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S07.E11: Backed Into A Corner

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16 minutes ago, MaggieG said:

Pretty much agree with everything you said, especially the bolded. Get out of my head @psychoticstate! I'm really enjoying Erika this season and I loved her face when she went to comfort Rinna. You could tell she did not believe her at all.

I also noticed the flowers on the table behind Eden's mom, they we very pretty and I was way more interested in them than in Eden's conversation lol. Her mom does seem cool though.

Right, Dorit acted like she was walking the plank! You're jumping into the ocean, your husband is in the water waiting for you, calm the fuck down.


We are simpatico, @MaggieG

I agree about Eden.  I didn't care much about her conversation.  Her mom is gorgeous but I was focused on how to get that table and flowers for myself.  While the exterior of Eden's house isn't that thrilling, especially compared to the houses of the other ladies, I do like what we've seen of her interior. 

With regard to the bold, I think if I had to jump in the ocean where PK was waiting for me, I'd be saying some last words too.  Ha ha! 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Duke2801 said:

Yeah I shed no tears for Kim Richards, emoticon or otherwise; she's every bit as much of an asshole as Lisa R - if not more so.  She was the one who started the shit talking on game night.   

So glad you said that! I was thinking that I was the only one who saw and heard Kim in all of her nastiness at game night. She clearly started in on Rinna when Rinna was actually trying to be cordial and nice (even if a bit fake).  Then Vanderpump and the others clutching their pearls at Rinna's comment about the arrest. Please. I remember a time when Kim and Vanderpump did not get along at all, either. 

  • Love 18


For some reason my favorite moment was when Eileen, having heard that LR said Kim was near death etc. said "that doesn't sound like you."

Err...it sounds EXACTLY like her. Lisar always catches whichever way the drama is heading and tries to run out in front of it (and usually trips over her own feet instead). 


Seriously! And Eileen was the one there on the beach last season when Lisa R. unnecessarily emphatically said something to the effect of Yolanda scaring the shit out of her, and making her want to run for the hills. IIRC, Eileen's face at that time kind of conveyed a look of "that's a wee bit dramatic." So why now does she think it's unlike Lisa R. to, at best, overdramatize?

  • Love 15
23 minutes ago, racked said:

And Lisar and Harry Hamlin had tears streaming down their faces. Because their daughter was able to walk in a straight line? I do not get this craze at all. 

Lisa VDP was a delight last night. I adored her breakfast Spanish commercial moment, and she looked gorgeous.  As for her enjoying Lisar's downfall, that was also wonderful. She's a real life Alexis Carrington and I love it. 

Eden is definitely in the right when it comes to Lisar planting shit in her brain, but Eden is seriously seriously mental. She is such a chore to be around, even her mama runs away from her hugs.

Her parents are actors with name recognition.  This is achieved by few, which few are addicted to fame; this addiction is a prerequesite to succeeding as they have.  Talent and luck will only go so far; true need is required for the distance in show business.  So, they applaud their daughter's first step in this direction.  I suspect her needs are different and she will find a different route.  But I am certain that their tears of pride were real.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, nexxie said:

Not sure if Rinna has memory problems because she's a user, or because she has a personality disorder that makes her blind to her own bad behavior (like so many on these shows), or because she's just a liar. Perhaps time will tell.

Rinna's biggest issue (this season) is she drops some damn bombshell and fails to define the timeline.  She has these interchangeable timelines.  I would say the biggest blow up between Rinna and LVP happened at the Reunion-months after Rinna's father died.  So for her to have the dramatic exchange about being there when her father took his last breath brought clarity to petty disagreements was false by virtue of the timeline.  Throwing it out there about Eileen and her mother passing away was just a red herring.  If anything PK and Dorit, as I heard it, were essentially stating the obvious and being kind, as they were left with an impression that Rinna and Eileen had suffered loses and that might account for some of the misunderstanding between LVP and them.  Had Rinna laid out a more succinct timeline instead of, "Eileen's mother died two days before a meeting with all of us," there might not have been a misunderstanding.  PK and Dorit's comments were examples of non-malicious comments.  And not particularly memorable.  Eileen's mother passing away had nothing to do with Rinna.  It is just Rinna flapping her jaw.

The second timeline snafu was obviously the Eden conversation.  There was anything nebulous about Rinna's claim that Kim was close to death.  Rinna knew that Eden was looking for something to propel her into action and resolve (under the Rinna/Eileen terms of resolution*) Kim and Rinna's discord with one another.  Rinna trying to attach a different timeline after the fact, or put out her intention is just nonsense. 

*Rinna/Eileen idea of resolution is they are right and the other party is wrong. 

  • Love 17
2 hours ago, byrd said:

I was gifted a Hermes Birkin bag for my Christmas present, if I could return it I would. It's not that great of a bag to me and it's too large for me to carry daily. I wasn't impressed at all but my fiancé was so proud to gift it to me I could not hurt his feelings , he's a label whore. Maybe I'll sell it online one day .

Sounds like you have a sweet guy. Use it as a travel tote. One thing I liked about Jane Birkin is that she stuck travel stickers all over one of her namesakes. The thing looked well used, loved and not pristine. It showed history like an old leather jacket.

