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S07.E08: Boys, Blades And Bag Of Pills

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Greece would have been much better if it was Kyle and LVP.  Erika is just so damn boring.  All she talks about is herself.  When Kyle was telling Erika about her scripted show Erika asked her how she felt about the memories it brought up and Kyle looked a little sad and was going to say something but Erika quickly interrupted her and said she was going to call her husband.  WTF was that?!  Your friend who leaves her family and flies a zillion miles away to watch your boring ass is about to open up about her feelings and you cut her off so you can out of the blue call your husband?  Was it necessary to call him right that very minute and then throw in how much money he's spending on all this crap?  It's all about Erika all the time.  I can't stand her.  I'm just glad her stupid concert is finally over so I don't have to hear her yammer on about it constantly and watch any more of her dumb rehearsals.

I was glad to see Camille.  Whenever she's on the first thing I do is see what she's wearing and it rarely ever disappoints.

  • Love 18

So, lemme get this straight.  Eden dates a guy for 3 weeks, makes him quit smoking, then rails on him for popping a Nicorette after he eats an unauthorized cheeseburger.  Because a nicotine substitute isn't anything like a Xanax smoothie, Alky Sommer.  And he has the temerity to call her Type A, when really she's just a messy interfering billy sitch who didn't receive enough kisses as a child.  I see you, Eden.  You can go away now.

When Eden joined the cast, I was mildly intrigued by her so I Googled her and apparently she dated Jesse McCartney, 20-something year old, wanna-be boy band singer (pics of them together all over internet).  I don't know if she's still dating 20-years olds, but damn if someone didn't have some nerve eating a cheeseburger in front of her!!

And she looks different to me in every scene.  Heavy makeup vs. no makeup makes her look like an entirely different person.  

Edited by Teddybear
  • Love 4
22 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Eileen is announcing another tragic loss in her family doesn't say who.  I guess we will have to wait until next season.  Shockingly, she doesn't approve of Eden and Rinna discussing Kim's sobriety.

I think Rinna wants to create a pill story.  She is so desperate for a storyline.

I agree and the more I think about "it" the more I don't want to talk about "it". It doesn't come across as authentic or even organic imo.

Edited by Vicky8675309
quotes around it
  • Love 7
34 minutes ago, Sai said:

Greece would have been much better if it was Kyle and LVP.  Erika is just so damn boring.  All she talks about is herself.  When Kyle was telling Erika about her scripted show Erika asked her how she felt about the memories it brought up and Kyle looked a little sad and was going to say something but Erika quickly interrupted her and said she was going to call her husband.  WTF was that?!  Your friend who leaves her family and flies a zillion miles away to watch your boring ass is about to open up about her feelings and you cut her off so you can out of the blue call your husband?  Was it necessary to call him right that very minute and then throw in how much money he's spending on all this crap?  It's all about Erika all the time.  I can't stand her.  I'm just glad her stupid concert is finally over so I don't have to hear her yammer on about it constantly and watch any more of her dumb rehearsals.

THAT was a 'power bitch' move?

Kyle is trippin' - she's got a girl crush - and Erica Joon knows it.

EJ is a fame vampire, watch when she is intro'ed to people, she squinks her eyes and does the stupid accent from the Saturday Morning Flicks on TCM...

People are supposed to Be impressed when they first meet her and god help you if you don't feel her or fall in love with her.

  • Love 7
17 hours ago, queenjen said:

Erk. HOW many times did we need to hear Kim Richards blathering nonsense about how she feels about her grandkid being born and it's like having your own and it's like..ah!? She said the SAME THING badly about 5 times, then it was regurgitated again later when Camille makes the 'She's nice' comment about Eden to Kyle and Kim. I think Eden is a plant. I don't know in what universe production decided to reanimate the Kim Richards sobriety sob story, but no one knows Eden and this is all she's got. Oh, and a chest that looks like it's been hit by a molten lava medicine ball, which would be tragic, but she obviously hasn't noticed herself.  

The same thought came to me as well. I think she was hired by production to stir things up and create a storyline. Her over-interest in Kim Richards sobriety and calling out Kyle as enabler to Kyle's best friend and anyone else that'll listen is OTT and suspect.

I think I'm gonna be sick of hearing the term "sober woman" very soon. I could get a serious buzz on that term if I took a drink for every time it gets used.

  • Love 6
37 minutes ago, MyAimIsTrue said:

I'm 51, soon to turn 52, and PK at 49 looks old enough to be my father.  I was shocked to learn he's younger than me. 

Eden is painful to look at as she's had waaaay too much work done. 

I get that PK is not handsome but really does that matter?  He is part of a cast of handsome and heartthrob men.  I don't think it makes his words or love for his wife any less.  Ramona from NY was always about her hot husband and she was kicked to the curb. 

