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S07.E06: Beyond the Wall

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So now we know why it's taken the white walkers the better part of seven seasons to get anywhere closer to the Wall.  They've apparently been off forging giant chains somewhere.

I didn't care for this episode in the leaked version and it didn't get any better here.  They've apparently raided the old Harry Potter sets for time turners and apparating devices for an episode that was purely spectacle over anything that offered any sense of coherent plotting or logic.  Luckily Jon thought to pack a six pack of red shirts even though he couldn't pack any provisions or a reasonable escape plan if things didn't work out.

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48 minutes ago, Helena Dax said:

Oh, man, I’m so sorry for  the dragon… Poor thing.  And now he’s a… wight!dragon. I guess he can throw some kind of extreme cold that freezes people on the spot or turns them into wights or something like that.

Btw, if he hadn’t died, we could have called this “The Battle of the Red Shirts”.

I knew Dany was going to go to rescue them. That’s my girl! And well, it seems the ship is real and growing stronger! I might have squealed a bit when he called her “my queen”.  Of course, Jon still has to find out about the Tarlys. It would be highly ironic if their deaths were considered a deal breaker, after everything we’ve seen.

Arya and Sansa, what a disappointment. And frankly, I don’t understand why would Sansa send Brienne to King’s Landing… unless she’s planning to have Arya killed. I don’t know. Anyway, I don’t see the point in sending anyone from Winterfell to King’s Landing. If this is about the wight, the North already believes Jon or, at least, it’s willing to follow him.  And I can’t come up with any other logical reason.

I think Sansa's playing a long game, she has to take a risk, she knows in her head LF got or had that note, and he planted it, and I think Sansa's seeing Bran daily off screen.

LF mentioning of Brieene's vows is no accident, he's planing on making her a pawn in his game, Sansa sent her away to :  1: not bring dishonor on her, she's swore to protect both girls, but her other vow as Sansa's sworn shield means she have to fight Arya. 2: it removes one of his pieces, by doing so.

Sansa's trusting her sister, even though she fears her.

Edited by GrailKing
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Viserion! I hardly knew ya! I cried over his death I am not ashamed to say.

That was the most beautiful costume Dany has ever worn.

I refuse to believe that Sansa and Arya are that stupid - I choose to believe they are planning something.

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24 minutes ago, dirtypop90 said:

I feel comfortable saying this since only one episode remains---I'm not into this season.  Not sure what the issue is. Maybe the plot is moving too quickly? and it's obvious things are happening that don't make sense just to push the plot along.

I'm pretty sure the problem is that, now the show is off-book, the writers' deficiency in being able to write a coherent and sensible story with these characters is n plain view.

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Not as good as the Bastard Bowl, but a pretty damn thrilling episode. I'm going to ignore all the time inconsistencies and that people can cover vast distances in a matter of a few moments and just enjoy the spectacle.

The moments leading up to the confrontation with the Night King's forces were hysterical. These guys need to take their act on the road. No show... you cannot kill Tormund until he and Brianne have giant red-headed babies. And glad that they brought enough expendables along to avoid losing anyone really important.

Sad about the dragon but it was becoming necessary narratively to strike at Dany's greatest strengths. Having the biggest weapons of mass destruction made Dany a bit too powerful (and cocky). This brings her down to earth a little bit. And RIP Benjen.

Am conflicted about Jon bending he knee, but he's doing it for the right reasons. So long as Dany is going to put all her effort into the real war (now that she sees what the real war is), he can ally with her. That was all that mattered to him. He's not interested in the power for himself.

The weakest points were in Winterfell where both Stark sisters needed a good smack upside the head. Sansa is really claiming responsibility for saving the day against the Boltons? How about you didn't tell Jon, the guy leading the armies and putting his ass on the line that the Vale was sending troops? Arya isn't totally wrong, and both of them are doing a wonderful job pressing one another's buttons. Hoping that they pull their heads out of their asses before it's too late. 

Can't wait until next week... and the week after so I can sleep on Sundays like a normal human being again.

Edited by Hana Chan
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6 minutes ago, doram said:

Seriously! Gendry, Jon and the Hound are all connected through Arya but you'd never know from this episode. We're almost certain to go through the whole season without Jon once mentioning Aemon Targaryen to Dany. 

