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S12.E08: Run For Your Wife

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This show is circling the drain.  We get it...everybody hates Vicki.  

In the earlier episodes I liked Peggys husband, but after that butterfly thing with the poor waitress he lost me.  It was not funny in the least, and then Peggy adds hes off his meds.  Nice job there.

I am liking Megan his season and her baby is such a cutie.  I appreciate how Megan just does the baby thing and the work thing, and makes no big deal.

I can appreciate that Shannon is maybe not as exercise oriented as David, but come on, go support him at his events.  I have run many races and even though my husband complains about how silly it is, and the time consuming training it entails, he is the first one I see when I cross the finish line.  I felt bad for David at the end with no on beside him.  

  • Love 16
12 hours ago, poeticlicensed said:

Lydia and her husband..worst parenting choices ever. Yes tell you little kid that mom has to jump over a fire, then wonder why he gets upset. Duh!

I know this is a horrible thing to say, but I can't wait for her husband to be busted by the Craiglist male hooker he hires.  

She's irritating AF.  She's one of these women who men probably thought was sooooo cute during her high school years and she's still trying to play that cute, ingenue.  It doesn't work the older you get.  

Doug has the creepy perv look to his face.  Blank stare and smile.   

  • Love 13
25 minutes ago, FamilyVan said:

Like what does Shannon want?  In her mind, David comes home and is going to have some family time, to her, what does this look like?

Probably liberal amounts of grey goose while putting 9 lemons in a bowl and fishing out enema nozzles, plus I think Dr. Moon needs to be worked in there somewhere between the lemons and the nozzle.  Of course, David would serve the grey goose in the wrong glass, the lemons would not be quite yellow enough, and he would not successfully find the nozzle.  He'd probably also make small talk with Dr. Moon, too.  What a jerk that David is!!

  • Love 13
1 hour ago, HunterHunted said:

Didn't Diko or the kids indicate in a previous episode that she has a college degree in English?!!?!?!?!?????!! How is that even possible? I could believe she has a degree in Englitch. Perhaps her family was saying the major in an Armenian word that sounds like "English" to my American ears. But there is no way she has an English degree. Peggy is in her 40s. The SATs have always been more popular on the coast. There is no way that someone with her vocabulary and poor grasp of idioms would have done well in the reading or the analogies sections.

One of these must be true. She's either faking her poor English or lying about having a college degree. 

Maybe in Armenian, means she passed an English as a second language class?  

...and her "diploma" is her certificate of completion.

Edited by SweetieDarling
  • Love 8
8 minutes ago, Normades said:

Probably liberal amounts of grey goose while putting 9 lemons in a bowl and fishing out enema nozzles, plus I think Dr. Moon needs to be worked in there somewhere between the lemons and the nozzle.  Of course, David would serve the grey goose in the wrong glass, the lemons would not be quite yellow enough, and he would not successfully find the nozzle.  He'd probably also make small talk with Dr. Moon, too.  What a jerk that David is!!

LIMES. Shannon likes lime in her drinks. She's not as specific as Peggy is who asks for 4 limes in her drinks. 

  • Love 4

Even though Tamra and Eddie have a gym and their livelihood involves working out, I don't mind seeing the scenes with Tamra ;for whatever she trains for.  It's interesting to me to see someone over 40 transform her body.  And she has significantly cut back on drinking and as a result seems like a more grounded person.

I also love seeing Shannon working out and interested in how she transforms her body.  I also don't understand why Shannon doesn't try to join David in his new found "obsession." Shannon comes off as someone who has gained a lot of weight and resents her husband for his physical fitness (along with many other things).  And as soon as you, a spouse, start complaining about someone not spending time with you, you come off as being extremely needy.  If his passion is physical fitness now, and she's trying to lose weight, why not make working out a family thing?   They don't all have to join him in his gym workouts, but why not have family time by going on a nice walk and enjoy that beautiful scenery that surrounds them?