Eden bad plastic surgery only scratches the surface of someone who hasn't a clue.

  • Love 7

OK.  I'm going to give LR a little lee way on the baggie.  I take supplements.  You don't take them all at once.  You space them out.  Otherwise, it gets really disruptive to your 'system'.  Now, why do I do this?  Cause things sometimes are going on and maybe these supplements may help.  I'm of the belief that certain supplements work as well or better than prescribed medication.  Ok.  I'll get off the soap box.

On the other hand, I wish I had a xanax or a sleeping pill mixed in with my supplements.  IMO, neither is wrong when you're in that 'place' and you use them responsibly.  I have no idea if that's the case with LR.   With that said, it is curious that LR is so focused on Kim's or any addict's issues.

And then there is PK.  He and Dorit are trying to portray money and success when the  reality is at this time, it doesn't really exist.  It may have been JL's old home but it's not all 'that'.  You can talk about all the nannies but the reality is not what you are trying to make it to be.  They're both pretenders.

And with that said, this is what I like about Kyle so much.  She and Mauricio are doing very well.  And yet at the same time, Kyle talks about being just as happy in the apartment they were in years ago.  She talks about dreading to open that envelope with the bill then.  She doesn't forget.  She gets it.  And she appreciates the life she has now.

  • Love 12

I get that PK is not handsome but really does that matter? 

Well...if we're going to discuss the way the women look, the men should be fair game as well.


He is part of a cast of handsome and heartthrob men

And he is kind of bringing the average down.

Granted, different strokes and all that. Some people think Eileen's husband looks greasy and gross, other people think he looks good. I do wonder if the sleazy bits of PK's personality also influence how people see him with regards to his looks as well.


And then there is PK.  He and Dorit are trying to portray money and success when the  reality is at this time, it doesn't really exist.  It may have been JL's old home but it's not all 'that'.  You can talk about all the nannies but the reality is not what you are trying to make it to be.  They're both pretenders.

And with that said, this is what I like about Kyle so much.  She and Mauricio are doing very well.  And yet at the same time, Kyle talks about being just as happy in the apartment they were in years ago.  She talks about dreading to open that envelope with the bill then.  She doesn't forget.  She gets it.  And she appreciates the life she has now.

As some would say, people who really have money don't talk about having money, or however that phrase goes.

Edited by AndySmith
  • Love 7

I get where Eden is coming from regarding Kim.  Kim does look fragile, she was practically in tears at game night.  Furthermore, Eden no doubt watched past seasons in preparation to coming on the show and we all know the issues Kim has had with pills and alcohol.  To a former addict whose sister died of an overdose, Kim's depiction might be alarming.  Add Rinna into the mix and Eden probably has a fixed view of Kim and also Kyle.  We haven't seen Rinna say anything to Eden about Kim but Rinna has a big mouth and she's still pissed off at Kim so you do the math. 

Kyle's not an enabler though.  Kyle outed Kim on national tv calling her "sick and alcoholic".   Looking back on it that was the beginning of Kim's rocky road to the tenuous but seemingly real sobriety that she has now.  Kyle's never as far as I remember lied about Kim being sober when she wasn't.  She never tried to cover up for her, she let the cards fall.  And she got blasted on many occasions by an enraged, fucked up Kim.  So Eden calleing her an enabler wasn't cool and I don't blame her for being upset by it.

Dorit has upset the queen!  You do not tell the queen to take the stick out of her ass!  LVPs face when Dorit said that was priceless.  And then she left.  I think Dorit may be in trouble.

  • Love 9
19 hours ago, queenjen said:

 I think Eden is a plant. I don't know in what universe production decided to reanimate the Kim Richards sobriety sob story, but no one knows Eden and this is all she's got. Oh, and a chest that looks like it's been hit by a molten lava medicine ball, which would be tragic, but she obviously hasn't noticed herself. 


You mean like poison ivy? Good description of Eden's chest as well. It seems she is not well liked by the crew/production or you would think someone would tell her that dresses with keyhole necklines are not her friend. Yikes. 

As usual I ff'd by EJ's performance, but I did get a kick out of her saying that she can relate to Kyle on the topic of family, husband and children. But not with the other women. Lets see, Erika's marriage seems more like a business arrangement, even to her labeling Tom as "The Boss" on her cell phone. Didn't someone else raise her kid who is now an adult? All the other wives save Eden have husbands and children, so not sure why Erika is unable to relate to them. Other than I think in general she is just not a girl's girl. Nothing wrong with that, but don't put it on the others when it is your deal. 

