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S04.E06: Week 3, Night 2

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Well, those "unclaimed women" have not a clue about how to woo a man. Right away they start dumping on Daniel, telling him how they're not getting a rose, none of the guys like them. In fact, one guy even LEFT! because the women were so ... well, not good. I don't see Daniel being insulting, I see him being insulted by these females who have't progressed beyond grade-school level snark dating. What they should be doing is telling him how hot he is and how excited they are to see him. Let the roses fall where they may.

  • Love 12
11 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

So Daniel is a skeeve too, just there to scr*w since he can have "sexless" dates at home.

See, he says it, but I don't 100% believe it. However others guys don't say it and I 100% believe that is what they are there for. All the dudes are just there to screw. I enjoy Daniel because, instead of pretending to be all cuddly and "smitten" he is screwing with these sad, sad women's heads. I'd take him over Dean any day. Mostly because I bet Daniel can get it up on command when a hot woman asks him to. 

  • Love 22

I don't know ... Dean seems to be "getting it up" with Cristina sitting (sleeping) next to him. How nasty was that black bar over his crotch? However, Dean for sure is not ready for any committed relationship if he wants to go with the "effing hot" chick instead of stay with someone who wants him. There are plenty of effing hot chicks in the world. Dean for sure would be a cheater, so I'm hoping Cristina can get out of that hot mess asap.

  • Love 12
5 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

Dean for sure would be a cheater, so I'm hoping Cristina can get out of that hot mess asap.


1 minute ago, Armchair Critic said:

Tickle Monster is another Evan, a quirky doctor.

TIckle Monster makes Evan look like a straight up ladies man. 


5 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

If all the guys are there to screw, they sure aren't showing any interest in screwing anyone ... well, maybe someone in their bromance, which is what they all seem to be working on.

Well, Poolgate put an end to that, so now they are just there for the free vacation. Obviously they are not there to find a girlfriend since they aren't talking to any of the girls. 

  • Love 5

Loving Daniel's description of Lacey honing in on him like in the club at 2 am--broken heel, extensions falling out. Lol!

Daniel didn't even get to talk to all of the "single" girls. I've shipped him and Alexis for their wacky senses of humor since we first found out she was going to Paradise. Eh, it probably would have been too much absurdity at once, but still had the slim hope they would have recaptured the magic that Daniel and Chad had together.

I did not think Jazz would take Matt's pity rose, but anything to stay in Paradise, I guess.

Adam should have kept Sarah. I think she would have stayed with him to the end. Inexplicably, Raven is a hot commodity, and I bet she'll leave him as soon as she gets a better option.

When Dean called out "Chris," I thought he was summoning Harrison to see if he could split up his petals. Oh, Kris, as in Kristina! I knew Dean was going to have one of his single buddies keep D-Lo on the down-low for him.

Um, Dean and Kristina's "Dare or Dare" game was TOTALLY something innocent, right? Any guesses on the blanks beyond "blowjob" and "erection"?

The dozen people in the wrestling audience were potentially on a Jorge Torge, with snacks provided.

Dean's comparison list:

-Kristina: Pros, interesting and into me; cons, grumpy about me dating someone else

-D-Lo: Pros, f'ing hot and doesn't mind me dating both; cons, will never be as into me as Kristina is

Tickle Monster and Scallop Fingers. Too much strange "hand stuff" going on here. And the producers are literally making them feed each other scallops with their hands! I still don't think poor Christen has ANY idea about this Scallop Fingers label. The more Wells et al talk about how "weird" Christen is, the more PERFECTLY NORMAL she seems to me--especially when this is coming from Paradise's Puppeteer. She's no weirder than any of these other weirdos.

What?!? I went to go put something away quickly and Christen is now kissing Jack Stone! Anything can happen in Paradise! 

And I typed ^this^ and now Dean is kissing D-Lo! Kristina, you need to run over there and cannonball on top of them! That is entirely how I would handle and water-proximity love triangles--screaming/crying cannonball attempting to land on them and then immediately leave Paradise soaking wet!

I seriously didn't have a single impression to jot down about this 40-minute "live" segment. This Tuesday night "serious sitdown" segment actually makes me miss the old "Bachelor in Paradise Live" show--they at least ATTEMPTED to make that one fun with "celebrity" superfans, online surveys, and showing/answering Bachelor Nation Tweets. I know we all complained about how terrible that show was, but they managed to make this worse! They seriously have nothing else in their summer programming budget?! Play early season Bachelor/-ette; Bachelor Nation would totally tune in!

  • Love 13

I think I’m starting to understand the hidden meaning of the title.  To wit:  if you’re a bachelor or even The Bachelor and you’re sitting at home far removed from this bizarre spectacle then you are in paradise, relatively speaking.

