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S09.E21: Reunion Part 2

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Luann should stay in a hotel like Tinsley. Not for $7 grand, but there has to be more affordable options?! Hasn't she waxed poetic about having her own " Pied a~ terre? 

She could rent out Sonja's guest suite......?

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11 hours ago, breezy424 said:

On another note, there's three sides to Beth and her mother's relationship.  We really only have one side.  Sure Beth's mom has given a couple of interviews but we don't have the in depth side that Beth has given. 

Exactly.  I'm not fully buying what the tabloids are saying Bernadette said.  Fake news!

54 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

Carole would be among the millions who were shocked by Trump winning. Personally, I think that she did have some worry about it because the way she talked about the election, it seemed like she was always seeking validation from others that she was right about Clinton being a shoe in to win. I think the rhetoric, polls and springs of communities that were coming out in support of Trump did put her on alert. At the time, I think she was doing her best to convince herself that it was a small but very loud minority speaking up in support of Trump.

But most of those millions don't call themselves experts. In her own words the other night, she said she covered politics, elections. She spent "a lot of time on the Hill" interviewing congressmen and senators.  She said she was an "expert".  About 2 weeks before the election, a guy I know who didn't want to vote at all due to the choices, called it for Trump.  He's nowhere near an expert but he paid attention and he outlined for us why he thought Trump was going to win. In a room full of liberals, you can imagine how that went over.  I think Carole was so wrapped up in what she 'thinks' she knows and didn't consider the silent majority.  In her 15 years covering politics, had she never heard of a silent majority before?  Even after all that time on the Hill?  Hell, three of them were sitting right there on Andy's couch. 

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1 hour ago, RHJunkie said:

So the first strike against Luann is something that her ex husband said about Jewish people...when Luann's relationship with a Jewish man was evidence that she didn't feel the same way as her ex?

But it was also evidence of the fact that Lu finds intolerance acceptable. Acceptable enough that she could marry it and procreate. Which means she could also vote for it. For me, the whole thing was just shocking. Perhaps more shocking than anything I've heard a HW say at a reunion (with the exception of everything Teresa G said at every reunion). But it was the way that she talked about it. The Count didn't like Jacque because he was Jewish. Zoom in on the face of Andy - her boss and a Jewish man. She said it like it was no big thing. Like he didn't like McDonalds or something. Like it was perfectly understandable because - as Lu said I believe - The Count was French. She didn't seem to see anything particularly shocking about a person feeling that way, which said a lot. 

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1 hour ago, RHJunkie said:

Carole would be among the millions who were shocked by Trump winning. Personally, I think that she did have some worry about it because the way she talked about the election, it seemed like she was always seeking validation from others that she was right about Clinton being a shoe in to win. I think the rhetoric, polls and springs of communities that were coming out in support of Trump did put her on alert. At the time, I think she was doing her best to convince herself that it was a small but very loud minority speaking up in support of Trump.


So the first strike against Luann is something that her ex husband said about Jewish people...when Luann's relationship with a Jewish man was evidence that she didn't feel the same way as her ex? And the final strike is your assumption that Luann voted for Trump. Someone choosing to note divulge who they voted for is not an indirect admission of who they voted for, it is them maintaining their right to the same privacy they were given to vote in secretly and anonymously. For the record, Luann and Bethenny spoke about politics the least on the show - BOTH of them donated to Clinton's campaign. You know who wasn't on the list? Carole and Dorinda - Clinton's two biggest advocates on the show. And there's nothing wrong if people choose to donate to a campaign or not BUT it does prove contrary to your assumption that it isn't always safe to assume.

I think that voting isn't Tinsley's thing because she has always lived a life of privilege and doesn't understand how politics can shape the very basics of life such as food, shelter, jobs, etc. That is very unfortunate that her wealth and ability to live freely has not given her an appreciation for what she has and what other don't. I wouldn't say it as harshly but Tinsley does come across as someone who doesn't care about anything beyond what affects her and so her not voting isn't surprising to me.

They did show one episode of Carole & her mom doing one day of canvassing in Pennsylvania. Carole should have done more canvassing in Pennsylvania because it was close. They could have also shown her participating more in Hillary's rallies. She seemed lazy by not doing enough for Hillary.

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1 hour ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

I actually agree with you while at the same time believe the context of her responses is catered to what sells tabloids. My substance/mental health issue radar with her Mom pings a good deal. Bethenny would be doing the kindest thing for her mother, which she is under no obligation to do of course, by approaching her shitty childhood in a way that shows compassion for everyone involved, including herself. 

Why should she show compassion for her mother? If my mom talked about my child as if he were some strange dog on the street she would be gone. 

The woman talks about not having had contact with her in years and then says B's a crappy mom, a cheater,  lazy and stupid. 

Just no. Some people need to be cut out of our lives like a cancer. B's mom is like that. Substance abuse problems or not,  no one deserves that.

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She could rent out Sonja's guest suite

Been there, done that, had drinks with the yellow/brown ice cubes in them.


A loving mother would, again IMO, not be carrying on like this with the ex, and would suck it up and give him the money or attention, or whatever he needs to make things more pleasant

. If her life is so miserable, then why not make efforts to stop it?

Because if she gives in to that hamster prick's demands, the terrorists win.

Seriously, why should she give him anything he isn't entitled to?


Just so much no.   A loving mother does whatever she can to protect her child from the volatility of a parent who would even require money or attention or whatever to keep a toxic interaction going.


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2 minutes ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

My nosey won't quit - did ya'll ever say/do anything with regard to the drunk driving couple? 

Well it was like 12 years ago since the child in now 20.  My sister and her husband didn't call the police but I think another parent did but not until the next day.  I do know that the house of the party was a no go zone for children of the community though the child who had the party was invited to "regular upstanding homes" for all felt for him.  Family Services has an office in the community and I am sure someone alerted them anonymously.  My sister thought she knew these parents very well and was stunned to learn they would do such a thing.  Even drinking while you are hosting other people's kids is bad enough but to load them into a car and drive while highly intoxicated is too much.

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Thanks KungFuBunny for the map with the HO's locations!  I've always been fascinated with NYC, so that map helps me with the layout of where they're coming from.


