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S13.E23: True Colors

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1 hour ago, Stacey1014 said:

I wasn't sure what to make of Maggie's scenes with Jackson. Sometimes it seems like they're chemistry testing them and other times it's like they're trying to establish a brother/sister relationship. Based on her pissy looks towards Meredith and Nathan this episode, I wonder if she'd act the same way if/when Jackson reunited with April.

I'm a little disappointed that Megan is alive. I like Meredith and Nathan together. I'd almost prefer it if they kept the two of them together and let Megan start fresh with a newly single Alex. 

I've been theorizing since Maggie's mom first came on that they were setting up Jackson and Maggie but I think they are playing them both ways right now. Nothing is outwardly romantic or even flirty. Just two friends bantering but with this show it's never that simple and in my opinion, greys wants to get Maggie a big love interest. 

Its not a coincidence that in seven episodes that japril haven't shared a single scene since a pretty big development in their relationship that Jackson now feels responsible for Maggie and worries for her well being and bantering like old chums. It's hard to set up something new if the audience is being reminded of the males pretty big relationship prior to that. 

It reminds me of when Alex and Maggie shared a lot of scenes and jolex was put on the back burner. Alex and Jackson are the shows more popular males and Maggie is (w/o sounding bitter) a show favorite. They are trying to fit her in with one of them and it's going to be Jackson. It may not happen in the finale but Debbi Allen said they were laying groundwork for a lot of things for next season. I do believe this is one of them.

Talking about this episode, i was really into the rapist angle and what was happening with Stephanie. It's so sad cause Stephanie is a good character that this show never could figure out how to use. It was hard to make her popular when she was in the middle of a fan favorite pairing and one of a group of interns old time fans never wanted. Considering how close she was to that blast, even if she survives, I doubt she can ever practice medicine again...and her surviving that explosion is a big IF. 

What I didn't like was the whole sequence of events could only work when the characters made bad and stupid decisions. Bailey waiting forever to call the code (she was just shown in the ep where steph, Deluca, and april were exposed to TB that she had no clue what to do). I give some leeway to steph cause fear can cloud everyone's judgement, but some things were just too much. He has this tiny scapel at your side, you are in a hospital full of doctors, the rapist is barely able to stand on his own, his liver is jacked, you walk by Ben who is built and you just go along with the ruse? I mean, play your odds...push off the guy, yell for Ben and both of you can take him down, if he stabs you...YOU ARE IN A HOSPITAL!!!

Stephanies first instinct to protect the kid was heroic, but steph, you just give him ideas of how to mess y'all up even more. "If we set this place on fire the doors will open"...like I said the guy is barely able to stand, let him mess himself up trying to get out. Lock you and the girl in one of those rooms and just wait him out.

Then the (no pun intended) killer...you have a scapel and a flammable liquid at your disposal...and you choose a flammable liquid in the hopes that the cgi embers from the burning rag will hit him. Like...what part of this sounded like a good idea? THEN...you somehow think you can pull a man completely engulfed in flames away from the explosive tanks before it blows...play your damn odds.

all these bad decisions made it hard to take super seriously even though jerrika acted the crap out of this. I wished they showed this Stephanie more. 

Everything else...

-mer went from blowing off dates with Riggs to wanting to introduce him to her kids fast

- of course Megan is alive

- owen needs continuous help. Every time he's faced with a huge crisis he kind of goes inward and he acts very disturbingly. Both of his interactions with those parents were reaching "choking Cristina" levels.

when this show tries it can pull off a good episode that builds intrigue. I wish they did it more often.

Edited by moonorchid
  • Love 7
9 hours ago, Snow Fairy said:

I wish they just stayed in that room and waited for someone to find them. Because the rapist will die, he was no threat. Don't try to save him, just wait. And yes - Steph probably had her mobile phone with her - she could have called someone after the guy went on fire.

I don't think she was trying to save him at all - he'd gone to and fallen right next to massive oxygen containers and she would have been trying to avoid blowing the hospital up, killing patients on adjacent floors and in the subsequent fire, etc.

1 hour ago, Efzee said:

Am I the only one who immediately thought the guy was a rapist when the doctors were talking about the great/inappropriate sex the patient they were taking care of must have had? And then the patient woke up and first thing she asked was if she killed the guy, not if he was still alive or hurt. 

Oh, and where the heck were all the cameras in the hospital? You know, the ones that filmed Warren with that patient near the elevators and everything. Security could have easily located the rapist/Stephanie by checking CCTV.

