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The Lonely Js Club: James, Jackson & Johannah

Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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I am too far away to be of any consistent help. They are older now so don’t require much. My wonderful daughter in law wanted me to move closer so I could cook and babysit. I love her and the grands but I don’t want to.  I am lucky In that I can fly in when needed. Which is about once a year. We visit more often just to visit.  I raised my children with minimal help and then t generation can do the same. We are in the kids (where is the dern apostrophe on the iPad) lives though. 

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1 hour ago, mythoughtis said:

Maybe you’d  prefer.... present in their lives. Grandparents are special people to grandchildren and grandchildren should feel loved by their grandparents. As for me...I actually do believe it’s pretty important to me to be helpful to my children... since I brought them into this world. It’s one of the reasons I had 2 rather than 19.   People who resent their children and grandchildren for being in their way miss out on much more than they realize.   That’s not to say that some children and grandchildren shouldn’t be avoided. There always a bad apple or two.  

Michelle and J.B. have missed out on really knowing more than a couple of their 19 children. They are really going to miss out on knowing many of their billion grandchildren. I bet after 50 they give up even calling them by name. 

It isn't anyone's responsibility to be present in the lives of anyone else's children, whether related or not. Period. 

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SiRen did not get an overseas vacation? That really sucks. I think Si would have done better in Greece than JoKen.

Edited by SMama
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1 hour ago, ginger90 said:


Well, I guess someone has tacitly answered the question as to whether or not Abbie works...?  I can't come close to reading those ID badges though.

She must be well liked by her coworkers (classmates?) though, as none of them have blabbed to In Touch, etc.

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Nice to see Abbie does in fact have a job.  I wonder if she ever looked into an LPN to RN bridge program.  You can take courses online and it would increase her earning potential and job choices.

I know, wishful thinking.  She will probably be knocked up within 6 months of the wedding and kiss nursing goodbye forever.  I hope at least that she continues to work until she does get pregnant, and maybe in the early months of her pregnancy.

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On 7/27/2018 at 5:02 AM, Totally said:

Pleaseeee let there be dancing at the upcoming wedding

So the Footloose scene where Ren is at the meeting with the preacher talking about why the seniors should be able to dance just flashed through my head.

And they danced to stay physically fit... and show their community spirit. And they danced to celebrate." And that is the dancing we're talking about. Aren't we told in Psalm 149 "Praise ye the Lord. Sing unto the Lord a new song. Let them praise His name in the dance"? And it was King David - King David, who we read about in Samuel - and what did David do? What did David do?

[paging frantically through Bible]

Ren: What *did* David do?

[audience laughs]

Ren: "David danced before the Lord with all his might... leaping and dancing before the Lord."

[smacks table in front of Reverend Moore]

Ren: *Leaping* and *dancing*.

[stands up straight]

Ren: Ecclesiastes assures us... that there is a time for every purpose under heaven. A time to laugh... and a time to weep. A time to mourn... and there is a time to dance. And there was a time for this law, but not anymore. See, this is our time to dance. It is our way of celebrating life. It's the way it was in the beginning. It's the way it's always been. It's the way it should be now.

I would give $ to have Jana's future spouse (or really any of them) play out this scene with JimBoob.

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On 7/28/2018 at 1:21 PM, Lunera said:

John and Abbie can have 2 receptions, one for teevee and one for Abby's close family and friends. Tori and Bobby had a 2nd reception for his family in Florida and it looked a lot nicer than the one that was filmed.

At the filmed Duggar version, Jana can hand out the food which can consist of *1* Little Debbie snack cake (leave wrapped before handing out or you will get a bit of Josie spit with your snack cake) and Dixie cup of off brand koolaid.  At the real one they can have real food.  Just don't invite the inlaw's.  

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I just hope she isn’t suddenly “convicted” (a la Whitney) to go skirt and dresses only. JD stand up for your woman, she wore pants when you met her, and God did not strike you with lighting.

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7 minutes ago, SMama said:

I just hope she isn’t suddenly “convicted” (a la Whitney) to go skirt and dresses only. JD stand up for your woman, she wore pants when you met her, and God did not strike you with lighting.

Whitney lost that conviction pretty quickly.  She wears pants and regular bathing suits now.

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You can buy scrub skirts, but they’re really impractical. 12 hours of walking, lifting, carrying, bending and squatting are way easier to get through in pants. Plus most hospitals require you to wear hose if you’re wearing a scrub skirt, and they’re just not made to stand up to an entire shift’s worth of activity.

It certainly looks from those pictures like Abbie is working. Students usually have a uniform and aren’t permitted to wear print scrubs. If she wanted to get her RN license she could do a one-year bridge program; i’m sure they have one in OK or AR. It probably doesn’t make sense unless she plans to keep working, though. She could always go per diem and pick up a few shifts a month. 

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12 hours ago, mynextmistake said:

You can buy scrub skirts, but they’re really impractical. 12 hours of walking, lifting, carrying, bending and squatting are way easier to get through in pants. Plus most hospitals require you to wear hose if you’re wearing a scrub skirt, and they’re just not made to stand up to an entire shift’s worth of activity.

You know, I can never get my head around their affinity for skirts.  Skirts have much more potential to defraud someone that a pair of pants that fits properly.  I used to have to wear a school uniform and could only wear skirts, which I hated.  I can't tell you how often girls had problems trying to play on the playground in stupid skirts.  Plus, all their talk about gender as it related to clothing.  Jesus wore robes, which let's face it are remarkably skirt like.  What is their deal??

