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S04.E04: Week 2, Night 2

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A woman receives a date card, but she has no prospects, so she interviews some guys and offers one the job; a new arrival has her eyes on a prize another woman thought she had won. Also: a live studio edition of the show; a visit from Carly and Evan.

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If I got a date card on this show, I'd hold it up and say to the entire group of men: "Who wants to go on a date with me?" Then I'd pick. That is, if anyone said yes. Heh. That seems like it would solve a lot of the drama on this show. Although TPTB would hate me for getting rid of drama, so there's that.

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*sigh* This show is getting too predictable. Lacy FINALLY finds a romance in Diggy, so the next chick in is hot to meet Diggie. Of COURSE she is. TPTB need to start switching this show up because man, is this season the dregs.

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47 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

Yeay! Lacey and Diggy go on a date to a BEACH so they can get away from the BIP BEACH! Man, they've really cut the budget for this show something fierce.

Then Diggy and Dominique's date looked like they never even left the resort--so romantic!

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Why do we need even more of DeMario and Corrine next week. Move on , youre looking stupid!!

6 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

Carly and Evan having a fucking ultrasound on tv.  They have no shame.  Fucking famewhores.

I know, its weird. A special moment and they do it on TV..sheesh

Edited by Hello Lady
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So we get one hour of BIP and one hour of nonsense.  I turned it off once they started the nonsense.  I am happy for Evan and Carly.  Sounds like, at 12 weeks now, she may' even been in early, early stages at the wedding.  Impossible to have known at that point.  Anyway, I am happy for them, but enough.  Show me the program on the schedule.  Set up your VSE (very special episode) some other time.

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Let's shut everyone up about the Corinne/Demario event and just air the freaking tape. If nothing happened, then SHOW THE TAPE and let's get on with life. Think of the ratings, Fleiss! And Demario, if you want everyone to know what a "great guy" you are, then stop swearing on live tv. Geez, could there be any more *bleeps*? Although I wish Raven would have been "bleeped" on that after-credits segment. Some things are better left unsaid. (And unheard.)

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Matt thinks Kristina and Dean are a good match because they have equitable childhood trauma. Um, no, this is why their inner children would never work--they're both closed off because of abandonment issues (or some such). You need one person to be the emotional giver here. Or, so goes my absolutely untrained/uneducated analysis/opinion.

Um, what happened with Adam, Raven, and Sarah?!? Was this just an IMPLIED threesome??? Uh, both think they have a romantic connection, they spent the night together, but he was cuddling Sarah in the morning! God damnit, once again, the juicy stuff happened off camera during hiatus! Well, I think they're making it seem like he was just hanging out with both of them and nothing untoward happened? Regardless, I'm shipping Adam and Sarah. They are my pick for this season's It Couple. And Raven could just go back to one of her many suitors --you know, like Ben Z, who is so absolutely perfect...despite the fact you tried pawning him off on Sarah.

Darn severe weather alerts--I keep missing dialogue. Did Danielle and Wells just do the "if we're both single in 5 years thing"? Don't be stupid, just date now if you're interested in each other.

Jorge's Tour Heys? Jorge's Tourge's? I'm confused. But it's nice to see Jorge's new career path. Jorge was conceived there?!? Lol! Jorge is not leaving this date. Awkward. I think Diggy could do better than Lacey, but if he actually likes her, then good for them. 

Um, very quick retraction here. Diggy is all about this Dominique, whom I don't recall at all. Diggy is now the hot commodity in Paradise, as he should be! Diggy, someone is crying over you, so you've officially become a Bachelor Family All Star, as many of us on this board knew you should have been since your opening package in Rachel's season. Ok, my new favorite power couple: Diggy and Dom! 

That's awesome that Danielle is going to "help kids" (in some undefined capacity) in Kenya. But that "friendship kiss" with Wells didn't seem like it was the first kiss. I mean, they are both obviously interested in each other, but there was no hesitation getting out of that friend zone. I'm interested in hearing more about their Journey.

Harrison thanks the Paradise gang for stopping by and defending DeMario and Corrine. Um, Hars, I know you're reading the Teleprompter, but they did NOT defend Corrine. That was 100% Team DeMario. Not that they're wrong. I think it is important to clear DeMario's name. Something like this could ruin his life.

