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S07.E17: Privacy Please

Tara Ariano
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3 hours ago, Uncle JUICE said:

Eh, I can't hate on the guy for this specifically. Number one, it's the age group, and number two, it's the kind of moment everyone wishes they could hold on to for when days are dark. Some days when I'm struggling and just not feeling good, like the clouds just won't clear, I watch the video I took of my daughter's first successful two wheeler. It doesn't have the one moment that I treasure most on it, but it takes me right to that moment, the memory of it that I made sure at the time to tell myself "Remember this one second right here, and if you're lucky, it'll be the last thing your brain remembers right before you die." And I don't say that with any morbidity, I mean it with joy and gratefulness. That day was like watching a poem happen in real life, I'd never experienced anything like it, and I've held on to it ever since. 

ETA that said, Javi's still a douche. Just so happens in the last two episodes he finishes second in the douche contest ongoing in that house. 

My husband went to Iraq and Kuwait as a civilian employee. The first time he went our daughter was three. He was there a year but his first trip back home (2 week R&R at 6 months) I took my daughter to the airport to see him.  It's been about 7 yrs now so I don't remember if she knew who we were waiting on. Anyway I took video of when she noticed him at the airport.  I'm so greatful I did. I still tear up when I watch it.  She ran to him yelling daddy, daddy and jumped up in his arms.  It's on YouTube if anyone wants a peek. :) :) I don't fault him for wanting his own video.  We know Kail didn't care enough to capture it. 

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3 hours ago, GreatKazu said:



Read from the tweet that begins 'Here's the deal' and then read up. Her last two tweets are the ones that mention Farrah's birthday and 'After finding out of course...'

Riiiiiight, I don't know if it's the broken twitter messages throwing me off, or this really doesn't make sense... either way I still don't buy it... but to be fair given jenelles propincity to lie, she could tell me the sky is blue and I'd question it.

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6 hours ago, Mkay said:

She has moved closer to him.  It's about 20 mins past his house. No towns in between. (Stores, etc that I can tell on the map) So they probably just met somewhere in the middle and that was the choice. 

I am not familiar with WVa.  In what towns do they live?  It does seem to be a poor, rural area.


5 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

It's dumb but when Adam drove off all of could think of was the scene from Fargo w Frances McDormand



5 hours ago, Inga said:


"oh, for Pete's sake!"

You're darn tootin'! If it's so damned imporant to ya!

8 hours ago, Uncle JUICE said:

Was it the "Keep calm and reload" shirt he was wearing? Seriously, she said she was taking them to Mexico, and those two acted like she was taking them to Juarez. It's probably a club med, and they aren't going to leave the property, that's how it's designed. "Someone could snatch those girls!" Like anyone in Mexico at a resort knows who the fuck Leah Messer Simms Clavert Messer even is! (snip)

5 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

I'm not buying Jeremy's concern is driven by much but racism. For people mentioning drugs...Honestly, I live near the border and have been to Mexico and I've also been to the meth-addled, mostly white, similar-to-Leah's-kinfolks' town where my parents live. Guess where I was more afraid? You'd be better off in most parts of Mexico in terms of lack of drug availability, guns, violence and general sordidness than among Leah and Jeremy's particular acquaintances, who often look high or drunk, have multiple parents of various kids and think it's cute for toddlers to pose with weapons. West Virginia has some of the highest rates of illiteracy, crime, and drug use and abuse in the country. There are bad parts of Mexico just like here. They don't live amongst Harvard grads in a small college town in Vermont, they live in one of the most dangerous states in the country and partake in plenty of guns-n-drugs themselves. It's just pure racism and a belief in some "Mexican gangs and drug lords" stereotypes on Jeremy's part. Or producer driven drama. Or both. 

Ok, I have to say that Jeremy MAY be a racist.  Probably is one.  BUT - I know that Mexico has had a travel advisory the last few years.  I traveled twice in 2015 and once last year, with friends and family, and each time Mexico was on the list of possible places to go and NO ONE wanted to go there, due to safety concerns.  