I thought the initial jokes and logical theories while both were unconscious were cute, but as soon as the girl asked if she'd killed him (I guess with shock and injury I can excuse her not blurting out that he was a rapist...) and the way the guy was so obsessed with getting to her were big tips that he was no good. But if a lot of people missed that, then the writers and actor played it well by walking the line between creep and lovestruck obsessive boyfriend (well, I also find them creepy, but the harmless kind).

DOH to all those cameras that captured Ben's hallway c-section - I forgot about those! I'll assume they were installed after the shooter in season six, but aside from probably stairwells there's no reason they shouldn't have been scanning the recent footage to track the patient leaving his room. ?

  • Love 4
15 hours ago, pennben said:

Amelia was essentially saying it was okay to wait a couple of hours until Nathan came over to tell him.  Meredith was disagreeing and saying that if it were her spouse she would want to know immediately that he was alive.  She felt Nathan deserved that same regard as Megan's significant other. I was pleasantly surprised at Meredith's mature reaction to the news that his former fiance was alive and coming back to town--her only thoughts were of Nathan's needs. 

As for Stephanie, I really wished that they had given him the type of injuries that didn't have us all sitting at the tv shouting "Kick him in the liver, kick him in the liver!".  I did love that her prayer was "please bleed out".  


I don't know why Owen, instead of their mother, was the one notified that Megan had been found -perhaps because of their mother's health situation- but Owen was way too deeply in the clutches of PTSD to pay attention to explanations. I appreciated that they showed Mer's humanity again. She knew that Nathan needed to hear that news immediately. Sadly, Nathan will feel guilty for 'cheating' on Megan (again), as well as sharing the same guilt Owen is experiencing (because he gave up and assumed she was dead and moved on with his life). 

Unfortunately, Mer is the worst person to give Nathan that news! It should be Owen, or maybe Bailey. Anyone besides the woman he has been 'cheating' with!

Edited by Crazy Bird Lady
  • Love 5

Catty thought for the show: Amelia needs to stop parting her hair down the middle.  A side-part would be much more flattering.

Well, this show has now veered into WTF territory, and not in a good, "wow...what is going to happen next?" sort of way.  No one...NO ONE...is surprised that Megan is alive.  Of course she is, because it has been telegraphed for, what, 2 seasons now?  And I am, sadly, starting to get "Meredith is pregnant" vibes which is just bad for so, so many reasons...including:
1 - Meredith already has 3 kids that we rarely see (didn't we only see two of them tonight?)
2 - Isn't conception supposed to be hard for Meredith?  I mean, with the first (second) kid I get it..it was one of those "we didn't think we could get pregnant, so we weren't using anything" scenarios.  The second (third) kid, I could hand wave away because it was very Hallmark-y when combined with Derek's death.  A third pregnancy, though?  No...
3 - Having Meredith pregnant *now,* with the return of the love of Rigg's life, is just the soapiest of soapy tropes.  And, yeah, this show has always been, at its core, a soap opera...but not the crank-em-out daily kind of soap opera.

I think the story line with Alex could have been interesting, but I lost it after the 2nd fantasy scene.  Too much, people.  Although I did giggle a bit when he introduced himself as "Alex Stevens."  Apparently the abhorrent Izzy hasn't been completely wiped away.

Ugh, I'm also getting the feeling that they are going to try and put Jackson and Maggie together.  Honestly, I'm not against that (but not wanting it either) except for the fact that they really need to introduce Jackson to this woman named April and get that sorted out first.  The way they've left that situation is just...bizarre.  I'm not shipping Jackson and April--I don't really care which way that one falls out, but it needs to at least be addressed.  We're already gearing up for a Meredith/Riggs/Megan triangle.  I just can't with a second Maggie/Jackson/April triangle going on at the same time.

The only positive thought I have coming out this episode is the faint hope that we might see Teddy again.

  • Love 4
15 hours ago, pennben said:

I think the writers were trolling everyone always complaining about not seeing Meredith's kids when they had Meredith be the one to say: "Some people need a nanny" regarding that girls father.  I laughed out loud.

I think it was sarcasm, because the father was more intrested in texting to nanny than to watching his kid ;)

15 hours ago, BaseOps said:

Most regulars leave rather than die. George / Mark / Lexi / Derek (/Steph?) vs Burke / Addison / Hahn / Izzie / Cristina / Leah / Shane / Callie.

yeah, what happenned with Leah? Didn't she come back? And then Catherine and Bailey started to "improving" education...