So is PK really only 49 or a Hollywood 49? I would have pegged him at at least a decade older. Didn't hear any of Boy George's singing but don't really care as I was never a fan (or of much of 80s music in general). However I did tune into the Apprentice a week or so ago to see Kyle, who apparently had already been booted off. BG raised a fair amount of money for his team which from when I have watched other times someone tends not to do unless they are project manager because they want to call in donation favours when they are pm. So that kind of impressed me since I really don't know his personality at all. 

  • Love 6

she reminds me of WKRP's Les Nessman, he always had a bandage on him somewhere

I loved WKRP and Les Nessman especially. I can't remember if he was just clumsy but I saw Fight Club on cable recently and I thought about him lol.

I'm not an addict but Eden would make me jumpy. Initially I liked her but she makes me feel sorry for Kim Richards and that's problematic. I'm from NYC so if you ask more than three questions we think you're intrusive. I have no experience with addicts but Eden's behavior has to be detrimental to whatever measure of recovery Kim's achieved. I enjoyed Kim talking about her feelings as a grandma and getting along with Rinna! Dammit Eden!

I like Ericka. She strikes me as direct, not catty and that just doesn't fit with this group. As someone said above Kyle and Mauricio have worked for their wealth so Kyle's more down to earth.  I think that's a better fit with Ericka so hopefully a real friendship will develop. The rest of these women are too catty and their ideas about telling it like it is entails nasty innuendo, not basic truths.

Watching LVP and Dorit I was reminded of middle school, I got dressed down by the cool girls for not properly relating the detail of juicy gossip that I was witness to-- "you can't mess with people's reputations and not get your facts straight" they said--we knew this at 12, Dorit and you're learning at 40. LVP saw the reunion writing on the wall and hightailed it out of there.

  • Love 3
7 hours ago, ElDosEquis said:

And what is the deal with sending all those Aussies to play our baseball? ;

Get ready for the Indian influx! I just read a book called 'Selection Day' which is about kids being obsessively groomed for cricket. Things are changing, though, and they are now hothousing them in baseball. It won't just be Aussies in the future. I know we export the occasional basketball player also, but neither of those sports are big here. Or soccer, though it's becoming more popular. Like the States, though, 'football' will NEVER mean 'soccer' in Australia. Sorry, off topic. But I suspect this is probably PK's biggest income stream. Boy George probably costs them as much as he brings in in management fees. 

It's like Erika Jane. Can you imagine her actually making money, let alone breaking even given what she's already invested and has to continue to invest in wardrobe, hangers on, travel, venues, recording, hair and makeup and Chanel boots? No wonder they're trying to cut corners taking a sharpie to a pair of gloves. And by 'her investing', I mean her husband. 

  • Love 5
10 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Of all the things that the housewives pick on/pick up on and nobody has mentioned that PK has only one client and that is (let me see if I remember who that is, lol) Boy George, it's like Mauricio having only one house to sell.  BTW, Kim referred to Mauricio as Maurice again, I guess that is her pet name for him, I had forgotten all about that so much so, I wondered who she was talking about.  Kim always has an ache or a pain, (she reminds me of WKRP's Les Nessman, he always had a bandage on him somewhere), I guess that way she can justify some sort of prescribed pain medication.

Just how many songs did Erika perform in Greece?  It seemed like a really long involved trip and production for just one song or even a short set. 

I've been saying this from the beginning! PK's management career is no more legitimate than Erika's pop star alter ego. I cannot believe 10% of Boy George's revenue is enough to keep the lights on at Chez Dorito. He's got to have money coming in from somewhere else. Also, it's super weird that his only client lives with him. It's a very odd arrangement. Although, I wouldn't object to BG replacing Dorit as  a real housewife. 

Kudos to Erika for finding someone to bankroll a hobby she's only mediocre at. It's adorable that she thinks she's a pop star but I want to know which genius convinced her she's headlining at the 3am slot, especially when she's only released a handful of songs. She probably has enough to fill a 30 minute slot, max.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, rho said:

I've been saying this from the beginning! PK's management career is no more legitimate than Erika's pop star alter ego. I cannot believe 10% of Boy George's revenue is enough to keep the lights on at Chez Dorito. He's got to have money coming in from somewhere else. Also, it's super weird that his only client lives with him. It's a very odd arrangement. Although, I wouldn't object to BG replacing Dorit as  a real housewife. 

Kudos to Erika for finding someone to bankroll a hobby she's only mediocre at. It's adorable that she thinks she's a pop star but I want to know which genius convinced her she's headlining at the 3am slot, especially when she's only released a handful of songs. She probably has enough to fill a 30 minute slot, max.

I have always loved Boy George. I remember so fondly the Princess Diana wedding-----------he and Joan Rivers were doing commentary on it. It was to die for. He was brilliant and they were wonderful together. That's all I have to add. I would love to have him more on the show.