Our travel agent friend said that it is just not safe, even if you only plan to do the resort and maybe some town time.  I think most people, when looking at travel sites have seen these advisories, or heard of them. Someone upthread pointed out that some american tourists have been shaken down, and that there is some cartel violence.  


5 hours ago, mrsh said:


Karl is one of those women who likes to act like they're strong and independent and everything they have they built themselves on their own.

YES, she really thinks she did it all on her own.  She needs to open her eyes.  Also, the way she was acting... it felt like maybe her idiot friend Sterling said something like, "be strong when he gets back!  Don't let him hang at the house, or linger around getting mail.  Make sure he stays at a hotel.."  It felt so over the top, it was like she was worried that people would think she wasn't staying "strong."  That is the feeling I got when watching that.


4 hours ago, ghoulina said:

She probably has no idea where the Caribbean is. Germy seemed to think that Bora Bora was in Egypt. 


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@heatherchandler, actually that travel advisory only applies to certain areas of Mexico, not Mexico in general. Crime rates in various areas are updated every year, and most parts of the country are considered safe. Incidentally, areas of the U.S. have travel advisories from several other countries (such as the Bahamas), especially those considered racist or where there is a lot of crime and/or police brutality. 

Edited by Lm2162
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2 hours ago, Sgt Pepper said:

What a stark contrast in families.  Cole and Chelsea in love, excited about their baby, and living in a home filled with love, compared to Jenyell and D and their creepy relationship.  Yuck.  I feel bad for that baby.  


Chelsea's come a long way. I noticed when she speaks to Aubree she's a lot more calmer and authoritative than in seasons past where she would be screeching "Auuubreee-uhhh" when she was pleading with her to behave. I think she's doing a great job of balancing excitement over the baby with reassuring Aubree she's not going to be tossed out with the recycling after her sibling arrives. 

I also forgot to mention in my initial post how badly I felt for Barb when her voice trembled as she expressed how Jace might be hurt over the pregnancy announcement. I just wanted to give her a hug. I hope she knows that Jace has it figured out by now. When he told UBT last week that he'd rather go to daycare than stay an extra week at Jenelle's, I knew he had zero illusions about what life is like in that household. If anything I think Jace will end up pitying Ensley rather than be jealous of her. 

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Jeremy and Leah are both trash.

Leah doesn't have enough $$ to make her kids attractive kidnapping targets in Mexico. 

Away from the border towns and a certain state which shall remain nameless, Mexico is safe. We went there back in 2010 during swine flu...got an awesome deal. It was great. Lots of families from all over North America. 

I do find it interesting that the places she named are places where you can score her favorite drugsies.  Hawaii is known for meth (and weed) and Mexico for the pillsies (and weed).

Now, if she was interested in weed, she'd hit Jamaica. 

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Just now, BitterApple said:

Chelsea's come a long way. I noticed when she speaks to Aubree she's a lot more calmer and authoritative than in seasons past where she would be screeching "Auuubreee-uhhh" when she was pleading with her to behave. I think she's doing a great job of balancing excitement over the baby with reassuring Aubree she's not going to be tossed out with the recycling after her sibling arrives. 

She really has grown so much as a parent. Aubree kind of used to run the show over there. And I know as a teen having a kid, you're still kind of a kid yourself. These girls really weren't mature enough to be mothers. And at first, Chelsea had no boundaries and let her kid walk all over her. What a difference in what we see today! One thing I appreciate about Chelsea is she seems to be open to the fact that what she's doing isn't working and willing to learn other ways. I noticed she picked up ideas before from Aubree's school - like doing the behavior chart with clothespins. The chore chart is something else she might have picked up elsewhere. Good for her, for seeing - "Hey, that works at school/her friend's house, why not try it at home?" 

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I read Jenelle's tweets in the order she posted on her Twitter and believe me, I still didn't get it. I read it five times. I even read it out loud thinking that might help. I think the gist of it is:

April 2016 - Jenelle found out from her endocrinologist she was pregnant...the filming in the truck where Dave put his hand on her tummy is her and his excitement at the news of her being pregnant. However, she forgot they were being filmed by MTV. Okay, whatever. 

