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Annie & David: On An Allowance at 48? He's Good, I Think

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Ah, so Nikki is the one who was holding a baby while Antonio was going off about beating Poor David Pours ass.  As if a wheelchair bound granny couldn’t do that.

Annie is out of her league.  This guy is a skilled sociopath.

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7 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

I sort of like how David is the ugliest and slimiest character in the show, and is the biggest player.  He has poor little Annie Goldbaht’s number.  Luckily for her, he probably can’t get it up, and is probably only interested in putting her to work. 

Don't be so sure.  Viagra erects new flag poles on condemned buildings.   *shudders* 

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Now that Chris is footing the bill for David and Annie's wedding, I wonder if it will be as elaborate as his wedding to Nikki. Chris appears about 5 minutes into the video, seated in a chair and looking like he's waiting for Nikki to stop singing and give him a lap dance...

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9 hours ago, HappyDancex2 said:

According to TLC, even though Annie’s dress was capped at 320 or whatever she paid for it, David ended up spending more on his RENTAL tux.  Asshole.

Omar The Tent Maker wasn't able to score a good deal on the 492 yards of material required to construct Bahtman's extra special 56x24 tux. 

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Now I’m confused about Nikki.  She seems like a lovely and intelligent person.  Why is she involved with this bunch of weirdos?  I know she’s married to chris, but she could do much better.  Agree she did very nice makeup for Annie.

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New info: Annie and David had a second wedding ceremony for HER side of the family back in November. It was around the 9th. A few of their American friends went, too, but not Chris and Nikki. They wore more like traditional Thai wedding clothes to that ceremony, not the dress Annie wore to the American one.

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3 hours ago, magemaud said:

Now that Chris is footing the bill for David and Annie's wedding, I wonder if it will be as elaborate as his wedding to Nikki. Chris appears about 5 minutes into the video, seated in a chair and looking like he's waiting for Nikki to stop singing and give him a lap dance...

My my, those two certainly like to perform.

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after spending some time on Annie's old FB account I can tell you in the past few years she has been a college student, a hotel worker, and some type of office worker. At one time she had a foreign boyfriend that took her on trips in Asia.  I think people have made some assumptions about her that might be a bit unfair.

she has choices in life-- she could easily live and work in Thailand like anyone else.

I think there is an assumption that a girl from a country like Thailand is driven to men like David out of some need to escape a horrible life, that they have no choice but to marry a fool like him or that their parents push them into it. This is really not the case, at least in Thailand. women in Thailand, like trophy wives in the US, sometimes just marry for an upgrade in life no matter how crappy the men are.

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Annie seemed somewhat content during the Tell-All/Reunion.  She's no wilting flower, and she can hold her own.   David is a creep and a phony.  I dislike him.   When he started giving critiques and advice to the other couples, I wanted him to.just.shut.up.  The nerve of him.

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I really hope Chris isn't addicted to unusual proclivities that David takes the risk of procuring for him like William DaFoe did for Bob Crane in Autofocus.


Nikki needs to start asking her husband some hard questions because the "hand up" explanation ain't holding water.

Annie: "Ashley try to break up our relationship but it not work because our relationship is already stronger. I already knew he went to prostitutes."

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Chris, "He's gonna have to earn any money that I give him from here on out."

Translation: He's gonna have to dress up like a storage locker for three hours to make $600 bucks.

Get him into therapy, Nikki! Seriously!

And no, there's no job in China.

David had to stop and consider the restaurant job offer because he. doesn't. want. to. work.

Edited by CoachWristletJen
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So, I started trying to dig up stuff on David Poor, because I was *sure* that I remembered something posted in the early days of this thread about David's business (before he left the US) scamming people - it seems there are a few posts that have since been deleted. At any rate, while I was trying to dig for that info, I found THIS on Chris from 2010...


It's a long but VERY interesting read. Scammers and grifters stick together is all I can take away from it, in re: Chris and David's friendship. 