I really don't watch the show closely (though I have been watching for years) so I truly did not get what was going on in this latest episode. Stuff just seems increasingly contrived. This Eden.... Dorit....I just don't get the drama. I have always liked Kyle and Mauricio and gone back and forth on most of the others. Never been a fan of LR but to be truthful I think it might be that I am so repelled by her physical appearance. (anorexic looking to me- sorry but she is- with crazy lips...)

  • Love 3

I so wanted to like Eden, probably because I loved how stylish and talented her dad was, but so far, I am not impressed to say the least. My first clue that she would be a disappointment was when she complimented, COMPLIMENTED!? Rinna on her hair. Then she turned into Rinna-lite. I was horrified at her TH appearance. Hair, make up, dress and chest, oh that chest. Someone call Terry Dubrow and Paul Nassif, stat. In some of her scenes she looks quite lovely, and in other so hard, and not in an edgy way, just not good and too extreme. At this point, she needs to be voted off the island. One and done.

I really must proof read before submitting.

Edited by Snappy
  • Love 7

I just spent forever writing a post and the poof..it was gone! ARRGHHH

Not lecturing but I will share my experience with xanax. I took it (prescribed) for over 20 years 3 times a day. Xana is "alcohol in a pill". When I decided to quit I went into full blow withdrawl. Leg cramps, leg twitches, shaking, nauseous, just awful. My hubby called the doctor who said take some Quick because stopping like that can (and will) stop your heart! I had to go into a rehab and be put into a deep sleep for several days to get through the withdrawl. Turns out the only thing harder to kick the xanax is heroin! I stopped for several years. Of course I got another doctor and a new prescription eventually and the whole roller coaster started again. Back to rehab. Back to withdrawl. That time they sent me to AA where I  found the support I needed to stay clean. I was a home room mother and a library volunteer not some druggie on the street and I will tell you xanax is no fuckin joke!!! I cringe when I see these women laughing about putting it in a a smoothie. Remember alcohol in a pill? They could put a shot of vodka in there smoothie and get the same effect. So anyone shaming Kim for having issues needs to clean up there own yard first!

  • Love 20

Sounds like we have a similar experience, they were very light handed with the xanax prescriptions here, I'm assuming you're in Oz too? Until they weren't. Very similar for me, 3x a day, 6 pills a day. So that's like 30 valium a day. Plus sleepers in the same class! I'm not surprised that AA helped. Because you need the support. This is why I'm also side eyeing the whole Sober Woman thing from Eden. Unless she's doing 'her program' through some wonky recovery centre in LA and her #mytruth is in fact alternative facts type truth, I DO NOT see her 'sobriety' being AA endorsed. It's confusing when terms like 'the program' and 'the steps' are not necessarily connected to the traditional AA steps. I suspect hers are not.

  • Love 7
9 minutes ago, queenjen said:

Sounds like we have a similar experience, they were very light handed with the xanax prescriptions here, I'm assuming you're in Oz too? Until they weren't. Very similar for me, 3x a day, 6 pills a day. So that's like 30 valium a day. Plus sleepers in the same class! I'm not surprised that AA helped. Because you need the support. This is why I'm also side eyeing the whole Sober Woman thing from Eden. Unless she's doing 'her program' through some wonky recovery centre in LA and her #mytruth is in fact alternative facts type truth, I DO NOT see her 'sobriety' being AA endorsed. It's confusing when terms like 'the program' and 'the steps' are not necessarily connected to the traditional AA steps. I suspect hers are not.

No I'm American but doctors here used to be easy with the xanax and the Valium. And the percocets. Not so much now. You and I both know AA does NOT consider you sober if your taking any of those things. I never even really abused it. 

 Anywho there are pills you need to take and those you don't. And the "bad"one (Xanax) can usually be done without or replaced with something that is not addictive. I take prozac and mood stabilizers because I'm also bi-polar. Won the lottery didn't i? :)

  • Love 6
8 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

I get that PK is not handsome but really does that matter?  He is part of a cast of handsome and heartthrob men.  I don't think it makes his words or love for his wife any less.  Ramona from NY was always about her hot husband and she was kicked to the curb. 

I never said anything about PK not loving his wife.  I was just surprised to find out he's younger than me because he looks much older, in my opinion.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, MyAimIsTrue said:

I never said anything about PK not loving his wife.  I was just surprised to find out he's younger than me because he looks much older, in my opinion.

I remember Dorit's bizarre caveat at the beginning of the season about her husband's looks.  He does look like a very mature 50 and my guess is he has never been a terribly handsome and then I found this photo from 10 years ago and he looked like he was pushing 60 back then. http://www.gettyimages.com/photos/paul-kemsley?excludenudity=true&sort=mostpopular&mediatype=photography&phrase=paul kemsley#license

I agree you never said anything about Dorit and PK's relationship. I was expanding on the numerous, and not necessarily untrue comments about PK's looks.   

