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S09.E22: Reunion Part 3

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16 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

I like Beth, but I really wish she could relax a little, enjoy her success, feel proud of herself and feel confident, and not feel the need to entertain everyone during these reunions. It saddens me that she still seeks the approval and attention of others so much. I guess her childhood really damaged her self-esteem. 

Maybe I am weird, but I would much rather receive one huge Bergdorf Goodman gift card than many little gifts over the course of I don't know how many months. 

She never will, which is sad.  And it probably kills her that her other products aren't taking off like the original cocktail.  I thought her comments to Ramona at the fake party for Sonja were telling - when she said she knew she would always have success with money/business because she had it once.  But it doesn't always work like that, some businesses do very well within their own sphere, but move out of it and they flail.  I think she will continually be looking for the "next great thing" instead of  enjoying her life.

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How old is Sonja's daughter now? I wonder if we'll ever see her on the show once she's able to.

Very pretty young lady. I can see a resemblance to J.Q. Adams around the mouth area.



I don't think Ramona was any more vicious or clueless than she's been in any other seasons although I've missed a few.

Me, either...same Ramona, different season. (Though, I still don't understand what was so offensive about her passing on the diet wine that one time. It's not like she spoke negatively about the product itself, and if she had, big whoop.)

Pretty good season, but three years of kissing the SG ring has really dragged the show. If Frankel won't leave, then somebody needs to step up and read her proper like.

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And while we're talking about discretion.  Sonja if you wear a dress so low that we can see a lot of your breasts, that means we can also see a lot of your implants.  Especially the left implant.  Whose outlined ridge was totally obvious.  Either cut out the Superannuated Brothel Madam look and cover 'em up.  Or get a better plastic surgeon to redo them properly.

Botched crossover!  I think a few of them could spend some time in Dubrow's chair.  

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I'm not so sure Bethenny is a source of much creativity.  She is a one-hit-wonder and even then, wasn't the Skinny Girl idea LuAnn's?  Or maybe Ramona's?  Can't recall which but there is a scene from the very first season in which there was talk about this.

Bethenny made it work without a doubt but I'm not sure the idea was hers and I'm not sold on the notion she is capable of developing creative ideas all by her lonesome.

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  I think she will continually be looking for the "next great thing" instead of  enjoying her life

She seems to be enjoying her life, traveling where and when she can and living it up, SG overall is doing well for her, she has a spin-off in the works, etc. Granted, not every aspect of her life is perfect (see her asshole ex-husband, as an example), but overall, it seems the positives in her life outweigh the negatives.


wasn't the Skinny Girl idea LuAnn's?  Or maybe Ramona's?

Not really.

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1 hour ago, Jextella said:

I'm not so sure Bethenny is a source of much creativity.  She is a one-hit-wonder and even then, wasn't the Skinny Girl idea LuAnn's?  Or maybe Ramona's?  Can't recall which but there is a scene from the very first season in which there was talk about this.

Bethenny made it work without a doubt but I'm not sure the idea was hers and I'm not sold on the notion she is capable of developing creative ideas all by her lonesome.

Bethenny's mom has laid claim to the recipe Bethenny used for her initial drink mix and Bethenny was with Luann when the name was first mentioned. 

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On August 31, 2017 at 7:40 AM, ChitChat said:

I'm still trying to figure out what happened between Bethenny & Ramona from the Mexico trip to the reunion that made Bethenny feel like she wasn't sincere in her apology.  They appeared to have made up, and although I don't expect them to be best friends, Bethenny's reaction to her at the reunion was odd, IMO.  When Ramona chimed in about how difficult it is trying to protect your kids (or something to that effect), Bethenny cut her off and said she didn't want to hear anything from Ramona on that topic.   I thought they smoothed things over, but it's like rewinding the tape and Bethenny had to revisit the whole thing once again.  Cue the tears and drama.  Pffttt. 

I think there's two issues here. 

  1. Beth was drunk. When I'm drunk, I love everyone - even people I despise for very good reasons.   I probably would get mushy, too, and be convinced that a break through truly happened.   Until I was sober again.
  2. Once she was sober, Beth probably remembered that Ramona always apologizes, but never changes her behavior.  I think most of the cast has said this very thing.  And it's quite possible that Ramona did something reprehensible again after their drunken pool hugging it out.  
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8 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

I think there's two issues here. 