Of course Carole wants to jump all on Tinsley for not voting, but if she did vote, and voted for Trump, Carole would still give her crap over it.  As I said earlier in the season, they need to keep the politics out of these shows.

I think that some of the ladies pled the 5th  because they didn't want to deal with the crap from Carole or their fans.  I think it's a sad commentary on our society when a person feels like they can't have an opinion on such matters without worrying about being ripped a new one, but then Carole was the only HO discussing politics this season (with a few comments from Dorinda).  The other ladies tried to refrain, but Carole wouldn't shut up about it. 


1 hour ago, noveltylibrary65 said:

They are on a reality TV show. They talk about their divorces, domestic abuse, eating disorders, their sexual preferences, and all matter of things that the rest of us would never share on TV. But their role in a And democratic society is a topic that is just too damned personal to discuss? Good Lord. 

Even though the election was part of this past season of the HO's, the only one talking about it was Carole.  The other ladies obviously didn't want to discuss it, so I don't think it's fair game to expect them to suddenly defend their decision on who they voted for.  Being a political savant was Carole's storyline, not theirs. 

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21 minutes ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

Ok but she has no incentive to.  May I remind the court that she did reach out to her mother.  And her mother's responded thusly: 


Well, actually, her mother not only answered the phone, but proceeded to ask Bryn about her school, etc.  I'm not condoning the things Bernadette said because I think she is a narcissist who raised a narcissist, but I do think some of her comments seemed to come from someone who was trying very hard to remain detached  because history has shown her that B is not above using her for a story line and that had she wanted to know her granddaughter, B would have probably used that to hurt her more.  There is a lot of hurt on all sides.  I just think it's time for at least one of them to put down the knife and leave the other alone.  B does not need to keep bringing up her mother and her childhood on national tv.  It serves no one, least of all her daughter. 

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17 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

Nope this is Luann's Countess Cave. She must be a fan of mine and you know how she likes to name drop.

Here is another view: She has a door, so this is ultra private. I think it's 5000 square inches


Best way to get a private office i have ever seen!

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18 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:


If they don't have the courage of their convictions, they should examine their decisions.  They acted ashamed of their decisions, and that's on them.   But it's disingenuous to paint them as victims of the evil liberals.  GMAFB.  Nothing like wealthy white women being portrayed as victims of oppression, racism, and discrimination.  LOL.  If it's fair game to criticize who they sleep with, their marriages, their bodies, their parenting, and other deeply personal matters, then nothing should be off the table.  In my own humble opinion, as always.

Disagree.  You can feel strongly about your vote and you are not required to share who you voted for.  I didn't see the women acting ashamed; it's private and they did not choose to share.  It's nobody's business, whether you're on a reality show or not.  I enjoy these reality shows as much as the next person but I don't expect for the people on it to share their politics, sexual positions, bank account, etc.  That goes from being part of a reality show to being completely invasive.  

And who is saying the women are being portrayed as victims of anything?  


17 hours ago, film noire said:


I didn't say that.  I was responding to the comment that Lumonja kept their mouths shut to escape being the objects of derision. I think those three women are witless and shallow enough to not give a damn about the actual impact of what they did  ("Andy, I voted for X, and I regret/don't regret my vote") choosing instead to hide from  -- yes -- derision.


This is what you said:  "Ramona, Sonja and Luann are so witless & selfish, it's likely they'd be completely unconcerned about the actual impact of their actions, caring only about avoiding anything tiresome or annoying to them. "   

I said:  "Just because someone voted for a candidate you didn't endorse does not mean they are unconcerned about the impact.  Wow.   I don't know any of these ladies personally but I'm not going to say that they are selfish and unconcerned about the rest of us because they declined to state who they voted for."

Where is the difference?  I stand by what I said - - I don't think they are totally unconcerned about the impact.  And frankly, they declined to comment on how they voted, or if they voted, so we don't know.  We don't know the reasons why they voted the way they did, or why they may have chosen not to.  So can we really then speculate they have no concern for their impact?  


24 minutes ago, ChitChat said:

Thanks KungFuBunny for the map with the HO's locations!  I've always been fascinated with NYC, so that map helps me with the layout of where they're coming from.

I think that some of the ladies pled the 5th  because they didn't want to deal with the crap from Carole or their fans.  I think it's a sad commentary on our society when a person feels like they can't have an opinion on such matters without worrying about being ripped a new one, but then Carole was the only HO discussing politics this season (with a few comments from Dorinda).  The other ladies tried to refrain, but Carole wouldn't shut up about it. 


Even though the election was part of this past season of the HO's, the only one talking about it was Carole.  The other ladies obviously didn't want to discuss it, so I don't think it's fair game to expect them to suddenly defend their decision on who they voted for.  Being a political savant was Carole's storyline, not theirs. 

Yes, thank you, @KungFuBunny - - the map is awesome!

I agree, @ChitChat and I don't think any of the ladies had to say who they voted for.  It's nobody else's business.  Shoot, look how it's gone here.  Judgments are made about people dependent upon whom you (allegedly) voted for.  

Carole may consider herself a political savant but she sure couldn't read a room, and the country.

In other news, watching Luann's tour of the apartment was sad.  Regardless of whatever went down with her marriage, it has to be soul crushing to be splitting up after 7 months.

Bethenny's mother sounds horrendous. 

Edited by psychoticstate
brain freeze
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1 hour ago, KungFuBunny said:

Luann can't afford it. She couldn't afford a 4 month rental in the city at $10K a month, no way can she afford to BUY anything

The show must pay enough to cover a short-term city rental during filming.

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15 hours ago, Lemons said:

We know Bethanny's address, we know Sonya's, but the rest I'm not sure.  I thought Carole lived in the West Village and now I see it says SoHo.  And Ramona lives in Yorkville?  Suprising, that's the low rent section of the Upper East Side.  

Carole's apartment is on King Street which is "SOuth of HOuston" street so it's technically SoHo by location, but it's mostly referred to as the West Village if you're basically walking around the area.

