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Season 1 Discussion

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4 hours ago, Adeejay said:

I noticed that Larry paused before answering the question about the last time he had sex.  I don't believe him.  For someone who claims to be a virgin, Jenny seems to know a lot about the romantic habits of American men.

He paused because he didn't want to admit, on TV, that he hadn't had sex in 14 years. It's embarrassing. Also, Jenny never said she's a virgin. She said her ex boyfriends are foreigners and she didn't have sex with any of them. She didn't say whether she ever had sex with anyone else who wasn't a "boyfriend," like local Filipino guys from the neighborhood. 

I think Larry wants to wait until after marriage because he's terrified of having sex, as he has no confidence, no self esteem, and a history of impregnating two women who then refused to marry him even though they were bearing his children. And Jenny is delighted to wait until after marriage because it means she doesn't have to have sex with him.

Edited by gavinmac
  • Love 17
2 hours ago, CatLynn said:

Is it just me, or did anyone else think Jenny looked pregnant???

I didn't think she looked pregnant, but I thought she shouldn't be wearing white shirts with horizontal stripes.
Filipinos eat a lot of American junk food. They have every American fast food chain in Manila; they have American chain fast food restaurants that went out of business in the USA thirty years ago, and new American chain restaurants we haven't even heard of yet.

  • Love 5
6 hours ago, LittleLambOhWhere said:

Chris is the first man who really showed her the ropes (if you get my meaning).

Maybe he can give Sean some pointers.

3 hours ago, Nowhere said:

It appeared that Darcey was so distraught about the conversations with the mother, that she went to the bar without even giving Jesse a heads up and then ignored a lot of his texts. He was setting up a nice evening for her and not getting any information on when she planned on showing up. In spite of all that, he answered the door in good spirits, tried to discuss the dresser he wanted to buy for her, and continue with the night, only to be further ignored and given some serious attitude for no apparent reason. She was being very annoying and immature.

That’s what I got out of it also. Jesse isn’t interested in marrying her, that’s obvious. Yet she keeps pressing. And pressing. And pressing.

  • Love 6
8 hours ago, Northernlights said:

What is with Abby and these creepy old dudes?  Yuck!  They both give me the willy's!  She seems to have it all together - it doesn't make sense.

Abby is looking for a sugar daddy. Or two.

8 hours ago, Desert Rat said:

Wise advice from Jesse's mom, Marian.  Translation: "Back off my son, bitch."

I could actually see  the tide turn all  over Darcey's face.  She didn't like what Jesse's mom was saying...not one bit.  She looked ever bit her 50+ years the next day.  (I'm over 50 myself, and although I'm not vain, think I look better than Darcey.)

  • Love 13
10 hours ago, TrininisaScorp said:

Darcy and Jesse

  • I don’t what to believe here:  Was Darcy really THAT drunk?  Jess seemed to overreact to me.  Personally, Jesse seems terrible; what was that fight about?  He seems like a controlling tool and she seems so sad and desperate.  I almost feel bad for her.
  • Also.  His tacky ass idea of a romantic setting is some real red light district stuff.  The hell? 

Patrick and Myriam

  • Patrick (and Cortney too!) is in one of the most amazing cities in the world.  You don’t need the tool you came to visit.  Go solo and explore these wonderful places.
  • Clearly, Patrick is hoping to de-friendzone himself.  He thinks he is going to sweep her off her feet with his amazingness. 

Everything about Darcy reeks of desperation.  She clearly has some self esteem issues and trying to coerce "projector screen forehead" (another poster coined that very accurate and descriptive phrase; i love it) Jesse into a marriage he does not want to be in is foolish.  His mom tried her best to prepare Darcy for the inevitable but she is as dense as a forest when it comes to common sense.  I would have told him goodbye after his lunatic, 60's hippie reject step fadder and his equally rude friend lobbed insult after insult while my so called beau just sat there looking stupid.  Making me get on a bike after a long flight to see you?  I would have told him to pack that plan in his pooper there windmill boy; I'm go to bed.  She's 42 and can drink all the wines she wants.  After dealing with all the madness of Jesse and his rude crew, hell, I'd drink a lot of wines too.  Get a clue, Darcy and jet before his controlling ass does you bodily injury.