I love Shannon but with everything we've seen, I truly believe her neuroticism is what drove David to his affair.  I can't imagine that it is easy living with someone who comes off as a harpy, and devotes ridiculous amount of time and money to crystals, witch doctors, etc.   They both need to do the right thing and show their daughters that they tried and it just isn't working.  Life is too short to be with a partner that makes you miserable.

Edited by sasha206
  • Love 19

Here's where I see the problem:

Not a ONE of these women are likable! Honestly, when Tamra is the best of the bunch you have a problem. And I like seeing her train. GF is over 40 and working out like a boss. Go Tamra!

If no one will film with Icky can she just GO please? ANd did anyone else notice Icky no longer has the center orange? It's Tamra in the front! Love it.

Lydia was ok last time but she's a idiot. Scare your kid to death bitch. Jesus. 

Peggy needs to take her resting bitch face and her no understand the english and GTFO.

Kelly Dodd is just......a sad, sad, alcoholic with major anger issues. She's not amusing in the least. 

Hey Miss I can speaky the Irish..Shut Up!! You sound like a fool. If you're so dam worried about your weight get off your ass and go (as another smart poster said) and go take a walk with hubby! Take a bike ride together. Hike a small little trail. Sitting there sucking down Grey Goose is not going to make you thinner. Personally I think she looks fine. So she has more weight than she used too? Who cares? She's getting older and we gain weight. Deal with it or shut up and do something about it! Christ on a cracker woman you are the biggest Debbie Downer I have EVER seen! Go support your husband! Trust me, I quit going to my ex's things (pool and softball) and it wasn't long before we crumbled. He wanted me THERE with HIM. And now, I'm sorry I didn't make more effort instead of being so selfish. 

This season sucks. Period. Full Stop. 

  • Love 16

I'm fat.  I know I'm fat.  There's no need for me to tell ANYONE; it's obvious.  Shannon, I'm talking to you.  BRAVO, please ban Shannon from bitching about her weight/figure.  Give Shannon another storyline--and don't make it too weird (ultimate feng shui, Dr. Moon, screetching, exercise).

Edited by Former Nun
removed unnecessary female pronoun
  • Love 5
11 hours ago, Hockey Addict said:

Unfortunately, I think Shannon and David are just making each other miserable at this point. Couldn't pay too much attention. Unfortunatlely for Hockey Addict, tropical storm Harvey is being a dick and has not quit hitting us with rain. I live upstairs but all around me people are flooded :( 

Stay safe Hockey Addict.  I am in New Orleans and know what you are going through.  I hope that the water goes down soon.

  • Love 8

I liked Meghan's eye makeup for the St Patty's day event. Also, if her cousin/nanny was there who was watching Aspen?

Poor Brianna is forced to hang out with her mother and doesn't even get lunch because dumbass Vicki forgets to pick it up.

I know we'll probably get an answer but I am really curious why the ladies are dressed up like rock stars in the preview. 

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, Cranky One said:

I also don't get why Peggy has such horrible hair. I'm sure she's paying big bucks to have that rats nest.

My neighbor was being treated for cancer and she didn't lose her hair but it did went from wild natural beautiful curls to looking almost exactly like Peggy's does. Its limp, dull and for her oddly straight. Toxic meds will do it...

  • Love 10

They already did an episode with the mud run or tough mudder or whatever this was. They did it seasons ago with Heather dubrow which is when she got her nickname Fancy Pants. Why are they redoing and reshowing and rehashing this crap?? What's next? Another glamping episode? Will vickie be born again? How many time do we need to see Tamra fake furrowing her brows as she fake tries-not-to-vomit from the agony of an obstacle course? BO-RIIIIING!

  • Love 5
7 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Well, skewer me now but I like Peggy. I thought she put Tamra in her place at lunch and didn't have to yell and scream to do it.

"Don't be a bitch and I won't give you bitch face".  Good point, Pegs!

