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S04.E04: Shepwrecked

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Wow, Naomi is super dumb. Her malapropisms in that article gave me so much proxy-embarrassment. I used to think Craig was out over his skis with her but it makes a little more sense to me now. 

There is something so gross and off-putting about a elderly father of two young children and his robotic, closeted sidekick slouching drunkenly on a couch and criticizing women's bodies. Why did I ever pull for Thomas? What a worthless piece of shit. 

I know I'm the only one, but I still don't mind Landon. She's getting a little old to be this much of a dilettante, but I guess Shep's got two years on her and is just as bad. 

Finally, YES! about Chelsea's eyebrows! Girl, they're not supposed to look like parentheses. 

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57 minutes ago, Martinigirl said:

Landon - "We like the same things"  (your $$$$)

And. The "My Pretty Little Pony Pop-Up Shop" she plans to install smack dab in the middle of TRav's holdings on King Street...so that will cover their oh so important common interests of Horses, Architecture and Real Estate.

Crushing It! *fist pump* - Landon, girl, you are such a bright and shining star!

The only way to survive these Southern Charm Cracker's - Southern Comfort.  

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9 hours ago, AngryCarrot86 said:

Unpopular opinion alert: Craig is my favorite male cast member.  This episode made me realize why.  He's a lot of things, but a sleazy womanizer isn't one of them. Craig is also the only one who isn't giving Thomas a pass just for being a good ole' boy, and he has been consistently graceful in regards to Katherine.  Craig might be a lazy fibber, but he seems like he's a genuinely nice person.  I can't say the same for the other guys, and even most of the girls in this cast.  Plus, he cuddles with Gizmo and got excited to see the "babies". I may have swooned.  Give me Craig, Naome and Gizmo over the others and their pretentious, chauvinistic bullshit any day. 

Quite honestly, all the excuses the others were making for Thomas in regards to his "Southern parenting" made me feel sick to my stomach.  Is that really a norm with wealthy southern people?  

Gawwwwd I can't stand Landon.  Continue crushing it, sister.  What a dumbass. 

Craig is my favorite too. He's also the one most likely to call the others on their bullshit. I appreciate that because every reality show needs that person.

If you had seen Patricia in WWHL, she was an excuse making machine. "Oh Thomas sent his kids away because polo is dangerous." If it is so dangerous, why were the kids there in the first place.

The Kathryn Accords of 2014 (season 1) dictated that the douches of this show could not object when one of their bros decided to pursue a woman who was also involved with their friend.


This Shep/Austen thing is seriously not an issue after 3 of these idiots slept with Katherine over a matter of weeks in season 1.

Edited by HunterHunted
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5 hours ago, Neurochick said:

I don't get why Landon is interested in an old alcoholic, like Thomas, maybe it's his $$$?

It has to be his money.  The lifestyle Landon wants requires a rich husband who can indulge her desire to travel without actually working herself to pay for it, other than this show.  Thomas isn't appealing for any other reason, and he's highly unappealing for so many reasons, including the way he talked about her oral skills to the other guys, on tv.

Edited by izabella
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I think Landon is interested in Trav for the storyline.

Craig acted like this was the first time he had seen the kids, when people were arriving there was a brief clip of Thomas catching a running Kensington in a gigantic hug and swinging her around. Was he an ass yes, but Craig was overly dramatic about it particularly when needing to leave and saying this was the first time he had seen them when telling the story to Naomie.

Kensie was smiling and happy even when he wasn't coming over. I imagine the person who is most upset is the nanny who was probably given a talking to about bringing them mid match. He didn't look happy to see Landon, Austin or Craig. 

Craig shitstirring to Kathryn was why I will never like him.

I know nothing about Chelsea and Austin because I ffwd their scenes because I don't know them so don't give a damn.

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Yeah, I didn't like that Craig went and told Kathryn about T-Rav at the polo match. As a mom that would have to be hard to hear, especially with the knowledge that she can do nothing about it. 

I didn't like that Thomas was shooing away his children either. That was sad. It's not like he's a Flying Welenda and he's about to attempt to tight rope across the Grand Canyon. I hope he learned something after watching this episode.

