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S05.E01: Joy's Wedding/S05.E02: Triple Date Night

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Hey Kendra...use Miss Cindy, Miss Rene and spend that TLC money.

Don't be shy to grub everything they offer...forget modesty and humbleness...go all out and spend, spend, spend.

Finally a recent Duggar boy married off...JoeBlob  decided he didn't want to be a bachelor until the rapture like JD

Don't let Josh be a groomsman...be thoughtful of your sisters who were molested by him.

Pick out a house, a car and the wedding of your dreams...you're marrying into the Duggar clan and deserve some happiness before you add to the tally of young uns'

  • Love 4

I thought the way the wedding party was spaced during the ceremony was odd. They were all so far away from Joy and Austin, and each other.

Where did Michelle think she was supposed to go after the prayer circle? She turned the wrong way as if she was going to stay up there. This was one instance where Jim Bob holding on to her didn't seem odd. She really did need assistance, and she looked very hunched over.

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, BitterApple said:

The Duggars' problem is they try to do themes but they suck at DIY, so the end result looks like a decorating project done by third graders. If they would just stick to some nice floral arrangements at the altar, they would be so much better off. Put away the Pinterest app and keep it simple.

And some of their friends suck at DIY.. the baker with open  sticks of butter out in an exposed public area gave me the willies.. one of her "assistants" needed her hair tied or a hairnet. And was that canned frosting at the end of the table? How many bakers use canned frosting -I mean the woman had powder sugar in her hands

Edited by sATL
  • Love 9

My thoughts on the wedding: 

*Austin is pretty much the hottest guy that any of the girls have married, and seems like an actual man's man, if that makes sense? Haha. Like, he seems manly. I don't know how to describe it, he seems like he's pretty level headed, and has a good head on his shoulders. 

*If Austin is smart, he will be like Jeremy and take Joy and they will move far, far away! 

*I agree, the wedding was really sloppy. I feel like they just threw it together like whatever. 

*I thought it was rude as hell that Joy kept asking silly questions and just asking Austin everything. Like, does this chick have a mind of her own? Damn. 


And I pretty much agree with what everyone else has been saying, and have been enjoying this thread a lot! 

  • Love 8
On ‎6‎/‎13‎/‎2017 at 1:59 AM, Sew Sumi said:

I haven't seen it yet to judge, but from what it sounds like, he's actually CHALLENGING Joy to think for herself. We've criticized her her for years for being a dim bulb, and if she's so much like Jill as they said tonight, that's scary. I don't think Austin wants a Stage 5 clinger; he seems to want someone who isn't hanging on his every word or decision before she makes a move. I think he's trying to tell her - without using the words - that it's okay to have some independent thoughts so they may at one point in the future, be true partners in their marriage. I'll opine more tomorrow after I've seen the wedding with my own eyeballs (watching my Dubs win the NBA Finals tonight, so otherwise pre-occupied).

It's interesting how different people can have such different analyses of the same thing. I think Austin definitely wants someone who won't present a challenge to him, or to anything. I think he is super-controlling and she is so awfully eager to please.  I didn't see anything warm or loving or affectionate coming from him toward Joy. I think he sees marriage to her as providing him a "proper" lifestyle, maybe not a happy one.

  • Love 9
22 hours ago, cereality said:

I know it's rude - but my first thought - was man, Kendra is not much to look at. But then I caught myself bc it's not like her fiancé is a looker -- he's 22 going on 45 with his gut and hairline. That being said, I think it counts for a LOT more that those two look happy together and look comfortable. When she was hanging out with him pre-wedding, they were talking like a normal couple. When he proposed to her, he definitely front hugged her after she said yes and they both looked like they were wanting to lean in for a kiss in a very natural way. The second hug was more side-ish and of course when Austin called him out with "no kissing" -- he pulled back. And then he was telling the story that she was reaching into his jacket pocket for mints and he had to move quick bc that's where he had his ring -- that's some definite normal comfort for a girlfriend to reach into her boyfriend's jacket pocket even if that means that she'd [gasp] brush against his chest.