Patrick, oh Patrick.  Not only are you an attention whore, you're dumb as hell.  She likes you as a friend but she's just not into your happity ass as anything more; can't you tell?  Her brother is on point and told his sister correctly in so many words:  you're a bitch to put that man and your boyfriend through this.  My thought is that her boyfriend is as slow as Patrick if he can't tell his so-called girlfriend is spending time with another man for two weeks.  Does she work or go to school?  Does the boyfriend have internet access or cable TV?  By now someone has to have told him his floozy ass girlfriend is playing games behind his back.  Somewhere along the line one of the two is going to get short changed and after it is all said and done , Myriam is going to be assed out.  Patrick seems like a very nice, respectable young man who was raised right by his very wise mother;  he would be wise to listen to her and make the best of the situation.  He should let that deceitful witch Myriam show him some places to go, then drop her ass like a bad habit, the same as she did him after he wasted his hard earned money flying to Paris to see her.  That was totally inconsiderate and mean of her to do that.  Plenty of other fish in the sea and there are certainly many more women in Paris; he should find one and enjoy the rest of his stay.  Better yet, come down off his high horse, go back home and give American women a shot.  Someone will think as much of him as he thinks of  himself if only he would give her a chance.

While you're at it, Patrick, stop by Malaga and take Corny AKA Gumby back home with you.  She too is dense and even more annoying than Darcy in some ways.  Where, oh where do they find these people?

1 hour ago, bref said:

Paul's splay-footed run-off into the woods from the preview is a sight that will haunt me until next week. My GOD, that man is the opposite of everything attractive. 

He runs like an upright alligator

Edited by tincansailor981
  • Love 20
2 hours ago, spankydoll said:

Seam mentioned polyamory in his personal ad - well here's his chance! But of course he was envisioning multiple women who would desire him instead of an alpha male taking a lead position. 

Now there's a thought that turned my stomach.  Two lecherous, lizard looking old geezers, a young, willing skank, and a bottle of viagra on the nighstand.  I hope someone has Haitian 911 on speed dial.

  • LOL 1
  • Love 19

I am going to go out on a limb here with the following statement:  I think Darcey was fully aware of Jesse's controlling nature.  I think it turns her on, in a "he's so totally male" sort of way - it makes her feel oh-so-feminine, in response.  I said it before, and I'll say it again -- I think they're into the dominant/submissive role thing.  There are varying degrees of it.  You don't have to be a 50-shades of gray type couple.

  • Love 9
13 minutes ago, LocalGovt said:

I said it before, and I'll say it again -- I think they're into the dominant/submissive role thing.

Her affinity for wearing chokers has to contribute to that that notion.   I do agree she likes the submissive role and that is probably why she is so adamant about him marrying her.  That and given her age (42 my ass.  the next time she sees 42 it will have a 1 on front of it) leads me to believe she will do anything and i mean anything for a ring.

Edited by tincansailor981
  • Love 8
8 hours ago, SoshulMeedya said:

Larry Are understandable, because goobers.

So far, I still think Larry is okay, just a goof.  He's nice looking (I like noses that are a little big), nice eyes, nice smile.  Oh, he cashed in his 401K, did you catch that?/sarc.  But Jenny could NOT be less interested in him.  To flop on the bed after first meeting and say you wanted to sleep!!!  OK, I get no sex (I think after 2 bad relationships he learned his lesson)....but what about chatting, having something to eat, any animation whatsoever?  She is dead inside and just wants out.  In fact, now that I think of it, she even said so....that she would have a better life in America.  There you go, Larry - there's your sign.  

  • Love 10

I saw this differently than most, I guess. It appeared that Darcey was so distraught about the conversations with the mother, that she went to the bar without even giving Jesse a heads up and then ignored a lot of his texts. He was setting up a nice evening for her and not getting any information on when she planned on showing up. In spite of all that, he answered the door in good spirits, tried to discuss the dresser he wanted to buy for her, and continue with the night, only to be further ignored and given some serious attitude for no apparent reason. She was being very annoying and immature

This.  Girlfriend was falling down drunk, and that's not a good look on anybody, let alone a parent (notice I didn't say "mother") of two teenagers.   That behaviour would be more expected from some one her children's age. 

  • Love 5
10 hours ago, CofCinci said:

Chris wants a young thing to have sex with and to cater to his needs when he winters in the DR.  He will never commit.  Abby is really showing her age/immaturity right here.  Dude doesn't want a wife.  Abby, you are a dime a dozen.