20 minutes ago, Crazy Bird Lady said:


I don't know why Owen, instead of their mother, was the one notified that Megan had been found -perhaps because of their mother's health situation- but Owen was way too deeply in the clutches of PTSD to pay attention to explanations. I appreciated that they showed Mer's humanity again. She knew that Nathan needed to hear that news immediately. Sadly, Nathan will feel guilty for 'cheating' on Megan (again), as well as sharing the same guilt Owen is experiencing (because he gave up and assumed she was dead and moved on with his life). 

Unfortunately, Mer is the worst person to give Nathan that news! It should be Owen, or maybe Bailey. Anyone besides the woman he has been 'cheating' with!

I'm thinking Megan had next of kin paperwork that has Owen listed as the first to be notified. Also, when they found her, she might have requested he be notified first and then their mother. 

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, moonorchid said:

- owen needs continuous help. Every time he's faced with a huge crisis he kind of goes inward and he acts very disturbingly. Both of his interactions with those parents were reaching "choking Cristina" levels.

You know, that's one of the few good things about continuity on this show.  PTSD is ongoing and not easily fixed, so Owen is always going to have issues which, as you point out, would need continuous help.  Not that he'll probably get it, because that's one of many things GA gets wrong about, well, everything.

  • Love 8

I have to be honest, that first fake out with Alex scared the shit out of me.  I was about to stop watching the show completely.  Thankfully it ended without him doing anything.  And I know the actress who plays Jo was pregnant in real life but the show has done a shit job with keeping her involved on any kind of level.  It's been obvious for awhile that we would go down this ex rabbit hole so they should've used the few scenes the actress was available for to further that storyline or build it up somehow.  On the contrary it seems like she was used for throwaway crap and the one scene where she lets Deluca down easy.

  • Love 6

Well, this show has now veered into WTF territory, and not in a good, "wow...what is going to happen next?" sort of way.  No one...NO ONE...is surprised that Megan is arrived.  Of course she is, because it has been telegraphed for, what, 2 seasons now?  And I am, sadly, starting to get "Meredith is pregnant" vibes which is just bad for so, so many reasons...including:
1 - Meredith already has 3 kids that we rarely see (didn't we only see two of them tonight?)
2 - Isn't conception supposed to be hard for Meredith?  I mean, with the first (second) kid I get it..it was one of those "we didn't think we could get pregnant, so we weren't using anything" scenarios.  The second (third) kid, I could hand wave away because it was very Hallmark-y when combined with Derek's death.  A third pregnancy, though?  No...
3 - Having Meredith pregnant *now,* with the return of the love of Rigg's life, is just the soapiest of soapy tropes.  And, yeah, this show has always been, at its core, a soap opera...but not the crank-em-out daily kind of soap opera.

Oh, show I will more or less miss you because if Meredith is indeed pregnant, I am done D U N done. I have dealt with the soap opera stuff since it has been mixed in with good humor, decent dialogue and some interesting characters, but the missing relative found in the basement coupled with a pregnancy will just about do it for me!

Glad Alex was not in jail again, but Mr. Shue is really a creep and I kinda sorta wish Alex had decked him.

By the way, was Chicago area (or Comcast) the only area that had serious volume issues? I lost the middle half an hour. Given the voices in Owen's head, I thought it was a fantasy type approach for awhile, but after  a couple of scene shifts and several commercials, I realized it wasn't so I fast forwarded to find volume.

  • Love 1

A lot of people have pointed out the ways that Stephanie could have taken down Keith who was moving around pretty good for a guy with a liver lac but the thing that had me screaming at the set was when she told him that emergency measures would open the doors. Arrrrrrgh! Girl, WHY would you tell him that?!! That's the kind of knowledge you keep to yourself in the hopes that you can use it. Also, was a fire really necessary? Wouldn't pulling the fire alarm be enough? And also, maybe Grey Sloan needs to revisit it's lockdown procedures because between the shooting and Warren killing that pregnant woman last season maybe the "doors in hospital lock automatically" thing is a bug not a feature.

  • Love 8

 I was getting The Bad Seed vibes from her. 

It was the father I wanted to smack. Apparently he's too busy screwing around on his phone to pay attention to his kid, even after the kid wandered off twice and doctors admonished him to keep a better eye on her. He's probably the kind of guy who's doesn't notice when the light turns green because he's looking at his phone. Then you honk for him to look up and go and he flips you off in his rear view mirror. {/end rant about phone-obsessed people.}

Will someone walk me through this Megan thing? When first we met Riggs, Owen blamed him for Megan's death, because they had a fight, and she got on a helicopter that he was supposed to get on? Then got killed? But then it turned out the helicopter just went missing? Is that it? They've never found a body? If Owen thought his sister might still be alive, for any length of time, why was he blaming Riggs for his sister's death?

