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The Lonely Js Club: James, Jackson & Johannah

Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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The family could use a strong minded young woman who doesn't shy away from the camera, enjoys meeting fans, writes her own books, and has an identity other than procreating. I don't think that makes her a "fame whore" - I think that makes her an accomplished young woman who knows her own mind and is ready to take life by storm. I just hope the Duggars (and their "fans" both pro and con, don't snuff her out.)

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I'm not following the fame whore comments. When one of the Duggar girls isn't perky for the camera, she's sullen/had the life stomped out of her/ready to escape/is seconds away from a meltdown, but Marjorie has a certain level of comfort with the camera and is a fame whore? Some people are naturally more precocious and perky. I'm glad she's allowed to be.

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I liked their announcement.  Marjorie seems bubbly and confident. I do think that the announcement came off rehearsed and that it had almost a Disney kid vibe from Marjorie. It makes sense since she's been in theater and probably wanted to make it perfect. I think that Josiah and the rest of the Duggar kids are so used to the cameras that it is almost like "meh, you again." 

I would be worried if Marjorie had just shown up at the home church one weekend a few months ago. However, the families have known each other so long that it doesn't come off as Marjorie is using Josiah for fame.  Isn't she already pretty established in their circle?

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I don't think anyone's disrespecting Josiah; in fact, it seems as though everyone here is clearly rooting for him.

My point in wondering about his sexuality is this: I went all through Catholic schools and have known quite a few people who didn't come to terms with their sexual orientation when they were young, then married people of the opposite sex only to come out down the road and divorce.

How sad that some gay people are led to believe heterosexual marriage is the only option. The Duggars would definitely fall into that category, so I worry about any Duggar child who happens to be gay.

It's not as if anyone's fighting Josiah and saying, "No, you're really, truly gay." If he's not, great. If he is, great. I just hope that he's able to be true to himself.

Yes, I do understand and respect that. I just don't know if questioning when someone marries the opposite sex does anything to help the couple. To me, what makes sense is to accept people for what they say about themselves in this regard. The Duggar family I certainly assume would not be accepting of a family member coming out, and that is sad, but I personally would prefer to discuss that dynamic/environment rather than point out that Josiah, in particular, might be gay because of "reasons." I think that is unhelpful, especially because everyone who is gay does not fit a stereotype. I don't think we can ever know for certain how someone feels and why on the inside until we listen to them speak. (Even then a person could be hiding something, etc, but I think it's the best way until we know otherwise). I do respect your view, though, and am not trying to be argue by my response.

I agree Marjorie's leg is bent to help support the vase.

Edited by Betweenyouandme
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Yeah, I don't get the fame whore comments either. We have seen one (1) clip of a girl who appears articulate, cheerful, outgoing and secure enough in herself to not stutter and cower before the camera. Considering how much flack these boards have given the Duggar kids and their spouses for being dull, stilted, inarticulate and boring it seems both strange and unfair that this girl is getting harsh comments about being a fame whore of all things for being the opposite. Like, seriously?

Edited by Vaysh
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Ok, this might be out of line, and if it is, I apologize to the mods and to everyone else as well. But I saw that Si and Marjorie kind of look alike, (and I believe someone else pointed that out also) and then Honey said the dad looks like Si too, and of course my first thought is, "Michelle had an affair and Marjorie is Josiah's half sister."


I thought the same exact thing!! When I saw them together all I could think was "they match".

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I'm withholding judgement on Marjorie's famewhoriness until I see more clips. The only thing that makes me nervous is that she's getting involved with Duggars. They're not modest people, and won't let her be one either.

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I think every courtship starts out with high hopes that THIS will be the Duggar kid who finally breaks away, and it never happens. As long as Boob controls the purse strings, all these kids will remain in the fold. I predict God will "speak" to Marjorie about her heathen pants wearing ways and she'll be drowning in the Kool-Aid before we know it.

I dunno, maybe the fact that Marji is not the type the be pushed around, is precisely the reason Josiah loves her.  Here's hoping.

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I'd like to see Jim Bob and Michelle stay out of the wedding planning for Josiah and Marjorie as much as possible. She seems like a vivacious, fun young lady and I hope they have a great life together.

As far as Josiah being away at ALERT for almost a year, or whatever it was, let's hope that he was studying something useful while he was there. I'm not familiar with any of the studies, but wasn't David Waller there for a couple of years as well...and Priscilla Keller, isn't that how they met? 

