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S29.E01: We're Coming for You, Phil!

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The Lawyer and the first in his class at Harvard are going to kill each other. Both type A.

I am seriously side-eyeing him. I went to that school too and remember NOTHING about class rank. It's the ed school at Harvard, it's not that big of a deal. Don't be a dick.

Appreciate how she told him that all of his efforts to calm her down only trigger her more. It will be interesting to see if they ever reach the point where they can listen to each other over the sound of their yelling.

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I was never so happy to see a team eliminated.  They were so self-absorbed that I was laughing the entire time they were wandering around wondering why long hair and (self-declared) beauty wasn't helping them finish the task.  Now we can really RACE!

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So the Boston cop on Team Mom&Dad is a police office in my town (Revere, not Boston). They just did an article on him in the local paper. He's actually 46 and his partner on the Revere PD was on Survivor so you'd have thought he would have had some tips on how to find the correct suitcase.

Looking forward to this season in the hopes that they head to Costa Rica. But I am going to play a drinking game for every time Team Mom&Dad make a stereotypical Boston comment - "cuz' I'm from Boston and I'm Irish so that's what we do."

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7 hours ago, scrb said:


How would they even know that TAR were looking for singles to be paired up during the race?

Maybe they applied as teams but TAR cherry-picked people out of those team applicants?

Most likely. RFF did an investigation piece during the blind dating season, and found that around 7 of the 10 people that comprised those teams had applied with a partner and were thrown in solo. The others were hand-picked/recruited by the casting department.

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1 hour ago, hendersonrocks said:

efforts to calm her down only trigger her more. It will be interesting to see if they ever reach the point where they can listen to each other over the sound of their yelling.

I worry about this - listening to the yelling does not make for an enjoyable season.

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11 hours ago, green said:

Bad.  Just bad.  Bad gimmick.  Bad in there was no age diversity.  Bad that most were either alpha-physical types from military/police/fire or the usually mactors some of whom got their usual other monikers like real estate agent etc.

Yeah, this made last season's Survivor look diverse, age-wise.

I was actually cringing the entire first 20 minutes. I thought I'd love strangers paired up -- but these were so interchangeable, barely any stood out. I really did not like the whole "this is what I want in a partner" confessionals, like it's freaking Love Connection.

Another thing I really noticed? This show has won, what 10 Emmys? I remember when it was a marvel of cinematography. Like watching a movie every week. But boy howdy, has their budget been slashed! The editing looked like it had been done on Windows 10 -- really amateur wipes and dissolves and all those still photos, it was like watching the local news. This was the creme-de-la-creme of reality TV, and it just looks cheap now.

I feel like I'm watching a beloved athlete in the twilight of their career -- seeing their slow decline, showing their age -- and while I'm still happy to be able to watch them, a part of me really wishes they went out in their prime and that the only memories I had of them were when they were still at the top of their game.

Edited by Eolivet
Somehow I missed they always only race in 10-12 countries. Oops.
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Love this show! Rather have more diversity in the cast but this is kind of how it had to be - nobody is going to pick a Dave and Mary or even the scientist girls that won.

I do have to question how difficult teams found it to find the Miraflores Locks. I have never been to Panama and don't know Spanish, but that seemed so weird that there were no or few signs for it. You'd think it would be their biggest tourist draw. I live near Yellowstone and the signs for it start 100 miles out.

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There has been mention of Redmond being in the Army and the Marines, but I think he said he was a Navy corpsman. 

I'm fine to see Jennifer and Kevin out first. I don't think they would have lasted too long even if they had made it to the second leg.

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19 minutes ago, Eolivet said:


And did Phil really say they were only going to visit nine countries? Nine?! For a "race around the world?" I know it's not their fault -- it's the world climate, and probably their budget -- but it's just so sad.

I absolutely agree with some of your points, but I don't get this one at all. The show ALWAYS goes to between 8 and 10 countries. 12 legs, only 11 international when you count a US finale, and a couple always stay in the same country. This is nothing new.

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11 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

I like Becca and Urkel (sorry, can't remember his name). I'm surprised that nobody picked the 6'8" police woman. Looks  as if she would be a plus on physical challenges.

Floyd. I forgave Becca for that slight once I saw that they vibed well together. 

At 6'3, she probably towered over the tallest guy there. Francesca? She is huge! 

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I was dreading the twist but it's not as awful as it could have been.  Confused by the rules.  All but one person picking opposite gender surprised me and I thought it was a rule except there's the one all guy team leaving the two women picked last.