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Maybe I'm not seeing the same scenes. When the kids arrived with the nanny, Thomas was hugging and kissing Kensie. They play round one. It's halftime, or whatever you call it, and he's in the tent. The nanny is leaving with the children. Thomas did hug and kiss the kids, but when they are leaving and he's still in the game, so to speak, he says he'll see them later. I don't get the uproar, except that Craig made a case about it and that's what the cameras were focused on. Which, to me, speaks of the producers wanting Craig to make a case about it for the entire episode. Which he did. 

I think it was cruel of Craig to tell Kathryn about it, foaming with his own opinions, when she's in a fragile state. Something like that could make her fall off the wagon in a heartbeat. You have to be very careful what you say and do around an addict when they are in recovery. That's why I think she shouldn't be on this show. It's not helping her sobriety, which we all know she later on fails a drug test, then refuses to take another. Hair follicle test coming up soon, she has to worry about anything in her system for the last 3-6 months. 

Chelsea is a hairdresser! What a nice, normal job for someone in this bunch. She's not dreaming up websites, nailing planks together or sleeping with people and not remembering their name the next day. I think it was obviously producer-driven when she called Shep the morning after having a date with Austen. I hope they don't turn her into Kathryn II, party girl.

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I also noticed a disconnect between when things were said or done, and people's reactions. Thomas laughing at something, but there was a weird break beforehand. Cameron, Shep, others reacting to things with a pause that shouldn't have been there. Very sloppy editing if they are trying to make us think things are happening when they aren't. 

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Craig posted on Twitter about the editing of the show. He said that he and Thomas talked it out and settled everything. It was all good at the end of the day. Craig said he did tell Kathryn that as well but the show didn't show him telling Kathryn. Craig's view was that you should always say I love you and give a hug when you say goodbye to your kids because you never  know what might happen. 

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2 hours ago, Major Bigtime said:

Chelsea is a hairdresser! What a nice, normal job for someone in this bunch. She's not dreaming up websites, nailing planks together or sleeping with people and not remembering their name the next day. I think it was obviously producer-driven when she called Shep the morning after having a date with Austen. I hope they don't turn her into Kathryn II, party girl.

I don't get this, what is a "Normal Job?"  Heck, Chelsea seems to be the only one on this show with a job period.

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Austen and Chelsea have zero chemistry and are not good enough "actors" to pull off having me believe they're interested in each other.  It seems like a plot contrivance to me.

When TRav was describing what he wanted in a wife in regards to his family and family name I was barfing.  He doesn't want a wife or any type of life partner, he wants a business or marketing arrangement.

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3 minutes ago, peacockblue said:

We can call him Butterscotch Scallion

Isn't that what they call Owen Wilson? 

How about Shep the Rep? (Short for REPutation and the fact that he REPeats his one night romances,lol, over and over again) 

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10 hours ago, KenyaJ said:

And what is Cameran's problem? Chelsea is a grown woman with free will who appears to be choosing Austen. Cameran's attempts to force Chelsea and Shep together are straight out of an episode of Saved by the Bell. Stop it, Cameran!

Omg, exactly! She's acting like a 14 year old. Did you smooch? Who's the better kisser? Let it go, girl. It's all for the camera's anyway. Who ever said Chelsea and Austen have no chemistry is spot on. I don't think Shep really gives a shit, either. Chelsea is pretty but I don't see anything so outstanding that would make Shep want her so badly over the gazillion other women he has slept with. 

Craig and Landon have the most irritating voices on the planet. 

Wasn't it just last season that Landon professed her undying love to Shep and she was all butthurt when he didn't reciprocate? Now she's TRav's soulmate? Ok, then. Where exactly does the boytoy fit in? 

Whitney, as usual, covered from head to toe, jacket, long sleeves, pants when everybody is complaining about how hot and sweaty it is. Gotta love Whit. I still want to know what he is hiding underneath all those clothes. 

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The whole Austen and Chelsea storyline is just for the show. Shep is only interested in Chelsea, because he likes to win. He said so himself. I don't know who in the world would want any kind of relationship with Shep. If you did end up with him, you would forever be encountering his many, many conquests for the rest of your life--at the hair salon, the restaurants, the grocery store. LOL.  And I don't think Shep will ever be content to stick with one person. He will be straying. He is totally a TRav Jr.