I don't get this either. I know there isn't a lot of airtime, but I would have preferred these meaningful conversations over Arya and Sansa's neverending useless drama.

Edited by SimoneS
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1 minute ago, SimoneS said:

Tyrion has become an idiotic lunatic. No wonder Daenerys doesn't trust his advice. She hasn't won the Iron Throne. How can she name a successor? Who do you would you suggest she designate that the Dothraki, Unsullied, the Lannister bannermen, and her dragons would obey? Anyway, the point of the conversation was to inform the audience that Dany believes that she is barren. She repeats this belief to Jon to reinforce the point. 

Not to mention Jorah telling Jon to pass Longclaw on to his children.  I think we all know where this story is heading.

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Okay now my thoughts...

I think Arya and Sansa had a very realistic conversation actually, Arya was there and saw Sansa standing when they killed Ned, she also knew that Sansa didn't stand up for her when she had the issue with Joffrey and Nymeria with the butchers boy.  Her and Sansa were not close as children so it makes sense that she would see that letter and come to that conclusion. I thought the scenes between them were fantastic to tell the truth, I was holding my breath due to the tension. What I did not understand was why Sansa sent Brienne away, especially when Littlefinger basically said to use Brienne with the Arya situation.

Okay so more traveling at the speed of light with Gendry running back to Eastwatch, getting ravens off in time for Danaerys to come to the rescue. That being said, was it me or did it seem that Dany was more concerned about Jon being alive than losing her dragon. 

Also I expected Dany to lose a dragon at some point, look at how many Direwolves have died and on that note, where is Ghost!

Also Jon has been looking longingly Danaerys, well ...I have yet to see that, if that was the producers say is happening then so be it, I have seen Danaerys giving Jon the googly eyes but not the other way around. Actually tonight was the first time I actually saw that kind of look from Jon.

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So much for the rampant speculation on who will be the third dragon rider. Looks like the Night King claimed that job. I'll hand wave the time travel, but I will side eye the giant chain. All I can hope is that Viscerion is more like Uncle Benjen and less like a blue eyed zombie.

I've stayed unspoiled by choice, so losing Viscerion was painful. Bye Thoros, hope that means Mel doesn't show up again. 

Dany saw Jon's stab wounds. Guess she'll be questioning him on reincarnation now. 

I've been rereading book 1, the hate between Arya and Sansa is strong. But this drama really annoys me. Have a flipping discussion about the horrible years since Eddard was killed instead of all this sniping. I'd love to see strong women SUPPORTING each other instead of being all "no, I suffered more". 

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13 minutes ago, scarynikki12 said:

Ride that dragon Night King! 

By the way, was that Rhaegal or Viserion?

"Viserion. That's okay. Mom can't even tell us apart. It's always Drogon, Drogon. Drogon."

 The three dragging points for this season have been:

1) The senseless fighting between Arya and Sansa. 

2) The forced romance that is Jon and Daenerys. It's all been tell and not show. 

3) The contrived wight hunt. They needed a more organic way to get people north of the wall and seeing what the Night King was all about. 

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Just now, Happy Harpy said:

Not when she actually needs a babysitter.

Brienne's argument is that she needs Brienne around in case Littlefinger turns the entire castle garrison against her, a scenario in which Brienne would really have nothing to do but make a gallant last stand and die.

Just now, Cthulhudrew said:

I got the sense that she made is up, in order to get Brienne out of Winterfell, after her dialogue with Littlefinger. 

How?  We saw her get the message from the maester.

It also doesn't sound like Sansa even knew about this meeting, since she says she hadn't heard from Jon in weeks and had no idea where he was.

Edited by SeanC
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27 minutes ago, Helena Dax said:

Arya and Sansa, what a disappointment. And frankly, I don’t understand why would Sansa send Brienne to King’s Landing… unless she’s planning to have Arya killed. I don’t know. Anyway, I don’t see the point in sending anyone from Winterfell to King’s Landing. If this is about the wight, the North already believes Jon or, at least, it’s willing to follow him.  And I can’t come up with any other logical reason.

