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S07.E03: Going Commando

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I think there is a difference between being a high school graduate and moving to NYC, or going into the city for the day to shop or actually living in the city with one or two parents vs. being 15 years old and visiting the city with your mom and having your mom ditch you, which is what Lisar did.  It's not that NYC is so bad that it is going to swallow them up, but 15 is young and 18 is usually an adult in name only and not a chaperone. Plus, her daughter lives in the suburbs of LA and is most likely not street-smart at all.  Lisar can continue to spout off about what a great mother she is but I think her judgement is way off on this one. 

  • Love 9
On 12/21/2016 at 0:42 PM, izabella said:

I have no doubt it is the Hamlin girls who want to be models and live that lifestyle.  However, they are into it because of their parents and how they were raised.   Those girls are vapid and, apparently, seeking sugar daddies on that app Rinna doesn't even know she's paying for every month, the app that is putting her daughters in the hands of creepy rich guys.  Yeah, it's a barrel of laughs, Rinna, oh so funny that your girls are already seeking to pimp themselves out to men and are paying someone every month to do it.  Vapid.

This is in direct contrast to how Sophia and the other Kyle/Mauricio kids are raised, where education is more important as well as work that doesn't require the girls starving themselves so they can be skinny enough to sell their T&A to the world.

Guess whose kids are going to end up healthier and saner, and guess whose kids are going to end up getting used by creepy older men who need their money to get them dates with young girls?

Wow, it's like those two teenage girls have co-opted Yolanda and Ericka's respective retirement plans. Glad Kyle and Mauricio stressed the importance of education.

  • Love 5
27 minutes ago, EmeraldGirl said:

Wtf is so British about that humor? Haven't we all done sarcastic put downs that don't have to be fancy and right out of Monty Python or something? I was more annoyed by the egos on all of them thinking they were witty (including Doritos - who sounds Canadian). 

In my lowly group of friends, no one would ask if they had a spare pair of knickers for another friend - whist feeling her up. I usually really like LVP, but her big gaffaw really pissed my off. She knew exactly what she was doing - setting up an "enemy" for a big embarrassment. That is if I believe that it wasn't all scripted. Panties rarely come up (in conversation, not on the body) - never mind twice at one happy hour. And now that bitchy Doritos is bringing her a pair complete with a not funny remark? Ick. 

The "presenting of the panties" next week can be taken a bunch of ways.

Erica Joon is a fucking prick teaser - nothing more, nothing less - with a false sense of modesty and class.


Daddy Warbucks probably gets off sending her out into the world sans shorts - so he doesn't GAS about her flashing vag?

Unless her vagina can sing (without the heavy autotune, dancers and cameras present), what she has between her legs is nothing special, all the women I know own one.

And they are more careful with how they care and dress it.

No nasty updrafts for those gals!

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, TheFinalRose said:

I think there is a difference between being a high school graduate and moving to NYC, or going into the city for the day to shop or actually living in the city with one or two parents vs. being 15 years old and visiting the city with your mom and having your mom ditch you, which is what Lisar did.  It's not that NYC is so bad that it is going to swallow them up, but 15 is young and 18 is usually an adult in name only and not a chaperone. Plus, her daughter lives in the suburbs of LA and is most likely not street-smart at all.  Lisar can continue to spout off about what a great mother she is but I think her judgement is way off on this one. 

Or because she actually knows her children she knows what the can and cannot handle.

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, TheFinalRose said:

I think there is a difference between being a high school graduate and moving to NYC, or going into the city for the day to shop or actually living in the city with one or two parents vs. being 15 years old and visiting the city with your mom and having your mom ditch you, which is what Lisar did.  It's not that NYC is so bad that it is going to swallow them up, but 15 is young and 18 is usually an adult in name only and not a chaperone. Plus, her daughter lives in the suburbs of LA and is most likely not street-smart at all.  Lisar can continue to spout off about what a great mother she is but I think her judgement is way off on this one. 

I agree.  I could see her allowing the older one to stay but not a sixteen year old. 

And let's not forget (I'm not directing this at you Final Rose) that it was for two nights.  I guess either the older one had modeling appointments and the younger one didn't want to go with her mom to QVC. 

