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S04.E02: Mixed Signals

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Oh man, that opening scene with Barry mimicking Risky Business was so awesome. It was just so fun and fluffy. 

So, Iris/Caitlin get to talk to each other! Granted, it's about guys, but it's nice just to see more character relationships form that we haven't gotten in three seasons. Hopefully they still do something with them that's on a friendship level. 

The  beginning therapy sessions were pretty hilarious. I groaned at the Laurel mention (like...Iris....did you EVER meet Laurel? Because I can't recall you ever meeting Laurel Lance. Like ever. Unless I blocked that moment out. But I'm pretty sure it never happened on screen. So why the hell is that considered a significant loss for you? Just to name someone dead in the Arrowverse? Right; I just answered my own question) but the other names she mentioned were pretty on point. 

I roll my eyes at the Killer Frost split personality, but I've come to accept that it is what it is, and it's not changing anytime soon. 

I'm surprised at how much I love Wally this season so far. After being ambivalent toward him in season 2 and then disliking him for much of season 3, it's nice to finally see him as part of the team. 

Eileen Stevens from Even Stevens is the therapist! Hello! It's been 13 years since I've seen you on my TV! She definitely had some questioning looks toward Iris/Barry's many problems. I like that he ran out of the therapy session (and I did laugh that he didn't even bother to take the millisecond to put on his suit) and Iris knew what the therapist was probably thinking. But I love that Iris got to say how she was feeling. It's odd that Iris only began to speak about how SHE was feeling around last season, but this season more so. It is really great to see Iris still a leader of the team.  

I loved the Cisco/Gypsy moments. I love that Caitlin had to point out that Gypsy was, in fact, hurt by Cisco cancelling. But hilarious that Gypsy was mad because of the day being Earth 19's version of Valentine's Day. I'm glad they worked it out. 

Somehow, Cisco managed to create a device to stop Kilgour two seconds after figuring out the binary code. 

Also, funniest line I've heard in a while from this show? "You've got a call from *GUYS HELP ME!!!!*

Again, how does it take four seasons for them to allow Iris to be smart and be a vital part of the team? She's been capable of this all along, and they only NOW give her important scenes? 

Out of all four shows, this easily is back up at the top of my favourites list. I never thought this show would be able to redeem itself. I do love that they finally revealed that not just Central City got powers from a particle accelerator explosion. I'm pretty sure we had a meta a couple of seasons ago who also wasn't in Central City, but they simply ignored that when it happened. Now, it looks like we might get more visitors. 

  • Love 16

If you're going to pull a Risky Business homage, you need white briefs and the Ray Bans.  No exceptions, show!


I don't think it was the hilarious episode it was made out to be, but I did have a few good chuckles (seriously, built in flotation?)  and after a lot down moments last year, it was nice to have something more light hearted. 

  • Love 7

I enjoyed the hell out of this episode. It was very fun, the comedy didn't go to overboard, and it was nice to see WestAllen get some therapy and their drama not get to dramatic. They definitely had a problem utilizing Wally though to the point of them basically making him Roy 2.0, getting sidelined for no reason so Barry can save the day solo. 

  • Love 9

Aw, that was fun. 

The therapy session was well done.  The first half was humorous, especially enjoyed the rundown of all teh funerals they went to to explain the "stress" they'd been through.  The second half had the more serious stuff.  Neither thing was too over the top.

Cisco had all the best lines all episode long.  I especially  enjoyed all his justifications for all the tech he put in Barry's suit as the meta-human guy was messing it.  His line delivery was perfect.

Poor Wally.  First his hair is looking all perma-waved and then he was basically passed out while Barry saved the day.

The scene of Barry catching the grenade shrapnel was great.  Like last week's at the wind farm.

  • Love 10
25 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Oh man, that opening scene with Barry mimicking Risky Business was so awesome. It was just so fun and fluffy.


I'm just gonna say it first......the big fight at the end was also a not-so-subtle knock from DC to Marvel. Barry takes out Wally with repulsor ray? A head screen like Tony's comlplete with C.I.S.C.O. AI?

speaking of my favorite guy it's just so nice to see the quirky, geeky, lovable Cisco again. It figures that while other guys had "those" magazines when he was a teen, he had computer mags.

