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S08.E13: Winter in Summer


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Jenelle and her selective memory! The courts didn't think you should have custody, blame the judge, not Barb for why you can't get your son back!

Chelsea's "We're doing this all for you so..." line rubbed me the wrong way.

How much did Kail or Mtv pay that woman to kiss Kail's ass? No way was that impromptu  since the woman would have to sign a release in order to be filmed.

Edited by FlowerofCarnage
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11 minutes ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

Jenelle and her selective memory! The courts didn't think you should have custody, blame the judge, not Barb for why you can't get your son back!

Chelsea's "We're doing this all for you so..." line rubbed me the wrong way.

How much did Kail or Mtv pay that woman to kiss Kail's ass? No way was that impromptu  since the woman would have to sign a release in order to be filmed.

RE: Chelsea that rubbed me the wrong way too! I loved Chelsea's whole part in this episode...the talk with Aubree, the trip, the excitement...except for that. I wish she had framed it as a visit with Angie, since Angie's family was at the aquarium with them. She could have even said, "we're going to visit Angie in Florida...and guess who else lives there?!"

oh well, minor gripe. I thought Chelsea's segment was a lot more uplifting and real than anything else this season! But lord, the shot of her stairs! I loved that they showed the stairs from the front, with the mountains of crap running up one side. Looked like a bunch of gray t-shirts. Then they angled it from above so you couldn't see the messy side. Lol!

  • Love 10
13 minutes ago, Christina87 said:

Lord, I never thought I could hate Jenelle more than I already did!!! The cold way she talked to barb made me sooooo mad. "I still don't like you! You don't just take someone's son away!" I swear, if she died tomorrow I wouldn't feel even one bit bad!

It is the only way Jace, Barb, and Kaiser would get any peace. 

I posted long ago that I would not shed a tear if she were to go away permanently.

  • Love 14
7 minutes ago, rafibomb said:

When Leah said she wanted to be a motivational speaker, I started laughing so hard I almost choked on my hummus. 

Is that the "if you can't be a good example, you'll just have to serve as a horrible warning" type of motivation?

Hahahaha her "speech" was horrible!!! I have been rooting for her this season and I hope she is not faking how great she's doing, but Jesus God Leah! Motivational speaking is not your calling! We all know how much Leah idealizes the college experience that she thinks she would have had sans girls. In reality, she would have dropped out after first semester, but who cares about real life? Anyway, I always get the feeling that she seeks out this "sisterhood" and "girl power" stuff to simulate the sorority experience she wishes she'd had. Leah, it never would have happened!

  • Love 13

Leah's public speaking actually exceeded my terrible expectations! If I had tried to write a script for it she actually would've been more coherent than that, and I never would've thought to include stage directions about standing with her legs as far apart as possible. Outstanding work, Leah. You never cease to amaze me with your ability to fail.

Kailyn should really consider never being filmed while eating or chewing gum. 

  • Love 20
1 hour ago, GreatKazu said:

It is the only way Jace, Barb, and Kaiser would get any peace. 

I posted long ago that I would not shed a tear if she were to go away permanently.

It is said that only the good die young.

Not fair that someone so innocent and good dies so young,

yet Jenell seems to thrive. Not saying I wish her dead. Life is never fair.

  • Love 3

Poor Leah. I felt bad because I think she has a good heart and is serious about wanting to encourage others, but you could tell that Lipsense rep was like "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just sucker these idiots in so we can make loot off their downline sales." Leah needs to stay away from these scammy MLM's and their shady reps. They're just using her for her social media following.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 19
1 hour ago, Linny said:

David really sat there and patted himself on the back for taking care of Kaiser and acting like his father, yet Barb is a horrible monster for toiling all day, every day, taking care of Jace. How amazing that David is lauded for "doing everything a father should do" for Kaiser, and Barb is vilified as "fucking over Jenelle" for raising Jace. Does Jenelle get that Barb never wanted or intended to have custody of Jace? Does she understand that Barb would prefer her daughter to be a responsible and respectable person capable of raising Jace? There's no question in my mind that Barb longs for Jenelle to clean up her act and be a fit mother for Jace. She wants a relationship with Jenelle and she wants Jenelle to have a relationship with Jace, but those relationships need to be healthy and legitimate, and unfortunately Jenelle has proven over and over again that she's devoid of any basic human decency. She can't have a single conversation without hurling emotional abuse and without David lurking around to reinforce her bullying and intimidation. I truly believe Jenelle is a lost cause, but I don't think Barb is quite there yet. Maybe she sees something redeeming hidden in Jenelle, or maybe she just can't give up on her daughter, but I'm afraid she's going to continue fruitlessly reaching out to Jenelle. It saddens me that Barb has spent the past eight years doing everything for Jace's benefit, received zero respect, and lost her relationship with her daughter in the process.