If Brienne had seen Arya approach Sansa with a dagger, what would have happened to Arya? I think LF was hinting that that's what should happen to Arya...hence Sansa sending Brienne away.

God, Jon, why were you walking AWAY from the dragon to slay more wights when every sensible person was climbing aboard? It's not a video game. You are not going to get another life if you bag a few more skeletons.

And yes, it looked wonderfully dramatic, but any human being climbing out of a below zero lake into a below zero wind would have been frozen like a package of Birdseye peas. Do they really have to pack THAT many suspensions of disbelief into a single episode?

Edited by screamin
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3 minutes ago, SeanC said:

Is she not entitled to be frustrated with Brienne basically acting like her babysitter?

It seems like it had to have come from Cersei.

Which...is weird. 

and Sansa's defense about Cersei wanting to see them at each other's throat was just as weird. You'd figure it be about Jon not wanting to see them fight or something like that.  I see a confrontation in their futures.

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I think the show has jumped the shark re: Arya and Sansa. It makes sense that both of them would be hardened and cold after years of suffering. It makes sense that they'd have trust issues after being apart for so long. It makes no sense for them to be trying to kill each other, and all over LittleFinger's machinations. They are sisters and one thing the show has always been good about is showing the strength of the familial bond despite difficulties. I want there to be some semblance of love between the two sisters. But as it goes it will probably be a power struggle that will end with the death of one or both of them and Littlefinger taking control of Winterfell.

The Dany/Jon storyline was much more compelling just because it was exciting, but amidst all this excitement no one acted out of character. I do wish Dany had mourned the death of one of her dragons more. As it goes she seemed more concerned with Jon than the death of one of her babies. But the Jon/Dany thing is happening I guess. Dany seems to want to bend the knee for Jon in the worst way. I am glad they made another joke about Kit Harington's size though. IMDB lists him as 5'8". Hmm ...

Tyrion was sort of annoying this episode. I think his storyline arc is sort of done but they're still trying to make him relevant. 

But overall, great battle episode at the Wall. GoT always delivers in battle episodes.

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1 minute ago, Francie said:

"Viserion. That's okay. Mom can't even tell us apart. It's always Drogon, Drogon. Drogon."

 The three dragging points for this season have been:

1) The senseless fighting between Arya and Sansa. 

2) The forced romance that is Jon and Daenerys. It's all been tell and not show. 

3) The contrived wight hunt. They needed a more organic way to get people north of the wall and seeing what the Night King was all about. 

My issues with this season as well.  I think my expectations were too high for how this is going to end.  Because very little makes sense to me this season.

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9 minutes ago, Avaleigh said:

I cringed at the way Sansa spoke to Brienne. Has Sansa done a single thing to earn Brienne's continued loyalty? I don't like the way Sansa takes Brienne for granted and hope that she learns to appreciate her. It's also sad that Sansa knows what sort of person Littlefinger is and still happily confides in him at any given turn. 

I cringed at the way Sansa was bragging about Arya having to go to her knees and thank her for winning the battle of the bastards. LF got the Vale army there thanks to his creepy obsession with Sansa's looks and her Stark name. Sansa did nothing to earn that victory - rather by not telling Jon about the presence of that army she was responsible for a lot of people dying trying to win WF for her. And no acknowledgement for all those Wildlings and Wun Wun who broke through Winterfell's doors and died for Jon - the Jon who actively won them over with his actions and not just his name or looks. 

And then she sends Brienne off because LF suggests that she could intercede between Arya and herself? Why is she confiding all this to LF in the first place? Why not discuss with Brienne who has shown herself to be trustworthy and ask her to go talk to Arya? 

15 minutes ago, Avaleigh said:

Why didn't he go for Drogon? That made no sense to me. 

Also, can this guy not freeze water? I thought the Walkers brought the cold with them and that everything was unnaturally cold when they were around. Why couldn't they just freeze the lake? 

Why can't wights swim in freezing temperatures? You'd think they'd have an advantage over humans with that. 

How did Dany get there so fast? It seemed like only a day passed. Gendry runs back to the Wall, they send a raven, and Dany makes it back in about 24 hours or so? 

Because plot.

Although we did see wights in the water trying to drag Tormund down.