If you recall the film ‘2001:  A Space Odyssey’ then you recall the pivotal scene in which the rogue computer HAL has locked astronaut Bowman’s space pod out of the mothership.  Bowman, who has forgotten his pressure helmet inside the ship, must stage a daring improvised reentry in the vacuum of space using the escape hatch of his pod.  He grits his teeth, holds his breath and waits for the explosion that will hurl him into the void.  And as we are confronted by these remaining episodes we find ourselves very much like Bowman.  This will be unpleasant; we’re not sure how bad it will be just yet.

CH and his designated clanging butter knife (re)introduce Daniel to the group.  Lacey is thrilled for all of 20 seconds as Daniel refers to her as ‘leftovers and scraps.’ Charming.  Daniel moves on to Christen, who pretends his banal line of patter is interesting and funny.  Jasmine arrives to do her compulsive hair-pulling routine.

Daniel seems to resent the fact that a) he has a rose to give and b) females who wish to remain on the show can only do so by receiving a rose.

It’s now episode 6 (!) and just the second rose ceremony (?!).  CH gives a surplus-to-requirements explanation of the RC in a vain effort to fill time.  Daniel proves he isn’t a total SOB by rosing (shall we coin a new verb?) Lacey.  Jack Stone rewards Christen for their brief encounter.

Oooh – here’s Matt again.  There is an utter lack of surprise from everyone.  The participants may be more cynical than we are.  Not even CH can manage a hammy double-take.  Can Matt give a rose out?  Shrugs all round.  What the hell.  Matt gives his rose to Jasmine and says she deserves to be there.  America weeps as it contemplates another week of torture at the hands of Jasmine and her vinegar-soaked personality.

The couples, er, couple up as expected.  Adam gives Raven a Rose and a lecture as Sarah stares daggers at them.

How many times have we heard Kristina say ‘I’m feeling pretty confident at this point?’  And how many times has she been wrong?  Dim Dean manages to stumble into a bit of chivalry and awards her the rose.  Her elation is short-lived as Ben chooses rival Danielle to remain.

(Revealing bit of footage as Taylor yawns while the supposedly ‘tense’ moments pass.  Apparently these RCs are shot and reshot into the wee hours.  Actually, we haven’t heard from Taylor at all tonight so let’s not jinx ourselves.)

Sarah is unlucky to leave.  Alexis is lucky to have been there at all and is hardly given a second look as she strides out.

Kristina demands Dim Dean take a dare and achieve arousal using only the power of his mind.  Not quite the usual chat you get from a dental hygienist.  Dim Dean may have youth and passion on his side but performance anxiety and a tight deadline ruin his chances.

Speaking of tights, ABC found a spare $100 bill under the seats of the satellite truck and hired a load of masked Mexican wrestlers to roust the Bippers from bed.  Christen thinks they’re sumo, thus managing to get both the continent and the category wrong.  What a great advertisement for her wedding videography business she truly is!  But they’re only there to give Daniel his date card.  Daniel clears up a great international mystery by confirming he likes sex.  Lacey beams and breaks the fourth wall as she poses with her date card.

Jonathan the tickle monster arrives and confirms that skipping Rachel’s season was a wise move.  Danielle’s look suggests she’s wondering if someone can book a flight home while her phone is under lock and key.  He cards Christen.  Jack and his pink shorts are honked off.

Lacey & Daniel’s date, such as it is, involves Mexican wrestling (or is it sumo?) in front of mostly empty chairs and a few unfortunate locals lured in with the promise of free food and drink.  Fake wrestling has never looked faker.

Dim Dean is in danger of replacing the ‘M’ in Dim with a ‘CK.’  You work out the rest.  Kristina, you’re the only sympathetic figure in there so you are well shot of this idiot.

Christen and her fully exposed sternum are grilling Jonathan on the doctoring biz as she smells money wafting through the tropical air.  She attempts to divine his ATM PIN number by sticking her tongue down his throat.  Failing that, she returns to the beach group and has a mash with Jack within eye- and earshot of Jonathan.  The cheeky minx!

Lacey achieves her long-awaited embrace only to be foiled by hair-tugging (still) Jasmine.  To suggest that this is a producer-driven interruption is to suggest that the sun will rise in the east.

Dim Dean is deserving of drowning over his dalliance with Danielle who, it must be said, is no slouch in a swimsuit (that’s called alliteration, kids).

CH jerks us unceremoniously back to the studio where he has assembled some real-life jerks – sorry, cast members.  For the record, CH’s suit is different to the one he wore for the DeMario interview so this is either a separate taping or he merely changed.

