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S19.E22: Temptation Competition #3; Nominations #7


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The horse racing piece was rather interesting.  Who knew?

Alex is so obnoxious.  Almost as much as Paul.  I wish that silver cobra were real and would bite his tiny manhood.  Then it can take out Josh.

The stupid just oozes from Raven's every pore.

Kevin gets himself in trouble for not shunning Cody properly.  These people are disgusting.  How dare anybody play the game without King Paul's blessing.

Mark seems to have gotten a clue.  Jason will probably rat him out.

"Calling us all babies"  Truth!

I wish they would stop all the damned yelling in the DR.  So annoying.  Please production.  Please!

Tricky temptation competition.  Matt and Cody fighting to throw it and Cody screws it up.

That was a saxophone?

Well done Mark.  Anything to mess with Paul's plans.  Even a little.

"They're damned psychopaths"  Well Cody, takes one to know one I suppose.

Jason is so stupid.  Never volunteer to go on the block.  Paul of course "volunteers", but no way that would happen.

Sorry Elena, you are expendable.  Cody is right, but he's powerless unless he wins veto.

Don't call me honey; bitch.  Christmas is  on either too many or too few meds.  

I'm on team Mark now even though he has no chance.  Good for him standing up to crazy Christmas.

I wanted to see Cody march into the kitchen and answer all her QUESTIONS with "I don't know" or "maybe" until she exploded.  He could do it for hours and not blink.  I'd like to see him stay and mess with Paul as much as possible

Jason or useless Matt can go any time.  Screeching Elena too.  Like nails on the old chalkboard.

  • Love 9

Very glad Mark won safety. If Cody plays for veto, it behooves him to make a deal with Elena for her to do her best to let him win, and then he can take her off. Then the two of them, and Kevin and maybe Jason, who seems to be taking Mark's advice to heart (kudos for not running to Paul to tattle) can make a go of it.

So I guess from the shit Kevin got for just *talking* to Cody, the sheep have been ordered to freeze him out? If Cody wins POV and takes off Elena I wouldn't be surprised if Kevin goes up. He is engaging in too much independent thought.

I hate Raven with the heat of a thousand suns and I think it's because she reminds me of Yvette from the first Janelle season and Natalie from the high school cliques season - she doesn't have her own game, she doesn't compete well, but she uses her safety in the majority group to mouth off and bully the week's goat in the diary rooms.

Speaking of bullies, Christmas certainly has exhibited some of that, too.

I don't think Cody is a psychopath. He is socially awkward, I'd even say he's an introvert, but given how emotional he gets about Jess, I do think he's capable of caring and thinking about others.

Edited by Mumbles
  • Love 21

It enraged me when Alex went running to tell Paul that Kevin was "talking" to Cody. As i understand it, BB is alot like the workplace... you can really really dislike someone but you do the stupid idle chit chat in the lunch room if you run into them, don't you? Kevin is just that guy.

I would love to see Kevin, Mark, Elena and Jason tag up with Cody... just to make the game more interesting. 

Xmas really aggravated me tonight too. I don't watch the feeds so not sure when she all of a sudden got so bitchy and mean, but Mark shouldn't be ostracized for talking to ppl not authorized by little big man Paul.

I realllllyyyyyy don't like him at all. I don't really like Cody either but at this point I'd root for him over Paul any day.  He's played hard as far as being behind the 8-ball all game long. Yes some of that was his own fault, but his HOH week caused alot of that 

Sadly i think he and Jess play better games apart as solo players. 

Josh is basically BB16 Cody v2.

He'll be happy to give the win to Paul. Alex too- I'm really disappointed in her.  She's a big talker but that's it.

And they all need to tone down the yelling in the DR.

I automatically drop my volume on my tv the minute i see Alex, Raven, Paul or Elena in there.

At this point i hope Cody wins veto just to keep it interesting. 