I think pegs is smarter than she appears. obviously she puts on that dumb act with idioms and expressions she supposedly doesn't get, but I believe she's even smarter than that act. She had Tamra genuinely confused. Tamra really looked like she didn't know what to make of Peggy, whether she should be insulted or not. At one point, she had her brow so furrowed while Eddie was trying to explain Peg to her, she looked like the Neanderthal she is. 

Edited by VedaPierce
  • Love 5
2 hours ago, sasha206 said:

Even though Tamra and Eddie have a gym and their livelihood involves working out, I don't mind seeing the scenes with Tamra ;for whatever she trains for.  It's interesting to me to see someone over 40 transform her body.  And she has significantly cut back on drinking and as a result seems like a more grounded person.

I also love seeing Shannon working out and interested in how she transforms her body.  I also don't understand why Shannon doesn't try to join David in his new found "obsession." Shannon comes off as someone who has gained a lot of weight and resents her husband for his physical fitness (along with many other things).  And as soon as you, a spouse, start complaining about someone not spending time with you, you come off as being extremely needy.  If his passion is physical fitness now, and she's trying to lose weight, why not make working out a family thing?   They don't all have to join him in his gym workouts, but why not have family time by going on a nice walk and enjoy that beautiful scenery that surrounds them?

I love Shannon but with everything we've seen, I truly believe her neuroticism is what drove David to his affair.  I can't imagine that it is easy living with someone who comes off as a harpy, and devotes ridiculous amount of time and money to crystals, witch doctors, etc.   They both need to do the right thing and show their daughters that they tried and it just isn't working.  Life is too short to be with a partner that makes you miserable.

Tamra has never been overweight. And although  I agree that her body looks good, she certainly isn't having to put forth any effort to lose fat and THEN have to get toned.  she also relies on lots of cosmetic surgery for her face and yes, I know that doesn't matter when the topic is her body.

  • Love 2

Extreme workouts aren't for everyone. In fact I think the vast majority of people avoid them like the plague. I totally understand why Shannon wouldn't want to do a Spartan Race. Tamra who works out constantly said she was shaking, Lydia was cramping up and had to be helped over at least one of the obstacles by a couple of hunky guys. Shannon can barely balance on one of those plastic thingies. I agree it would have been nice if she showed up to cheer lead tho.

It was fun to see Shannon and Kelly make nice at the St Patrick's Day reunion. They looked good and so did Megan. Wonder how long this kumbaya will last.

  • Love 7
12 minutes ago, chenoa333 said:

Tamra has never been overweight. And although  I agree that her body looks good, she certainly isn't having to put forth any effort to lose fat and THEN have to get toned.  she also relies on lots of cosmetic surgery for her face and yes, I know that doesn't matter when the topic is her body.

You are right -- she hasn't been overweight.  But she's added muscle and is very toned.  And she's altered her lifestyle.  So it's interesting to watch that transformation and dedication -- to me.  I feel the same way watching Shannon.   I enjoy watching someone who is trying to get back in shape work hard to doing such.  I enjoy seeing the exercises the trainers have them do.  

  • Love 5
34 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

You are right -- she hasn't been overweight.  But she's added muscle and is very toned.  And she's altered her lifestyle.  So it's interesting to watch that transformation and dedication -- to me.  I feel the same way watching Shannon.   I enjoy watching someone who is trying to get back in shape work hard to doing such.  I enjoy seeing the exercises the trainers have them do.  

Glad someone is enjoying this show! Lol!  I cannot tolerate anything about Tamra. However, I do understand your admiration for her working out at her gym. 

Edited by chenoa333
  • Love 6

Lydia and Doug were so inappropriate with their sons. Why would they think that would be ok to tell little boys? It made me sad for them ?

Tamra chides Shannon for emasculating and embarrassing her husband and saying she'd never do that to Eddie...true but she did do that to Simon. And she humiliates her mother and daughter on show at least once a season. 

