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S13.E17: 'Til I Hear It from You

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I have whiplash with Meredith now pursuing Nathan.  Not as bad as Arizona's turnaround with Minnick, but man these writers have the propensity to stall or drag out a story, only to slap together the intended result. (see: Alex's assault arc)  

As for Richard and Miranda, he will ultimately take the hit and be accepting of the injustice done to him. And I don't anticipate much, if any, blow back for Miranda, Catherine, or Arizona - being that they are the three people in this godawful situation who have betrayed him, in a sense. 

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On 17 March 2017 at 10:22 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Owen and Amelia hash out their problems as they work a trauma case together

Oh goody... can't wait for to watch these two overemoting for the majority of the episode.

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So Maggie is still acting 15. I'm watching as I type, so I don't know how this turns out... but it reminds me how much I don't like that 'phase' of development... I wonder how old Maggie will be before she finally begins to act her real age?!

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No Maggie, Jackson has no obligation to discuss his patient with you, no matter who you are!!

Has Amelia even told Owen everything about her baby? Maybe if he knew, he would understand. He's not an ogre. I seem to remember posting this same sentence the last time they argued about it and we're still here!

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30 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

Was I the only one worried for something to happen to the old man once he left the hospital? Owen just let him leave and he didn't know where he was going!

Nope.  I figured he would either walk into traffic or break down and start sobbing.  I certainly didn't imagine him just walking away.

Is it weird that I want Maggie and Jackson to hook up?  I think they'd be interesting.  Then again, I'd be happy for April and Amelia to go far, far away.

Edited by Amethyst
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I thought he was going to lay down and quietly pass away, as that sometimes happens with couples who have been married for so long. Just walking away and knowing he has to learn to do it all on his own was heartbreaking.

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Why can't women on this show just be with the men who love them instead of playing games and causing drama?  So frustrating.

 I'm assuming that Meredith won't end up going out with Riggs now that Maggie needs her.

Alex told Meredith she is hot?  I guess I'm not one to judge being a straight female and I know tastes vary but I'm not buying she would be considered hot.  

Them telling Maggie that her mom was getting a boob job for more sex was just dumb and seemed to be just an excuse to say the word.

Maggie and Amelia annoy me.

Edited by Laurie4H
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28 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

Was I the only one worried for something to happen to the old man once he left the hospital? Owen just let him leave and he didn't know where he was going!

I thought it was going to be one of those cases where the husband and wife died within hours of each other. Since the husband was a famous cardio thoracic surgeon, I'm surprised he didn't meet Maggie or Nathan, or even Meredith or Jackson since they have well known families in the medical industry.

This Owen/Amelia story is aggravating. They should have had Amelia's mother or one of her sisters have a medical emergency and she could have left to be with her family. 

When Maggie and Jackson were talking and she mentioned that they were friends, I wish they would have brought up them being related by marriage. Also, Richard should have been part of the story, at least as support for Maggie while she was waiting during the surgery. 

Did I miss something with Stephanie and DeLuca? She seemed pretty pissed when he mentioned being in love with Jo. 

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Amelia has officially become the absolute worst.  What was even coming out of her mouth?  I hate that the old couple was supposed to be some contrast to her and Owen because they had a good story all on its own without being paired with the mess that is Omeila.  And I can't even blame him for it.  This is all on her.  What a horrible person.

I liked the scene were Maggie found out her mom had cancer.  The absolute silence made me think it was her mind simply blanking everything out -- just not able to process what she was being told.  Frankly I don't blame her that she had to leave and take a moment.  She just found out her mom had advanced stage cancer and had been willfully hiding it from her for months and letting her think it was something as frivolous as a cosmetic boob job.  She was in shock. The problem is Grey's doesn't do build up to stuff like that well.  They pour it on so thick with the jokes about the boobs and the harping on stuff (on Maggie's side) and the irrational 'No I can;t tell her I have cancer" on the mother's side that the payoff scene when it happens doesn't do either one of them justice.