ETA The site wont let me isolate the photo but it is in the 17th row down on the right-The Planet Hollywood Opening November 2017-Stallone is in the photo. 

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 3
On ‎1‎/‎25‎/‎2017 at 9:02 AM, PreviouslyTV said:

It's P.K.'s birthday and, almost, Kim's intervention in this week's episode. Plus: Boy George!

View the full article

omg thank you for the Before Sunrise reference!

My biggest thought on this episode was that it was nice to hear a song that everyone likes, lilke Karma Chameleon (for some reason I remember Camille on WWHL saying that her friends used to sing her that song in high school so she probs got a kick out of it!)

Boy George wrote it, so he had the rights to it, unlike D Foster & Babyface making up drivel like "I Love My Life" (with finger!banging!)

Edited by teapot
  • Love 2
9 hours ago, AndySmith said:

Well...if we're going to discuss the way the women look, the men should be fair game as well.

And he is kind of bringing the average down.

Granted, different strokes and all that. Some people think Eileen's husband looks greasy and gross, other people think he looks good. I do wonder if the sleazy bits of PK's personality also influence how people see him with regards to his looks as well.

As some would say, people who really have money don't talk about having money, or however that phrase goes.

For the most part the women's looks discussions are more about their various alterations through plastic surgery and fillers and deservedly so, or the look they are trying to achieve or their full on glam squads and the high maintenance.  Or if you read Trash Talk TV, Kyle's back fat is usually mentioned in every recap. 

You can scrub Vince and clean him up, HH can dye his hair for role and does, PK is stuck with his face.  I believe people within the industry he works like him and appreciate his talents.  I think he could out hustle Rinna with both of his chubby little hands tied behind his back in getting a deal done. 

This show and the rest of the franchises were anchored with putting price tags for the homes, cars and the nightly rates of their hotel rooms-wasn't Dubai something like $30k a night for Kyle and LVP's room?  I don't think Dorit does herself any favors by mentioning she has three full time housekeepers-what do they do clean up after each other? 

  • Love 7
14 hours ago, Jel said:

Totally agree, and it's further proof that Rinna's "deep concern" about all things addiction is bullshit. If she was truly as deeply affected by substance abuse as she claims she is (when she's citing it as her reason for meddling and and making accusations), she wouldn't be making light of it. 

Exactly! She can make light of it to that degree but then shift gears to that deep dark ugly place when she needs to set the ambiance for her grim stance on Kim's well being.  It's so ridiculously obvious. How anyone can believe she's got some form of justification to keep Kim Richards addiction in her mouth is beyond me.

  • Love 2

Until I see a psychology degree from Eden, she can just take a seat with all her talk about Kim and Kyle.  She, who is a "sober" woman that pops Xanax, really has no business calling Kim or Kyle out on their behavior.  She is not an expert, a therapist, a counselor - hell - is she even an AA sponsor, for God's sake?  

 A little self disclosure here, retired Mental Health Professional, very well trained, certified, long career.....Never, and I mean NEVER would I (or any of my former colleagues) approach someone and discuss their mental health status, EVER!  What appeared that Eden was doing was a "reading".  WADR- what an idiot!

And by the way, I have had people in my personal life ask me if I would contact someone they knew was having a difficult time with substance abuse- I always declined, I made myself available if the person in need wanted to contact me....but I would not solicit clients.....it doesn't work like that.  Kim ( and Kyle) have every right to be outraged.

  • Love 21

Eden really rubs me the wrong way. For one, she has a sense of importance about herself - it's like she wants people to roll out a red carpet for her. Exactly what does she require from people so that she can feel well received and welcomed? And her personality seems completely counter intuitive to a person who is a recovering addict and is sober. She's INCREDIBLY judgemental. Her reasoning for ending a relationship is beyond any explanation and as a recovering addict, I find her response to her ex weaning himself off his nicotine addiction to be questionable. Let's not even get into her horror of him eating a damn cheeseburger. I also think her reference to Xanax doesn't make sense for an addict. I have never heard of addiction that was exclusive to just one thing because addiction is not about the substance that is being abused, it's about why you're abusing it...I've always been under the impression that sobriety encompasses abstinence from all unnecessary and addicting substances that can be used for self medication. She's got resting bitch face all of the time and her desire to jump in and assess Kim and to do so in a public setting to someone who has been struggling with maintaining their sobriety - how is that productive or well intended? I just can't buy that any of her motives are well meaning. How can she just meet Kyle and determine that Kyle just sits back and watches everything just happen? How long have you been in the presence of Kim and Kyle together to have such insight on their relationship? Reading her story, she doesn't really provide details of how alcohol impacted HER life. She talks about how it impacted her mother and her sister and how being around addiction and suffering losses in her family made her re-evaluate her relationship with alcohol but nothing she's said so far gives me the impression that she was a classic addict. It would explain her approach to sobriety and her judgment toward others. BUT it's not for me to say how someone feels and how they manage those feelings in an effort to better themselves. If she thinks she was an addict and needed sobriety, then I respect that, but my sense of the situation is only to try and understand why her personality seems so opposite to what I would expect from a sober person. Unsolicited advice, judgment, engaging in conversation with others about another person's sobriety....no, please sit down and shut up Eden. 