I'm a zipper girl not a flap nor hardware one and I hate logos to the point of cutting them off and reworking a piece. There are other Hermes styles I prefer, the plume, the bolide, Victoria II, the garden party tote, sac en vie, trim shoulder bag. Now just getting my hands on one is another matter. 

Glad Dorit got the one she wanted. We all have certain things expensive or not that we desire whether they are popular or not.

Edited by Giselle
  • Love 8
20 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

So glad you said that! I was thinking that I was the only one who saw and heard Kim in all of her nastiness at game night. She clearly started in on Rinna when Rinna was actually trying to be cordial and nice (even if a bit fake).  Then Vanderpump and the others clutching their pearls at Rinna's comment about the arrest. Please. I remember a time when Kim and Vanderpump did not get along at all, either. 

Kim wasn't all that nasty as evidence by the fact Rinna apologized profusely and went so far to say her actions and words came from a place of mean.  Kim wins because Rinna once again proves she is a fake and a phony.  Don't apologize if you don't mean it.  Rinna apologizes because she says things that are indefensible.  I don't particularly like Kim, but no one will ever accuse her of giving a false apology.  The pearl clutchers also included Eileen and Erika.  Rinna's comment was out of bounds.   

I believe Kim, who started out albeit drunk saying she never liked LVP, realized perhaps through the rehab process that she and LVP really had little to fuss about.  Much of Kim's displeasure with LVP came from times she was using.  Kim has shown a capacity to win over former adversaries (Yolanda, Brandi).  I have no clue how she does it because I just dislike her personality from Seasons 1-5. 

  • Love 16
11 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Kim wasn't all that nasty as evidence by the fact Rinna apologized profusely and went so far to say her actions and words came from a place of mean.  Kim wins because Rinna once again proves she is a fake and a phony. 

Yeah, again Rinna shoots herself in the foot because she's always running out ahead of whatever drama there is. Kim's terrible, but Kim's always pursuing a Kim-agenda. Rinna throws herself into dramatic apologies to the woman that she has no real reason to even mean, then she's back to attacking her, then she's running around having meetings about wanting to save her, then she's trashing her. She keeps striking contradictory poses.

Kim basically never apologizes so that's not her issue, but it seems to be a big reason Rinna's still in this feud with her. She keeps waiting for the moment where she gets to come out and take her bow as the hero in the situation while everyone else applauds and she just keeps making more people mad at her for going to every dramatic extreme she can.

  • Love 15
15 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

It's a shame Bravo stopped allowing people to comment on the blog-justifying bullshit that comes out of the keyboards of these women.  

  • Love 16
Just now, zoeysmom said:

Kim wasn't all that nasty as evidence by the fact Rinna apologized profusely and went so far to say her actions and words came from a place of mean.  Kim wins because Rinna once again proves she is a fake and a phony.

I don't recall Kim ever apologizing for the comments she made about Harry. In the reunion, she admitted she had nothing to back up what she saying. It was beyond unforgivable to start rumors about somebody's husband and then refuse to back it up. Then to sit there at game night and tell Rinna she was still waiting for an apology really took some steel balls. Neither one is innocent, and I'm not a big fan of Rinna, but on that particular night, Rinna had no ill intentions until Kim started in on her.  So in my book, Kim wins for nothing.  

  • Love 14
2 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

The 1st few times LVP said she owned the color pink it was kinda cute I thought she kidding but at this point I think she is dead serious. She really does make a comment damn near every single time one of the HW wears pink. It is not so much that she think she owns it worldwide but that I sincerely think she doesn't want any other cast member wearing the color while filming.

Eden? Even her own mother is exhausted by her boa constrictor hugs. Beverly offered some of the most sound, succinct advise I think I have every heard on the BH show. 

I loved Dorit's white jumpsuit at the Agency party. Pity she paired it with beige shows and bag. 

Birkin bags are still a thing?@?!? Will that basic overpriced sack of leather ever go out of style?

Agree with everything. The pink thing is getting old.  

I don't think the Birkin will go out of style any time soon. While I admire the quality of Hermes Handbags, yes I have inspected them, they are overpriced. You are buying the name exclusivity first then materials. You can find a bag with the elements and quality you like much cheaper, you will still pay more for quality materials. 

The best purse and weekend/tote bags I have  ever had and were made to my specifications by a leather worker and are still going strong after many, many years. I have taken them back to him to replace the zippers once and refresh the leather and linings but they will outlast me.

If you can find somebody like that keep them.

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, twilightzone said:

No one is claiming that Rinna wasn't wrong.  But Kim and Eden are hardly innocent victims.  Kim should have own up to making accusations re Harry Hamlin - vs making excuses and back pedaling.  That's what set Rinna off.  Eden is a grown up.  She kept going on and on and went from person to person - even after they all told her to shut it down.

