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S09.E08: Bosom Buddies

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Did these ladies never learn "don't start no shit won't be no shit"?  That's a fricken life lesson.  Looks like Kandi has zero fucks to give right now and she's gonna air everythang.

For Sheree to talk about someone being messy after she's been giving a master class in mess all damn season long is a joke.  Pot....kettle.  Same with Porsha.  She's talking about keeping conversations between friends "private", yet she didn't have a problem putting rumors about Shamea, her supposed best friend, out there.  

I am still very confused as to why it was necessary for 10 people to be in the examination room while Cynthia got her boobs checked out.  Compeletly unnecessary.

  • Love 22

Sheree trying to put down Ikea made me laugh. All of her furniture is going to be rented, if she were smart she would get Ikea furniture since it's great. I am surprised that no one has jumped on her for being the one to spread everything "in the streets". Wonder if they will catch on to it. Sheree is great at stirring the pot for everyone.

I didn't why Porsha tried to be pissed at Kandi for spreading "gossip" about her. She admitted that she dated Kandis baby daddy and everyone knows that the likelihood of them not having sex while they were in a relationship is most likely zero to none. While she is over here spreading rumors about one of her best friends being in a relationship with Kandi, I don't even like Shamea but I for sure want to see her shut down Poorsha.

Porsha looks like a fool trying to play dumb about not knowing that Phaekdra was talking to some dude while still with Apollo. 

  • Love 11

I am still very confused as to why it was necessary for 10 people to be in the examination room while Cynthia got her boobs checked out.  Compeletly unnecessary.

Yeah, that was too too mucho. However, "show me dem titties!" did make me laugh. Phaedra was too hype.

I liked the Peter/Noelle scene. That was well done. Peter was an ain't shit husband, but he has a nice relationship with Noelle. I hope they keep in touch.

Ooh boy, the tea spilling! Did anyone catch the throwaway line Kandi said about Phaedra telling people not to work with Kandi? That's some underhanded shit. Y'all know that Kandi is serious about her food and her money. Playing with her money is like playing with her emotions.

  • Love 21
6 minutes ago, gotta watch said:


when the ladies were in Dr. Curves's room, did anyone else notice that Porsha said something to the effect of "All those donkey booties you see around town are the work of Dr. Curves" and that's the moment that Phaedra walked in?


Even better was Dr. Curves identifying (correctly!) Kenya's fake tits!   

The Peter/Noel scene was very sweet.  Noel is such a lovely, young woman.  

  • Love 13
5 minutes ago, Sheenieb said:

Yeah, that was too too mucho. However, "show me dem titties!" did make me laugh. Phaedra was too hype.

I liked the Peter/Noelle scene. That was well done. Peter was an ain't shit husband, but he has a nice relationship with Noelle. I hope they keep in touch.

I thought my friends and I were cute with going to spinning or yoga classes, or the movies, or for meals or drinks. Apparently the new group activity is to squeeze your friends' implants. None of my friends have implants though, so what are we supposed to do?

When I heard yoni (I know what yoni means), I was like " ... They're going to do this together?" At first I thought they might be getting yoni massages, but that might be too hot for TV.

The Peter/Noelle scene was nice. I remember when Peter met Noelle's first boyfriend - they're clearly bonded. It would be a shame if they lost touch. I had a boyfriend in college whose mom had died when he was 12 and his father remarried a woman he was close to, and then they divorced and the relationship between him and her wasn't the same. She sent him the occasional care package - that's how I found out about her. "Who's that package from?" "My ex-stepmom."

Porsha looked gorgeous this whole ep, although the blonde hair was not good on her. It's not good on Sheree either, although she seems to insist on it. And Sheree cannot afford a $12,000 bed, so she needs to stop fronting.

I know Kandi can afford $5K worth of jewelry to give to Riley, but I'm not sure about giving a 14-year-old that kind of jewelry. Kids that young can be careless.

Baby Ace is adorable. His mother needs to set that I Dream of Jeannie phony pony on fire. She is also clearly out of fucks and is telling EVERYBODY'S business.

  • Love 11
14 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

I feel like Kandi is trying to show Riley that she hasnt forgotten about her, thus the 5k in jewelry for a 14th bday. The past year has brought about a lot of changes in the Burress household.