The dumbest part about Stephanie's failure to even attempt an escape was when she passed Ben. She had every opportunity to shoot him a look - the rapist couldn't see her face, she could have indicated to Ben just with her eyes "this guy - this guy." Why make a pretense that everything is OK? That was just idiotic.

Edited by iMonrey
  • Love 6
7 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Awwww, Alex making a mature decision!

But damn it, Mr. Schue, why do you have to keep taking such un-Schue-like roles now that Glee is over? First the sheep fucker and now this?

I KNOW! Especially considering that he took the news about his sister being alive that he shoved a patient's mom away from him while Edwards was treating her patient professionally (well, until she set him on fire, but you know). Owen's been walking PTSD since he came to the hospital but it's okay for him to actually punch people at the hospital (not just hurl expensive electronics near them)!


the what?! 

in regards to the slapping the baby... no word of a lie my best friend msged me and said I know I hate Owen, but if he did that I'd kiss him. 

everything else i agree with (including laughing when Amelia called the PTSD guy for him). 

  • Love 1
47 minutes ago, AriAu said:

Oh, show I will more or less miss you because if Meredith is indeed pregnant, I am done D U N done. I have dealt with the soap opera stuff since it has been mixed in with good humor, decent dialogue and some interesting characters, but the missing relative found in the basement coupled with a pregnancy will just about do it for me!

Glad Alex was not in jail again, but Mr. Shue is really a creep and I kinda sorta wish Alex had decked him.

By the way, was Chicago area (or Comcast) the only area that had serious volume issues? I lost the middle half an hour. Given the voices in Owen's head, I thought it was a fantasy type approach for awhile, but after  a couple of scene shifts and several commercials, I realized it wasn't so I fast forwarded to find volume.

Same here.  I have put up with a lot from this show (and I know that I complain about it constantly) but the two things that may finally cause me to call it a day are a Merlex romance and Mer being pregnant with her 4th kid.  Not only because I simply don't believe Meredith with even three kids, but also because I can't believe she would be that stupid about preventing it at all cost.  Some women are not gushy kid-lovers and then once they have them they decide that they love it and want as many as possible, but I absolutely don't see that with Meredith.  Nearly every scene where the kids are even mentioned is when they are with someone else or she is trying to hand them off to someone else.  To expect us to believe that she is willing to have a fourth with a guy she has been lukewarm about at best, is more insulting to my intelligence than I will be able to stand.

  • Love 7

Awwww, Alex making a mature decision!

After contemplating violence or the threatening of it. Seriously, I realize these were just daydreams but it still bugs me that after everything he's been through, especially the recent incident with DeLuca, Alex's first impulse is still to beat the living crap out of someone. This guy is still a ticking time bomb just waiting to go off. 

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, MV007 said:

I have to be honest, that first fake out with Alex scared the shit out of me.  I was about to stop watching the show completely.  Thankfully it ended without him doing anything.  And I know the actress who plays Jo was pregnant in real life but the show has done a shit job with keeping her involved on any kind of level.  It's been obvious for awhile that we would go down this ex rabbit hole so they should've used the few scenes the actress was available for to further that storyline or build it up somehow.  On the contrary it seems like she was used for throwaway crap and the one scene where she lets Deluca down easy.

Oh i know. when i saw it, I was like seriously, Alex and I was gonna turn it off, and then it was. oh okay. 
I honestly have to believe Camilla asked for like a lot of time off, because this is stupid. 


32 minutes ago, Deanie87 said:

Same here.  I have put up with a lot from this show (and I know that I complain about it constantly) but the two things that may finally cause me to call it a day are a Merlex romance and Mer being pregnant with her 4th kid.  Not only because I simply don't believe Meredith with even three kids, but also because I can't believe she would be that stupid about preventing it at all cost.  Some women are not gushy kid-lovers and then once they have them they decide that they love it and want as many as possible, but I absolutely don't see that with Meredith.  Nearly every scene where the kids are even mentioned is when they are with someone else or she is trying to hand them off to someone else.  To expect us to believe that she is willing to have a fourth with a guy she has been lukewarm about at best, is more insulting to my intelligence than I will be able to stand.