And I have never said that Kim/Eden don't have a part in this but lets review their end. Kim gave her opinion about how Rinna/Eileen like to tag team others, while they were doing it to Dorit, and inserting themselves into matters that do not involve them, pantygate in this instance which neither was present for. Kim was spot on, should she have given her opinion, maybe not, but she was watching the tag team masters run over Dorit right in front of her. Rinna then made the nasty "arrest" comment, got called about it, lamely apologized and everyone left. So we then move directly onto Eden's end of this. Has she gone overboard about Kim/Kyle...Yes, she has but it was whipped into a 4 alarm fire by none other than Rinna. First Rinna asks Eden about what she thought about the party fight and proceeds to launch into this dire scenario about Kim being "this close to death", not being "completely" sober and that Kyle "enables" her (all in current terms, not past tense) and tells Eden that "only" Eden can "help" Kim/Kyle. Then we move to the lunch with Rinna/Eden/Kyle, where Rinna sits there nodding like a fool at everything Eden says to Kyle, furthering Eden's belief that she is "helping" and doing what needs to be done in order to save Kim/Kyle from the same fate she/her sister faced...death. So, Yes, Kim and Eden have their responsibility in all this but this whole scenario was set up and propelled by Rinna for rather nefarious reasons......Kim must pay for daring to suggest HH did something wrong 2 years ago.

  • Love 21
20 minutes ago, Carolina Girl said:

It's a shame Bravo stopped allowing people to comment on the blog-justifying bullshit that comes out of the keyboards of these women.  


You know the reason it was stopped was because they couldn't handle the calling of "bullshit" on their justifications as they read our comments. 

I also think this is why we have seen repetitive scenes and behaviors from them since the comments were stopped.

Eileen would have known we thought she was beating a dead horse with Vanderpump, Rinna would have known that her constant circling back to Kim was getting tedious, Yolanda would have known that she was loosing support, Vicki of RHOC would have known we went buying the cancer crap, Heather and Terry would not have been surprised that we were disgusted with their behavior as they were on WWHL.

Twitter doesn't fill that comment gap because they can all block their detractors, those who can give them a dose of reality.

Bravo could have kept the comments and monitor, delete and ban as they do here and the housewives would have had much more honest feedback than that they get from the producers maybe resulting in a far more different and possibility better show.

Edited by Giselle
Correcting autocorrect
  • Love 13

I don't know...I've always likedo Lisar despite her dramatic ways, but she missed me last night.  She is so afraid that someone won't like her.  She should've explained the circumstances under which she said it and apologized.  It is then up to Kyle whether to accept it.  Either way, the truth is out there.  This backpedaling is exhausting.

That said (minority opinion ahead), LVP annoyed the hell out of me.  I too do like her a lot better when she's cutting up and laughing.  But she seemed almost manic in her interactions with Kyle after the Lisar confrontation. Like she knows kyle likes and has missed that aspect of their friendship in the past.  So she was hamming it up to keep kyle "on her side".  This probably makes no sense to anyone but me.  She just seemed a bit more forced.

  • Love 10
14 hours ago, breezy424 said:

Beverly Sassoon is as gorgeous as ever.  And...even she pushed away Eden's uncomfortably long hug.   She also gave her daughter good advice.  Shut up Eden.  You don't make judgements based on one other person.  The fact that Eden keeps saying that Kyle is cold or Kim is angry, maybe you have to look at yourself rather than these people.

LVP without all the makeup .... she looks ten years younger and refreshing.

I do think Eileen was sick.

Kyle handled it all very well since she was probably steaming inside.

I did like that Erika did leave to make sure LR was OK at the venue and then back at the house.

Beverly started to say something about the hug.  What I got out of her unfinished sentence was that this kind of hug was not coming from a "healthy" thinking daughter.  She had gotten those before.  Something like, oh this is one of those hugs.....

Eileen really was sick, Erika mentioned that on WWHL.  She also said "fuck her"  when Andy asked what she thought of Rinna after viewing the episode.  It was bleeped so I am going by lip reading. 

8 hours ago, Snappy said:

Fastest RHOBH ever! Lisa Rinna = fast forward

After watching her try to backpedal and blame others for a few minutes, I was done with her pity party.

I thought this too, as I watched the first episodes; here we go again.  BUT, now that it is clear no one believes her I am looking forward to her discomfort when finally pushed to come clean.  ***rubs hands in glee***

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

I don't recall Kim ever apologizing for the comments she made about Harry. In the reunion, she admitted she had nothing to back up what she saying. It was beyond unforgivable to start rumors about somebody's husband and then refuse to back it up. Then to sit there at game night and tell Rinna she was still waiting for an apology really took some steel balls. Neither one is innocent, and I'm not a big fan of Rinna, but on that particular night, Rinna had no ill intentions until Kim started in on her.  So in my book, Kim wins for nothing.  

The angst between Kim and Rinna really started en route to Calgary, with Brandi fanning the flames.  Kim could not have been more clear about not wanting Rinna to discuss her.  Rinna continued with it in Amsterdam and it was Yolanda who put Harry's name and sobriety on the table.  Kim was trying her best to deflect away from her and get out of the situation and in her nasty little way took the Harry comments to the next level.  Rinna, in her phony way really amped the conversation up, demanding Kim spill.  Instead Rinna went ape and tried to strangle Kim and then smashed the glass.  Move forward to after they finished filming and Rinna again wanted to engage Kim and Kim told her she did not want her talking about  her.  Rinna sends threatening text messages.  In Kim's mind there is just no way she is going to apologize and give Rinna a break, for her physicality and ultimately continuing to trash her for 18 months.  Kim was speaking to the incidents since Amsterdam and Rinna who claimed to move on from Amsterdam turned things back around. 

Different time frames.  It is one of Rinna's faults, she just keeps going at someone.  Kim not apologizing-who cares?  harry and Rinna seem to get about two weeks of publicity out of, "What did Harry do?".  It obviously wasn't that life changing for them.