When one of the guys picked a woman partner, didn't he say she looked like she could dance? Did I miss-hear that? Makes me think, if some of these people have watched previous seasons, they would know that not all tasks require brute strength or enormous stamina and that some of them require a finesse (and a smaller physique) that more women seem to have then men, generally ... but not always. So, it can be advantageous to have a team with two genders, as long as the stronger partner can get the pair through a leg that requires more strength.

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11 hours ago, Artsda said:

The canoe challenge was stopped due to weather. It got dark, so why was the last team punished for that? They're not supposed to be punished because it got dark. Unless there was some type of time frame they had to make it to the challenge by. If that was the case, it should have been in the clue.

We don't generally see everything in the clue, and are not always privy to all the rules.  I suspect this isn't the first challenge where darkness could be an issue, but we probably haven't seen it happen before.  I think it would be unfair for there NOT to have been some penalty for basically skipping the challenge.

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I think this is the only time both Detour options were closed for safety reasons.  In Season 5 (?) in Egypt, Charla and Mirna were the only ones to do the camel ride before it closed for the night.  Everyone else had to do the alternate, much more physical option.

I liked this more than I expected.  There are always teams who I can't stand right off the bat, but there are some that I like.  

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1 hour ago, seasquared said:

So the Boston cop on Team Mom&Dad is a police office in my town (Revere, not Boston). They just did an article on him in the local paper. He's actually 46 and his partner on the Revere PD was on Survivor so you'd have thought he would have had some tips on how to find the correct suitcase.

Wait a minute. So the Revere PD pairs up these two valuable members of the force and, instead of having them patrol the streets, sends them out of town to reality shows? 

Edited by shura
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9 hours ago, enlightenedbum said:

Penalties are pretty standard on this show, not completing the detour has been two hours for a while.  Used to be four, which you waited out before they gave you the clue.  And way back in the day it was "you lose, go home, unless someone gets lost for an entire day."  Momily I think is the only team to get the 24 hour penalty.

If you get so lost that the carefully scripted first leg can't be completed, you deserve to go home.

This is my first season in a while (mainly cause so many TAR fanboys bashed Hunted even though Hunted is better rated), and the last one I watched had the "you lose, go home" rule haha I think in this instance it was already late so they didn't really have a fair chance to complete it so they let them reach the pad and serve two hours.

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Strange, strange premiere:

This has always been an 8 pm family show. What's with the 10 pm time slot? Is CBS just dumping it in a bad slot deliberately as a ploy to justify cancellation?

And what's with all the military/fire/police officers? They have to comprise 2/3rds of the contestants. This show used to recruit from everywhere and everybody.  This may be the least diverse cast they've ever had. The stranger gimmick would have been more interesting if everyone didn't do the same frickin' job.



I remember when it was a marvel of cinematography. Like watching a movie every week. But boy howdy, has their budget been slashed! The editing looked like it had been done on Windows 10 -- really amateur wipes and dissolves and all those still photos, it was like watching the local news. This was the creme-de-la-creme of reality TV, and it just looks cheap now.

So true and so sad. 

There are pluses, though:

Teams driving themselves on the first leg! How long has it been!? And the results were hysterical, with some teams so lost they ended up missing being able to even attempt the detour. Now that's some classic Race right there!

So far, loving Team Nerds Physical & Mental (ie, Becca & Floyd). They're racing well and having a great time.

Also Seth/Olive. And team Odd Couple (snowboarder and military guy). And some others whose names I don't know yet.

Can't stand Butcher Beardie, for some reason. Just a feeling that he's got a real chip on his shoulder. Also, though I don't like Austin much, I feel so sorry for her. Vanck is worse than useless, he's a hindrance. "Make a 135 degree turn"?? I would have ordered him out of the car right then and done the rest of the leg myself.

Some attractive buff bodies to look at, I guess. But this is really starting to feel a little like Amazing Race Mania -- not the real Race but an amazing simulation!*


(*Ya gotta be pretty damn old to get this reference!)

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The Revere cop was not recruited...but his partner (who had been on Survivor) did urge him to apply.  He said it was a long vetting process.  I think it is a mix of people applying on their own mixed with recruitments...and that's always been the case.  I have had co-workers, friends, etc. stating they would love to compete over the years -- but could think of no one who either had the time or inclination to join them.

It would have been great to have a more diverse cast age and fitness-wise...but as others already mentioned, that wasn'[t practical in this case.

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12 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

I'm surprised that nobody picked the 6'8" police woman. Looks  as if she would be a plus on physical challenges.