Yorkville is closer to the East River than it is to Park and Fifth Avenues which is thought of as older money etc.  Yorkville is a regular neighborhood with kids, schools, neighborhood shopping, markets etc.  The closer you are to Fifth, Park and Madison, you have to walk to Yorkville to get to a supermarket.  

Sonja lives a few blocks south of Tom's building.  His building is very tall, hence the big view, but his building is average.  I've been in Ramona's building which is plain, nothing fancy, but the apartments are huge.  I had a friend there who got her apartment in a divorce.  It's not that common to have enormous rooms like that.  FYI - during her marriage she gained about 100 lbs and her husband left.  But she got this great apartment! Good riddance to him.  All the Upper East Side women can be at each other's house in two minutes by taxi.   Jill Zarin lives in a building above Bed Bath and Beyond near the 59th Street bridge with big views, about five blocks from Sonja.  I saw Bobby in the store deciding on shower accessories a few years ago.

I don't know where Bethanny lives now, but her former apartment was definitely in the very heart of happening Soho. I wonder how she does walking on the many cobblestone streets in her Louboutins.   My favorite knowing where they live is Gloria Steinem (who lives in Lenox Hill - around Madison Ave and 73rd street).  Much better than those bimbos!

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11 hours ago, lunastartron said:

I don't see what's so objectionable about Tinsley's choice to refrain from voting. If she was registered in New York, waiting in line at the ballot box was not going to alter the candidate to whom the state's electoral votes were going.


45 minutes ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

What's objectionable was that the excuse she used to justify not voting, was bullshit.   And they knew it.  She said I was in Florida, I couldn't get the absentee ballot thing worked out in time.   Which loosely translates to:  I intended to, but, paperwork.    That's when they all jumped on her for how utterly ridiculous that sounded, considering how long the race went on and that you can vote from Mars as long as the rover gets back in time to postmark your ballot.   Only then does she admit that voting isn't her thing. 

I heard her say that she was registered to vote in Florida (not New York), and you'd have to be really really apathetic and uninformed to not know that a vote in Florida can be very important.

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I just cringed when they got the Who Did You Vote For question. I KNEW the boards would blow up with political talk. Trust and believe I am extremely political BUT I don't want that from the RH! I come to relax, forget about it, and just enjoy. Le Sigh. 

Anyone who wants can PM me for my twitter handle. I'm pretty active.

Bethannys mother sounds like a nightmare. She really was raised by wolves! Yikes. I raised my step kids (one in particular) 24/7 since he was 10 years old. He's over 40 now and I have never once seen his child. Once his Dad and I divorced he was able to cut me out of his life completely. I'd give anything to get a call saying Hey, want to see your grandchild! I'd happily drive the 7 hours up and back just to meet her. Oh well. Life suck sometimes. 

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34 minutes ago, ChitChat said:

I think that some of the ladies pled the 5th  because they didn't want to deal with the crap from Carole or their fans.  I think it's a sad commentary on our society when a person feels like they can't have an opinion on such matters without worrying about being ripped a new one, but then Carole was the only HO discussing politics this season (with a few comments from Dorinda).  The other ladies tried to refrain, but Carole wouldn't shut up about it. 

Agreed.  However, look at the flack they're taking by not saying anything at all. LOL.  I'm convinced Lu voted for HRC but she's being called names all over the net and completely written off because it's being ASSumed she voted for Trump.  Beth had the right idea by keeping her mouth shut.  She's got a business to protect.  Businesses and reputations, friendships and families are being wrecked by people using broad, broad brush strokes.  

Now about Bethenny's dress.  Someone upthread said it swamped her. I loved it during Part 1.  But the fabric and folds got rearranged by Part 2 - it was over-billowy, pulled too high on her neck, around her arms and overall, just too, too much.  It was indeed, swamping her.  That dress needed to be drained. 

If Bethenny would have been wearing Carole's dress, she would've won the best hair/make-up/dress award, imo.

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2 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

Carole would be among the millions who were shocked by Trump winning. Personally, I think that she did have some worry about it because the way she talked about the election, it seemed like she was always seeking validation from others that she was right about Clinton being a shoe in to win. I think the rhetoric, polls and springs of communities that were coming out in support of Trump did put her on alert. At the time, I think she was doing her best to convince herself that it was a small but very loud minority speaking up in support of Trump.


So the first strike against Luann is something that her ex husband said about Jewish people...when Luann's relationship with a Jewish man was evidence that she didn't feel the same way as her ex? And the final strike is your assumption that Luann voted for Trump. Someone choosing to note divulge who they voted for is not an indirect admission of who they voted for, it is them maintaining their right to the same privacy they were given to vote in secretly and anonymously. For the record, Luann and Bethenny spoke about politics the least on the show - BOTH of them donated to Clinton's campaign. You know who wasn't on the list? Carole and Dorinda - Clinton's two biggest advocates on the show. And there's nothing wrong if people choose to donate to a campaign or not BUT it does prove contrary to your assumption that it isn't always safe to assume.

I think that voting isn't Tinsley's thing because she has always lived a life of privilege and doesn't understand how politics can shape the very basics of life such as food, shelter, jobs, etc. That is very unfortunate that her wealth and ability to live freely has not given her an appreciation for what she has and what other don't. I wouldn't say it as harshly but Tinsley does come across as someone who doesn't care about anything beyond what affects her and so her not voting isn't surprising to me.

I just want to speak up and say that someone dating a person of another ethnicity or race or religion doesn't shield them from having their biases or being intolerant of others from the same group as their significant other. It's like someone saying that their best friend is Black but then going on to call a predominantly Black neighborhood "sketchy." The ability to disconnect is so very real. So, LuAnn could laugh off her ex-husband's Antisemitism and still be in a relationship with Jacques because maybe she rationalized that he wasn't like "those other Jews."

51 minutes ago, ChitChat said:

Thanks KungFuBunny for the map with the HO's locations!  I've always been fascinated with NYC, so that map helps me with the layout of where they're coming from.

I think that some of the ladies pled the 5th  because they didn't want to deal with the crap from Carole or their fans.  I think it's a sad commentary on our society when a person feels like they can't have an opinion on such matters without worrying about being ripped a new one, but then Carole was the only HO discussing politics this season (with a few comments from Dorinda).  The other ladies tried to refrain, but Carole wouldn't shut up about it. 