Hang on – are we really going to be subjected to filler in the form of a mid-season review and interviews?  Is the lack of interesting footage that severe?  (Answer:  apparently).  CH refers to Jasmine as a fan favorite.  That isn’t stretching the truth.  It’s crushing the truth in a vise and setting fire to it.  Jasmine continues to speak out of both sides of her expansive mouth by claiming Matt owed her nothing but berating him for his so-called betrayal anyway.  People who contradict themselves while attempting to appear clever rank very high on the annoyance list.  People who attempt to sound breezy and unaffected while crying also rank highly.

There she is, Miss Entitlement.  No, not Jasmine.  It’s Corinne.  ‘It seemed like you were really enjoying Paradise,’ suggests CH.  Well, Chris, if you define enjoying as getting blackout drunk, stripping off and having a shag with a stranger in the pool, then yes, she was enjoying it.  Of course, Corinne usually calls that ‘Thursday’ but she usually doesn’t have a triggered millennial production staffer tsk-tsking and costing the franchise millions with an interruption in filming.

Corinne plays the ‘medication didn’t mix with alcohol’ card.  CH pretends to be surprised – surely as a producer he’s had access to the third party investigative report already?  From her description it sounds like an antidepressant given the 'build up' requirement (EDITED).  To be fair if you’ve ever encountered someone combining Xanax and booze then all bets are off.  But are we meant to believe that a full medical disclosure and/or a physical wasn’t part of the casting process?

In Corinne’s Cloudcuckooland, freedom from responsibility leads to an expectation that she should be free from consequences.  She is completely responsible for the outcome she engineered but complains that it’s been rough. Aww…

An agonizing 20 minutes of ‘like’ and ‘I mean’ finally comes to a merciful end.

The previews of the remainder of the season confirm (again) the twins will return.  It looks as if even the producers have thrown in the towel on engagements and are falling back on the old reliable of dragging the cast back into the studio to knock seven bells out of each other as the crowd boo and hiss.  There’s even a SHOCKING™ amount of spoiler-ish material in the dialogue aired.

They've exercised their option to abandon romance (not that there was much in the first place) for rending of garments.

Edited by Rainsong
  • Love 22

"I don't want to put all my chickens into one egg and then have it hatch into a giant dinosaur" - Oh Daniel, don't ever change! 


33 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

Anyone believe Corinne's "The prescription meds make me look normal but I'm totally NOT THERE!" story? No? Me neither.

I don't believe that she didn't know she wasn't supposed to drink while taking the medication. Both the doctor who put her on that medication and the pharmacist who dispensed it would certainly have educated her about the side effects. She's still acting like a petulant child and doesn't take responsibility for her own actions. No change from Nick's season.

  • Love 24
1 hour ago, JenE4 said:

I did not think Jazz would take Matt's pity rose, but anything to stay in Paradise, I guess.

I think Matt realized that if Jasmine stayed in paradise long enough to find another guy, she would be less likely to hunt him down and kill him.

1 hour ago, Rainsong said:

Corinne plays the ‘medication didn’t mix with alcohol’ card.  CH pretends to be surprised – surely as a producer he’s had access to the third party investigative report already?  From her description it’s an antidepressant, probably Xanax.  To be fair if you’ve ever encountered someone combining Xanax and booze then all bets are off.  But are we meant to believe that a full medical disclosure and/or a physical wasn’t part of the casting process?

Xanax is a benzodiazepine, not an anti-depressant.   It's for anxiety and panic disorder.   IF that's what she's taking, there's no way she could NOT know she's not supposed to drink.  

If she's taking an antidepressant, having a drink or two is not as bad. 

That said - I don't buy her rationalization.  She acted the same on BiP as she did on Bachelor.  

  • Love 21
2 hours ago, Armchair Critic said:

The 2nd hour is basically 'After Paradise' except they cut out the middle man and are having Chris Harrison host it.

Skipped the boring first part.  Did want to see what shit Corrine would be shoveling.  I was screaming at my TV, "You bitch".  At least Michelle Collins would have asked better questions.  I can't believe he didn't ask her why she went on the show if she had a boyfriend.  I see she did hedge that question preemptively by saying she went on the show for friendship.  Harrison blew it big time.  I don't like the way she insinuated that Demario did do something. I got to say, whoever wrote her script was very good.

56 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

I don't believe that she didn't know she wasn't supposed to drink while taking the medication. Both the doctor who put her on that medication and the pharmacist who dispensed it would certainly have educated her about the side effects. She's still acting like a petulant child and doesn't take responsibility for her own actions. No change from Nick's season.