Don't even get me started on Meredith and Riggs.  They are not bringing any heat or chemistry.  His little speech selling himself on why he liked her so much was just trite and unconvincing.  Their terrible bantering and DeLuca's pronouncement of being in love with Jo, Bailey's joking with Arizona over Richard all felt out out of sync with the other parts of the show.  The tonal shift from the serious stuff to the romance stuff was jarring.

TBH, I found this ep rather boring.

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34 minutes ago, DearEvette said:

Don't even get me started on Meredith and Riggs.  They are not bringing any heat or chemistry.  His little speech selling himself on why he liked her so much was just trite and unconvincing.  Their terrible bantering and DeLuca's pronouncement of being in love with Jo, Bailey's joking with Arizona over Richard all felt out out of sync with the other parts of the show.  The tonal shift from the serious stuff to the romance stuff was jarring.

I don't even know what Riggs sees in Meredith or why he is so determined to go out with her. They hooked up once in the back of her car and she's been apathetic at best to him ever since, mostly downright rude.

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2 hours ago, Stacey1014 said:

 Since the husband was a famous cardio thoracic surgeon, I'm surprised he didn't meet Maggie or Nathan, or even Meredith or Jackson since they have well known families in the medical industry. 

Jot that down as yet another missed opportunity in recent seasons. 

The three guest actors were the best part of the episode, for me. Also, Stephanie saying that she needs something more feels like it's the start of building to her eventual exit. 

And once again I'm seriously annoyed that the show is ignoring the fact that Amelia and Owen had a conversation about Amelia's baby back in season 11, but are acting like it never happened so they can drag this repetitive fight on and on and on.  You know they've run out of material when they are giving Owen the same relationship problem that he had in his first marriage. 

Edited by funnygirl
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Maggie is just too much.

number one: even if this was just a boon Job, it's none of her fucking business what her mother does, and if she wanted to ask questions then maybe she should have checked her judgemental attitude at the door.

number two: Jackson doesn't control what comes out of her mouth. How could he let her talk to her mother that way? That's all you sister. You wanted to act like a child and freak out like a teenager, she might as well have stomp stomp slammed. Jackson is too stand up of a guy to be like. "I wanted to tell you but I don't control what comes out of your mouth". 

But meeting her mother, you see why she's like this. Her mother (and father) have sheltered her to the point where she can't express herself without screeching.

amelia is another one who is too much.

number one: she changed the rules on Owen, she doesn't get to turn it around into "owen the mysogonist" this is not because of Owen and instead of opening up about her fears she's going to blame Owen for not blindly just being okay with her changing the rules on him. He wanted her to come home and work on them cause when she freaked she just let him with no explanation and comes back and is continuing to avoid the issue. Her turning it around to make it Owen's is a bitch move and bringing up cristina is low. 

Number two: much like Owen was wrong to make Cristina feel bad about not wanting kids, making Owen feel bad about wanting them is just as bad. There's nothing wrong with either stance except when your married to a person who doesn't want what you want. Amelia is emotionally manipulating him because she's too emotionally unstable to handle her own shit. Owens has done nothing but beg her to come home and when he finally tries another tactic she goes off. I can't with these two because the truth is, if Owen is gonna choose a life without kids, then he needs to move to Switzerland.

im sure I'm supposed to find this thing with Meredith and Nathan charming. I don't. Shit or get off the pot Meredith, that's what Nathan wants but instead you want him to list his qualities to convince you to date him...it doesn't sit right with me. 

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Amelia is selfish and Owen shouldn't be stuck with her.

He really should divorce her. He was well within his rights to tell her to shit or get off the pot, and she turns it around on him with some word salad speech. How dare he be upset that she ran off like some petulant teenager. She's mad that he wants to talk to her like a reasonable adult, and she's out here dodging him as if he's Sallie Mae. He should cut his losses. No one is worth all of that trouble.

I don't care about Meredith and Riggs. She was annoying, too. She's hesitant about going out with him because no one likes him? Is this junior high? We can't be together because my friends have a problem with you?

I should be used to the immaturity by now, but lately it's been too damn much.

