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S07.E13: Breaking The Wall / S07.E14: Deja Vu

Tara Ariano
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6 minutes ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

Leah needs to have a seat. When she and Jeremy were married, he worked out of town for long stretches of time (just like he does now). She was never oh-so-super-sad for Addy about her not seeing her dad when they were married. 

And I bet she isn't sad about that sweet $1800/mo (or something like that) child support check when Jeremy writes it each month.  His job makes that possible. 

Leah has always had a problem with the guys in her life having jobs. I guess she never learned there is a difference between a man not being home because he has a job versus a father who wasn't home because he was out doing 8 balls and didn't come home for days.

@Uncle JUICE and to those noticing Jenelle's butt and how she looked in her jump suit. She also had a protruding butt when she was wearing her black jacket and pants as she walked into the parking garage. I just remembered she loves her butt enhancer:


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In all honesty, adam adds nothing to the show. He is literally on for 2 minutes every other episode and when he actually is on, he doesn't bring anything different than if chelsea were just talking about him to the cameras. Why not call his bluff and just take him off the show all together? I know chelsea has no story line and the constant rehashing of adam being a bad father is all she has, but is it really necessary to beg the guy to be on the show? You don't want the paycheck? Let's see how long that lasts.

I don't see anything wrong with kailyn going skydiving. I'm surprised there is a big deal being made about it on the discussion board. You really don;t hear of many stories where skydiving has gone wrong. Smoking is a way bigger risk and she's still allowed to have adventures just because she has kids. On another note, Javi didn't stand a chance in hell. Since they got together, I rarely saw her look interested in him. She does seem to raise her kids well though.

Leah is just a mess. During the first couple of seasons, I thought she came off as a decent mother (especially given her age).. but now she is just a hot mess. (except a not so hot one)... It must suck to look back and realize what she could have had with corey if she didn't screw it up for herself. Jeremy is hot IMO but no loss there. Hes an asshole.

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30 minutes ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

Leah needs to have a seat. When she and Jeremy were married, he worked out of town for long stretches of time (just like he does now).  She was never oh-so-super-sad for Addy about her not seeing her dad when they were married. 

And I bet she isn't sad about that sweet $1800/mo (or something like that) child support check when Jeremy writes it each month.  His job makes that possible. 

Thank you for reminding me of that.  Jeremy has always worked out of town. My own situation made me feel almost bad for Leah/Addie (almost).  

I'm sure she's more annoyed that his girlfriend is with him.  Leah really is pathetic. 

Edited by imjagain
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1 minute ago, imjagain said:

I'm sure she's more annoyed that his girlfriend is with him.  Leah really is pathetic. 

Is what I was thinking. She can cry Addie's feelings all she wants, but I got the feeling she was more pissy about Jeremy having fun with his new squeeze. I said it elsewhere, but Jeremy has a) always worked out of town for his sweet huge paychecks and b) he has never shown him to be a devoted dad in the way Corey or Jo are. So why Leah acts all put out that Jeremy isn't trying to spend every second with his daughter beats me. Addie is kind of young to even care all that much, it is more about Leah's feelings then anything.

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3 hours ago, Linny said:


I started watching this episode while I was eating breakfast. Then I saw Kail's dog vomit and realized I had made a very poor decision. 

I am planning to watch this episode now, as I sit down to lunch!  Would it be possible to tell me if the puking was in the begining, middle or end of the episode??  So I can avoid it!  I cannot deal with puke, even on tv.

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6 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

I am planning to watch this episode now, as I sit down to lunch!  Would it be possible to tell me if the puking was in the begining, middle or end of the episode??  So I can avoid it!  I cannot deal with puke, even on tv.

I'm no fan of puke, but the idea that Chelsea's friend's pee stick was sitting in her hot car all day is somehow worse. 

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6 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

I am planning to watch this episode now, as I sit down to lunch!  Would it be possible to tell me if the puking was in the begining, middle or end of the episode??  So I can avoid it!  I cannot deal with puke, even on tv.


It's at the beginning of the episode. The scene where Kail has two male friends visiting her house.

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24 minutes ago, Uncle JUICE said:

I'm no fan of puke, but the idea that Chelsea's friend's pee stick was sitting in her hot car all day is somehow worse. 