Even though the election was part of this past season of the HO's, the only one talking about it was Carole.  The other ladies obviously didn't want to discuss it, so I don't think it's fair game to expect them to suddenly defend their decision on who they voted for.  Being a political savant was Carole's storyline, not theirs. 

Funny enough, since Carole made it known who she was backing in the election as well as sharing her views post-election, she gets a lot of crap from Trump-supporting viewers of RHONY tweeting her about her stance. 

Edited by Mozelle
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2 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

I actually agree with you while at the same time believe the context of her responses is catered to what sells tabloids. My substance/mental health issue radar with her Mom pings a good deal. Bethenny would be doing the kindest thing for her mother, which she is under no obligation to do of course, by approaching her shitty childhood in a way that shows compassion for everyone involved, including herself. 

Quoting my own post because......

1 hour ago, ShawnaLanne said:

Why should she show compassion for her mother?

She doesn't have to. I said that, above. IMHO She should because it just de-escalates things. And that is for Brynn. Everyone in this equation would benefit from peering around their corner of the world and seeing what the others are experiencing. Grief, alcoholism, anger, loneliness, loss.  ALL of them. 

45 minutes ago, Normades said:

Well, actually, her mother not only answered the phone, but proceeded to ask Bryn about her school, etc.  I'm not condoning the things Bernadette said because I think she is a narcissist who raised a narcissist, but I do think some of her comments seemed to come from someone who was trying very hard to remain detached  because history has shown her that B is not above using her for a story line and that had she wanted to know her granddaughter, B would have probably used that to hurt her more.  There is a lot of hurt on all sides.  I just think it's time for at least one of them to put down the knife and leave the other alone.  B does not need to keep bringing up her mother and her childhood on national tv.  It serves no one, least of all her daughter. 

Which relates to this............. ITA.

24 minutes ago, TessHarding2 said:

  Jill Zarin lives in a building above Bed Bath and Beyond near the 59th Street bridge with big views, about five blocks from Sonja.  I saw Bobby in the store deciding on shower accessories a few years ago.


Bawby (poor Bobby I hope he gets well) and Jill get a PP and a BBB! SO JELLY!!!! 

Edited by Alonzo Mosely FBI
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5 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

What I've learned:  no one's pain is ever as deep as Beth.  No one is ever as down to earth as the woman who loves to talk about her success.  

And she can't stand for anything good to be about anyone else. imo Bethenny is a nightmare - poor Bryn.

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6 minutes ago, Mozelle said:

Funny enough, since Carole made it known who she was backing in the election as well as sharing her views post-election, she gets a lot of crap from Trump-supporting viewers of RHONY tweeting her about her stance. 

She's reaps what she sows.   She was/is condescending to those who don't agree with her.  Therein lies the problem.  Ramona, of all people, nailed it when she said it was impossible to have a dialogue with Carole because she was so "passionate".  There's being passionate and there's being a condescending shrew.  People like Carole, on both sides of the aisle, is why civil discourse about politics is so difficult.  It is possible to have a conversation - but the minute somebody says, "if ya voted for Hillary you're a blind dumb ass" or "clearly you're a bigot because you voted for Trump" you either lose the listener and nobody gets heard, or all hell breaks loose.  It's a shame.

Tinsley, Tinsley, Tinsley.  I don't love it when people can't be arsed to vote.  But it really says something about her when she said, "It's just not my thing."  

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7 minutes ago, ryebread said:

She's reaps what she sows.   She was/is condescending to those who don't agree with her.  Therein lies the problem.  Ramona, of all people, nailed it when she said it was impossible to have a dialogue with Carole because she was so "passionate".  There's being passionate and there's being a condescending shrew.  People like Carole, on both sides of the aisle, is why civil discourse about politics is so difficult.  It is possible to have a conversation - but the minute somebody says, "if ya voted for Hillary you're a blind dumb ass" or "clearly you're a bigot because you voted for Trump" you either lose the listener and nobody gets heard, or all hell breaks loose.  It's a shame.

Tinsley, Tinsley, Tinsley.  I don't love it when people can't be arsed to vote.  But it really says something about her when she said, "It's just not my thing."  

My point: Carole, too, is on the receiving end of crap from Trump supporters, yet the other women are supposedly so afraid of sharing their views/votes because maybe they don't want to hear anything from Carole's fans? 

My point: Maybe Carole doesn't let people who disagree with her stop her from voicing her thoughts about matters which she considers important. 

Like, LuAnn isn't afraid of Carole's fans when she calls Carole a "pedafile," but this is the thing that would scare LuAnn from voicing an opinion? 

Edited by Mozelle
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1 hour ago, ChitChat said:

Thanks KungFuBunny for the map with the HO's locations!  I've always been fascinated with NYC, so that map helps me with the layout of where they're coming from.

I think that some of the ladies pled the 5th  because they didn't want to deal with the crap from Carole or their fans.  I think it's a sad commentary on our society when a person feels like they can't have an opinion on such matters without worrying about being ripped a new one, but then Carole was the only HO discussing politics this season (with a few comments from Dorinda).  The other ladies tried to refrain, but Carole wouldn't shut up about it. 


Even though the election was part of this past season of the HO's, the only one talking about it was Carole.  The other ladies obviously didn't want to discuss it, so I don't think it's fair game to expect them to suddenly defend their decision on who they voted for.  Being a political savant was Carole's storyline, not theirs. 

Hey Chitchat:

Please note it is outdated in terms of Bethenny's locale. The Tribeca location is from when she was married, the apt Jason illegally squatted in for 4 years.

Bethenny's current digs and the one they showed this season are both in SOHO. The new place they showed with the Hockey Player/Dorinda is about 3 blocks below Houston - hence SOHO - South of Houston.

