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All Episodes Talk: Small World, Big Lives

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Regardless of Matt's bad decisions in the past (near or far) and risk taking, I'd say that he ended up on the good side of those things.


Speaking personally, Mitajo - the objection I have to Matt's risk taking is that its almost always presented as "Amy should shut her bitch mouth and mind her man because her man and his dreams feed that family and provide her with that extravagant lifestyle, oh she shames all wives with her nasty disrespect to her *man*" in tone. That an the real moneymaking idea after all these years isn't the trebuchet or the water mill or the windmill or the goats or the arc or any of the projects... its the tv show that Amy, Jeremy, Zach, Molly and Jacob all had to participate in in order to bring in the bucks. So after a while, the whole "Matt *did it it all*, and his familyt should be *grateful* and anything other than "Bless you Matt" is Matt being shit on for all of his hard work" rigamorale that happens starts to irritate.

The wedding was very nice, not an extravaganza but well done. Like Jeremy's wedding, I notice when its a wedding the Roloffs give a shit about, there's no wacky hijinks with the contractors or caterers. I won't get into the color choices because thats a matter of taste (I wouldn't have done an outdoor wedding at all, for example, and I would probably go with a casual Hawaiian shirt theme so who am I to judge) but it looked nice and not garish

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The only potential money maker to come out of Roloff farms for years is the salsa and that is Amy.

Are they no longer doing that whole Pumpkin Patch thing? I'm sure that there are some things happening on the farm that we don't even know about. Like I didn't know they had animals until that whole "gate/arm" episode. I could see them opening up the farm as a tourist attraction one day, if it isn't already. I've never been to Oregon, but if I got the chance, I'd like to see it for myself and I would pay money to. Not Disney money, but I'm just saying.


I'm nowhere near a Matt-apologist or fan, but I'm also not an Amy-apologist or fan either. I think they both could have done better in their marriage and they are equally responsible for its demise. I've always wondered what attracted them each other in the first place. Like, did they just hook-up because they had few options? I've never sensed any genuine warmth or affection in all the years I've watched. I don't know if having kids changed their dynamic or if they were always that way.


I'd wager that few of them regret having their lives displayed on TV for all these years. All the trips and experiences that they got to have. Amy doesn't strike me as a victim and if she let Matt run all over her, than that's on her. From what I know of her family, he daddy didn't raise no punks, LOL.

Edited by MitaJo
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The pumpkin patch, before the show, was a money maker but not a McMansion, 3 cars for each member of the household, and bimonthly vacations sort of money maker. It brought in extra income. When Matt lost his job, it helped but it wasn't keeping them afloat. That's why they did the show.


I'm not an apologist for Amy or Matt either. She's a bitch and he's an asshole. Why did they get married? Matt's not really a catch - he's got health problems and I think five or ten minutes with him will reveal how he's an asshole, and Amy clearly has self confidence issues and probably married the first man who flirted with her. Then she got pregnant and  they're both conservative enough to not believe in divorcing in those circumstances.


I think there was warmth there but I also think they both treated each other badly, and I don't think Matt "dreaming the dream" lets him off the hook for being a selfish asshole. Amy at least seems to enjoy the kids for who they are... Matt's pretty publically blunt about his affections - Jeremy is top of the shit heap because Jeremy likes what Matt likes! And the kids who don't like what Matt likes? Can pretty much go fuck themselves as far as Matt's concerned.

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Nope.  Tori said something about not being pretty (can't remember exactly) and Aud said "Sorry, but you are"  Meaning she is always pretty.



Auj came off as straight up bitchy during Tori's bachelorette party when Tori was describing how she might ugly-cry.  Auj said, "Sorry, but you are."  I had to rewind it several times because I couldn't believe how rude it came out.  Do not like that girl.


I just rewound it a few times and didn't hear anything about being pretty. I heard the bit about ugly cry, a pause from Tori while she listened, then Aud saying, "sorry but you are". I took it more as Aud saying it as, "you will do the ugly cry we all do it...you can't escape it". I'm not a fan of Audrey at all and she seems the type to have to put her input in as she's "been there, done that" with just about everything. So while I don't think she was calling out Tori on being ugly, I didn't hear her response to Tori to being pretty.