  1. Beth was drunk. When I'm drunk, I love everyone - even people I despise for very good reasons.   I probably would get mushy, too, and be convinced that a break through truly happened.   Until I was sober again.
  2. Once she was sober, Beth probably remembered that Ramona always apologizes, but never changes her behavior.  I think most of the cast has said this very thing.  And it's quite possible that Ramona did something reprehensible again after their drunken pool hugging it out.  

Didn't Bethenny say that someone's true feelings come out when they are drunk? So, wouldn't that make what she said to Ramona her true feelings according to Bethenny herself? LOL 

I don't think Ramona did/said anything bad to Bethenny after Mexico......at least, not yet! That will happen either next season or the season after, when Ramona gets comfortable/feels secure around Bethenny again. 

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I'm still trying to figure out what happened between Bethenny & Ramona from the Mexico trip to the reunion that made Bethenny feel like she wasn't sincere in her apology.  They appeared to have made up, and although I don't expect them to be best friends, Bethenny's reaction to her at the reunion was odd, IMO.  When Ramona chimed in about how difficult it is trying to protect your kids (or something to that effect), Bethenny cut her off and said she didn't want to hear anything from Ramona on that topic.   I thought they smoothed things over, but it's like rewinding the tape and Bethenny had to revisit the whole thing once again.  Cue the tears and drama. 

This wouldn't be the first time 2 HWs make up before the reunion...then actually watch it all again while it plays out on TV and rethink it all.


Didn't Bethenny say that someone's true feelings come out when they are drunk? So, wouldn't that make what she said to Ramona her true feelings according to Bethenny herself?

But then as RedheadZombie mentioned, she remembered point #2 and realized that while she herself might have been sincere, Ramona might not have been...

Edited by BBHN
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2 hours ago, jaync said:

Very pretty young lady. I can see a resemblance to J.Q. Adams around the mouth area.


She's lovely. Thank you for posting that picture. 

I want to believe that Sonja is a good mother who shelters Quincy from her worst behavior.  But didn't Sonja talk about Quincy being present when she met Frenchie?  She said she told her daughter that Frenchie could not stop staring at her, and Quincy answered he's like that with everyone. Then Sonja took him home that night.  So unless Quincy was chauffeured back to school or to her father's, she was present when her mother met her boy toy, and brought him home for a night of banging.  So if Tinsley hears Sonja loudly going at it, I can only assume that Quincy can also.  Which isn't so bad if it's your boyfriend.  But ONS are a different kettle of fish. 

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She's lovely. Thank you for posting that picture. 

You're welcome. I got curious, and did a little googlin'.

FWIW, I remember Alex saying in an interview that Sonja is a very good mother.

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3 hours ago, jaync said:

Very pretty young lady. I can see a resemblance to J.Q. Adams around the mouth area.


Me, either...same Ramona, different season. (Though, I still don't understand what was so offensive about her passing on the diet wine that one time. It's not like she spoke negatively about the product itself, and if she had, big whoop.)

Pretty good season, but three years of kissing the SG ring has really dragged the show. If Frankel won't leave, then somebody needs to step up and read her proper like.


49 minutes ago, jaync said:

You're welcome. I got curious, and did a little googlin'.

FWIW, I remember Alex saying in an interview that Sonja is a very good mother.

If there is one thing that wouldn't surprise me about Sonja is that she is a good mother.  She really does seem kind, rational, encouraging, supportive and empathetic at the core.  She's also healthy, vibrant, stylish and social.  She seems like a smart, loving, sensitive, and wise (post-divorce) mother whose company a child would enjoy.

This show is her only source of income, correct?  IMO, her attempts at business, and antics on the show are efforts at remaining employed.  I also think her situation has humbled her.  I give her a big pass for these reasons.

In fact, the way Avery has turned out, it appears Ramona is also a very good mother.  

Edited by Jextella
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2 minutes ago, Jextella said:


In fact, the way Avery has turned out, it appears Ramona is also a very good mother.  

It has always been so funny to me that the most ill behaved woman on all the housewives shows seems to have done the best job raising her child.

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19 hours ago, zulualpha said:

I don't think Ramona was any more vicious or clueless than she's been in any other seasons although I've missed a few. The way she went after Bethenney didn't surprise me nor did her thoughtless trashing of Dorindas guest room or anything else she did including what I consider to be her constant lying. I don't believe she has lots of dates and I think she's lying about having guys give her oral sex then leaving. She said in a previous episode that she was the one giving the oral sex! She can't keep her stories straight. No man in his right mind is going to put up with her shit. She's pathological and always had been. 