Exactly!  Your doctor tells you, your pharmacist tells you. and if that not enough, it's on the damn bottle.

I am glad you brought up Nick's season.  Wasn't she the whore who went to his room?

  • Love 5

Daniel really came in guns blazing. The key to Daniel is not taking his shit personally as Lacey actually did and she was the one who got the rose. You just have to know you're going to get both barrells and your job is to ignore him or roll with it (like his calling all the women leftovers). I can't wait to see him torture the twins once again. The show started to pick up and get back to "normal" at his appearance, loosening the fuck up for once.

Then the "special episode" BS started again and once again trampled any momentum into teeny tiny itsy-bitsy pieces. Thankfully they are legally no longer obligated to give a 'platform' to DeMario and Corinne as part of their settlement. Hopefully we can move on now?

Dean is a total loser. "I really like Kris and she's great but damn if Danielle isn't so frickin hawt..." Oh what a dilemma. Whatever shall you do? I've got a clue, it involves finding your balls (and not thinking with them). This guy will NEVER commit to anyone but many will buy his line of bullshit because they find him so pretty.

Hell, I bet he lives in a month-by-month apartment, has to constantly give people the number to his new pre-paid hourly phone and drives a leased car.

Edited by Wandering Snark
  • Love 11

Since Taylor isn't saying it - I will.   Having women woken up by men in costumes and masks has the risk of being very "emotionally triggering".   

Seriously, they are away from home, and bad things happen in paradise-like places.  Not a good idea to pull a prank that could traumatize someone.  I know it would have me crying and cowering in the corner.   (I hate masks)  

  • Love 14

Corinne didn't say she was taking an antidepressant .   I wonder if she was on Vicodin/hydrocodone.  Her explanation - that it impairs judgement and can cause a blackout - seems more like a narcotic than an antidepressant.  Plus - super dangerous to mix it with alcohol.   Narcotics are also drugs that are abused much more than antidepressants.  

  • Love 4
22 minutes ago, backformore said:

Since Taylor isn't saying it - I will.   Having women woken up by men in costumes and masks has the risk of being very "emotionally triggering".   

Seriously, they are away from home, and bad things happen in paradise-like places.  Not a good idea to pull a prank that could traumatize someone.  I know it would have me crying and cowering in the corner.   (I hate masks)  

Especially in Mexico.  Not being shady but there is shit going down there.  Shit going down right her in the good old USA too so...........................

7 minutes ago, backformore said:

I wonder if she was on Vicodin/hydrocodone.

Vicodin and beer go together pretty well - hey I had surgery.  I didn't black out at all,  It just made everything A OK.

  • Love 4

I was not impressed with Corrine's interview. I think that she was telling half truths. I believe Demario when he said that he reached out to her but she didn't respond. From all the media reports, Corinne had a high profile lawyer fairly quickly. 

There were quite a few tabloid reports about about a producer on the show being Corrine's best friend and reporting her hookup with Demario. People speculated that the producer might have reacted that way because Demario is black. From the way, Corrine was answering the questions - something tells me that that was exactly the problem. There is someone in her family/life who is not okay with it.

Overall, Corinne didn't say much. I hope this is the end of her reality tv career.

  • Love 14

Ladies like Kristina confuse me and I don't think it's the editing.   You and Dean are having sex.  Yet you say you are ok with him keeping his other options open, but don't want to watch it.  Then go on an epic crying jag after a night with Dean after you see him with Danielle, who he has told you he wants to explore his options with, which you know means he would like to bang her as well and see which one of you he prefers, if any.  This isn't difficult language.  He says he loves talking to you and your connection but he wants to play with her big boobs and not talk to her at all. 

So what is the problem?  You freely have given away the milk (lol) and he doesn't have to buy the cow (lol) and there was never an implication of said milk being in an exclusive relationship.  IF if did,  you would walk up to Danielle's boobs and tell her that you and Dean have been sleeping together and you assumed that when you started doing that you thought you were in a relationship but clearly not because he's going after you to bang you too.....so if you want a duplicitous guy like that, that's what he's doing.   Then you break up up with Dean and don't look back.

OR.  You are free to sleep with Dean, keep YOUR options open as well, sleep with any or all of them and don't look back.  The sex doesn't have to mean anything.   It doesn't mean anything to him and I *thought* it didn't mean anything to you, that's why you told him it was ok to keep his options open.   Either you have a problem with it or not.  Why this is stretching over days is beyond me.  Gads, she's a beautiful girl and she's as clueless about relationships as the rest of them.  I cannot believe we have not mastered Rules of Sex 101.

And I hope she didn't start sleeping with him because she thought that would keep him.  Oy.