Abby is in way over her head. She is not experienced enough in the Ways of Courtesan to be in control of this situation. It's Chris she wants. But she wants out of Haiti and wants Chris to take her. He's happy with things the way they are, so she's trying to fake him out and say "I'll marry Sean then". But neither Chris nor Sean is playing the game the way she expects. She's too awkward and bumbling, she's showing her cards. Things aren't going to go the way she wants. 

8 hours ago, goofygirl said:

Abby, Chris and Sean should just go ahead and get a condo together.  

This made me laugh, a lot. I smell a new reality show! 

7 hours ago, rideashire said:

Chris is clearly the one Abbey wants and I bet she's super ticked off deep down that she couldn't snag him full time. He's got more money than Sean and a bit of swagger. She probably didn't have to teach him anything in bed either.

I'm really surprised that she's expecting Sean to just accept that she's got another dude on the side. If she was really gaming for that green card I'd have thought she'd just "forget" to mention Chris all together until she was in America.

Yes, I think she's trying to get Chris to put a ring on it. Honey. Chris has been around the block a few times, and your little girl tricks don't ruffle his savoir faire one bit. I think if she was really focused on getting out of Haiti as her number one priority she wouldn't care who the vehicle was.

  • Love 10
38 minutes ago, Quof said:

This.  Girlfriend was falling down drunk, and that's not a good look on anybody, let alone a parent (notice I didn't say "mother") of two teenagers.   That behaviour would be more expected from some one her children's age. 

EXACTLY. I do think Jesse is a bit controlling, but his direct behavior that night was his calm attempts to reason with a drunk. And his "small glass of wine" comment was his way of saying he didn't like a woman who got drunk. After all, he is a fitness enthusiast.

  • Love 4

Honestly, I think Darcey over-exaggerated her drunkenness to shit test* Jesse. The running into the bushes (why was that not on camera!) and hotel room were shit tests too. 


Jesse isn't falling for her games.  It looks like he brings her bags to the hotel.  

  • Love 4

I can't stand Patrick. This kind of short and self-conscious guy who does whatever it takes to get noticed.

Oh God, he's an insufferable show off. From the bizarre dancing (to an accordion no less!), to that ridiculous back flip, he just seems desperate. How tall is he anyway? 5'2"? (There is nothing wrong with short men, just short men who feel like they have to compensate for it!)


2 hours ago, bref said:

Paul's splay-footed run-off into the woods from the preview is a sight that will haunt me until next week. My GOD, that man is the opposite of everything attractive. 


Like, what happens over there? He tells her about his past, and then decides to.... run for it? Karine chases him, and then is seen crying in the grass with her gold belted shorts. Something about a machete and a gun shot? 

Oh Darcy, I could see your wheels turning as you sat (makeup-less!) in that hotel lobby. I know you are desperate to get married for some reason, and you probably believe that you are in love with Jesse, but really, do you want to be told what to do by a 24 year old for the rest of your life? 

Hey Sean, Abbey is in love with Chris. You are the second choice!

  • Love 9
35 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Abby is in way over her head. She is not experienced enough in the Ways of Courtesan to be in control of this situation. It's Chris she wants. But she wants out of Haiti and wants Chris to take her. He's happy with things the way they are, so she's trying to fake him out and say "I'll marry Sean then". But neither Chris nor Sean is playing the game the way she expects. She's too awkward and bumbling, she's showing her cards. Things aren't going to go the way she wants. 

This made me laugh, a lot. I smell a new reality show! 

Yes, I think she's trying to get Chris to put a ring on it. Honey. Chris has been around the block a few times, and your little girl tricks don't ruffle his savoir faire one bit. I think if she was really focused on getting out of Haiti as her number one priority she wouldn't care who the vehicle was.

I think you're right. And, she's been having sex with Chris. She didn't get that rash from him by borrowing his toothbrush.

But Chris is polished and worldly. I would say charming except he's having sex with girls who are barely of age. So, I'm just going to say he's a big sleaze. But, he seems to have enough money not to care. And, he's very comfortable in his own skin -- his own slimy skin.

He ought to be worried about what else she might have caught from Chris. Almost 2% of people in Haiti have AIDS, and that rate is significantly higher among anyone who may have been involved in the sex trade.