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My understanding is it's not about defrauding, it's about "men dressing like men and women like women" from some random Levitican (or similar) OT passage. Ironically, at the time it was written, men didn't wear pants. ;-)

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4 minutes ago, MichaelaRae said:

My understanding is it's not about defrauding, it's about "men dressing like men and women like women" from some random Levitican (or similar) OT passage. Ironically, at the time it was written, men didn't wear pants. ;-)

I believe it's both.


Edited by GeeGolly
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52 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

I believe it's both.


I really need to see the answer key on this one to find out where the eye-trap is on #3.  I can tell that the women in #1 and #4 are hussies on the express train to hell.

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53 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

I really need to see the answer key on this one to find out where the eye-trap is on #3.  I can tell that the women in #1 and #4 are hussies on the express train to hell.

The print fabric over the bust line?  That's my guess.

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1 minute ago, xwordfanatik said:

The print fabric over the bust line?  That's my guess.

that's all I could come up with as well.  What is wrong with #2?  Is it the wearing 3 different patterns at once or something?  

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#2, which always makes me fondly think of Princess Di, has that eye trapping scarf thingy right in the middle of the bosom.   

#3 crosses the boob line too, but let’s be honest.  On someone like Michelle or Joy, it would be about three inches above their boobs. 

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2 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

#3 might by the pumps and #6 the patterned nylons. They're the only two photos showing head to toe. Can't have the legs looking 'sexy' either.

No! #3 is the sexy lacey overlay drawing attention to the bust!  The overlay ends at nipple level!

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7 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

I believe it's both.



Given these pictures, any woman would be hard-pressed to wear anything that wasn’t and Eye trap,  except maybe a burlap sack, and never leaving the house ! Hence, burkas and repressive societies. 

And also, Off topic, but it really bugs me when I see a woman out and about, fully covered from head to toe, and her husband is in stylish, modern, form fitting clothes. 

Edited by awaken
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On 7/26/2018 at 12:49 AM, galaxychaser said:

Jabby will be expecting a baby by Xmas.

They can still have 6 kids by 40. 

I think it was Joe's wedding and the producers were asking JD for his 'advice' and he said something along the lines of waiting for a year to get to know each other and don't rush into babies. It may have even been Joy and Austin. So I can see them waiting a bit---even if Abbie doesn't believe in birth control she has been taught anatomy and would understand how to stop it from happening. 

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37 minutes ago, graefin said:

Wow. I own more than half of those items.  She looks serious about her kitchen (like me). It seems so much more practical and mature than Lauren’s. I don’t get that playing house vibe this time.

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On 7/28/2018 at 7:47 PM, lascuba said:

Considering how JD blamed Satan for Joshgate, I think he'd become even more of a stickler for their ridiculous rules, not less. He wasn't raised to have rational responses to anything.

I don't recall JD blaming Satan, I saw a very angry JD blaming his brother for his idiotic behavior. I think Zach Bates and JD have each had their own awakening---we see it with Zach every time we see him and I think we'll start to see it with JD too now that he has a girl. 

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18 minutes ago, lookeyloo said:

Do they know who Ellen degeneres is? Because they picked some bedding with her name on it. 

Haha. Love the thought of them sleeping on Ellen Degeneres bedding!!

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I could not help but laugh when I saw the lasagna baking pan. SGirl and I bond over homemade lasagna frequently. I’m ashamed to admit I did not know there are special pans for lasagna. Then I laughed more when I remembered JD has stated his favorite meal is Stouffer’s lasagna. That was an unintended but still funny middle finger at the Duggar way. Poor JD, he will probably still be in a daze from finally engaging in intercourse, then he’ll get his first taste of a real lasagna. I hope his heart can take the excitement. ?

Looks like Abbie enjoys baking, and the Food Saver (we love ours) tells me she prepares in advance. A completely unknown concept to the Duggars. 

Edited by SMama
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1 hour ago, Loves2Dance said:

I don't recall JD blaming Satan, I saw a very angry JD blaming his brother for his idiotic behavior. I think Zach Bates and JD have each had their own awakening---we see it with Zach every time we see him and I think we'll start to see it with JD too now that he has a girl. 

No, he absolutely did blame Satan, that's not in question.  It was during an interview the family did with one of the networks. 


ETA: Here's one interview where he said "the devil took his best shot" (around the 1:25 mark). This is the same interview where the dickhead said the girls loved to do his laundry. https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/video/duggar-family-opens-life-josh-duggars-scandals-37623685

Edited by lascuba
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1 hour ago, lookeyloo said:

Do they know who Ellen degeneres is? Because they picked some bedding with her name on it. 

Josie Bates also has Ellen stuff on her registry even after Lawson posted an angry tweet asking for her show to be boycotted for bashing trump. I'm sure they know of her but don't care as long as they get free stuff.

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19 minutes ago, lascuba said:

No, he absolutely did blame Satan, that's not in question.  It was during an interview the family did with one of the networks. 


ETA: Here's one interview where he said "the devil took his best shot" (around the 1:25 mark). This is the same interview where the dickhead said the girls loved to do his laundry. https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/video/duggar-family-opens-life-josh-duggars-scandals-37623685


I definitely missed that interview, but it doesn't shock me. Nothing any of them said sounded organic or that it wasn't part of the PR blitz of the time. JD, quite quickly, became the new Josh so for him to spout off his lines are what I'd expect. 

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Oh please. It has nothing to do with money or fame. If that was true, step away from the show, and go out and get real jobs to support yourself and your families. Stop blaming the devil for what Josh did. And I also doubt any of them are really trying to help someone else out. Okay, I take it back. They will help someone else out if it makes them look good. Famewhores R' Us.

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