  • Love 4

Well, the best part of that episode was people looking past their last week of "easy" targets to how quickly the numbers could slide out of their control with a few defections. That was fun to see the terror in their eyes if only briefly.

Elena is so emotional in the DR with here eyes popping wide open and the yelling. See Elena you're at a 10 and we'd like to see you take it down to, say, a six. Thanks.

Christmas really brought the bitchy tonight, didn't see that coming. But when you are watching the Paul Show you realize how little you actually know about the other houseguests.

I'm amazed they don't give Cody a bell to ring for when he dares enter a room with other people in it. Maybe he could pronounce himself unclean as he enters as well so nobody mistakenly talks to him.

Alex, the more that I know the less I like you.

Nice twist with that 'Where Were You' comp. Anything to keep them guessing. When I saw that map I thought 'OMG it's Clue! I believe the killer was Cody in the Diary Room with his laser eyes!'

  • Love 18

Cody can't even throw a comp properly - he truly sucks at this game. I understand his strategy but I think it's a stupid one. Sure, losing the comp guarantees you play in the Veto but how about actually trying to win and not being nominated at all? I'd much rather risk my name not getting pulled out of a bag than purposely throw a comp that would secure my safety.

I don't actively dislike Mark but I'm not a fan. The pickle juice incident started this whole ridiculous war with Josh. Plus, he gets all pissed off when people call him a flip-flipper but then he goes to the DR to talk about what a flip-flopper he is.

I wish they had one last Temptation and the curse is that whoever cast this season gets fired.

  • Love 5
4 hours ago, PaperTree said:

Tricky temptation competition.  Matt and Cody fighting to throw it and Cody screws it up.

Got to hand it to Paul for reminding us all that the one room Cody was never in was the HoH room.

4 hours ago, PaperTree said:

I wanted to see Cody march into the kitchen

and make some shit up about Xmas.  Just haul off and make something up like, "Xmas it was you trying to swing me to get Paul out".  THAT would have been awesome.

2 hours ago, Mumbles said:

Very glad Mark won safety. If Cody plays for veto, it behooves him to make a deal with Elena for her to do her best to let him win, and then he can take her off. Then the two of them, and Kevin and maybe Jason, who seems to be taking Mark's advice to heart (kudos for not running to Paul to tattle) can make a go of it.

Agree and see below.

2 hours ago, MarysWetBar said:

I would love to see Kevin, Mark, Elena and Jason tag up with Cody... just to make the game more interesting. 

Totally agree and see above.

  • Love 9

Raven was working my last nerve this episode. First she's all, "Mark and Elena need to go because they talk to Cody". No, you want Mark and Elena to be targeted, because you KNOW you and Matt would be next in line. How's that showmance-safety working out for you now? Also, her makeup constantly looks like she's been crying. And then her obnoxious cartwheels during the comp. Someone just lock her up in the pantry and only let her out to vote. 

But back to the whole, "Mark talks to Cody" thing. Who fucking cares? I know this is BB, I know the paranoia runs high. But I NEVER like the whole drama around people just TALKING to each other. Cody and Mark have had a connection from day one. Is everyone just supposed to just ignore Cody until he's out the door? He can't even TALK to people? Kevin even got bitched at for talking to him, and he was just eating his Froot Loops! Also, Mark's not really flip-flopping. He knows he's on the bottom and he's just doing whatever he has to in order to stay safe. Can you blame him? 

After that confrontation, I'm over Christmas. With her "kitty booboo" and "honey". She's a real smug bitch. 

I was glad Mark won EC. But too bad Cody fucked up and lost at losing. Paul was right - he should have stayed in the HOH room the whole time. 

I did like that comp. It was an interesting twist. They were all worried about the order the sounds came in, then - BAM! BB switches it up on them. I'll miss the EC, though. 

I do NOT get Mark and Elena as a couple. She talks to him like a mom. "Cover your mouth!" "Wipe your face!" Also, no wonder she tanked at that comp. No blood flow could get to her brain with how tight those fucking shorts were. 

