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S24.E10: Bull Down

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Rachel, on behalf of strong, independent females everywhere, I am revoking your woman card (not that you'd notice.).



Give it to Dave.

Dave doesn't even qualify for a junior membership. 

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And when the Country Singers take their bras off so they can do the math to realize that if they were fourth, then Brendan and Rachel were almost certainly safe.


How would they know that?  There are many stretches of the race where they don't see the other teams at all.  The girls had no way of knowing where Brendan and whiney-butt were.   It was the last u-turn, and they slapped the picture up just to be safe. 

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The country singers' dancing didn't look anything like Flamenco.  What they were doing looked more like a hula.  I was surprised they were passed through with that performance.  The cowboys were actually better at it. 

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I was surprised they were passed through with that performance.


I think when you're tall and blond and the judge is a sexy Spaniard, you could basically go up there and bat your eyelashes for 3 minutes and pass.  

Signed Sincerely, a disgruntled, short brunette.

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So, we're down to four teams, and all of them are flawed (to a degree.)  Heck, include the Cowboys when we were at five... but they were taken out by their well established navigation problems.  (They make that exit for the airport, and they aren't eliminated even if L&J U-turn them.  Heck, they probably U-turn R&B in that case, so double loss for the viewership.)


Leo and Jamal really don't have a racing flaw, it's just a matter of how hurt the knee really is.  Since it wasn't mentioned in the preview, I'm guessing it isn't too bad.  Probably the most likely to win the race, provided they aren't passed on the way to the finish line as they mug for the cameras.


Dave and Connor are very competent racers, but Dave's refusal to do the calligraphy and not choosing to do the barber task ought to result in him having to do a task that will challenge him physically.


Rachel and Brendan are also pretty competent, though it seems they have trouble navigating at times.  While I dislike the "mean-girls" attitude of the alliance, I also don't particularly want to hear Rachel's screech during the final - so I guess I'm rooting for them to come in last next?


Caroline and Jennifer are followers, and will probably be helped into the final.  I would be happiest with an Afganimals win at this point, but, (since the Beekman's win didn't teach future racers anything,) if they were to win I wouldn't mind it as a cautionary tale.

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How would they know that?  There are many stretches of the race where they don't see the other teams at all.  The girls had no way of knowing where Brendan and whiney-butt were.   It was the last u-turn, and they slapped the picture up just to be safe.



Agreed.  I should've been clearer.  I wasn't referring to the time when they were actually at the U-Turn box.  But rather when they got to the Mat and Phil told them they were fourth. 


They should've realized that Dave/Connor and Leo/Jamal were out in front this leg, and that the they, the Cowboys and Brenchel were racing for 3rd, 4th.


And when they got to the Mat, they knew (or at least would've thought) that the Cowboys and Brenchel both had U-Turns to deal with.


Therefore, they should've been expecting to hear that they were 3rd.  So hearing that they were 4th should've at least given them pause.  But it never seemed to occur to them.

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the Cowboys would have likely come in last anyway because they were the last team to finish the Detour.


They were actually captioned as 4th out of the Detour, while the Country Girls were last: that flipped at the U-Turn box, of course, but we didn't see whether that was because the Cowboys got lost or took the long way round, or because the flamenco task location was closer to the U-Turn than the end of the bull task.

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They were actually captioned as 4th out of the Detour, while the Country Girls were last: that flipped at the U-Turn box, of course, but we didn't see whether that was because the Cowboys got lost or took the long way round, or because the flamenco task location was closer to the U-Turn than the end of the bull task.

Yes, you're right.  I viewed getting the next clue at the U-Turn box as being the "finish" of the Detour, but the Cowboys did complete their first task before the Country Singers finished theirs.

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The return of Whining Rachel is like the return of an old frenemy!


I'll be satisfied with a Leo/Jamal or even Brendan/Rachel win -- just not Team Sanctimony (Dave/Connor) or Team Suck-Up to Sanctimony (the Singers).  If I have to hear one more time about how playing by the rules of the game is immoral and the work of "less than quality" people, I'm going to throw something thru the TV screen.


