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S13.E17: 'Til I Hear It from You

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I think they want us to conveniently forget that the Pierce-Avery-Grey kids are all Webber's kids.

Not all biologically though, so it doesn't really matter in the long run.  Just because Webber married Catherine and had an affair with Ellis, that doesn't make him Jackson or Meredith's father.

True, but it does technically make him Jackson's step-father. Since Maggie is his biological daughter it kind of makes her Jackson's step-sister. 

And besides, she treats Amelia as part of her family and she's about as related to Amelia as she is to Jackson. Amelia is her bio sister's husband's sister (as in her bio sister's relative by marriage) which I don't see as much different from Jackson being her bio dad's relative by marriage. 

1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

Am I missing something? I honestly don't understand what Amelia's problem is. I know about her baby dying, I know she's afraid to have another and/or simply doesn't want another. Why is that a reason to run away from Owen and refuse to discuss the situation like an adult? In what universe is that acceptable behavior? I think she might need to be in the mental ward. She just isn't normal.

And I could have sworn Owen already knows about her unicorn baby. Didn't they have a scene in the church when Amelia was there lighting a candle for Samuel and praying for April/Jackson?

  • Love 3

I probably shouldn't have watched this episode--my own mother is very sick.  Like, we don't know if she'll make it until tomorrow sick and my father is struggling to deal with it...so this one hit a bit too close to home for me.  This ep did bring on all the feels for me, which I don't know if that would have happened had I seen it a few weeks ago.  I did think it was a very strong episode (at least through my current lens) and I am still dabbing my tears.

But, hey, I can still nitpick.

I can't with Owen and Amelia anymore.  I just about had it when he yelled, "I know what I want!"  Well, twice now you've married women who didn't want to have kids and you say that you want this family, so I'm not really sure you do know what you want.  Yes, I get that Amelia said she wanted kids and then didn't--I'm just pissed because I hate seeing pretty much the exact same story line more than once with the same character.  

Stephanie's breakdown was a head scratcher to me.  I mean, there was nothing in anything her character has indicated that she would ever have such a reaction.  Because of that, I have a hard time believing any of it.  Oh, and I spent almost the whole episode frustrated that they haven't given DeLuca anything more to do than stand around and be eye candy (which, I'm okay with the eye candy....but I want MORE!), and then BANG, he's in love with Jo.  Sigh.  I'm wary of love triangles as they fail far, far more often than they succeed.  But, on the other hand, if that means more DeLuca, I could probably swallow my distaste and not look away.

Speaking of relationships I didn't want...Meredith and Riggs.  Damn you show for making kind of, sort of, maybe be okay with that.  The scene in the...what?...CT room? at the end was far sweeter than I thought it would be.  And I like that Riggs is fundamentally un-Derek-ish.  I do think he could probably do better than Meredith, but they have to give the supposed lead of this show something to do...

I *hate* Minnick and Arizona together and I cried BS when Arizona started talking about her "feelings" for Minnick (what? really?)  That being said, I was rather uncomfortable when Webber slut-shamed Arizona.  Even though he quickly took it back, it still left me a bit itchy.

The Maggie/Diane and the Clatches both broke my heart.  I will say that I thought the twist with the Clatches would be that she survives and he died, thanks to his wounded wrist causing a clot or something, but I'm glad that the show went the more predictable c route here.

I am glad that we didn't have to see Minnick, although I was afraid once Jo showed up that this would be another case of the "Minnick method" gone wrong, where Jackson would be forced to let Jo take the lead, she'd botch it, and then they'd have to deal with Maggie.  Again, glad the show took another direction there.

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3 hours ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

Not all biologically though, so it doesn't really matter in the long run.  Just because Webber married Catherine and had an affair with Ellis, that doesn't make him Jackson or Meredith's father.

And, ironically, it is his biological child who has the least "parental" relationship with him.  I mean, Maggie gets along with him and respects him, but there really isn't anything familial between them.

Also, did they actually say in this episode that Maggie is only supposed to be 30?

  • Love 7

Excellent recap by Tina Mitchell:


I feel like I am supposed to agree that Amelia has a point or something -- that this is supposed to be an empowering moment of personal female self-actualization in the face of an overbearing husband trying to make demands he isn't supposed to be making. 