Carly describing how she shocked herself by liking Evan on the way home from the hospital was pretty funny. Ok, the embarazada story was even funnier! Now I'm feeling like Carly did on that car ride--WHY am I suddenly liking these two?!?

Who dis? Oh, it's DeMario. I am hanging on his every word. Interesting that he's saying everyone got super drunk and crazy and were apologizing the next day. You know, I bet Jorge, an employee of the resort, and the other resort employees WOULD cut people off. I wonder whether it got uber crazy because there was no one policing the alcohol intake, and hence why someone on production was upset that no one else on production was looking out for the safety of the contestants. Aw, DeMario crying just broke my heart.

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1 hour ago, Ohwell said:

This crap is so stupid and fake but I can't help it, I love it!  

Lacey should have gotten a tan before the show because she's skinny and pale.

Erm... as a pale, skinny woman myself, I resemble this remark! Nothing wrong with being pale, and as for body size, there are thinner girls than Lacey on the island right now. I'm far more bothered by her complete lack of an upper lip, but that is something she cannot help unless she wants to go the surgical route, which I wouldn't recommend.

Lacey's real issue is that she's that needy, crazy-eyed, and possibly none too bright woman that no guy wants to get near with a ten-foot pole. I felt uncomfortable watching her tonight. 

Edited by LittleCabbage
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1 hour ago, Ohwell said:

Carly and Evan having a fucking ultrasound on tv.  They have no shame.  Fucking famewhores.

Personally I could never do something like that as it's a special and private moment between the parents. Apparently it's no big thing to some of these couples as Ashley and JP did it also.

Edited by yorklee2
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1 hour ago, Ohwell said:

Danielle M seems like a nice woman but maybe she'd have better luck if she WOKE UP and acted like she had a pulse.

I think it's refreshing to see someone so calm and laid-back on a show full of desperate fame whores. It seemed like she was very well-liked by everyone there, and it really speaks to her character that she prioritized an opportunity to do humanitarian work over staying on TV. She left to help needy children while some people on the show can't be bothered to take care of their own children.

Tonight I remembered why I dislike Taylor. Not because she told Dominique to date Diggy, but because when she saw that Lacey was upset, she chose to rub some more salt in the wound, with the trademark smugness and condescension. I hope a woman comes in next week and hits it off with Derek, and we'll see how Taylor feels then.

The studio hour was a big snooze-fest. Did we really need another "very special sit-down" about the scandal? I hope Carly and Evan have a healthy baby, but I still don't care about them. Again, did we need an interview with them a week after their televised wedding? Don't even get me started on the ultrasound.

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This episode was too Lacey-centric. And she's so damn whiny. Just quit crying and maybe some dude will find you attractive and/or interesting. 

I've mostly kept my opinions to myself on this entire Demario Corrine thing but damn if I didn't really feel for Demario when he was  talking about his mom.

But really I was just bored tonight. 

Edited by TiredMe
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Regarding Wells and Danielle I think it would be great if they can continue to explore romantic possibilities. They've been friends for awhile so they already have that going for them. He seemed genuinely sad to see her go and those kisses seemed pretty steamy for just friendship. I would rather see them get together than him be the Bachelor. I think his fans would be disappointed when the inevitable downfall came. As it does with every lead.

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If wells was into danielle , he'd say it .. he kept going on about how great she is and what a catch she was the same way all the girls were going on about how amazing Ben Z Is... yet none of them wanted him for themselves . 

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This season sucks. This is the show that made total fun of Josh sweating and slurping pizza and Claire pouring her heart out to the raccoon and this year we get .... almost a whole hour of Lacey? Who?  What happened? This show is no fun anymore. This cast is a bunch of duds and the editing is not fun. 

And unless Derek dumps Taylor there is no upcoming drama to look forward to. 

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Even though she wasn't on Nick's season for very long, I for one am happy to see Dominique on BIP. At first when they showed a woman with braids/twist in her hair I was like... who is that? They weren't showing her face and I feel like if it was someone like Jubilee, it would have been a bigger deal that she was coming from the show as I think she's still fairly popular from Ben's season. However, I am happy that she got a 2nd chance on BIP because I remember her and NIck not really getting along for whatever reason and I always though she was really pretty and wanted to know her personality more. I hope her and Diggy work out! 

Sorry Lacey! Better to be alone than with Iggy if that's any consolation... 