Austin -- from what little we've seen -- strikes me as Brandon Keilen (the Bates son in law). According to his friends who've known him since age 7-9, everything he has done in his life has been to allow himself to get married and be a father -- that's all he wants. He even said that he went to his dad at SEVENTEEN and asked what he had to do to prep for marriage. So all the house flipping stuff was to learn a trade to be able to support a wife and kids. His vows were ridiculously fundie even for a fundie guy. They struck me as -- he's a simple guy and all he wants to do is serve God and the way you do that is by producing lots of Christian children and having your wife and kids follow you as you follow he Lord. The negative for Joy here (and Michaela Bates) is that guys like this -- they just needed a wife to complete the picture and bear his kids. It doesn't matter who the girl is, as long as she'll meekly follow his will. Sure guys like this wouldn't be able to marry a Carlin or Tori Bates bc those girls have too much personality and attitude and won't meekly serve. But other than that, any fundie girl will do. So Joy -- welcome to your new life. Serving Austin 3 meals a day, washing is underwear, starting in 9 months bearing his kids, and bearing another one every year thereafter for as long as the Lord wills. And she's doing a great job of meekness already. I mean desperately begging the groom to tell her whether he wants her to wear her hair up or down and wear a veil or not for the wedding!? Who does that!? What bride cares what the groom wants? And even when courting -- Joy goes from -- I don't like dresses, but Austin likes them on me . . . so I'm going to buy 3 of them right now. That's exactly what Austin is looking for in a wife . . . .

Why do you think he was so eager, at the young age of 17, to be married?  Why do you think he wanted it as early as 9 years old?

  • Love 5
55 minutes ago, realitytvbitch980 said:


*I thought it was rude as hell that Joy kept asking silly questions asking Austin everything. Like, does this chick have a mind of her own?  Damn.

No.  And when the triple-dating sisters decided to go out shopping how Jill  just walked out of the room leaving Izzy on the floor.  Joy turned back to get him like a dedicated sister mom.  Jill is Michelle 2.0.

  • Love 18
34 minutes ago, skippy said:

It's interesting how different people can have such different analyses of the same thing. I think Austin definitely wants someone who won't present a challenge to him, or to anything. I think he is super-controlling and she is so awfully eager to please.  I didn't see anything warm or loving or affectionate coming from him toward Joy. I think he sees marriage to her as providing him a "proper" lifestyle, maybe not a happy one.

I agree. If Austin wanted an independent thinker, he would've found one.  In that scene where Joy was questioning the hairstyle, Austin spoke to her like a father reminding his toddler daughter to "use her words". As several others have noted, you get the vibe that marriage for him was about ticking off a box on his "Godly man" checklist. It could've been Joy or any other Fundie girl up there as long as she was appropriately subservient and willing to pump out an Army for Christ. 

12 minutes ago, sheshark said:

No.  And when the triple-dating sisters decided to go out shopping how Jill  just walked out of the room leaving Izzy on the floor.  Joy turned back to get him like a dedicated sister mom.  Jill is Michelle 2.0.

Jill has no interest in that kid whatsoever. When I watch Jessa's Instagram videos with Spurge, you hear genuine love and affection in her voice when she interacts with him. Jill just appears to be going through the motions. It wouldn't surprise me if she was clinically depressed. Nothing seems to bring her much happiness. Not her kid, nor her marriage nor the mission work. Her affect is a complete 180 from the girl who was gushing over Derick in Nepal. She needs professional help.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 20

Think Jill is a detached mother like chelle.

Depression, resentment for a sh!t childhood, delayed reaction from her Josh incident and the charade of forgiveness the girls were forced to make all could factor in why she is has no genuine emotions but is just doing want she has learned how a mother is supposed to act...obviously learned from Jana.

  • Love 6
5 minutes ago, BitterApple said:


Jill has no interest in that kid whatsoever. When I watch Jessa's Instagram videos with Spurge, you hear genuine love and affection in her voice when she interacts with him. Jill just appears to be going through the motions. It wouldn't surprise me if she was clinically depressed. Nothing seems to bring her much happiness. Not her kid, nor her marriage nor the mission work. Her affect is a complete 180 from the girl who was gushing over Derick in Nepal. She needs professional help.

When we were all watching the two courtships playing out in 2014, did ANYONE predict it would turn out this way? I'm pretty amazed it's Jill who is apparently disinterested in her husband and kid. But then, I also never thought they'd actually go on mission trips when she got pregnant so fast, so what do I know?

I did think Jessa would take to motherhood, simply because I've seen women who have no interest in kids in general except their own (think Miranda from Sex and the City). In a similar vein, Jill was touchingly close to her buddies, but seemed disengaged from Joy's wedding. Speaking of, was Jenni in Joy's bridal party? How sweet if she was. The Jill-Joy-James-Jennifer foursome was one of the most organic and, to me, sweetest things about the entire show.