It's the same with Bailey, Catherine and Richard: I feel like the writers think we're supposed to side with Bailey and Catherine for some odd reason and I can't figure out why. I think this speaks to how tone-deaf the writers are in regards to the way the characters are coming across. 

  • Love 15
3 hours ago, Stacey1014 said:

They might be more friends or colleagues because they've only known each other for a few years, but technically Jackson and Maggie are step-siblings because of Catherine and Richard. I wonder how Jackson and April would introduce little Harriet to Maggie. I'm assuming Richard has an grandfather title based on his relationship with Jackson and his marriage, but would Maggie be Aunt Maggie or would she just be Dr Maggie or Dr Pierce. 

If they're all as close friends as they appear to be, everyone would just be Aunt or Uncle so-and-so.  Uncle Owen.  Aunt Arizona.  They don't have to be biologically related for a child to use a term of endearment.

Excellent recap by Tina Mitchell:


I feel like I am supposed to agree that Amelia has a point or something -- that this is supposed to be an empowering moment of personal female self-actualization in the face of an overbearing husband trying to make demands he isn't supposed to be making. 

It's the same with Bailey, Catherine and Richard: I feel like the writers think we're supposed to side with Bailey and Catherine for some odd reason and I can't figure out why. I think this speaks to how tone-deaf the writers are in regards to the way the characters are coming across. 

Exactly! If they were trying to make what Catherine, Bailey, and Minnick schemed into a good thing for the hospital, they failed miserably!

  • Love 4
51 minutes ago, OtterMommy said:

And, ironically, it is his biological child who has the least "parental" relationship with him.  I mean, Maggie gets along with him and respects him, but there really isn't anything familial between them.

I'm guessing that this is because Maggie, for the most part, still has a good relationship with  both of her parents. I think that a lot of it is Richard; he might be her biological father, but he respects her relationship with her adoptive parents. 


1 hour ago, LexieLily said:

And I could have sworn Owen already knows about her unicorn baby. Didn't they have a scene in the church when Amelia was there lighting a candle for Samuel and praying for April/Jackson?

She mentioned that her baby lived for about 40 minutes at the end of the episode where baby Samuel died, and she referred to her baby dying during the 2 hour episode after Derek died. 

I wonder if Owen assumes that she's over it or feels like enough time has passed that she has moved on.  Amelia might feel like she's ready for another child but when the thought of having another child suddenly became a real possibility, she couldn't handle it and ran. I really wish that April had witnessed that argument instead of Bailey because she would given the scene a different perspective. 

Edited by Stacey1014
  • Love 4
4 hours ago, Ohwell said:

Yes, I caught that, too.  I can't believe the writers and the actress don't know correct grammar.

Apparently Bellamy Young (whose mother was an English teacher) once tried correcting a grammatical error in her dialogue, and Shonda curtly shut it down. http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/bellamy-young-scandal-challenging-shonda-rhimes-lost/story?id=45993777

It probably pained Jessica (an English major) to read that line, but there was nothing she could not about it. 

  • Love 7

I've actually been waiting for someone to refresh Owen's memory in regards to babies and Christina so I was really happy Amelia brought it up. While I don't think she's bandied the situation well at all, her reactions make sense from the character's backstory, to me. And while Owen had valid points in their arguments about her running away, he's still an overbearing ass who thinks he can pressure women he claims to love into surrendering their bodies to pregnancy regardless of their physical backgrounds (he never gave much of a crap about Christina's ectopic pregnancy as I recall). 


RE: Maggie's age... She was a child prodigy or some such. It wasd a big deal back when she first got hired that she was so young relative to her position in her career. 

Edited by millahnna
  • Love 2
7 minutes ago, millahnna said:

RE: Maggie's age... She was a child prodigy or some such. It wasd a big deal back when she first got hired that she was so young relative to her position in her career. 

I get that and, in some ways, having Maggie young makes at least the DeLuca thing make more sense, as well as some her more--ahem--youthful behaviors.  There is just no way I can believe that the Maggie I see on my screen is only 30.