It is high time that MTV plays a marathon of Jenelle, right from day 1 to the wedding blowup,

many people, her fans, need reminders, but especially Jenelle!!!

  • Love 19
1 hour ago, Christina87 said:

Could I just post again about how much I hate Jenelle? This episode really convinced me that nothing barb could have done would have changed jenelle. She is just a sociopath. Sure, the yelling and working long hours didn't help, but jenelle would be like this if raised by June cleaver! June would have stepped in to raise jace and the same thing would have happened. She really is a vile piece of crap. I used to say that even though I didn't like her, I worried about her marrying David. Now I'm like whatever. She deserves to be married to a horrible person like him! I just wish that no innocent kids were involved. Go Doris, with custody!

This. Right here. ???

I would sure like to know if Barb knows about this place, where we all gather,

and knows how much support she has, from normal people, over the age

of 16, which after reading on twitter, I believe the age her fans must be.

With zero life skills and zero life experience.

  • Love 20
5 minutes ago, mittsigirl said:

I would sure like to know if Barb knows about this place, where we all gather,

and knows how much support she has, from normal people, over the age

of 16, which after reading on twitter, I believe the age her fans must be.

With zero life skills and zero life experience.

Someone needs to make a trip down to the Wal-mart and slip her our link.

  • Love 15

I seriously didn't know if i should cry or hysterically laugh at leahs segnent.... fuckin sad...lol honestly, at this point in her life, she really SHOULD just continue with trying to date, getting pregnant again...And living her hillbilly ass in the holler with victorias trailer in her backyard, with her dog running around digging thru trash, with her girlses eating cheese balls off the floor...etc. she is a lost cause. All the mtv money in the world couldnt change this bumpkin around.

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, Rebecca said:

Barb was definitely jumping the gun with suggesting they all go on vacation together but Jenelle is just such an immature bitch about everything. 

Poor Barb. She's always the bigger person, but suggesting a family trip on the heels of a bitter custody fight probably wasn't the most prudent thing to do. As for Jenelle, all she had to do was say "I don't think I'm ready for that right now" and drop it, rather than be a total bitch at her child's birthday. Also, is Jenelle trying to rewrite history? How could Barb "take" her son when she was the one who settled before it went to trial? 

2 minutes ago, JuliesMommy said:

I seriously didn't know if i should cry or hysterically laugh at leahs segnent.... fuckin sad...lol honestly, at this point in her life, she really SHOULD just continue with trying to date, getting pregnant again.

She's probably kicking herself for letting Jeremy get away. With three kids, no real job and fading looks, there's no way in hell she'll land a guy with that kind of income in a million years. 

  • Love 15

Man, did Brittani really wait to go to the damn hospital so she could have a roast session for Luis? 

Fuck the coven so much. Its not even about the guy being a great catch or whatever. He never gets a chance to even fuck up. I wouldn't even feel like trying at this point. Talk when its about the kid and that's it. Stank ass family with no room to judge.

  • Love 10

I'm so sorry if someone said this already but poor NOVA!!!! Why are they exposing her to LIVE CHILDBIRTH!!

ive mentioned this but I am 39 weeks pregnant with my second. I pushed the first out and plan to push this one out. It's disgusting and bloody and scary! Poor nova is gonna have nightmares witnessing that !!! What's wrong with the coven!!! You expose this kid to wayyyyyy too much!!