Someone else wrote Ramona's locale as "Yorkville" that is not correct. She is near York Avenue on the East Side of Manhattan

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2 hours ago, ryebread said:

But most of those millions don't call themselves experts. In her own words the other night, she said she covered politics, elections. She spent "a lot of time on the Hill" interviewing congressmen and senators.  She said she was an "expert".  About 2 weeks before the election, a guy I know who didn't want to vote at all due to the choices, called it for Trump.  He's nowhere near an expert but he paid attention and he outlined for us why he thought Trump was going to win. In a room full of liberals, you can imagine how that went over.  I think Carole was so wrapped up in what she 'thinks' she knows and didn't consider the silent majority.  In her 15 years covering politics, had she never heard of a silent majority before?  Even after all that time on the Hill?  Hell, three of them were sitting right there on Andy's couch. 

I found Carole annoying through the election storyline so maybe I didn't fully pay attention but when I saw those scenes with Carole and her subsequent comments on the matter, I didn't interpret her comments to mean that she was more well versed in knowing who would win the election, I interpreted it as her saying that she was more well versed on the issues and the reliability of the candidates which in turn I saw as her saying 'I know better than most and I'm a huge Clinton supporter therefore the only correct vote is Clinton'.

1 hour ago, motorcitymom65 said:

But it was also evidence of the fact that Lu finds intolerance acceptable. Acceptable enough that she could marry it and procreate. Which means she could also vote for it. For me, the whole thing was just shocking. Perhaps more shocking than anything I've heard a HW say at a reunion (with the exception of everything Teresa G said at every reunion). But it was the way that she talked about it. The Count didn't like Jacque because he was Jewish. Zoom in on the face of Andy - her boss and a Jewish man. She said it like it was no big thing. Like he didn't like McDonalds or something. Like it was perfectly understandable because - as Lu said I believe - The Count was French. She didn't seem to see anything particularly shocking about a person feeling that way, which said a lot. 

Well I wouldn't call that evidence considering she married the Count within two weeks of meeting him and given her penchant for prioritizing relationships with men of similar lifestyles rather than men of similar standards and priorities in life, nothing about Luann makes me think that she would have even known much about The Count for a very long time outside of the fact that he was French, rich and probably loved skiing just like her. She's not required to speak up with moral outrage because of the opinion of someone else just to prove to other people that she's not racist, prejudice, etc. And it's not like she learned that news on the air. She's known that information long enough to provide a measured response without going as far as to degrade the father of her children on TV to appease viewers. What makes you think she even knew of his dislike for Jews until she actually she began dating a Jewish man? What have you learned about Luann (that I haven't seen) that makes you think that conversations about equality, race, economy, etc. are in her wheelhouse of conversation. If anything, she tries to upkeep the etiquette about how to eat at the dinner table and appropriate conversations, she would probably think that those kind of conversation topics are too taboo to broach with people.

20 minutes ago, Mozelle said:

I just want to speak up and say that someone dating a person of another ethnicity or race or religion doesn't shield them from having their biases or being intolerant of others from the same group as their significant other. It's like someone saying that their best friend is Black but then going on to call a predominantly Black neighborhood "sketchy." The ability to disconnect is so very real. So, LuAnn could laugh off her ex-husband's Antisemitism and still be in a relationship with Jacques because maybe she rationalized that he wasn't like "those other Jews."

Funny enough, since Carole made it known who she was backing in the election as well as sharing her views post-election, she gets a lot of crap from Trump-supporting viewers of RHONY tweeting her about her stance. 

You are absolutely right. I didn't intend for it to come across as though she can't be racist because she dated a Jewish man. My point was that what people are choosing to see as evidence of Luann being or feeling a certain way based on assumptions because she didn't say or react the way they feel a non-racist person would. That's completely unfair. The only real evidence anyone has about Luann's beliefs about Jews is the fact that she did date a Jewish man and it seems it might have been her longest relationship without rushing to the alter - which makes me think he was the only sensible man that she's ever dated, lol. But again, my point being, the one thing we do know is contrary to the assumptions that are being made about her. Let her own words and expressed opinions implicate her, not the opinions of someone else.

And to a larger political point, I think today people get caught up with seeing racism and ignorance as the same thing when I personally don't see it that way. Voting for Trump doesn't make someone a racist. Their views on race is what potentially makes them racist. Someone who prioritizes getting a job to feed their family and having to deal with less competition by way of less immigrants to compete with, etc. doesn't make someone racist. That sounds like someone who is so entrenched in their own challenges of just getting by in life that they don't bother to really learn about the social injustices that are happening around them and how political strategies directly impact minorities of all kinds.

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37 minutes ago, Mozelle said:

My point: Carole, too, is on the receiving end of crap from Trump supporters, yet the other women are supposedly so afraid of sharing their views/votes because maybe they don't want to hear anything from Carole's fans? 

I agree Carole gets crap.  But if she was just voicing her opinion without ripping on people for theirs, the people who give her crap would just be crap. But instead, she stoops to their level.  Whatever happened to going high when they go low?

After the viewer question is asked about their politics and if they know the candidates and then Tinsley shows her stupidity, Andy says he enjoyed the conversation and announces the commercial break, "We'll be right back."

And then Carole....has to jump in with: "Don't you think the people who said they don't want to say, voted for Donald Trump?"  Bitch move.  She's that person that would out a gay person who wasn't quite ready to come out.   Who knows?  Maybe they're scared, maybe they're just not ready, maybe it's nobody's business. 

Edited by ryebread
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3 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

We will have to disagree. Ramona is on 75th. Yorkville southern end is 79th and its northern end is 95th. I also said she was near York Avenue. Anyone living on the East side going towards the river is Lexington, 3rd Ave, 2nd Ave, 1st Ave, York Ave, FDR Drive.

All articles about her apartment, including when she listed it indicates it's on East 80th and east of 3rd.

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1 hour ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Give him money and attention? To make things more pleasant? Whatever he needs? Well, where I live it's 2017 now and we womenfolk don't have to push our feelings and wellbeing to the side to make things more pleasant for the menfolk. I don't know any loving mothers who would do that, and I know plenty of loving mothers. None that I know would put up with all that bullshit.

And what exactly would a loving father do? Harass and stalk the mother of his child? Get himself arrested after being warned to back it up? When exactly will it be time for Jason to behave in an appropriate manner? Why does he get so many passes? The talk is always about Bethenny as a mother. How about Jason as a father?