Rinna always has ill intentions towards Kim because she can't get Kim to kowtow to her and her phony concern.  Rinna can't fix Kim.  Sadly, I think Rinna can be fun and funny but she needs to stop with addict and intervention shit, she is losing fans, which is why she does the show.  She has pretty much smoked a friendship she and Harry had with Kyle and Mauricio. 

Kim needs to feel the need to apologize from a cerebral level and it just has not happened yet.  And it should be to Harry.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 11

Rinna hustling up some tears was hilariously pathetic, but being shamelessly dramatic is how she butters her HW bread.

The Umanskys, Todds, and Kemsleys make for a fun group. Vinnie, Tom, and HarryHamlin were all too busy to spend a couple of days with their wives in Mexico? Whatever.

Co-sign everybody's comments regarding Eden's mom's beauty and cool-ness.

Erika on WWHL -  I guess The Boss is okay with his wife incessantly flirting with, and practically putting her tig ol' bitties in the laps of other men as long as she's not using her married name.


I actually kind of hope Rinna bails on the reunion because I'd love to see Eileen in the hot seat and Dorit (who proved herself more than capable of fighting back on Game Night) dragging the fuck out of her all over the set with Lisa. 


  • Love 13
1 hour ago, sistermagpie said:

For some reason my favorite moment was when Eileen, having heard that LR said Kim was near death etc. said "that doesn't sound like you."

Err...it sounds EXACTLY like her. Lisar always catches whichever way the drama is heading and tries to run out in front of it (and usually trips over her own feet instead). Last year it was Munchhausen's. Of course when faced with Eden, someone who's dying to sink her teeth into some juicy addiction drama, she's going to adjust herself and start talking about how Kim's going to die and Kyle's an enabler, just like Eden. Then when she's with Kyle herself the drama runs in the other direction and she wants to talk about Eden's craziness and how much she supports Kim.

I just thought it was funny that Eileen would even try to suggest that that kind of breathless hyperbole behind the subject's back wasn't the way Lisar talks all the time. It's not like Eileen hasn't been on the receiving end of it plenty of times. It's just another version of her climbing up on the table to dance.  

Eileen,  once again trying to justify Lisa R big mouth !  If you are truly a friend Eileen then don't condone Lisa's bad behavior. Tell Lisa R. to keep  Kim's and Kyle name out of her mouth forever. Have no comment when the subject is brought up in the group. If you can't keep you mouth shut , then walk away.

  • Love 9
16 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Ugh. I stopped reading halfway through that pile of horse chit and clicked off.  Eileen is boring as fluck and has no storyline except to create spin and defend lying lips lisar.

  • Love 12
34 minutes ago, wings707 said:

Beverly started to say something about the hug.  What I got out of her unfinished sentence was that this kind of hug was not coming from a "healthy" thinking daughter.  She had gotten those before.  Something like, oh this is one of those hugs.....

Eileen really was sick, Erika mentioned that on WWHL.  She also said "fuck her"  when Andy asked what she thought of Rinna after viewing the episode.  It was bleeped so I am going by lip reading. 

I thought this too, as I watched the first episodes; here we go again.  BUT, now that it is clear no one believes her I am looking forward to her discomfort when finally pushed to come clean.  ***rubs hands in glee***

But what the hell is up with all of this prolonged Huggin  ???????????????  It made me uncomfortable just watching, I wanted to peel her mother away from her> I understood when Beverly said, this draining me, I was exhausted just watching.

  • Love 9
8 minutes ago, byrd said:

Eileen,  once again trying to justify Lisa R big mouth !  If you are truly a friend Eileen then don't condone Lisa's bad behavior. Tell Lisa R. to keep  Kim's and Kyle name out of her mouth forever. Have no comment when the subject is brought up in the group. If you can't keep you mouth shut , then walk away.

I think if Rinna kept to what she first promised and starts doing it, that she wasn't going to talk about Kim and be cordial, Kim in time maybe a very long time might give that apology that Rinna wants. As long as Kim's name is on her lips and her issues are gurgling out of Rinna's mouth she is SOL to getting an apology. It would happen on Kim's terms and timeline like someone previously said because Kim knows the multitude of Rinna's apologies carry no weight  and her actions over time would have to prove her truthful.

  • Love 9
2 minutes ago, Giselle said:

I think if Rinna kept to what she first promised and starts doing it, that she wasn't going to talk about Kim and be cordial, Kim in time maybe a very long time might give that apology that Rinna wants. As long as Kim's name is on her lips and her issues are gurgling out of Rinna's mouth she is SOL to getting an apology. It would happen on Kim's terms and timeline like someone previously said because Kim knows the multitude of Rinna's apologies carry no weight  and her actions over time would have to prove her truthful.

I agree, Kim can be provoking at times as well, but Lisa  R. has to ignore her and not take the bait.  Any mention of the precious Harry Hamlin and Lisa R will just go Bat shit crazy ! 

  • Love 4
12 minutes ago, zulualpha said:

Rinna is maintaining radio silence.  Eden otoh is having quite the revel.  And here. And here. An aside.  Some more.  Still more shade.  The icing on the cake.

I liked a comment Eden Retweeted:

C L‏@_lovetovolley_ 2h2 hours ago

@KyleRichards @sassEden @lisarinna Kyle, if you can spot a fake, why are you willing to let Rinna pass for authentic?