And Dave?  Yeah, we all know your age.  If you think that merits special treatment, maybe you should have taken up shuffleboard instead of The Amazing Race.


All in all, an amusing episode leading to a rather uninspiring Final Four.

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This entire season has been one major time-suck. Can't remember having less fun watching this series, and there's too much else on Sunday nights. TAR All Stars, you broke my heart, but even worse, you bored me with your lackluster teams, where even the slightly interesting got booted off first.



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I wonder if Big Easy would have gotten stuck in the alley wearing the bull ball.


I thought the Cowboys had the opportunity to U-turn Jennifer and Caroline and chose not to. When they got to the U-Turn after completing the shaving detour, they saw they were U-turned, but nobody's picture was on the second U-turn slot.  Unless the rules changed, U-turned teams have been able to U-turn another team after completing the first detour task and before starting the other detour task. If Caroline and Jennifer had gotten to the U-turn before the Cowboys, the Cowboys would have seen Brendan and Rachel's picture on the board.


Bull balls were great. So were the balloon heads.  I guess it was the episode of inflatable round things.  (Re the shaving - at first I thought they were had to shave real customers and I was horrified.  Glad it was balloons and not people.)

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I, too, thought the Cowboys would be able to U-turn the country girls because they left their Detour first. But the Country Girls arrived at the U-turn first. When the Cowboys got there, both U-turns were already used. I wonder whether they would have U-turned them, knowing the Country Girls were the last team they actually saw. Did they U-turn any teams in their prior outings?


Sad to see the Cowboys gone, they were always positive racers and I enjoyed their humor.

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I don't mind Dave and the son all that much.  He may make mention that he's an old guy but at least he's not saying it in decibels approaching only what dogs can hear like Rachel does. 


Mentioning Rachel, and Brendan, wow the utter hubris of those two.  I'm a Big Brother fan and I have to say that the introduction of Rachel on that show was the utter worst.  She was HORRIBLE every time she was on.  A real disgusting person.  And Brendan might have been decent before meeting her, but my God he's become insufferable as well. 


I would like them to explode in a blinding ball of fire and get the heck off my TV.  They infiltrate everything!  Even the David Tutera Wedding show! 


As for the two blonde ladies, I don't mind them and the Afghanimals seem to be a couple of fun ( in a drunken frat way) couple of guys.


The cowboys were nice.  Oh well. 

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she has a bit of spunk to her and is kind of uber competitive and she really wants a kid...

Ah yes... lest we forget the fire burning in Rachel's loins to have a baby and how that motivates her. (No, seriously...)


I too would have loved to see the Blondes get bounced around in the BullzBallz, as I would have liked to see people flying off in orbit after getting hit by the 'Trotters!! I'd love to have/be in one, but it wouldn't be as fun without he rabid bull sound effects...


The Race has become so tame in recent years I really liked that the BullzBoyz weren't pulling any punches (and I don't think you could see who was in the ballz, be they female or a 60 y.o. man) viva a challenge that actually, ya know, challenged teams.

Edited by Wandering Snark
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I think if the cowboys have to be eliminated - riding off into the sunset is about as perfect way to do it as you can get. 


(oh, and I didn't laugh when Rachel fell but seriously, that is her third random faceplant - no one nearby, just woomph, down she goes.)


(lurker from TWoP)

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At the Roadblock, was anyone else waiting for Rachel to say , "I'll do it because I used to be a barber?"

Rachel's experience to knowledge ratio has been dwindling recently. First we had "I used to be a cocktail waitress so I'll be great at the flair bartending task" and last week we had "Rachel used to live in Las Vegas so she knows all about fancy hotel rooms." Based on unrelated her experiences have been to the tasks lately, I was expecting her to say, "I used to walk past a barber shop on my way to Starbucks - I'll be great at this task!"


I liked the cowboys because they stayed out of the drama and just kept their heads down to race. Compared to all the immature bickering going on between the rest of the teams, the cowboys seemed so much more likable. They definitely have some race weaknesses, and navigation is a big one. Even if they had made it to the finale, I think they would have had to drive themselves somewhere and that would have lost them the million dollars. But I'm still sad to see them go because I can't stand the remaining teams for various reasons.