Years ago I didn't think Tamra and Eddie would last but he seems like he really loves her and they seem comfortable. 

I feel like since the reconciliation David has been trying to mend things and be patient but Shannon is not past it. I don't think she ever will be. I'm a neurotic person too so I can understand the whole dwelling on things that hurt you and living with anxiety. 

They are overdoing it with the Vicki proppage and I see thru it. 

  • Love 12
13 minutes ago, Petunia13 said:

They are overdoing it with the Vicki proppage and I see thru it. 

So much yes to that! I think both Shannon and Tamra were going to completely ice Vic out this season but didn't anticipate both Peggy and Lydia being given their marching orders by TPTB to befriend Vic. Yes, there I said it. They were both brought on so Vicky would have someone besides Breanna with which to film. Andy did say somewhere and I can't remember where that Kelly would show a better side this season. I think she was pushed to befriend Vicky last season and really all they had was each other so by default they are show BFFs. Kelly may decide as the season goes on to ride the middle like Megan seems to be doing. As many have mentioned there are no natural friendships this season which just makes everything so awkward.

  • Love 5
5 minutes ago, Almost 3000 said:

So much yes to that! I think both Shannon and Tamra were going to completely ice Vic out this season but didn't anticipate both Peggy and Lydia being given their marching orders by TPTB to befriend Vic. Yes, there I said it. They were both brought on so Vicky would have someone besides Breanna with which to film. Andy did say somewhere and I can't remember where that Kelly would show a better side this season. I think she was pushed to befriend Vicky last season and really all they had was each other so by default they are show BFFs. Kelly may decide as the season goes on to ride the middle like Megan seems to be doing. As many have mentioned there are no natural friendships this season which just makes everything so awkward.

I also think that Tamra said that Kelly would be the one who would surprise us the most as the season advanced. 

  • Love 4

But look at what's going on.  Tamra is occupying Lydia, and Shannon is going in on Kelly.  Vicki is being portrayed as the fool dressed like a broke truck stop hooker and waddling out of a shitty party because no one wants her there.   

This has to be it for her.  Even her own daughter can't contain her contempt.  


The only interesting ting thing about Icki is when will she be fired.  Then Peggy can have her walking papers, too.

  • Love 8
46 minutes ago, Petunia13 said:

Lydia and Doug were so inappropriate with their sons. Why would they think that would be ok to tell little boys? It made me sad for them ?

Tamra chides Shannon for emasculating and embarrassing her husband and saying she'd never do that to Eddie...true but she did do that to Simon. And she humiliates her mother and daughter on show at least once a season. 

Years ago I didn't think Tamra and Eddie would last but he seems like he really loves her and they seem comfortable. 

I feel like since the reconciliation David has been trying to mend things and be patient but Shannon is not past it. I don't think she ever will be. I'm a neurotic person too so I can understand the whole dwelling on things that hurt you and living with anxiety. 

They are overdoing it with the Vicki proppage and I see thru it. 

This!! Tamra is the last person who should be lecturing anyone on how to act in public around family members. She has made her lack of a relationship with her daughter the centre of her storyline for two years. The daughter she has no relationship with because she makes her the centre of her storyline. She drags her dysfunctional upbringing up every chance she gets, and berates her mother for not supporting her 100 percent in every single thing she does. Regardless of how doing so might affect her mother. Eddie has not escaped being a target either. I recall the stupid storyline where she was trying to get an obviously disinterested Eddie on board with becoming a father. Even to the point of ordering the ridiculous fake baby. Tamra is the worst (even more so than Vicki) as far as embarrasing family members in public goes. Her present and ex husbands included. Take a seat, Tamra. 

Edited by UsernameFatigue
  • Love 10

Pogo  and Dicko aren't lame because they speak poor English, and don't understand many things outside their Armenian culture: they are lame because their whole shtick is an act, poorly executed and not entertaining at all. Fock off!!!!! 