Isn't it hard for Meredith to get pregnant? like they tried really hard with Bailey and I always assumed Baby Shep was seen as a miracle baby because Derek was dying. 

  • Love 1
30 minutes ago, Daisy said:

honestly have to believe Camilla asked for like a lot of time off, because this is stupid. 

What's that is that she was live tweeting last Night and promoting the episode as a big one to watch because so much happens.

What happens? Her storyline is literally just about Alex and how he feels about her abusive ex husband.

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, Snow Fairy said:


And yes, they had a crazy guy with the gun in the hospital, and still no cameras? At least at the staircase or something?

I remember they got some new fancy security system back then, part of it was removed. But were there cameras then?

Hate to have to stand up for the show on any aspect lately but...

 A review of the camera footage would take hours. Not something that could be done quickly. Surveillance depts at most hospitals have only 2 techs on duty at a time and 1 on third shift. The monitors are generally small except for those set on a few high risk areas(L&D, Nursery, ER), most cameras are black and white(except for high risk areas), and there are anywhere from 100-500 cameras depending on he size of the facility. So, it would be very time consuming for one tech to begin tape review of where Steph was last seen because the other tech would be reviewing footage live trying to find a needle in a haystack. For example, the facility where I work has around 275 cameras(500+ beds) and the ability to watch 36 at a time. However, a tech could start with Steph's origin and pull various camera footage of her path but there would be gaps where there are no cameras. Cameras aren't at all intersections, hallways, corridors because of cost. So, it would be time consuming and tedious.

HOWEVER, stairwells would be a main priority during the search and security would peek through the window in the door at the stairwells as they began the grid search. So, calling BS on them hanging out in that compartment, right near the door where they are clearly visible. 

Also, a Code Orange is the widely used code for internal or external emergencies, i.e. the explosion, a multi-car pileup on the interstate, terrorist attack. That would NOT be the primary code for the rapist on the loose. That code would be Code Gray; a security emergency, i.e. patient eloped from psych unit, gunman on the loose in the hospital, rapist holding someone hostage. 

Add me to the list of folks praying Minnick didn't survive the explosion. She sucks the life out of every scene she is in! 

  • Love 9
18 hours ago, Daisy said:

No one really leaves out on top. Except Christina. 
Addison left a sobby mess. 
Burke left completely... douchebagedly. 
They literally threw George under the bus
Izzy was a poophead
they killed Derek
Teddy was a sobby mess and had to be forced out
Callie left for the stupidest reasons
They killed Lexie
They Killed Mark

Don't forget the Mercy West intern who got electrocuted when Richard sent her into the flooded basement (actually, I have forgotten her name).

Edited by Good Queen Jane
  • Love 5
2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

The dumbest part about Stephanie's failure to even attempt an escape was when she passed Ben. She had every opportunity to shoot him a look - the rapist couldn't see her face, she could have indicated to Ben just with her eyes "this guy - this guy." Why make a pretense that everything is OK? That was just idiotic.

She could have called Ben, Dr. Bailey, so he would know something was up.  She could have pushed liver lac guy away from her in front of Ben as they were walking past since he was so stumbly.  So, so many things, but no.  Just implausible crap to write Steph off the show.  Blech! 

The writers are making no effort.  They should resign or be fired so new writers - writers who actually want to put in the effort to write this show - can be hired.  I'm sure there are millions of out of work writers out there who would love this job if these writers can't be bothered to write with minimal common sense.

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, marceline said:

A lot of people have pointed out the ways that Stephanie could have taken down Keith who was moving around pretty good for a guy with a liver lac but the thing that had me screaming at the set was when she told him that emergency measures would open the doors. Arrrrrrgh! Girl, WHY would you tell him that?!! That's the kind of knowledge you keep to yourself in the hopes that you can use it. Also, was a fire really necessary? Wouldn't pulling the fire alarm be enough? And also, maybe Grey Sloan needs to revisit it's lockdown procedures because between the shooting and Warren killing that pregnant woman last season maybe the "doors in hospital lock automatically" thing is a bug not a feature.

Yes, pulling the fire alarm would release the doors. Each compartment has at least one, usually three. It's like some other people said upthread, I guess...they wanted the explosion plot line and worked backwards.