The country girls are so bad at doing most tasks. They rely on the other teams way too much, from having Leo and Jamal explain how to do the Mustang math to following Dave and Connor's car (and failing miserably at that even though they had printed directions to their next location) and just straight up getting answers from the other teams. I'm okay with a little bit of cooperation and collaboration but the country girls act like they can't understand written directions for tasks, navigate on their own, build things, or carry heavy things. The flamenco task was the first thing in recent memory where they didn't seem flustered or confused or completely helpless, but unless the next two legs are all dance based, then they are screwed. Dave and Connor might be willing to keep helping them, but Brenchel and the Afghanimals will not carry them.


Dave and Connor are going to be screwed now that Dave has to do the remaining tasks. He was such a baby about not doing the calligraphy task that I hope whatever is coming up requires him to do something that he thinks a 60 year old man can't do. I hate when he plays the age card. If you think something is too hard for a 60 year old man to do, then don't come on TAR. Either sit down, give up, and cry again or just STFU and do the task, but don't whine about how hard it is for a creaky old man with one nut and a busted Achilles to do this. Connor seems to be a more level headed racer who doesn't panic or whine nearly as much his dad does, but he's saddled with Dave having to do the next two tasks so I think that will be their downfall unless they luck out and get something very easy and non-physical.


Brenchel can STFU and get off my tv forever after this season. I can't stand girls who whine about being girls. You shouldn't get special treatment because you have a vagina, so when she started screeching at the bull guys not to be so mean because she's just a girl, I was like great, thanks for setting feminism back another 20 years. If she were prettier and blonder, she would be trying to pull some of the stuff that the country girls get away with. "Brendon, come SAVE ME!" Ugh, so gross. I'm also tired of her claiming to be an expert at everything. We get it - you think you're a genius. Fortunately, the rest of us can see that you are not. As for Brendon, every time I see one of this stupid UCLA hats, I think of that SNL skit where a guy goes to a job interview and the person interviewing him says, "Ooocla? Uckla? What is that some kind of club?" The job candidate says, "UCLA - that's the university where I received my undergraduate degree?" The interviewer says, "Never heard of it!"


I didn't like the Afghanimals their last time on the race and although I have found them more tolerable this time around, I still have no desire to see their mugging yelling team win. Once I realized the cowboys would be eliminated this week, I realized crap, I don't like any of the remaining teams enough to want even one of them to win. I am hoping for some kind of three way tie for last place.

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The bull task looked brutal. I get that they all choose it but it looked brutal. The "Im a girl/old" thing was annoying but I get where they are coming from. Most women have not played a full on contact sport. They have no idea what it feels like to take a hit, whether in pads or a bubble. A good number of men have played some type of contact sport (football in the back yard, basketball with very few fouls called, wrestling just to wrestle). They have an idea of what it feels like and are prepared. For the most part, this stops when they are in their 20's but some guys keep playing contact sports (flag football has the occassional slip up, recreational basketball). By the time you are in your 40's or 50's you are probably done with contact sports for a varity of reasons.


My point? If you have not taken too many hits (Rachel) or it has been ages since your have (Dave) then that bull task was pretty awful. I am a woman raised with three brothers in an almost all male neighborhood. I loved football and wrestling and I don't think I would ever pay to do the running of the bulls because I don't want to be hit like that. Jamal ended up hurting his knee, I thought I heard him say he dislocated the knee cap. That means that the hits were pretty darn rough.


So I don't like the squealing we heard but I understand where it is coming from. Rachel isn't used to it and that looked brutal. Dave is going to take a lot longer to heal then Jamal because of his age. The Producers screwed up this time. They should have put in some rules to decrease the intensity of hits (no knocking people to the ground) or limit the number of hits (racer has to have 15 seconds in between hits). Something to decrease the injury risk. I am shocked that only one person was injured based on what I saw.

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Leo and Jamal really don't have a racing flaw, it's just a matter of how hurt the knee really is.  Since it wasn't mentioned in the preview, I'm guessing it isn't too bad.

That's actually what worries me. The more it doesn't get mentioned, the more I suspect it's going to have an impact... and oh god that would make for a depressing F3.