  • Love 10
9 hours ago, Mumbles said:

I don't think Cody is a psychopath. He is socially awkward, I'd even say he's an introvert, but given how emotional he gets about Jess, I do think he's capable of caring and thinking about others.

Absolutely. He has shown he is capable of expressing his feelings and feeling empathy for other people. He does have a pretty robotic way of talking sometimes, but I find it hilarious. 


9 hours ago, MarysWetBar said:

It enraged me when Alex went running to tell Paul that Kevin was "talking" to Cody. As i understand it, BB is alot like the workplace... you can really really dislike someone but you do the stupid idle chit chat in the lunch room if you run into them, don't you? Kevin is just that guy.

Kevin is like the dad of the house. He's clearly made connections with everyone. His goodbye messages always mention getting together with the houseguests outside the house - Thanksgiving with Ramses, a football game with Jess. He is capable of giving people advice, "Just hang in there, fight for the Veto" without giving away pertinent game info. I just hate, hate, hate the mentality that you can't even TALK to someone you're not working with. 


7 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

Cody can't even throw a comp properly - he truly sucks at this game. I understand his strategy but I think it's a stupid one. Sure, losing the comp guarantees you play in the Veto but how about actually trying to win and not being nominated at all? I'd much rather risk my name not getting pulled out of a bag than purposely throw a comp that would secure my safety.

I think it's a tough situation. If he tried to win, he'd be battling every damn other person in the house. So his odds are lower. If he came somewhere in the middle, his odds are equally low for getting picked out of the bag to play Veto. But if he's trying to lose, he's battling one other person or no one. His chances are much higher. Then he's guaranteed to play Veto, and he's pretty good at comps. I think he likes that route, as well, because it puts the power in HIS hands. He's doing SOMETHING....instead of waiting around for them to backdoor him. 

  • Love 8
8 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

 'OMG it's Clue! I believe the killer was Cody in the Diary Room with his laser eyes!'


37 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I do NOT get Mark and Elena as a couple. She talks to him like a mom. "Cover your mouth!" "Wipe your face!" Also, no wonder she tanked at that comp. No blood flow could get to her brain with how tight those fucking shorts were. 

Those exchanges between them were uncomfortable to watch; they must be miserable together!  And yes, Elena's comp outfit was... unfortunate.

  • Love 5

STOP YELLING AT ME FROM THE DR ROOM, PEOPLE!!  Those DR speeches are rehearsed and probably scripted and mean absolutely nothing because they're filmed after the fact.  And I dislike Condescending Christmas probably more than Paul at the moment. 

I think two people are eliminated next?  Do the HG's know this?  There needs to be a shake up because the unanimous weekly voting is a bit of a yawn.  

  • Love 8

A no-nap 2 year old granddaughter means I missed a lot & must re-watch.  But, from what I saw, I didn't hate solo Cody.  I'm still a LONG way from having a positive opinion of him, but I'm not as far into the negative numbers as I was last week. 

I was hoping Alex would call Paul's bluff and put him up as a pawn; he plays the game too damn well.  I think Alex is committed to their Final Two alliance which I fear will bite her in the backside before much longer.

I liked the Kevin/Cody & Mark/Jason convos - any time players also act like humans is good for me.  They need to stop treating Cody like an outsider on a personal level.  And yes, I do see the irony in feeling that way, as Cody is the king of deeming others as outcasts & unworthy, but...I didn't like it in him, and I don't like it in the others.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

After that confrontation, I'm over Christmas. With her "kitty booboo" and "honey". She's a real smug bitch. 

Exactly. I liked her when this show started, but not after more recent developments in her personality. Same for Alex. I liked her at first too. Now she's just riding Paul's coattails, doing his bidding and the "little girl" outfits and actions when she gets excited (the hammerdrill during comp, the rolling on the ground kicking, etc.) She kind of reminds me of an anime (sp?) character. 