I, sadly, am not. Men would have picked smaller women probably with the belief they're more agile for those types of challenges (I believe one commented on how one of the women looked like she could dance for those challenges), or purely because they wanted a pretty girl (and some don't like women taller than them). Women would have picked a man for ~strength and the belief they'll be better off with a man and may have look directly at them, rather consider her insane strength 

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1 hour ago, shura said:

Wait a minute. So the Revere PD pairs up these two valuable members of the force and, instead of having them patrol the streets, sends them out of town to reality shows? 

Yeah, ever since Marky Mark and Patriots Day...all these police folks think they can movie stahs.  (Edited to add that I did not mean this comment to be disparaging towards any police officers and their brave efforts to keep us safe. Just a tongue in cheek observation on how it feels like every movie about Boston revolves around police)

Edited by seasquared
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I'm glad the show is back, how come the last team on the suitcase challenge which Phil drove to the airport was on the 2nd flight? I would have thought they will be the first one to the airport or in the 1st flight.

IQ of 140? and the model who will maybe use her looks (something like that) in this race lmao, who cares, TAR is more on stamina and sense of direction, and I think over 145 is the genius. Ashton said that she would want her partner to be tall, boom, Asian guy weird name picked her. LOL

And look how that beardie guy paddled, no effort wtf, you won because of 100m adv.

Edited by piequinn35
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I'm not surprised Phil wasn't among the first to the airport. He was probably the last to leave and he doesn't have the knowledge of LA or the killer instincts that a home grown taxi driver would.

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2 minutes ago, dgpolo said:

I'm not surprised Phil wasn't among the first to the airport. He was probably the last to leave and he doesn't have the knowledge of LA or the killer instincts that a home grown taxi driver would.

And his passengers probably weren't screaming "FASTER, FASTER.  WE'RE IN A RACE FOR $1,000,000."

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I wasn't too keen on this season's gimyck, but it hasn't worked out too bad.  A few teams will catastrophically self-destruct, but hopefully that will happen soon, and the remaining teams will race well enough to be entertaining.

And we got rid of "Asian Barbie" right away, with her not being able to parlay her looks into a win like she promised.  So that is a plus.


14 hours ago, ShadowSixx said:

continuous happiness like we're shooting rainbows out of our asses would get under my skin real quickly.

And ruin your trousers.

12 hours ago, Artsda said:

It got dark, so why was the last team punished for that?

Well, if I got eliminated because a team placed in front of me by not completing the challenge, I think I'd have to appeal that.  

9 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

That water looked so nasty, there's no way I would have wanted to wind up dunking in it.

I'm guessing it is just silt.  I don't think it's like the Ganges.

8 hours ago, shura said:

"Take a 135 degree turn"? Yeah, hold on, let me break out my protractor...

135° left or right?  Because the compass rose proceeds clockwise.  And he seemed to want to go 45° left of straight ahead (which being no turn at all, would be 0°, right? correct?)

12 hours ago, jumper sage said:

140 is good but I wouldn't be tossing my number around.

140 is Mensa-level smart.  But wandering about the planet boasting about your IQ is a clear indicator that you aren't really all that clever, so...

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It wasn't as bad as I feared but I wondered how they cast this one, because usually people apply as teams, I assume. So they must have all come straight out of a Reality Show Casting Agency. Especially the model who said she would use her looks to get ahead - what show does she  think she's on? Clearly some of them have never even seen Amazing Race before. 


 It is like Survivor was going to go with some gimmick for a whole tribe of these types and abandoned the idea and TAR just scooped them up instead since they were already in the CBS casting system.

Oh - I think you might be onto something. Way too many of them have similar occupations. And it also seemed like there were some obvious pairings that didn't pair up - like the two cops or the two gay guys or the two nerds.

I also thought the leg was poorly designed. If the racers have to drive themselves they shouldn't have a detour challenge that's going to close down after dark. There was potential for a lot of them to get lost.

That said, I didn't really hate anyone right out of the gate except for maybe the team that was Philiminated so . . . yay?

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Hipster bearded butcher dude is getting on my last nerve.  So it is a good thing they'll likely be gone soon, that partnership just isn't jelling, and they both seem unlikable--which isn't fair of me to say on such short acquaintance, but there you go.

Vanck and Ashton?  Holy cow.  Ashton is also bugging me, and her visible disappointment at being chosen by Vanck was kind of offensive.  But then again, he's no prize either.  They are dysfunctional and will implode soon too.

Team Fun started out irritating me, but after a bit they grew on me.  Imma gonna withhold judgement for now.