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Wouldn't Matt have to adhere to building and safety codes and health codes if the farm was opened up as an attraction?  The pumpkin patch is basically an agriculture attraction and seasonal, it may not need as many rules..


Exactly. That's the same reason the wedding business isn't actually a business. There's a lot of loosy goosy stuff that gets a pass because its a farm that wouldn't get a pass if they were running a commercial business.

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Auj came off as straight up bitchy during Tori's bachelorette party when Tori was describing how she might ugly-cry.  Auj said, "Sorry, but you are."  I had to rewind it several times because I couldn't believe how rude it came out.  Do not like that girl.


I saw "Auj" look glaringly at Tori a few times at the bachelorette party.  I don't know what it is, but she seems insincere, and only concerned with Jeremy, and that his family are just people she has to deal with. 

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I thought this wedding styling was sooo much better, As a florist if I never see a Bell jar again I will be happy .Her dress suited her table decoration more elegant. BEST of all the attendants  did not have house dresses made out of old calico sheets.  Speeches were touching. Amazing what kind of influences a woman can have , I thought he would never leave his mother and house.

I think the counceling they were talking about was by a pastor I will bet money only it. She said she had 3 friends praying for them on that wedding day.

Just caught this last night and I was surprised how much I enjoyed it. So happy for Zach and Tori, they seemed genuinely happy. I agree that Zach looked great, not just in the suit even in the talking head interviews he looked better than he's ever looked to me.  I did feel that Matt and Amy handled the wedding well but probably had regrets that they were going through a divorce while their children were getting married. As much grief as I give Matt I think he nailed his speech, it was so good. And I really enjoyed Jeremy being so supportive of Zach.  I don't know what to make of Audrey, maybe she's just not used to not being the center of attention. It was nice to see Jacob interacting with the family, although he doesn't appear to be a happy person. I hope he finds what he needs to make him happy in life.  On another shallow note, I think Amy's hair and makeup looked much better this time than at Jeremy's wedding.

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I think Zach is a very handsome man!  His eyes, skin, smile, his kind and respectful demeanor, he warms my heart.  He and Tori are so in love and in tune, love it! I thought for sure the rain back up would be to move the ceremony into one of the barns even if guests had to stand.  At least they would be dry, I was stunned if rain had continued at that pace everyone would just get drenched and to hell with money spent on dresses/suits, hair/make up and flowers!


Amy bordered on "enough already" with repeatedly asking people how the food was at the rehearsal dinner, man she needs a lot of back slaps!


Auj and that make up!  Oy vay.  Jer and that hair!  Oy vay.  Jer is an expert on how to dress??!  OK although the outfit wasn't quite the same on Matt.  He and Audrey both seem to talk at a level above everyone else. His love of Zach though is very clear.  I did notice during the dancing how much Audrey was overdoing it and at one point made sure the camera was on her!


Matt's speech was great and Amy looked nice and I liked her hair.  

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn
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I was surprised the two weddings were so similarly styled.  But maybe that's just because of the region and venue. 

Her dress was nice but I think she could have done better, but of course it's whatever the bride likes.  I was a little surprised she chose that style because when doing the wedding dress try-on episode she didn't like some because they showed too many curves, but the dress she chose looked like lingerie to me. 

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Jer and that hair!  Oy vay.  Jer is an expert on how to dress??!  OK although the outfit wasn't quite the same on Matt.


Despite all evidence to the contrary, Jeremy has always been presented as the family expert on clothes. Frankly I've never seen it and the headband in his hair is a really odd choice.


He and Audrey both seem to talk at a level above everyone else.


Glad I am not the only one who notices this, that Jer and Auj clearly consider themselves a cut above the rest. Also I am pretty sure the counseling comment wasn't a "we're already troubled" comment but a direct passive aggressive slap to Daddy Matt - "We're so awesomely married, we're actually working on our marriage, not like YOU".