ETA I just looked it up an Kelly McCreary is only 35, so not that far off (she's probably closer to her character's age than Ellen Pompeo is).  But it still doesn't seem believable to me.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, OtterMommy said:

Speaking of relationships I didn't want...Meredith and Riggs.  Damn you show for making kind of, sort of, maybe be okay with that.  The scene in the...what?...CT room? at the end was far sweeter than I thought it would be.  And I like that Riggs is fundamentally un-Derek-ish.  I do think he could probably do better than Meredith, but they have to give the supposed lead of this show something to do...



I'm not minding Meredith and Riggs. He will never be Derek and they don't have the chemistry that Patrick and Ellen have/had but yeah. I'm ok with it.

And who are those children at Mere's house? What? Mere has kids? what? is there another not shown? another boy or is it a girl?

My only sorrow is they didn't find a little actor with dark curls and blue eyes. Well.. not my only sorrow because I still think the show messed up big time saddling Mere with not one-- not two--- but three children! It still blows my mind.

Other than that-- I hate just about everyone else.

Maggie? make it go away. Amelia? god!! shut the fuck up! Owen your man pain is giving me a headache. Deluca? what? what? what? and Stephanie-- the one I thought had it together??? stands there with trembling lip and tears? there is NO CRYING in surgery!

I admit-- I have a hard time with this show.

Edited by taanja
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2 hours ago, Drogo said:


Very cute, Shonda.

Completely off topic here but something that always confused me about that scene is why the ceiling fan in the on-call room reminded Owen of a military chopper and triggered him to attack Cristina, yet the massive propeller fans in that air vent room "happy place" they spent to much time in never bothered him at all. 

  • Love 3
10 minutes ago, millahnna said:

I've actually been waiting for someone to refresh Owen's memory in regards to babies and Christina so I was really happy Amelia brought it up. While I don't think she's bandied the situation well at all, her reactions make sense from the character's backstory, to me. And while Owen had valid points in their arguments about her running away, he's still an overbearing ass who thinks he can pressure women he claims to love into surrendering their bodies to pregnancy regardless of their physical backgrounds (he never gave much of a crap about Christina's ectopic pregnancy as I recall). 

I mean, i'm not much of an Owen fan AT ALL but I feel like he's grown a lot since his relationship with Christina. I don't think he's trying to pressure Amelia into anything except maybe telling him what the hell is going on. She TOLD him she wanted kids prior to the wedding so I don't fault him for thinking that was the case if she didn't tell her specifically she changed her mind. She's being such a freaking child and deliberately trying to hurt him a) in order to avoid actually telling him the truth about her pregnancy and; b) to attempt to push him away. She needs to grow the eff up. 

  • Love 9
2 hours ago, OtterMommy said:

And, ironically, it is his biological child who has the least "parental" relationship with him.  I mean, Maggie gets along with him and respects him, but there really isn't anything familial between them.

Also, did they actually say in this episode that Maggie is only supposed to be 30?

Mere it is suppose to be what? 5 - 6 years older? I call bullshit.

  • Love 1
6 hours ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

Not all biologically though, so it doesn't really matter in the long run.  Just because Webber married Catherine and had an affair with Ellis, that doesn't make him Jackson or Meredith's father.

Its never been proven that has Maggie's biological father either.  Everyone just assumed it. 

  • Love 1

And while Owen had valid points in their arguments about her running away, he's still an overbearing ass who thinks he can pressure women he claims to love into surrendering their bodies to pregnancy regardless of their physical backgrounds (he never gave much of a crap about Christina's ectopic pregnancy as I recall).

I think that was somewhat true - to an extent - with Cristina when she was pregnant but that was a very different situation because the pregnancy was already a reality and he wanted her to have the baby. With Amelia, she actually led him to believe she wanted a baby. He hasn't bullied her into anything. She just flipped, didn't explain why, and ran off. What exactly did he bully her into?

  • Love 6

Was I the only one worried for something to happen to the old man once he left the hospital? 

I kept thinking that he would get run over in Wile E. Coyote fashion.


I was surprised that he started to look like June Squibb.

That started long ago. Looks-wise, he had that head of hair going for him.

Typical episode tonight. A lot of angst between characters that I care very little about. I missed Minnick and Drew. I liked that Webber is coming to his senses about how childish he was acting (of course, then he turned around and got childish again). But he's working through it. 