  • Love 7

I thought something was off with Jill and Derick from the beginning. I know some of us thought it would be an ideal relationship, but I saw the warning signs during the courtship, wedding and early on in the marriage. I think Jill was looking for someone to give her the love and attention she did not get from JB and Michelle, and Derick was looking for someone to fill the void left from his dad dying at an early age. Throw in Jill acting like a teenage girl with her first crush, someone outside the males in her family giving her the time of day, Derick blindly going along with what Jill and JB wanted at first, a quickie wedding and baby, his mother being seriously ill, Jill cling-along as the day is long, the molestation scandal hitting the news, and two young people who have no clue about real life marriage and children playing house, and it is a major disaster in the making.


On paper, Jill and Derick seemed much better suited than Jessa and Bin. IMO, the problem with the Dullards is their marriage dynamic is one where, for one half of the equation to be happy, the other will be miserable. Jill would love to return to Arkansas and missioncate a couple weeks a year, but Derick has no interest in life at the cubicle farm. On the flip side, large stretches of time in Danger America suits Derick but doesn't work for Jill because she functions best within the safety net of her support system. There's really no happy medium because their needs are so drastically different. It's the perfect recipe for a miserable relationship.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 22
56 minutes ago, skippy said:

Why do you think he was so eager, at the young age of 17, to be married?  Why do you think he wanted it as early as 9 years old?

Because in his culture you cannot have any sort of romantic relationship, status as an adult or PARTNERED SEX without being married, hence why he wanted to know exactly what was expected of him to achieve this goal at 17. 


Some women say they knew they wanted to be a mother one day when they were as young as 9 or 10.....

  • Love 2
6 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

Because in his culture you cannot have any sort of romantic relationship, status as an adult or PARTNERED SEX without being married, hence why he wanted to know exactly what was expected of him to achieve this goal at 17. 

Seeing his father in that reality show they were in and how controlling he was, I would have asked also.  It was obvious to him that there were going to be hoops so he should find out early what they were.

  • Love 4
26 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

Because in his culture you cannot have any sort of romantic relationship, status as an adult or PARTNERED SEX without being married, hence why he wanted to know exactly what was expected of him to achieve this goal at 17. 


Some women say they knew they wanted to be a mother one day when they were as young as 9 or 10.....

I knew I wanted to be a mother since basically I came out of the womb myself, but I didn't ever really expect it until my 30's! My parents were in their 30's when they had us, and even my grandparents were all in their 30's when they had my parents. I'm in my late twenties, and no babies yet, because I went to college so I could have a decent career and save money, and I'm also looking for a decent dad for them. I wish the duggars had any form of self-restraint like this. Who knows, maybe Jana does. 

Going back to the person who said they were surprised with how these courtships of 2014 turned out, I agree soooo much!!! I was so looking forward to seeing Jill settle into her cute McMansion, and be an immaculate housekeeper and awesome mom while Derick worked hard. I expected Jana to be over there a lot helping, and the two of them to spend their days in laughter while figuring out how to take care of Jill's baby. On the other hand, I was so disappointed when I heard jessa was pregnant. All she cared about at that time was her figure and working out, and I was very worried she would be a detached parent while blaming her baby for her new body, and working out vigorously to get it back. It's weird that it is 100% opposite!!! Guess logic does fail sometimes. 

  • Love 8
21 hours ago, louannems said:

You all did not exaggerate when describing Joy's dirty feet.  Oh my god!  The soles of her feet were as black as a cast iron skillet!  I actually thought she had just walked across a newly black topped road.  Gross!  I now wonder just how dirty the rest of her body is. Poor Austin if he is in for a rude awakening when he goes ruttting around!

This got me thinking...do you think they are taught to wash themselves properly?  Or would that be "touching themselves"?  I probably don't want to know. Why do I wonder these things???

  • Love 8

^^^^The devil is making you do it!^^^^


About Austin:

When you are suckled on the Kool Aid, given it in your sippy cup then with the crazy straw in your plastic cup...the Kool Aid is what you know.

Austin wanting what seems like the trappings of adulthood but in reality is freedom from under his father's thumb, it isn't so odd that at 17 he is looking ahead to being 21 and wanting his own family.

Austin had his choice of the hundreds fundy girls he met through the years at the family camp, at church retreats, meetings but he narrowed his focus on Joy.

We are getting a glimpse of how it is done Ozark style in fundy circles.

Bizzarro to us but that is how they find their brides in the holler...