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I forgot to mention that I love how Tori is with kids. She's a kindergarten teacher, and you can tell she really loves them. In many shots from the rehearsal dinner, she's spending time with kids and helping them get food, and there's a scene from the wedding where a little girl runs to her and she scoops her right up, not worrying about dirty sneakers on her wedding dress.

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Oh I can't say Audrey isn't a pretty girl. She is. So is Tory. I do agree that Audrey often looks like someone shot her with the make up gun set to whore, but I'd counter with how Tory could try a little harder.


Jeremy btw really needs to reconsider the hair. He looks effeminate and I really doubt that's the look he is going for.

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According to what Jer said to Zach in L.A. He's doing what his wife told him to and is  growing the curls. I think there is much potential for hen pecking in the Jer-Auj relationship.


I just realized that if their names were reversed in the abbreviated fashion of the day, they could be AuJer . . . too close to "au jus" for comfort.


I didn't watch the whole wedding episode.  What I saw was nice because it didn't seem to be "Bridezillas" or "Say Yes to the Dress" (both of which are full of people who are just nasty mean, or have way too much money to spend on something they're going to wear one time for about 8 hours).  My only disappointment was when Zach and Tori entered the tent for the reception, he dropped her hand and hopped up on his chair without escorting her and helping her to be seated.  I'm married to a gentleman with old-fashioned manners, and Zach's lack of training in etiquette was pretty obvious.

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My only disappointment was when Zach and Tori entered the tent for the reception, he dropped her hand and hopped up on his chair without escorting her and helping her to be seated.  I'm married to a gentleman with old-fashioned manners, and Zach's lack of training in etiquette was pretty obvious.


Oh! I noticed that too.  I also noticed he ate with his mouth open, as always, and I was hoping he'd at least eat with his mouth closed at his wedding.  (If this is part of his dwarfism then I take it back.) 

Edited by zenme
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I just watched it. The wedding was lovely - just echoing what has been said before. For an outdoor wedding, it was quite elegant. I loved that Tori asked the girls to wear white dresses of their own choosing - usually the bride wants to be the only one in white. But this wedding party really looked beautiful.

I wondered about the rain, too, but I saw it as a plot device, because their outdoor wedding was already shown on the cover of People Magazine. Someone pleeeze look up the local weather for that day! I thought maybe those scenes were filmed the day before for dramatic impact. When Zach turned down the idea of a second tent, my suspicions were turned up.

Zach's eating and breathing difficulties stem from the kind of dwarfism he has. Even if back teeth were pulled, his teeth would be too big for his mouth. He would have to have them all pulled and smaller implants put in. Zach and Tori are dealing with it just fine.

I hope Molly doesn't get married for a long time. She's always been the brains of the brunch and I'd like to see how far she can go. I was married at 20, as were many people now in their 60s, but I think the trend of waiting a few years post college is a good one. (We were in counseling within a few months and divorced three years later.)

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Zach used to be able to close his mouth just at the end and after the braces were removed.  Most little people can close their mouths properly.  The more he goes around with his mouth open the more the teeth shift outward making it more difficult to properly close his mouth.  Self-discipline being lacking in the twins, it's no shock his teeth have shifted.

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I wondered about the rain, too, but I saw it as a plot device, because their outdoor wedding was already shown on the cover of People Magazine. Someone pleeeze look up the local weather for that day! I thought maybe those scenes were filmed the day before for dramatic impact. When Zach turned down the idea of a second tent, my suspicions were turned up.

According to the Hillsboro, Oregon weather history there was indeed .29 inches of precipitation on July 25 and that was almost as much rain as they got the whole month.  Clearly it stopped before the wedding, so they were lucky.

  • Love 6

I didn't mind this interview actually. Makes me wonder why there were pointed questions about difficult subject matter asked of this family and yet the interview shows TLC usually puts on with the Sister Wives crew. .its all soft-shoe shuffling. .never anything that is relevant or that viewers want to know.

I found the seating arrangement interesting. .could just be me looking for the divide though.

I know Jeremy gets ragged on a lot and maybe for good reasons but you can certainly see that his siblings look to him to answer for them as a group. I think that is an oldest child thing. He was actually pretty articulate as well answering difficult questions

about his parent's relationship.I have sons that age who would rather take out their eyes with a fork than wade into that kind of conversation!