I wonder how these actors feel about the dumb way they're depicted, or are they just happy to get screen time?

5 hours ago, OtterMommy said:

I *hate* Minnick and Arizona together and I cried BS when Arizona started talking about her "feelings" for Minnick (what? really?)  That being said, I was rather uncomfortable when Webber slut-shamed Arizona.  Even though he quickly took it back, it still left me a bit itchy.

A couple episodes or so ago, there was a negative comment about Arizona and Eliza being a gay hookup, and then some controversy about that comment. But I had my own personal resonance with that comment because it made clear that there is absolutely no reason for these two women to be together except that they are gay. They have zero chemistry. Minnick has not been likable. In addition, she's in opposition to one of Arizona's best friends (Richard).  Now Arizona is talking about her "feelings" for Minnick.  What?  

And it's especially a problem because TPTB did something similar with Callie and Penny.  Another zero-chemistry gay relationship. Like they were only together because there's such a dearth of suitable lesbians in Seattle they have no other options.  

In both cases, I get why the interloper is attracted to the Grey's regular. But I could never figure out what Callie saw in Penny for a long-term relationship, and I don't get what Arizona sees in Minnick for anything other than a brief fling, and a fling wouldn't happen if Arizona were being true to her friendship with Richard.

  • Love 17
3 hours ago, iMonrey said:

What exactly did he bully her into?

Nothing.  Nothing at all.  Being a bully actually requires some element of contact.  Amelia hasn't been around long enough for Owen to have said anything to her.  Added to that, there was the episode when she was going all over the hospital telling everybody and her sister she was pregnant even before she took a test.  If she got his hopes up then that was all on her.  She knows he wanted kids why dangle the possibility?  And then after she told him she didn't want kids she ran off. He hasn't had time to even talk to her much less bully her about anything.

Gack, I can't believe I am defending Owen of all people....

  • Love 13
8 hours ago, Deanie87 said:

Everyone has pretty much covered how bad the show is now, between the horrible writing and how childish and embarrassing nearly every single character is, so beyond noting that I see that Alex is back to his former role as "minor supporting character who appears briefly to tell one of the sisters how awesome they are," all I really have to contribute is my encounter with Hal Holbrook:

I was walking down the street in downtown Baltimore when I saw a man coming toward me wearing an ascot.  Since this isn't the sort of thing that you normally see in Charm City, I knew that he must be some sort of celebrity.  Sure enough, it was Mr. Holbrook who was in town doing a Mark Twain one man show (which I had seen on PBS).  So I stopped him, gushed at him embarrassingly for a few minutes and then we talked a little bit about Mark Twain, Huckleberry Finn and Baltimore.  He was simply as lovely and as gentlemanly as you could imagine and I will forever regret not offering to buy him dinner and/or a drink as he mentioned that he was alone in town and just trying to stroll around Baltimore to see the sights.  Maybe I'm naive but I feel like he would have said yes.  You better believe that I have spent the years since imagining how close my husband and I would have gotten with he and the dearly departed Dixie, and how even now he would be regaling me with behind the scenes stories of Grey's Anatomy.  Oh well.

About 18 or so years ago he shopped in a small neighborhood store in D.C. I was working in. He bought a saucepan (it was a hardware store, so not a fancy one). I was a couple of registers away while the store manager checked him out (he was working at the register, so it wasn't a special thing for this special customer). The manager said, "I admire your work." Holbrook replied, "I admire yours." We hated to not put his signed charge receipt aside! We were used to seeing very prominent political figures and noted journalists, but this caused quite a stir! His hair was not very gray at all. Sorry to be OT, but back to topic, he was clearly a talented yet regular guy and thus so able to portray one as he did last night on Grey's.

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On ‎3‎/‎24‎/‎2017 at 0:17 AM, flickers said:

I mean, the guy IS 92 years old. I don't know that there are many in the over-90 set who would qualify as hunkier than Hal Holbrook.

Exactly. I was actually thinking that he has great hair for someone his age.


Edited to add: Amelia sucks.