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, wings707 said:

[Erika] also said "fuck her"  when Andy asked what she thought of Rinna after viewing the episode.  It was bleeped so I am going by lip reading. 

I actually think Erika said, "She's fucked." This is why I, and it sounds like so many others, like Erika. Perfect answer without saying more than two words. Love it. 

I find myself liking this season, but also finding the theme -- Kim's sobriety, to a point -- a recycled storyline. This can only mean that Yolanda's Munchausen storyline from last year was that god-awful.    

  • Love 10
10 hours ago, brinpol said:

I think she was aware, LisaR saw that Eden was trying to engage Kyle regarding Kim at various times(most noticeably at Lisa's own BBQ), and should have tried to shut Eden down. Or at the very least, pull Eden and maybe suggest to her she should discuss it with Kyle one on one, as opposed to doing it in front of the group. And wasn't Eden already asking Kyle some very personal questions about Kim and their family history before LisaR made the death/enabler comments? LisaR knew what she was doing, she just played it very, very badly.

I really don't want to see Kim or hear about her anymore on this show, but sadly, looks like she will be back. Please, Kyle, Mauricio is making tons of money now, you have your store expansion and your upcoming TV show...you guys can afford to pay her to not come back to this show just so she can cash a paycheck.

I would venture to guess that Kyle does employ Kim as some sort of consultant for her tv show to help keep her afloat.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, WireWrap said:

Rinna then made the nasty "arrest" comment, got called about it, lamely apologized and everyone left.  Has she......Kim must pay for daring to suggest HH did something wrong 2 years ago.

The thing that set Rinna off - was Kim blowing off her accusation against HH - and implying she did nothing wrong. 

Again, all 3 of them - Rinna, Kim, Eden had blood on their hands.

  • Love 11
3 minutes ago, twilightzone said:

The thing that set Rinna off - was Kim blowing off her accusation against HH - and implying she did nothing wrong. 

Again, all 3 of them - Rinna, Kim, Eden had blood on their hands.

Yes, they do, to varying degrees but, IMO, Rinna has the most blood on her and continues to stab Kim as often as she can, which is why she has the greater guilt in this. As for Eden, Rinna preyed on Eden's issues over her sisters death to get back at Kim, which is a sick, very sick, thing to do.

As ZM said, maybe if Rinna kept her word to not talk about Kim for any length of time, Kim would apologize. We have seen first hand that Rinna's promises and apologizes mean nothing. Actions speak louder than words.

Oh, and to be clear, I can not stand Kim and I hate that Rinna has me defending her! Grrrrrrrr

  • Love 13
7 hours ago, queenjen said:

And finally, Beverly gave actual real AA advice to her daughter instead of all the corrupted twat waffling EdenSassoonSoberWoman bs. I can't remember exactly what it was, but the line was directly from the AA playbook and served to both shut Eden down and up! That's a mercy. One of the women should get it printed on tshirts for whenever they have to film with Eden. And what is with that? IS she or ISN'T she a housewife? She's not holding a diamond, she's not got 'friend of x' under her scene and they are cutting to what she's doing back in LA when the rest of the cast is in Mexico.

And the whole 'Sober Woman' thing? Can't we just be Sober, or Sober People? Everyone has started using it like it's a proper noun, like Eden is a Martian. Even Eileen refers to Eden as a 'sober woman' in her blog this week, albeit without the caps I give it for emphasis.

I don't remember exactly, but it was along the lines of "It's not your life -don't worry about it if they don't want your help.  That's not your job."  I too thought "Now here's a woman who has benefitted from and understands AA".  I am not buying what Eden is selling with regards to her own "alcoholism" - and last night, when she said that she began drinking just as her mom got sober, to me just was more evidence that her Sober Woman Journey is mainly a cry for attention from her mom (and whomever else is impressed by it - Rinna at their first lunch on camera comes to mind).  I wouldn't be surprised if we hear in the future that when Eden started drinking her mom had an attitude along the lines of, "I just got sober - I can't be around this mess!"  After no attention was to be found there, she went the sobriety route. I do believe Eden believes her own story, but I don't believe it myself.  I also think that her main source of rage against K&K is that they didn't embrace her into their bosoms as a fellow traveler along the super-hard road from Addiction to Sobriety, inviting her over to meditate and share healing and etc.

1 hour ago, mjstrick said:

That said (minority opinion ahead), LVP annoyed the hell out of me.  I too do like her a lot better when she's cutting up and laughing.  But she seemed almost manic in her interactions with Kyle after the Lisar confrontation. Like she knows kyle likes and has missed that aspect of their friendship in the past.  So she was hamming it up to keep kyle "on her side".  This probably makes no sense to anyone but me.  She just seemed a bit more forced.

I get exactly what you're saying.  And I would add that Kyle was too pissed to be amused by LVP's antics, which made her a little more manic, like she wasn't going to stop until Kyle acknowledged her hilarity.