I knew this comment wouldn't be well received. But let me explain my logic here. There's rational and empirical thought. Rational is common sense. Empirical is what actually happens. So though rationally, giving Jason money and attention to make him behave seems unfair and wrong. It doesn't make sense, rationally. HOWEVER, because Jason's biggest problems are that Bethanny isn't giving him his share of the money she made while married, AND that she will not have contact with him and therefore can't talk to her, and those two facts are making him vengeful and ruining her happiness, I would say, given what is happening in real life, it would just be easier to compromise. Because if it were me, I could not live in that type of state, and I believe children should be raised in a stable households and parents should do what they have to do in order to provide that for them. I personally would not be comfortable at all with that and it would be worth it to me to acquiescence so my child and myself could have peace and spend time focusing on fun stuff. That's all I'm saying. I think PLENTY of men give their ex wives what they want to keep them out of their hair. So it's not a man vs. woman thing. It's just a different game you must play when you get divorced. THis is my opinion. Not saying people are going to have the same perspective nor should they. Thank you for your time. I will now go back to work where I am researching in home monitoring devices for aging adults. Fun shit.

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4 minutes ago, bravofan27 said:

I knew this comment wouldn't be well received. But let me explain my logic here. There's rational and empirical thought. Rational is common sense. Empirical is what actually happens. So though rationally, giving Jason money and attention to make him behave seems unfair and wrong. It doesn't make sense, rationally. HOWEVER, because Jason's biggest problems are that Bethanny isn't giving him his share of the money she made while married, AND that she will not have contact with him and therefore can't talk to her, and those two facts are making him vengeful and ruining her happiness, I would say, given what is happening in real life, it would just be easier to compromise. Because if it were me, I could not live in that type of state, and I believe children should be raised in a stable households and parents should do what they have to do in order to provide that for them. I personally would not be comfortable at all with that and it would be worth it to me to acquiescence so my child and myself could have peace and spend time focusing on fun stuff. That's all I'm saying. I think PLENTY of men give their ex wives what they want to keep them out of their hair. So it's not a man vs. woman thing. It's just a different game you must play when you get divorced. THis is my opinion. Not saying people are going to have the same perspective nor should they. Thank you for your time. I will now go back to work where I am researching in home monitoring devices for aging adults. Fun shit.

I certainly get the point, and I know a lot of folks agree with this. But if not getting her money, or talking to it is making him unhappy, then why doesn't he compromise? He is apparently acting in this fashion because he is the one who is unhappy with their current situation. Why is she the one to compromise and give him what he wants when he is the one causing the drama? She doesn't want to give him her money, or her time. It always seems like it is about what Bethenny should be doing to keep the peace at all costs, while he should be doing nothing. 

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1 hour ago, psychoticstate said:

This is what you said:  "Ramona, Sonja and Luann are so witless & selfish, it's likely they'd be completely unconcerned about the actual impact of their actions, caring only about avoiding anything tiresome or annoying to them. "   

I said:  "Just because someone voted for a candidate you didn't endorse does not mean they are unconcerned about the impact.  Wow.   I don't know any of these ladies personally but I'm not going to say that they are selfish and unconcerned about the rest of us because they declined to state who they voted for."

Where is the difference?  

The difference is,  I can buy that they avoided something tiresome/unpleasant to them (being derided for their decision) because -- based on how they reacted to the question -- they clearly didn't care enough about the decision itself to defend it. ("My vote was important to me and I will defend it easily, because I understand the impact of how I voted.") Instead, they sat there silent, like dogs (or bitches in this case) who know they've done something wrong.

And when you've faced enormous derision for publicly defending everything from marrying a cheater to illegal business dealings to saying profoundly classist shit to "the help",  being unwilling to defend your vote says quite a lot to me about who you are.


And frankly, they declined to comment on how they voted, or if they voted, so we don't know

Nobody "pleads the fifth" about things they're proud to disclose.

Edited by film noire
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3 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

I was very happy when Lu and Jacques were together. He came across as a fantastic guy who genuinely cared about Lu. But it bothered me that she seemed only amused by the fact that Alexandre De Lesseps would react poorly to his daughter and son's mother dating someone who was Jewish. Maybe, as with everything else Lu presents to the viewers, she chose to soften how she really felt about the Count's bigotry.

But then I wonder if this attitude had something to do with Victoria thinking it was okay to use a horrible word.

I agree that the way she mentioned the matter would cause many to pause. It came out effortlessly without much shock or moral outrage attached to it. But the bolded part is exactly why I'm not going to rush to assume or feel ways about Luann based on her ex-husband (who is the one that sounds truly anti-Semitic). Luann has a tendency to speak very flippantly. Even when someone is hurling insults at her (see Bethenny), Luann still gives a measured response as if nothing can truly shock her. She's so used to playing the part of appropriate that even her version of outrage is pretty damn tame.

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2 minutes ago, film noire said:

Nobody "pleads the fifth" about things they're proud to disclose.

Not everyone views who the vote for as something they are proud of or that should be discussed in public.

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5 minutes ago, film noire said:

The difference is,  I can buy that they avoided something tiresome/unpleasant to them (being derided for their decision) because -- based on how they reacted to the question -- they clearly didn't care enough about the decision itself to defend it. ("My vote was important to me and I will defend it easily, because I understand the impact of how I voted.") Instead, they sat there silent, like dogs (or bitches in this case) who know they've done something wrong.

And when you've faced enormous derision for publicly defending everything from marrying a cheater to illegal business dealings to saying profoundlyclassist shit to "the help",  being unwilling to defend your vote says quite a lot to me about who you are.

Nobody "pleads the fifth" about things they're proud to disclose.

That's not necessarily true.  They may have cared a great deal about their decision but felt it was nobody else's business.   My vote was important to me, I'm happy with how I voted but it's nobody else's business how I voted.  I don't need to defend it to anyone because I'm happy with how I voted.  That's the difference.  Being silent does not mean you've done something wrong or know you have.  I've stayed silent in discussions because I simply did not want to engage and/or it was a personal, private subject. 