Edited by nichelle
  • Love 3
On 3/24/2017 at 1:11 AM, Kauris said:

I'm just starting to watch this episode and HOLY SHITE they actually acknowledged HIPAA? WOW finally someone realized there is a non disclosure thing that goes along with practicing medicine. AND also I still hate Maggie, grow the fu up.

that made my mouth dropped. I was amazed that this show knew what HIPAA was. 

Amelia. You have zero legs to stand on. You don't even get a chair to SIT on here. You knew Owen wanted children. You told Owen you wanted Children. You didn't mention your baby without a brain. Why? I don't know. You get married to Owen with both of you deciding that yah you wanted a big family. Then you decided you don't want to have a baby. (that's fair). What stopped being fair was 

A: you vanishing and not telling  your husband where the hell you were. 
B: showing up at work and not telling your husband you were okay and safe

All he wants to know is what the hell happened between wanting to have babies (which - in this case, is normal because you BOTH wanted it), and now that makes you blurt "I don't wanna baby." and you can't even be around him. Then start slapping him around with how she feels smothered because he just wants some damned answers, then flings Christina in his face because why not kick him in his John Brown hind parts while you're at it. 

That is cause for a "Bitch. Please." in my books. talk about needing a slap. 

Also: Maggie. You do not have the right to demand anything from your mother of what she wants to do to her body. If all she wanted was to get gigantic stripper boobs, you point out you think her boobs are perfect the way they are - and she goes, "but i still want gigantic stripper boobs." you go to the local lingerie store and buy her a good bustier with support and go. This will look nice on you.

You do not get to yell at your mother for changing her body
You do not get to yell at Jackson for being a brat. 
(though I think her response was a bit better than mine when I found out my mom had stage three breast cancer. so I'll give her that much). 

but. Bitch. grow up. also. Please. 

Meredith: either you want to be with Riggs or not. he doesn't need to give you a reason. why not give him a reason why YOU want to be with him you dummy. shut up

Richard. Arizona can be with whomever. (even though why she wants to be with Minnick is beyond me. her Pirogi must be really good. I <3 Pirogi.). get over it.

Bailey. you don't get to be gleeful about being completely unprofessional, you big dummy. 

DeLuca. no. you do not love Jo. you barely know Jo. 

why am I still watching this Show?

  • Love 10

not once is Owen demanding Amelia to have his baby. I think he basically 
A: wants his wife back (why?)
B: wants to know what changed her mind. 
C: communicate with him about it without being all "it's not 'natural'"

Here. I'll even do it. 

Amelia: "Stop pushing me!"
Owen: <<deep breath. Runs hand through hair>> "You know. fine. I'm pushing you, i'm suffocating you. I'm sorry. but look at it from my point of view okay. One day we're thinking we're pregnant. the Next day we find out we're not, and then the next day you just run off. No word, and some note. Then I find out you're close by and you don't even want to talk to me. Then you tell me after knowing everything we've been through that you don't want a child. and you know what - that's fine, Amelia, fine. but at least tell me why let me get on the same page with you. Because this - <<waves hand between both of them>> isn't healthy and it's not what makes a good marriage."

Amelia: <<burts into tears>> "Owen, I'm sorry... I"
Owen <<hugs Amelia>> "Baby, please don't cry. Look, I love you, just, please... talk to me. we'll work through this together.
Amelia. "It's about my son. I just... I just realised that I can't go through that again. I can't get pregnant, and worry if the baby will always be healthy, or not, or go through labour...I thought I could but being faced with that possibility.. It's too much for me Owen, and I'm sorry. I didn't think I felt this way because I had my sisters and Derek, and I've always wanted a huge family... <<sobs>>"

Owen: "Amelia, it's okay. I get it. like I said, I just needed you to tell me, so we could at least talk about it."

Amelia "I....<<sob>> still do love you, you know."
Owen <<laughs and kisses Amelia's hair.>> "Don't worry about it. I'm just glad you told me.
Amelia. "so what do we do... i know you want kids, but I just don't think..."
Owen: "Is it babies as in you don't want to be pregnant. do you want to consider adoption?"
Amelia: <<sniffles>> "I think I could handle adoption. I mean... i do want to be a parent. but why don't we try just fostering first. let's see how i can handle that?"
Owen "Whatever you feel ready handle.. I'm there for you. I just need you to be there for me. We can't just run away or argue like this anymore"
Amelia. "I promise. "

Annnnd. scene. 