Edited by princelina
  • Love 8

I hope when Rinna got back to LA she immediately drove to Screen Actor's Guild in LA to hand in her card.   That was the WORST acting I have ever seen.    The exaggerated looks of shock, the high pitched denials, the crying - well, to be fair, she probably was actually crying because she got caught.      And Eileen - Kyle isn't letting Lisa R tell her side???   Did Kyle not just ask her if she said what she heard.  She had plenty of opportunity to tell her side, but she was too busy back pedaling.     In the previews when she says to Eden "why would you go to LVP and talk behind my back?"  Isn't that just what Rinna did to start this whole thing?   I only hope Eden doesn't take the bait.  

It all reminds me of when my kids got caught in a lie.   The excuses and further lies always made it worse.   By 6 or 7 they learned.  Too bad Rinna has never grown out of it.    Her biggest problem is she wants so desperately to be liked by everyone.   

And can somebody explain to me the point of Eileen?  What does she bring, besides the soap opera stare ?

  • Love 21
6 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Oh snap, feel the burn:  http://www.allabouttrh.com/2017/02/15/lisa-rinna-ignores-eden-sassoon-at-daughters-fashion-show/  Didn't Yolanda ignore Rinna a couple of NYFW ago after she went after her about Munchausen?

Sherry Hill is the designer Joyce from Season 4 wore-the one Brandi called an ice skating dress and Joyce used her dresses in her pageant. 

What I find shocking is that Delilah is continuing to book shows.


3 hours ago, psychoticstate said:

Dorit - talk about a drama queen.  You're jumping off a catamaran into the ocean; you're not jumping from the Empire State Building. I don't think you need to provide a final message to your kids.   And you get a Birkin for doing that?  Where do I sign up? 


You also have to sleep with PK.

  • Love 7

I am loving that villa, I also love the simple blue and white china they are using for service. I have a bad bad case of cobalt blue love, bad! But not as bad as Hank's wife Marie's love of purple on Breaking Bad.

Kyle said Alexia was studying in Spain. I think a trip is in order but only when Eileen is in major 2 week storylines on her soaps and at the same time Rinna is Selling on QVC and then has a major bout of the flu and then gives it to her family, Kim needs to be petting horses and hiding Kingsley and Eden is off the radar.

I want to see fun, leave the crap behind.

  • Love 9

You know--if Kyle and Kim don't want people to talk about Kim's past, present or future, her sobriety or lack thereof, arrests, etc. then perhaps they should consider keeping Kim off the show.  Kim's storylines from S1 have all been centered around her substance abuse. What else did she have going on? Moving? A flesh hungry dog? A nose job party? If Kim's going to be filmed then people are going to talk about her.  Period. 

Lisar ever should have said that stuff on camera to Eden.  I don't blame Lisar for believing Kim is not completely sober or that Kyle's an enabler (I don't really disagree with her), but it was stupid to say it while being filmed.  I wish that she just would've admitted it to Kyle and been done with it.  Pretending to not remember isn't doing her any favors. 

For the record, I agree with the other poster that said all of this doesn't vindicate LVP.  I totally believe that LVP, Kyle and Lisar had discussions concerning Yo and the munchies and all agreed she was full of it. LVP just managed to convince Lisar to take the lead and introduce the topic because she knew she couldn't be the one to do it.  Did she force Lisar to do it? No, but Pinky's no innocent either.

  • Love 7

The only thing I liked watching involving Rinna was the BBQ she and Harry gave. The rest of the time throughout the last three seasons has been awful .

Haven't enjoyed anything involving Eileen. God that woman is a boring tedious, stick in the mud. Only time I will give her a humbs up was when she sniped at a complaining Brandi at her poker party. But do I enjoy watching her?  No.

  • Love 9
52 minutes ago, chipsnsalsa said:

I actually think Erika said, "She's fucked." This is why I, and it sounds like so many others, like Erika. Perfect answer without saying more than two words. Love it. 

I find myself liking this season, but also finding the theme -- Kim's sobriety, to a point -- a recycled storyline. This can only mean that Yolanda's Munchausen storyline from last year was that god-awful.    

Yes, that is what she said and I knew it at the time.  LOL!  

Yep, I am bored to tears with Kim's sobriety, as well.  I think we have that for a long time.  Didn't Erika say that Rinna comes clean way down the line or much later?  I thought reunion when I heard that.  groan 

  • Love 2
16 hours ago, BlackMamba said:

Erika did say on WWHL she liked Kyle the most because she's been around Hollywood around awhile.   I took that as Kyle might know a lot of celebs and well known people in the industry so she's trying latch onto her.   Erika did (even though this might been a comcast/Bravo) picked her to go to the Grammys and so the E postshow review. 

I took that to mean that Kyle is "hip to the game."  Meaning she knows how fake, wild and crazy people are in Hollywood, and that it is all a big game of appearances, in a way.  Yet, she still knows how to have a good time and let it go.  

  • Love 6

Beverly Sassoon is as gorgeous as ever.  And...even she pushed away Eden's uncomfortably long hug.   She also gave her daughter good advice.  Shut up Eden.  You don't make judgements based on one other person.  The fact that Eden keeps saying that Kyle is cold or Kim is angry, maybe you have to look at yourself rather than these people.

I may not remember the details correctly but Beverly Sassoon had her own issues. She was a big part of Vidal's business and success, she was a bit younger and developed her own chemical dependency issues.  I believe she may have left the children and taken off with a man when the marriage fell apart. I believe she wrote a book.     

Beverly sounds like like she is working a program and taking care of her own business.