Edited by PTVjones
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I just kept waiting for someone to cut into the Lacey interview portion and tell her to pull her bikini top up (the brown one) because she was falling out of it. I mean did it not fit her, did she have it tied up wrong what was the deal? And that that's my lead comment should show how exciting I found this episode.

Then we get the obviously decreed by some lawyers in settlement very special time with Demario (which I couldn't help but ff through) and then Corinne is back to ruin another episode next week? Can we just move on people??

This season has just collapsed from it's own weight and maybe that of poor casting/timing of entrants. The big bro-down made scintillating teevee, nothing like watching a dating show where people don't even want to talk to each other.

Edited by Wandering Snark
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The Diggy/Dominique date was hilarious. They leave the private beach at Paradise to go to ... another private beach! This time haunted by Jorge, who tells a TMI story about his conception there, and then won't leave! (More airtime!) I was all Jorge, they want to be alone to have a date, just leave! Thank God, Diggy had the wherewithal to just tell him to leave.

If Dominique quits with the shimmying, I might be able to like her.

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3 hours ago, yorklee2 said:

Personally I could never do something like that as it's a special and private moment between the parents. Apparently it's no big thing to some of these couples as Ashley and JP did it also.

Um. This was totally fake. 

1) ultrasounds this early? Theyre intravaginal.  As in: wand in your hooha. Which is not what we saw.(thank god)

2) ultrasounds at this stage are not conclusive for gender. I 100% guarantee they had the blood test that tells you gender. 

3) Carly stated she took the test in Mexico and hinted that it was right after the wedding.  As in, she noticed her cycle was late so she took a test.  Late cycles happen - like - 2 weeks after ovulation that leads to concepiton? I doubt they were in Mexico 2 more weeks ( the minimum is like 9 days) So yes, she was probably preggo at the wedding, which, you know, might have been scandalous in 1917, but in 2017? Well, nothing is scandalous if Chris Harrison doesnt say it is.  

/gynecology lesson.

Edited by fib
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2 hours ago, b2H said:

So we get one hour of BIP and one hour of nonsense.  I turned it off once they started the nonsense.  I am happy for Evan and Carly.  Sounds like, at 12 weeks now, she may' even been in early, early stages at the wedding.  Impossible to have known at that point.  Anyway, I am happy for them, but enough.  Show me the program on the schedule.  Set up your VSE (very special episode) some other time.

I had to mute it when Carly said "like' so many times in not even 30 seconds.  The damn word is so overused and taking up too much time.  Are people so nervous they need a 'filler' word because it drags on the sentence to the point of losing interest...

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Why did Danielle leave early?  Won't more men show up that she could "connect" with?  A lot of those people haven't coupled up yet, but they stay because more people are always coming.

Carly does look different.  I think it's her lips.  They form a little heart at the top which they've never done before.  She needs to stop the giggling every second!  

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Lacey is too 'young' for this group....she is so inexperienced, almost immature and very much a teenager.  As a matter of fact, she looks 15 year old.  And with the crying on one casual couple hours date with Diggy....I think she is trying to create some pretend drama for herself.  She needs attention that bad and wants to fit in.

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6 minutes ago, Teddybear said:

Why did Danielle leave early?  Won't more men show up that she could "connect" with?  A lot of those people haven't coupled up yet, but they stay because more people are always coming.

Danielle had an opportunity to go to Kenya I believe it was. It was for a medical mission and as the date she had to decide loomed she decided as she wasn't getting anything out of 'Paradise' that she'd go to Kenya instead.

Edited by Wandering Snark
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27 minutes ago, Teddybear said:

Why did Danielle leave early?  Won't more men show up that she could "connect" with?  A lot of those people haven't coupled up yet, but they stay because more people are always coming.

Carly does look different.  I think it's her lips.  They form a little heart at the top which they've never done before.  She needs to stop the giggling every second!  

Carly looks like Jane Krakowski....


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Lacey transcended needy tonight.  Her date with Diggy was uncomfortable to watch...she doesn't even have any real conversation skills.  Her constant "well I don't know if you like me but..." "well I don't know if you are having a good time but...." type conversations are so juvenile.  And she lacks so much self awareness that she thinks her date went great when it really was a giant pity date!!!  And then instant tears?  Gads.  Is she going to marry the first guy that shows her any attention?