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Daisy said:

DeLuca. no. you do not love Jo. you barely know Jo. 

Well, they have had like 4 conversations (3 when both were sober).  That's more familiarity than most characters on this show get before they're coupled up.

And, I'm not saying this because I think DeLuca and Jo should ever be together....the only even slightly positive thing about this is that we'd see more of DeLuca.

  • Love 2
14 minutes ago, OtterMommy said:

Well, they have had like 4 conversations (3 when both were sober).  That's more familiarity than most characters on this show get before they're coupled up.

And, I'm not saying this because I think DeLuca and Jo should ever be together....the only even slightly positive thing about this is that we'd see more of DeLuca.

no. they'll both be shoved in the closet. 

I hate Amelia for making me side with Owen. Like others have asked, who wrote that word salad she spat in the stairwell scene? Amelia, you are a grown ass woman. Stop running away when shit gets difficult. Words cannot express how much I hated her this episode.

I love Maggie's mom, but I hate that she makes Maggie insufferable when she's around. 

Good to see Hal Holbrook. Love him.

Arizona and Eliza have the chemistry of oil and water.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, OtterMommy said:

Well, they have had like 4 conversations (3 when both were sober).  That's more familiarity than most characters on this show get before they're coupled up.

And, I'm not saying this because I think DeLuca and Jo should ever be together....the only even slightly positive thing about this is that we'd see more of DeLuca.

I think Jo and DeLuca have been spending more time together than we've seen onscreen. When Bailey told them both not to speak to anyone about the Alex situation, they started hanging out by themselves and probably have become friends since then.

And anyway, I think it's been obvious that DeLuca has feelings for Jo when he got the whole Alex case dropped (Ben even insinuated that to Bailey). This was just the first episode it's been verbalized.


Speaking of Ben and Bailey, I loved their banter in the OR galley about growing old together. It was really sweet.


Stephanie's annoyed reaction to DeLuca's declaration was odd, but I guess she didn't want to hear about love at that moment. She was already upset about the couple whose story she had gotten attached to, and she herself doesn't have anyone...

  • Love 1
4 minutes ago, calipiano81 said:

Stephanie's annoyed reaction to DeLuca's declaration was odd, but I guess she didn't want to hear about love at that moment. She was already upset about the couple whose story she had gotten attached to, and she herself doesn't have anyone...

My guess is that Stephanie's reaction all went back to that boyfriend she had who died....who I can barely remember and that was, what?, last season?  I mean, that might be how they play it...but it still doesn't make much sense.  However, I lost interest in Stephanie a long time ago.....

I do agree that we are supposed to assume that there had been some Jo/DeLuca time off-screen.  However, what they've shown the viewers between the two of them is a big jump from tru luv....  Also, I'm not sure that Jo has time to be in the middle of a love triangle, with her homeless past, living in a car, secret marriage, abusive husband, changing her name, Alex issues, etc....  (My issue with Jo is that she is just *too much* and putting her in a triangle is just...more of too much).

  • Love 2
13 minutes ago, OtterMommy said:

I do agree that we are supposed to assume that there had been some Jo/DeLuca time off-screen.  However, what they've shown the viewers between the two of them is a big jump from tru luv....  Also, I'm not sure that Jo has time to be in the middle of a love triangle, with her homeless past, living in a car, secret marriage, abusive husband, changing her name, Alex issues, etc....  (My issue with Jo is that she is just *too much* and putting her in a triangle is just...more of too much).

I'm not convinced that it will be a full on, real triangle.  We have seen DeLuca's feelings but Jo has never, ever shown any romantic interest in him at all.  Not that it necessarily matters on this show.  Also (and clearly the writers don't care about this either), a triangle will make all 3 look completely horrible.  DeLuca knows that Jo is MARRIED to a violent man (not to mention the other violent man in her life), so he will look like a fool if he pursues this.  If Alex is again on the wrong side of a triangle, he will also look like a fool and I don't think that his character can take another bout of intense jealousy.  And if Jo gets involved with yet another man before she ever deals with the issue of her husband, then she deserves the accusations of drama queen and bitch that often get thrown her way.  I hope that I am right and they won't really go there.  