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3 hours ago, Crazy Bird Lady said:

So Maggie is still acting 15. I'm watching as I type, so I don't know how this turns out... but it reminds me how much I don't like that 'phase' of development... I wonder how old Maggie will be before she finally begins to act her real age?!

When she joined the show she was supposed to be some "summa cum laude genius" instead she acts like a "FUKNIDIOT"

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Shut up Maggie.

Shut up Amelia.

Shut up Nathan.

Shut up Meredith.

Shut up Bailey.

Shut up Arizona.

Shut up DeLuca.

And the saddest thing about this episode was how old, puffy, and frail Hal Holbrook looks.  He was quite the silver fox back in the day.

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I only have two points because this episode was blah...

1. Whoever told Riggs to go clean-shaven should be slapped. I never found him particularly handsome but at least the scruff was doing something for him, this look with the hair is just terrible.

2. I think it is time for yet another mass casualty event because there is just too much cast at this point. Isn't Seattle due for a major earthquake? Just have the hospital collapse and take out half of the cast now, make next season about rebuilding. Half of the cast can go at this point, maybe more and I really don't much care who. 

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Riggs definitely looked better with the scruff, I completely agree with you @John M

Are the writers of this show so bad that they have to recycle the same exact baby plotline for Owen with this marriage too?  If they wanted to have the same baby issue again, at least give it to another couple.  

I'm sorry but I just can't stand Maggie and I don't care about her mom. I'll probably skip next week. 

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50 minutes ago, Sheenieb said:

He really should divorce her. He was well within his rights to tell her to shit or get off the pot, and she turns it around on him with some word salad speech. How dare he be upset that she ran off like some petulant teenager. She's mad that he wants to talk to her like a reasonable adult, and she's out here dodging him as if he's Sallie Mae. He should cut his losses. No one is worth all of that trouble.

I don't care about Meredith and Riggs. She was annoying, too. She's hesitant about going out with him because no one likes him? Is this junior high? We can't be together because my friends have a problem with you?

I should be used to the immaturity by now, but lately it's been too damn much.

What is it with this show and shitty wives running off to parts unknown when they can't deal with their problems? Owen, Jackson and Alex need to form a club.

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16 minutes ago, flickers said:

What is it with this show and shitty wives running off to parts unknown when they can't deal with their problems? Owen, Jackson and Alex need to form a club.

Right? Anyways..

This episode was so boring. I swear, the old doctor couple storyline was done in some way before? Maybe not the exact same story, but parts of it for sure. And I swear it was done with Owen when he was having a situation with Christina very much like the one he is in with Amelia. Seriously, repeat storylines are repeats.

I care about DeLuca but I know he's pretty much roadkill for Alex and Jo's love story, so I wish they could ship him off to a better show. Also, now that he is getting more screen time the Greys is growing on him and making him a little bit more terrible every time he's there. NO DELUCA, NO! This is why I can't have nice thoughts with this show.

Edited by WhosThatGirl
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I'm just starting to watch this episode and HOLY SHITE they actually acknowledged HIPAA? WOW finally someone realized there is a non disclosure thing that goes along with practicing medicine. AND also I still hate Maggie, grow the fu up.

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12 minutes ago, jschoolgirl said:

Yes. I was hoping it was a good makeup job.

I mean, the guy IS 92 years old. I don't know that there are many in the over-90 set who would qualify as hunkier than Hal Holbrook.

Edited by flickers
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The sad thing about this episode being so boring is that it had so much potential with horrible Minnick nowhere in sight.  But alas, I figure that's just the show's way of sweeping her horribleness under the rug so more of us will forget what a crappy character she is and they can keep building the case that "bitter old man" Webber is the villain here.  I did get a kick out of Bailey ragging on Arizona.  It's the first time I've enjoyed her this year.

As much as it irritates me that we've got Meredith's ego on maximum sun-ness in this episode, I do somehow enjoy her relationship with Riggs.  It's not as cute as I'm sure TPTB think it is, but it's good for now and I'm sure it will lead to nice drama on the Megan front.