Sometimes people do "plead the fifth" on topics that are not relevant or, again, because it's nobody else's business.  None of the ladies were obligated to share their political viewpoint or voting strategy with anyone.  

Some of these housewives don't have their significant others or children as part of the show.  It's not because they aren't proud of their partners; it may be because they want to keep that portion of their life separate and/or their partners don't want to appear.

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1 hour ago, Normades said:

Well, actually, her mother not only answered the phone, but proceeded to ask Bryn about her school, etc.  I'm not condoning the things Bernadette said because I think she is a narcissist who raised a narcissist, but I do think some of her comments seemed to come from someone who was trying very hard to remain detached  because history has shown her that B is not above using her for a story line and that had she wanted to know her granddaughter, B would have probably used that to hurt her more.  There is a lot of hurt on all sides.  I just think it's time for at least one of them to put down the knife and leave the other alone.  B does not need to keep bringing up her mother and her childhood on national tv.  It serves no one, least of all her daughter. 

#triggerphrase.  I was about to say something slick mouthed but, compliance.  Lol.      Bernadette doesn't have a side m'love, she herself confirms her episodic alcoholism and that Bethenny grew up in and around abuse.   So which part of Bethenny's story would be inaccurate, that Bernadette is not a literal wolf? 

About a relationship with Bryn, Beth is the one that reached out to and demonstrated willingness to put down the knife in order to facilitate it.  But in fairness let's suppose she wanted to have that relationship, there wasn't anything stopping her from trying to.  Except, maybe....


“I don’t even know where she got my number. I don’t have hers. She didn’t leave a number and quite honestly, I didn’t think to ask for it,”

that this doesn't sound at all like a hopeful, waiting grandmother.  To the contrary, it sounds like a petulant shouldershrugging asshole who doesn't care one way or the other.     Bernadette is the only person still talking.  About a present day Bethenny (whom she said she doesn't know and doesn't want to).   Bethenny talks about her childhood experiences.   She doesn't even have enough sense to know that the only thing that can possibly make Beth react to any of it is Bryn.   So if the goal is to annoy her daughter, she should do everything she can to have a relationship with her granddaughter.  

As far as Bernadette's "hurt" goes, anybody with a southern grandma has heard that a hit dog gone holla.  The one that feels the sting (guilt/offense) screams the loudest.   

11 minutes ago, bravofan27 said:

Jason's biggest problems are that Bethanny isn't giving him his share of the money she made while married, AND that she will not have contact with him and therefore can't talk to her, and those two facts are making him vengeful and ruining her happiness

I appreciate you taking the time to clarify.   This only makes him sound completely insane.   You're advised not to have contact with a person physically threatening you.   p.s. nobody can *make* you vengeful, that was already in there. 

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22 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

I have a friend who lives in a building where all the units on the top floor, of which his is one, are designated "PH," as in "PH-1," "PH-2," etc., and their HOA fees are like $100/month more than non-PH units.  He said he would gladly forgo the PH designation for $100 a month.

I meant to add to my original post, B can stop with the trying to define "penthouse."  It's the only apartment on the top of a building, it can be called a penthouse in my mind.  And, if we include the outdoor space (for which most NYers would KILL!), it does appear to be the entire top of the building,.  Looks from the diagram someone posted that it may have been added on later, and that may explain why there's the long walkway(s) one one or two sides?

My building (5 stores, 22 units) was sold with "4" penthouses.....there are very few differences between the 3 bedroom apts on the 5th floor and those on the 2-4th floors. 

So anything on the top floor can be called a penthouse.

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12 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

I certainly get the point, and I know a lot of folks agree with this. But if not getting her money, or talking to it is making him unhappy, then why doesn't he compromise? He is apparently acting in this fashion because he is the one who is unhappy with their current situation. Why is she the one to compromise and give him what he wants when he is the one causing the drama? She doesn't want to give him her money, or her time. It always seems like it is about what Bethenny should be doing to keep the peace at all costs, while he should be doing nothing. 

This is probably why the opinion wasn't well received - because Bethenny was portrayed as a bad mom harming her child because she wouldn't give away what she earned. Why isn't Jason being called into question for dragging out the proceedings just because his pockets weren't full enough? It's not like he was walking away penniless from the divorce. A man gives his daughter a ponytail and he's the most loving attentive father ever while no matter what a woman does, she'll get criticism for either not being a good mother or for not being an independent woman who can stand on her own two feet so that's why she stays at home and takes care of the kids because she's not allowed/able to do anything else. It may be 2017, but you can't escape archaic opinion.

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6 minutes ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

  So which part of Bethenny's story would be inaccurate, that Bernadette is not a literal wolf? 

About a relationship with Bryn, Beth is the one that reached out to and demonstrated willingness to put down the knife in order to facilitate it. 

The part of Bethenny's story that is inaccurate is that she has parents and that she attained her success  all by herself from nothing.

Actually, Bernadette is the first one who reached out to Bethenny demonstrating willingness to put down the knife in order to facilitate it, speaking to Jason and Mrs. Hoppy at Brynn's birth. Beth declined the offer. I am sure that stung Bernadette the way Bethenny feels stung in the way she described in Reunion 2.

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3 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

This is probably why the opinion wasn't well received - because Bethenny was portrayed as a bad mom harming her child because she wouldn't give away what she earned. Why isn't Jason being called into question for dragging out the proceedings just because his pockets weren't full enough? It's not like he was walking away penniless from the divorce. A man gives his daughter a ponytail and he's the most loving attentive father ever while no matter what a woman does, she'll get criticism for either not being a good mother or for not being an independent woman who can stand on her own two feet so that's why she stays at home and takes care of the kids because she's not allowed/able to do anything else. It may be 2017, but you can't escape archaic opinion.

This is all so sad.  I remember when Bethenny met and began dating Jason and he seemed like a nice person.  

I agree that Bethenny can't be the bad guy all the time.  I'm sure she's no walk in the park but, from what we see, she does appear to be a loving mom.  And if so, major props to her after her childhood.   At some point, Jason needs to realize that he's hurting his daughter by attacking her mother, whether it's via stalking, emotional abuse, verbal abuse, whatever.  The issues he has with Bethenny have nothing to do with Brynn.  He may feel that he wasn't treated fairly and whether that feeling is right or wrong, sometimes you just need to suck it up, let it go and move forward.  I wasn't treated fairly by my ex but rather than fight and live in bitterness, I decided to let things go and move on.  It doesn't make things fair but it makes for a happier, easier existence. 