I just want one thing from CW online this year: An online webseries that has Cisco, Felicity and Winn teaming up to take on some Meta. That must happen!!

Edited by madhacker
  • Love 6

That ode to Risky Business was awesome!

The flotation device  blowing up has me ??????????even though I saw it in the previews!

And PAUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Detective Green and former ADA turned defense attorney Robinette Law & Order reunion!??

Does Richard Brooks NOT age??? Oh please oh please don’t let him be a baddie!!!

I loved every minute of this! 

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
  • Love 6
7 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I groaned at the Laurel mention (like...Iris....did you EVER meet Laurel? Because I can't recall you ever meeting Laurel Lance. Like ever. Unless I blocked that moment out. But I'm pretty sure it never happened on screen. So why the hell is that considered a significant loss for you? Just to name someone dead in the Arrowverse? Right; I just answered my own question) but the other names she mentioned were pretty on point. 

They never met. Never even stood in the same room together without talking like Caitlin and Laurel did. In fact, judging by the fact that she seemed surprised Oliver was the Green Arrow last season, she had no idea Laurel was the Black Canary until it became public knowledge.

I liked the shot of the "Mayor Queen is Green Arrow" cover, but shouldn't the investigative reporter have already known that.

Overall, I liked this one. The villain wasn't my favorite actor, but he was an interesting villain and I enjoyed his powers. Gypsy and CIsco were cute, and I liked her getting all schmoopy. Everyone was in character, it wasn't a downer, despite referencing an emotional time. Loved Barry dancing around in the kitchen - nice legs there, Grant. And I can't blame Cisco for all those gadgets in the suit. He had logical reasons for them all. I hate when Caitlin keeps frosty secrets from the team.

  • Love 3

It's never going to get back to what it used to be but at least so far this season they seem to remember the Flash is supposed to be fun.

I like Gypsy, and I like her and Cisco together.

Man, it's a good thing I'm no fan of Wally (I only want one speedster on the team, and it seems like the show does too) because he's really not being treated very well. Hey show, when you have to make special effort to get a character of the way, perhaps he shouldn't be there in the first place.

Between Barry, Cisco, Caitlin and Iris, four extremely smart people, you'd think at least one of them might realize sending the guy in the teched out suit to fight another who controls technology isn't a good idea. Then again, the four of them were pretty distracted.

This might sound strange but I really want Caitlin to be possessed. To have Killer Frost be another person or entity who is actually trying to take her over. Because that is the only way her storyline would make a lick of sense to me.

Poor Joe. The one time his non tech gun might be useful against a meta and he doesn't get a shot.

I thought Barry catching the pieces of the grenade after it started to explode was impressive (and it was, that was a cool scene) but outrunning lightning? Now THAT is fast. Well done, Mr. Allen.

Edited by KirkB
  • Love 6

I'm sorry, but other than the pilot or maybe it was the crossover on the Flash, I have never felt that Barry was "extremely" smart.  They act as if he is not as smart as the other two, even though the computer that had the headline indicated that he created it .  I really wish they would get back to the "smart' Barry.  It seems as if that part of him has been downplayed to justify the need for Caitlin, Cisco and whatever iteration of Thawne, Wells, etc. they want to use. 


By the way...that has been the BEST part of the last two episodes for me..no Tom Cavenaugh. Didn't miss him at all.  

  • Love 4

Major improvement over anything in last season, I'd say.

Good things:

1. The Risky Business bit at the beginning. Grant Gustin is much better in this when he's just allowed to have fun.

2. The Thinker dude taking a moment to bring music to the world in between Evil Things. I approve.

3. The Villain of the Week actually was a bit different and had a touch of brain.

4. FinallyIris gets to object to the way Barry has been treating her. If the jumping into the Speed Force had been an isolated incident, that would be one thing, but it wasn't, and allowing her to voice her issues was great. Also great: Barry listening, and communicating.  I'm still not sure they addressed the deeper issue here, which is that Barry continues not to respect Iris, and I'm not at all sure that he should have started listening to her just when she was disagreeing with the "scientists," but on the other hand, let's face it, run Barry run generally is his best move, and at least it's a start. 