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3 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

Whitneys mother said this last night on WWHL

I thought she was referring to TRav and Landon (when a caller asked if she thought they hooked up)? But neither pair has chemistry. And I don't think Whitney would even have chemistry with a liter of Coke and Mentos. When people say "he's/she's straight out of central casting" I think Daisy's appearance is literally the result of a production casting notice posted on Craigslist. Hope the pay isn't too crappy!

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1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

Chelsea is pretty but I don't see anything so outstanding that would make Shep want her so badly over the gazillion other women he has slept with. 

For me, between her eyebrows and her atrocious table manners--CLOSE YOUR MOUTH WHEN THERE'S FOOD IN IT, FRIEND*--she went from basic and attractive to trashy yokel over the course of the episode. This has to be production driven, which makes me laugh because it's like, THIS is what Shep has the energy and ambition for? A storyline? What a whore he is. 

*That goes for you too Cameran! You're supposed to be genteel!

Edited by Pachengala
To vs too argh!
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I thought Chelsea and Austen were actually the only two on the show that weren't faking it. But they are still very boring and I do not care about them.

That polo match was probably the hottest, sweatiest, most uncomfortable looking "get-together" I've seen in a long time. The kind of event you would have to pay people to attend. Oh, right. 

The way Naomie's face fell when Cameran said Craig was thinking about going into real estate was telling. She is very attached to Craig "the lawyer" while Craig is looking for every opportunity but that one. 

I wish Patricia hadn't hightailed it out of Charleston as soon as filming began. The show needs her home, her butler and her pets but I don't want to endure Whitney or Shep talking with his mouth full of grilled cheese to get that.

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2 hours ago, urusai said:

Yeah that was Daisy with Whitney.

Austen's caller id for Chelsea is "Dream Girl"?  LOL what a dork

Exactly - that's what I kept saying about Austen throughout the entire episode!!  He just reminds me of someone who maybe wasn't the "cool guy" in high school (and secretly hated them), but then, when he went to college and/or matured some, he got some game, gained some popularity in his fraternity, but yet, still is not comfortable when trying to be all smooth and suave with the ladies.  His shtick comes off as practiced in a bathroom mirror and phony.  

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And what is Cameran's problem? Chelsea is a grown woman with free will who appears to be choosing Austen. Cameran's attempts to force Chelsea and Shep together are straight out of an episode of Saved by the Bell. Stop it, Cameran!

This. Neither Shep or Chelsea seem that interested in each other besides a hook-up every now and then. So Cameran's insistence on pushing Shep and Chelsea together when they both do not seem that interested in each other is pretty lame. I keep waiting for the wacky hijinks episode with Chelsea scheduling dates with Shep and Austen on the same night. They will all be at the same restaurant and Chelsea will go back and forth between them while Shep and Austen will not catch on until the end of the night.

I do find Austen and Chelsea boring, but I did appreciate that they actually had a somewhat normal conversation on their date. Though my bar is set pretty low on this show, so it does not take much. If Shep gets mad at Austen over him dating Chelsea I will roll my eyes so hard. Was it Whitney that said that Shep would do the same thing if he was in Austen's shoes?

Cameran needs to find another storyline besides not wanting a baby or pushing Shep and Chelsea together. 

I like Craig when he is calling out all the it's a southern thing bullshit, but I am not wild about lazy Craig.

Landon's voice is the worst. It is like nails on a chalkboard for me. Though apparently she is killing it, so what do I know.

The less said about TRav the better. He is so smarmy.

I will be at my table for one in not liking Patricia, so I am happy when I do not have to see her in an episode.

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4 hours ago, Major Bigtime said:

Maybe I'm not seeing the same scenes. When the kids arrived with the nanny, Thomas was hugging and kissing Kensie. They play round one. It's halftime, or whatever you call it, and he's in the tent. The nanny is leaving with the children. Thomas did hug and kiss the kids, but when they are leaving and he's still in the game, so to speak, he says he'll see them later. I don't get the uproar, except that Craig made a case about it and that's what the cameras were focused on. Which, to me, speaks of the producers wanting Craig to make a case about it for the entire episode. Which he did. 

I think it was cruel of Craig to tell Kathryn about it, foaming with his own opinions, when she's in a fragile state. Something like that could make her fall off the wagon in a heartbeat. You have to be very careful what you say and do around an addict when they are in recovery. That's why I think she shouldn't be on this show. It's not helping her sobriety, which we all know she later on fails a drug test, then refuses to take another. Hair follicle test coming up soon, she has to worry about anything in her system for the last 3-6 months. 