Last week of April 2016 - she flew out for the reunion show taping. While out there, she began to have what she assumed was her period. One of the doctors from the tv show The Doctors sent her to see a doctor and find out why she was bleeding since she was apparently pregnant. An ultrasound was done. No pregnancy.

May 2016 - MTV was at her home (what we watched last night) and they congratulated her about her pregnancy, but she wasn't pregnant because the L.A. doctor informed her she wasn't. She decided to keep everything mum because everyone is calling her out as a liar so she was better off not saying anything. She blames her mother for spreading the information to everyone.

May 2016 - she attends Farrah's birthday party and notes she even posted an IG photo with a comment that she isn't pregnant.

June 2016 - Jenelle finds out she is pregnant.

Whatever the fuck she is talking about, it is bogus. She wants the world to believe she wasn't pregnant by the time she was in Los Angeles, but doesn't mention if she miscarried or if she was misinformed about being pregnant. 

For all this talk about Mexico, did Leah even go? I think someone pointed out she ended up at some deer creek lodge place that we have here in So. Cal (which I would never go to BTW).  Whatever Jeremy has up his ass about Mexico or people of color, he isn't the first or the last. Being a female, I have had to deal with some shitty assholes who treat women like second class citizens and objects. I have been mistreated more for being female than being Hispanic. I have only had one incident where someone yelled out to me and my family that we needed to go back home per Trump's orders all because we were driving the speed limit. I was born here in California as were my parents. My grandparents came from Mexico and settled here in the early 1920s. I can see Jeremy's family being the kind of people who think they are superior. Jeremy should have hooked up with Kail. They'd make a great tag team in that department, especially with his Oreo comment and her asinine comments about POC hair.

Edited by GreatKazu
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Jenelle: No one is buying the shit coming out of your mouth. You were obviously pregnant when MTV asked you. I think she waited to announce, because it if hadn’t been a girl, there would’ve been nothing to say. Also, does the whole family include Jace, and the son that Uncle DoucheLord doesn’t have custody of? I doubt it.   Jenelle, your Mom finding out that you’re pregnant from a  police report is the bottom of the barrel.  Thank you Babs, for saying what we all feel about Jenelle being pregnant for a fourth time, by another dude she’s known for a year. 



Kail: Could you be any more of a bitch? Why aren’t you letting Javi throw away mail in the home that he owns with you?  Also, I’d trust him more not to sneak into your house, than I would with you.  Javi deserves so much better. Jo is definitely one of the more mature people in this mess.  Javi is definitely willing to work on the relationship, Kail doesn’t want to. Kail needs to look up the word Civil, because she is the opposite of it. Kail’s tattoos are so ugly.


Chelsea: I love how she and Taylor communicate and talk shit about Adumb. If he’s not paying support for Aubree, he probably isn’t paying for her child as well. Shouldn't Chelsea be the one to look up if Adumb is paying child support for her child? Of course, she needs her Dad to do it for her. 


Leah: Hawaii is not a 22 hour flight. Also, I’d be more comfortable with Addie going to Ohio, than going to Mexico, while you’re strung out on God knows what.  If she’s so upset that Corey got Jeremy involved, she shouldn’t have married a guy that Corey knew.  

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So according to Jenelle, she got pregnant sometime after Farrah's party in May, right? According to basic math and every due date calculator I could fine, little Ensley (is that the correct spelling?) is a few weeks early. No?

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6 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

I read Jenelle's tweets in the order she posted on her Twitter and believe me, I still didn't get it. I read it five times. I even read it out loud thinking that might help. I think the gist of it is:

April 2016 - Jenelle found out from her endocrinologist she was pregnant...the filming in the truck where Dave put his hand on her tummy is her and his excitement at the news of her being pregnant. However, she forgot they were being filmed by MTV. Okay, whatever. 

Last week of April 2016 - she flew out for the reunion show taping. While out there, she began to have what she assumed was her period. One of the doctors from the tv show The Doctors sent her to see a doctor and find out why she was bleeding since she was apparently pregnant. An ultrasound was done. No pregnancy.

May 2016 - MTV was at her home (what we watched last night) and they congratulated her about her pregnancy, but she wasn't pregnant because the L.A. doctor informed her she wasn't. She decided to keep everything mum because everyone is calling her out as a liar so she was better off not saying anything. She blames her mother for spreading the information to everyone.