Megan and her cousin/nanny have the opposite of " Resting Bitch Face". Their mouths upturn into an angelic half smile resting face! I'm liking Megan more and more this season. 

For someone that owns a fitness center, and spent nearly  a year training for a body building contest, TamRA seems peculiarly unfit. Eddie is weird. 

High definition tv is not flattering for Vicki-I paused on her for a moment, and she looks bad up close-really bad upper dental work, bad skin, and strange dimpling of her lower face. Time will not be kind to Ms Gunvalson. 

  • Love 5

Does Vicki own a mirror?  And, when she sees herself walking in awkward heels does she think, "Yep this looks good".  

How stupid are Lydia & Doug.  No, really, are they just naive, or are they just plain stupid?  Those poor kids.  Yeah scare the crap out of them, and to ease the fear, give them sugar.  UGH. 

Tamra - no, nevermind.

Shannon. . . I have to agree with her about not going to the race.  When my husband does a big golf tournament or some car race, I'm thrilled that he's doing something he loves, but I sure as hell don't have to watch him.  It's bad enough that I have to listen to details when he gets home.   We live on a really high, steep hill.  A new neighbor just moved in that's all about exercise.  Good for her.  It's not my thing to see if I can ride a bike all the way up.  However, I do, along with two other neighbors, having coffee outside and cheering her on.  We actually were out there one morning with bloody mary's , and I'm pretty sure new girl wasn't amused. 

Peggy just confuses me. 

  • Love 15
3 hours ago, MaggieG said:

I liked Meghan's eye makeup for the St Patty's day event. Also, if her cousin/nanny was there who was watching Aspen?

I thought the exact, same thing. Both of them. Is Jimmy back? 


3 hours ago, MaggieG said:

Poor Brianna is forced to hang out with her mother and doesn't even get lunch because dumbass Vicki forgets to pick it up.

One too many footballs to the head. 


2 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

They already did an episode with the mud run or tough mudder or whatever this was. They did it seasons ago with Heather dubrow which is when she got her nickname Fancy Pants. Why are they redoing and reshowing and rehashing this crap?? What's next? Another glamping episode? Will vickie be born again? How many time do we need to see Tamra fake furrowing her brows as she fake tries-not-to-vomit from the agony of an obstacle course? BO-RIIIIING!

Most people's lives are kind of repetitive. It feels more realistic, to me, when the cast visits the same places or participates in the same activities. If it was every dang year, it would be one thing. But I didn't mind another fitness race. It wasn't contrived for the show; several of these people are really into them. 


1 hour ago, Petunia13 said:

Lydia and Doug were so inappropriate with their sons. Why would they think that would be ok to tell little boys? It made me sad for them

They make no sense as parents. When the subject of sex comes up, they dance around in vagueries about "intimacy" and "marriage", with no concrete facts given, even on an age appropriate level. But when mommy's going to run a race, they whip out the picture of the scariest thing she has to do and throw it right in his face! Where is the "sheltering" then???? I just cannot understand these two. 

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, Almost 3000 said:
5 hours ago, Cranky One said:

I also don't get why Peggy has such horrible hair. I'm sure she's paying big bucks to have that rats nest.

My neighbor was being treated for cancer and she didn't lose her hair but it did went from wild natural beautiful curls to looking almost exactly like Peggy's does. Its limp, dull and for her oddly straight. Toxic meds will do it...

I don't think Peggy had any sort of "treatment."  She had some tests and (probably with her doctors) made the decision to have a double mastectomy.  No meds needed...as far as we've been told.

  • Love 3
17 minutes ago, Former Nun said:

I don't think Peggy had any sort of "treatment."  She had some tests and (probably with her doctors) made the decision to have a double mastectomy.  No meds needed...as far as we've been told.