It's still a bit much, I thought. Wouldn't the earrings be enough? And as far as I recall Riley isn't a musician so why does she need the R&B necklace? And she's too young for all of that weave!!!

I died at the donkey ass reference. Wasn't familiar with the term. But I think these girls definitely pad because I've met both Porsha and Phaedra in person and their asses weren't as big as they are on TV, and believe me, that was one of the first things I checked out because as Cynthia said, there is such a thing as too much ass.

Still hate Mama Joyce and it is a total tragedy for me that we have the same name.

Glad Cynthia got a good price for her town house and if she has enough equity and sinks it into the lake house, the mortgage on the new house will be quite reasonable. From the before they were housewives show today it seems she made a bundle modeling etc., especially if she kept all of the engagement rings and sold the diamonds when the relationships ended.

  • Love 7
45 minutes ago, politichick said:


Glad Cynthia got a good price for her town house and if she has enough equity and sinks it into the lake house, the mortgage on the new house will be quite reasonable. From the before they were housewives show today it seems she made a bundle modeling etc., especially if she kept all of the engagement rings and sold the diamonds when the relationships ended.

Was that new or just a the general one they did for RHOA back in the day? Bravo needs to do more of those like they did with Luann.

  • Love 3
15 minutes ago, jumper sage said:

I thought Cynthia said she was leasing the lake house.

Is it just me or is anyone else getting sick of all this shit?

It's not just you. I couldn't even get through the first half tonight and I tried twice! LOL The only thing I felt real was Kandi telling Sheree/Porsha that no one comes for her "money"  and that turned my stomach when she said that. It wasn't don't speak badly about my husband/mother/kids/family, it was don't mess with my money! I think I may be closing the door on the Atl. show, I will just keep reading here when I need an Atl. update. LOL

  • Love 9
2 hours ago, WireWrap said:

It's not just you. I couldn't even get through the first half tonight and I tried twice! LOL The only thing I felt real was Kandi telling Sheree/Porsha that no one comes for her "money"  and that turned my stomach when she said that. It wasn't don't speak badly about my husband/mother/kids/family, it was don't mess with my money! I think I may be closing the door on the Atl. show, I will just keep reading here when I need an Atl. update. LOL

I agree I had to watch it twice and I wish they would just spit it out instead of all the dancing around. Kandi did actually include her husband in people Phaedra had offended..  One thing they seem to all agree about is Porsha is stupid.  I didn't appreciate Porsha lying about what she knew, her playing dumb is insulting to all involved.  Most of all, don't insult people by having and on camera conversation and then moan about someone repeating the conversation.

In the previews they show one of Kandi's employees going to Phaedra to file a lawsuit.  I hope the first words out of Phaedra's mouth are that unless Kandi waives she has a conflict as she has previously represented Kandi.  This fake lawyering is becoming annoying.

  • Love 12
2 hours ago, kassa said:

I had to laugh when Kandi started snarling about not messing with her money. She is never more serious than when money's involved - I like it. The other women knew she was sincere, too - that reaction was so visceral it made responding to it moot. They knew she was telling the truth.

They need to stop trying to make Joyce happen.

Eh, it would hold more weight with me if she hadn't let Kim Zolziak punk her out of tens of thousands of dollars. All she did then was break down and cry.

  • Love 24

I have to say this first, PLEASE production, kill the stupid slurping sounds everytime one of the women uses a straw! This isn't a sitcom with a laugh track. Really irritates the snot out of me. 

Currently, Cynthia is at Luanne's wedding. Or at least, she is staying with Jill Zarin who IS definitely going. I forget that Cynthia spent a lot of time in NYC and had grave reservations about moving to ATL. Wonder how she feels about that decision now?! Maybe it's the model connection with Luann, I don't know. But I love when ho franchises overlap like that!

Interesting that there was very little Kenya in this episode. I've not seen the last 10 minutes, and so far, Kenya has only appeared at the weird cast breast exam with Cynthia (where her THs were just stupid. Saying 'titty' like a 13 year old boy...what was with that?) and a couple of flashbacks. Hopefully there will be no Kenya and Matt at ALL in this ep.

