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S02.E01: Look Who's Not Talking

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Brandi and Stephanie reveal that a summer-long feud has ended their friendship; an old police report about LeeAnne's past comes to light; everything comes to a head at Cary's birthday party for Mark, where Brandi and Stephanie come face to face.

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7 minutes ago, WhoaWhoKnew said:

Is it just me or do all these women have an odd look to them?

These women are so incredibly horrible that looking odd is the least of their problems.

Is it so cold in Dallas that you need to wear a fur coat inside to eat breakfast?

 The one who thinks she's Reese Witherspoon?  No.  Just no.

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30 minutes ago, WhoaWhoKnew said:

Is it just me or do all these women have an odd look to them?

I do think Leeann is absolutely beautiful, and pretty natural.  Cary has always looked strange to me, but so do a lot of plastic surgeon's wives.  Stephanie looks different this season, but I can't put my finger on it.  Elle Woods and Brandi are similar, in that they can look beautiful or odd.  The other new lady looks like she had a face lift, but neglects her jaw and neck. 

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3 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

If new brunette's mother is so horrified that her daughter is spoiled, perhaps she shouldn't have provided her with 250 dresses at age 5. Give me a break. 

i wonder if the mother goes to cary's husband for her surgeries.  i couldn't see her eyes...did she have eyes?

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So is this the storyline for the season, Brandi and Stephanie no longer best friends?  I can't believe Brandi is mad over a sentence, something more had to have happened.  I'm sensing that Brandi thinks that Stephanie is only friends with her when the cameras are around?  Stephanie really reminds me of an ex-friend who was super phony. 

LeeAnn is definitely a nutjob, but I think she's the best looking one of the ladies, definitely the most natural looking of them, which isn't saying much.

And who believes that the new blonde didn't know her shorter hubby was wealthy? Come on.  Also, aren't dogs color blind? So what do they care if their food or pink or not.  Yuck.

The other new lady's husband is hot (can't remember name). That's all I got from from her, other than she's spoiled too.

Edited by KLJ
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3 minutes ago, Slider said:

Stephanie did something to her face, and it wasn't good.  She was beautiful before, and now she looks... off...

Cary, if you want to stay out of it, then stay out of it.  

I think Steph'a hair is making her look different.  She has a tiny little head, and her hair is glued to her face with no volume. 

4 minutes ago, KLJ said:

So is this the storyline for the season, Brandi and Stephanie no longer best friends?  I can't believe Brandi is mad over a sentence, something more had to have happened.  I'm sensing that Brandi thinks that Stephanie is only friends with her when the cameras are around?  Stephanie really reminds me of an ex-friend who was super phony. 

LeeAnn is definitely a nutjob, but I think she's the best looking one one of the ladies, definitely the most natural looking of them, which isn't saying much.

And who believe that the new blonde didn't know her shorter hubby was wealthy? Come on.  Also, aren't dogs color blind? So what do they care if their food or pink or not. 

The other one new lady's husband is hot (can't remember name). That's all I got from from her, other than she's spoiled too.

I think Blondie knew her husband was wealthy, too.  She's a climber.  Why else name your dog after a famous designer, and your poor daughter after the classless Hilton family?  It reeks of desperation. 

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Dogs, dogs and more dogs.  The producers were really trying hard with that.  

D'andra's stuff with her mother was actually interesting to me.  Did she say her mother won 35 pageant crowns?  And she created her own empire?  And she's a control freak??? How the hell would you ever live up to all that, lol!  

Of course, LeAnn has to put her nose into Stephanie and Brandi's business.  You're on a reality show, Cari.  

The Elle Woods character may be smarter than she portrays herself but I can't decide if her Valley-Girl style of talking was amusing or annoying.  

Something about Brandi vs. Stephanie felt manufactured but maybe it was more of making-a-mountain-out-of-a-molehill on Brandi's part.  At least it gives them something to spin a story off of.  

I thought this was better than most of what the OC has given us, so far.  