I mentioned in another post earlier that the correct code for this situation should have been Code Gray. This does necessitate a lockdown but the Code Orange they called(in error) would not do so automatically. Believe it or not, lockdowns at hospitals are more common than you think. Staff members ID badges will allow their continued movement during codes based on their security clearance level. In a Code Gray(security emergency) or Code Pink(infant/child missing), when even doctors and admins can't move about freely, security personnel go to stairwell doors to let doctors in the stairwell to travel to another floor for patient care(elevators won't function) or let them onto the floor for patient care. 

I just need to stop picking apart the 'reality' of how things work at GSMW and take off my 'how things work in a real hospital' glasses because it frustrates me!  As others say, I must learn to suspend reality LOL 

  • Love 5


I didn't know Alex had another name. What is it? And why does he use an alias?


Sorry, I meant to imply that Alex forgot to use an alias when he registed for the conference.  That to me would be an important step when you are stalking someone your girlfriend/colleague is hiding from. 

Edited by Pink ranger
  • Love 1
4 hours ago, HahYallDoin said:

I just need to stop picking apart the 'reality' of how things work at GSMW and take off my 'how things work in a real hospital' glasses because it frustrates me!  As others say, I must learn to suspend reality LOL 

I have a friend, who is a doctor, who CANNOT watch Grey's because of how inaccurate it is.  However, she had no problem with House (when it was on) because it was so far out there that there was no way she could correlate it with real life.  The problem with Grey's, she says, is that it is just realistic enough to allow the unrealistic parts of the show to make it unwatchable.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Nilknarf said:

Didn't she go with that one guy she used to date; as he had talked about getting her a job when he went to Germany?

If I recall correctly, that guy (I think he was the counselor after the shooting) left and she ended up marrying a patient for insurance purposes, but ended up falling for him. The patient ended up dying while Christina was operating on him. Owen "fired" her at the end of the following season because he felt she needed to start over somewhere else. 

  • Love 1
33 minutes ago, OtterMommy said:

I have a friend, who is a doctor, who CANNOT watch Grey's because of how inaccurate it is.  However, she had no problem with House (when it was on) because it was so far out there that there was no way she could correlate it with real life.  The problem with Grey's, she says, is that it is just realistic enough to allow the unrealistic parts of the show to make it unwatchable.

The bolded hit the nail on the head!!! My exasperating experience with Grey's, as time goes by, verbalized perfectly! Thanks for sharing your friend's perspective.

  • Love 2
7 hours ago, iMonrey said:

After contemplating violence or the threatening of it. Seriously, I realize these were just daydreams but it still bugs me that after everything he's been through, especially the recent incident with DeLuca, Alex's first impulse is still to beat the living crap out of someone. This guy is still a ticking time bomb just waiting to go off. 

Alex grew up in violent household where he learned to protect himself with violence at the age of fifteen. He will probably always have violent urges and that will probably always be his first impulse. Its a product of how he grew up and the fact that he did not act on it is progress. Just like Amelia's first instinct will always be to self medicate. Alex can learn better ways of coping but it will always be part of who he is.

  • Love 12
13 hours ago, Daisy said:

the what?!

Yup, Mr. Schue played a sheep fucker on the second season of Younger (starring Sutton Foster so they had two Broadway stars but no sadly no singing).

11 hours ago, izabella said:

She could have called Ben, Dr. Bailey, so he would know something was up. 

Like when Donna called David "Dave" in the 90210 episode where the creepy guy was about to rape her!

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Maharincess said:

Who is Mr. Schue and what is PP? 


Mr. Schue is the teacher in the Glee show :) The actor who's playing Jo's husband played Mr. Schue in Glee. He was the Spanish teacher who started a glee club in high school. Mr. Schue was optimistic, nice and all about rainbows and crap and "everything will be okay, just let's sing about it!", so it's a big change, and contrast to see him playing a 'bad' guy. :D But I have a hunch that he isn't that bad... i can't recall - did Jo say he was beating her? Why is she claiming he's such a monster?


And I don't what is PP - Private Practice maybe?

On 5/11/2017 at 10:21 PM, pennben said:

I think the writers were trolling everyone always complaining about not seeing Meredith's kids when they had Meredith be the one to say: "Some people need a nanny" regarding that girls father.  I laughed out loud.

For sure, and also worth a chuckle because it seems clear he's having an affair with the nanny. He's preoccupied with texting her while she's on vacation, and when he's supposed to have at least one eye on his daughter. 

  • Love 9

I swear, the crack pipe that must be smoked to come up with this nonsense.

I forget which reviewer came up with this term, but this episode had an "Idiot Plot" where if the characters did what made sense, the story would be over.

1) Richard signing Stephanie's papers after THREE counseling sessions??