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ALERT - what's the consensus here regarding Josiah's time lengthy time with ALERT? Was it punishment by the Duggars for some sin or did he genuinely want to be treated like crap by a paramilitary organization for a year plus?

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I think that is unhelpful, especially because everyone who is gay does not fit a stereotype.


Absolutely, positively agree. But sometimes a gay person does fit a stereotype; TFDW, for example. Of course I don't know that he's gay, and his sexual orientation matters only in that I'd hate to see Priscilla hurt. 


My only point with the "is he or isn't he" conversation is that I hate that the Duggars feel homosexuality is a sin, and that they'd be likely to subscribe to the "pray away the gay" theory, which, IMHO, is heartbreaking. 

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This is very sad. Josiah was the kid I pegged as the first escapee. I always imagined he'd run away and be a puppeteer or street performer in some far off city. Oh well. I'm still crossing my fingers for James.

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ALERT - what's the consensus here regarding Josiah's time lengthy time with ALERT? Was it punishment by the Duggars for some sin or did he genuinely want to be treated like crap by a paramilitary organization for a year plus?

As opposed to being cherished and respected at home? ;-)

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This is the biggest issue I have with discussing his (and other fundy people's) lifestyle status (and then I'll shut up, before I'm banished to the prayer closet).  It's almost human nature to ponder those things, and that's ok - people have done it forever. But in the light of social media, people can and do read these things, and by that, I mean either family or leg humpers, and that info travels fast.  I would hate to think of Josiah being questioned by his parents or siblings about this, especially given his family's well-known stance.  Especially if it isn't true.


Don't underestimate the internet stalkers/leghumpers.  I was looking for info on an old show aimed at the teen set that I stumbled across late night one evening.  I found an old board for it at the old TWOP site (I think - either that or TV.Com), and there was a girl in there who was looking to put together a "where are they now" thing.  She found a "backdoor" into a relatively private website where there were photos of one of the teens (now an adult) on the show, and he was smoking pot....in another country where it was perfectly legal to do so.  This girl took it upon herself to find this person's mom, go to her business website, and on a spot for testimonials, the girl commented something like "I'm sorry to say this, but your son is a drug addict, and he needs help!"  The guy in question was really upset, and he was threatening to sue (as was his mother, as it caused her some grief too).  And all of this for some bit player in a one season tv show that by that point was 7 years old or so.  And sadly the girl just couldn't understand why she was being sued and not thanked for bringing that to light.


And some Duggar fans are indeed that rabid.



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I said in the Miscellaneous Celebrity News thread (in the Everything Else subforum) that I think we have to be careful with this sort of speculation because it can lead to people being inadvertently outed. Right now IMO the discussion is fine because people are mostly saying that they're rooting for him, whatever his sexual orientation is, and that they hope he's not being pressured into a mixed-orientation marriage. And the "proof" basically amounts to the fact that he went to ALERT and adheres to some stereotypes associated with gay men. These are things that the Duggars already know about. If it were something like a poster coming in and saying, "Hey, so I was at an gay bar in Arkansas the other day and guess who I saw...!" then I wouldn't be comfortable for the reasons you mention. It's the sort of thing where you have to tread very carefully. 

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I guess I'd say that the speculation is also something fans have pretty much hashed to death as well.

All of us continue to see ALERT and J to the Heart as punishments, but Jana always seemed eager to go to the latter, and there's no obvious reason to say the boys werent eager to go to the former.

Edited by GEML
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Any escape from the TTH had to be a positive experience for most of the kids, save maybe Josh. Just not raising their parents kids for a while was probably pretty nice. And Josiah doesn't exactly seem close to any of his siblings, he strikes me as the polar opposite of John David or Joseph, probably not into the towing or whatever Joseph was doing for a job. I can't see him hanging out with those two at all and we know he's not allowed to be friends with Joy anymore. ALERT probably at least provided him with some friends to hang out with. 

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but wasn't David Waller there for a couple of years as well...and Priscilla Keller, isn't that how they met?

I don't know if David went to ALERT, but Priscilla surely didn't.  It was a male only program and while I heard rumblings a female component was opening, it didn't exist when Priscilla could have gone.  The story I've read is that met working at headquarters.  