Of course Taylor has so far found affection so even a blind squirrel finds a nut.  Or in this case a deaf squirrel because any man who can put up with her nasally vocal fry and uptalking every damn sentence is a saint.  

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These ladies need a make-under. Lacey, that black eyeliner is just not working. Especially with the crocodile tears. Raven looks perpetually greasy and she just needs to chop off all that hair, it's hanging off her like a limp dick. And every season, I am amazed that these women think that 1) they need to wear fake lashes every day and 2) that they think those fake lashes look good. Wasn't it Lace last year who had really obnoxiously fake lashes on all the time? And this year it's the mermaid chick? And Carly, your lashes look like they're just weighing your eyelids down. I hope the money you make from shilling those lashes is worth looking like you can barely open your eyes. 

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Danielle who seems like a very nice person said she had a date with wells 4 years ago- wasn't that before both their seasons?

it just made me curious . Yes Lacey was obnoxious and needy but seriously - why did diggy make out with her if he wasn't interested at all? And kudos to Ben z for not lying about romantic intentions when asked on the date -- usually someone leads on someone else to get a rose so for that I like him -- and I'm a dog person:)

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Ben Z seems like a nice guy, but he's starting to remind me of that guy from last season who would go on and on about one woman and when she wasn't interested, he'd turn his attentions to the next one and she'd be the greatest ever until she wasn't interested either.

Lacey is definitely needy and seemed to determined to get a romantic date.  If the feelings aren't there, they aren't there.  Diggy  may regret making out with her if she can't let go... and speaking of not letting go, Kristina, have some self-respect.  Dean's a player, but you're letting him play you.

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7 hours ago, Armchair Critic said:

It's pretty bad when Carly's hair looks the best. I keep looking at Carly because something is different about her face, maybe it's her eye makeup but it almost looks like she had a nose job.

My husband, who only barely half watches this show with me, immediately noticed the new nose and I agree.  

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Amanda leads off by saying things are getting tense – and she ain’t just talking about hair extensions stressed by dips in the ocean and the heat and humidity.

Fair play to Matt who slips into normal human being mode and offers some genuine sympathy to Kristina who is still reeling from the previous night’s events.  As a bonus, his assessment of the situation is correct.

Bubbly Sarah arrives and is so bubbly that everyone who is interviewed about her arrival says the same thing:  she’s bubbly.  That’s that, then.  She also appears to have reclaimed Raven’s makeup case that was confiscated at the Mexican airport and has absolutely troweled it on for her arrival.  Ben makes a beeline for the bubbly one but she’s pursuing…Adam?  Huh?  Raven’s giving her blessing?  Is she the queen?  The arbiter of relationships?

We’re talking about ‘great husbands’ already?  These people really are getting ahead of themselves.  Ben talks about – wait for it – his dog again.  This dog is 8 bloody months old.  If he’s so emotionally attached to it what is he doing missing its most critical formative months?  In a bit of poetic justice, Ben is dogged when Sarah chooses…Adam for a date.

Adam can’t believe his luck in (all together now) Paradise.  Average-looking at best with his Brillo hair and oddly-shaped eyes that droop at the corners, he hasn’t been pursued by two females simultaneously since that time he stole pencil cases in school.

Adam enjoys the luxurious unreality of reality TV and gets a rewind and a second take when he juxtaposes the girls’ names.  Adam and Sarah load up on salsa and guacamole and go in for an onion-tinged kiss and later, a dance.  It’s a revealing instance of how cheap ABC/Fleiss and television in general can be:  rather than air the actual band’s performance and run the risk of paying them royalties, they dub generic Mexican music over the scene.  It’s a quick edit but you can see the female singer at the mic but her voice isn’t heard and the musicians’ movement doesn’t match the soundtrack.

Danielle M moans about a lack of romance but even casual viewers might point out that she hasn’t lifted a finger to rectify her situation although she has bent the ear of any female unfortunate enough to sit next to her.  If you have better-than-average looks and new implants but haven’t had a boyfriend in six (!?) years, darling, perhaps an unflinching self-assessment is in order.  In a rather obvious bit of foreshadowing, she mentions Wells again for about the 458th time.  It’s only a matter of time before this is made into a bad pastiche of a bad rom-com.

Lacey gets a (very temporary) new lease on life with a date card.  Her eyeliner has gone missing so she’s borrowed a Sharpie from one of the crew to get her signature pale raccoon look.