  • Love 6

I have a hard time feeling sorry for Kyle and the fact that Kim keeps getting brought up. She seems to have signed on for this storyline so she needs to own it. She continues the storyline next week by telling Kim what LisaR said. Why bother unless you want shit to continue to be stirred? Not buying the poor pitiful me act. I like Kyle, but stop acting put upon. As others have mentioned apparently Kim needs the money and that is why the whole season seems to be revolving around her. I don't want to hear about her when she is not on, and I have no interest in her when she is on. Go away.

I love, love, love Harry Hamlin. I could listen to that voice all day long. He is a gem. And yes, I can see that he and LisaR would be proud of their daughter. Aren't most parents proud of their kids when they realize a dream? I did think it was funny when an epi or two ago Delilah (I think it was) said she was star struck by Erika Jane. Considering that both of her parents are way more famous that Erika Jane even has the chance of being. I did like Erika this episode though. Who knew she would become on of my favs? But then when she has Eden and Dorito as competition, it isn't hard to move up the food chain.

LisaV continues to be obnoxious. The only thing I like about her is her love of animals. I did get a laugh when PK wanted LisaV to show her huge undies. I would have preferred though if she had given the supposed huge undies to PK to drape across his bare chest while on the boat. Not a pretty sight. I'd need way more than a bag to sleep with that.

Edited by UsernameFatigue
  • Love 1
  1 hour ago, chipsnsalsa said:

I actually think Erika said, "She's fucked." This is why I, and it sounds like so many others, like Erika. Perfect answer without saying more than two words. Love it. 

I find myself liking this season, but also finding the theme -- Kim's sobriety, to a point -- a recycled storyline. This can only mean that Yolanda's Munchausen storyline from last year was that god-awful.    

Yes, that is what she said and I knew it at the time.  LOL!  

Yep, I am bored to tears with Kim's sobriety, as well.  I think we have that for a long time.  Didn't Erika say that Rinna comes clean way down the line or much later?  I thought reunion when I heard that.  groan 

What other choice does she have? She said all the things she swears she didn't say right on camera, so what can she do but "come clean"? Insist everyone's hallucinating?

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, princelina said:

I get exactly what you're saying.  And I would add that Kyle was too pissed to be amused by LVP's antics, which made her a little more manic, like she wasn't going to stop until Kyle acknowledged her hilarity.

Yup. LVP was dancing around and smiling like this was a fun, little game. And Kyle was like, "This is my life, bitch. It's not funny". 

  • Love 11

Just wondering if anyone here who is a soap fan ever remembers reading/hearing that Lisar and Eileen didn't like each other when they were both on DOOL? I haven't watched soaps in many, many years, but used to be into them and buy the magazines, go to forums, etc., and could have sworn I remember reading that. But now they're BFFs - I guess their mutual dislike of LVP last season is when they really bonded. I can't stand Rinna, but I do still like Eileen - just wish she would call Rinna out. Oh and let go of her "feud" with LVP over the apology she is still waiting for.  I swear on every one of these franchises there is a never ending supply of "_______________owes me an apology".

  • Love 2
9 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:


Rewatched the video of Lisar's tabletop performance after reading the above gabble (it's embedded into the blogs). I didn't notice on first viewing that she performed with her cooze in Mauricio's face. He sure enjoyed it, wow. I wonder if Kyle read him the riot act later.  

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, WireWrap said:

Yes, they do, to varying degrees but, IMO, Rinna has the most blood on her and continues to stab Kim as often as she can, which is why she has the greater guilt in this. As for Eden, Rinna preyed on Eden's issues over her sisters death to get back at Kim, which is a sick, very sick, thing to do.

As ZM said, maybe if Rinna kept her word to not talk about Kim for any length of time, Kim would apologize. We have seen first hand that Rinna's promises and apologizes mean nothing. Actions speak louder than words.

Oh, and to be clear, I can not stand Kim and I hate that Rinna has me defending her! Grrrrrrrr

Again, you are portraying Kim and Eden as innocent victims who did nothing wrong, who were at the complete mercy of Rinna.  I call total B.S. on that.

Edited by twilightzone
  • Love 8
9 minutes ago, twilightzone said:

Again, you are portraying Kim and Eden has innocent victims who did nothing wrong, who were at the complete mercy of Rinna.  I call B.S.

Where do I say they are "innocent victims"? Where do I remove all of their blame? All I am saying is that I believe that Rinna bears the brunt of the guilt in this, not all of it but the brunt/majority of it. LOL

At this juncture, I think we need to agree to disagree.

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 9

I really liked the way Erika handled her warning for Rinna. Instead of passing information along, she sent her straight to Kyle which I think is the best and most mature way to do it, especially when you're friends with both parties. But seeing Erika back at the house with Rinna, I think Erika knew from the get go that Rinna did say those things and I suspect that Erika will be the one in Rinna's ear that help her magically remember that she did in fact say those things and finally cop to it. Rinna talks so much shit that I can actually believe that she wouldn't remember exactly what she said. Makes sense why she used last week's blog to fleetingly discuss what she said and instead focus on how Eden betrayed her confidence. The only good way for this season to shake down is for both Rinna and Eden to get raked over the coals until they genuinely take accountability for their piss poor behaviour without adding any excuses. 