Though as long as she was venting, Iris probably should have jumped on him about telling her Game of Thrones spoilers.

Questionable things:

1. How did Barry get that entire car taken apart with just one tool?  Surely cars have different sized bolts and things?

2. Iris, if you're going to insist on everyone doing regular training, I'm going to insist you wear slightly more practical things to the office.

3. Everyone getting annoyed about Cisco installing a self destruct sequence on the suit. I mean, I get it, but at the same time, dude has a point.

4. When exactly did Iris start counting Laurel as a loss in her life? 

5. Oh, yay, we're back to telling Barry to run again. Surely he should know that running is always the solution by now?

6. What is it with this show and forcing its protagonists to do wildly stupid things in order to give the villains a chance?  Case in point, this episode. I know it was played for comedy, and yes, I laughed, but sending out someone in a high tech suit to fight the tech villain? Especially when they presumably still had the non tech suit lying around?

Bad things:

1. Opening with the Thea/Oliver/Felicity loft from Arrow, not even remotely disguised, and following that up by returning to one of Arrow's favorite warehouses? It's going to be a long year, isn't it?

2. On a related note, Cisco needing to have his grand date in Star Labs because Flash had clearly used up its location shooting budget for the week.

3. How many elevators are going to need to be sacrificed to the Arrowverse cause this week?

  • Love 7

Ah yes, more relationship stuff because this show doesn't focus enough on relationships.

What a shock, Caitlin is once again concealing her powers because that's what these "good friends" do with one another.

Smart going after a guy who can control machines with an electronic suit.

All this being said, there was plenty of fun in this episode.  Liked Dominic Burgess as Kilgore.  He played Victor Buono in Feud on FX.

49 minutes ago, bettername2come said:

I liked the shot of the "Mayor Queen is Green Arrow" cover, but shouldn't the investigative reporter have already known that.

I was confused by that. Doesn't that happen on this week's Arrow?

I hated that people were dying and they focus on Cisco and Gypsy just so he can have a Eureka moment.

That is why I refuse to get an insulin pump.

I laughed harder than I have at this show in ages when Iris and Barry were at couples counseling, and they started listing all the people around them who have died in the last few years, and their various traumas. "We have been to a few funerals..." Also, it made me really happy that he mentioned Snart. I still love their weird friendship/enemy-ship, even posthumously. 

For real though, I really liked that episode, it was so nice to see this show stop with the angst and go back to fun. We dont NEED this show to be dramatic and angsty, we have Arrow for that. This is more of what I want, with some more dramatic stuff weaved around it to keep the stakes high. 

I am so glad the show is letting Iris express more of her real feelings, and not just be a cheerleader/prop to the other characters. And Barry listened to her and they actually were honest and mature about their issues. The therapy was partially played for jokes, but I really am glad they decided to see a therapist and deal with their couple problems without contrived drama. I know I've complained about how Barry/Iris have been handled, but when they're good, they really are good. 

Cisco and Gypsy are also really good together. I refuse to believe Cisco will ever have a bad hair day damn it! 

The gang did make some questionable choices, and I eye rolled at iris mentioning laurel (I guess we can assume they met off screen? Or she just feels bad for their other friends?) but this is still a big upgrade from last season. 

  • Love 7

I know Barry and Iris are end game but they're still my least favourite part of the show. I just can't warm to the character of Iris. I was really looking forward to Barritar killing her last season. And I absolutely adore Wally. We may need to start an Unpopular Opinions thread just for me, heh.

It was a fun episode though. After last season's neverending gloomfest, it's nice to have our fun show back. As usual though, there's always some part of the plot that my pea brain must have missed. How did the other 3 techies steal the app from Tech Villain? At one point, the woman said something like: "This could have been you" (or words to that effect). Did he create the tech and then....? I don't know. I must have completely missed the part about how he went from being part of the team to the other 3 getting rich and him getting nothing.

I still would like to know how Team Flash manages to live when none of them except Barry have paying jobs. Or do they each draw a salary from whatever money is left in STAR Labs? (And, if so, why does Barry still have his job with the police?)