May 2016 - she attends Farrah's birthday party and notes she even posted an IG photo with a comment that she isn't pregnant.

June 2016 - Jenelle finds out she is pregnant.

Whatever the fuck she is talking about, it is bogus. She wants the world to believe she wasn't pregnant by the time she was in Los Angeles, but doesn't mention if she miscarried or if she was misinformed about being pregnant. 

For all this talk about Mexico, did Leah even go? I think someone pointed out she ended up at some deer creek lodge place that we have here in So. Cal (which I would never go to BTW).  Whatever Jeremy has up his ass about Mexico or people of color, he isn't the first or the last. Being a female, I have had to deal with some shitty assholes who treat women like second class citizens and objects. I have been mistreated more for being female than being Hispanic. I have only had one incident where someone yelled out to me and my family that we needed to go back home per Trump's orders all because we were driving the speed limit. I was born here in California as were my parents. My grandparents came from Mexico and settled here in the early 1920s. I can see Jeremy's family being the kind of people who think they are superior. Jeremy should have hooked up with Kail. They'd make a great tag team in that department, especially with her asinine comments about POC hair.

lol exactly, thank you... I was so confused because the timeline fits perfectly that she was pregnant in april, but her version of events make absolutely no sense... are we supposed to believe that the ultrasound was wrong (which I HIGHLY doubt) or that she did lose the baby and miraculously got pregnant again almost immediately (possible, but I still doubt her version of events which is why I say miraculous) ? she has never cared about being called a liar before, I just don't believe that now it would cause her to shut her mouth. If her timeline were true she would be closer to 8 months and while the baby would be viable it would likely be small (depending on what time of the month she got re- Pregnated) 

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17 minutes ago, Birdee said:

So according to Jenelle, she got pregnant sometime after Farrah's party in May, right? According to basic math and every due date calculator I could fine, little Ensley (is that the correct spelling?) is a few weeks early. No?

Someone on twitter posted a chart showing that jenelle would be telling the truth because she would have gotten pregnant in may.  Her supporters are CRAZY! They made a freaking ovulation chart according to her tweets!! Hahaha

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32 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

@heatherchandler, actually that travel advisory only applies to certain areas of Mexico, not Mexico in general. Crime rates in various areas are updated every year, and most parts of the country are considered safe. Incidentally, areas of the U.S. have travel advisories from several other countries (such as the Bahamas), especially those considered racist or where there is a lot of crime and/or police brutality. 

Yes I remember that it was for certain areas, but people hear "travel advisory" and think - why risk it?  just pick another destination.  My family would go to Mexico every other year when I was younger, so I know it is not an inherently dangerous place, filled with "dangerous people."  But, I am suspecting that the reason Jeremy flew off the handle about Mexico is due to the very public travel advisories.

Like I said, he may be racist, I have no idea.  But getting worried about a trip to Mexico doesn't automatically mean that he is.

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1 minute ago, heatherchandler said:

Yes I remember that it was for certain areas, but people hear "travel advisory" and think - why risk it?  just pick another destination.  My family would go to Mexico every other year when I was younger, so I know it is not an inherently dangerous place, filled with "dangerous people."  But, I am suspecting that the reason Jeremy flew off the handle about Mexico is due to the very public travel advisories.

Like I said, he may be racist, I have no idea.  But getting worried about a trip to Mexico doesn't automatically mean that he is.


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Ok, I think I got it.  A blood test revealed she was pregnant, then an ultrasound (of what? by what kind of doctor? maybe they just said they didn't see anything and she twisted that around to a no), but then she figured she probably was [she took a test?] and they talked about it in the car.  So she pulled a Maci and decided she didn't have to act like she was pregnant yet.  Then she got to keep ingesting her 'be calm' substances for a few more weeks, in peace.  Then the car wreck in July shot that all to hell and she admitted the pregnancy in August.  This would put the baby at full term.