We just have to ignore the time line now.

Also Jon trying to give Longclaw back to Jorah reminds me that Brienne has still not mentioned to the Starks that she has a Valyrian sword that used to be Ice. 

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5 minutes ago, Constantinople said:

Arya seems to have forgotten who served as Lord Tywin's cupbearer

And managed to help her brother Robb against the Lannisters, even from her lowly position?

Just now, SeanC said:

Brienne's argument is that she needs Brienne around in case Littlefinger turns the entire castle garrison against her, a scenario in which Brienne would really have nothing to do but make a gallant last stand and die.

Die like Sylvio Forel, for example, which would allow Sansa to escape. Whatever the configuration, Sansa is safer with Brienne than without her, so in my opinion it's fookin' stoopid to send her away. Pardon my French.

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Why, oh why do people stop everything they're doing and pause dramatically when something tragic happens, despite the fact that they're knee-deep in the middle of a hostile force? It's so stupid when shows do that. Yes, we get it, it's sad and ominous, but surely you can show us that without having people act like complete morons in its wake?

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24 minutes ago, SeanC said:

And then there is the utter clusterfuck that is the Winterfell plot, where Arya has turned into a Sand Snake (Obarya Sand?) in her almost gleeful willingness to terrorize her own sister and blame her for being victimized by the Lannisters.  While it’s of course impossible for Sansa to have made the following rejoinder because she doesn’t know about it, I dearly wish she had said “I hear Tywin Lannister said you were a great cupbearer.”

That's awesome. Bravo.

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I wanted to feel something about the death of a dragon but Emilia blank performance put me out completely. 

This episode was a mess. From the idiotic plan to the absurdity of Gendry, who has never been in the north, sending a raven. Seriously who came up with this idea? Terrible just terrible...

Arya what did they do to you?!! Who is this psycho girl? Just wrong! 

The only enjoyable moments were the interactions between the fantastic 7. Btw everyone survived? Seriously? 

Edited by Edith
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7 minutes ago, Avaleigh said:

The fact that Dany isn't willing to discuss or consider a plan just in case she dies tells me that she doesn't have all of the maturity or selflessness that one would hope for from a leader. It's kind of essential to have a 'just in case' game plan. 

Tyrion wasn't insisting on marriage at all although that would be on the table. He was suggesting alternative plans. Dany wasn't interested in discussing options because she doesn't want to have to think about the unpleasant topic of her eventual death even though it's something that every monarch has to contemplate. I wonder if Dany's worried that Tyrion wants the job.

Appointing an heir won't do any good.  Her forces allegiance is to her, and I doubt it would carryover to someone else before she wins the throne.

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Sansa sending Brienne away makes sense if you realize that the two women have no shared experiences together. Brienne pledged loyalty to Catelyn but to Sansa she's essentially a stranger. Her trust in LF makes more sense because he's been with her for so long. That's really what it boils down to.

That and as we've seen, the Starks are all sort of dumb when it comes to making decisions.

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1 hour ago, Happy Harpy said:

And managed to help her brother Robb against the Lannisters, even from her lowly position?

No, she didn't (unless you mean killing a few of his two-bit minions via Jaqen, and she only managed that because she got gifted a magical assassin; I'm sure Sansa could have killed a few people in KL if Dontos Hollard had turned out to be a Faceless Man who owed her three deaths).

Edited by SeanC
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I couldn't believe that in the midst of that whole battle they kept dragging the bound wight to "safety" like he was the most important thing in the world.  Plot-wise I guess it was necessary (and now they have him to show Cersie) but in the context of that hopeless last-stand of a battle it made no sense.  I'd have lit him up and used him as a campfire.

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29 minutes ago, Enigma X said:

but I am starting to have a problem with her bullshit with Sansa. Arya is thinking way too black and white (like her mother). I sympathize with her, but she is starting to annoy me. And then there is Sansa confiding in Littlefinger. Why?

Arya still has issues, still traumatized, and she's giving blind loyalty to Jon and thinking he's always right, but we know that's not true.

Sansa is setting up LF, it's a long game, she's using all the lines he gave her over 5 years, against him; risk, keeping people confused, etc. 