It looked like PK was just as much involved planning his own birthday as Dorit was, lol. I loved the fact that she had her kids at the party despite it being all adults. I also loved Porsha taking the phone from her mom and inviting herself over to LVP's for a sleepover so that she could play with the ponies, haha.

Previews: LVP's line to Eden about her other foot kicking her in the ass had me laughing. Can't wait to see Eden's reaction, lol. Seems like next episode is the official downward spiral of any potential friendship between Eden and Kyle this season.

Edited by RHJunkie
  • Love 10
11 hours ago, msblossom said:

The same thought came to me as well. I think she was hired by production to stir things up and create a storyline. Her over-interest in Kim Richards sobriety and calling out Kyle as enabler to Kyle's best friend and anyone else that'll listen is OTT and suspect.

I think I'm gonna be sick of hearing the term "sober woman" very soon. I could get a serious buzz on that term if I took a drink for every time it gets used.

It's a way to get Kim's problems front and center again. I think it's absolutely repulsive. Everyone knows that, whether clean or off the wagon, Kim doesn't react too well when others get intrusive about her addiction and questions her sobriety. So either the digging into the matter by Rinna and Eden is going to verify and expose that she's not completely sober. WIN for Bravo or the digging will cause Kim and maybe Kyle or possibly both to have some dramatic outburst that can be the topic of conversation, side debates and ultimate confrontation for the rest of the season. Again, WIN for Bravo (or so they think).


Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 2

If I look down at my phone during BH Eden sounds just like Brandi. Her facial "work" looks great in TH but her gap in her cleavage is messed up. She did not look good in the light at the PK party. She definately projects her sobriety issues onto Kim. I also think she is on to Kim's game though, at the same time.

The only thing more outdated than LVP's horrible long hairdo is that corded IBM circa 1992 corded telephone! 

Dorit & PK. They are entertaining little snowflakes to me. Nouveau. Nouveau. Nouveau. SO THIRSTY! Can you say trying way too hard? a "49th" birthday? 49 is a big milestone? Dorit has no depth or class or charm or ideas for this party mind you just grandiose adjectives for the type of party she likes....Cut to the flowers thrown in vases, and him livid telling people we've got a problem there aren't enough flowers- yes he looks like a happy guy about to have a huge party thrown FOR him. They actually make me laugh. I have had more fun with old money billionaires sitting a picnic table eating triscuits and velveeta off the 250 year old family china than that new money, all wrong shit show. 

Hiding their houseguest? In their home? Everyone knows Boy George lives with them right? I mean hello what is the secret. They needed 12 microphones, backup singers in sequined bodysuits, wires, and a giant set up in that tiny room? These 2 need to watch, re watch and re wind and rewatch again Yolo and David Foster doing it right, entertaining with a famous singer. 

Great great great footage of Dorit summoning the baby nurse and the baby not knowing who Dorit was. The baby started crying got handed back to the nurse then moments later (most likely) the baby is quiet in the arms of the nurse. 

Kim looked high as heck coming into that party anxious and chattering and unstable on the stairs. 

  • Love 5
48 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

Eden really rubs me the wrong way. For one, she has a sense of importance about herself - it's like she wants people to roll out a red carpet for her. Exactly what does she require from people so that she can feel well received and welcomed? And her personality seems completely counter intuitive to a person who is a recovering addict and is sober. She's INCREDIBLY judgemental. Her reasoning for ending a relationship is beyond any explanation and as a recovering addict, I find her response to her ex weaning himself off his nicotine addiction to be questionable. Let's not even get into her horror of him eating a damn cheeseburger. I also think her reference to Xanax doesn't make sense for an addict. I have never heard of addiction that was exclusive to just one thing because addiction is not about the substance that is being abused, it's about why you're abusing it...I've always been under the impression that sobriety encompasses abstinence from all unnecessary and addicting substances that can be used for self medication. She's got resting bitch face all of the time and her desire to jump in and assess Kim and to do so in a public setting to someone who has been struggling with maintaining their sobriety - how is that productive or well intended? I just can't buy that any of her motives are well meaning. How can she just meet Kyle and determine that Kyle just sits back and watches everything just happen? How long have you been in the presence of Kim and Kyle together to have such insight on their relationship? Reading her story, she doesn't really provide details of how alcohol impacted HER life. She talks about how it impacted her mother and her sister and how being around addiction and suffering losses in her family made her re-evaluate her relationship with alcohol but nothing she's said so far gives me the impression that she was a classic addict. It would explain her approach to sobriety and her judgment toward others. BUT it's not for me to say how someone feels and how they manage those feelings in an effort to better themselves. If she thinks she was an addict and needed sobriety, then I respect that, but my sense of the situation is only to try and understand why her personality seems so opposite to what I would expect from a sober person. Unsolicited advice, judgment, engaging in conversation with others about another person's sobriety....no, please sit down and shut up Eden. 