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2 hours ago, leighroda said:

Riiiiiight, I don't know if it's the broken twitter messages throwing me off, or this really doesn't make sense... either way I still don't buy it... but to be fair given jenelles propincity to lie, she could tell me the sky is blue and I'd question it.

Also Jenelle, MTV is your employer. They pay you hundreds of thousands for very little work. So if they stop by and want to shoot a short scene, you fucking do it.

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20 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

Also Jenelle, MTV is your employer. They pay you hundreds of thousands for very little work. So if they stop by and want to shoot a short scene, you fucking do it.

Just like Kail?

Kail didn't want to film although I supported her decision.She did not want to deal with the crew last night either.

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Welp, in terms of the way she treats people, Kail unseated Jenelle as the second-worst Teen Mom, right behind Farrah.  Javi certainly has some major faults but he's better than her by miles, in my book.  It was totally unnecessary for her to behave that way.  Of course he did have the nerve to want to check his mail in his own house that he is still half owner of, after living in probably pretty crappy conditions for the last 6 months.  Oh, and he bought a Toyota that Kail didn't like. 

I really hope she falls for someone who treats her the way she's treated Jo and Javi.  And I hope the realization of the way she's hurt people hits her like a Mack truck. 

Sweet, sensitive Isaac certainly is the polar opposite of his mother.

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2 hours ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

Now, if she was interested in weed, she'd hit Jamaica. 

Or Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Colorado, Massachusetts, Maine, or Washington, DC.  Or there's always Caitlynn and Tyler's crib in Michigan--if Leah's feeling lazy, she can just enjoy the contact high.


2 hours ago, Ljohnson1987 said:

Jenelle, your Mom finding out that you’re pregnant from a  police report is the bottom of the barrel. 

A police report she saw on the internet, no less.  I don't care for Barb, but even I feel sorry for her for that one.


2 hours ago, Mkay said:

Clendenin and Bomont, WV

Gracious.  Beaumont, Texas, is a pit, but at least they try to fancy it up with the "eau."

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1 hour ago, StatisticalOutlier said:



Gracious.  Beaumont, Texas, is a pit, but at least they try to fancy it up with the "eau."

I googled to make sure I was spelling it right. Being from Texas I knew about our Beaumont.  However, WV was definitely Bomont. 

Edited by Mkay
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3 hours ago, eskimo said:

Welp, in terms of the way she treats people, Kail unseated Jenelle as the second-worst Teen Mom, right behind Farrah.  Javi certainly has some major faults but he's better than her by miles, in my book.  It was totally unnecessary for her to behave that way.

Her bipolar was really, really coming out in that scene. She seemed downright  manic and her thought process was very, very irrational. Like, what did she expect, that everything would be settled the moment Javi came back, that they wouldn't at least have to talk about the practical side of things? That's not how it works. What I really think is that (as the preview indicated) she was afraid of getting confronted on some of her rumored behavior while Javi was gone and thought everything was okay at home. She is acting like a caged animal. She needs to get some meds and therapy, stat.

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5 hours ago, Birdee said:

So according to Jenelle, she got pregnant sometime after Farrah's party in May, right? According to basic math and every due date calculator I could fine, little Ensley (is that the correct spelling?) is a few weeks early. No?

Right?  If I do some rough calculations, little Endtable was conceived early April.  Does she know that we all know math?

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5 hours ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

Jeremy and Leah are both trash.

Leah doesn't have enough $$ to make her kids attractive kidnapping targets in Mexico. 

Away from the border towns and a certain state which shall remain nameless, Mexico is safe. We went there back in 2010 during swine flu...got an awesome deal. It was great. Lots of families from all over North America. 

I do find it interesting that the places she named are places where you can score her favorite drugsies.  Hawaii is known for meth (and weed) and Mexico for the pillsies (and weed).

Now, if she was interested in weed, she'd hit Jamaica. 

I think this is an Appalachian thing. Everyone around here goes to Myrtle Beach or Gatlinburg. A once in a lifetime trip is either Hawaii or Cancun. For those with a little cash, it is Ireland. Other than Florida, few people deviate from these places. We went to Hawaii and met 4 other families from our state in our hotel. 