  • Love 6

I think of what I liked best about Kevin's conversation with Cody was that he was scarfing down a big bowl of Froot Loops while doing so. While I don't think Kevin is as much as a "wise guy" as he likes to let on, there is something so sweet about a gangster or gangster-wannabe or gangster- friend eating something so childlike. And then when the mean girls were all yelling at Kevin for talking to Cody, he just sort of protested, I was just sitting there eating my Froot Loops!

  • Love 6

After watching last night's episode, I have come to the conclusion that most of these sheeple are either annoying as hell or just are not likeable.  IMO, this is Paul's to win (ugh) and Mark is right, I've been thinking the same thing.  I didn't like Paul before and I still don't like him.  They are doing his bidding, he's played the game before and almost won, and he's playing Pied Piper and they are the rats.  I don't mind Mark, and my favorite is Kevin.  I do not care for any of the women.  Alex is obnoxious and was particularly bad last night, with the acting out the noises.  The cat ears suck, too.  I kind of liked Matt at first, but he seems useless, as does Raven.  Wednesday should be fun with a double eviction.  I predicted last night to hubby that Paul will win, unless they get him out.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Kevin is like the dad of the house. He's clearly made connections with everyone. His goodbye messages always mention getting together with the houseguests outside the house - Thanksgiving with Ramses, a football game with Jess. He is capable of giving people advice, "Just hang in there, fight for the Veto" without giving away pertinent game info. I just hate, hate, hate the mentality that you can't even TALK to someone you're not working with. 

Besides talking to Cody just to be a decent human being (which should be enough of a reason), everyone that gets voted out at this point becomes a jury member and will have a vote at the end.  Why be mean to someone that might have a say in whether you win $500,000 or not?  I don't understand the rest of the HGs' (faulty) logic on this point -- let's alienate a person that will then have a vote...?

  • Love 9
4 hours ago, ghoulina said:

 Also, Mark's not really flip-flopping.

He is though. He said so himself in one of his DRs. He's going wherever the power is and has been doing that since the beginning. He even used the exact word "flip-flopping".

4 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I think it's a tough situation. If he tried to win, he'd be battling every damn other person in the house. So his odds are lower. If he came somewhere in the middle, his odds are equally low for getting picked out of the bag to play Veto. But if he's trying to lose, he's battling one other person or no one. His chances are much higher. Then he's guaranteed to play Veto, and he's pretty good at comps. I think he likes that route, as well, because it puts the power in HIS hands. He's doing SOMETHING....instead of waiting around for them to backdoor him. 

He's still going to be battling 5 other people in the Veto comp. I just don't see how putting yourself up on the block on purpose instead of trying to be safe for the week is a better strategy. Of course, it doesn't really matter now since he screwed it up anyway.

Edited by Rachel RSL
  • Love 2
5 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I do NOT get Mark and Elena as a couple. She talks to him like a mom. "Cover your mouth!" "Wipe your face!"

I agree.  This is uncomfortable to watch.  She is completely not into Mark, and seems to be annoyed by him most of the time, yet she still engages in "under the covers" action with him?  That's....yeah....that's...  I don't want to say what I think that is, but I will say that it isn't a nice reflection on Elena.  Or Mark.  Or society for that matter.  Mark needs to stop following her like a puppy ("under the covers" action notwithstanding) and stay allies so far as game strategery goes, but knock off all the attempts at a deeper personal relationship.  It is embarrassing for all of us to watch.   I think Jessica and Cody were in if for real, at least as far as the duration of the game goes.  Outside the house?  I don't see it working out and poor Cody is going to get his heart broken, but that is none of my business.  Raven and Matt are only in a showmance so Raven can get camera time and Matt can get his rocks off.

I completely agree that Christmas is a smug bitch.  She's just as mean-girl as Jessica was, but it is even more unseemly coming from a woman of Christmas's age.