I really enjoyed the episode tonight.  That Risky Business dance was AWESOME!  And Barry doing the whole fast cooking, etc.. thing and running off to get coffee and then getting back before the pancake fell - awesome.   I got Lois & Clark feels from that whole scene.  

I'm loving Candice Patton's hair and makeup this season - it's perfection.  And I hear folks talking about Iris and her pencil skirts, and the need to be practical... but I loved her outfit - the cute little crop top sweater, the deep blue skirt - it looked so great with her skintone... we have similar coloring so Thanks wardrobe!  Gonna get those colors asap!  Although with Iris looking so great - can Barry PLEASE for once just remark about how amazing she looks?  

Loved the couples therapy - CP and GG have cute comedic timing - way to make me laugh outloud several times and then smack me with Iris revealing why she was upset - him leaving.  I'm really happy they are letting Iris tell us how she's feeling - all without her losing her charm, sweetness and general Iris-ness.  It's so in character for how they've written her - it makes me so happy to see them let her have a PoV.  Thanks writers - finally!  It's great that she was able to voice her feelings because Barry really was taking advantage.

I still was irritated at Caitlin giving Iris advice because they've never been friends and Caitlin still hasn't apologized to Iris for working with the guy trying to kill her last season, or for any of the drama before that even happened, but it appears the writers wanted Caitlin to be the advice giver this episode - for both WestAllen and Vypsy... Gibe...?  So whatever.  And Caitlin's split personality stuff continues to be stupid writing.  

BUT... the villain was great and I enjoyed all of the flash scenes rescuing folks - even though BArry didn't listen to Iris - that car dismantling was awesome... though I'd be sick if that was my Tesla... though I know I'd be happy to be alive.

The suit going nuts was hilarious - not because of the suit going nuts under the hacker's control - but because of Cisco's quips every time something else went wrong.  That was the funniest part of the whole thing - Cisco's hilarious justifications of why he put that stuff in... although I do think the protection he put in to protect Barry's identity was cool - but a waste since everyone and their mama knows who The Flash is on this show, lol.  It did remind me of Batman though in Batman Superman:  Public Enemies, where Grundy tried to look under the mask when Bats was knocked out and gas came out and knocked Grundy out long enough for Batman to revive and kick ass.

I really liked the episode.  It was cute and adorable and fun.

I love angst - but I guess I'll have to wait on the rebooted Roswell for that!! (squee!) 

  • Love 11

Fun stuff. Apparently, Cisco is every bit as dangerous with tech as Tony Stark. What, he couldn't have given Barry some lightning webbing? And a flotation device?!? Kinda awesome, and it's about as close to this as we'll get . . . but c'mon, Cisco.

Hi, Capt. Singh! I'll probably see you again in March, when the writers remember Barry has to answer to somebody!

So that's how you pronounce "Kilg%re." See, I can't see that name related to a tech start-up because the percentage sign couldn't be put into HTML. In other news, it looks like Thinker has eleven more assholes to sic on Barry, if the computer screen was any indication.

Cisco? Still a putz at most aspects of life, including dating. I kinda like the idea of him being over his head and not with a remotely steady girlfriend.

  • Love 3
4 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

That’s what I said!!!!!

Missed it!  I am a Law and Order girl to my heart...and I hate they ever got rid of him.......or Ben Stone for that matter, as much as I liked Jack McCoy...

Not off topic!  I have to admit that I skipped over a lot of Barry and Iris....and Cisco...and Caitlyn.....hmmmm maybe I will rewatch the episode!  

  • Love 1
49 minutes ago, quarks said:

Noted by other people on Twitter: Villain of the week is a white guy who accused three Asians of trying to steal tech from him, and then tried to kill him - and only a white guy could take him down.

I'm genuinely not sure what point the people on Twitter are trying to make but the villain was actually taken down by Iris' idea to short out Barry's suit and by Cisco's binary thingamajig - neither of them are white guys. 

Forgot to mention my favourite part: Oh, Jon Snow died! Oh wait, he's alive. LMAO

Edited by Rachel RSL
  • Love 10

Man, I love Richard Brooks. Good to see him back on tv. It's a Law and Order reunion!