Everytime i see Riley, I wonder. She seems a little...slow. Not 'stupid' slow, just languorous, lacking in energy, or maybe shy. If so, she's the only one in Kandi's family who is. And finally, there is Todd's daughter! They must have had her stashed in another wing of the house. Her advice re Riley meeting the absentee 'birthgiver' was sound, I'm glad they listened to her and can speak about these difficult relationships as a family. I appreciate it when we get to see the hos negotiating family dynamics and being somewhat 'real' as opposed to all the fake garbage we usually get fed with this particular franchise. Oh, wait. There was that scene with Sheree in the folly she's constructed and will probably never live in and definitely cannot afford. That whole SL has been manufactured, along with Kenya and Matt. I hope production is listening to us all and reconsidering just how they've pegged the audience, which would appear to be as complete morons. I never get the feeling that anyone writing here is a moron, us 'board lovies' don't miss a trick. Pick it up, production.

  • Love 10
7 hours ago, Empress1 said:

I assumed the R&B was for her initials, Riley Burruss.

R&B is Riley''s nickname. 

I forgot to mention how much I loved all the disdain baby Ace had for Mama Joyce.  EverytIme she started talking, he would either start crying or shoot her a look like, "damn lady, you killing my vibe right now!"  It happened at the jewelry store and also at Riley's party.  Also loved how MJ tried to insert herself in Riley's outing with her dad and Kanda was like hell no! 

  • Love 18

Cynthia is a lovely woman, but I don't need to see her boobs, nor her boobs being fondled by every woman in the room. Likewise, I don't need to see Porsha and her friend gyrating all over the floor while an egg of some sort is lodged up inside of them. SO much FF button. 

I usually think it's nice when step-parent/child relationships can continue after a divorce. But I always imagine everything Peter does to be disingenuous. Would he still come see Noelle without the cameras? 

Cynthia's new house is too modern for me but I absolutely LOVE the location. I can see the appeal of having a peaceful, lakefront property at this time in her life. 

My heart goes out to Riley. I can understand both not wanting to give her dad another chance AND wanting to see if things could finally work this time. I admire Kandi for leaving it up to her, but I think she needs to be more open to supporting her, even if the situation is awkward for Kandi, herself. 

Sigh...Kandi and Phaedra are both tiring me. Both airing each other's business. Tit for tat. And Porsha having a lunch to confront one friend because of another friend? Sheree trying to mediate/stir the pot??? What grade are we in???

  • Love 15
6 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

I agree I had to watch it twice and I wish they would just spit it out instead of all the dancing around. Kandi did actually include her husband in people Phaedra had offended..  One thing they seem to all agree about is Porsha is stupid.  I didn't appreciate Porsha lying about what she knew, her playing dumb is insulting to all involved.  Most of all, don't insult people by having and on camera conversation and then moan about someone repeating the conversation.

In the previews they show one of Kandi's employees going to Phaedra to file a lawsuit.  I hope the first words out of Phaedra's mouth are that unless Kandi waives she has a conflict as she has previously represented Kandi.  This fake lawyering is becoming annoying.

Yes, she initially included Todd/family then dropped that pretense and admitted "money" was most important. LOL

The producers of this show need to make up their minds, either it is "real" life or it is fully staged almost to the point of being scripted, it can't be both and still keep viewers coming back, at least not this viewer.

Oh, Cynthia. Girl needs to pay for the mortgage on that lake house. It's the only reason I can think of for her to agree to let herself be humiliated by dragging ALL the women to the Dr's office and showing her tits to the world. Then she decides she's going to keep her "cute" boobies and leave them alone because the Dr.said they are just fine the way they are. 

Porsha and her friend being shown how to shove that egg thingie up her cootch,  keep it there, and release it when necessary. Did I really see that? Then Sheree shows up at the last minute.For what? To say she wasn't going to participate? 

Sheree, please move in to the friggin' Chateau or give it up. So sick of seeing her in that unfinished house fretting about baseboards and furniture. FINISH the damn house, already!

The problems with Phaedra and Khandi are so boring and fabricated that I, too, like many of you,fell asleep several times trying to get through this. I don't think a single person cares if they are friends or not. 