I hate Paul.  I hate him with the intensity of a thousand suns.  But other than Cody and Mark who is starting to come around, each and every one of these morons deserves to lose to him.

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

Unless Kevin does something truly horrible, I think he has it locked down to be the Fan Favorite.

Well that polka-dot headband was pretty horrible... not a good look. But I agree he's the most "likeable" person cast this year.

1 hour ago, Thorkim said:

Alex is obnoxious and was particularly bad last night, with the acting out the noises.

Oh deer gahd, I'd almost forgotten about that. She is such a spazz!

  • Love 2

Random question: I know there's obviously a lot of editing involved in the show but I'm always curious about how it works in comps like this. After every question when the houseguests moved into the "room" they thought they were in, does some random voice yell down to Alex who is correct and who isn't and she just repeats it or something?

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, K-9 said:

Had Cody and Matt been tied at the end of tenth round, it would've been interesting to see the show's tie-breaker between two HGs who are determined to get last in that comp. 

I know. My husband (this is only his second time in 12 years watching this with me) kept leaning over and asking, "What happens if they tie for last???". I truly didn't know. 


2 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

He is though. He said so himself in one of his DRs. He's going wherever the power is and has been doing that since the beginning. He even used the exact word "flip-flopping".

Ah, well okay. My bad then. I do see it differently, though, than someone who plays both sides because they're a sneaky, conniving, little weasel - and someone who KNOWS they're at the bottom and need to do what they have to to stay off the radar. 

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Rachel RSL said:

Random question: I know there's obviously a lot of editing involved in the show but I'm always curious about how it works in comps like this. After every question when the houseguests moved into the "room" they thought they were in, does some random voice yell down to Alex who is correct and who isn't and she just repeats it or something?

I assume Alex had a video screen in front of her displaying information for her to read to the other guests. 

I also assume that the game went much more slowly than we were led to believe, with production checking all the results before informing Alex.

But I really don't know...

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:

I hate Paul.  I hate him with the intensity of a thousand suns.  But other than Cody and Mark who is starting to come around, each and every one of these morons deserves to lose to him.

Much as I dislike Paul, it's hard to argue with this.


48 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I know. My husband (this is only his second time in 12 years watching this with me) kept leaning over and asking, "What happens if they tie for last???". I truly didn't know. 

With people throwing challenges faster than Josh's tears, I'm sure Production has a tiebreaker process already defined; we simply haven't had to see it yet.

  • Love 3
56 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I know. My husband (this is only his second time in 12 years watching this with me) kept leaning over and asking, "What happens if they tie for last???". I truly didn't know. 

That would have been hilarious! I imagine a chalkboard tiebreaker where they both keep writing 0 until one of them gets fed up and starts giving answers in the negatives.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Rachel RSL said:

Random question: I know there's obviously a lot of editing involved in the show but I'm always curious about how it works in comps like this. After every question when the houseguests moved into the "room" they thought they were in, does some random voice yell down to Alex who is correct and who isn't and she just repeats it or something?

See, I always wonder about this kind of stuff too.  Whomever is hosting the comp always seems to do such a good job.  Not just Alex, but all through the years, the hosts have been really good.    I'm glad you brought it up and Rough Draft had a good response.

  • Love 1

I must've just blocked out how annoying Alex is until this episode. Alex tattling to Paul about Kevin "talking" to Cody, miming all the sounds in the temptation comp, basically just letting Paul be her HOH etc... I thought that she was going to be a good competitor but, she's she's just being an idiot. I'm with Mark in the fact that someone (anyone, I don't care who) has to get Paul's ass out of the house. But, the problem is that Paul's minions would vote against this therefore keeping him in the house. 

  • Love 3
22 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

Unless Kevin does something truly horrible, I think he has it locked down to be the Fan Favorite.