Joy deserves happiness.

  • Love 3
8 minutes ago, HooHooHoo said:

This got me thinking...do you think they are taught to wash themselves properly?  Or would that be "touching themselves"?  I probably don't want to know. Why do I wonder these things???

Don't know about "touching themselves"...that's probably a different issue. I just suspect that, first of all, as has been mentioned, cleanliness is not exactly a priority in their world. And second of all, they probably only put some marginal effort into cleaning things that are visibly filthy. It probably just doesn't occur to them to actually look at the soles of their feet. 

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Christina87 said:

I knew I wanted to be a mother since basically I came out of the womb myself, but I didn't ever really expect it until my 30's! My parents were in their 30's when they had us, and even my grandparents were all in their 30's when they had my parents. I'm in my late twenties, and no babies yet, because I went to college so I could have a decent career and save money, and I'm also looking for a decent dad for them. I wish the duggars had any form of self-restraint like this. Who knows, maybe Jana does. 

Going back to the person who said they were surprised with how these courtships of 2014 turned out, I agree soooo much!!! I was so looking forward to seeing Jill settle into her cute McMansion, and be an immaculate housekeeper and awesome mom while Derick worked hard. I expected Jana to be over there a lot helping, and the two of them to spend their days in laughter while figuring out how to take care of Jill's baby. On the other hand, I was so disappointed when I heard jessa was pregnant. All she cared about at that time was her figure and working out, and I was very worried she would be a detached parent while blaming her baby for her new body, and working out vigorously to get it back. It's weird that it is 100% opposite!!! Guess logic does fail sometimes. 

I don't think Austin expected to be married at 17, but he wanted to know what he needed to do to be prepared for a future marriage a few years down the line. I just don't think that's weird. It's like I knew I wanted to go to law school so I chose certain courses/professors in undergrad that would give me the writing samples I needed. It was a part of his 5year plan. I mean what else is he going to do besides work, get married and serve Jesus? The only reason Jeremy is "old" for this lot is because he took a few years off to be a heathen until he decided he wanted to marry a fundy virgin. 


I think Jill may be clinically depressed. She's very detached from Izzy in a way you wouldn't expect given he is so young and her FIRST.....I don't know. 

  • Love 3

The groomsman Jessa walked down with was half Jude Law and half Jeremy Roloff.

I CANNOT believe I'm watching this for a second time. 

I would LOVE to see Joy's signature on the marriage certificate.

"We can't stay very long." Lol....it's YOUR wedding! 

Edited by woodscommaelle
  • Love 4
2 hours ago, HooHooHoo said:

This got me thinking...do you think they are taught to wash themselves properly?  Or would that be "touching themselves"?  I probably don't want to know. Why do I wonder these things???

I think it goes back to Jill eating in the bathroom just being a symptom of too many kids.  Hot water would not have lasted long with nine kids taking showers every day let alone 19.  Cleanliness would not have been emphasized in order to save money.  Guarantee they probably have a stink test, but the basic hygiene skills just aren't there. 

Edited by saylubee
  • Love 5

I saw the wedding again (I can't believe I did that - maybe it's like watching an accident on the road).  Anyway, why did Michelle walk Austin down the aisle with his mom and his dad was behind them?  Was there a reason?

I was also thinking about the marriages of the older girls.  To be honest it seems that Jessa and Jinger (after less than a year of marriage) seem pretty happy with their choices.  Although Bin seems like a doofus, he also seems pretty easy going and to really love Jessa.  And even though Jessa seems a bit self-centered for my tastes, she seems to care for Bin too.  Jill on the other hand seems to project a holier than thou attitude and very preachy.  Also as others have said, not interested in her first child.  And neither does Derrick.  They don't seem to know how to deal with a toddler - a good example is trying to tell an 18 month old about a new baby!  It seems to me that underneath all that they try to project, they seem so sad or dissatified - with each other, their life,  and what they do. 

Maybe Jana has the right idea.  "I can't leave my younger siblings." could just be an excuse to NOT have to get married.  She can always help siblings' families to get her taste of taking care of children without having her own.  If that is her plan, good for her!  She found a way to get around the strictures of fundy life and still do what she wants to do.

  • Love 8
27 minutes ago, pinguina said:


I saw the wedding again (I can't believe I did that - maybe it's like watching an accident on the road).  Anyway, why did Michelle walk Austin down the aisle with his mom and his dad was behind them?  Was there a reason?