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22 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

I think this is an Appalachian thing. Everyone around here goes to Myrtle Beach or Gatlinburg. A once in a lifetime trip is either Hawaii or Cancun. For those with a little cash, it is Ireland. Other than Florida, few people deviate from these places. We went to Hawaii and met 4 other families from our state in our hotel. 

NC resident here...spot. On. 

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Y'all have covered most of the important stuff.

Barb's sweet couch-sitting dog was giving me life in that sad, sad scene. 
Giving Kaiser the toy after he whined for it at "nap time" made me, as an early childhood type, cringe whole-heartedly. The conversation in the car was frightening, because of the creepy factor & because there was Kaiser sitting in the back seat, nary a thought given to him. The conversation that was actually about their land was pretty damn frightening, too. 

Leah & her clan had a few malapropisms that I didn't write down, but should have. There wasn't enough Ali in this episode for my liking. 

Vivi seems like a cool baby. Lincoln does, indeed, look like his grandpa! (I had wondered the same thing.) Isaac. Just heart-breaking. 

I love the way Chelsea is esteeming Aubree, treating her like a bigger kid. It's pretty awesome to see, & theirs are the only segments I like-watch (& sometimes love, because of Aubree's coolness, enthusiasm, husky voice, & turtle spotting). 

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2 hours ago, HeySandyStrange said:

Her bipolar was really, really coming out in that scene. She seemed downright  manic and her thought process was very, very irrational. Like, what did she expect, that everything would be settled the moment Javi came back, that they wouldn't at least have to talk about the practical side of things? That's not how it works. What I really think is that (as the preview indicated) she was afraid of getting confronted on some of her rumored behavior while Javi was gone and thought everything was okay at home. She is acting like a caged animal. She needs to get some meds and therapy, stat.

I think what she wants is a divorce that is of zero inconvenience to her.  Everyone else can fuck off.

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I just keep thinking about how dumb Jenelle must think we are to think that anyone would actually believe they were talking about the land... and that mish mashed timeline she is giving... I know I commented already I just can't wrap my head around anyone believing any of that. I also noticed that when she says she lied to mtv because she was under the impression she had a miscarriage, she is not trying to hide sadness, she is holding back a smile, and it's pretty obvious.

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3 hours ago, HeySandyStrange said:

Her bipolar was really, really coming out in that scene. She seemed downright  manic and her thought process was very, very irrational. Like, what did she expect, that everything would be settled the moment Javi came back, that they wouldn't at least have to talk about the practical side of things?

Karl is bipolar? -- She was acting like she'd just had really hot sweaty sex in the broom closet before the doorbell rang and was afraid that if Javi got too close, he'd smell it on her. She had the look of a caged animal, forced to endure his presence. She was literally counting the seconds til he was gone. Javi was trying to at least be cordial. His pushy questioning of her in the car was creepy as fuck, but it was probably prompted by her uber-bitchiness at the house. When you treat someone with so much disrespect, it paves the way for them to do the same. Why are all these girls such complete failures at having any healthy relationships? They suck at their lives. They suck as parents. They suck as wives or girlfriends. They all just suck, except for Chelsea.

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I was so incredibly mad at Kail!  What a ginormous bitch!  Poor Isaac he is the sweetest little guy and my heart breaks for him that he has such a horrible monster mom!  Looks like Jo and V might be a little angry but likely know how she is going to act and try to completely block Javi out of all their lives so she can bang whatever loser  is next.  Selfish bitch and I hope she reads here. 

And what the F is wrong with Leah?  She looks emaciated and very sick!  No way she is off the drugs her teeth even looked wrecked!

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I really do think the title of the episode just states the obvious that the show should not continue.  You can't get paid to be on a reality show, but then try to hold major secrets while filming, especially during filming.  It is one thing if you are actually good at keeping secrets, but not if you are obviously telling and showing half the story and then saying you don't want to talk about it.  

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I must say I am enjoying watching Kail dish it out to Javi.  Javi is/was a controlling jerk plus he was all too happy when Kail was being a total bitch to Joe.  Payback is a muther.......  

Leah.  Hawaii.  Mexico for vacation.  Then she says "I dont think any of the kids Dads will mind."   This show is so alternate Teen Mom reality.      Not to mention the group she was talking to was higher than kites. 