I also found this on David : https://www.koreanhorizons.com/app_view.php?idx=15007&Date_Available_Day=&Date_Available_Month=&Gender=&Nationality=&Photo=&Qualifaction=&keyword=&Certificates=&Field=&word=&record_start=296

He's claiming he's been an English teacher the past four years while out of the US. While I find it suspect that he truly worked, IF it's true, then he might have a whole pile of money stocked away somewhere that Annie doesn't know about, which makes the "Chris is hiding David's money for him" theory a little more likely. A friend of mine did something similar for a year and a half after she graduated college, and she made enough to just about pay off her student loans. The place she taught paid her rent and she got a per diem, so she pretty much had her whole salary sitting in the bank after she got back. 

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13 minutes ago, ArcticWolfRS said:

IF it's true, then he might have a whole pile of money stocked away somewhere that Annie doesn't know about, which makes the "Chris is hiding David's money for him" theory a little more likely.

He was teaching English as a foreign language whoch probably just covered his rent, drinking and whores, maybe an occaional trip tp Phuket,

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Edited to correct: Nikki's last name is Cooper. http://heavy.com/entertainment/2017/12/chris-thieneman-wife-nikki-cooper-90-day-fiance/

I started to watch this video about them, but got tired of it pretty quickly. When Chris was asked to "describe Nikki in one word" he said "heartwarming" but he kind of mumbled and I thought he said "heartworm." Also, I noticed this in the Tell All and again in this video, does it look like he has some kind of scar that wraps around the front of his left ear? 

Edited by magemaud
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I don't believe for one second that the Chris and Nikki marriage is a love match- on Nikki's part.  There's nothing wrong with that, but she's definitely in it for the $$.

How did David and Annie pay for a wedding in Thailand, too?  Chris again?

Ashley annoyed me at the wedding.  If she was just going to come and make a stink face, she shouldn't have come at all.  That said, it was crappy of her dad to host it on her birthday.  He talks a good game about wanting her in his life.  So maybe he could have held the wedding on, oh I don't know...the day before or the day after?

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HA! I finally found what I was looking for! The post I was looking for linked to here: https://www.newspapers.com/newspage/110201595/ search asphalt, but I'll quote the relevant part 


Asphalt company sued by attorney general

The Kentucky attorney general's office has sued a Jefferson County asphalt and sealing company, claiming that it didn't do some of its work as promised and that it didn't honor all its warranties. The lawsuit was filed yesterday in Jefferson Circuit Court against David Toborowsky and the firm he owns, Cardinal Asphalt and Sealing, 4612-B Pinewood Road.

Claims of violations of the Consumer Protection Act in the suit also include failure to notify consumers of their right to cancel the trans-. action and falsely representing the work to be done. The suit seeks an injunction against such violations, restitution and a $2,000 civil '. penalty for each willful violation. Claims made in filing a lawsuit represent only one side of the case.

The damages he was ordered to pay was one of the things he listed in his bankruptcy (which was in 2005, BTW, so I'm not buying that he was oh so broke when he up and went to Thailand, unless he didn't work at all between 2006 and 2013). 

Plus there was an additional juice tidbit I wasn't expecting. Now, David Poor and Chris claimed on the show they met in 2009 right? Well, they were at least close enough in 2008 for Chris to talk to David Poor about why he quit the Congressional race, and David Poor sucked up to him in the press. Quote again, the relevant part

"But Wednesday evening he told  David Toborowsky, the son-in-law of Republican state Sen. Dan Seum, that he was disenchanted and would quit the race, Toborowsky said.   Toborowsky said that he understands why Thieneman is upset and stands by him, “although I might have handled it differently,” he said. He blamed Republican leaders for chasing Thieneman out of the party.

“How do you play a football game if your own team is tackling you from behind and clipping you even before you get on the field,” Toborowsky asked.

Thieneman had been aligned with a group of south- end Republicans who have battled Richardson for control of the county party apparatus.   Toborowsky said he was caught off-guard by Thieneman’s announcement that he would leave the party. But he said many south- end conservatives feel ostracized by party officials."