Last but not least, Khandi gifting her daughter $5,000 worth of diamonds. Just what every girl needs for her 14th birthday. 

I think I'm done with this dying franchise. 

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, WireWrap said:

Yes, she initially included Todd/family then dropped that pretense and admitted "money" was most important. LOL

The producers of this show need to make up their minds, either it is "real" life or it is fully staged almost to the point of being scripted, it can't be both and still keep viewers coming back, at least not this viewer.

Actually, what Kandi was replying to was about going below the belt.  She never said money was more important than family.  She did say money and business was important to her.  Of course after what Phaedra said about her to the others she now has the below the belt about Kandi's sex life.  I think initially she was agreeing with the nitwit that Phaedra hadn't said anything about she or Todd cheating but now she has.    

I am agreeing they need to stop trying to make Phaedra and Kandi happen.  At one time they were two of the more successful on the series.  Now it seems Kandi continues to surpass Phaedra in all things business and has a family.   

Why is Sheree so involved?  Can we talk about her "Chateau" that apparently doesn't have air conditioning? 

  • Love 7

Queenjen, having problems doing quotes on the iPad but just wanted to say I agree completely with you about Riley. Not sure if she's shy or just very low energy, but she always reminds me of a cartoon character.....if anyone ever watched The Cleveland Show, she makes me think of Cleveland Jr.

And I don't care how much money you have I think it's ridiculous to spend that much on a gift for a 14 year old. Besides the fact they they arent always responsible, are you going to top that every birthday? Just asking for a very spoiled and ungrateful adult in the future.

Porsha playing dumb at the lunch or whatever that was with Kandi and Sheree was the icing on the cake. She is so far up Phaedras's ass she can see her Yoni egg. Yeah I know Phaedra wasn't at the class!

Best part of this episode was the minimal amount of Kenya. Now if they could only have less of Mama Joyce.

This has always been my least favorite of the franchises, so I'm really tired of how contrived it is.

Edited by parrotlover
  • Love 7
9 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Thanks for that link!  It looks like a relaxing house in a beautiful setting (what we can see of it), but six bedrooms and five bathrooms crammed into only just over 2,000 square feet?  The bedrooms and bathrooms must all be very tiny, given how open the main floor is.  I wonder if the house wasn't built to be rented out to groups for short vacation stays.  Otherwise the size and number of rooms don't seem to make much sense.  I wonder if it's part of some planned leisure community or something.

  • Love 2
13 hours ago, politichick said:

I died at the donkey ass reference. Wasn't familiar with the term. But I think these girls definitely pad because I've met both Porsha and Phaedra in person and their asses weren't as big as they are on TV, and believe me, that was one of the first things I checked out because as Cynthia said, there is such a thing as too much ass.

Speaking of donkey booties - did Shamea's ass always look like that?!?! I remember her being quite thin and proportionate and thinking she was body goals. This season her ass and thighs are insane. I don't remember her dragging all that wagon.

So is Dr. Curves one of the reasons why so many women in ATL running around with these Frankenstein nut and bolt asses?

Kenya needs to stop lying about her plastic surgeries. Just a week ago or so I caught a rerun of the Jamie Foxx show and who should be guest starring but actress extraordinaire Kenya. Her breasts in that episode had the definite look of implants. Very high, round, hard looking and you could kinda make out the shape of the implant under her skin. I think as she has aged and put on a few lbs they look softer and more natural. 

Both Sheree and Porsha have just gorgeous, gorgeous skin. 

The disintegration of Kandi and Phaedra's relationship just makes me sad. 

That jewelry sales lady just walking away when hearing the gossip surrounding prison was pretty funny.

Nice to see that Peter isn't a jackass al the time. His moment with Cynthia's daughter was beautiful and heartfelt.

I think the only reason why Sheree is able to make significant progress on her house is because of the recent Bravo checks. Her ass can't afford it otherwise and definitely can't afford 5 figure bedroom furniture. She would be smart to get some pieces from Ikea. Do they repo?

  • Love 10
17 minutes ago, Mondrianyone said:

Thanks for that link!  It looks like a relaxing house in a beautiful setting (what we can see of it), but six bedrooms and five bathrooms crammed into only just over 2,000 square feet?  The bedrooms and bathrooms must all be very tiny, given how open the main floor is.  I wonder if the house wasn't built to be rented out to groups for short vacation stays.  Otherwise the size and number of rooms don't seem to make much sense.  I wonder if it's part of some planned leisure community or something.