I missed some of this show so may rewatch and be back with more but as a whole I found this pretty honest.

Edited by MarysWetBar
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I have mixed feelings about these reunion shows that have basically become standard procedure for reality shows... I do enjoy the different perspective we sometimes get on situations. But more often than not I feel like it's rehashing the same things we've seen and heard all season without really answering any new questions and avoiding difficult topics.

I don't really feel like they avoided anything and actually it was a little refreshing that they were pretty honest and candid about the divorce, at least the little I heard, I didn't catch the whole thing. But for the love of everything holy in this world, I really need Jeremy and Audrey to stop acting like they are the resident marriage experts when they have barely been married for a year! The way Jeremy talks, even when he is actually being complementary to Zachary he comes off as condescending in the sense that he's already been married.

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The interviewer did go overboard with the "would you ever get back together??" questions.  I really don't think these two would be getting divorced if they saw that as a real possibility.


Matt has a much more positive outlook on the future than Amy, but then again he's not the one who has to redefine his entire identity as a wife and mother.  That's not easy.  But Amy needs to have a little fun.  She made some comment about not wanting to use this as an opportunity to go shoe shopping with her girlfriends or whatever.  Loosen up girl! Those are exactly the kinds of things you should be doing right now.

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I missed the beginning.  Did they say why Jacob wasn't there? Or was he there and I just missed him? I was in and out of the kitchen all night.


I, too, was surprised at how pointed the questions were and how honest and articulate the responses were (as MarysWetBar already stated).  I may actually go back and watch again too, to catch what I missed.  I am surprised. I expected this to be the usual rehash type boring show but it was actually really mostly "interview."  I only recently started looking in on this show again to see the weddings, and I was glad I did not have to sit through a replay of both ceremonies.   There were just enough clips to let me know what they were talking about when I was unfamiliar with what had transpired on the show.


I agree with everyone about the interview chick needing to drop the "will Amy and Matt get back together" thing.  Not only was it super awkward ... but after she brought it up for the tenth time, it started to feel like she just didn't have any respect for the fact that these people are really truly and seriously ending a 27 year marriage.  They are not doing it on a whim.  They really mean it.  Unhappy.  For years. Has she ever seen the show?


That being said, I was surprised to hear both Matt and Amy (mostly Amy) acknowledge wishing they had done things differently when they had the chance. There was a lot of regret there.  I can understand the kids holding out hope for their parents marriage, because it seems like everyone feels that if things had just been done a little differently, if they had tried a little bit harder, they could have made it.  I am not sure I agree.  Matt Roloff is just too self centered and egotistical.  And irritating.  And Amy is too ready to be the miserable martyr.  They would both have to change way more than I think is possible to ever come anywhere near reconciling.  


Did I hear them right when it came to the dating question?  Neither one of them seemed to have any interest in that department.  I can see them both growing old together on the farm, with more of a brother sister relationship.  And irritating brother and a nagging sister, that is, lol. 

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They said that Jake was off "spreading his wings" . . . in other words, he's somewhere, higher than a kite.


I think Matt is dating, and Amy doesn't like it.  She said she didn't think anyone would want her.  Maybe that would change if she didn't start every sentence with "I."  Based on her admission that she's not perfect, maybe she should get some professional help.  To be honest, I was raised by someone with as negative an attitude as Amy's father, and it's hard to overcome that childhood "training," but life is much better when we look at the positives . . . which Amy doesn't seem to do.

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I actually really liked the interview with the family.  Just a few notes though: 


1) Not once did I hear them mention Jacob, it's like he's not even part of the family and that made me sad. 

2) Could Jeremy say the word "totally" a hundred more times or Zach say the word "like" a million times.  It like totally made me nuts.... :).  

3) I really feel Amy and Matt do love each other but as they said "not in love".  I think they are better off apart and Amy will find her way eventually and have happiness.  4) Yes- Audrey is unbelievably annoying. 