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All of us continue to see ALERT and J to the Heart as punishments, but Jana always seemed eager to go to the latter, and there's no obvious reason to say the boys werent eager to go to the former.

I think it depends very much on the person being sent. I think Joseph probably enjoyed it and he wasn't there a whole year if I remember correctly. With Josiah I think the dynamics can have been different; he doesn't come across as a person who would enjoy what is basically an army boot camp with added religious brainwashing. Every single picture I saw of him in that place had him looking miserable and shattered. From what I've read about ALERT it sounds like a real break-'em-down, build-'em-up kind of place and IMO sending underage kids there is akin to child abuse.

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But we all said similar things about Journey to the Heart, and even speculated that Jana maybe have been part of the Gothard scandal. However, the episode filmed there is the HAPPIEST we've ever seen Jana. So it might be easy to make assumptions about Josish and ALERT. I don't know. I can make the argument either way, but neither makes the parents look very good.

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Fostersmom, I agree that any reprieve from the TTH was likely welcomed. Even though ALERT and JTTH are Gothard-sanctioned, they're still an opportunity to socialize with your peers.

I hope Josiah and Marjorie have a long courtship. Jill must be dying that her time in the spotlight is waning with the addition of a young, outgoing couple and a likely Jessa pregnancy announcement on the horizon.

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Fostersmom, I agree that any reprieve from the TTH was likely welcomed. Even though ALERT and JTTH are Gothard-sanctioned, they're still an opportunity to socialize with your peers.

I hope Josiah and Marjorie have a long courtship. Jill must be dying that her time in the spotlight is waning with the addition of a young, outgoing couple and a likely Jessa pregnancy announcement on the horizon.

LOL I'm thinking the same thing. Now she will just have to tell her birthing story just a little louder for attention. 

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On the PEOPLE article, I thought the most telling part was:

Jim Bob:

"We went to El Salvador on a mission together, and Josiah asked Mr. Jackson if he could do an apprenticeship with him, and once a week he would go over a few hours or so and visit with the family. Josiah maybe had some other intentions."

Yeah like getting out of the house or wanting to know more about a career. I could believe he wanted to see the girl, but it just seems so Jim Bob to think it's only about the girl. 


Two I thought it was odd Marjorie took the lead in the announcement, especially considering we don't really know who she is.  For some reason, I think she would or has or could be Peter Pan as in the lead in the musical Peter Pan. (Peter Pan himself usually played by woman.) (She looks a little like Allison Williams.) Anyway her style of the announcement reminded of Peter Pan for some reason.



Three I thought part of the reason for Josiah's being sent to ALERT was his reaction to the Michelle's last pregnancy news. 

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Just saw the courtship announcement…. man, Marjorie is the over the top, always on, kind of kid I can't stand. I hope she tones that down real quick or she's going to get super annoying super fast. On the plus side, I bet Michelle hates her and that kinda makes me smile. 

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She wants to be famous.  You can see it in her eyes.


Damn - hope it's not true, but I think it could be. Marjorie came across as a little too-poised for 17, to me. I'm picturing a past that includes a whole lot of talking-into-her-hairbrush in front of a mirror.

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Just saw the courtship announcement…. man, Marjorie is the over the top, always on, kind of kid I can't stand. I hope she tones that down real quick or she's going to get super annoying super fast. On the plus side, I bet Michelle hates her and that kinda makes me smile. 


Funny you should say that. When I saw the announcement I had a distinct flashback to being 17 myself, hoping my perkiness would be my cover for being nervous and unsure. It might have been a bit over the top, but there was this underlying air of vulnerability that I recognized in Marjorie that was endearing. She seems to really want to be accepted into this family and circus.


I also recognized right off that she had been a theatre kid, without even having to be told. Can't explain it except I remember all the theater kids being like that in my own school.



Is it just me or does Marjorie look a fair bit like some of the Duggar girls, especially Jill?


It's the hair. Someone pointed out to me upthread that hair is pretty much the only accepted vanity in this group, hence it being long and flowy. 

Edited by EarlGreyTea
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Funny you should say that. When I saw the announcement I had a distinct flashback to being 17 myself, hoping my perkiness would be my cover for being nervous and unsure. It might have been a bit over the top, but there was this underlying air of vulnerability that I recognized in Marjorie that was endearing. She seems to really want to be accepted into this family and circus.