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10 hours ago, Grandma Saracen said:

I love the way Chelsea is esteeming Aubree, treating her like a bigger kid. It's pretty awesome to see, & theirs are the only segments I like-watch (& sometimes love, because of Aubree's coolness, enthusiasm, husky voice, & turtle spotting). 

I do like them, and Aubree is very cute but I fast-forward through all of their scenes.  They are just so boring.  I have never been a fast-forward-er, but with them, it has come to this.


9 hours ago, leighroda said:

I just keep thinking about how dumb Jenelle must think we are to think that anyone would actually believe they were talking about the land... and that mish mashed timeline she is giving... I know I commented already I just can't wrap my head around anyone believing any of that. I also noticed that when she says she lied to mtv because she was under the impression she had a miscarriage, she is not trying to hide sadness, she is holding back a smile, and it's pretty obvious.

Yeah that was giddiness, not sadness.  She is a really bad liar.  

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Adam is such a douchebag he makes my skin crawl every time he shows his ugly mug on the screen.  Gah.  He's horrible.  I don't know why MtV doesn't just drop him.  You wanna act like an asshole?  Cool.  No check for you.  Seriously, Mtv.  DROP HIM.

My husband made the mistake of coming in the room when I was watching last night.  Every time Leah came on the screen he commented "holy tweaker!"   Jeremy really did show his ass, though.  He was OBVIOUSLY just trying to stir up trouble by calling Corey.  It was hard for me to get past the "22" hour flight to Hawaii though.  Google shows a flight from West Virginia to Hawaii is 8.2 hours.  How do you get 22 hours from that??  I'm sure she can afford a nonstop flight.  She's such a dingbat.

Jenelle and David make me want to hurl.  She's definitely a "parting gift" mother.  Every relationship gets a parting gift in the form of an embryo.  Whether or not said embryo remains with Jenelle until or past birth is to be determined.  But every seed gets a chance (gag.)  Also?  If she wasn't pregnant until June like her stupid tweets say, she wouldn't be due until March.  I know because I conceived my son in June and he was born March 16.  If she had the baby in mid-January she got pregnant April/May.   Idiot.  God she really does think people are dumb.

Kail....damn girl!  At least watching her scenes with my husband led to me finding out that my husband will sleep in the neighbors driveway if we ever break up and drag out the divorce as long as humanly possible.  Apparently that's what Javi should be doing, per my husband. LOL.   I'm pretty sure he was yelling at Javi on tv more than I was yelling at Leah. 

Edited by lezlers
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Okay, because I have no life, I went to an online conception date calendar and plugged in little Ensley's birth date...got back a possible conception window of April 29th to May 7th.  (This is assuming she didn't arrive early or late but right at 40 weeks).

Anybody know the dates they filmed the reunion?  And when was that Target pic?

It is very possible to get pregnant right after a miscarriage...happened to me twice (resulting in two perfectly healthy children, yay!) The way my OB explained it to me was that the miscarriages serve as a "practice run" to get the body amped up for pregnancy, and that it's a very, very common thing.  So it's possible.

But it is Jenelle we're talking about, so it's probably all a big fat lie.

Edited by peskipiksi
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17 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

Yes I remember that it was for certain areas, but people hear "travel advisory" and think - why risk it?  just pick another destination.  My family would go to Mexico every other year when I was younger, so I know it is not an inherently dangerous place, filled with "dangerous people."  But, I am suspecting that the reason Jeremy flew off the handle about Mexico is due to the very public travel advisories.

Like I said, he may be racist, I have no idea.  But getting worried about a trip to Mexico doesn't automatically mean that he is.

You're right that getting worried about Leah taking his daughter to another country doesn't make him a racist.  That scene in the trailer with his hillbilly father sure as hell did, tho.

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OK. I think I may  have figured out Leah's 22-hour time line. Sleeping in, packing at the last minute, a quick "panic attack," breakfast at the gas station, driving to the airport, waiting in line, waiting to board, the actual flight, finding their luggage, arranging transportation to the hotel in a frenzy, stopping at a gas station for a snack on the way, trying to check in, franitaclly looking for her credit card and ID, finally finding it, getting to their rooms, drinking some sodas and cheese in a can, jumping on the beds, crashing, then getting up to actually begin the vacation must equal about 22 hours.