42 minutes ago, WhoaWhoKnew said:

I can totally believe LeeAnn pulled a knife on the ex boyfriend.

Didn't she threaten Marie's life during that trip last season?  lol

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Watching D'Andra berate her husband over his table manners was worse than any marital dysfunction we saw with Brandi last season, IMO.

I agree that something else must have happened between Stephanie and Brandi to cause this break. Most of Brandi's storyline last season was the failed state of her marriage and what Stephanie said wasn't that bad. She said that it was like watching a trainwreck but there was nothing that she could do to fix it. That's not malicious or gossipy -- that's something that a caring friend would say. That said, I think Stephanie is two-faced and I believe that she lied about what Cary had reportedly told her (that Leeanne was up to her old tricks). Her eyebrows are so severely over-plucked. Can't trust anyone who does that to her brows.

I don't like the new Barbie. You can tell that she'd look so much better with her natural, darker hair color. She isn't even attractive as a platinum blonde. Her whole facade strikes me as so phony. Did her "hobbit" husband made his own money or are they old money? Both?

Despite its flaws I'm happy that this show is back. Orange County has been such a disappointment and this show is still new and reasonably fresh.

Edited by LilaFowler
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18 minutes ago, LilaFowler said:

he said that it was like watching a trainwreck but there was nothing that she could do to fix it. That's not malicious or gossipy -- that's something that a caring friend would say.

It's gossipy and malicious because Stephanie didn't say that to Brandi she wrote it in her Bravo blog. I think Brandi should have told her why she was upset but I can't believe that Stephanie didn't know exactly why she was pissed. I feel bad for their kids since they seemed close.

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14 minutes ago, LilaFowler said:

Stephanie addressed it all in her blog tonight:

That is hardly anything to break up a close friendship over and IMO was not malicious or gossipy at all. I say this as someone who doesn't really like Stephanie, so.

I think Brandi thought they were close enough that her marriage would be off limits and I have to imagine they had discussions about it and how to present it. I would be pissed as fuck if my close friend from before the show highlighted that and Stephanie is so fake I find her completely disingenuous about not knowing why. 

Also, there were clearly more issues going on there because Stephanie and Brandi both said that their marriages were in a better place because they no longer hang out but Travis and Bryan still hang out. 

Pink dog food might be stupider than Sonja's nonexistent toaster oven line.

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3 hours ago, KLJ said:

So is this the storyline for the season, Brandi and Stephanie no longer best friends?  I can't believe Brandi is mad over a sentence, something more had to have happened.  I'm sensing that Brandi thinks that Stephanie is only friends with her when the cameras are around?  Stephanie really reminds me of an ex-friend who was super phony. 

LeeAnn is definitely a nutjob, but I think she's the best looking one of the ladies, definitely the most natural looking of them, which isn't saying much.

And who believes that the new blonde didn't know her shorter hubby was wealthy? Come on.  Also, aren't dogs color blind? So what do they care if their food or pink or not.  Yuck.

The other new lady's husband is hot (can't remember name). That's all I got from from her, other than she's spoiled too.

Dogs are super gross.  They will dig for "treats" in the trash, they will eat cat poop, they will roll around on a dead animal carcass.  The nastier something is the more tantalizing.  They definitely don't care if their food is pink, but I wouldn't feed mine pink food because I'd question what was in it to make it pink.  (I say this with 2 very spoiled dogs laying on me, who amazingly have not done anything gross today -- that I know of)  

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I would not be at all surprised if Stephanie and Brandi made up this stupid fight to have a storyline this season for drama since neither appeared to be actually crying and Travis and Bryan seemed to be laughing through their scripted lines of discussing the fight.

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3 hours ago, Jextella said:

I liked the first episode.  I really like the two new wives.  I like that they have REAL money - and smarts.    

I haven't watched yet....which HW from season 1 didn't come back?  

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Just now, Diane Mars said:

Marie and .... arf.... the wife of the singer, lol !