What I would like to see is someone finding her Achilles heel and grinding her down with no mercy whatsoever. Just take her down to the nub so she is forced to look at herself and start over from scratch. Only thing better than that is if she was fired.  Because as someone upstream observed, she always says she sees the error of her ways and then turns around and does all the selfish, bitchy mean girl stuff all over again.


My dream season would be a Ramona - Kelly Dodd Bravolebrity Death Match, (with regular visits from Shannon, Vickie, and Drunk Dorinda).  Like a verbal Survivor.

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3 minutes ago, itsadryheat said:

My dream season would be a Ramona - Kelly Dodd Bravolebrity Death Match, (with regular visits from Shannon, Vickie, and Drunk Dorinda).  Like a verbal Survivor.

I want an All Star season so badly.

Ramona, Vickie, Kenya, LeeAnn, Teresa, and Brandi Glanville all stuck in a house Big Brother style.

Edited by WhoaWhoKnew
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On 8/31/2017 at 2:57 PM, jaync said:

Another thing Ramona and Beth have in common...they're both pillow queens.

How do we know this? Lawd, WHY do we know this?


I want an All Star season so badly.

My All Stars would be: Ramona Singer /Bethenny Frankel (NY); Lisa Vanderpump/Camille Grammar (BH); Kenya Moore (ATL); and Tamra Judge (OC).

Special appearances by: Luann D'agostino/Jill Zarin (NY); Brandi Glanville (BH); NeNe Leakes (ATL) and Vicki Gunvalson (OC) for the sake of drama and resurrecting old beefs.

My choices were based on who throws the best shade -- intentional or not. For instance, imagining Ramona's caustic verbal diarrhea up against Lisa VP's subtle shady snobbery would likely transport me to another world.

I haven't watched enough of the other series to feel good about picking through their rosters. Gizelle and Karen (Potomac) look like they could be worthy contenders. Michelle and Gilda (Auckland) can certainly take care of themselves. I need to get to know these ladies better.

I stopped watching New Jersey after season 3. I don't recall any of those housewives having the verbal chops to go up against my picks. I've not seen a single episode of Dallas, Miami, Vancouver, DC, or Melbourne.

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I forgot to tape this the other night so I finally just watched...wow, it certainly lived up to the hype...boring AF.  

No more three parters so we can see MORE Beth (although it will be boring if she does not return). I am not a crazy fan, but she does add a lot of fun one liners, she's funny, and quick. I am just tiiiired of all the poor me b.s. Nobody has ever had it as hard as she has!  Just stop and enjoy what you have NOW! Which is a LOT! 

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6 hours ago, WireWrap said:

Bethenny's mom has laid claim to the recipe Bethenny used for her initial drink mix and Bethenny was with Luann when the name was first mentioned. 

I understand Bethenny's frustration and I don't think she was clear when she addressed it with Luann in The Berkshires.  Originally, Bethenny was all about her Margarita recipe-she did You Tubes and used first class tequila-unlike the crap that is in her pre-mixed drink.  Between Season 1 when she used Luann to get her idea out there and her claims of "every one ordering the drink" and her and her 50% partner's concept to bottle it, Bethenny had left the show.  The RHONYC weren't really along for the ride.  Bethenny was less than gracious about her rise and for her now to claim everyone is jealous is a bit harsh.  Carole, Dorinda and the rest weren't around when she was shagging yet another Bethenny product.  So I understand that the idea wasn't the drink but the marketing plan.  

As @jaync said there have been a lot of misses with Skinnygirl products, protein bars, luggage, protein shakes, shapewear make up and several other products.  The idea behind launching something under a brand is it is resilient and stays on the market.  Her next venture in real estate seems to have stalled due to building permits.  The home she is in now-after a lot of falderal with the big price and had huge price reduction that didn't seem to even cover the purchase price and remodel.  Of course Bethenny will make money because she landed a TV show with Fredrick.  My guess is she will never move into her latest score and be content to live in a marvelous house/apartment/ penthouse with Dennis.  No one will ever challenge Bethenny because she will cry and attack anyone who questions her.

I do think she has had some excellent business ventures but it really isn't what the show is all about.  One of the worst seasons was when Bethenny returned and they went from one RH to the next premiering their business ventures.  Someone like Heather had a bona fide product and Bethenny put it down.   