Chelsea is a hairdresser! What a nice, normal job for someone in this bunch. She's not dreaming up websites, nailing planks together or sleeping with people and not remembering their name the next day. I think it was obviously producer-driven when she called Shep the morning after having a date with Austen. I hope they don't turn her into Kathryn II, party girl.

I'm with you. The man was in the middle of a polo match and still in the game. He turned around to look at the kids and they're not going to die because he didn't go rushing over. We saw him hugging Kensie earlier. Craig needs to mind his own fucking business. And then he totally exaggerated the whole thing in his conversation with Kathryn. What a jerk.  As Cameron said, Thomas is providing a healthy and stable home for those children and they seem happy. As another person who posts on here and is friends with his friends noted, he stays in the guest house with them and also isn't it better for them to be in a place where they can be children and have fun and run around like crazy and spill shit instead of living in fear of damaging something? 

Shep is still one of my faves but I agree he is getting too old for this playboy life and it's starting to show. I do, however, think that as he gets closer to 40 he will start settling down and find a good wife. I doubt it's going to be Chelsea, though. Say what you will about Shep, he is intelligent and well-read and he's going to need that in a woman. 

Landon is a delusional idiot. One minute she's in love with Shep and the next she can't stand him? And she's "crushed" everything she's ever done professionally? Yeah, crushed it into a mound of nothing. 

Whitney may be extremely sensitive to the sun and that's why he's all covered up. He and TRav are kind of gross when they're talking that stupid shit, but I don't mind. I also thought it was kind of cute that he and Shep made grilled cheese sandwiches. That's probably all they know how to cook! LOL

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29 minutes ago, Pachengala said:

For me, between her eyebrows and her atrocious table manners--CLOSE YOUR MOUTH WHEN THERE'S FOOD IN IT, FRIEND*--she went from basic and attractive to trashy yokel over the course of the episode. This has to be production driven, which makes me laugh because it's like, THIS is what Shep has the energy and ambition for? A storyline? What a whore he is. 

*That goes for you too Cameran! You're supposed to be genteel!

Ah you have hit on my pet peeve!! I cannot stand people who eat with their gobs as open as a plane hanger. 

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I have only watched this very occasionally and really only last season and this one, so my question for the experts: Is Cameran with anyone? Dating? Married? Living together? Divorced? She's so interested in getting Shep and Chelsea to hook up, because Shep can't be truly happy until he commits or something, but is she with anyone in a committed relationship? Just wondering.

And that aside I don't know what a single one of these women sees in any of these men. They are all pretty gross, aging frat boys who think they're all that. They actually make me shudder a little, just no. I don't care who or what these women have done, none of them deserves to be with any of these guys.

Since I'm a recent viewer and that only infrequently, I don't hate Landon, and in fact thought she had a genuine moment last night when she told Craig that the way Thomas treated Kensie was the way her parents were all the time. It didn't seem like she said it to elicit pity, but rather was trying to joke about it and be self-mocking, but I could see there was some real hurt there underneath. Or that's how I read it.

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To be so uppity, the way they served that food at Thomas's plantation was a major faux pas.  In Carolina Heat, your don't serve a food buffet out under the searing sun.  There seemed to be few places to sit to eat in the shade either.  I suppose Landon was not in charge of that though.  I guess she was only responsible for the indoor drinks and some flowers in the kitchen. lol  A nice outdoor tent for shade would have been appropriate for the food and people.  I would have been afraid to eat any of that stuff between the flies and the heat.  (When you see the cast members with wet clothing, it really shows just how hot and humid it is in the Carolinas.  They do a pretty good job of functioning in that outdoor heat on camera.  I think those of the times that they may be earning that paycheck from Bravo.)

What is the real deal with Craig and his girlfriend?  When she was opening up to Cameron, it seemed that there is more to the story than Craig just not being ambitious.  There seems to be a deeper struggle.  Now, I'm curious.  

I suppose that Chelsea really is in need of money and maybe, she's having fun being on the show.  It can't hurt her hairstylist business, right?  She seems to be a nice enough lady, but, she looks much older than Shep to me.  Of course, Shep looks young for his age.  I just get the feeling that Chelsea is misplaced with this group.  