I also recognized right off that she had been a theatre kid, without even having to be told. Can't explain it except I remember all the theater kids being like that in my own school.




It's the hair. Someone pointed out to me upthread that hair is pretty much the only accepted vanity in this group, hence it being long and flowly. 


These girls would die if they saw my hair. It is pink, blue and purple.

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Damn - hope it's not true, but I think it could be. Marjorie came across as a little too-poised for 17, to me. I'm picturing a past that includes a whole lot of talking-into-her-hairbrush in front of a mirror.

She's involved in theatre. Poise and confidence is a big part of that. 

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I agree the best part of this courtship is the fact that Michelle is going to hate this girl but have to outwardly say all the right party lines for the camera. If Marjorie turns out to be a camera hog, the bitchy undercurrents from Josh, Jill, Jessa and Michelle will be epic. I don't wish ill on a 17 year-old, but dammit, I can't wait.

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If the Martinez home is more fundie-lite and Josiah has been hanging out there over months/years and has gotten to be friendly with Marjorie -- I hope for his sake that he HASN'T kept sweet and has either explicitly said or let on implicitly that while he's ok with religion, he doesn't love his family's lifestyle. Even though they have to play the courtship and TLC game for now, that's all relatively temporary. It's better for him long term if she realizes that he is/will be looking to do something for work ultimately that does not involve working for JB and that's why he's apprenticing with her dad now and that he may only want 2-4 kids and that he may want a family life consisting of  wife who has thoughts and opinions, wears pants, watches TV, has friends, goes places etc. I feel like if he's shared those kinds of things with her, he's more likely to be getting a girl who wants to bring him into her life/her family's life -- rather than getting a fame whore kind of girl or someone like Derick who is desperate to get into the Duggar life rather than creating their own.

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If Marjorie tones it down, I'm taking bets on how many people complain about how they sucked the spirit out of her! No win situation.

I totally agree with you, but there's a difference between toned down and soul-crushed. The Duggars excel at soul-crushing.

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This is the biggest issue I have with discussing his (and other fundy people's) lifestyle status (and then I'll shut up, before I'm banished to the prayer closet).  It's almost human nature to ponder those things, and that's ok - people have done it forever. But in the light of social media, people can and do read these things, and by that, I mean either family or leg humpers, and that info travels fast.  I would hate to think of Josiah being questioned by his parents or siblings about this, especially given his family's well-known stance.  Especially if it isn't true.

I know that it's a touchy subject but to be clear as long as the discussion over Josiah's perceived sexual orientation is respectful and out of concern for his welfare then it's deemed OK by this site since he is 18. Now if we were discussing anyone in the family from Joy to Josie then it would be a problem.

Also, just an FYI for everyone here LGBT people don't live a lifestyle we just live lives (I'm a lesbian BTW).


As for Josiah and Margorie, I hope this is a true love match and a chance for him to get an education and escape Duggarville. She just seems like a typical teen who happens to be very outgoing.

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While we all hope for a Duggar-in-law to help one of the kids break out of the Kool-Aid induced stupor, I can't see it happening.  The kids have limited access to the outside world so I can't see them finding a mainstream Christian or even just Fundie-lite who they could court.  And for all our speculation about Josiah having a say in who he courts, we don't know that it wasn't Jim-Boob steering him towards Marjorie.  

So far, all of the spouses/significant others have been Fundie and are mostly aligned with Jim-Boobs opinions.  Jim-Boob ultimately holds all the power in that house and if say, Jed wanted to court a normalish girl, he could very easily just stop him from leaving the house, cut off communication and make sure that TLC doesn't show it on TV.  While I don't think he would be that mean, I also don't think that he would let any of his kids court someone that he doesn't approve of.  And none of the kids would really stand up to him about it.  

Add to the fact that the Duggar boys inherited Jim-Boob's looks and age badly, they really aren't that appealing to anyone outside the Fundie circles.  I'm 19 and I wouldn't see them as a good partner, uneducated, not independent thinkers and stuck in Duggar land.  Same with the girls, they are raised to be housewives so the guys interested in them are looking for housewives.  Not strong career women.  

Basically, I can't see the Duggar kids getting hitched to people who don't drink the Fundie Kool-Aid.  