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It has always been so funny to me that the most ill behaved woman on all the housewives shows seems to have done the best job raising her child.

As much as I loathe Jill, her daughter turned out ok too, right? And Kelly's kids as well.

I think the OC is the franchise with the most damaged kids overall.

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There is no one worse than Ramona.  She's put up her Bravo Blog which is one of the most pathetic things I've ever seen.  She frames it like none of the viewers knew she had been through a divorce?!?!?  The blog is filled with humble brags (and digs at Bethany) and implies that her atrocious behavior was a one-off for this season.  Ugh!!!!!!


Edited by escatefromny
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7 minutes ago, escatefromny said:

There is no one worse than Ramona.  She's put up her Bravo Blog which is one of the most pathetic things I've ever seen.  She frames it like none of the viewers knew she had been through a divorce?!?!?  The blog is filled with humble brags (and digs at Bethany) and implies that her atrocious behavior was a one-off for this season.  Ugh!!!!!!


Ramona wrote a book two years ago and discussed her life and Mario ad nauseam.  We have heard about her abusive childhood and whether Ramona cares to admit it or not she has been a bitch and an all around horrible person since she arrived.  She has repeatedly attacked others loves, husbands, and children.  They have all expressed condolences and dealt with the Ramonacoaster for five years now (Sonja and Luann a bit longer).  

Ramona's blog sounded to me as if she is unable to adjust when life throws her a curve ball.  At least she finally admits that Mario was a serial cheater.  About time.

I felt as if Luann, more so than Bethenny, delivered far more comments about how unacceptable Ramona's behavior has been this season and past season's.  She doesn't yell or use profanity she just has a way of questioning Ramona's sincerity and motives.  

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From Ramona's blog:

"I had no connections, no mentors, no TV show to give me organic advertising to promote a business or product, yet I, against all odds and through determination, had my own multi-million dollar business at 30 years old."

Did Ramona not get a hefty 70K loan from her father, to start her business?

And is she so dull-witted that she doesn't understand a swipe at Frankel (using the show to help SK succeed) will not go unnoticed by Frankel? ("I"m so sorry Bethenny --  I'm really sorry,  so sorry -- it's not like I don't not not feel sorry, it's just I'm most sorry you had media chances I didn't -- friends now?")

Edited by film noire
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2 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

Sometimes, kids turn out OK despite dysfunctional parents.

Indeed. They often see how dysfunctional their parent's behavior is and vow to be the exact opposite. 

Also, didn't Sonja's daughter spend most of her youth in boarding school? 

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I agree the reunion shows haven't been that entertaining but I sure think this season has been.

RHONY without Bethenny would be a bore. When she left the show it didn't take long before I tuned out also. She's a dealbreaker for me. I like the cast as it is now. I could do without Ramona. The way she's instigated fights this season has been really out of line. She's had moments in previous seasons where she's also been totally bonkers but this season I was ready to just strangle her at times. So I wouldn't mind if she left the show. I absolutely not want Jill back. Having both Ramona & Jill on the show would be too much. If Jill hasn't evolved somehow but from the glimpse we got from her this season it looks like that's a no.

Dorinda is a gem. Carole's alright. Not a fan of LuAnn but I actually can't wait for the new season & seeing how she deals with the divorce, I feel a bit bad for hoping she has to grovel to the other HWs as they were all right and she was all wrong re douche. Sonja's a hoot. Tinsley can stay or go, don't really care one way or the other.

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On 9/1/2017 at 11:16 AM, quaintirene said:

And while we're talking about discretion.  Sonja if you wear a dress so low that we can see a lot of your breasts, that means we can also see a lot of your implants.  Especially the left implant.  Whose outlined ridge was totally obvious.

Yes!  So much so that it was distracting.  

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I am surprised by the number of posters who give such credit to Sonja for being such a great mother to her daughter. How do you know that? We've seen no proof of that on this show. Her daughter has been in boarding school for years and spends time with her dad. Based on Sonja's behavior, law suits, drunken exploits, sexual exploits on TELEVISION, I'd say she's a horrible example for her only child. She may love her child and I'm sure she does but that alone does not make her a good mother. We see many examples of that on the news every single day. Loving your child does not automatically make you a responsible, nurturing mother taking care of a child emotionally, physically and mentally. 

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17 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

She may love her child and I'm sure she does but that alone does not make her a good mother. We see many examples of that on the news every single day. Loving your child does not automatically make you a responsible, nurturing mother taking care of a child emotionally, physically and mentally. 