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15 minutes ago, peskipiksi said:

Okay, because I have no life, I went to an online conception date calendar and plugged in little Ensley's birth date...got back a possible conception window of April 29th to May 7th.  (This is assuming she didn't arrive early or late but right at 40 weeks).

Anybody know the dates they filmed the reunion?  And when was that Target pic?

It is very possible to get pregnant right after a miscarriage...happened to me twice (resulting in two perfectly healthy children, yay!) The way my OB explained it to me was that the miscarriages serve as a "practice run" to get the body amped up for pregnancy, and that it's a very, very common thing.  So it's possible.

But it is Jenelle we're talking about, so it's probably all a big fat lie.

I think the reunion taped April 23

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12 hours ago, HeySandyStrange said:

 What I really think is that (as the preview indicated) she was afraid of getting confronted on some of her rumored behavior while Javi was gone and thought everything was okay at home. She is acting like a caged animal. She needs to get some meds and therapy, stat.

Yes x100.  Kail sure did seem to behave as if she was doing her best to avoid from having anything spill out of Javi's mouth. The shifty eyes, the facial expressions, she just looked like a person who is guilty as fuck.


9 hours ago, lidarose9 said:

Karl is bipolar? -- She was acting like she'd just had really hot sweaty sex in the broom closet before the doorbell rang and was afraid that if Javi got too close, he'd smell it on her. She had the look of a caged animal, forced to endure his presence. She was literally counting the seconds til he was gone. Javi was trying to at least be cordial. His pushy questioning of her in the car was creepy as fuck, but it was probably prompted by her uber-bitchiness at the house. When you treat someone with so much disrespect, it paves the way for them to do the same. Why are all these girls such complete failures at having any healthy relationships? They suck at their lives. They suck as parents. They suck as wives or girlfriends. They all just suck, except for Chelsea.

Haha so glad someone pointed out what I was really thinking.  Kail had that look that someone has when they are too eager to get someone out of their home because either someone was in the home or someone was on their way.

I was thinking Javi's pushy behavior was likely MTV crew having asked him to ask Kail questions in the car because they needed a conversation from those two. Up until that point, Kail wasn't doing her job for which she gets paid six figures.


It was hard for me to get past the "22" hour flight to Hawaii though.  Google shows a flight from West Virginia to Hawaii is 8.2 hours.  How do you get 22 hours from that?? 

Leah must have Googled wrong information while tweaking. She mistakenly viewed shuttle flights into space.

I live in So California. My family and I took a trip to Bahamas. We had two stops. Our total flight time was approximately 8 hours. 

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18 hours ago, Birdee said:

So according to Jenelle, she got pregnant sometime after Farrah's party in May, right? According to basic math and every due date calculator I could fine, little Ensley (is that the correct spelling?) is a few weeks early. No?

40 weeks back is April 19th for when baby girl was conceived . When was the reunion? She says she had a miscarriage and the immediately got pregnant within what a week or two? How far along was she when she miscarried. 

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I think the reunion was like a week-ish later. I don't think she's said how far along she was when she lost the baby. Conceivably, she could be telling the truth. I guess. I just can't buy it though. I think she was pregnant (with the same pregnancy) at the reunion, Farrah's party, in the car with the belly rubbing and sitting on the couch.

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16 minutes ago, toodywoody said:

40 weeks back is April 19th for when baby girl was conceived . When was the reunion? She says she had a miscarriage and the immediately got pregnant within what a week or two? How far along was she when she miscarried. 

The week of April 25, 2016 is when the cast arrived to tape the reunion: http://www.realitytea.com/2016/04/25/teen-mom-2-reunion-films-l-photos-leah-messers-ex-husbands-corey-simms-jeremy-calvert-stay-home/#/slide/1

If you scroll through the photo slideshow at the bottom of the link, you will be able to see a few Jenelle photos of her tummy area.

Edited by GreatKazu
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