Someone please put DeLuca out of his misery.  We were finally rid of Maggie's schoolgirl crush and now this fool is acting stupid.

Maggie was a child again, but what else is new?  Are we ever going to see her dad?

Amelia is full of shit and, by extension, whoever wrote her stairwell screed is full of shit.  That is all.

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They are doing a poor job of trying to recreate the relationship tension (previously between Meredith and McDreamy) now between Meredith and Riggs. It's like a watered down script from 12 years ago.

I also thought the poor man was going to either kill himself or drop dead. 

Did I too, miss something with Stephanie and DeLuca? 

Honestly fast forwarded through Owen and Amelia. I just don't care about either of them personally.

Edited by bounnatalie
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At 92, Hal Holbrook showed how it's done. He beautifully combined the manner of an eminent surgeon back in his domain with the manner of a lifelong mate, grim with what he feared he knew. And then that polite little laugh when Owen passed him the backpack containing what his wife had brought to the hospital with her the day before. 

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1 hour ago, Pallas said:

At 92, Hal Holbrook showed how it's done. He beautifully combined the manner of an eminent surgeon back in his domain with the manner of a lifelong mate, grim with what he feared he knew. And then that polite little laugh when Owen passed him the backpack containing what his wife had brought to the hospital with her the day before. 

Agree.  And don't forget the woman who played his wife, Oscar nominee June Squib.  They both schooled the young'uns.

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Seriously, I can't get behind Amelia on anything. As much as Owen was bad with Christina. Her speech to Owen was just horrible, even when he told her: "You said you wanted this too." Then she is all: "Nope, I will have brainless babies, I just will. My brother is dead, I can't talk to you like a normal person, screw you!" "It's all your fault for this." Owen saying he wanted a family and Amelia saying he has it. I wanted him to repeat: "My sister is dead, my mom is declining in health, my dad is dead. Why can't I have the joys of raising a kid through the good and bad and letting my legacy continue?" It would have made all the points. Especially for Amelia who was from a family of 4. It's one thing to want say 2 or 3 kids then have one and realize that is enough or situations change and you are lucky to get one. However, it coms out that Amelia is still just a 15 year old who runs away.

  Speaking of 15, Maggie is right there too. My God! Her being pissed, blanking out everything! I mean this would have been a good time for her "mom" to tell her why she found her dad so smothering and why she cheated. Even saying that see how she acts now, that's why the stayed together because she acts like a teen when she gets news she doesn't like. I also follow it up by: "You broke up with a good man who wanted to marry you because you couldn't sleep in the same bed together, then got pissed he married 2 years later." I mean, it's like the girl who breaks up with the boyfriend because he says that he loves her and then gets mad when he gets together with someone who actually loves him back why they are all alone. Sorry, only James and Owen were good in this episode.

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"With Eliza and I" - really, Arizona?

Despite the lack of both April and Minnick, this episode still sucked mostly because Maggie was running around obsessing about her mom's boobs. Although Amelia's admonishment was obviously her projecting, she was still correct when she told Maggie that her mom doesn't owe her any explanation about what she wants to do with her boobs.

When Jackson reminded Jo that HIPAA still exists, I was like whaaaaaat? Are we still at Seattle Grace Grey Sloan Memorial Death Hospital? Obviously everyone in the entire hospital pretends it doesn't exist, which is why I was not at all surprised when Maggie demanded her mother's charts based on the fact that she should get access to her mother's medical information. Sorry, toots. That's not how it works. You can not have access to anyone's medical records without their specific permission. The fact that she tried to access them without her mom's permission made me want to high five Jackson for knowing she would do this and restricting them in the first place.

While I understand that Jackson was put in an awkward position and I understand that his intentions were good, I did not like the fact that he forced Maggie's mom to tell her. Don't get me wrong - I hate when people try to hide their illness from family members, but I'm pretty sure what he did was slightly unethical.