It looked like PK was just as much involved planning his own birthday as Dorit was, lol. I loved the fact that she had her kids at the party despite it being all adults. I also loved Porsha taking the phone from her mom and inviting herself over to LVP's for a sleepover so that she could play with the ponies, haha.

Previews: LVP's line to Eden about her other foot kicking her in the ass had me laughing. Can't wait to see Eden's reaction, lol. Seems like next episode is the official downward spiral of any potential friendship between Eden and Kyle this season.

Eden gives me the creeps.

1 hour ago, zoeysmom said:

I remember Dorit's bizarre caveat at the beginning of the season about her husband's looks.  He does look like a very mature 50 and my guess is he has never been a terribly handsome and then I found this photo from 10 years ago and he looked like he was pushing 60 back then. http://www.gettyimages.com/photos/paul-kemsley?excludenudity=true&sort=mostpopular&mediatype=photography&phrase=paul kemsley#license

I agree you never said anything about Dorit and PK's relationship. I was expanding on the numerous, and not necessarily untrue comments about PK's looks.   

ETA The site wont let me isolate the photo but it is in the 17th row down on the right-The Planet Hollywood Opening November 2017-Stallone is in the photo. 

lol Not a CHANCE that man is 49. No chance.

  • Love 1
7 hours ago, queenjen said:

Get ready for the Indian influx! I just read a book called 'Selection Day' which is about kids being obsessively groomed for cricket. Things are changing, though, and they are now hothousing them in baseball. It won't just be Aussies in the future. I know we export the occasional basketball player also, but neither of those sports are big here. Or soccer, though it's becoming more popular. Like the States, though, 'football' will NEVER mean 'soccer' in Australia. Sorry, off topic. But I suspect this is probably PK's biggest income stream. Boy George probably costs them as much as he brings in in management fees. 

It's like Erika Jane. Can you imagine her actually making money, let alone breaking even given what she's already invested and has to continue to invest in wardrobe, hangers on, travel, venues, recording, hair and makeup and Chanel boots? No wonder they're trying to cut corners taking a sharpie to a pair of gloves. And by 'her investing', I mean her husband. 


Please send me the Rules to the AFL, Rugby.......Love the Supercars!

Ummmm, "Shrimp on the Barbie"...........Is that like Sushi on a Model?


I see EJ  setting up a table at her events to hawk HER line of "catch phrased tees and drag queens kits, CUNTY jewelry and temporary tattoos" to make a little extra cash?

She may want to save that money and get a cell phone with spell check on it.

All of her song times are misspelled........that is SOOOOOO gangster!

  • Love 2
19 hours ago, Vicky8675309 said:

Did Eden say her ex-boyfriend attacked her or did I hear wrong?

After reading Eileen's blog, I no longer view her as the beater of dead horses but as the Grim Reaper.

Alcohol (etoh) and benzodiazepines (Xanax aka alprazolam) are essentially the same thing (not really but essentially they are in terms of the brain). They both activate GABA A receptors which cause release of inhibitory neurotransmitters. It's important to note that one should not abruptly stop etoh or benzos since the withdrawal can be life threatening. Detoxing from etoh typically (if done in a hospital setting) involves substituting Ativan (lorazepam, a benzodiazepine) or another benzo in place of the etoh and then tapering it off.  There are always exceptions.....I'll stop rambling.

Yes, when he called her a Type A personality.

Is Eileen referring to the death of Miguel Ferrer?  I guess he would have been Vince's cousin's, cousin in law?  I think she should be more specific. In all fairness to Eileen she has worked with Miguel.  I am exhausted by Eileen and her method of conveying losses.  Who, when age, and her relationship are really not too much to ask if she is going to bring it up.   

From Eden's blog:

My sister's death was so incredibly tough.  Fast forward ten years and now my dad, my rock passes away.  At that point I needed medication.  I was depressed and anxious, not able to get out of bed and walk to the shower without sobbing.  But not once did taking a pill make me want to drink.  Drinking was always my problem not pills.

I have never thought of benzodiazepines has having the side effect of making someone want to drink.  I always kind of considered them a substitute.  I would think any responsible prescribing physician would tell Eden not to consume alcohol while taking a benzo. 