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Marjorie - awful name for anyone under 80, btw - is Cousin Amy with a little less goofiness. Marjorie is going to give the attention whore Duggars a run for their money, and I already like her just for this. I just hope Josiah is indeed straight (yeah, I questioned him and a younger boy, but we can't talk about the under 18 ones, so I'll respect that) and that they have a good life together. 18 and 17 is super young for today's standards, but I know plenty of people who met their spouses in middle or high school, were married by 20, and turned out perfectly fine. I actually envy the couples who 'grew up together' and wish my husband and I had met 10 years earlier. 


Josiah was starting to turn into a Mini Hipster Josh, so I hope Marjorie steers him away from that smugness and unhealthy lifestyle.


I also recognized right off that she had been a theatre kid, without even having to be told. Can't explain it except I remember all the theater kids being like that in my own school.


It's the hair. Someone pointed out to me upthread that hair is pretty much the only accepted vanity in this group, hence it being long and flowy. 


Total theatre kid, and Josiah would probably be, too, if he were allowed any outside interests. I'm shocked they didn't both do "jazz hands" at the end of the video. I made the hair comment, too, BTW. :-)

I totally agree with you, but there's a difference between toned down and soul-crushed. The Duggars excel at soul-crushing.

She's 17, she's a theatre kid. She's in (presuming) her first relationship and probably thinks she's hit the fundie jackpot, and that she's 10 feet tall and bullet proof. She's 17. 17! I'm not seeing any fake baby voices or simpering stares, so I'd rather see someone who needs a little maturing and toning down than zero personality (like some of the Duggar boys) or a contrived, cloying, simpering personality (Michelle, sometimes Anna, that Wedding Planner, whatever Priscilla is doing). I just hope they don't crush her soul. I want to see her and Amy do an "Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better" duet. Those two will either love or hate each other. 


Every Duggar in-law thus far has dove head first into the Kool-Aid. Fame and free houses are one hell of a drug.

Amen, praise the Lort, thankyoubabyJesus! You've hit the nail on the head. Derrick is drunker than a skunk on the Duggar Aid and has zero backbone or personality. Jill steamrolls him. Ben actually is developing a personality and isn't quite as steamrolled as I expected. I may not like the personality or at least political views he and Jessa are spouting, but at least he does have some personality. Anna, of course, is expected to mold to her headship and lose her personality, so not much to think about there. 

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Amen, praise the Lort, thankyoubabyJesus! You've hit the nail on the head. Derrick is drunker than a skunk on the Duggar Aid and has zero backbone or personality. Jill steamrolls him. Ben actually is developing a personality and isn't quite as steamrolled as I expected. I may not like the personality or at least political views he and Jessa are spouting, but at least he does have some personality. Anna, of course, is expected to mold to her headship and lose her personality, so not much to think about there. 


This is a good point. If Derick, college educated, well-traveled, and in his mid-twenties, couldn't seem to break free from the mold, we can hardly expect a 17-year-old sheltered girl in her first relationship to help Josiah break free, at least not without some serious backbone and encouragement from her own family. So I guess I shouldn't be pinning all my hopes on her being the one to help the first Duggar kid break free. It's too much pressure on her.

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They don't have to break free. They just have to push the boundary a little bit more. Josh and Anna have already cracked it by moving away. Just hugging or kissing upon engagement gives every other child after them more breathing room.

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It took me about 24 hours after first seeing Marjorie in action, but it finally dawned on me who she reminds me of. 


If any of you are familiar with celeb chef Rick Bayless and his cooking shows, his daughter Lanie, who is now about 24, often appears. She has the exact same voice and presentation that MJ (Josiah's name for her) has. Google some episodes of Mexico, One Plate at a Time and check Lanie out in action.  They even look a bit alike, although Lainey is much taller. That said, the personas, down to voice tone and inflection, is uncanny, down to their over-acting BEYOND the last row of the audience. :D


(edited because there is apparently more than one way to spell what I thought was "Lainey.") :D

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This is a good point. If Derick, college educated, well-traveled, and in his mid-twenties, couldn't seem to break free from the mold, we can hardly expect a 17-year-old sheltered girl in her first relationship to help Josiah break free, at least not without some serious backbone and encouragement from her own family. So I guess I shouldn't be pinning all my hopes on her being the one to help the first Duggar kid break free. It's too much pressure on her.

OK, but Derick is a dishrag. Marjorie is not a dishrag; she has a lot of poise and self-confidence, which points toward her having had a very supportive family. And she may well have serious backbone. Or any backbone.

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