Heck the one instance we have seen of her parenting was that her kid kept asking her to send a care package, Sonja not understanding that because she had access to Amazon Prime and then packing a completely crappy care package.

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Yeah.  I've never gotten the impression that Sonja has been actively involved with her daughter's upbringing.  I think she's grown up with her father and in boarding schools with occasional visits/vacations with Sonja.

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5 hours ago, film noire said:

From Ramona's blog:

"I had no connections, no mentors, no TV show to give me organic advertising to promote a business or product, yet I, against all odds and through determination, had my own multi-million dollar business at 30 years old."

Did Ramona not get a hefty 70K loan from her father, to start her business?

And is she so dull-witted that she doesn't understand a swipe at Frankel (using the show to help SK succeed) will not go unnoticed by Frankel? ("I"m so sorry Bethenny --  I'm really sorry,  so sorry -- it's not like I don't not not feel sorry, it's just I'm most sorry you had media chances I didn't -- friends now?")

I don't think Ramona built a multi-million dollar business.  I believe what made her business successful if I understand Ramona correctly, is she was able to negotiate delayed payments to her vendors (people she bought the seconds from) so she could collect from her clients. Her management of cash flow was excellent.  She may have had transacted millions in over the 30 years she had her business, but I do not believe she moved multi-millions annually.  I am guessing there is not a huge profit margin being the middle man  in dealing with seconds and retailers who peddle them.   IIRC Ramona didn't have much of a staff and she closed her business didn't sell it.  

Bethenny has been pretty upfront she did the show to get her brand out there and we were inundated with Skinnygirl and still are.  Bethenny and Ramona share something in common-they don't produce anything-Ramona was a broker and Bethenny lends her Skinnygirl to a variety of products with a variety of manufacturers.  Ramona did produce wine and jewelry but neither business exists which is just another indicator she is not quite as successful as she claims to be.   Her wine sold out of the initial 5,000 cases but it seems there wasn't a large demand for another round.  There didn't seem to be any vintners wanting to trade on her name.  My guess is Ramona will go into real estate.

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On 9/1/2017 at 2:22 PM, jaync said:

Very pretty young lady.



I have the hardest time posting pictures, so a link will have to suffice. Quincy looks a lot like Sonja especially around the mouth.


On 9/1/2017 at 4:15 PM, WireWrap said:

Bethenny's mom has laid claim to the recipe Bethenny used for her initial drink mix and Bethenny was with Luann when the name was first mentioned. 

I believe Bethenny has always admitted that it was her mom's recipe, but you can't copyright recipes. Her mom had decades to turn that recipe into a commercial product. She never did. Her mom did nothing with it. She didn't put it in a recipe book. She didn't bottle it. A recipe isn't copyrightable.

On 9/1/2017 at 2:34 PM, Jextella said:

I'm not so sure Bethenny is a source of much creativity.  She is a one-hit-wonder and even then, wasn't the Skinny Girl idea LuAnn's?  Or maybe Ramona's?  Can't recall which but there is a scene from the very first season in which there was talk about this.

Bethenny was out at a restaurant with Lu. Bethenny gives the recipe for the Skinnygirl margarita for her drink order. Then Lu says "That sounds good. What is it?"

Bethenny replies "I call it the skinny girl's margarita."

Lu turns to the server and says "I'll have a skinny girl margarita."

From the exchange, you can tell that Bethenny was 90% of the way to final Skinnygirl name. 

On 9/1/2017 at 6:06 PM, WhoaWhoKnew said:

I want an All Star season so badly.

Ramona, Vickie, Kenya, LeeAnn, Teresa, and Brandi Glanville all stuck in a house Big Brother style.

On 9/1/2017 at 7:41 PM, eXiled said:

How do we know this? Lawd, WHY do we know this?

My All Stars would be: Ramona Singer /Bethenny Frankel (NY); Lisa Vanderpump/Camille Grammar (BH); Kenya Moore (ATL); and Tamra Judge (OC).

Special appearances by: Luann D'agostino/Jill Zarin (NY); Brandi Glanville (BH); NeNe Leakes (ATL) and Vicki Gunvalson (OC) for the sake of drama and resurrecting old beefs.

My choices were based on who throws the best shade -- intentional or not. For instance, imagining Ramona's caustic verbal diarrhea up against Lisa VP's subtle shady snobbery would likely transport me to another world.