  • Love 14
8 hours ago, hoosiermom said:

Has Paul told us why he is such a "horrible and bad person and what's her name deserves better"? He said that in previews for next week. Maybe I just missed it on previous shows.

All Paul has said is that he has a secret and some bad things in his past.  No specifics.  The spoiler thread for them as a couple has a few more details on what he might be telling her.  

  • Love 2

Filipino Cupid Jenny looks worn out.  She's been through this many times  - but at least this one has a camera crew following him about. So that Green Card seems a bit more promising... she could try a bit harder to look interested, tho.  

Darcy is more attractive without the heavy eyelashes and make up.  Those ratty black extensions and  choker make her look older too.  Jesse is just weird looking.

I got the impression Chris - who says he spends 6 months of the year in the DR - is not the ticket to the US that Abby is looking for.  But she likes Chris the best from what we saw on screen.

The Paris couple are just in it for the exposure and probably money.  And this particular production crew get the best deal of them all ... filming in beautiful Paris as moth-eaten guy and pregnant gal see the sights.

  • Love 8
5 minutes ago, Pondlass1 said:

Filipino Cupid Jenny looks worn out.  She's been through this many times  - but at least this one has a camera crew following him about. So that Green Card seems a bit more promising... she could try a bit harder to look interested, tho.  

Yeah, the flop on the bed was kind of ridiculous. She's bored with her "love" already. 

They were also filming Larry from a weird angle as they relaxed on the bed. All I could see were his gigantic chompers. 

  • LOL 1
  • Love 3
4 minutes ago, Pondlass1 said:

Filipino Cupid Jenny looks worn out.  She's been through this many times  - but at least this one has a camera crew following him about. So that Green Card seems a bit more promising... she could try a bit harder to look interested, tho.  

Filipino Cupid Jenny is definitely phoning it in because she is so f*cken depressed.  She's got his name on a wall with a bunch of post-its to keep his story straight and separate from the other guys' post-its, along with any photos they've sent.  She's like the tired fisherman who finally gets something on her hook at the end of the day. I just hope she has enough energy to reel him in.  Of course he's practically jumping out of the water onto the land.. where he will suffocate. Okay I really don't know where I'm going with this analogy anymore.

The virgin thing works for her because she doesn't have to put out. 

She listens to what he wants and then parrots it back, simple.

34 minutes ago, Kangatush said:

All Paul has said is that he has a secret and some bad things in his past.  No specifics.  The spoiler thread for them as a couple has a few more details on what he might be telling her.  


Paul is an arsonist. He set something on fire and attempted to collect insurance money on it.

  • Love 17
26 minutes ago, Pondlass1 said:


I got the impression Chris - who says he spends 6 months of the year in the DR - is not the ticket to the US that Abby is looking for.  But she likes Chris the best from what we saw on screen.

Just the way her face lit up when she saw Chris. She doesn't look at Sean that way. Not even close.

Question is will Sean watch the show and learn or will he sink deeper into a Danielle-like denial? Danial.

I'm agreeing with this theory more and more. Sean was the tool who was supposed to get Chris to marry her.  Not going to work of course.  Chris has another 19-year-old waiting for him back home in the DR.

I'm guessing Chris is going to lay on the attentiveness and charm extra thick to persuade Abby not to leave him. Eew.

Abby's probably still having sex with Chris and will continue to do so until the night before she leaves to begin the 90 days with Sean.

Looking forward to geezer wars next week! (Okay they are not geezers, but it's fun to say Geezer Wars.)

Edited by CoachWristletJen
  • Love 17
1 hour ago, CofCinci said:

And had work on top of that work.

Chris is holding quite a few cards in this situation because he's not really invested although he will be quite sorry to lose what he regards as a hot piece of a$$.

What Sean has to offer her is a green card.

All Abby has to do is to agree not to see Chris. After she gets her green card, she will continue to hook up with Chris in the states.

I'm sure she's still texting Chris all the time. And they share the real connection because Sean is oblivious.

  • Love 2
10 hours ago, SoshulMeedya said:

I wonder if Larry really has a morality about sex before marriage, or if he has performance anxiety after 14 years of celibacy. He seems to equate his son's mother not marrying him with the fact that they had sex before marriage.

It might be that he has a Junior Burger and not the Big Mac he wishes he had?