(Okay, so RB and Jesse Martin never were together in the same season, but still.)

Wally's haircut was distracting me all episode.

As soon as Cisco debuted the "all-new tech amped" suit, I just knew it was going to get hacked.

3 hours ago, KirkB said:

This might sound strange but I really want Caitlin to be possessed. To have Killer Frost be another person or entity who is actually trying to take her over. Because that is the only way her storyline would make a lick of sense to me.

Agreed. Maybe it's the Earth-2 KF somehow reincarnated in Caitlin due to Dr. Alchemy's magic last season.

  • Love 6

Knew the guy playing Kilgore looked familiar..he was that Bill Gates/Mark Zuckerberg knockoff Disney added to the final season of A.N.T Farm

I get the feeling Richard Brooks's character is a collaborator for the Thinker(him glancing into Kilgore's cell with the ominous music playing seemed to be an indicator)

Speaking of the Thinker once again we see him in the stinger before the end credits..his last line shouldve been"it's time we come up with a new strategy..let me think on it."

Edited by TDT
  • Love 2

So no more intro voiceover here, and also on Supergirl -- Did Arrow and Legends do the same?

That was Oliver's loft at the beginning! Speaking of sets, pretty sure that therapist's office was the the WestAllen loft redressed -- why didn't they just use one of the CCPD sets?

Was the editing weird in places to anyone else? There were a few times where they cut a scene that could have gone on a little longer. (Or could have used a different take?) If I'm actually noticing the editing, that's usually means something's off.

Yay! Captain Singh cameo! Come on, show; just let us know that he knows Barry is the Flash.

Cisco was having a good hair episode! Seriously, what's your conditioner, Carlos??

There was a lot of stuff I liked, but I have to say that Wally, Caitlin, and Joe got the short end here. They still don't know what to do with two speedsters, so Kid Flash is conveniently (stupidly) knocked out or not present or just stands there. Caitlin only had lines to advance every other plot, and I guess she/the show is never going to address her role as Savitar's accomplice and how that would affect her relationship with Iris - and the rest of the team. I'm not surprised, but still disappointed. Joe was mostly just there.

But on to the positive!

Barry is a Groomzilla - confirmed!

So we've see Barry's knees twice in two episodes so far; I think that's more than in the first 3 seasons combined!

Loved my favorite couples having cute scenes, and actually talking about their issues - to each other! There was cute stuff with Dr. Finkel, but I'm glad they let Iris voice how she felt abandoned. I know they picked it up later, but it was weird the they didn't really show Barry's reaction to that. But I thought 'We are the Flash' was a nice  callback to 'No Flash without Iris' from earlier seasons; appropriate since they're soon to become "one" pretty soon.

I was hoping for more Gypsy, but I did like her scenes with Cisco. I just don't want them to soften her up too much. So glad to see her in a different outfit! BTW, Someone remind me where I've seen "my girlfriend can beat you up" before....

Action sequences: The malfunctioning suit was a little ridiculous - the reactions at HQ were the best part. Barry catching the grenade pieces was a good scene. I'd love to see the behind-the-scenes for that; did Grant really jump that high?

So is the warden working with The Thinker?? I know they'll probably be doing small reveals until mid-season, but I hope we get more insight on The Thinker before then. Is he a particle accelerator meta, or something else like Kilgore?

  • Love 2

There's something about the inflection of Grant's voice that makes goofy Barry seem SO young to me, like a teenager. Even in the therapy scenes, when he didn't want to be there and he's sitting back making those pouty faces, you can see it. He almost seems too young to get married, lol.

But he's still cute! And I always said that I WAY preferred this Barry to the broody one- I'll take this one any day. But happy Barry seems much more childlike (he always did in the first season too), and it kinda has the effect of making Iris seem far more mature.

Edited by ruby24
  • Love 3

I can't be bothered to nitpick this show right now and most problems people have watching shows are often not even blips on my radar.

This was just so much fun. I can't be bothered to go into why someone shouldn't be doing this or that. I look forward to day when someone does a show where everyone does things that make sense or is 100 percent logical. It will be a very boring show.