I have a feeling that with 6 bedrooms, a couple will be turned in to a fabulous closet for Cynthia.  

Do these women have any shame? The appointment at the plastic surgeon's office was cringe worthy, Cynthia needed all the women to get a look at the girls and make crude comments?  The yoni egg thing was horrible, showing the string hanging from Porsha's friends crotch was pretty low.  I love how Porsha moved off the baby thing quickly, something that was sooo important to her and now all she wants is to see where the relationship going, well I will give her props to not getting knocked up by a casual boyfriend.  

Sheree and her decorator, not sure what to make of that, how is she going to furnish that chateaux and not go over budget even more than she already is, not to mention the everyday costs of running a household that large. What is wrong with living within your means, I just don't get it and never will.   What value did Sheree add to the Porsha/Kandi lunch?  That women just inserts herself in the darnedest places, she had no dime in that dollar and made that lunch look like a gang up on Kandi.  At the lunch with Pheadra, Porsha and all, did they imply that Todd and Kandi have threesomes with Shamea?

Kandi spending 5 grand on a birthday gift, not so crazy, she has the money but if I were spending that much I would have taken a little more time on selecting the gift, buying diamonds shouldn't be done on the fly or wearing and acid washed denim dress, lol.  I bet Joyce thought she would be getting a little bauble from Kandi because she was being so attentive to Ace.

  • Love 8
5 hours ago, drivethroo said:

Phaedra didn't imply Kandi and Todd were having threesomes with Shamea, she straight up said Kandi & Todd were having threesomes with Shamea.  Problem for Phaedra is Kandi has no problem digging the grave, jumping in the grave, then showing everyone how dirty she got from the grave.  PHAEDRA is the one who doesn't want to get her slip dirty.

I agree. Phaedra likes to give the impression that she does not really do anything shady, even when she has. As to the threesome stuff if they were all consenting adults why do I care? It isn't like they cheating, they were all in the same room. 

Porsha can take several seats. She is so far up Phaedra's ass. Her playing dumb was ridiculous. Also, why is Porsha so mad that Kandi said that she dated Block? I thought Porsha initially confirmed it, so it is not like Kandi was spreading lies or starting rumors. I never got the impression from Kandi that Porsha and Block were some great love affair, but I would assume if Porsha was dating him that they were having sex. I would assume that of most people. I missed the end of the Porsha, Sheree, and Kandi scene after Kandi left, so was Porsha acting like being gay is an insult? I hate when people/some of these housewives do that, but I missed what was actually said so I am probably wrong.

I do not have a problem with Kandi giving Riley $5000 in jewelry for her birthday. Like others have said Kandi can afford it and other housewives probably have dropped a lot of money on their kids. At least this was a birthday gift and not just because. Riley does not seem to act too spoiled (I am sure she has her teenaged moments). I kind of like that Riley has a low key personality, so many of the housewives children seem so "on" or over the top to me.

Edited by Misslindsey
  • Love 11
52 minutes ago, drivethroo said:

Phaedra didn't imply Kandi and Todd were having threesomes with Shamea, she straight up said Kandi & Todd were having threesomes with Shamea.  Problem for Phaedra is Kandi has no problem digging the grave, jumping in the grave, then showing everyone how dirty she got from the grave.  PHAEDRA is the one who doesn't want to get her slip dirty.

Up until now, I would say that Kandi and Phaedra's back and forth sniping has been bitchy and a little petty. But this, was straight up nasty. I've never liked Phaedra, but I've been on her side when it came to her family and marriage after Apollo was arrested. Kandi has been plenty wrong as it relates to the dissolution of their friendship. But this threesome allegation is lowdown, dirty, ugly, and nasty. Even if true, this is a confidence that was shared when the two were friends. Phaedra is disgusting and not redeemable in my opinion. One of the things that Kandi and Phaedra bonded about was being women who were comfortable with their own sexual agency. Phaedra was more than happy to get Bedroom Kandi gifts. I'm so disappointed to find her shaming Kandi.