Wasn't the name of boat that Shep had his party on was Carolina Girl.  Here's the classic song that both North and South Carolina celebrate with our Beach music history.  It's about how girls from Carolina are just better than those from other parts of the country.  lol  Kinda funny with Shep's history.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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Landon's "maybe it's regional" comment about parenting was so painful I nearly turned off the show. She's such a try-hard. And it is GROSS to watch Thomas groom her so aggressively, not only because it's precisely the same thing he tried with Kathryn, but also because it's glaringly obvious he wants a hostess and could not possibly give less of a damn if his future partner gels with his children at all.

Craig is rapidly becoming my favorite cast member. I think his reaction to TRav's lack of affection was over the top, but I found myself yelling YESSSSSSS at the television when he pointed out that Kathryn would be absolutely excoriated for exhibiting anything close to the same behavior.

Chelsea/Shep/Austen -- meh. I don't mind Austen, though his fratty "three or four dozen" comment was pretty irritating; however, Chelsea's reaction of three or four being "a good number" was equally irritating. And, honestly, I just find Chelsea in generally kind of irritating.

It is also deeply annoying that I'm liking Whitney this season. When he backs away from the storyline and acts as Greek chorus, he's an utter delight.

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OHHHH and do not get me started on Landon's assertion that she "crushes it" every time she tries something. Honey. HONEY. Do not make us revisit your catastrophic meeting with Lockhart Steele of Vox, who had to work so hard not to roll his eyes that he likely had to see a chiropractor afterwards.

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12 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

Ah you have hit on my pet peeve!! I cannot stand people who eat with their gobs as open as a plane hanger. 

Then you must have loved Shep stuffing the grilled cheese in to his open trap while he was talking, lol.  It was funny, though, you could see he wasn't expecting the camera to catch that and covered his mouth quickly! Oh these crazy southern charmers and their well bred, monied manners.

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20 minutes ago, Pop Tart said:

I have only watched this very occasionally and really only last season and this one, so my question for the experts: Is Cameran with anyone? Dating? Married? Living together? Divorced? She's so interested in getting Shep and Chelsea to hook up, because Shep can't be truly happy until he commits or something, but is she with anyone in a committed relationship? Just wondering.

And that aside I don't know what a single one of these women sees in any of these men. They are all pretty gross, aging frat boys who think they're all that. They actually make me shudder a little, just no. I don't care who or what these women have done, none of them deserves to be with any of these guys.

Since I'm a recent viewer and that only infrequently, I don't hate Landon, and in fact thought she had a genuine moment last night when she told Craig that the way Thomas treated Kensie was the way her parents were all the time. It didn't seem like she said it to elicit pity, but rather was trying to joke about it and be self-mocking, but I could see there was some real hurt there underneath. Or that's how I read it.

Cameron is married. Her big storyline in seasons past is that her husband Jason wants children and she does not. Why they wouldn't have discussed this prior to making a lifetime commitment to each other has not been addressed on the show. Speaking of not on the show, Jason elects not to be filmed. 

Landon doesn't bug me either. She seems dim, sure, but ultimately harmless and a bit sad. I can, if I think about it, blow her up into this tragic Southern Gothic figure in my head: the divorced heiress with dwindling fortunes, heading rapidly toward spinsterhood. I don't know, she's just too anodyne to be offensive, to me. 

And finally, I agree with you: all the men on this show are losers and, with the exception of Craig, repulsive slimeballs. Run, Landon! (Oh, she did, to California.)

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2 minutes ago, Pachengala said:

Cameron is married. Her big storyline in seasons past is that her husband Jason wants children and she does not. Why they wouldn't have discussed this prior to making a lifetime commitment to each other has not been addressed on the show. Speaking of not on the show, Jason elects not to be filmed. 

Landon doesn't bug me either. She seems dim, sure, but ultimately harmless and a bit sad. I can, if I think about it, blow her up into this tragic Southern Gothic figure in my head: the divorced heiress with dwindling fortunes, heading rapidly toward spinsterhood. I don't know, she's just too anodyne to be offensive, to me. 

And finally, I agree with you: all the men on this show are losers and, with the exception of Craig, repulsive slimeballs. Run, Landon! (Oh, she did, to California.)