  • Love 9
2 hours ago, tincansailor981 said:

My thought is that her boyfriend is as slow as Patrick if he can't tell his so-called girlfriend is spending time with another man for two weeks.  Does she work or go to school?  Does the boyfriend have internet access or cable TV?  By now someone has to have told him his floozy ass girlfriend is playing games behind his back. 

I would be shocked if she has a boyfriend.  It's a ploy she's using after meeting Patrick because she's just not into him.  JMO.

2 hours ago, tincansailor981 said:

He runs like an upright alligator


  • Love 5
11 minutes ago, Cherrio said:

It might be that he has a Junior Burger and not the Big Mac he wishes he had?

But I thought guys with big noses had . . . 

And on the subject of Darcey and Jesse.  I'm wondering if Jesse got so angry because it's not the FIRST time Darcey was out drinking and he had to text her and ask where she was.  

  • Love 5
9 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

But I thought guys with big noses had . . . 

And on the subject of Darcey and Jesse.  I'm wondering if Jesse got so angry because it's not the FIRST time Darcey was out drinking and he had to text her and ask where she was.  

It's clearly her coping mechanism at the age of 42. When the going gets rough she reaches into her toolbox and finds the wine.

  • Love 5

Larry flies for 2 days, gets into his hotel room and flops on the bed to spoon Jenny?  No shower?  Gah.  Gross.

She is utterly not into him, and he doesn't see it.  "How about me, do you...like...do I... look like me...from the phone...."  Yes, love. 

For claiming to be so in love, they have nothing to talk about.  Like almost all of the couples. 

  • Love 10
13 hours ago, Northernlights said:

What is with Abby and these creepy old dudes?  Yuck!  They both give me the willy's!  She seems to have it all together - it doesn't make sense.

She's padding her bank account.  They are her ticket out of Haiti.  She is very smart.  The iPad and MacBook are probably worth 2K combined.  The panties?  Not sure about that.  Is there a big market for panties in Haiti?  MAYBE...she is starting a "Golddigger Academy" in Haiti!  Colorful panties are included in the "Welcome" packet.

13 hours ago, shouldbedancing said:

My favorite part was when Larry was like, "You think the same things that I think!!!!" Duh! Jennie's merely repeating everything you say in an dull, bored voice as she awaits her plane ticket to America.

yes, love

Edited by Bedeleia DuMaurier
  • LOL 1
  • Love 12
13 minutes ago, greekmom said:

I forgot to ask, did anyone catch Jesse in black briefs under the robe? I was ewwww'ing!

As he was sitting there man-spreading in his flowery robe? Yeah, I caught that too. 

Abbey and Chris have much more chemistry than Abbey and Sean. I wonder what her answer will be to: "It's me or Chris." ?

  • Love 5
32 minutes ago, Straycat80 said:

And it's creepy how she says 'yes love. No love'. 

Totally creepy!!  No emotion in those words and he looks so pleased when she she says she had not had sex with her previous boyfriends...(I call BS on that fact), btw, why would he ask that, you know he really does not want to hear the real answer and he had to know she would tell him what he wanted to hear.  

I loved Abby telling Chris "no lips." when she greeted him at the airport.  Sean is an idiot if he does not see what is in front of him.  Abby might be better off with Chris if he can afford to live in the DR for the winter and can fly to see Abby whenever the mood strikes.

Darcy's talk with Jesse's mother (AKA Betsy Johnson) seemed legit and Darcy should heed what she said.  Who didn't love the odd balloon action on the bed when Jesse was trying to make sexy time for Darcy?  Nothing like too much wine and a control freak to escalate any situation...who's bags were Jesse holding when he met up with Darcy in the hotel, hers?  

  • Love 2
46 minutes ago, Granny58 said:

I would be shocked if she has a boyfriend.  It's a ploy she's using after meeting Patrick because she's just not into him.  JMO.


That's what I am thinking too.  She probably liked playing the game of an online relationship, but didn't think Patrick would actually make good on his promise to fly to France.  Once he sprung the news he was coming (along with a camera crew) she decided to come up with the bf story.  She probably figured he would be really pissed and just do his own thing. She probably didn't figure he would say Yes to having her show him around "as friends".

I hate to say it but is Paul slightly mentally challenged? I have a family member who is and he mostly shows it by being easy to take advantage of, more emotionally than anything else.  Otherwise, he doesn't show it much. Jenny is definitely a player and maybe even a girl of the evening taking any opportunity that comes her way.  She calls everyone "Love" so she doesn't have to remember names. I do not think she cares about him AT ALL.