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Bye bye Cowboys. You were really cool. esp to stay out of the stupid "alliance"

Rachel crying that 'the Bulls' were being mean to her because she's "a girl" was really getting on my nerves.

Edited by yeswedo
Moved to correct topic thread
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If you think something is too hard for a 60 year old man to do, then don't come on TAR. Either sit down, give up, and cry again or just STFU and do the task, but don't whine about how hard it is for a creaky old man with one nut and a busted Achilles to do this.


Connor's the one with one nut :)

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How DARE those fake Bulls be mean to Dave and Connor!  It's not allowed, because they're so nice!  And 60 years old!  Nice nice nice. Old old old! IT'S NOT RIGHT!  Waaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!


Okay, I know they didn't actually SAY that, but I just had a flahsback to earlier in the episode when that was said about Team Brenchel, who face it... weren't as "mean" to Team Old Guy as those fake Bulls were. 


Personally these fake Bulls are my new TV heroes.  One of the most awesome things I've seen in a while.  And Rachel can just shut it.  I know she's not used to that kind of thing, but jeez, Rachel.  You signed up for this.


BTW: did Brenchel not use the second U-Turn (on the Country Girls) because not having seen them they maybe thought they were already ahead of them?  Or did they actually think it out and realize it was better to get rid of the Cowboys than the useless Girls, ergo it was better to not use the U-Turn?

Edited by Kromm
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Dave and Connor have only themselves to blame for Brenchel not being U-turned. They wasted their U-turn on Leo and Jamaal when they should have saved it.

I'm confused.  Dave and Connor didn't use a U-Turn at all. And Leo and Jamaal weren't U-turned by anyone.  

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I'm confused.  Dave and Connor didn't use a U-Turn at all. And Leo and Jamaal weren't U-turned by anyone.  


In the last episode where there was a U-turn they wasted their U-turn on Leo and Jamal one can argue.

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I hope after this season we don't have to hear whining from "special interest groups"  on behalf of racers. 

Will the AARP insist on tasks suited to 55+ contenders?  Will oxygen tanks, Hover-Rounds and discounted coffee be mandatory? It's a raaaacccce.  If you feel you are too old to compete, don't apply! 

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I have considerably less empathy for the "old men and girls don't want to be hit by bubble bulls" argument given that there was no reason they couldn't choose to do the dancing task instead. Mess with the bullz you get the horns.

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In the last episode where there was a U-turn they wasted their U-turn on Leo and Jamal one can argue.



They absolutely wasted it. Using it on L&J was a valid choice, since they're a strong team who was behind them. But then helping L&J through the tasks so that they came in ahead of them? Made no sense.


BTW: did Brenchel not use the second U-Turn (on the Country Girls) because not having seen them they maybe thought they were already ahead of them?  Or did they actually think it out and realize it was better to get rid of the Cowboys than the useless Girls, ergo it was better to not use the U-Turn?



Kromm, Brenchel already used up their one U-turn on D&C. Otherwise, I'm sure they would have gladly used one on the Country Singers.

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I think production really screwed up with the bull-ball task. Sure, they were protected on top, but having their entire lower half exposed to concrete and stones while being aggressively shoved is just far too risky. Adding obstacles like metal racks in there too was just unconscionable. Did one of the locals suggest this idea, and the producers somehow had a brain fart and didn't vet it properly?


And it wasn't even a very interesting task to take those risks for.

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I hate hate hate Dave and Connor. The Caroline and Jennifer are annoying because they're useless, say that they're useless, and then turn around and talk about how great they are for getting this far. I can't. I've come around on the Afghanimals this season only to start disliking them again because of that stupid alliance. Even though I didn't want to lose the Cowboys, I respected the decision to U-turn the stronger team. Brenchel is fine. Throughout the race, after everyone else I liked left, they've generally been the least hate-able team for me. I'm not going to get mad at Rachel for whining during the running of the bulls when Jamal did legitimately get injured and when Caroline and/or Jennifer makes a comment about how they can't do something because they're women or that men are better at X almost every week. I didn't think I'd be saying this week one but I'm sad to see the Cowboys go. They were good racers and while they weren't outlandish, they were capable of throwing out jokes here and there. I liked their flamenco. They somehow turned it into country linedancing. I can't feel too bad for them because they made so many mistakes this leg.