 Wonder if she's staying at Whitney's pad, crib, mansion, flat or whatever? 

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9 minutes ago, Pachengala said:

Cameron is married. Her big storyline in seasons past is that her husband Jason wants children and she does not. Why they wouldn't have discussed this prior to making a lifetime commitment to each other has not been addressed on the show. Speaking of not on the show, Jason elects not to be filmed. 

Landon doesn't bug me either. She seems dim, sure, but ultimately harmless and a bit sad. I can, if I think about it, blow her up into this tragic Southern Gothic figure in my head: the divorced heiress with dwindling fortunes, heading rapidly toward spinsterhood. I don't know, she's just too anodyne to be offensive, to me. 

And finally, I agree with you: all the men on this show are losers and, with the exception of Craig, repulsive slimeballs. Run, Landon! (Oh, she did, to California.)

Ooh, I really could see Landon as some Faulkner-esque Miss Havisham.

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Landon doesn't bug me either. She seems dim, sure, but ultimately harmless and a bit sad. I can, if I think about it, blow her up into this tragic Southern Gothic figure in my head: the divorced heiress with dwindling fortunes, heading rapidly toward spinsterhood. I don't know, she's just too anodyne to be offensive, to me. 

That's how I see her. Her real dream in life is to have a family and host parties. Nothing wrong with that, but she needs to focus on finding the right man to make a happy home with, then everything else will come after that. TRav and Drew the Boy Toy aren't getting her any closer to her dream life. Maybe Shep will come around sooner rather than later ....

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26 minutes ago, TheFinalRose said:

That's how I see her. Her real dream in life is to have a family and host parties. Nothing wrong with that, but she needs to focus on finding the right man to make a happy home with, then everything else will come after that. TRav and Drew the Boy Toy aren't getting her any closer to her dream life. Maybe Shep will come around sooner rather than later ....

I'm not that bothered by Landon either, even if she seems like an annoyingly entitled dolphin half the time. I just think she's hopelessly lost and desperately trying to find "her thing", just like Craig is((and they're obviously way too busy currently enjoying their Bravo checks to plan for stable future careers))---they're far more similar than the show would have us believe, that's for sure. The only difference is that Craig just happened to find a good relationship with a real catch in the meantime, while Landon wasn't so lucky.

They both want comfortable relationships with security and to immediately acquire these fluffy vanity careers that pay them big bucks; but they don't seem to realize that most good stable careers and relationships require HARD WORK. 

Once Landon gets a real career rolling to keep her busy, I think she might actually meet a decent dude in the meantime. Go into party planning or work in an event planning service, because the travel website is NOT going well.

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1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I suppose that Chelsea really is in need of money and maybe, she's having fun being on the show.  It can't hurt her hairstylist business, right?  She seems to be a nice enough lady, but, she looks much older than Shep to me.  Of course, Shep looks young for his age.  I just get the feeling that Chelsea is misplaced with this group.  

Until they clarified that Chelsea was 31, I thought she was in her early 40s.  It's not that she looks all that much older, but something about how she carries herself.  That is, how she carries her self when not getting roped into junior high kissing stories with Cameran.

1 hour ago, LucyHoneychrrch said:

It is also deeply annoying that I'm liking Whitney this season. When he backs away from the storyline and acts as Greek chorus, he's an utter delight.

Gods help me, but I'm kinda liking him too.  I figure it's got to be that now he films 40% of his scenes with the cute dogs. LOL!

Edited by Lizzing
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5 hours ago, TheFinalRose said:

The way Naomie's face fell when Cameran said Craig was thinking about going into real estate was telling. She is very attached to Craig "the lawyer" while Craig is looking for every opportunity but that one. 

I think Naomie stood by Craig as he finished his thesis so he could actually be a law school graduate. Then she let him slack off while he was filming this show and "planning to study" for the bar. So while filming she hears from Cameran that he's thinking of real estate, which means more study and more time spent to get a career going (besides being on this show). I don't know that she's so tied up into him having the identity of "a lawyer" or if she just wants him to be WORKING rather than planning to work one day. 

If I were Naomie I would be all over him to pass the frickin' bar and have something big to show for all the education time and money spent. Apparently he did take the exam in February and the results are due this month. I'm actually praying for him to pass just so it will be OVER.