For Sansa's game we have to go farther then a year, we got to go at least to 4-8 and her Mocking bird / Raven dress.

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Just now, Constantinople said:

Appointing an heir won't do any good.  Her forces allegiance is to her, and I doubt it would carryover to someone else before she wins the throne.

The Unsullied would follow her appointed heir, but the Dothraki only follow "the strongest" (as we saw in Season 1) so that wouldn't be automatic.

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31 minutes ago, dirtypop90 said:

Arya/Sansa scenes---What is this stupidity I just watched?  +Jon tbh.  Are TPTB just trying to hammer home the point that Starks are stupid.  Like, is that the point of this show?  or will there be an aboutface next episode? I know nothing.

I feel comfortable saying this since only one episode remains---I'm not into this season.  Not sure what the issue is. Maybe the plot is moving too quickly? and it's obvious things are happening that don't make sense just to push the plot along.

I am honestly so fed up with all the Starks becoming incredibly stupid every time the plot demands it. It's so lazy. And I can't disagree about the season. It's all spectacle and the excitement of seeing characters reunite or meet for the first time, but if you let yourself think about it for a minute, the plots and character motivations mostly don't make sense. It's also very obvious that they're speeding through the story and cutting a lot of corners to do it. It's really terrible writing, and it's a shame.

10 minutes ago, SimoneS said:

I was reminded of when he wanted Joffery, a child, to lead the army against Stannis. Yet here he is advising Daenerys, a grown woman, a queen who rides dragons, to stay hidden back the walls. They are ruining Tyrion and I don't understand why.

I thought about this, too. Tyrion once believed that a true leader had to lead. Is his change of heart because Dany's a woman? 

9 minutes ago, SeanC said:

From the writers' comments in the previous Inside the Episode, I think their view is that Sansa will turn to him if her family is attacking her and she has nobody else to turn to (which, since in their view Winterfell consists of only main characters and all the Northern lords are shitheels [as Sansa accurately pointed out this episode, which was admittedly satisfying]), which is why Littlefinger baited Arya into confronting her.

Yeah, this logic doesn't work for me. Her trusting him is just stupid, and she knows it. She should've realized he was the reason Arya suddenly had that letter.

7 minutes ago, doram said:

Well there's a good reason for this - an extra body on the horse would have slowed it down and Benjen needed to make a Sacrificial Lion to keep the wights on that spot, and not chasing after Jon.

I can see the logic of that, but I don't think the scene sold it all. Perhaps they could've given it more than 10 seconds.

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6 minutes ago, SeanC said:

Brienne's argument is that she needs Brienne around in case Littlefinger turns the entire castle garrison against her, a scenario in which Brienne would really have nothing to do but make a gallant last stand and die.

She can't ask Brienne to keep an eye on LF or tell her about the letter and ask her to go talk to Arya? As LF reminds her, Brienne could intercede on her behalf right? Why send her off instead?

Also the Sansa who thinks Cersei is not to be trusted at all and is going to murder them all in their beds has no issues trusting in Cersei's letter and sending Brienne off to meet her?

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1 minute ago, Edith said:

The only enjoyable moments were the interactions between the fantastic 7. Btw everyone survived? Seriously? 

Nope -- Thoros succumbed to his wounds while they were surrounded by wights. 

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The show dropped another plot time-bomb:  when the Seven Snowmari (plus disposable wildlings) ambushed the scout pack of zombies and Jon killed the white walker with them, most of the rest of them dropped dead.  Later, Beric said that if they killed the Night King, all the others would stop moving because he's ultimately responsible.  So eventually we'll get an epic battle between Jon and the NK.  NK will die and the entire threat will go away.

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Bravo Sansa for being the only person smart enough to stay out of Kings Landing while Cersei is Queen.  But now I'm more convinced then ever that Cersei is far from through with her.  And her comment, they'll have to come to Winterfell and take me?!?!?  Foreshadowing, while most are fighting The Others, I imagine there will be very few guards, IF Winterfell isn't evacuated.  ST did a good job in her scene in the bedroom with Arya.  Her threatening to call her guards might have worked, if Arya weren't from Oh so special, magic assassin camp.   Even when ineffective, it's good to see Sansa still tries to operate with a sense of strategy.  She sent Brienne away because she didn't want Arya to have anyone who was on her side in the Castle, figuring she could get the letter back and then be at a point of advantage.   Too bad she has know idea of the little monster she's dealing with.