Same reason they announced Derick could kiss the bride and they went on stage to kiss with Jinger and Jeremy and the same reason there is a photo of them kissing over their first grandchild while flanked by Smuggar and Anna kissing over the baby. They have no boundaries. 

  • Love 4

It'll be interesting to see how Joy's & Austin's marriage plays out. I'm thinking she married Jana's ideal man.

I looks to me that Jill and Jessa are not fully grounded, but Jessa's fantasy is closer to a Duggar reality. Jill wants a fairy tale life that has aspects of her mother's life and Snow White's life - she has neither. Jessa wants aspects of her mother's life and a Kardashian's life - she's probably close to that in her eyes.

I think Jinger has embraced religion more deeply than her sisters and wanted off the compound, so I'm guessing her fantasy is playing out - for now.

I think Joy is in total fantasy land trying on the role of submissive wife. I have no idea how that'll turn out. I'm guessing not good.

What I'm not sure any of them realize, except Jessa, is that their mother was able to totally check out because of TLC. Their father was able to stay home because of TLC. The reason their pantry is full is because of TLC. The reason Joy could buy 3 dresses for 1 date is because of TLC.

When TLC is gone all their marriages will change drastically and I don't think any off them realize this.

  • Love 21

LOL A couple of funny scenes: 

*Derick saying " No making out back there" haha. That was kinda funny how he was teasing them. 

*That whole scene where Joy was kind of just hanging around the guys when they were all standing around was just a hot mess. First of all, it made her come off as really clingy. Like, thats the time to be with her girlfriends and her sisters and her mom, and she's just so concerned with what Austin is doing lmao. and then the whole back and forth about her hair? Really? I mean, he told her that it didn't matter, I mean, he did ask about a braid, but he basically said whatever she wanted, and she's like no, what do you want? Ugh, That was weird. It really paints her out to be this little perfect trained wife, who basically has no opinion, no mind of her own. And I'm sorry, but if she doesn't even know how to cut a cake, she has no business getting married yet lmfao. How is she going to cook his meals and do all the other wifely duties! 

  • Love 6

I was seeing red while watching idiots Jill and Derrick try to explain to Israel that they were going to have another baby.   He's 18 months old FFS, he can only comprehend so much you fucktards!   Jill had a look of sheer terror when Izzy dropped the baby into the toy car and I screamed at the tv  "it's not a real baby you idiot!!"  Derrick appeared extremely short tempered with Izzy as well.  These two are terrible parents and it raises my blood pressure to watch them.

  • Love 18
7 hours ago, pinguina said:

 Jill on the other hand seems to project a holier than thou attitude and very preachy.  Also as others have said, not interested in her first child.  And neither does Derrick.  They don't seem to know how to deal with a toddler - a good example is trying to tell an 18 month old about a new baby!  It seems to me that underneath all that they try to project, they seem so sad or dissatisfied - with each other, their life,  and what they do. 


4 minutes ago, tabloidlover said:

I was seeing red while watching idiots Jill and Derrick try to explain to Israel that they were going to have another baby.   He's 18 months old FFS, he can only comprehend so much you fucktards!   Jill had a look of sheer terror when Izzy dropped the baby into the toy car and I screamed at the tv  "it's not a real baby you idiot!!"  Derrick appeared extremely short tempered with Izzy as well.  These two are terrible parents and it raises my blood pressure to watch them.

^^^Amen. I was writing about this, @tabloidlover, when your post popped up, so I started over. Yesterday I posted comments about that scene, and I wish I could forget it. But I keep thinking of it when I read new posts here - how lame it was and how Derick's interactions with Iz were chilling to me. We know that Derick's a hardline Bible-beating religious nut, and I'm afraid he views Iz's toddler-stage behavior (short attention span, impulsive, messy) as evidence of sin vs. a normal stage of human development. 

And yeah, Jill. 

I can think of a few explanations for why Jill looked scared when Izzy dropped the doll, and I don't like any of them. The most benign is that she just doesn't get that an 18 month old kid (girl or boy) is going to throw things, whether it's a doll or another toy or a ball. Less benign: Jill has some vague idea that two year old Iz will actually be helping her with child care - and he can't be throwing babies like that. I know, that's crazy. But. This is Jill. The worst scenario is that she instantly expected Derick to respond harshly to Iz's action, and only the fact that the cameras were rolling meant that he didn't discipline Izzy for tossing down the doll like that. I hope not, but we've seen Derick's harshness toward his kid.