Question the boundaries you have with the friend who has discarded urine pregnancy tests in the car...  

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49 minutes ago, HeySandyStrange said:

Is what I was thinking. She can cry Addie's feelings all she wants, but I got the feeling she was more pissy about Jeremy having fun with his new squeeze. I said it elsewhere, but Jeremy has a) always worked out of town for his sweet huge paychecks and b) he has never shown him to be a devoted dad in the way Corey or Jo are. So why Leah acts all put out that Jeremy isn't trying to spend every second with his daughter beats me. Addie is kind of young to even care all that much, it is more about Leah's feelings then anything.

Yes!!! I bet the real problem is that Leah has no man in her life. Her relationship with TR Dues likely started around the same time as Jeremy/Brooke, and she's probably mad that hers crashed and burned while theirs ended in engagement. 

Why is she surprised though? Stereotypically (and these people seem very into stereotypes), men want a pretty, laid-back woman with low baggage and good domestic skills, while women want someone who is a strong provider. Even though they're both pretty bad choices, Jeremy offers a lot more to his target market than Leah does. 

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I am 100% convinced that Leah reads everything that is written about her on the Interwebs. From the attempts  show the girlses eating veggies and fruit, her attempts to clean the house, using the wheelchair, her noting what time it was when they left the house (not late!), she is clearly trying to show the world her good momness. The Dr. has explained to them eleventy million times that the whell chair should be used as much as possible, yet once again, Corey is saying that Ali is getting stronger. One of these days, she is going to fall and have a major injury. 

Janelle and Nathan and David are all just dumb as a box of rocks, correct? Janelle wants every holiday? Good luck with that! I'm guessing the mediator had Janelle up against a wall (figuratively) and pushed for the visitation schedule, letting her know that the judge wouldn't be happy if he started looking at her record. Not that Nathan is any better. But once she finally gives in, UBT tells her that he doesn't like that Nathan gets visitation. So Janelle has to be the one to tell him that this is the way its going to be. Excuse me, The Roll isn't your kid. You have no say so. 

Chelsea, boredom. Cut Adam loose from the show. He adds nothing. 

Poor Isaac is so freaking confused about which Daddy Kail is talking about. Kail should have NEVER told Isaac to call Javi daddy. And of course now they are divorcing and so Isaac will have 3 daddies soon. And more confusion ensues. 

Edited by poeticlicensed
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5 hours ago, Uncle JUICE said:

No, Leah insisted that because Brooke was wherever Jeremy is, I think in South Dakota, that her three year old THOUGHT her dad was home. Leah, your three year old ASKED if her dad was home, I thought. And then her high horse about how she'd skip lunch if it meant facetiming with the girls, and how Jeremy looked bored and wanted to stop talking...look, it's time for some #realtalk. Anyone ever try to talk to a three year old for a protracted amount of time? It's impossible. Look at Lincoln: he had like two minutes and wanted to go do something else. That's how they work.

Exactly. Not to mention, it looked like Leah Facetimed him while he was at dinner, in a restaurant. I HATE talking on the phone in public. I don't think I'd even have answered. Does Leah text Germy first, to find out if it's a good time? I seriously doubt it. 


4 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

Oops! Thanks, I get mixed up with all the boyfriends, mothers, grandmothers in people's lives! 

Understandable. She has about 7 boyfriends that we've seen on the show, and 3 baby daddies. Then there are THEIR parents, siblings, exes, and kids. Whew. We need a flow chart or something. 


2 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:


Leah needs to have a seat. When she and Jeremy were married, he worked out of town for long stretches of time (just like he does now). She was never oh-so-super-sad for Addy about her not seeing her dad when they were married. 


Not about Addy, but she did bitch about being alone. Constantly. Leah has never liked his job. Nevermind that it kept them in Mountain Dew and table frosting. If you're not there to kiss Leah's ass 24 hours a day, it's no good. Apparently this applies even AFTER a divorce. 

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3 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

Janelle and Nathan and David are all just dumb as a box of rocks, correct? Janelle wants every holiday? Good luck with that?