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I think Jacob doesn't want involved anymore. He was on screen during a few scenes leading up to and including wedding, but, I don't think he said one word nor did he do a talking head. He probably asked that he not be mentioned beyond the first question. He's trying to find his way and all this hoopla of tv his parents put him on is not his cup of tea. As soon as he could make the decision for himself he was out of there with barely a word spoken to the camera crew. Go Jacob! Find somewhere safe and that makes you happy to grow. You never stood a chance on the farm. I think he was conceived in the hope of giving Zach a dwarf sibling as a playmate, but, they weren't close. Matt never cared about his feelings or safety. That farm is detrimental to his health, physically and mentally. I hope he finds someone who by nature helps him find himself and builds his confidence like Tory did for Zach. He deserves it.

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Did Matt and Amy even try marital counseling? They, especially Amy, could learn to communicate better. She is very negative and Matt doesn't seem to be. I bet a good counselor could help them get back on track.

Does Aubrey have a chance of having a dwarf baby? Life for them is so Pinterest-y perfect that I wonder how she would handle that?

I thought the wedding was beautiful! It was very pinterest-y, complete with mason jar table decor, but it was so simple and lovely. I will say that I cringed when Zach just sat in his chair at the reception without helping his bride, who had on a pretty full layered dress, into her seat. I am very traditional and that made me cringe a bit. I could go on a tangent about how some young men need to learn basic courtesy and manners...it's a huge pet peeve of mine, sorry.


Re: the interview -

I kind of love that Jacob wants no part of this. He didn't choose to be on a reality show - that decision was made for him. I also think Molly could take or leave the show. She's adorable and I hope she just focuses on school.


I was really annoyed with the interviewer. Stop asking them if they'll get back together. Divorce was not a decision that Amy and Matt made lightly...like they've been really unhappy for nearly most of their marriage.


I definitely think Matt is dating or at the very least, he's 'talking' to other women. I found it quite sad when Amy said she didn't think anyone would be interested.  She may not be perfect, but if she were really interested in getting out there and dating, I think she'd have some luck. I just want her to lighten up a bit and have fun. The kids are out of the house and she can now focus on herself. Go to therapy, get your nails done on a random Tuesday, take in a matinee movie.

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Amy came off pretty badly in the interview.  She sounded bitter and negative.  Talking about the house she said that the house was really for Matt.  About the kitchen she said Matt had been in the kitchen, but had never worked in there.  She might be right about no one wanting to date her.  Who would want to date someone so bitter.  She also thinks she was the best mother who ever lived.  She was a good mother, but certainly not great. 


Until now I had always been on Amy's side, thinking Matt was the asshole.  Now I see that living with her probably did really suck.


From the way Jeremy and Fauxdry talked, it sounds like they aren't using birth control.  Like if they get pregnant, they get pregnant, but aren't doing anything to prevent it.


Molly's skin looks great finally.

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OH MY GOD Andrea Canning. Let these two get their divorce! Stop trying to make 'Matt and Amy' happen.

Had a good laugh with (not at) Zach talking about friends asking if he wanted to go to Jeremy's house. That was cute.


I agree....I kept talking to the television and saying shut up! She is a terrible interviewer. I also think two hours way WAY too long.

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From the way Jeremy and Fauxdry talked, it sounds like they aren't using birth control.  Like if they get pregnant, they get pregnant, but aren't doing anything to prevent it.

I think so, too.  They have probably put it "in God's hands."  Because according to Auj, you can't really plan and control when these things happen...whatever.   I also noticed that after all of the baby talk she wrapped her arms in front of her stomach and left them there for the remainder of the show.  I thought maybe it was a possible sign that there is already a little Baby Au Jus in the oven but in her case, she was probably just sitting that way to make sure she didn't look fat or something.  She also said maybe 10 words total, which I was happy about.  She mainly just sat there gazing at Jeremy while he talked and played with her hair, making sure that it was arranged 'just so.' 


I was bugged at the very end when Andrea Canning tells Zach that he has actually turned into quite a handsome guy.  It was like she was saying considering everything, you actually aren't half bad or something.  It was all kinds of awkward.

Edited by Cementhead
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