Does Craig really care about real estate -- enough to put a lot of time and effort into it? Wasn't there a segment where he mentioned house flipping? If he were willing to put his new-found carpentry skills to work, learn plumbing and even electrical skills, then along with a knowledge of real estate and tax law, he could have a great career path.

4 hours ago, Pachengala said:

Landon doesn't bug me either. She seems dim, sure, but ultimately harmless and a bit sad. I can, if I think about it, blow her up into this tragic Southern Gothic figure in my head: the divorced heiress with dwindling fortunes, heading rapidly toward spinsterhood. I don't know, she's just too anodyne to be offensive, to me. 

I also don't mind Landon, and think she's harmless. The feeling I did get this episode is that in this "relationship" with Thomas she is recreating aspects of her relationship with her father. She seemed to want very much to please Thomas and be the little hostess and perfect Southern society gal that he wants. From several things she's said on this show her self-confidence actually is quite low, and it seems to come from both her father and mother putting her down. Maybe due to learning disabilities and their judgement of her as "slow" when she was a child?

Edited by RedHawk
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If I were Cameran I would be sad - so it has come down to this for her to be able to stay on this show. Because she's not romantically attached to another cast member, and because she has no current drama brewing with another, she is relegated to fake setting up her friends to have a storyline. Four episodes in and all she's done is push two people who aren't all that interested in each other. Pretty sad.

Or maybe not that sad, as she's still cashing those paychecks anyway, regardless of what Bravo has her do.

I agree with all of you that her prodding into her friends' love lives has devolved into junior high - "Was there tongue action? Who was the better kisser?" And it wasn't just this episode. She was like this last episode too: "were you naked? where did he sleep?" I would bet next episode she and Chelsea would have a sleepover and pillow party to complete the Sweet Valley High reboot, Southern Style.

13 hours ago, ninjago said:

Craig is the only one who doesn't ascribe to this weird Southern aristocratic bullshit.  

Maybe it's because he wasn't raised in the Charleston area or just because he had a decent middle class family with good priorities, but he is the only one who doesn't defer to Shep or Trav merely because they are from the families they are from or they have more money.  

And I think that is the real issue between Shep and him: Shep thinks, at the end of the day, he is "up here" and Craig is "down there", but Craig doesn't buy into that hierarchy.

I'm on Team Craig too. Look, he's not without his faults. He's lazy, he's dumb at times, etc. But in a show where all the other guys consider it a badge of honor as to how many women they have banged and actually remember banging, the bar for decency is set pretty low, and Craig exceeds that bar more than enough. I think one of the sweetest moments this season was when he knew he screwed up the fundraiser and as a way of apology, he told Naomie "I will love you forever..." It feels refreshing to see a normal romantic relationship in this show. He revels in being in an exclusive relationship and doesn't brag about banging other women on the side.

Is he a shit-stirrer? Sure. But aren't all of them are, to some degree? Cameran stirred some shit at Shep's party with her going back and forth between her two friends. Shep isn't any better either, with his holier-than-thou attitude, just because he's born into money and has read more books than the average person. So does Whitney - "looks like your protege has usurped you, but you would have done the same thing, right?!"

Craig is a weird guy though. Just yesterday or the other day he tweeted that the editing shenanigans are the reason why he isn't watching the show. But then he was live tweeting last night. So what is it really? Oh well, Naomie loves him for all of his flaws and quirks.

Edited by slowpoked
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I can practically see Naomie thinking, "My money better not be killing Craig's ambition." She may learn a hard lesson if she isn't firm with Craig about not getting access to any cash she might have to invest in his own business plans.

That said, I can see why she thought they'd be a good match, and why, with her MBA and his law degree they'd have a bright future. He just wants to jump over all the "working hard to make something for themselves" years.

Edited by RedHawk
Spelling people's names correctly is important to me.
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God, Whitney looks like a ghoul.  And in spite of him constantly spitting out "bro" every 2 seconds & parading around that sloppy drunk skank chick, he can't hide what he is --- a gay ghoul.

I can't figure Whitney's place on this show.  Going after Snowflake's "true feelings" on Thom-ass?  Why would he (or anyone else) care?  Is he after Drew?  Now that would make sense.  Poor Whitney is always looking pained & constipated -- or is it horny?  The only time he can get peen is when he gets outta Charleston.

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