I started here - a blog from 2010 that went into more detail about the Board of Education election fiasco: https://educationvoodoo.wordpress.com/2010/10/13/does-david-toborowsky-live-in-a-crack-house-for-local-politics-as-long-as-its-in-the-east-end-jcta-president-brent-mckim-is-probably-okay-with-that-just-guessing/ and ended up reading about that bit at the end. And here is the newspaper link - the OCR is horrible to read through, but it's accurate: https://www.newspapers.com/newspage/181762416/

And now that I've spent way more time than I ever wanted to searching for info on the Bahtman, I will get back to doing housework like I should have been anyway. 

ETA: A little more time I shouldn't spend on these people, and I found something super suspect/interesting. One last reference to Toborowsky in the Courier-Journal. Back in 2012, Chris ran for the KY state senate, against the incumbent Perry Clark. There was THIS article in the Courier-Journal: https://www.newspapers.com/newspage/108278395/ Relevant stuff quoted below

Clark made the admission after David Toborowsky, a former school board candidate who lived in Thieneman's home for a while in an effort to gain residency in the school board district, said he was friends with Clark and was offered pot on a visit to Clark's home.

So Tobo just happens to live in Chris' property, just happens to be 'friends' with the person Chris is running against, just happens to go over to opponents house and get offered pot, and then just happens to tell everyone, even though we ALL know his hands aren't clean and neither are Chris'. That put a huge dent into Clark's re-election campaign. Riiight. I think David does Chris' dirty work.

Edited by ArcticWolfRS
Adding additional info
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On 12/19/2017 at 8:18 PM, ArcticWolfRS said:

HA! I finally found what I was looking for! The post I was looking for linked to here: https://www.newspapers.com/newspage/110201595/ search asphalt, but I'll quote the relevant part 

The damages he was ordered to pay was one of the things he listed in his bankruptcy (which was in 2005, BTW, so I'm not buying that he was oh so broke when he up and went to Thailand, unless he didn't work at all between 2006 and 2013). 

Plus there was an additional juice tidbit I wasn't expecting. Now, David Poor and Chris claimed on the show they met in 2009 right? Well, they were at least close enough in 2008 for Chris to talk to David Poor about why he quit the Congressional race, and David Poor sucked up to him in the press. Quote again, the relevant part

"But Wednesday evening he told  David Toborowsky, the son-in-law of Republican state Sen. Dan Seum, that he was disenchanted and would quit the race, Toborowsky said.   Toborowsky said that he understands why Thieneman is upset and stands by him, “although I might have handled it differently,” he said. He blamed Republican leaders for chasing Thieneman out of the party.

“How do you play a football game if your own team is tackling you from behind and clipping you even before you get on the field,” Toborowsky asked.

Thieneman had been aligned with a group of south- end Republicans who have battled Richardson for control of the county party apparatus.   Toborowsky said he was caught off-guard by Thieneman’s announcement that he would leave the party. But he said many south- end conservatives feel ostracized by party officials."

I started here - a blog from 2010 that went into more detail about the Board of Education election fiasco: https://educationvoodoo.wordpress.com/2010/10/13/does-david-toborowsky-live-in-a-crack-house-for-local-politics-as-long-as-its-in-the-east-end-jcta-president-brent-mckim-is-probably-okay-with-that-just-guessing/ and ended up reading about that bit at the end. And here is the newspaper link - the OCR is horrible to read through, but it's accurate: https://www.newspapers.com/newspage/181762416/

And now that I've spent way more time than I ever wanted to searching for info on the Bahtman, I will get back to doing housework like I should have been anyway. 

ETA: A little more time I shouldn't spend on these people, and I found something super suspect/interesting. One last reference to Toborowsky in the Courier-Journal. Back in 2012, Chris ran for the KY state senate, against the incumbent Perry Clark. There was THIS article in the Courier-Journal: https://www.newspapers.com/newspage/108278395/ Relevant stuff quoted below

Clark made the admission after David Toborowsky, a former school board candidate who lived in Thieneman's home for a while in an effort to gain residency in the school board district, said he was friends with Clark and was offered pot on a visit to Clark's home.