I think Sansa truly does feel Winterfell and The North should belong to her.  She suffered nightly rapes by Ramsay and when she and Jon met up again, Jon wanted to take her somewhere far, far away.  I can't wait to see how she reacts to Jon bending the knee and making the North subservient to Dany.

I LOVED Dany's coat, until I saw the back, was there a leopard print in the back?  Otherwise it was gorgeous.

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Her trust in LF makes more sense because he's been with her for so long.

LF who basically gave her to Ramsey? Yeah that would be a deal breaker for me and it should be for her - no matter how long she's known him.

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11 minutes ago, dbell1 said:

Have a flipping discussion about the horrible years since Eddard was killed instead of all this sniping. I'd love to see strong women SUPPORTING each other instead of being all "no, I suffered more". 

It looks like they were, but Arya seemed to not care at all about what Sansa went through.  Instead she seemed to like the idea that Sansa suffered.

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4 minutes ago, stagmania said:

I thought about this, too. Tyrion once believed that a true leader had to lead. Is his change of heart because Dany's a woman? 

No there's the problem of the fact that she's the only person that can do what she wants to do, so he's scared of losing her. She dies during the hunt, the war is effectively over.

Edited by Oscirus
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2 minutes ago, SeanC said:

No, she didn't (unless you mean killing a few of his two-bit minions via Jaqen, and she only managed that because she got gifted a magical assassin; I'm sure Sansa could have killed a few people in KL if Dontos Hollard hard turned out to be a Faceless Man who owed her three deaths).

The point is that Arya was in disguise under Tywin acting as a cupbearer. Tywin did not have her writing letters to Robb or know who she was. She did not betray her family and write letters asking them to bend the knee. According to Arya, Sansa did. So I don't see the relevance between Arya's stint as Tywin's cupbearer and Sansa's time in KL where it looked like she was actively working against her family by writing the letter. As Arya knows, Sansa has already done this once before.

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I cried for Viserion. 

Loved the traveling of the beyond the wall group.  Some great exchanges. 

I like the talks between Tyrion and Dany.  Good points on both sides. Tyrion needs to thank Dany for saving the mission. If she hadn't this would be at least the third time Tyrion's plans were a disaster this season.

What was the point of sending the meeting Raven to Winterfell when they have Jon? Was it on the chance he was lost on the mission?

The Winterfell stuff is a mess.  The only way I will forgive this is if Littlefinger dies somehow.  I just cannot get behind Sansa anymore (I will take it back if this has all been a ploy to get Littlefinger). I found myself disagreeing with what Arya was doing but still on Arya's side because Sansa was just so annoying. I can't believe she brought up the army she hid from her battle commander as a point on her side.  No that just shows you are not trustworthy and handicapped the his options so you could get the glory. Wow!

Why was there no time for Benjen to hop on the horse? Oh right this is season 7. Time is whipping by. Bye Benjen.

When I found myself asking where the huge chains came from at the end at had to just shake my head and say "Whatever".

I am rooting for Dany/Jon so their scene was great. Not sure how I feel about him "bending the knee" though. It helped that Tormund brought up Mance and how not bending didn't help his people. Though I never thought it was a pride thing for either one of them.

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Loved the Hound spiking that disgusting wight to one of Drogon's spines.  I laughed at that.  "I bagged that fucker what bit me, and I'm not gonna lose him".

Drogon is one BIG dragon to fit all those guys on his back and you barely see him.

I hated hearing those dragons cry in anger at losing their brother.  And as absolutely spectacular as the CGI dragons have been from the beginning, I don't understand why they can't make Viserion & Rhagel look different than Drogon.

Drogon:  HUGE Black dragon w/red spines

Viserion:  Cream dragon with golden spines and coloring   RIP, Viserion....we only got a good look at him on the ground (left side when Tyrion & Danny walked up).  Goldish.

Rhaegal:  Light green dragon with darker green spines and sides.

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