The rest of the pack are pretty much a blur to me.  Except for the cop and firefighter team, the cop is from the town where I grew up, so I'm automatically rooting for that team.  As an added bonus, they seem to be working well together and have pretty measured personalities with some sparks of fun.


Maybe, just maybe, I'll remember more of the blur-crowd names before we get to the final four.  Maybe...

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4 hours ago, seasquared said:

So the Boston cop on Team Mom&Dad is a police office in my town (Revere, not Boston). They just did an article on him in the local paper. He's actually 46 and his partner on the Revere PD was on Survivor so you'd have thought he would have had some tips on how to find the correct suitcase.

Looking forward to this season in the hopes that they head to Costa Rica. But I am going to play a drinking game for every time Team Mom&Dad make a stereotypical Boston comment - "cuz' I'm from Boston and I'm Irish so that's what we do."

What is the name of his partner who was on Survivor? 

ETA. Never mind, Amy O'Hara.  Don't remember her. 

Edited by wings707
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The race has been gone so long--the start made my heart speed up just like the old days.....If they're pairing up singles, I totally am going to apply.  

I kind of like Team Fun right now.  Shut up, Beardy Butcher guy.  

I'm surprised Phil was not faster to the airport...he lives in LA. 

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30 minutes ago, Netfoot said:

140 is Mensa-level smart.  But wandering about the planet boasting about your IQ is a clear indicator that you aren't really all that clever, so...

While I generally think IQ is kind of bogus, I didn't have a problem with him mentioning it once. His point was about expectations and first impressions based upon appearances. This was relevant, given the way teams were selected. 

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I don't think Phil actually drove.  He donned the hat for effect.  He might have been late to leave with retakes or  filming details given he is the producer.  

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Just now, wings707 said:

I don't think Phil actually drove.  He donned the hat for effect.  He might have been late to leave with retakes or  filming details given he is the producer.  

Why wouldn't he drive? That would also be more a punishment for them if they did stupid establishing shots. 

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I don't think Phil actually drove.  He donned the hat for effect.  He might have been late to leave with retakes or  filming details given he is the producer.  

You're right. I never thought of those things. 

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14 hours ago, jumper sage said:

Did he really say that?  140 is good but I wouldn't be tossing my number around.  You just know there are probably a few people in the cast/crew with higher number than that.  Ass!


Why?  I respect him for saying that.  He was making a very strong comment on how people in this society are judged as smart based on the cover and not the book.  Because he didn't look like the "image" a person has of a smart person.  Because of a very strong prejudice in America to judge people by very shallow, very stupid stuff like money ("what is he worth") and looks and career and such.  Not their intelligence what to speak of their character, integrity, honor or compassion.  So that was a very VERY worthy comment to make and something I hope gets through to some of the viewers' and their stereotypes. 

And maybe there are some others on the show in that area too but so what?  He was saying that people look at him and think "dumb hick" because he has tattoos and long hair and a beard and doesn't dress in Armani crap.  That was his point.  He feels the prejudice like everyone else who feels prejudice. 

Prejudice means pre-judging after all and is usually based on looks or clothing or color of the skin or gender and such.  Thus prejudice against him, people of color, women in many cases, handicapped people, older people (hello, TAR, you are practicing age discrimination) etc as being not equal or up to the mark (or worthy of being on TAR...TAR I hate the way you are treating older people by not casting them). 

Also 140 is lower Mensa level based on some but not all definitions of same.  So yeah he does have an impressive IQ level.  That fact he HAS to mention it is the sad part and the part he is getting at.  No one would think he was smart who pre-judges people and unfortunately a large number of Americans do just that.  No one that doesn't experience prejudice directly may "get" the reason he needed to say that but those that have do get his reason.  Discrimination due to prejudice causes a need to fight back and stand up for yourself.  It was good he said what he said.

Edited by green
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9 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

Why wouldn't he drive? That would also be more a punishment for them if they did stupid establishing shots. 

Because he is the producer and star.  The other teams took a cab so they were with drivers who knew how to get there, I assume Phil did not.  There was obviously a delay of some kind but I have trouble contributing that to Phil driving.  

I wish they would post the pictures of the teams on the site.  I need an easy reference!  

Edited by wings707
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2 minutes ago, wings707 said:

Because he is the producer and star.  The other teams took a cab so they were with drivers who knew how to get there, I assume Phil did not.  There was obviously a delay of some kind but I have trouble contributing that to Phil driving.  

We saw multiple scenes of Phil driving them with the background moving. I don't understand why being a producer and star would prevent him from driving a car in downtown LA. Delays in LA traffic can ve for any number of reasons, perhaps the taxis were more agressive because they drive for a living and are getting paid for the fare.