Justin Chambers gave an interview


where he pretty much called DeLuca's feelings a crush and kind of downplayed him, so I hope that's the case. 

  • Love 2
19 hours ago, OtterMommy said:

My guess is that Stephanie's reaction all went back to that boyfriend she had who died....who I can barely remember and that was, what?, last season?  I mean, that might be how they play it...but it still doesn't make much sense.  However, I lost interest in Stephanie a long time ago.....

Yeah, she said something like "60 years or 6 weeks, doesn't matter, it's still never enough time" so I figured that was about Fez.

  • Love 2
On 3/23/2017 at 9:04 PM, LexieLily said:

Was I the only one worried for something to happen to the old man once he left the hospital? Owen just let him leave and he didn't know where he was going!

Yes!! I have watched every episode of this show for 13 years. I survived the people impaled on the pole in the train accident, George being run over by a bus, the shooting, the girl who turned 18 in the ER as her parents each die from crashing into the ambulance, the plane crash and Lexie dying, Ellis being lucid and telling Meredith she needed to be extraordinary, Burke leaving Cristina at the altar, the fire fighter from last year who lived until his wife got there, Mandy Moore dying after surviving the shooting, baby Samuel's death..... All of it.  But watching the sublime Hal Holbrook mourn his dead wife?? "14:22."  GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH They finally broke me.

And fuck you Owen, that you didn't go after him!!!

  • Love 6
On ‎26‎/‎03‎/‎2017 at 7:58 AM, OtterMommy said:

Well, they have had like 4 conversations (3 when both were sober).  That's more familiarity than most characters on this show get before they're coupled up.

And, I'm not saying this because I think DeLuca and Jo should ever be together....the only even slightly positive thing about this is that we'd see more of DeLuca.

I am down to see what could happen with Jo and Deluca because there's a chance they could have chemistry. And that's becoming quite a rarity on this show. I thought Jo and Alex were fine and even endearing in S9/S10, but their connection has withered away since then. And dammit, after being treated like the hospital pariah and never properly apologized to or shown remorse by Alex- I just want Deluca to have a win.

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On ‎03‎/‎24‎/‎2017 at 1:54 PM, OtterMommy said:

Well, twice now you've married women who didn't want to have kids and you say that you want this family, so I'm not really sure you do know what you want.  Yes, I get that Amelia said she wanted kids and then didn't--I'm just pissed because I hate seeing pretty much the exact same story line more than once with the same character.  

He married one woman who said beforehand that she didn't want kids, and one woman who giddily planned their lives with kids and living in the best school district who later changed her mind.  Now, had the second woman managed to stick around and talk about why she suddenly changed her mind, it could've made for an interesting storyline, but, as you say, this is just repeating the same old thing with a vastly inferior replacement.

On ‎03‎/‎24‎/‎2017 at 2:17 PM, DEL901 said:

I think the actor's from Australia.  

He is.

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Last week, I didn't recognize the gust star du jour.  This week, I was like "Is that HAL HOLBROOK?!"  Nice to see him working! 

That was about the best part of the show this week.  Him stating time of death for his wife was just... UGH, right in the feels.  

The rest... meh.  As someone who binge-watched the whole series until current, I have found the show to be less engaging when you're not watching 2-3 episodes a day for weeks...

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On March 24, 2017 at 2:46 PM, FnkyChkn34 said:

I missed that, but she has to be older than that, given how far she is in her career.

I think Maggie was introduced as a child prodigy, another of the "brilliant Ellis Grey's" brilliant bio-offspring.

I always took that to mean that she was actually younger than the others, along with being socially immature (although with this crowd, that's a really low bar).

A reminder in the storyline might clear up some of that. Maybe a visit from an old friend who's clearly as "young" as she is.

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33 minutes ago, TVForever said:

I think Maggie was introduced as a child prodigy, another of the "brilliant Ellis Grey's" brilliant bio-offspring.

I always took that to mean that she was actually younger than the others, along with being socially immature (although with this crowd, that's a really low bar).

A reminder in the storyline might clear up some of that. Maybe a visit from an old friend who's clearly as "young" as she is.

I didn't realize that the actress is only 33.  But still, by 33, someone shouldn't still be so immature.

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