Just now, Diane Mars said:

Marie and .... arf.... the wife of the singer, lol !


Just now, Diane Mars said:

Marie and .... arf.... the wife of the singer, lol !

Tiffany? Figures it's the 2 I liked....knew LeAnn would be back since she is so horrid it was a given.

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7 hours ago, Jel said:

Am I the only one who can't stand Stephanie?

Nope.  I didn't like her last season. I can't quite figure out why, but my gut tells me not to trust or like her. However, I dislike Cary more. 

God help me.  Team Leanne and Brandi?  By default?

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4 hours ago, biakbiak said:

I would not be at all surprised if Stephanie and Brandi made up this stupid fight to have a storyline this season for drama since neither appeared to be actually crying and Travis and Bryan seemed to be laughing through their scripted lines of discussing the fight.

That could be. 

Brandi also said something that sounded like she felt Stephanie ditched her for some shiny new friends.  

1 hour ago, dosodog said:

Nope.  I didn't like her last season. I can't quite figure out why, but my gut tells me not to trust or like her. However, I dislike Cary more. 

God help me.  Team Leanne and Brandi?  By default?

High five Dosodog! I am no fan of Cary's either.

Move over on the bench; I'll print us some t-shirts.

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9 hours ago, WhoaWhoKnew said:


Is it just me or do all these women have an odd look to them?

I don't mean to be so superficial but all I can think of when watching this show is how unfortunate looking these women are, they are all harsh looking, like they are in a mask. The makeup is just garish. 



Edited by CalicoskiesNC
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Very glad this show is back. Looking forward to some drama. But, I don't understand the new girl D'Andra. She says she comes from old money, and then says that both her parents came from dirt. She said it last night on the show, and I thought I mis-heard it, but she said it again on her blog I just read - that both of her parents had to work for everything they have. No, I'm sorry, if your grandfather is a billionaire, it changes things, no matter how hard your parents may have worked in their companies. 

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Well Duh'Andrea wants to think that she comes from old money. Meaning maybe that her mother is old hence her money is old. But she's just trying to fit in with the real old money in their group. And if her mother doesn't trust her yet at her age, it's not going to happen. I mean she's not 16, she's in her 40s. That just sounds like a terribly dysfunctional relationship.

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So Brandi sits there not saying a word (because evidently Leanne is going to do all the talking for her), and then gets up and leaves because she just can't take the stress of seeing Stephanie! She doesn't take a couple of minutes to talk to Stephanie and get off her chest the reasons why she's so hurt and upset, she would rather run out the door of a party crying. She acts like a 5 yr old. I have never seen a grown woman behave like this. Grow the eff up, Brandi! 

All the women are wearing the length of their extensions too long. They need a cut and style. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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LeeAnn and her desperate social climbing via the Highland Park brunette was difficult to watch.  Her social climbing always is. 

I thought Brandi seemed genuinely hurt and Stephanie was desperate to get in her good graces. Stephanie seemed guilty.  I'm guessing she's done enough stuff to Brandi she's wondering which one it is and doesn't want to speculate. 

The wanna be Reese is disturbing looking and acting.  

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13 hours ago, Slider said:

Stephanie did something to her face, and it wasn't good.  She was beautiful before, and now she looks... off...

Cary, if you want to stay out of it, then stay out of it.  

It looks like she's had too much filler. I noticed the difference in her face right away. I am just not a fan of filler. Most of the time, it isn't an improvement. She also doesn't need the heavy liner and mascara. She has really pretty blue eyes; I think they would stand out more with less eye makeup. 

I think LeeAnne s gorgeous and would look even better if her hair were a tad lighter. It would soften her look a little. I don't find Cary attractive at all. Too fake looking. 

I'm not sure LeeAnn has resolved her anger problem. I'm betting it won't be long before she blows. I wish I knew more about what happened between Brandi and Stephanie. They were such good friends. It annoyed me when LeeAnne kept answering for Brandi when Stephanie was trying to get Brandi to talk with her. For crying out loud, I think Brandi is capable of speaking for herself. LeeAnne should've stayed out of it. 