  • Love 18

Cynthia's home seems a bit out of the city centre but either that was on purpose or a compromise so that she could invest in a larger home and land. The surroundings are beautiful...it's just the kind of serenity you'd need after dealing with those women she calls cast members. I still don't quite get why she thought her breast check-up was a good opportunity to get all of the women together, lol. 

So refreshing to see such little of Kenya this episode but that looks like it will be short lived based on the previews for next week's episode. For shame. 

I don't mind Kandi buying her daughter diamonds. It was a birthday present and it was well within Kandi's means to make the purchase. It wasn't a gift simply to show off that she can dress her daughter in diamonds. I'm not sure I've seen Riley really excited about anything on camera but I kind of like the fact that she isn't faking a personality to appear any sort of way. She's probably shy and not as comfortable with the cameras but doesn't care enough to not act like it. 

When Kandi unveiled certain things about Phaedra, I thought it was wrong but it was at least she shared information that better explained her position when it came to her friendship with Phaedra during the whole Apollo saga. What Phaedra did was all sorts of lowdown and I don't for a second believe that Phaedra isn't above lying either so the fact that she said doesn't automatically make me think that it's true. And even if it is true, if all parties involved are consenting then shame on you for talking about it out of sheer spite. Phaedra has shown her colours on camera, she has lied and she has shown that her pride can stand in the way of doing what's decent and right. 

Porsha is one dumb broad. First she implies that Kandi accused Phaedra of cheating. Kandi mentioning the new guy had nothing to do with putting into question Phaedra's fidelity in the marriage. Most people would understand that given the circumstances and the intent to divorce, it's not unusual for one or both parties to be open to other relationships. Kandi brought up the other guy to explain why she never had the impression that Phaedra was some delicate flower that needed consoling over Apollo. Next Porsha says that it's not like Phaedra has ever accused her of cheating or anything...not long after she had lunch with Phaedra where Phaedra pretty much said that Kandi is having relations with both her husband and Shamea. Then Porsha tries to defend Phaedra on the basis that she hasn't heard Phaedra talk bad about Kandi...so clearly if Porsha didn't hear it, then it didn't happen. She also tried to play dumb about stuff she clearly knew. Porsha, you ain't no actress. And lastly, she lectured Kandi on why you're never supposed to talk secrets between friends even if they're in a bad place...ignoring the fact that Phaedra did just that at their lunch the other day and that she also did that when making implications that Kandi was 'still in the closet'. Porsha, I know you have some equity because you paid for them in your breasts and ass..how about building some equity in the brain of yours. Remove yourself from the place in Phaedra's ass that you have lodged yourself up in and pick up a book or something. Your stupidity isn't endearing, charming or funny. It's embarrassing. 

  • Love 12
32 minutes ago, nexxie said:

I really like the sleek modern feel of Cynthia's house, and being on the water is awesome - but it looks pretty isolated. Any shops or restaurants nearby?

Yes, Google Roswell, GA. They've filmed there in the past.



Would he still come see Noelle without the cameras

Since Peter gets paid for each episode's appearance he makes.... uh, no. I doubt he'd show his greedy shyster face.

  • Love 5

I really can't stand Peter.  I know someone just like him.  Even looks like him.  His girlfriend is my friend and I've bought her a few things when she was struggling.  Months will pass and then BF will randomly mention the thing I bought his girlfriend and say he needs for me to get him one too.  I've always just said that he can find one on Amazon.  He's  such an opportunist, entitled  pig.  Always expecting something for nothing.  

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Am I the only one who didn't think Riley was not that thrilled with those gifts? Or maybe she's just awkward on camera.

I think a haul of stuff vs one extravagant & mature gift (excluding car purchase lol)  is preferred by teen girls.  Like a couple designer outfits, some kickass boots, expensive sneakers, new iPhone, bunch of high end makeup & palettes, cashmere hoodie, and a small Vuitton or Chanel handbag. 

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Am I the only one who didn't think Riley was not that thrilled with those gifts? Or maybe she's just awkward on camera.

I think she's awkward on camera. I remember her being a little more lively on camera when she first appeared on the show but she was six or seven then and might not have been as self-conscious. She is at peak awkward stage now. I would have been begging to live with a relative at her age if my parents were doing a reality show. I would have considered filming a punishment.