  • Love 23
1 hour ago, mamadrama said:

I still don't feel like Leah is a lost cause. I wish someone would step in there and really help that girl. She didn't know how to make a speech. Most of us probably had at least a rudimentary class on speech giving in high school. My general ed requirement in college had me taking one, not to mention all the speeches and talks I had to give while getting my undergrad and MA. You learn from instruction but you mostly learn from experience. Who, in Leah's life, is standing in as a role model for her and giving her advice (other than the "life coach")? It's true, some people don't need such things. Some people grow up without those experiences and that education, without a single worthy person to look up to, and they're fine. But other people NEED that. I think Leah is one of them. I think she's someone who desires more, who wants something better, but doesn't know the first thing about what steps she needs to take to get there. She doesn't even have a specific goal in mind-she just knows she wants something better. 

As someone from the same neck of the woods (different state, same mountains), I see this all the time. It's sad. I've said for a long time that if they want to stop our heroin and meth epidemic then they need to start getting to the root of the problem. Leah reminds me of a lot of other people I know from around here. Even with her money and connections, she still comes across to me as someone standing inside a snow globe, able to see the outside world but unable to be a part of it. 

At least she's not Jenelle. Or Kail. 

Isn't that what the life coach is for? When Leah was talking to her "life coach", my first thought was, hmmm, here is another person scamming Leah's $$$. The life coach should have helped to prepare her better for the speech, beyond the peppy cheerleader stuff. She should have helped Leah practice, read her notes ahead of time. given her some tips, and this would have helped her confidence. I laughed when that brown haired lady in the audience snorted during Leah's speech.  It was truly awful. And Leah then blames it on the lipstick brand and not the fact that she did no practice whatsoever. That was a dose of reality of how the real world gives zero fucks to a reality star washup who hasn't accomplished anything noteworthy. 

32 minutes ago, KittyKat133 said:

I'm so sorry if someone said this already but poor NOVA!!!! Why are they exposing her to LIVE CHILDBIRTH!!

ive mentioned this but I am 39 weeks pregnant with my second. I pushed the first out and plan to push this one out. It's disgusting and bloody and scary! Poor nova is gonna have nightmares witnessing that !!! What's wrong with the coven!!! You expose this kid to wayyyyyy too much!!

I know! With all the bajillion other members at the baby shower, they couldn't find a family member to hang out with Nova in the waiting room for a bit? That poor girl is probably scarred for life. Although, maybe that was her Initiation into the Coven. It was so cute how excited she was to have a little sister. The rest of their segments, meh. 

Kail, another grrrrr, smh. Yes, that woman giving her kudos was all staged, we aren't dumb Fail. And do we really have to go through another whole episode wasted on her graduation? She is making a big deal like she graduated medical school or something. You bribed yourself into barely obtaining a degree from a wack local university that you can't even get a job with. Way to Go? And her bragging on social media is so annoying, as if she's the only mom since the dawn of time to ever get a degree.  Isaac is so sweet and he has learned to read Karl's moods and use sweetness to deflect her anger. Which is a way is so sad since he's only 7. Lincoln is everything!!!??????Javi saying she wouldn't have accomplished it if not for him...hahahaha, I love when he throws those digs at her. 

Janelle...the effing worst. Kaiser was so quiet all day...no excitement, no joy. It's like he's afraid to even make a sound lest the wrath of Lurch & Janelle turn onto him. Minus the MTV crew, and museum staff, I only counted 4 adults? But almost 12 kids...wow, Janelle has no true friends. She had to close the entire place down and probably pay for everyone's tickets to even get those that showed up. Everyone just was glad to have an excuse to drop off their kids on a rainy day. I'm going to try not to let this bday party fail ruin my memories or desires to visit the Children's museum. Janelle only did all that for the pictures anyway. Poor Kaiser. Poor Barb. Poor Jace. Janelle deserves Lurch and I hope they make each other miserable until the end of time. 

  • Love 9
4 minutes ago, Spiderella2 said:

Isn't that what the life coach is for? When Leah was talking to her "life coach", my first thought was, hmmm, here is another person scamming Leah's $$$. The life coach should have helped to prepare her better for the speech, beyond the peppy cheerleader stuff. She should have helped Leah practice, read her notes ahead of time. given her some tips, and this would have helped her confidence. 

Theoretically, yes. But like the other leeches and MLM people in her life, I am sure she's just using her for the occasional call out on social media. Anyone can call themselves a "life coach" these days. Would've been nice if this one was actually useful. 

To be fair, I enjoyed watching her choke for the entertainment factor. 

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