Is Eden so unenlightened that she doesn't realize the reason people in programs consider taking drugs to relieve anxiety is pretty much the same as drinking to relieve anxiety?  I realize Eden only suffers from Alcoholism-lite, but nowhere in her comments has she ever described her drinking behavior.  I guess none of the cast really gives a rip or wants to hear her story.

  • Love 10
On ‎1‎/‎24‎/‎2017 at 7:45 PM, zoeysmom said:

Eileen is announcing another tragic loss in her family doesn't say who.  I guess we will have to wait until next season.  Shockingly, she doesn't approve of Eden and Rinna discussing Kim's sobriety.

I think Rinna wants to create a pill story.  She is so desperate for a storyline.

Since Bravo has somebody reading these boards maybe we shouldn't discuss "faux pill-gate" and let RInna and her storyline fall into the gutter. Might get her off quicker. She has nothing going on in her life that is interesting, neither does Eden, nor Eileen. and Dorit is a one trick pony with her pet Boy George. We've seen Slap the Snatch how many times now? The only two with interesting lives outside of the scripted scenarios Bravo is forcing on us are LVP and Kyle.

Right now I don't give a shit that Kim is an addict, I don't care if LVP stabs, jabs, and eviscerates with her British wit.

Cut the dead weight and let snoozable housewives die.

  • Love 8

Putting supplements into a baggie – no problem, but when you mix in controlled substances, offer them to whoever’s in the room like they’re candy and start mixing them into smoothies – PROBLEM!  At least in my book.  Eden and Rinna are way out of line with their fake concern for Kim.  And Xanax is really bitter and tastes awful.  No way would I mix it with food at all. Why wouldn’t you just swallow it as intended?  Also, as others haven mentioned it is no joke.  Someone very dear to me went through hell getting off of it.  They had seizures and horrible issues.  It very nearly killed them.  I also know another person who had such a bad seizure from Xanax withdrawl that he sustained a serious head injury and is now intellectually impaired.  So, minimizing it and joking about it is dangerous.  Plus, I’d be willing to bet there were lots of other serious medications in that baggie. 

On another note, did anyone else think Dorit was pretty drunk when she had the “take the stick out of your behind” discussion with LVP?  I loved that LVP was having none of it. 

  • Love 14

Erica's blog is up and she calls Eden out for calling Kyle an "enabler" but says nothing about the fact that Rinna put that thought in Eden's head! I guess she can't call out someone on her own team. LOL http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-7/blogs/erika-girardi/erika-girardi-eden-has-a-lot-to

  • Love 6
15 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Yes, when he called her a Type A personality.

Is Eileen referring to the death of Miguel Ferrer?  I guess he would have been Vince's cousin's, cousin in law?  I think she should be more specific. In all fairness to Eileen she has worked with Miguel.  I am exhausted by Eileen and her method of conveying losses.  Who, when age, and her relationship are really not too much to ask if she is going to bring it up.   

From Eden's blog:

My sister's death was so incredibly tough.  Fast forward ten years and now my dad, my rock passes away.  At that point I needed medication.  I was depressed and anxious, not able to get out of bed and walk to the shower without sobbing.  But not once did taking a pill make me want to drink.  Drinking was always my problem not pills.

I have never thought of benzodiazepines has having the side effect of making someone want to drink.  I always kind of considered them a substitute.  I would think any responsible prescribing physician would tell Eden not to consume alcohol while taking a benzo. 

Is Eden so unenlightened that she doesn't realize the reason people in programs consider taking drugs to relieve anxiety is pretty much the same as drinking to relieve anxiety?  I realize Eden only suffers from Alcoholism-lite, but nowhere in her comments has she ever described her drinking behavior.  I guess none of the cast really gives a rip or wants to hear her story.

And neither do we. And her tired storyline...same old horse (Kim), different bat (Eden).

Edited by Giselle
  • Love 3

OK  Hang on a minute.  I just watched the epi last night and something really stood out to me.  Erika said she really liked Kyle because "Kyle doesn't take herself seriously, loves to have fun and is fun to be around". 
Now, think back to all the scenes with Kyle and LVP.  They are 2 peas in a pod.  Her description could easily be about LVP.  Yet she has disliked LVP from the beginning (probably because of Yolanda) 
Erika not only has 2 personalities, she is also 2 faced.
Eden is weird.  just weird.  She is another emotional vampire.  She takes other people's shit and makes it about her.  She sucks the life out of everything.
Rinna and her pill bag?  Why does she need to carry sleeping pills?  Xannies and alcohol?  another no no.  If she takes all those supplements I guess she doesn't need to eat real food.  She's still an ass in my book.
Eileen,  is still acting.  She can go anytime.

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