathon again.  This has to be the umpeenth time I've seen these episodes and yet I still have a question.   

Season 1 Episode 2 - Does anyone know why the priest owes John a favor? I've watched Yellowstone since day one and rewatched at least 10x and still haven't figured it out. It's hard for me to believe I missed the explanation so many times.

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Okay so after watching the marathon this weekend somewhere in Season 1 (I think) Rainwater talks to John about the sunset turning the world purple. After hearing this I wonder if the Season 3 Finale "The World is Purple" foreshadows Rainwater being at the core of at least one of these incidents if not more than 1 of them.

Could be no connection, I am still trying to figure out all "A"/Alpha references in The Walking Dead. So maybe I read too much into things.🤷‍♀️


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I have to believe that all three attacks were planned and executed by the same person/persons.  Three attacks happening at the exact same time just can't be a coincidence.   Whoever did this had the ability to enlist multiple accomplices and coordinate their attacks.  That's not a job for an amateur.  

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7 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

Those dudes are a little too macho for me, lol.   I'll take Walker, Jimmy and Ryan.  Even Lloyd is a silver fox.

That's good - less competition for me  LOL

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