2) Stephanie taking a guy who had a severe laceration to his liver to the ICU, where she knows he isn't supposed to be, cause reasons??

3) Stephanie not taking advantage of Ben when they passed him.

4) Bailey waiting to put the hospital on lockdown. WTF?

5) Stephanie even mentioning "emergency" as a way to open the doors.

6) The kid giving the attempted rapist the 7th grade science tool. Considering how terrified she was of him prior to doing that, it made no sense for her to give him a tool to start a fire.

7) Instead of picking up the scalpel to stab him or kicking him in the gut, she chooses to throw more of the highly flammable liquid on the guy. Um. 

8) Of course, Stephanie running to the fire instead of staying with the girl.

Sure, it made for riveting television, but when you really start to think about it, it all falls apart. Also, whoever said they started with the knowledge that they wanted Stephanie to get hurt/die in an explosion and worked backwards from there? Dead on. Some writers do use that type of plotting, but you have to make what comes before LOGICAL.

Speaking of logic, I have no words for the Jo/husband/Alex plot. WHAT WAS THE POINT OF THAT?? Especially without Jo! There was zero forward movement (which shouldn't be surprising given this season), so why was it even included in the episode? Also, I am tired of Camilla's pregnancy being brought up as the reason she is absent and why this storyline is bad. They could've filmed these scenes before she left, or they could've made a decision to put this on the back burner until next season. WTF??

Finally, I snickered like a loon when Amelia mentioned the PTSD person was for Owen instead of Megan. Seriously.

1 hour ago, Pallas said:

I think the writers were trolling everyone always complaining about not seeing Meredith's kids when they had Meredith be the one to say: "Some people need a nanny" regarding that girls father.  I laughed out loud.

This also made me laugh out loud. Trolling indeed.

Edited by PepSinger
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4 hours ago, lorbeer said:

But I have a hunch that he isn't that bad... i can't recall - did Jo say he was beating her? Why is she claiming he's such a monster?

The only details that we have gotten were that he liked to kick or punch her where there bruises wouldn't show (that's what she told DeLuca) and she told Alex that he nearly beat her to death.  So I think he is that bad.  Of course, this storyline has been so drawn out and screwed up that its been all tell and no show.


24 minutes ago, PepSinger said:

peaking of logic, I have no words for the Jo/husband/Alex plot. WHAT WAS THE POINT OF THAT?? Especially without Jo! There was zero forward movement (which shouldn't be surprising given this season), so why was it even included in the episode? Also, I am tired of Camilla's pregnancy being brought up as the reason she is absent and why this storyline is bad. They could've filmed these scenes before she left, or they could've made a decision to put this on the back burner until next season. WTF??

I think that the real meat of the storyline is going to be pushed back to next season (if it isn't dropped entirely).  Apparently the actor who plays the husband was originally going to appear in the last 4 episodes, but due to Camilla's pregnancy the story changed.  On the one hand, Camilla did give interviews saying that her pregnancy had been a difficult one, so maybe the excuse is valid, but I am more inclined to think that Jo is just not ever a priority and if the pregnancy had affected a more favored character/actress then things would have been worked around it better.  Either way, I think that the writers are really getting into dicey territory here with this storyline.  I saw more than a couple posts on FB and Twitter speculating that Jo is lying about being abused (not to mention those that were cheering on the fact that Jo was getting choked to death and people wishing that it wasn't a dream).  I honestly don't think that the writers have done enough with the character to show that she might NOT be lying, and that is such a irresponsible and terrible message to send that I can barely stand it.  They either need to do better by this storyline or just drop it all together (which, IMO is just as bad and will do just as much damage to the character and send just as bad of a message.)  Every year is gonna be the year that Jo's backstory gets really told and it has yet to happen, so I'm not really holding my breath for season 14.

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On 5/11/2017 at 8:12 PM, Amethyst said:

Oh, my damn!  Stephanie setting the guy on fire was enough, but the explosion?  Did not see that coming.  

I'm still down for a Maggie/Jackson hookup.  No shame.

ABC's screwed up feed was so confusing.  I spent most of the episode thinking that we were seeing/hearing the perspective of Owen, or the rapist (before we knew he was a rapist)

Owen's sister is alive?  Gasp!  Such an unpredictable twist!

I thought the same thing about the sound feed when it first started - "Oh, this is Owen's perspective in his shock," but, no, it went on and on. I'm having issues with intermittent congestion in my ears, and if I hadn't had the CC on, I wouldn't have known what anyone was saying. Highly irritating!