  • Love 13

OK - finally got through this tortuous episode.  Corinne said she was taking medication that takes a while to build up in your system and fully take effect.  That is the description of an antidepressant for sure, NOT Xanax , not  Vicodin.  More like Prozac, Lexapro, Zoloft, etc.   

But it doesn't make you black out and not remember anything.  And I don't believe for a second that she didn't know what she was doing.  

Interesting they talk AROUND "the incident" without ever saying words like sex, rape, assault, etc.  

Corrine says that she is not the person that "THE MEDIA"  is portraying her as.   Corinne, we watched The Bachelor.  We saw who you are.   So did the producers, which is WHY you were cast on BiP.  The media didn't create the topless in the pool thing, the whip cream thing, the straddling Nick in the bouncy castle thing.  You did that. 

I laughed when CH introduced Corinne's segment, saying she was "speaking out about the issue  for the first time in public."  Yeah, she was on GMA this morning, Chris, so it's not the first time. 

  • Love 19

I never thought I'd say this, not in a million episodes...but I'm digging Damn Daniel. He's so refreshingly HONEST about why he's there and what he hopes to get out of if. It's amazing. All the other goobers are lying to us about wanting Luuuuuv or some such nonsense. Damn Daniel's the only one to tell the truth. I wanna get LAID. I can be friends with gals back HOME. I came HERE to get LAID....

Good on ya, you weirdo, good on ya.

  • Love 17
1 hour ago, backformore said:

Corinne said she was taking medication that takes a while to build up in your system and fully take effect.  That is the description of an antidepressant for sure, NOT Xanax , not  Vicodin.  More like Prozac, Lexapro, Zoloft, etc.   

But it doesn't make you black out and not remember anything.  And I don't believe for a second that she didn't know what she was doing.


4 hours ago, chocolatine said:

I don't believe that she didn't know she wasn't supposed to drink while taking the medication. Both the doctor who put her on that medication and the pharmacist who dispensed it would certainly have educated her about the side effects. She's still acting like a petulant child and doesn't take responsibility for her own actions. No change from Nick's season.

She may have been blacked out. Only she knows. Not something I enjoy admitting, but I've experienced a few, and they've been because I overdrank hard alcohol and its' scary. And it's embarrassing. Because you don't know when you're in the midst of one that you are having one. Your friends can't tell  -  I mean maybe if they know you really well they can associate very specific behaviors or appearances, but even then it's just a suspicion. But mostly the scary part is waking up and having no memory of what happened. I'm inclined to believe her on that. Because it sort of explains her behavior after, changing stories somewhat. Who do you trust to tell you the truth if you can't remember? People have bachelor "friends" but are they really?

Maybe the booze+meds combo did it but I don't buy it, especially if it's a medication that builds up. That's where her tone changed and it felt untrue. Kind of BS that she throws her doctor & pharmacist under the bus too for her irresponsibility of overdrinking. Like I'm sure they're all "oh just this refill before you head to Paradise, make sure to wash it down with some tequila & champagne". No. She chose to ignore the combination warnings OR she drank so much that it had nothing to do with the meds.

I'm also sick of this show treating it like its just about Demario & Corinne. There's almost no acknowledgement at all about the show or the producers responsibility. 

Dean & Christina, I just can't anymore. They're very frustrating. He's so aloof and acts so disengaged. She slept with him too soon, her hormones are screwed up now but she needs to snap out of it and disengage. He's mentally a little boy.



1 hour ago, ilovetrashtv said:

Dean says he didn't do that with anyone in paradise. I think he's lying. 

Technicality if he did with Christina but while they were on filming break, the statement could still be true. They could've had sex but it would not have been "in paradise" - in meaning during. Dean's vocab & grammar game can be strong, I'll give him that.

Edited by Refresh
  • Love 8

Of course I believe you that no one thought to inform you not to drink, Corinne. You bet. Just like I believe that weird toner on your forehead was natural. On the other hand, you also should have told the doctor or the pharmacist that you are a big party time drinker and that you're not going to be stopping.

I'll say the same thing about the Virgin that I said about Ashley I last year: be a virgin, don't be, I don't care. And wanting to wait/being unsure is a good reason. But your fetishizing it is supremely creepy.

  • Love 13
10 hours ago, saber5055 said:

Yes, Matt, Jasmine "deserves" to be in Paradise because TPTB need her there for the crazy. Make that, the CRAZY!!!!!!!! What, wouldn't TPTB pay for your flight home if you did not go back and give her a rose?

I think he just wanted to get out of town without having to deal with her at the airport, on the way home... etc.

  • Love 12

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