And I agree that riding off on the horse was a great moment.

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They absolutely wasted it. Using it on L&J was a valid choice, since they're a strong team who was behind them. But then helping L&J through the tasks so that they came in ahead of them? Made no sense.



Kromm, Brenchel already used up their one U-turn on D&C. Otherwise, I'm sure they would have gladly used one on the Country Singers.

OK.  I forgot the rule that you can only use it once, actually.

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If you really stop to think about it, the Country girls are very smart to get the other teams to 'carry them along'


Now that my cowboys are out I want them to win for that reason. Be a lesson to future racers. 

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They absolutely wasted it. Using it on L&J was a valid choice, since they're a strong team who was behind them. But then helping L&J through the tasks so that they came in ahead of them? Made no sense.

Exactly! IIRC, Dave and Connor acted as if they had to U-turn L&J (ie, they couldn't just decline), apologized about it to L&J, then helped them. WTF?

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I guess the one thing D&C U-turning L&J did do was take up the last available U-turn slot that day, thereby saving the country girls from being U-turned by either the Afghanimals or the Globetrotters.  They didn't voice this to us, but I wonder if it was part of their plan. Not a great plan (saving the U-turn would have been smarter), but at least it has some logic.  

I agree with those upthread who thought the Ballz detour was too dangerous--as witness Jamal's injury.  I didn't even like the task several seasons ago where many, many locals threw tomatoes at the teams.  I prefer my locals to be amused spectators or to frustrate the racers immensely but non-physically (Pop!).

The faces on the balloons were a little creepy.

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Risky and dangerous -- thank goodness for challenges that required some spine.  Otherwise we'll be reduced to seeing them knit.  We already watched them make a shirt...  Much worse than that and they'll be watching paint dry, and we'll be watching them watch the paint.


Persons who expect that all challenges will be sanitized to the point that they are completely risk free and equally fair to all, need not apply.  This is not Jeopardy.  Walk through the lions den and catch a cobra by the tail.  There'll be a snakebite kit handy in case you screw up.  If you die, well, it'll be more interesting television than hearing about Bopper's pancreas.  In fact, ratings will probably go through the roof!

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I don't have a problem with risky challenges; bungee jumping, skydiving, zip lines, even that thing where they had to swim in icy water. Those all have an element of risk and danger, and would require most contestants to overcome anything from a little apprehension to outright fear. I do have a problem with violent tasks, however, and getting repeatedly bashed into, knocked to the ground, knocked over metal racks, and, in Jamal's case, sustaining an injury, is violent.

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I agree with fishcakes above that there's a difference.  Heights, pushing yourself physically to climb or run or carry, animals, even the watermelon to the face (although I thought that was quite unfortunate, to say the least) don't bother me like this one did.  

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Violence is good.  Just ask the Marine corps.  I have great respect for Claire, because after a watermelon full force in the face, she kept on racing, after only a brief period of recovery.  (I think I'd have been in hospital for six months!)


This is a race with a prize of one million dollars.  The challenges should grind their bones to make bread, not mollycoddle their asses to the finish! 


The point that none of the racers seemed to get was that in the Bull/Ball challenge they weren't supposed to get smashed.   They were supposed to do the smashing!  Bowl those rugby players over like ninepins!  Get some blood on the cobblestones!

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I didn't have a problem w/ the bulls task being included in the race.  Risking injury is part of the race.  But I just didn't like watching it, if that makes sense.  If I were on the race, that task would have pissed me off big time, but I wouldn't have whined about it.  I would have gotten mad and pushed through.  I hated listening to Rachel and Dave's whining.  It is a race, sometimes it is going to be hard, and sometimes it is going to hurt.

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Oddly, this was the second show in a week that featured those large orb things. I also watch The Challenge on MTV.  Those younguns were inside them and were playing like soccer with them, with one person being the ball to get to a goal while the rest of the team were trying to either defend the goal or help their ball get down the court. Now, they were, if I remember correctly, on sand or something soft based but they were going after each other like demons, and it was males and females playing with each other, so they didn't bother me on this episode although it did make me scratch my head since I had never seen them before and then twice in a week. 