I want Maggie/Jackson gone, sorry! I'm still hoping for the return of Japril.

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When Steph and the rapist were approaching Ben I kept thinking of that episode of ER where Sam's abusive ex similarly made her smuggle him out of the hospital and she tried to alert Abby by calling her Abigail. I was thinking "Call him Benjamin, for God's sake, look him right in the eye and call him Benjamin! He'll know what it means; everyone knows what that means!"

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2 hours ago, h8omb said:

When Steph and the rapist were approaching Ben I kept thinking of that episode of ER where Sam's abusive ex similarly made her smuggle him out of the hospital and she tried to alert Abby by calling her Abigail. I was thinking "Call him Benjamin, for God's sake, look him right in the eye and call him Benjamin! He'll know what it means; everyone knows what that means!"

I thought of that episode (21 Guns) too!!! Abby immediately knew something was up -- who the hell ever calls her Abigail? Geez, do something, Steph. Her face is totally turned away from Rapist Man when she's talking to Ben. At the very least, couldn't she have mouthed "Help me" at the end of each sentence while Ben was looking at her?

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This episode was okay. The only parts of the episode that was interesting was Stephanie's situation.

- Megan being alive after all this time? Color me shocked. I thought my eyes would be permanently lodged in my head after rolling them after they found Megan. I miss the days of when Shonda used to be the main writer because these writers that took over after she started scandal just sucks. No creativity and only predictability. They should at least try a little instead of recycling used story lines from the first 3 seasons.

- I don't see it for Riggs and he should be killed in the explosion. He's such a non-factor and the actor doesn't bring any flavor or wit to the character. I wasn't a big fan of Derek's either but his role in the show had impact.

- I don't care about Owen or Amelia and they along with Minnick should die in the explosion.

- Yes Stephanie had many chances to kill the guy but this is Grey's Anatomy people. They need to go out with a bang every season finale and yes it's tired and just funny instead of meaningful.

- I hope Stephanie doesn't die. If Meredith can survive a bomb explosion or Callie survived being hit by a truck or 4 people surviving a plane crash then they should let Stephanie live especially since she's the only talented resident. I know Jerrika is leaving the show, but literally every resident is terrible with the exception of Ben. Stephanie deserved better than what the writers gave her.

- I understand that they were doing a chemistry test for Maggie and Jackson. I think they passed, but if the writers turn them canon then I hope I don't have to see any interference from Kepner because she's more digestible when she isn't with Jackson. Inevitably they'll bring back japril (gag) but it will be at the expense of ruining Maggie's life of course. Maggie just needs a new love interest that isn't a resident whose intimidated or a doctor tied up with baby mama drama. She deserves that much at least.

On 5/12/2017 at 4:45 PM, Pink ranger said:

Did anyone else notice that the envelope Alex had containing the conference programs was addressed to Alex's real full name and Grey Sloane Memorial hospital ? The Husband will easily be able to trace Jos location now. 

Did Alex actually have any conversation with the ex? I thought everything that happened except at the taxi was just Alex's fantasizing.

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On 5/12/2017 at 0:36 PM, moonorchid said:

Considering how close she was to that blast, even if she survives, I doubt she can ever practice medicine again...and her surviving that explosion is a big IF. 

I am hoping that she survives and they go old school - plastic surgery, thus a lead way in for a new actress so the old one can leave. Jackson feeling guilty that he left her alone with the guy, helps her with her recovery and they pick up where they left off. I always wanted Jackson with Stephanie and really don't want to see him with Maggie.

As far as her action towards the rapist, I think she wanted him to pay for what he did. Getting capture and possibly getting away was not something she wanted to see - he needed to pay for his crime, so burn baby burn. 

things are definitely bizarro world when Amelia (AMELIA!) is my favorite character of the episode.  Ok favorite might be a stretch but the truest scene was Amelia telling Owen she called a PTSD specialist, not for Meghan, but for him.  Everything else was kind of meh.  The Meghan thing is just stupid and literally everyone saw it coming.  I was originally on board for Jo/Alex deep storyline with her ex husband but it couldn't possibly be playing out any worse.  Alex literally finds the guy out of nowhere?  Fantasizes about confronting him and beating him up, all for nothing?  Don't get me wrong, I am glad Alex didn't actually touch the guy but it seemed like total wasted potential (story of the season really).  Oh, I forgot, I did like the patient story, I thought it was a good switch up and actually kind of tense.

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