She then said that maybe Nathan could have the holidays next year. So she's going to forgo every single holiday with Kaiser for ONE year? Yea right. Stupidest thing I've ever heard of. Most people alternate holidays, not years. So this year you have Thanksgiving and HE has Christmas, next year it's the opposite. Jenelle continues to just want to stick it to Nathan. I'm sure by next Christmas she'll be pregnant with #4, ignoring Ensley, and not giving a flying fuck WHERE Kaiser spends Christmas. 

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20 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

Uh yeah!. Please don't expect me to eat at your house any time soon. That will forever be the pee counter.

And what's with touching other people's pee stick? It's urine people!

I don't get why so many people are squicked out by this.  For starters, you don't pee up and down the entire stick, you only pee on the tip, which is then covered completely by a plastic cap.  No actual urine is touching the counter (I'd assume if there was any splash over, she wiped it off.)  Secondly, urine is sterile.  I'd be more concerned with raw meat touching the counter than the plastic handle of a pregnancy test.  

Maybe it's because I've got two small kids and am constantly dealing with bodily fluids.  I just don't see the big deal about looking at someone's pregnancy test. 

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I don't understand how Leah thinks government assistance is bad, yet expects a lifestyle of two stay-at-home parents. We know that Dawn worked all these years, and presumably Lee did too, so I don't understand where the disconnect happens with Leah. I can give, say, the Duggar kids much more of a pass, because both of their parents were usually at home. But Leah, a product of two working parents, is fundamentally unable to accept staying home by herself for any amount of time, and acts like these guys having jobs is a bad and unusual thing. Yet, if she found an unemployed bum to worship her 24/7, she would have a problem with welfare? *scratches head*

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17 hours ago, shelley1005 said:

In the past couple of years....Jo has really grown on me.  Watching him help Kail and just give her some positive support is nice to see.  Dysfunctional or not, those two are family.  

P.S.  For a second I thought Lincoln was wearing a MAKE AMERICAN GREAT AGAIN red hat.....but thankfully, that was not the case. 

Omg me too. I had to make sure because I couldn't believe she would have him in one. 

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31 minutes ago, lezlers said:

I don't get why so many people are squicked out by this.  For starters, you don't pee up and down the entire stick, you only pee on the tip, which is then covered completely by a plastic cap.  No actual urine is touching the counter (I'd assume if there was any splash over, she wiped it off.)  Secondly, urine is sterile.  I'd be more concerned with raw meat touching the counter than the plastic handle of a pregnancy test.  

Maybe it's because I've got two small kids and am constantly dealing with bodily fluids.  I just don't see the big deal about looking at someone's pregnancy test. 

Thank you!  I saved both of my positive pregnancy tests, and they are wrapped up in a box and then also a plastic bag!  But - when I tell people I still have them, they are so disgusted.  I am usually grossed out by bodily fluids, but pee sticks don't bother me.


2 hours ago, Linny said:


It's at the beginning of the episode. The scene where Kail has two male friends visiting her house.

Thank you for the heads-up!  I just cannot deal with puke.

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1 hour ago, poeticlicensed said:

I am 100% convinced that Leah reads everything that is written about her on the Interwebs. From the attempts  show the girlses eating veggies and fruit, her attempts to clean the house, using the wheelchair, her noting what time it was when they left the house (not late!), she is clearly trying to show the world her good momness. The Dr. has explained to them eleventy million times that the whell chair should be used as much as possible, yet once again, Corey is saying that Ali is getting stronger. One of these days, she is going to fall and have a major injury. 

Janelle and Nathan and David are all just dumb as a box of rocks, correct? Janelle wants every holiday? Good luck with that! I'm guessing the mediator had Janelle up against a wall (figuratively) and pushed for the visitation schedule, letting her know that the judge wouldn't be happy if he started looking at her record. Not that Nathan is any better. But once she finally gives in, UBT tells her that he doesn't like that Nathan gets visitation. So Janelle has to be the one to tell him that this is the way its going to be. Excuse me, The Roll isn't your kid. You have no say so. 

Chelsea, boredom. Cut Adam loose from the show. He adds nothing. 

Poor Isaac is so freaking confused about which Daddy Kail is talking about. Kail should have NEVER told Isaac to call Javi daddy. And of course now they are divorcing and so Isaac will have 3 daddies soon. And more confusion ensues. 