I haven't watched enough of the other series to feel good about picking through their rosters. Gizelle and Karen (Potomac) look like they could be worthy contenders. Michelle and Gilda (Auckland) can certainly take care of themselves. I need to get to know these ladies better.

I stopped watching New Jersey after season 3. I don't recall any of those housewives having the verbal chops to go up against my picks. I've not seen a single episode of Dallas, Miami, Vancouver, DC, or Melbourne.

I would never include Camille because she's too worried about looking like an asshole again. She'll never let herself come across like she did in season 1. I'd choose LVP and Kyle from Beverly Hills. I'd love it if Wig (Atlanta) showed up for a couple of episodes because she's horrible. I can't stand Pettifleur (Melbourne) because she's a self centered obnoxious snob, which is why she needs to be on all-stars. I feel like if you have two women from a city one must be somewhat normal and the other one is horrible or at least more difficult.

I'd also like it if all-stars was an amped up version of their cast trips. Kind of how everything was even more over the top in the Sex and the City movies. All-stars 1 could be on the French Riviera. They might go to Cannes, Monte Carlo, and St. Tropez. Perhaps they charter a yacht. 

I'd also love love love it if the Carolines (Stanbury and Fleming) from Ladies of London were on all-stars. I can't even imagine what they would think of Ramona or Vicki. 

Edited by HunterHunted
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13 hours ago, escatefromny said:

There is no one worse than Ramona.  She's put up her Bravo Blog which is one of the most pathetic things I've ever seen.  She frames it like none of the viewers knew she had been through a divorce?!?!?  The blog is filled with humble brags (and digs at Bethany) and implies that her atrocious behavior was a one-off for this season.  Ugh!!!!!!


"My husband and child meant everything to me and I never dreamt I would lose one of them...". This is the truth of Ramona's life right now imo. I can relate. If I lost my family I would be adrift as well. At least she admits this much. As one of her harshest critics, I'll give her that.

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6 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

I would never include Camille because she's too worried about looking like an asshole again. She'll never let herself come across like she did in season 1. I'd choose LVP and Kyle from Beverly Hills. I'd love it if Wig (Atlanta) showed up for a couple of episodes because she's horrible. I can't stand Pettifleur (Melbourne) because she's a self centered obnoxious snob, which is why she needs to be on all-stars. I feel like if you have two women from a city one must be somewhat normal and the other one is horrible or at least more difficult.

I'd also like it if all-stars was an amped up version of their cast trips. Kind of how everything was even more over the top in the Sex and the City movies. All-stars 1 could be on the French Riviera. They might go to Cannes, Monte Carlo, and St. Tropez. Perhaps they charter a yacht. 

I'd also love love love it if the Carolines (Stanbury and Fleming) from Ladies of London were on all-stars. I can't even imagine what they would think of Ramona or Vicki. 


You're right about Camille. I'd forgotten about her image rehab for Season 2 and how she returned acting like an entirely different person. Kyle is a good choice. She's actually my favorite BH housewife. I like that she's basically a middle aged cheerleader -- constantly planning parties, mothering, being wifely to Mauricio and trying to navigate these strange fake friendships.

Wig seems pretty dumb to me, so she didn't make my list. I imagine the other ladies smirking at her over their wine glasses. Don't know Pettifleur or the London Ladies.

Great idea about making it an amped up trip at an exotic locale. Sun and fun while the producers ply them with booze, lol. The drama would create itself.

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7 hours ago, HunterHunted said:


I believe Bethenny has always admitted that it was her mom's recipe, but you can't copyright recipes. Her mom had decades to turn that recipe into a commercial product. She never did. Her mom did nothing with it. She didn't put it in a recipe book. She didn't bottle it. A recipe isn't copyrightable.


Initially she did give credit to her mother (we heard her talk about it on the show), well, that is before she sold the recipe to JB but since then she calls her mother's claim a lie. 

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2 hours ago, eXiled said:

You're right about Camille. I'd forgotten about her image rehab for Season 2 and how she returned acting like an entirely different person. Kyle is a good choice. She's actually my favorite BH housewife. I like that she's basically a middle aged cheerleader -- constantly planning parties, mothering, being wifely to Mauricio and trying to navigate these strange fake friendships.

Wig seems pretty dumb to me, so she didn't make my list. I imagine the other ladies smirking at her over their wine glasses. Don't know Pettifleur or the London Ladies.