I also think there is a difference between someone who has grown up in a city and someone who is just visiting.  When you grow up in a city or town or whatever, you 'know' about that place.  You're pretty savvy about where to go and not go, what the people are like, how to get around and avoiding possible dangerous situations.  Sixteen is just too young IMO.

LR did say she was worried about the whole thing, and even though it turned out that nothing happened, IMO, she shouldn't have allowed her sixteen year old.  I think she gave in to a lot of pressure from her daughters.

BTW, just because you're using a dating app doesn't mean you're looking for an older sugar daddy.  Dating apps have become the norm for this generation. 

I don't think the Hamlin girls are horrible.  They just seem a bit spoiled.  No surprise given their environment.  On the other hand, Kyle's girls seem very grounded and have their priorities straight - a pleasant surprise.  I think Kyle and Mauricio have done some pretty darn good parenting.  They can have moments but they certainly seem to have their act together.

  • Love 3

I was pretty horrified by Lisa Rinna, again, this episode. From what I saw, she was totally disconnected from her daughter and just thought it was so cool who she was meeting. Kyle seemed way more worried than Lisa did, and leaving those girls in NYC alone was a bad move. I've always felt that Lisa feels her kids a burden to her, and this episode sort of made me feel that more. Sorry Lisa Rinna fans! Sorry Lisa Rinna! She just can't fake the parenting imo, she's too into herself. I will say her daughter Delia is very pretty though and she is nice considering the dysfunction she grew up with. Though she seems like she already might have some drug habits because she seemed pretty high to me at the dinner in NY, which made Sophia seem invisible in comparison. As far as Kyle's kids going to college, I'm putting that on Maurico. He seems very orthodox Jew and Jewish people can really stress college and education. My hunch.

Erica Jane... not my type of music. And Erika Girardi seems a little angry this season. Not sure why she can't loosen up. It's just a show. 

33 minutes ago, PhilMarlowe2 said:

Kyle: "Sophia is a lot like me - she's smart and funny."

Me: "..."

When they sent Mauricio a picture because they had both managed to "conquer" the Highline, I wondered how they survive in this world. It's literally a story to a story and a half off the ground depending on where you are, it's super wide and has hugh railings. I hope Sophie see someone because that sort of anxiety at her age can limit her.

  • Love 6

A relative of mine has a child who had to wear that head gear thingy when he was young. He developed a misshapen head from being in the birth canal too long. A neighbor who used to live next door while I was a teen also had a child who had to wear that device. Apparently, she made it a habit to lay the kid on his back. Both of these occurred back in the early 80s.

Sophia is so pretty. I would much rather hear what she had to say than the Rinna girls. Then again, best if Sophia just remains the quiet one. 

Dorit, there is nothing more important than your child's health. As if you are so damn busy. Go to your son's fucking medical appointments. 

Giggy looks like he on his last leg. 

Eileen's losses. Damn. I wish her well. 

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, TheFinalRose said:

I think there is a difference between being a high school graduate and moving to NYC, or going into the city for the day to shop or actually living in the city with one or two parents vs. being 15 years old and visiting the city with your mom and having your mom ditch you, which is what Lisar did.  It's not that NYC is so bad that it is going to swallow them up, but 15 is young and 18 is usually an adult in name only and not a chaperone. Plus, her daughter lives in the suburbs of LA and is most likely not street-smart at all.  Lisar can continue to spout off about what a great mother she is but I think her judgement is way off on this one. 

 I agree that they shouldn't be left alone in NYC, but I disagree that they live in the suburbs of LA.  Their house is in Beverly Hills, which is smack dab in the middle of the city (they are near Franklin Park, which is literally the geographic center of the city).  It isn't like they are out in West Covina or even just up in the valley.  They don't live downtown, but most people in LA don't.  I'm of the opinion that it was probably a bad idea for Rinna to leave her kids alone in NYC for 2 days just because I'm the type to freak out about that type of thing.  I used to worry when my 16 year old brother was left home alone for a couple of days.  But I'm a hypocrite because I haven't lived with my parents since I was 16 and nothing bad happened -- at least that I can remember :)

  • Love 1

I never want to see Rinna's daughters again. Kids like them are why I don't have kids.