Iris has a role within the group, Wally has a great little bro type role, Cisco is fun again, Barry isn't a giant mope, Caitlyn is getting shit done. It's just clicking right now. I hope it continues.

Edited by Racj82
  • Love 7

In the opening bit when Kilgour killed the first victim in the elevator, I couldn't stop laughing over how I'm pretty sure they just used Oliver's home set from Arrow for the house buying scene.  They weren't even trying to change it.  I was waiting for Oliver to show up and demand to know who took all of his stuff!

Another fun episode that might have a few off moments if I really wanted to dive in, but I'm just glad to see this show entertaining again.  Barry and Iris in therapy surprisingly worked for me since I usually tend to hate that type of stuff, but I thought it had the right balance of humor (them listing all the people that died) and addressing the bigger issue of Iris still upset that Barry never talked to her about how he was going to go into the Speed Force, not to mention how he was treating her going forward.  Again, for all of his faults, Barry does mean well, but he really can be an idiot at times (come on, dude!  Anyone with a brain would know that doing all the wedding plans without your fiancee is just a bad idea), so I'm glad this was addressed.  Hopefully there relationship will continue to evolve, and not regress.

Part of me doesn't want to get my hopes up since Jessica Camacho is only a guest, but I really want Cisco and Gypsy to workout.  Really love these two together.

"Meta of the week" was fine.  Cisco comparing it to Silicon Valley if they started killing each other was probably adapt, but since I don't watch that show, I instead was thinking of The Social Network instead, but if the Winklevoss twins tried to kill Mark Zuckenberg, instead of sue him.

Barry's suit getting hacked was hilarious, but, yeah, Cisco should be banned from updating it for the rest of the season.  A self-destruct upgrade?  There is so many ways that could go wrong, Cisco!

They do seem to be struggling a bit with what to do with Wally.  Caitlin a bit too, but at least she gets some good scenes with Cisco, and is clearly being set-up to factor in more once her whole Jekyll/Hyde thing comes to ahead.

Still not sighting yet of Tom Cavanagh.

Captain Singh!!

The Warden is totally an agent for the Thinker if, for nothing else, this show certainly wouldn't waste Richard Brooks like that (I would hope.)  Still curious about what his grand plan is.  Also want to know about his relationship with his assistant, since their relationship doesn't seem like the average evil overlord/lackey one.

Let's keep this up, show!

  • Love 4

Forgot to mention my favourite part: Oh, Jon Snow died! Oh wait, he's alive. LMAO

Yup, although it looks like he was really behind since that was the 2015-16 cliffhanger.

I do think they're making Caitlin look REALLY bad if Killer Frost really is a Mr. Hyde type personality who could emerge and kill everyone there at any time.  At this point it's pretty clear they won't just toss her into a cell and throw away the key so she's putting her closest friends in mortal danger without giving them a warning.

  • Love 1

That was Oliver's loft at the beginning! Speaking of sets, pretty sure that therapist's office was the the WestAllen loft redressed -- why didn't they just use one of the CCPD sets?

Good lord, that annoyed the hell out of me.  I know these shows use all the same sets (Smallville constantly did this too back in the day) but that set was so obviously Oliver's apartment that it took me completely out of the scene.  Get a different set there, guys.

  • Love 4
12 hours ago, TV Anonymous said:

So what happens to the two surviving tech millionaires who went behind Kilgore and betrayed him? Continue to enjoy their fortune while Kilgore is agonizing in Iron Heights?

Since he was basically a tech based/hacker villain he could have gotten back at them in so many ways that resulted in them being poor or if they still worked in tech, discredit them in some way so that their reputations are ruined in the industry.   But, well, he decided to turn that one guy into Sriracha instead.

  • Love 3
16 hours ago, quarks said:

Noted by other people on Twitter: Villain of the week is a white guy who accused three Asians of trying to steal tech from him, and then tried to kill him - and only a white guy could take him down.

Yep, that's right.  White people have superpowers.  It's why we rule the world.  BTW, wasn't the first guy who was shaken, stirred and squished also a white person?

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