Great idea about making it an amped up trip at an exotic locale. Sun and fun while the producers ply them with booze, lol. The drama would create itself.

LVP and Kyle have such a great dynamic. They are friends, but they don't always get along. They are used to nice things, but sometimes Kyle is irritated by LVP being a little too much of a snob.

Wig is dumb. I think she's on my mind because the promos for Don't be Tardy have Brick (Kroy) arguing with chef/friend Tracy over whose wine consultant knows more about wine. Tracy responds that her wine guy is a sommelier. This trips up the great intellects of Brick and Wig. "A what?" "I know a lot about wine, but I ain't never heard of a somm...oncier."

Pettifleur is a materialistic superficial narcissist. She's always fishing for compliments. Always has some example for every situation on how she's done whatever it is first and better. Last season we found out that she was estranged from her sister for about a decade because she couldn't ask her sister "How she was doing." When her sister called her fake, Pettifleur objected because she hadn't had any work done.

Caroline Stanbury is a snob of the highest order, but she's friendly with LVP and Kyle. She can't stand Americans, but really wants to be famous in the US. She drove her business into the ground, laid off her employees right after Christmas, and then went on a holiday.

Caroline Fleming was a Danish Duchesses who lost her title when she married Ian Fleming's (he created James Bond) nephew (family net worth of over a billion). She left him and got knocked by a football player. They broke up before the baby was born. The thing that is great about her is she's an elitist who doesn't think she is. She's also a fame whore. All of this filtered through her weird folky flakiness.

It's too bad that we no longer have a catch-all comparitive Real Housewives forum. We used have an all-stars topic there. Most of those topics migrated to New Jersey for reasons unknown. Our dictionary was there too. It had all of the weird housewives-isms like kadooz.

3 hours ago, WireWrap said:

Initially she did give credit to her mother (we heard her talk about it on the show), well, that is before she sold the recipe to JB but since then she calls her mother's claim a lie. 

I wonder if someone told her to stop mentioning Bernadette because it's not really great messaging to say that the recipe came from an abusive alcoholic.

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6 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

I wonder if someone told her to stop mentioning Bernadette because it's not really great messaging to say that the recipe came from an abusive alcoholic.

I suspect it had more to do with fearing that Bernadette would want a piece of the profit from SG Margarita sales! LOL

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I'd put the crazy and shit-stirrers in one location for my All-Stars.

Tamra or Kelly (or both) from OC.

Kenya from Atlanta.

Danielle from NJ.

Brandi from BH.

The one from Miami that Brandi accused of having a smelly vagina (I never watched Miami but I heard she was the Tamra/Brandi of her show).

Aviva from NYC.

Andy and the producers might have to keep a body bag or two around just in case...

Edited by BBHN
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1 hour ago, WireWrap said:

I suspect it had more to do with fearing that Bernadette would want a piece of the profit from SG Margarita sales! LOL

That too. ?

1 hour ago, BBHN said:

I'd put the crazy and shit-stirrers in one location for my All-Stars.

Tamra or Kelly (or both) from OC.

Kenya from Atlanta.

Danielle from NJ.

Brandi from BH.

The one from Miami that Brandi accused of having a smelly vagina (I never watched Miami but I heard she was the Tamra/Brandi of her show).

Aviva from NYC.

Andy and the producers might have to keep a body bag or two around just in case...

All-stars has to be enjoyable to watch too. You can't have the women fighting endlessly. When you skip a stone across the water, you watch how the stone causes ripples in the water. However, if you try to skip a dozen stones simultaneously, you get chaos.

Kelly is too stupid to know to rein in her worst impulses and behavior. Whereas Ramona can keep it together long enough to not be excluded. Aviva might find a bit of kinship with Shannon, but might also be put off by Shannon's reliance on nontraditional healers. Vicki can also modulate herself to a certain extent. That entire Ireland trip Vicki let her new bestie, Kelly, twist in the wind while she was nearly silent. Vicki also gets along with Sonja and Ramona. However, Sonja is very into France and french culture. She wouldn't hesitate to throw Vicki or Ramona under the bus if all-stars took place in France.

The key to casting is that you need to cast to maximize shifting alliances. Aviva has a masters in French literature, but she finds Sonja's general drunkenness and sexual indiscretions repulsive. Aviva might hang with Sonja initially, but if Sonja and Vicki get blitzed a couple of nights, Aviva might start to hang with someone else. We've also seen that Vicki is never up for any cultural tourism, but Tamra usually is. So if Vicki and Tamra had some how managed to reconcile, but all-stars includes lots of cultural outings Vicki and Tamra might at odds again.