And why isn't Kail trying to squash that at this point, now that she knows she is getting a divorce?  I know Isaac can't be expected to just stop calling Javi "daddy" but Kail was pushing it hard when she was like, do you miss daddy? And he asked which one and she gave him a look before she answered Javi. Why not start to make the transition easier by saying "do you miss Javi?"  Or maybe not asking that at all since soon he won't be a part of his life at all.  Is she still going to have Isaac calling two men Daddy if she moves in with another man?  It's confusing for me and I'm not a 7 year old.

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47 minutes ago, lezlers said:

I don't get why so many people are squicked out by this.  For starters, you don't pee up and down the entire stick, you only pee on the tip, which is then covered completely by a plastic cap.  No actual urine is touching the counter (I'd assume if there was any splash over, she wiped it off.)  Secondly, urine is sterile.  I'd be more concerned with raw meat touching the counter than the plastic handle of a pregnancy test.  

Maybe it's because I've got two small kids and am constantly dealing with bodily fluids.  I just don't see the big deal about looking at someone's pregnancy test. 


If I may point out, it may be because back in the olden days there wasn't a cap for the stick. One just peed on the stick. Things have changed and many females haven't had to use a pregnancy stick in ages to know how they have evolved. Thank goodness. LOL  I have saved my pregnancy urine sticks from years ago.

Kail's friend wasn't about to pick up that vomit, but she sure expected someone to do it. It's your pet and your house, you fucking pick up that mess. That scene reminded me of the dog shit that was on her carpet back when she put her dogs in cages so they wouldn't make a mess on the floor. Wasn't that the straw that broke the manatee's back when she assaulted Javi?

It is always about Leah.  Always. Stop acting as if Jeremy is like Adumb and doesn't give a shit about his child. He does.

I so badly want Jeremy to tell Leah 'You want me to spend more time with Addie? Okay. I will take her with me to my job and Brooke can take care of her here. When I get out of work, I can then spend every single evening with Addie. But, that means I will deduct a portion of my child support since I will have her in my care and custody.'

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1 hour ago, lezlers said:

Maybe it's because I've got two small kids and am constantly dealing with bodily fluids.  I just don't see the big deal about looking at someone's pregnancy test.

Didn't bother me at all. I saved all of mine! I'm typically not a person that's grossed out by a lot, though. Germs don't phase me. So my opinion may be out in left field. 

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When I did my pregnancy tests I peed into a cup and then dipped the stick in that because I was worried about pee spraying everywhere lol. I also have my tests saved, I'm in the same boat as many of you other mommas.  Nothing really grosses me out ha ha

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58 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Didn't bother me at all. I saved all of mine! I'm typically not a person that's grossed out by a lot, though. Germs don't phase me. So my opinion may be out in left field. 

I saved mine for quite a while, too.  I finally threw them away when my youngest was about a year old.  Figured those walking talking little monsters are proof positive those pee sticks were legit.  :D

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1 hour ago, SPLAIN said:

If I may point out, it may be because back in the olden days there wasn't a cap for the stick. One just peed on the stick. Things have changed and many females haven't had to use a pregnancy stick in ages to know how they have evolved. Thank goodness. LOL  I have saved my pregnancy urine sticks from years ago.


It didn't bother me, either. I also saved my pregnancy stick from one of my pregnancies. You can wave those suckers around and the pee still isn't coming off of them. I know it might just be the idea of urine that's gross, but I am more icked out by the raw meat I've seen them lay on their counters and the  little grubby hands (fingers in noses, hands that wipe bottoms but don't wash after, etc.) that are all over the counters and tables (that then don't get wiped off). 

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1 minute ago, mamadrama said:

It didn't bother me, either. I also saved my pregnancy stick from one of my pregnancies. You can wave those suckers around and the pee still isn't coming off of them. I know it might just be the idea of urine that's gross, but I am more icked out by the raw meat I've seen them lay on their counters and the  little grubby hands (fingers in noses, hands that wipe bottoms but don't wash after, etc.) that are all over the counters and tables (that then don't get wiped off). 

Another good point.  Once that urine is dry there's nothing "gross" to even touch.  Urine itself it sterile and once it's dry it's not getting on your fingers when you touch it (even if you were to touch the actual stick.  I had both the pee on stick kind and the dip in cup kind.  Fertility issues.  Lots of tests.)  