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1 hour ago, wings707 said:

Because he is the producer and star.  The other teams took a cab so they were with drivers who knew how to get there, I assume Phil did not.  There was obviously a delay of some kind but I have trouble contributing that to Phil driving.  

I wish they would post the pictures of the teams on the site.  I need an easy reference!  

He lives in LA and flies frequently outside the show.  He loves driving too.  So I think it is safe to assume he can drive and knows the way to LAX.

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5 hours ago, seasquared said:

So the Boston cop on Team Mom&Dad is a police office in my town (Revere, not Boston). They just did an article on him in the local paper. He's actually 46 and his partner on the Revere PD was on Survivor so you'd have thought he would have had some tips on how to find the correct suitcase.

Looking forward to this season in the hopes that they head to Costa Rica. But I am going to play a drinking game for every time Team Mom&Dad make a stereotypical Boston comment - "cuz' I'm from Boston and I'm Irish so that's what we do."

Sometimes I think TAR should be fined for Egregious Boston Stereotypes. I was rolling my eyes as soon as the cop opened his mouth.

And speaking of stereotypes...Urkel? Really? He's short and Black and could be nerdy, so he's automatically Urkel? These people need to get out more. But Floyd and Becca are my favorite team so far. I'm usually leery of people who announce themselves as "fun," but Becca is so goofy and has such a likeable, expressive face that I took to her immediately. They were fun to watch.

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16 hours ago, ByaNose said:

Even on a regular season they have older people and I guess they figured none of the youngins' would pick one of the old geezers.

I think you hit the nail on the head with this although if they had 2 older athletic people, they might have ended up with each other.

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The cop half of FireCop v2 was interviewed in our local paper and said he'd applied with his brother, then they called him back and asked if he wanted to go alone.  So that's at least one way they found contestants. 

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I am seriously side-eyeing him. I went to that school too and remember NOTHING about class rank. It's the ed school at Harvard, it's not that big of a deal. Don't be a dick.

Ditto.  I don't think the college even *has* class rank!  Just the categories of Latin honors.  And my mom went to the Ed School for her PhD and (love you Mom), it's just not that hard to get into.  And I really doubt they have class rank!

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Yay! My race is back!!! I love me some Phil :)

I admit, I was put off by the twist, but it seems okay so far.  Right now I'm liking Seth and Olive (is it just me or does she remind anyone else of Evelyn from The Challenge?) and Matt and Redmond the best, which was a surprise since I was ready to hate Matt (first impressions can be deceiving!) but they both seem like really chill dudes. 

I guess next is Logan and London and Becca and Floyd (although I don't know if I'll be able to take the fun meter all season). I don't really have an opinion on Shamir and Sara (yet) or Francesca and Jessie (although Jessie is TALL. Wow.)

Brooke and Scott, Mike and Liz, and Vanck and Ashton seem like disasters ready to implode. I like Ashton and Liz. Can they swap partners? Maybe IQ Mike would fair better with Vanck. 

Who did I miss? Tara and Joey probably won't be long for this race.

At first I thought Kevin and Jenn were going to be annoying, but I think I'd rather have them then Mike/Liz or Ashton/Vanck, more so the latter since Ashton is clearly uncomfortable.

It'll be interesting to see how they divide up the roadblocks. Truth be told, neither of those detours looked appealing to me, but good for Becca and Floyd for finishing the shoot one.

I did laugh a little when Ashton had that "Are you f-ing kidding me?" look when Vanck suggested he should shoot first, even though the last time he shot a bow was in school. 

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17 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

I like Becca and Urkel (sorry, can't remember his name). I'm surprised that nobody picked the 6'3" police woman. Looks  as if she would be a plus on physical challenges.

I agree.  If any of the men start complaining that their female partner isn't strong/athletic enough, I'll be annoyed.

4 hours ago, Netfoot said:

135° left or right?  Because the compass rose proceeds clockwise.  And he seemed to want to go 45° left of straight ahead (which being no turn at all, would be 0°, right? correct?)

Navigator mentioned it was a roundabout or traffic circle.  The have multiple exits.  Sounds like there was an exit between the one that was effectively a right and turn and one that was more or less straight ahead.

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7 hours ago, Stardancer Supreme said:

At 6'3", she probably towered over the tallest guy there. Francesca? She is huge! 

Jessie is the extremely tall one, not Francesca.

6 hours ago, Gummo said:

Also, though I don't like Austin much, I feel so sorry for her. Vanck is worse than useless, he's a hindrance.

You mean Ashton, right?

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