I loathed Owen throughout all of the Cristina stuff so it tells you a lot about how shitty Amelia is being if I'm now on Owen's side. Sorry, Amelia, but "for better or for worse" doesn't mean you get to run away from your husband for however long she stayed with Edwards and now Meredith without even telling your husband where you are or why you've gone or when you're coming back. "For better or for worse" doesn't mean you work in the same building with your husband and you sneak around to avoid him or pretend that everything is normal. Gawd, the more I describe her behavior, the more she sounds like a middle school girl. Owen telling you to shit or get off the pot is not unwarranted. You are married but you don't live together, you don't talk to each other, and you only see him when absolutely necessary at work. What kind of marriage is that? Hell, if that's considered a marriage then Deluca and Alex are married to each other. If you don't want to see Owen, talk to Owen, or even be in the same room with Owen, why are you still married to him? Do you just want the tax credits?

Also a middle school student: Riggs. You like Meredith because on your first day, you saw her laugh? And now you come to work early hoping to see her? You spend time thinking of funny things to say to her? Seriously, is everyone in this hospital mentally 12 years old?

When the old doctor left the hospital, I was afraid he was going to walk in front of a car or just drop dead in front of the door, so yay that he just walked away?

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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God, Amelia is the worst.  Yes, Owen can be overbearing, but she's the one that ran away and hid out at her resident's apartment rather than talk to her husband.  I mean, I understand that she got scared when she thought she was pregnant, but she should've discussed it with her husband rather than running away like a child.

Plus, all the yelling at each other in the hallway once again make me shout "Date outside the hospital, you fucking idiots!" at the tv.

I'm glad Jackson actually mentioned HIPAA regulations when shooting down the idea of informing Maggie about her mother's health.  I think that's the first time anyone on this show has shown any concern regarding those regulations.  Usually they just talk about the patients' cases with everyone willy-nilly.

The only people I liked this episode were the guest patients (was that Hal Holbrook?), Stephanie, DeLuca and Ben.  And to a lesser extent, Jackson, who usually annoys me, so there's something to behaving like a professional, I guess.

12 hours ago, LexieLily said:

Was I the only one worried for something to happen to the old man once he left the hospital? Owen just let him leave and he didn't know where he was going!

And yet, that was the most realistic thing Owen did in the episode - because generally hospital staff don't hand-hold patients' family members once they leave the hospital.


Did I miss something with Stephanie and DeLuca? She seemed pretty pissed when he mentioned being in love with Jo.


Crap, when did that happen?  I missed the first couple of minutes, so then, I guess?  Ugh.  Date outside the hospital, you fucking morons!

Edited by proserpina65
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11 hours ago, DearEvette said:

the irrational 'No I can;t tell her I have cancer" on the mother's side

I don't actual find this irrational.  Lots of people try to hide medical conditions from their loved ones, even ones as serious as cancer, especially if they think the treatment will work and they can wait until they've been cured.  I wouldn't do it, and I'd like to think my mother wouldn't either, but I understand people who do.

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1 hour ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

"With Eliza and I" - really, Arizona?

Yes, I caught that, too.  I can't believe the writers and the actress don't know correct grammar.

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12 hours ago, Stacey1014 said:

When Maggie and Jackson were talking and she mentioned that they were friends, I wish they would have brought up them being related by marriage. Also, Richard should have been part of the story, at least as support for Maggie while she was waiting during the surgery.

I think they want us to conveniently forget that the Pierce-Avery-Grey kids are all Webber's kids.

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2 minutes ago, shantown said:

I think they want us to conveniently forget that the Pierce-Avery-Grey kids are all Webber's kids.

Not all biologically though, so it doesn't really matter in the long run.  Just because Webber married Catherine and had an affair with Ellis, that doesn't make him Jackson or Meredith's father.

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23 minutes ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

Not all biologically though, so it doesn't really matter in the long run.  Just because Webber married Catherine and had an affair with Ellis, that doesn't make him Jackson or Meredith's father.