This Mexico trip is probably the best example of perfect casting. Almost everyone had a friend to hang with and another person they were feuding with. Bethenny and Lu weren't getting along with Ramona. Tinsley, Dorinda, and Lu had issues with Sonja. Dorinda and Ramona had issues with Bethenny. Sonja had issues with Tinsley (Bethenny thought she was whiny), Dorinda, and Lu. And everyone was sick and tired of hearing about LuAnn's amazing marriage to a dirt bag.

Edited by HunterHunted
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All-stars has to be enjoyable to watch too. You can't have the women fighting endlessly. When you skip a stone across the water, you watch how the stone causes ripples in the water. However, if you try to skip a dozen stones simultaneously, you get chaos.

I wouldn't want to watch a multi-season show with my cast, but it would be fun to see for a season.

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1 hour ago, BBHN said:

I'd put the crazy and shit-stirrers in one location for my All-Stars.

Tamra or Kelly (or both) from OC.

Kenya from Atlanta.

Danielle from NJ.

Brandi from BH.

The one from Miami that Brandi accused of having a smelly vagina (I never watched Miami but I heard she was the Tamra/Brandi of her show).

Aviva from NYC.

Andy and the producers might have to keep a body bag or two around just in case...

I want this cast in a "Survivor" like setting.

They arrive and are quickly divested of makeup, hair extensions, pills i.e. xanax

They have to "compete" for various luxuries.

I kind of want Ramona there - so she can run around claiming the biggest coconut tree to sleep under

I think this would be fun for a 4 episode special

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On 8/31/2017 at 7:40 AM, ChitChat said:

I' m still trying to figure out what happened between Bethenny & Ramona from the Mexico trip to the reunion that made Bethenny feel like she wasn't sincere in her apology.   They appeared to have made up, and although I don't expect them to be best friends, Bethenny's reaction to her at the reunion was odd, IMO.  When Ramona chimed in about how difficult it is trying to protect your kids (or something to that effect), Bethenny cut her off and said she didn't want to hear anything from Ramona on that topic.   I thought they smoothed things over, but it's like rewinding the tape and Bethenny had to revisit the whole thing once again.  Cue the tears and drama.  Pffttt. 

Beth probably had a chance to be around Ramona and realized that Ramona is still an asshole, no matter how much she claims to be sorry and feel bad. Ramona is always full of apologies, but then says ugly,  insensitive things,  like it's her job.... You know what I mean. (wasn't it Beth who first called Ramona, the apologizer? 

     I actually dislike Ramona way more than any other howife. 

I'm a bit surprised by  people giving Ramona props for owning her bad behavior. She always (imo), owns it   "I'm sorry,  I'm sorry, I was terrible, I can't believe I said those things."

Then come the next season and she says shit about one or more of housewives. And will run around a vacation house with Sonja bitching about the best room. She will again act like she to tired to unpack her old lady panties and will snap her fingers at the help. I can't stand Ramona* and shes always been an asshole if she didn't see it till this season,  then she's also an idiot. 

*Ramona is the housewife I dislike the most. I find her a rude snobbish common woman who believes for what ever reason she's  a sophisticated classy broad. 

Edited by imjagain
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21 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

I have the hardest time posting pictures, so a link will have to suffice. Quincy looks a lot like Sonja especially around the mouth.


I believe Bethenny has always admitted that it was her mom's recipe, but you can't copyright recipes. Her mom had decades to turn that recipe into a commercial product. She never did. Her mom did nothing with it. She didn't put it in a recipe book. She didn't bottle it. A recipe isn't copyrightable.

Bethenny was out at a restaurant with Lu. Bethenny gives the recipe for the Skinnygirl margarita for her drink order. Then Lu says "That sounds good. What is it?"

Bethenny replies "I call it the skinny girl's margarita."

Lu turns to the server and says "I'll have a skinny girl margarita."

From the exchange, you can tell that Bethenny was 90% of the way to final Skinnygirl name. 


Why does it look like Sonja's hand is on Quincy's backside?

Thank you very much for transcribing that conversation. So, did Lu claim that she came up with the name because of that, or am I remembering incorrectly? I would be so ticked off if I were Beth, and Lu made that claim.

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