OMG, it is so apparent that Abbey is still seeing Chris and he is most likely supporting her financially.  He is smart enough to know there is no future and probably told her to go ahead and pursue the relationship with Sean and that he would back up her story about them now only being friends.  She was pretty adamant in her "talking" segment that she is not willing to give up her "friendship" with Chris....it is either because of his support, her feelings for him, or both.

  • Love 3
13 hours ago, WhatsUpDummy said:

Darcey is a stage five clinger but Jesse really showed his true colors tonight, super controlling, his word is gospel, and he expect Darcey to fall in line with HIS wants and expectations. Super creepy and gross. I'm glad Darcey had the common sense to walk away and get her own hotel room. She should've done that from the start. Go home to your girls, Darcey!

OMG YES...Jesse "doesn't mind" if she has a SMALL GLASS OF WINE????  Oh I laughed so hard at that.....Darcey...go...home, get a good hair cut and don't ever let anyone tell you what you can and can't do.  

10 hours ago, Desert Rat said:

Conversations between Larry and  Jenny:

Larry: "I think that . . ." or "I want . . ." or "it's important to me that . . ."

Jenny: in a flat voice, "I agree, love."

Larry: "Wow! You agree with me on everything."

Yep, that's right Larry, you and Jenny are completely compatible, until the green card arrives in the mail. 

yes love..............no love..................yes love.................yes love.  Could Jenny's affect be any flatter, I mean it's sort of clear to me that she is repulsed by Larry.  Does Larry not get that sense?

  • Love 10
8 hours ago, SleepyAndClumsy said:

Mother Patrick should do the 90 Day reunion shows!

I love Mother Patrick also, but she brings common sense into this circus, which is what the producers DON'T WANT.   Producers don't want normal adults who have actually thought this out and don't make fool of themselves on a regular basis because that doesn't generate drama.   They prefer the Jorges and Anfisas, Muhammed and Danielle and Nicole from Florida.  This generates views and views sell commercials and commercials make money.  This is not a documentary about how does the visa process work, it's a reality DRAMA show and as such needs as much drama and BS as they can possibly generate.   A show with common sense and mature adults won't make you want to reach into the TV and want to choke someone.

I like how Mother Patrick speaks clearly what's on her mind and does not sugar coat it for the cameras.

  • Love 4

Myriam is not amused by Patrick's "spontaneity".  She basically thinks he's an American clown, one of those people who think that jumping around and being all "natural" is actually cute.  All the time Myriam is thinking, how much longer do I have to do this?   I'd also bet she already decided she will NOT sleep with him because she's not attracted to him the way Abby (Haiti) is in love and in lust with Chris.  There's something about the way people (women and men) smile and behave when they are closed to someone the love and want to be with.  Myriam is NOT into Patrick and the boyfriend is all a made up story by her or by the producers.

Darcey is one of those people who runs their life with a checklist:  
Business check. 
Kids, check.  
Husband, (let me travel to Europe to get an exotic one and rub it on my girlfriends (similar empty, desperate Suburban housewives)

If she'd shut up about the ring and Jesse's proposal, if she'd just try to have a good time with Jesse and try to enjoy herself, she'd be happier.   Darcey, you are in a great city, show Jesse the best of you and shut up about the effing ring!

Abby and Jenny are pros at this.  Jenny has not called Dumb Larry by his name once.  These couples don't have important conversations about family, health, education, future plans, it's all easily guessable bull$#it.   These girls are a dime a dozen and they know in their hearts who they are the men who fall for them.  Jesus please!!! Take the wheel!!!!

Abby + Sean + Chris....I'll sleep with Chris too.  I don't blame Abby.  But she's about to mess up her game by bringing Chris into the conversation.   Soon she'll regret doing so after month of work.  She'll think about all the panties and the other gifts Sean The Creep brought her and she'll realized the messed up.   If she's a real pro, she'll tell Chris to play the part and that she will continue seeing him on the side.  Sean will marry her and bring her to the US and then she will continue her thing with Chris.

Larry is a disgrace to men everywhere.

I wonder if the whole season is already recorded.  I also wonder if any of the participants read this forum.

  • Love 8

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