I love that Erika is going to check Dorit next week. I hate women that try and shame other women into conformity. Tell your nasty, sweaty husband to keep his eyes front, Dorit.

So we're really trying to sell adults being vulgar and messy as British humor? Ok

The problem with Eileen is she doesn't fully recognize she's on a housewives show. You're an actress girl, act! Find a Brit with a mastery of their dry, snarky wit and unleash them on LVP; then bat your eyes and declare your love for British humor.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Drumpf1737 said:

I never want to see Rinna's daughters again. Kids like them are why I don't have kids.

I love that Erika is going to check Dorit next week. I hate women that try and shame other women into conformity. Tell your nasty, sweaty husband to keep his eyes front, Dorit.

So we're really trying to sell adults being vulgar and messy as British humor? Ok

The problem with Eileen is she doesn't fully recognize she's on a housewives show. You're an actress girl, act! Find a Brit with a mastery of their dry, snarky wit and unleash them on LVP; then bat your eyes and declare your love for British humor.

I hadn't thought of old messy and vulgar Erika being passed off as British humor, but I guess that works. I find Erika's look totally passe and messy with that creation she calls hair. a big jumbled mess.  She seems so smug talking about not wanting panty lines, but the old fameho doesn't seem to mind a huge bulge that is the mic pack. 

There seems to be a group of people who aren't very accepting of people the way they are-that would be Eileen, Erika and to a lesser degree Rinna.  Eileen and Erika seem hell bent on demanding change in LVP.  The don't like Kyle being accepting of LVP. They don't like LVP's humor, how is that any different that not liking Erika's totally big wardrobe malfunction?  If anyone says one thing about Erika she either tells them to shut up or claims she would never treat someone that way, well she does.  Erika was a guest of two Brits, another guest was Brit with a wife that apparently relates to British customs, and she, the great Erika, thinks it is appropriate to tell a group of people their humor, which was not directed at her, is inappropriate because they are in America?  That is one clueless, classless guest, who once again proves she can't even handle a basic social courtesy of reading the requisite attire portion of invitations.   Stunning is a baggy T-Shirt dress, White Party is a half black and half white dress that was an accidental choice?    Erika is just not in the same realm wit wise.

I think LVP would be up to the challenge of Eileen bringing in some ringers to go toe to toe with LVP. 

  • Love 21
On 12/22/2016 at 7:21 AM, Almost 3000 said:

I had a Lhasa Apso and had a guy tell me, "lost the handle to your mop" in a slow southern drawl. The accent sold it and made me laugh. Maybe its the "ass" part that bothers you?

Yes, it's the idea of someone who purports to love her dog, joking about sticking anything up the dog's backend. 

But I think your anecdote is funny!

  • Love 5

I think the Hamlin girls would be OK in NYC.  As someone pointed out their spoiled but I wouldn't say sheltered.  I guarantee Rinna has let them makes decisions about what they will and won't do.  Like go with her to QVC. The girls (especially the 18 yr old) have a clear idea of what what they want. Right or wrong,  she's looking for a rich older man to get with. 

NYC is a great place,  for years I have gone  with my children and at least one of my sisters on a yearly trip.  It's exciting and I love it. My soon to be ex MiL,  hates NYC and always acted as if every year she'd never see me again.  Years ago I asked her why she hated NYC so much? She had a close friend whose 14 year old sister ran away from home to NYC.  The poor girl was   was found 3 months after she left home naked and murdered in an abandoned building. This is way back in 1971 and the story  was so horrid that it really scared my MiL.  I reminded her that life was still dangerous but we (me&family)  take precautions.  And enjoy the excitement of the city but I would never purposely  put my self in a dangerous situation.  And can't live scared of life. 

I'm sure the Hamlin girls were more about taking selfies in great restaurants,  shopping and  bragging on Instagram that they were on their own in the city. 

  • Love 1
13 hours ago, EmeraldGirl said:

Wtf is so British about that humor? Haven't we all done sarcastic put downs that don't have to be fancy and right out of Monty Python or something? I was more annoyed by the egos on all of them thinking they were witty (including Doritos - who sounds Canadian). 