You're probably right. I was just looking for an explanation of why so many posters are snarking on her hair. A double M and any accompanying drugs just for that surgery has to be hard on her skin and hair. Just sayin'.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Almost 3000 said:

A double M and any accompanying drugs just for that surgery has to be hard on her skin and hair. Just sayin'.

I agree...my hair and nails went wacky for awhile due to having two general anesthesias within a couple of weeks.  I just don't think Peggy has had the usual heavy-duty drugs of cancer patients. 

  • Love 1
6 hours ago, sasha206 said:

I know this is a horrible thing to say, but I can't wait for her husband to be busted by the Craiglist male hooker he hires.  

She's irritating AF.  She's one of these women who men probably thought was sooooo cute during her high school years and she's still trying to play that cute, ingenue.  It doesn't work the older you get.  

Doug has the creepy perv look to his face.  Blank stare and smile.   

I find this WAY funny.  And I will be waiting right beside you!

4 hours ago, MaggieG said:

I liked Meghan's eye makeup for the St Patty's day event. Also, if her cousin/nanny was there who was watching Aspen?

Poor Brianna is forced to hang out with her mother and doesn't even get lunch because dumbass Vicki forgets to pick it up.

I know we'll probably get an answer but I am really curious why the ladies are dressed up like rock stars in the preview. 

Going to Hamburger Mary's for Drag Queen Bingo.  They are dressed as drag kings.   These are the people that do my event every year and I am seeing them in October.  You KNOW I am going to hound Roxy Wood for details!

  • Love 9
6 hours ago, soccermom17 said:

I am liking Megan his season and her baby is such a cutie.  I appreciate how Megan just does the baby thing and the work thing, and makes no big deal.


Meghan seems like the most sane one this time around and I am liking her more and more this season.....I could watch Aspen all day, what a cutie!  Thought Meghan looked gorgeous doing that photo shoot and was impressed she brought Aspen with her and nursed her as needed, I will keep watching this shit show but only because Meghan and Aspen are on!

  • Love 5

I'm sorry . . . but I just CAN'T with Peggy.  I disagree with those who say "she's smarter than she acts", 'cause if your MO in life is to act stupid to be manipulative or something, then you just are stupid.  And anyone who gets their jollies by making other people uncomfortable (especially those who are obligated to serve you so they don't have the option to punch in you in the throat) is a horrible, horrible person.  Peggy and her husband are horrible, horrible people (and I suspect they are as stupid as they act).  Ug.

And, I'm guessing Peggy was hired because she agreed to sign up to support Vicki.  They must have been looking for someone with cancer in their storyline to play this role.  I suspect they couldn't find anyone with actual cancer to play the role, so they got someone who had a brush with it - as what is I think what Peggy has been saying.  (Please know I'm not trying to make any judgements about the situation people like Peggy are in -  I have some personal experience with it myself . . . so  .. . .)   So the resting b@tch face is really the only thing she can do.  I mean what could anyone say to actually defend Vicki.  

I still hate Peggy because she's a horrible person.  I don't hate her for the storyline she was handed.

Edited by ezzy4
  • Love 9
7 hours ago, sasha206 said:

I know this is a horrible thing to say, but I can't wait for her husband to be busted by the Craiglist male hooker he hires.  

She's irritating AF.  She's one of these women who men probably thought was sooooo cute during her high school years and she's still trying to play that cute, ingenue.  It doesn't work the older you get.  

Doug has the creepy perv look to his face.  Blank stare and smile.   

I can't stand her, even more than Vicki!!  How did she ever get on the show is all I keep yelling at the tv when she comes on ? And it's pretty bad when your mother is more attractive than you. sorrynotsorry

  • Love 3
20 minutes ago, noveltylibrary65 said:

I can't stand her, even more than Vicki!!  How did she ever get on the show is all I keep yelling at the tv when she comes on ? And it's pretty bad when your mother is more attractive than you. sorrynotsorry

and omg her son had way too much anxiety for her doing that run:( ....guess that's what happens when you're raised on rainbows ?

  • Love 1

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