I know this is totally off topic now, I'm just happy I'm not the only one who's thinking "what is the big effin' deal about showing a positive pregnancy test to someone who wants to see it?"

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21 hours ago, shelley1005 said:


P.S.  For a second I thought Lincoln was wearing a MAKE AMERICAN GREAT AGAIN red hat.....but thankfully, that was not the case. 

OMG!  I had to pause and backup to read the hat to make sure it did NOT say that. I was thankful too!

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4 hours ago, lezlers said:

 Secondly, urine is sterile.  I'd be more concerned with raw meat touching the counter than the plastic handle of a pregnancy test.  

Not picking on you, Lezlers, you just happened to be the first quote I found. Urine isn't actually sterile - that's just an urban legend. Urine of even healthy people contains low levels of bacteria. Researchers were just unable to culture the bacteria back in the 1950s when the myth was born. But honestly, that pregnancy test probably had more bacteria on the handle from people holding it than from the urine. Just scrub the counter and maybe don't tell people you put it there.

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OMG Janelle's eyebrows were as thick as a dudes. I couldn't stop laughing.

Good for Chelsea for working out and getting fit. 

Sorry but the throw up was gross and I was grossing put looking at it. So I would have been freaked out too. 

What's up with Uncle Creepers John Travolta Staying Alive shirt? Wtf?

And ViVi and her Boo pigtails. Oh my goodness so cute. Aubree is still my favorite. 

Janelle and Leah still play the bad dad card when is is convenient. Leah's house still looked like shit was everywhere. And it's funny you guys are talking about Janelle's ass, because my daughter stopped dead in her tracks and asked if Janelle had her ass done. So funny. Loved seeing Kaiser wanting to be held by Barb. 

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I'm not really phased by either pee sticks or dog vomit. Hi, my name is Grandma Saracen & I'm the daughter of a veterinarian. *waves*

Isaac's freckles & blonde hair were so sweet, & I loved the scene of him at Jo & Vee's. Kailyn is lucky she has people who listen to her so well.

Aubree's "I know that you love me" cracked me all the way up.

Ali's eye roll when listening to her mom at the doctor's cracked me up, too, & made me want to give her an extra turn with the easy cheese. I like seeing Dr. Tsao, because I feel like he understands who Ali is (*still* one of the smartest people on the show), but it makes me sad, too, for obvious reasons. Leah's projection onto Addie was just...ew. 

I like that they made sure to capture Jenelle's most classiest mediation heels in one of the interstitial stills. 


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Corey continues to pray his daughter's Muscular Dystrophy away.  The unwillingness to accept the treatment plan from one of the top MD specialists in the world is frightening. Frankly, it's more upsetting than shit Janelle has done to her children. 

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7 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

Corey continues to pray his daughter's Muscular Dystrophy away.  The unwillingness to accept the treatment plan from one of the top MD specialists in the world is frightening. Frankly, it's more upsetting than shit Janelle has done to her children. 

I think I find them equally but distinctly disturbing, myself. I feel like Jenelle's manipulations and use of the kid as a prop in her life is something she should almost know better about, it's difficult to explain. Corey's problem is a regional one, it's how he was raised, it's somehow less like willful ignorance and more like tragic naivete. Put it this way: when one of Jenelle's kids ends up behind bars (sorry, but the statistics will show...), I won't feel bad for her, I'll feel bad for the child. When the inevitable happens with Ali, I'll feel just awful for everyone involved. 

Edited by Uncle JUICE
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On 1/3/2017 at 3:02 PM, SuzyLee said:

My five-year-old niece "graduated" from daycare last August and is attending kindergarten now.  If she weren't so cute, I may have heckled from the audience.  There were actual caps, gowns, and little diplomas and they weren't even in kindergarten yet.

This.  If it weren't for Kindergarten Graduation, I wouldn't have seen my then 5-year old daughter wear her cap and gown and receive her itty bitty rolled up diploma in the press room of the Dallas Cowboys Stadium <<preening>>.