They might be more friends or colleagues because they've only known each other for a few years, but technically Jackson and Maggie are step-siblings because of Catherine and Richard. I wonder how Jackson and April would introduce little Harriet to Maggie. I'm assuming Richard has an grandfather title based on his relationship with Jackson and his marriage, but would Maggie be Aunt Maggie or would she just be Dr Maggie or Dr Pierce. 

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16 minutes ago, Stacey1014 said:

They might be more friends or colleagues because they've only known each other for a few years, but technically Jackson and Maggie are step-siblings because of Catherine and Richard. I wonder how Jackson and April would introduce little Harriet to Maggie. I'm assuming Richard has an grandfather title based on his relationship with Jackson and his marriage, but would Maggie be Aunt Maggie or would she just be Dr Maggie or Dr Pierce. 

I imagine that she would be Dr. Maggie or Dr. Pierce. An illegitimate descendency where the child was adopted by other parents is a bit too complicated for a baby to understand.

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was how old, puffy, and frail Hal Holbrook looks

HE'S 92!!!! What did you expect. I was surprised that he started to look like June Squibb, but whatever. They are great actors and were great together and totally took over the screen every time they were on, no matter how anvillicious the writing was. Only decent part of the episode other than some loose chatter (Alex and Mere in the car and Mere, Amelia and Maggie in break room) that felt ever so slightly like 12 years ago. Oh, that and seeing that Meredith has children again.

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Riggs is the worst. He's so bland and annoying. Him and Meredith have zero chemistry. Obviously Meredith is gonna move on eventually but can't it be with someone interesting. I just don't buy their whole thing.

Maggie sucks. Even if her mom was just getting a bob job who the hell cares. Maggie is a child and I'm sick of her rambling. She can leave.

Also is Riggs supposed to have an accent or what? He speaks weird and an accent seems to slip in and out. 

Anyways I pretty much hated this episode. It didn't help that I've been rewatching old greys and I'm on season six right now. 

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Everyone has pretty much covered how bad the show is now, between the horrible writing and how childish and embarrassing nearly every single character is, so beyond noting that I see that Alex is back to his former role as "minor supporting character who appears briefly to tell one of the sisters how awesome they are," all I really have to contribute is my encounter with Hal Holbrook:

I was walking down the street in downtown Baltimore when I saw a man coming toward me wearing an ascot.  Since this isn't the sort of thing that you normally see in Charm City, I knew that he must be some sort of celebrity.  Sure enough, it was Mr. Holbrook who was in town doing a Mark Twain one man show (which I had seen on PBS).  So I stopped him, gushed at him embarrassingly for a few minutes and then we talked a little bit about Mark Twain, Huckleberry Finn and Baltimore.  He was simply as lovely and as gentlemanly as you could imagine and I will forever regret not offering to buy him dinner and/or a drink as he mentioned that he was alone in town and just trying to stroll around Baltimore to see the sights.  Maybe I'm naive but I feel like he would have said yes.  You better believe that I have spent the years since imagining how close my husband and I would have gotten with he and the dearly departed Dixie, and how even now he would be regaling me with behind the scenes stories of Grey's Anatomy.  Oh well.

Also, Stephanie deserves better than whatever kind of exit they seem to be concocting for her.

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I can't get over Bailey whining and griping about Richard giving her the silent treatment. She handled this whole thing in the worst way imaginable, maybe she should start with an apology if she wants to mend fences. She doesn't seem to think she did anything wrong - and that's probably because the writers themselves don't seem to understand what Catherine and Bailey did was absurd.

Am I missing something? I honestly don't understand what Amelia's problem is. I know about her baby dying, I know she's afraid to have another and/or simply doesn't want another. Why is that a reason to run away from Owen and refuse to discuss the situation like an adult? In what universe is that acceptable behavior? I think she might need to be in the mental ward. She just isn't normal.

Maggie has been on this show for what - 2, 3 years now? And I've yet to find a reason to give a damn about her. She seems far too immature to be the head of anything, let along a viable replacement for Cristina Yang. I guess we're just supposed to find the actress herself appealing? Meh. I don't hate her, but I don't give a damn about her either. It therefore follows I don't much care about her mother either. 

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