I  guess I am in the minority but I don't care for him and can't imagine him as a fan favorite. What has he really done all summer? Nothing. On the rare times he is seen he is a walking cliche and his attempt to strategize at the mid point in the game was laughable. Plus it all just seems a little odd a man of his age going into the house with all these nubile young women. He's like a remanent of the early years of BIG BROTHER where you would find regular looking Joe's of every age such as...what was his name from season 2 Brent? He's very out of place in this season.

Not sure what it was but I felt a lump in my throat at the very last scene of Cody walking alone in front of the wall of houseguests. It must be very difficult to basically be alone and ostracized in the house. I was hoping he's pick up with that interesting relationship with Alex from the early episodes but we saw them not interact at all.

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, North of Eden said:

I  guess I am in the minority but I don't care for him and can't imagine him as a fan favorite. What has he really done all summer? Nothing. On the rare times he is seen he is a walking cliche and his attempt to strategize at the mid point in the game was laughable. Plus it all just seems a little odd a man of his age going into the house with all these nubile young women. He's like a remanent of the early years of BIG BROTHER where you would find regular looking Joe's of every age such as...what was his name from season 2 Brent? He's very out of place in this season.

Trifle ageist there, don't you think?  :(

  • Love 8
4 hours ago, North of Eden said:

Not sure what it was but I felt a lump in my throat at the very last scene of Cody walking alone in front of the wall of houseguests. It must be very difficult to basically be alone and ostracized in the house. I was hoping he's pick up with that interesting relationship with Alex from the early episodes but we saw them not interact at all.

Its always sad when someone feels alone in any situation, but in this case Cody brought it on himself. First, he chose to spend all his time with only Jessica and segregate themselves from the house. Second, Cody felt the need to insult everyone and act condescending. I know I wouldn't want to be friends with someone like that.

  • Love 3
23 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

Random question: I know there's obviously a lot of editing involved in the show but I'm always curious about how it works in comps like this. After every question when the houseguests moved into the "room" they thought they were in, does some random voice yell down to Alex who is correct and who isn't and she just repeats it or something?

I assume that it's an ear piece that the HoH wears that Production talks to them through.

Earlier this season during the wall comp, the feeds didn't go down immediately after the competition ended (normally they do) and we got to hear Paul repeating lines like "Alex and Elena are the only two left in the competition!" for the broadcast while the rest of the HGs were drying off and celebrating. I don't remember hearing anyone come over the intercom and I don't remember seeing a screen that Paul could have referenced, though I could be wrong and it was kept out of all camera angles. 

  • Love 2

Ah, that makes sense. I didn't think there was a monitor anywhere but an ear piece sounds like it would do the trick.

I really don't think Kevin seems out of place at all. In fact, I don't think I've ever seen the "token oldie" ever get along so well and be accepted by the house as much as Kevin has.

Edited by Rachel RSL
  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Rachel RSL said:

really don't think Kevin seems out of place at all. In fact, I don't think I've ever seen the "token oldie" ever get along so well and be accepted by the house as much as Kevin has.

Absolutely. The fact that he's still there speaks to how well the house regards him. Usually the "token oldie" is one of the first, if not THE first, out - because it's an easy vote. No one really relates to them, no one's gonna miss them. But Kevin has clearly endeared himself to most everyone; I don't think he's ever even been seriously CONSIDERED for eviction. 

  • Love 4

The ear piece for the emcee makes sense.  Alex announced the results of the tenth round of the comp with an order of names that built suspense whether Matt mistakenly got the last blueprint question correct or not. 

Julie usually calls the HGs into the DR to cast their eviction votes in purposeful ordering.  First HGs to vote are usually the obvious supporters of a nominee.  (In an early season of BB USA, the HG eviction votes used to be taped and production would broadcast them in a particular order.)  HGs should note the order that the others are called into the DR to cast their votes; one could make an inference about covert alliances.

  • Love 1

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