  • Love 9
4 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

Cynthia's home seems a bit out of the city centre but either that was on purpose or a compromise so that she could invest in a larger home and land. The surroundings are beautiful...it's just the kind of serenity you'd need after dealing with those women she calls cast members. I still don't quite get why she thought her breast check-up was a good opportunity to get all of the women together, lol. 

So refreshing to see such little of Kenya this episode but that looks like it will be short lived based on the previews for next week's episode. For shame. 

I don't mind Kandi buying her daughter diamonds. It was a birthday present and it was well within Kandi's means to make the purchase. It wasn't a gift simply to show off that she can dress her daughter in diamonds. I'm not sure I've seen Riley really excited about anything on camera but I kind of like the fact that she isn't faking a personality to appear any sort of way. She's probably shy and not as comfortable with the cameras but doesn't care enough to not act like it. 

When Kandi unveiled certain things about Phaedra, I thought it was wrong but it was at least she shared information that better explained her position when it came to her friendship with Phaedra during the whole Apollo saga. What Phaedra did was all sorts of lowdown and I don't for a second believe that Phaedra isn't above lying either so the fact that she said doesn't automatically make me think that it's true. And even if it is true, if all parties involved are consenting then shame on you for talking about it out of sheer spite. Phaedra has shown her colours on camera, she has lied and she has shown that her pride can stand in the way of doing what's decent and right. 

Porsha is one dumb broad. First she implies that Kandi accused Phaedra of cheating. Kandi mentioning the new guy had nothing to do with putting into question Phaedra's fidelity in the marriage. Most people would understand that given the circumstances and the intent to divorce, it's not unusual for one or both parties to be open to other relationships. Kandi brought up the other guy to explain why she never had the impression that Phaedra was some delicate flower that needed consoling over Apollo. Next Porsha says that it's not like Phaedra has ever accused her of cheating or anything...not long after she had lunch with Phaedra where Phaedra pretty much said that Kandi is having relations with both her husband and Shamea. Then Porsha tries to defend Phaedra on the basis that she hasn't heard Phaedra talk bad about Kandi...so clearly if Porsha didn't hear it, then it didn't happen. She also tried to play dumb about stuff she clearly knew. Porsha, you ain't no actress. And lastly, she lectured Kandi on why you're never supposed to talk secrets between friends even if they're in a bad place...ignoring the fact that Phaedra did just that at their lunch the other day and that she also did that when making implications that Kandi was 'still in the closet'. Porsha, I know you have some equity because you paid for them in your breasts and ass..how about building some equity in the brain of yours. Remove yourself from the place in Phaedra's ass that you have lodged yourself up in and pick up a book or something. Your stupidity isn't endearing, charming or funny. It's embarrassing. 

For me, it has gotten to the point of which one will go lower to hurt the other in this tit for tat war, Kandi or Phaedra? Oh, and neither has the moral high ground! LOL

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23 hours ago, jumper sage said:

Is it just me or is anyone else getting sick of all this shit?

You're not the only one. I think this is the first time I didn't catch the first airing, and even then, I think I nodded off or zoned out b/c only vaguely remember:

  • The girls going to Curves to look at each other's fake funbags.
  • Porsha the Thuggish THoT finding the grossest and skankiest way to "exercise", naturally.
  • Sheree still trying to convince us she's going to move into that mansion.
  • Kandi is more passionate about her finances than her family.
  • I am starting to hate Phaedra and her fake southern belle act.
  • Peter pretending to want to be Noelle so he gets his check from Bravo.
Edited by Ubiquitous
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On 1/2/2017 at 2:26 AM, ridethemaverick said:

Eh, it would hold more weight with me if she hadn't let Kim Zolziak punk her out of tens of thousands of dollars. All she did then was break down and cry.

Khandi didn't seem to have much of a backbone during those first few seasons. She sure has changed. Now she's loud, mouthy, judgemental and really high strung. I attribute most of it to Todd. He brings out the mean in her.  She should have been as disgusted with Zolziak then as she now is with Phaedra. Bet if Todd was in the picture back then he would have pushed Khandi to get her money from Kim. 

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