The rose ceremonies have been stripped of suspense and now the producers are allowing the Bippers to do the same with the date cards as they canvass all the potential date partners to get an answer before they actually ask someone for a date.  Isn’t the point of the date card, especially on BIP, to ask someone for a date with the very real possibility of rejection or at least discomfort?  None of this training-wheels stuff.  Assemble the group and make the date card holder do it cold.

Jorge is revealed to have given up appletinis for road apples.  At least his ‘tourges’ business isn’t another van service driving the gringos back and forth to the airport.  Lacey & Diggy’s outfits and shoes are wildly inappropriate for horseback riding but they dutifully climb on.  They soon arrive at what is called in true Bachelor fashion THE MOST BEAUTIFUL BEACH EVER.  Except it isn’t.  Not even close.  Still, bartender emeritus Jorge has some champers for them and an appetizer of TMI as he relates the particulars of his conception on the beach.  Dearest Lacey, if you’re eagerly awaiting a kiss then one helpful suggestion might be to stop chomping on snacks for a second or two.  The usual smooches-in-the-surf sequence follows.

Dominique arrives and Diggy has joined Dim Dean in the Short Memory Club as he pursues her.  Lacey goes from ecstasy to agony.  Dom & Diggy waste no time in locking lips.

Idle question for the producers:  would we need subtitles for the dialogue if the music punches weren’t so loud in the mix?

Danielle makes some sense in her justifications for leaving but after traveling not once but twice to Mexico she has wasted a lot of time and effort.

In the most telegraphed move since Samuel FB Morse sent ‘What hath God wrought,’ Wells walks Danielle to the waiting van and plants a long steamy kiss on her.  Rom-com ending thus partially delivered, except Danielle leaves anyway and claims to have been surprised by Wells’ move.  For a moment it appears even more rom-com is in store – will the van brake lights come on and will Danielle emerge to take Wells with her?  Will she return to Paradise?  Will Wells tear off his work uniform (even though we’re not convinced he’s actually an employee of the resort) and dash after the van?

One thing is clear as ABC airs a montage of ABC news programs doing stories about an ABC prime time program:  ABC has quite a stable of appalling hacks.  The appeal of one Michael Strahan remains an enduring mystery.  He played football in New York and was perpetually overrated, he smiled a lot at the glowering troglodytes in the NY press and has a gap in his teeth a la David Letterman.  Beyond that any talent is undetectable although he does seem to have mastered that knitted-brow look broadcasters adopt when they’re reading the autocue and have no idea about the facts.

Carly’s pregnancy announcement was as obvious as the Danielle/Wells denouement.  Why else would they put her on the air so soon after the wedding?  Beyond that I FF'd through her extended vapidity.

And now, the DeMario Show, starring….DeMario (daft name) and a roomful of gormless People Magazine-reading women who really believe that New Fall Trends! are actually new fall trends rather than advertisers’ cynical attempt to get them to buy new clothes when their closets are already stuffed full.

This year’s BIP has a dilemma:  the cast is boring.  The ‘romances’ are forced and unconvincing.  The show’s most interesting item is something that they can’t or won’t show on-air so they are resorting to a bizarre, recursive tactic of covering-the-media-covering-us.  It’s akin to ‘respect our privacy’ which is Hollywood-speak for ‘don’t forget us.’

Let’s face it:  had DeMario dislocated his knee walking down the steps the producers would have milked it for all it was worth.  In fact, they have done so before, if anyone remembers a previous season’s oh-my-God-it’s-an-ambulance hype over someone with a case of heat exhaustion or hypoglycemia or whatever it was.

DeMario gives it the full always sinned against, never a sinner routine.  He emotes on cue.  He talks about kids.  He mentions his sainted mother repeatedly (issues!).  He spews more feminist catchphrases than a women’s studies PhD candidate forced to attend a fraternity party:  slut-shaming etc.  DeMario is shocked – SHOCKED – to learn that the media will sensationalize and distort – and all this after he’s participated in reality TV.

Making matters worse, they’re going to bring in Corinne for the same image rehab session.  It will be instructive to note if the same background audience is present and/or if CH and the Bippers are wearing the same outfits ie both shows were taped the same day.  Any bets?