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Does anyone else see a new episode airing tonight on their guide? Mine shows a new episode. I checked the list of episodes for the new season and going by what I read, it is named '100' and it is apparently supposed to air Friday. The description of the episode reads as follows: On the 100th episode of Teen Mom 2, Chelsea shares big news with Aubree and the MTV team. Kailyn and Javi finally come to a decision about their marriage. Leah finds a new home for her and the girls.

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8 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

Does anyone else see a new episode airing tonight on their guide? Mine shows a new episode. I checked the list of episodes for the new season and going by what I read, it is named '100' and it is apparently supposed to air Friday. The description of the episode reads as follows: On the 100th episode of Teen Mom 2, Chelsea shares big news with Aubree and the MTV team. Kailyn and Javi finally come to a decision about their marriage. Leah finds a new home for her and the girls.

Definitely one tonight according to a commercial on Monday's episode. 

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4 minutes ago, Uncle JUICE said:

Definitely one tonight according to a commercial on Monday's episode. 

Thanks. I DVR my episodes so I can FF through the commercials.

6 minutes ago, dorcastrilling said:

I am seeing that it is a clip show ,the top 100 moments or something like that.

I see that as well. The one airing tonight is an actual episode. I will wait and see if the mod will make a thread for the episode.

Edited by GreatKazu
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On 1/2/2017 at 7:16 PM, Lm2162 said:

I know it's an unpopular opinion but Chelsea irritates the shit out of me. I still like her the best though despite finding her annoying, that's how bad the other ones are. 

I totally agree, I can't stand Chelsea! Even though she is less of a hot mess than everyone else, she is super annoying. And her eyeliner is ridiculous. I think she does her eyeliner and hair like that because if she didn't she would look exactly like her mother!!! Welcome to your future, Cole. She looked like sideshow Bob from The Simpsons when she was at the gym working out with Taylor. I have another unpopular opinion though-- I do not think Aubree's raspy voice is adorable! It's just as annoying as Chelsea's baby talk. 

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4 minutes ago, Inga said:

I totally agree, I can't stand Chelsea! Even though she is less of a hot mess than everyone else, she is super annoying. And her eyeliner is ridiculous. I think she does her eyeliner and hair like that because if she didn't she would look exactly like her mother!!! Welcome to your future, Cole. She looked like sideshow Bob from The Simpsons when she was at the gym working out with Taylor. I have another unpopular opinion though-- I do not think Aubree's raspy voice is adorable! It's just as annoying as Chelsea's baby talk. 

Chelsea is a really pretty girl, but her makeup is straight from a Vegas drag show. I get that you want to look good when you're on national tv every week, but tone it down a little. Personality wise, she's one of those people I'd probably like but wouldn't want to spend more than five minutes with. I think her and her friends can be really immature at times. In terms of the Teen Mom spectrum however, she's the least offensive and one of the few who isn't a totally shit parent so I'll give her credit for that. I don't fear for Baby Deboer's future the way I do with Ensley.

Regarding the above comments about Dr. Tsao, I recall him telling Leah that Ali needed to wear a helmet when she wasn't in her wheelchair. I can probably count on one hand the number of times we'll see Ali wearing a helmet over the course of the entire season. 

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Regarding the above comments about Dr. Tsao, I recall him telling Leah that Ali needed to wear a helmet when she wasn't in her wheelchair. I can probably count on one hand the number of times we'll see Ali wearing a helmet over the course of the entire season. 

I am afraid to go check Leah, Cory's, and Paw Paw's Instagram for fear I will see that child with no helmet. The new episodes must have been been filmed sometime in September.

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It's so interesting that to admit any of Chelsea's flaws is an unpopular decision. I definitely like her as a person, mainly because of what kind of mother she is, but I think Chelsea (knowingly or unknowingly) has tapped into something so much bigger...