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Is there video of Bernadette saying all these nasty things? Or are we relying on what Bethenny and Radar Online is telling us?  I need unedited video to believe almost anything any more.  Sigh.

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9 minutes ago, Mrs peel said:

I meant to add to my original post, B can stop with the trying to define "penthouse."  It's the only apartment on the top of a building, it can be called a penthouse in my mind.  And, if we include the outdoor space (for which most NYers would KILL!), it does appear to be the entire top of the building,.  Looks from the diagram someone posted that it may have been added on later, and that may explain why there's the long walkway(s) one one or two sides?

My building (5 stores, 22 units) was sold with "4" penthouses.....there are very few differences between the 3 bedroom apts on the 5th floor and those on the 2-4th floors. 

So anything on the top floor can be called a penthouse.

She never said it wasn't a penthouse.   She said it furthers Luann's pretentiousness by, as with several other things, constantly referring to it by its title. 

1 minute ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

The part of Bethenny's story that is inaccurate is that she has parents and that she attained her success  all by herself from nothing.

Actually, Bernadette is the first one who reached out to Bethenny demonstrating willingness to put down the knife in order to facilitate it, speaking to Jason and Mrs. Hoppy at Brynn's birth. Beth declined the offer. I am sure that stung Bernadette the way Bethenny feels stung in the way she described in Reunion 2.

I see why posters would feel this way but Bernadette is the one who said (years ago about Bethenny) she's dead to me.   So the thing ya'll are hanging your hat on is that the mother who claims her daughter is dead to her won't acknowledge her?   K.

This counters the idea that she's using it for a story line but what offer?  You said she spoke to Jason and his mother.   Was it reported, can I ask the google?

I was typing faster than I was thinking lol!  I forgot to say that she made her money without investors or spousal cash, are you saying one her people gave her some family dough or....?

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Also, there is a picture on Bethenny's Twitter from 12/9/2015 of the infamous Walk of Shame post Donald Trump encounter, secret service & all.  I was surprised that he had secret service back then, it started shortly before then. I can't figure out the pic/linking it. 

I loved the Luann shade "I wonder why he is so mad!?" I think it's more than about money, she went after his mom w/the whole trust thing.

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2 minutes ago, ZaldamoWilder said:


I see why posters would feel this way but Bernadette is the one who said (years ago about Bethenny) she's dead to me.   So the thing ya'll are hanging your hat on is that the mother who claims her daughter is dead to her won't acknowledge her?   K.

This counters the idea that she's using it for a story line but what offer?  You said she spoke to Jason and his mother.   Was it reported, can I ask the google?

I was typing faster than I was thinking lol!  I forgot to say that she made her money without investors or spousal cash, are you saying one her people gave her some family dough or....?

Jason I am pretty sure said on camera on BEA said, after Brynn was born "Your mom called" or something to that effect and Bethenny was all kind of like ugh I am not exposing Brynn to that toxicity. My rough recollection. 

I am saying that her family, someone, dysfunctional as all fuck as they may be, paid for a very expensive, quality education- that is a HUGE advantage and privilege on this planet. Her father's connections got her a running start in LA, and NY, whether she will admit it or not. I believe she also was in her dad's will but that is post Beam I believe.  That's why I laugh when she puts the falsehood out that she did her it herself. Bethenny is bright, smart, well educated, and connected and the wolves made that so to some degree, I feel like it was to a huge degree. 

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14 minutes ago, ryebread said:

Is there video of Bernadette saying all these nasty things? Or are we relying on what Bethenny and Radar Online is telling us?  I need unedited video to believe almost anything any more.  Sigh.

I hear ya, Ryebread. And even if we see it with our own eyes, well who the hell knows anymore. 

But one would think that if she really were not saying all of these things that she would put down the vodka bottle and alert someone. Say "hey, I didn't say she was a moron". What kind of a mother would allow these things to be floating around with what appear to be direct quotes if they really didn't say those things? Or if they were taken out of context? 




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27 minutes ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

#triggerphrase.  I was about to say something slick mouthed but, compliance.  Lol.      Bernadette doesn't have a side m'love, she herself confirms her episodic alcoholism and that Bethenny grew up in and around abuse.   So which part of Bethenny's story would be inaccurate, that Bernadette is not a literal wolf? 

So sorry if my phrasing triggered something, but if you're trying to compare this with someone who very publicly used that phrase in a very hurtful way that I do not support, that's apples and spaceships and I don't appreciate the comparison.  It's a mother/daughter/granddaughter relationship, so I think Bernadette actually does have a side.  No one would have even known about B reaching out to her step father or her mother if it weren't for drama hungry B herself.  I question those motives.  I don't know enough of the story from Bernadette's perspective.  B likes to control the narrative, as she does with Jason.  Plus, as I've said I don't agree or condone all of Bernadette's behavior and statements nor do I condone B's.  I simply think there are other ways to look at things and I felt Bernadette's wording seemed to be an attempt at self protection.  

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4 minutes ago, Normades said:

So sorry if my phrasing triggered something, but if you're trying to compare this with someone who very publicly used that phrase in a very hurtful way that I do not support, that's apples and spaceships and I don't appreciate the comparison.  It's a mother/daughter/granddaughter relationship, so I think Bernadette actually does have a side.  No one would have even known about B reaching out to her step father or her mother if it weren't for drama hungry B herself.  I question those motives.  I don't know enough of the story from Bernadette's perspective.  B likes to control the narrative, as she does with Jason.  Plus, as I've said I don't agree or condone all of Bernadette's behavior and statements nor do I condone B's.  I simply think there are other ways to look at things and I felt Bernadette's wording seemed to be an attempt at self protection.  

If you want her perspective, Bernadette will tell you. In interview after interview. The gal is not shy or afraid to give her side of the story. She is more than capable of getting whatever she wants out there. 

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