I don't really like the new blonde woman. 

Edited by Sweet-tea
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Interesting first episode.   What was bothering me with Stephanie is that her face in the talking heads was a totally different color than her neck, shoulders,chest and arms.  It was very distracting.  And yes, maybe a little overboard on the fillers.   Brandi's skin did not look great to me either.    And yes Cary looked odd too.  Like I think it was a premature eye lift that went wrong but I am just guessing.    I haven't lived in Dallas very long (4.5 years) and do not run in any society circles  but have not seen the Simmons name anywhere in Dallas that I recall...  It could just be me.  I hear family names like Perot (museum, women's wing at hospital), Winspear (opera house), Margaret Hunt Hill (bridge),  Nasher (art)...  I am sure there are many, many more that someone who has lived here longer would know including maybe hers....  The blonde woman - who would create "organic" dog food and then use some sort of artificial color to make it pink.

I'm here to watch though!  

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1 minute ago, zenme said:

So what happened to whatsername? The friend of LeeAnn's that was married to the Keith Urban look-alike? I liked her. 

Total speculation, but TIffany and LeeAnn were the only two without money.  They added money to the cast, but kept LeeAnn for the drama.

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So do ya'll think those uber rich women, the Simmons and the Westcotts, ever walk around the house in yoga pants and sneakers? Pjs all day? There are days when I have a day off where I wake up late and sit on the sofa all date and watch Netflix, take a shower at 6:00pm...These women don't ever have those days. They're always totally dressed to the nines with full makeup on. I hope it's only because of the cameras. I think I might like them more if they were a little more "real."

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2 hours ago, Sweet-tea said:

It annoyed me when LeeAnne kept answering for Brandi when Stephanie was trying to get Brandi to talk with her. For crying out loud, I think Brandi is capable of speaking for herself. LeeAnne should've stayed out of it. 

This.  Though Brandi was acting like a fucking pouty 5 year-old with her silent treatment and face like a smacked arse.

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Well....better than the OC right now.  I don't think what Brandi and Stephanie are fighting about is what they are handing out. Gotta be awkward with their joint vacation house and the husbands seemingly staying out of it. LeeAnne attacked someone with SANDPAPER??? 

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1 hour ago, DFWGina said:

Interesting first episode.   What was bothering me with Stephanie is that her face in the talking heads was a totally different color than her neck, shoulders,chest and arms.  It was very distracting.  And yes, maybe a little overboard on the fillers.   Brandi's skin did not look great to me either.    And yes Cary looked odd too.  Like I think it was a premature eye lift that went wrong but I am just guessing.    I haven't lived in Dallas very long (4.5 years) and do not run in any society circles  but have not seen the Simmons name anywhere in Dallas that I recall...  It could just be me.  I hear family names like Perot (museum, women's wing at hospital), Winspear (opera house), Margaret Hunt Hill (bridge),  Nasher (art)...  I am sure there are many, many more that someone who has lived here longer would know including maybe hers....  The blonde woman - who would create "organic" dog food and then use some sort of artificial color to make it pink.

I'm here to watch though!  

She might be coloring it with beet juice.  Beet pulp, which is not red, is a common ingredient in dog foods as it is a cheap source of fiber.  It's use is controversial so I avoid it, but since it is present in many dog foods, I would assume dogs can eat beets so beet juice would be an okay natural dye for dog food.  However, it would probably make your dog's poo reddish, which might scare you at first.  I did zero research on this though, so I'm just guessing, which probably puts me on equal footing as Legally Blonde.  

46 minutes ago, zenme said:

So what happened to whatsername? The friend of LeeAnn's that was married to the Keith Urban look-alike? I liked her. 

The new ex-Army husband is hot.

I was bummed to see that any of LeeAnn's friends that fought with her were booted and she was kept and given the center of the group slot in the credits and goes last in the intros, so apparently she's the big star of Dallas.

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