3 minutes ago, flyingdi said:

I think the difference between Jessa and Jill is that Jessa is practical and flexible. Jill isn't.  Jill is going to break break before she bends.  Jill bought into the "if I'm a good girl and do everything right, God will reward me."  And he hasn't, at least not like she thought he would.

I feel bad about Jill - and I fear you may be correct about this. 

  • Love 10
17 hours ago, skippy said:

It's interesting how different people can have such different analyses of the same thing. I think Austin definitely wants someone who won't present a challenge to him, or to anything. I think he is super-controlling and she is so awfully eager to please.  I didn't see anything warm or loving or affectionate coming from him toward Joy. I think he sees marriage to her as providing him a "proper" lifestyle, maybe not a happy one.

I agree.  Austin gives me the creeps.  Maybe it's because he is a more serious type person but I agree he seems controlling  & Joy is eager to please.   If I had ever asked Mr Barb if he wanted me to have a braid in my hair, his response would be "what's a braid?"   

  • Love 11
15 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

^^^^The devil is making you do it!^^^^


About Austin:

When you are suckled on the Kool Aid, given it in your sippy cup then with the crazy straw in your plastic cup...the Kool Aid is what you know.

Austin wanting what seems like the trappings of adulthood but in reality is freedom from under his father's thumb, it isn't so odd that at 17 he is looking ahead to being 21 and wanting his own family.

Austin had his choice of the hundreds fundy girls he met through the years at the family camp, at church retreats, meetings but he narrowed his focus on Joy.

We are getting a glimpse of how it is done Ozark style in fundy circles.

Bizzarro to us but that is how they find their brides in the holler...

Joy deserves happiness.

It is just so convenient that this dude who was on his own ep of a reality show w  is family picked a wife from a reality show.  I side eye this.  It means more $ and PR for the family biz.  The way he speaks to her has an authoritative ring to it.  That may be because she is a simpleton with no opinion of her own but I am sure he will rule the roost.  

  • Love 6
15 minutes ago, Christina87 said:

I wish that Jill and Derick could take Izzy to some church-run preschool a morning or two a week. Not only would he learn valuable skills, but i would love for a professional to tell these morons that Izzy is on a normal developmental level!

Jill has been living (and raising) babies and kids for most of her life. She should know all this stuff.

  • Love 7

I re-watched the scene with Austin and Joy and the whole hair debacle and I just rolled my eyes and LMAOED. I mean, come on. He was talking to her like he would be talking to an annoying little sister "Okay, you need to go" "Can I have a hug first?" hahaha. She really acts juvenile and immature for her age. Its hard to believe that she's actually getting married and probably going to be pregnant any day now. I mean, she didn't know how to cut a cake, she didn't know where to sign her name, its like he pretty much has to walk her through every move she makes. I don't think he's that controlling, I think he's probably just more mature, and I'm guessing he's older? I didn't catch his age :) 

  • Love 8
16 hours ago, Absolom said:

Seeing his father in that reality show they were in and how controlling he was, I would have asked also.  It was obvious to him that there were going to be hoops so he should find out early what they were.

Could someone please let me know which reality show this was?  I missed it and I'd like to see it.

Nevermind, I found it.  Thanks anyway!  (World's Strictest Parents from 2009, for those who are wondering.)

Edited by SuzyLee
32 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Austin's 23, Joy's 19.

It's weird that these guys seem to like the extreme dependency and neediness. In the real world, that would be a turn-off for most men.

I know! It floors me to think about where these girls would end up dating in the "real world." Especially Jill. I can't imagine the lengths a grown man would have to take to block her from every social media account as she's contacting him 25 times a day after their first date, proclaiming her love. I think Jana would do okay, since she is so reserved and has some sense, and jessa's looks would get her somewhere, but most guys wouldn't appreciate her constant pressure to commit to marriage. Jill, jinger, and Joy would be massively hurt and need therapy, and that's best case scenario. I wonder if this is part of why Anna won't leave josh. I think she would actually be able to find a conservative Christian guy if she did leave, because she has enough life experience to not act like a middle schooler, and has a sweet nature. I do think it would take a while though, and wouldn't be the first guy she went on a date with. She would probably forever be guilty of giving away heart pieces. 

It always makes me side eye these guys when they respond to it. I was majorly creeped out when Jeremy was available all day to text jinger, especially that day in the wilderness where she had limited service, and he acted just as stupid as her when she finally did contact him. Exactly 0 guys in the real world would be like this. Zero!

Edited by Christina87
  • Love 5

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