As before, not even the producers can cobble together 1.5 hrs (with commercials removed) from the lifeless jellyfish inhabiting this year’s Paradise (as they keep dutifully calling it) so they’ve decided to splice in a chat show.  Ridiculous.

Edited by Rainsong
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Lacey's adventure in Paradise was painful to watch.  We had to see her approach each guy and get shuffled off, even when they knew they needed roses. Then the high-school thing of them saying basically, we don't like you but Diggy says he'll go out with you.  Then we hear Lacey say whoever she gets with it's going to be a romantic date, meaning she'll make out with whoever, whether she's attracted to him or not.  Ewww. 

The sad part is that there's nothing really wrong with Lacey apart from that air of needy desperation, her pale fragile looks would be just fine in a Regency romance. The whole thing made a good point about how confidence and presentation are everything, because after the poor pitiful Lacey performance we get the contrast of Dominique coming down the stairs with implied saxophone music,  wearing a dazzling smile and flamboyant personality and Diggy finally perking up and showing real interest.

During her season, I thought of Sarah as the exaggerated Corrine, similar looks but much more so. Raven should just give up.  If Sarah is his type then she isn't.  I think Raven can look really great when she gets her hair and make-up right but hot weather is not an oily skinned person's friend.  She should have waited for the winter paradise.

Interrupting the show just when the emotionally mean side of Taylor was leaking out really made me angry.  Chris Harrison as couch interviewer bores me to death.  I'm already sick of Carly and Evan and their giggly belief that theirs is the cutest love story ever.  When Chris said an ultrasound was coming up I turned it off an went to bed, so I missed the third episode of  DeMario's defense.

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This really is a very boring BIP!
I think Danielle and Wells would be great together! I really like her....she is so normal!
Could Lacey act more desperate?
I wish we got to see more of Adam and Matt on Rachel's season.

Does Carly ever NOT giggle. OMG, that would drive  me insane! I hated the US thing with Ashley & JP and I hated it last night.

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25 minutes ago, NoWhammies said:

Why do I have zero recollection of Dominique?

Because she looks really different and left really early on Nicks Season.  She was on a group date around week 3 - the Olympic date - and told Nick he wasnt paying her enough attention.  He sent her home in the middle of the date. 

Oh, and because Nicks season was "the corinne show" and we didnt really gat to know anyone else.  

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10 hours ago, chocolatine said:

I think it's refreshing to see someone so calm and laid-back on a show full of desperate fame whores. It seemed like she was very well-liked by everyone there, and it really speaks to her character that she prioritized an opportunity to do humanitarian work over staying on TV. She left to help needy children while some people on the show can't be bothered to take care of their own children.

Great of her to want to do humanitarian work, but that couldn't have come up all of a sudden, she had to have planned that, so I question why she even bothered to go on BIP, knowing that her real plan was to "go help needy children."  She seems like a nice, laid-back woman, but she chose to go on BIP.  I'm not saying she should have gone to Corinne levels of drunkenness and done gawd knows what in the pool with a guy, but she could have looked and acted livelier.  

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Isn't this show filmed in two weeks? Maybe she was always planning to go, the week off bc of the drama messed with her schedule? Anyways, Evan tagged her on his Instagram last night with Wells' name so maybe they are together?

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I actually watched the Demario interview and all I can say is this: I believe we are all responsible for our choices, even when we're under the influence of a ton of booze. However, Demario is living proof that when you sign a reality TV contract, you sign away any right to control your own narrative. He is a cautionary tale, and the Bachelor franchise has screwed him over repeatedly.  I can't imagine his 15 minutes of fame was worth it.

Edited by NoWhammies
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41 minutes ago, sistersledge said:

Isn't this show filmed in two weeks? Maybe she was always planning to go, the week off bc of the drama messed with her schedule? Anyways, Evan tagged her on his Instagram last night with Wells' name so maybe they are together?

Maybe she never really planned to go to Kenya and it was all for production purposes and she's with Wells?

Edited by Ohwell
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I guess the new trend now (at least in Bachelor Nation) is to wear all these loose off the shoulder tops or deep v's that makes your boobs look like they hang down to your knees??  All these ladies look like they have saggy boobs when they don't - Raven, Kristina, DLO, Nurse Dani, etc.  In my day the trend was to push em up as high as possible so I guess a plus is that this style is more comfortable??   These millennials have all the luck.

I really felt for Demario.  I'm not made of stone people!

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