So Tobo just happens to live in Chris' property, just happens to be 'friends' with the person Chris is running against, just happens to go over to opponents house and get offered pot, and then just happens to tell everyone, even though we ALL know his hands aren't clean and neither are Chris'. That put a huge dent into Clark's re-election campaign. Riiight. I think David does Chris' dirty work.

Agree. That was kinda, sorta the post I made on the tell all about David and Chris. 

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David Weeble so won’t fall down may have been teaching English or saying he does, to make him look legit to US. However to be a legit English teacher in Asia countries you have to be native English speaker and have a college degree in anything. 

You can however be an English tutor with no degree which some Asians go to. It’s not exactly legal but not enforced. 

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19 minutes ago, Cinter said:

David Weeble so won’t fall down may have been teaching English or saying he does, to make him look legit to US. However to be a legit English teacher in Asia countries you have to be native English speaker and have a college degree in anything. 

You can however be an English tutor with no degree which some Asians go to. It’s not exactly legal but not enforced. 

David according to David's bio he has a masters degree and is TEFL certified which would meet the requirements.

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3 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

David according to David's bio he has a masters degree and is TEFL certified which would meet the requirements.

According to his bio. Online? Anyone can say anything or create an online bio. It doesn’t make it true. I could say I have a masters degree in bio chem, I don’t, but I could make it my online bio. 

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8 minutes ago, Cinter said:

According to his bio. Online? Anyone can say anything or create an online bio. It doesn’t make it true. I could say I have a masters degree in bio chem, I don’t, but I could make it my online bio. 

Yes he could have lied about it, but it certainly doesn't seem to be a stretch that David has both a college degree and is TEFL cerified. His lying about a degree would most likely have come up in his race for school board given the amount of scrutiny he was under over the residency claim.

Edited by biakbiak
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But I loved my Weebles; please don't ruin my nice memory of Weebles with this evil marshmallow man.

David's balance is sketchy, especially with a few drinks in him. I bet he would fall down splat if Annie just leaned on him a little too much, you know, by accident, of course.

Edited by gonecrackers
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5 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

But I loved my Weebles; please don't ruin my nice memory of Weebles with this evil marshmallow man.

David's balance is sketchy, especially with a few drinks in him. I bet he would fall down splat if Annie just leaned on him a little too much, you know, by accident, of course.

Weebles wobble but they don't fall down.

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I think if it came down to a choice between Nikki and his beloved penguin weeble,  Chris would choose the weeble even though the weeble is just using him.

Chris, if you went broke tomorrow, that weeble would wobble away. He's a rotten human being. You're pouring your money and your help into a rotten human being.

Do something more useful with your money, like burying it a hole.

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15 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

I think if it came down to a choice between Nikki and his beloved penguin weeble,  Chris would choose the weeble even though the weeble is just using him.

Chris, if you went broke tomorrow, that weeble would wobble away. He's a rotten human being. You're pouring your money and your help into a rotten human being.

Do something more useful with your money, like burying it a hole.

You know it! That is one shady, wayward weeble.

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36 minutes ago, Toaster Strudel said:
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David Penguin has been posting pictures of himself and No-Personality Annie on IG. He's re-inventing himself (LOL) as a wealthy, traveling socialite glued to a compliant, if dull-witted, exotic bride. On Chris' dime, no doubt.

what is his instagram?

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On 19/12/2017 at 11:51 AM, CoachWristletJen said:

Annie: "Ashley try to break up our relationship but it not work because our relationship is already stronger. I already knew he went to prostitutes."

I already knew he went to prostitutes.",likes men,water buffalo,Penguins,massage with WD40,Tea Bagging,Hamsters and much more

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On 12/18/2017 at 7:48 PM, magemaud said:

Now that Chris is footing the bill for David and Annie's wedding, I wonder if it will be as elaborate as his wedding to Nikki. Chris appears about 5 minutes into the video, seated in a chair and looking like he's waiting for Nikki to stop singing and give him a lap dance...

How bizarre is that?  Lip synching to Anita Baker?

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