LVP was loving every minute of that confrontation. Her TH of 'own it' got me laughing. This episode only proves that you can't trust anything that comes out of Rinna's mouth. She is so reckless with her words and then she wants to cry victim tears about not being able to deal. And Eileen would be able to recognize LVP's glee over the situation, she experienced the same sensation last season when she got to piggy back on Rinna's accusations as payback for the Hamptons incident, lol.  

I read the blogs...Eileen's blog in particular was interesting, quietly highlighting her hypocrisy. Why does Eileen think it's okay to speak up for things that she wasn't there to co-sign? Why is she talking about Rinna's intent and the context in which the  conversation was brought up? She blamed the entire thing on Kim on game night when Kim inserted herself into a situation by making a comment about her and Rinna's friendship. I'm sorry Eileen....that sounds an awful lot like what you and Rinna did last year when you made comments about Kyle and LVP's friendship and both of you played the 'poor Kyle' card as if she's some victim of LVP. I guess your memory is as good as Rinna's...or maybe you think that because you're a more eloquent speaker you can talk away all of the inconsistencies and stupidity of your friend?

I wish Eden has inherited some of her mother's rational sense. Her mom looks great! Eden conveniently forgot to mention how hostile she became talking about Kim and Kyle because neither were receptive to her intrusive ways...how about you tell the story and own it so that you can sound more authentic in your regret. 

I'm trying to understand why Kyle would tell all this information to Kim on camera. I understand her wanting to give Kim a heads up because she can't know for certain what will make TV but I just feel that Kyle should try to keep any of the sobriety type conversations with Kim off camera. She can't control what the others say when the cameras are around but she can choose that for herself. 

Edited by RHJunkie
  • Love 15
5 minutes ago, twilightzone said:

Again, you are portraying Kim and Eden as innocent victims who did nothing wrong, who were at the complete mercy of Rinna.  I call total B.S. on that.

Sometimes it is about being the bigger person.  Kyle has done it time and time again.  Take a page from her book.

Kim and Eden should not be used in the same sentence.  Rinna is a big baby who wants, I don't know what from Kim, but she has been riding her ass since Poker Night. Kim was dead wrong for her behavior on Poker Night. If being mean and humiliating an alcoholic is a cure, Rinna has proven it doesn't work.  Kim's point Game Night was Rinna uses situations in her life to excuse her behavior.  She does.  So does Kim. 

Since Rinna has so much compassion, I am wondering did she go HAM on Jon Hamm after he went to rehab?  Her husband worked with Hamm, so what is the difference-other than the obvious-it is none of her effing business.  Of course she didn't because he asked it remain private and he is a real star.  Why doesn't Kim warrant the same respect? 

Rehab counselors deal with trying to return clients to their previous vocational status all the time.  Kim should be allowed to return without having to have a big ass discussion what she is doing and how she is coping and constantly explaining herself.  Kim for the most part would just die on the vine as she is just not that interesting-until Rinna rides her.

  • Love 11
3 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

I really liked the way Erika handled her warning for Rinna. Instead of passing information along, she sent her straight to Kyle which I think is the best and most mature way to do it, especially when you're friends with both parties. But seeing Erika back at the house with Rinna, I think Erika knew from the get go that Rinna did say those things and I suspect that Erika will be the one in Rinna's ear that help her magically remember that she did in fact say those things and finally cop to it. Rinna talks so much shit that I can actually believe that she wouldn't remember exactly what she said. Makes sense why she used last week's blog to fleetingly discuss what she said and instead focus on how Eden betrayed her confidence. The only good way for this season to shake down is for both Rinna and Eden to get raked over the coals until they genuinely take accountability for their piss poor behaviour without adding any excuses. 

LVP was loving every minute of that confrontation. Her TH of 'own it' got me laughing. This episode only proves that you can't trust anything that comes out of Rinna's mouth. She is so reckless with her words and then she wants to cry victim tears about not being able to deal. And Eileen would be able to recognize LVP's glee over the situation, she experienced the same sensation last season when she got to piggy back on Rinna's accusations as payback for the Hamptons incident, lol.  

I read the blogs...Eileen's blog in particular was interesting, quietly highlighting her hypocrisy. Why does Eileen think it's okay to speak up for things that she wasn't there to co-sign? Why is she talking about Rinna's intent and the context in which the  conversation was brought up? She blamed the entire thing on Kim on game night when Kim inserted herself into a situation by making a comment about her and Rinna's friendship. I'm sorry Eileen....that sounds an awful lot like what you and Rinna did last year when you made comments about Kyle and LVP's friendship and both of you played the 'poor Kyle' card as if she's some victim of LVP. I guess your memory is as good as Rinna's...or maybe you think that because you're a more eloquent speaker you can talk away all of the inconsistencies and stupidity of your friend?

I wish Eden has inherited some of her mother's rational sense. Her mom looks great! Eden conveniently forgot to mention how hostile she became talking about Kim and Kyle because neither were receptive to her intrusive ways...how about you tell the story and own it so that you can sound more authentic in your regret. 

I'm trying to understand why Kyle would tell all this information to Kim on camera. I understand her wanting to give Kim a heads up because she can't know for certain what will make TV but I just feel that Kyle should try to keep any of the sobriety type conversations with Kim off camera. She can't control what the others say when the cameras are around but she can choose that for herself. 

The only thing I can think of is so that Kim could address this on camera, on record.

  • Love 4

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