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I guess the one thing D&C U-turning L&J did do was take up the last available U-turn slot that day, thereby saving the country girls from being U-turned by either the Afghanimals or the Globetrotters.  They didn't voice this to us, but I wonder if it was part of their plan. Not a great plan (saving the U-turn would have been smarter), but at least it has some logic.


I suppose this can be attributed to logic, but I got the distinct impression at the time that they were simply panicked. I think if they were thinking logically, they would have u-turned the Cowboys - who were standing right there - but chose instead to go with the Afghanimals who were nowhere to be seen.


It strikes me that they reacted to the u-turn out of their own injured sense of self and wanted to hit back. The logical choice would have been the Cowboys, but since there were standing right there watching them make their decision, they wussed out and used it on a team that wouldn't SEE them use it.


Then, as they were on their way, Leo and Jamal were suddenly there and were going to discover what they had done, so to cover their reaction, they attempted to smooth it over by helping them through the task and raised their own war-cry about the indecency of being u-turned themselves. Deceive and deflect.


I don't think the Country Girls or the Globetrotters entered their equations at all.

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I guess the one thing D&C U-turning L&J did do was take up the last available U-turn slot that day, thereby saving the country girls from being U-turned by either the Afghanimals or the Globetrotters.  They didn't voice this to us, but I wonder if it was part of their plan.


That's assuming facts not in evidence -- that D&C can plan.   If they can think strategically, I haven't seen it.

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I don't have a problem with risky challenges; bungee jumping, skydiving, zip lines, 

Actually, those activities are almost completely safe, due to the number of safety precautions they put in place. Has a racer ever been injured doing one of those things? It seems most injuries come from much more mundane activities such as running.


I'm not against things that are physically challenging, but doing things that are stupidly risky for no reason is just silly. The racers would be considered employees by most courts, and thus Occupational Health and Safety procedures should always apply.


And it's not like the risk of injury in this activity added any excitement or challenge - it would be luck, not skill, that determines who gets injured.

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Anybody else catch CBS missing bleeping out Rachel when she said "We're F&^%#@*" when they were in the taxi with the cab driver who was lost and didn't have a smartphone?  Rewound it twice just to make sure I heard what I heard.


Now that the Cowboys are out, I'm not sure I really care who wins.  All unattractive options to me.


That carrying the ham to the store speed bump was one of the weakest ever.


I think the bulls were just over the top.  Serious risk for injury with how hard they were hitting.  I think they could have just acted to slow them down, but to hit the racers so hard that they fall down and tumble head over heels?  Just an unnecessary show of aggression.

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While I think there should be an actual challenge to the roadblocks and detours, with some amount of risk, the problem with the bull balls is that there was no way to control the risk.  Smashing into the racers when there are curbs and show racks around... all sorts of bad things can happen.  Just ask Jamal's knee.


After a rewatch, I saw that the Cowboys picked a bad time to fall apart.  They left the Pit Stop at about the same time as Donnor and Lamal, and should have been on the early flight with them, except that they missed the exit to the airport and had to waste time finding their way back.  So they arrive in Seville along with the Country Clutter and Brenchell, but they're the last team to find Hercules and Caesar.  Somehow, they manage to arrive at the barbershop in fourth place, but don't display their usual alacrity at tasks and leave still in fourth, barely.  Then they burn a ton of time finding the next clue, which is really what seemed to kill them.because when they leave, they're barely ahead of the Country Clutter, and at this point they should know that they're racing for last place.  I still can't figure out how they arrived at the U-Turn last, because the Country Clutter had to do both the lame Speed Bump and the flamenco dance, and it seems like the dancing would have taken some amount of time to learn the steps.

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My re-watch thoughts. I, too, felt the 'Bulls' were too violent, the upper bodies were cushioned but, knees and ankles were not. Not sure how they would tell the 'Bulls' to hit, but not too hard, though. I think they were lucky only Jamal got hurt.

Sorry to see the Cowboy's go, horse and greeter were both beautiful.

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