In every high school, there are the regular "popular girls" who flatly refuse to give you the time of day, but there is that one girl who hangs out with them, but is polite to everyone else. High school girls are desperate to hang out with someone "cool," so they rabidly defend someone popular who is friendly to them. "I thought she'd be a bitch, but she is soooo nice! SHE IS THE BEST PERSON EVER!!!!" It usually takes a while before the illusion crashes down, when they either hear the girl talking crap about them, or realize that they're doing all the work in a nonexistent "friendship," and the popular girl couldn't give a crap about them. They usually get over this, though, and dismiss her few rude actions because she's "popular and sooooo nice!" I knew a girl like this in high school, who was actually a lot like Chelsea, and it would amaze me the lengths people would go to in order to justify her bad behavior, all because she made small talk with them a few times or called them a friend once. Even today, when she posts a mediocre selfie on FB, she gets like 20 comments from people from high school gushing about her miraculous beauty (and as an adult, she is really just average looking). They still seek her acceptance.

chelsea unfortunately gives me this feeling. She has always seemed, to me, like the fun, social, "approachable" girl in high school who would let you comfort her for hours when Adam left her at a party, and say she appreciated you soooo much, but would be making fun of your outfit with her friends the next day. I don't really have any proof of this, but it's just the vibe I get from her. I think she hits a lot of fans in that vulnerable weak spot, and by vigorously defending and lavishing praise on her, they are unconsciously working on gaining the acceptance and full friendship from that girl at their high school. 

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What does Leah expect? That Jeremy and Addie have an hour long conversation about philosophy on Facetime? She's three! She complained that he Skyped her but only spoke for about two minutes. A two minute conversation sounds about right for a three year old. I can't with her.

Pigs must be flying outside because Jenelle was actually making sense when she was explaining to UBT about why she texted Nathan back. He is creepy on all levels. And I agree, Nathan's ponytail is just sad.

Isaac is so cute and sensitive. I ask myself every week how he ever came out of Kail.

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42 minutes ago, Christina87 said:

It's so interesting that to admit any of Chelsea's flaws is an unpopular decision. I definitely like her as a person, mainly because of what kind of mother she is, but I think Chelsea (knowingly or unknowingly) has tapped into something so much bigger...

In every high school, there are the regular "popular girls" who flatly refuse to give you the time of day, but there is that one girl who hangs out with them, but is polite to everyone else. High school girls are desperate to hang out with someone "cool," so they rabidly defend someone popular who is friendly to them. "I thought she'd be a bitch, but she is soooo nice! SHE IS THE BEST PERSON EVER!!!!" It usually takes a while before the illusion crashes down, when they either hear the girl talking crap about them, or realize that they're doing all the work in a nonexistent "friendship," and the popular girl couldn't give a crap about them. They usually get over this, though, and dismiss her few rude actions because she's "popular and sooooo nice!" I knew a girl like this in high school, who was actually a lot like Chelsea, and it would amaze me the lengths people would go to in order to justify her bad behavior, all because she made small talk with them a few times or called them a friend once. Even today, when she posts a mediocre selfie on FB, she gets like 20 comments from people from high school gushing about her miraculous beauty (and as an adult, she is really just average looking). They still seek her acceptance.

chelsea unfortunately gives me this feeling. She has always seemed, to me, like the fun, social, "approachable" girl in high school who would let you comfort her for hours when Adam left her at a party, and say she appreciated you soooo much, but would be making fun of your outfit with her friends the next day. I don't really have any proof of this, but it's just the vibe I get from her. I think she hits a lot of fans in that vulnerable weak spot, and by vigorously defending and lavishing praise on her, they are unconsciously working on gaining the acceptance and full friendship from that girl at their high school. 

You've just described my brother. Very personable. Very approachable.  People just like him. We go places and people just like him. Local places give him free stuff and ask him to wear their t-shirts. 

He's apparently attractive (I think he's cute, but nothing extraordinary), but I'm always shocked at how much positive attention he gets when we're out together. 

He's a nice guy. He helps when he can. But he's not above being petty.

Edited by guilfoyleatpp
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47 minutes ago, MaggieG said:

What does Leah expect? That Jeremy and Addie have an hour long conversation about philosophy on Facetime? She's three! She complained that he Skyped her but only spoke for about two minutes. A two minute conversation sounds about right for a three year old. I can't with her.

Pigs must be flying outside because Jenelle was actually making sense when she was explaining to UBT about why she texted Nathan back. He is creepy on all levels. And I agree, Nathan's ponytail is just sad.

Isaac is so cute and sensitive. I ask myself every week how he ever came out of Kail.

It wouldn't kill Jeremy to Skype Addie more than once a week for that 2-min conversation though. Maybe he could have three 2-minute conversations a week?

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