In my lowly group of friends, no one would ask if they had a spare pair of knickers for another friend - whist feeling her up. I usually really like LVP, but her big gaffaw really pissed my off. She knew exactly what she was doing - setting up an "enemy" for a big embarrassment. That is if I believe that it wasn't all scripted. Panties rarely come up (in conversation, not on the body) - never mind twice at one happy hour. And now that bitchy Doritos is bringing her a pair complete with a not funny remark? Ick. 

As a Canadian, Dorit definitely doesn't sound Canadian, haha. 

Don't take the humour thing so literally. Not all Brits have the same humour, just as not all Americans have the same humour. British humour is often self-deprecating and aggressive. It's not something they made up about themselves to appear funnier - it's a legitimate stereotype about Brits. The words they use and even the spirit of their jokes can easily be seen as offensive in American society and maybe even in Canadian society (though as a Canadian, I don't personally feel that things are extremely PC here but that could bias to my personal experiences). But there is definitely a stereotype that Americans have a sensitive sense of humour and are easily offended.

  • Love 10
23 hours ago, janie2002 said:

I finally saw the episode after reading the comments. 

I thought Lisa was being self deprecating, they asked didn't she use to act and she said yes back in black and white, PK pilled on adding oh those silent films? Lisa laughed and said yes those! Erika jumped in with that's not nice. She totally missed the cue, they were joking. That's when PK said it was self deprecating British humor. Lisa was making fun of how long ago she acted. Erika seemed smarter, but seeing her more she doesn't seem to catch a lot of things said.  Even Kyle was laughing with the acting jokes.


A few months ago Erika was on Heather McDonald's podcast and in a later podcast, Heather said that Erika did NOT get most of her jokes.  They either upset her or flew over her head.  She may just be one of those people who don't "get" humor.  Or they take stuff literally that was meant in jest.


17 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:


And again, where is the scene where Amelia is whoring herself out to middle-aged men?  How was that possibly gleaned from this episode?  I don't believe enough was seen to paint these girls as irresponsible sluts, too stupid and reckless to stay safe in an expensive hotel, using daddy's credit card.  They will be sneaking into clubs with fake id's, and having sex with old rich perverts.  It's getting tiresome.

Delilah was on the dating app, commented on it, and the other daughter, Amelia said "she's on that to meet up with older men."  That was where people are getting that.  I have to wonder why an 18 year old would want to meet up with older men.

Speaking of perverts, did anyone notice that Delilah's "agent" was wearing a shirt that said "pervert?"  Is that fashionable these days?  How do we take him seriously as an agent?

Edited by heatherchandler
  • Love 12
On 12/21/2016 at 0:56 PM, Kokapetl said:

There was a pair of ovens underneath the stove, plus a non matching wall oven, two fridges that didn't match and two dishwasher looking things that didn't match. Plus a HP printer and knee height spice rack. 

Wondering what is with them - period. Who are his clients are that bring in the big bucks? Dorit seems affected, by what not sure. (No not Lymes, breath easy.)  Her parents seem very normal so she could just be full of herself now she married what appears to have money or a great credit line.  Felt her whole routine about how to bring her the best looking guy and she wouldn't be interested is only trying to convince herself. Never mind it says she knows he's physically about a 2 on the 10 scale. Way to embarrass her husband. 

I have a desk built into my kitchen, away from cooking, prepping area to do bills etc. Have a multi printer on it so I can print off receipes, make copies, etc. Computer is a lap top so it could be anywhere.  The convenience is great.    

Is LisaR's daughter on some sugar daddy website. 

Edited by This2getsold
  • Love 4

I was raised on British humor, my father always watched the British sitcoms, I loved Fawlty Towers, Monty Python, To The Manor Born, etc...droll and witty writing, funny throw away lines and such, I thought everyone appreciated it until I met my second husband, it was like he was listening to a foreign language, completely lost on him so maybe Erika is the same way. That said, what ever LVP thinks her sense of humor is it is neither droll nor witty, they are just mean spirited comments not British or American funny.  I am sensing LVP is getting desperate to keep that imaginary crown on her head.

Eileen needs to stop looking so fabulous in everything she wears, hair and make up too,  LVP should take a page out of Eileen's book on how to look fabulous at any age.  Vince actually looked like he might have lost weight, he looked good.

  • Love 5
18 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

A few months ago Erika was on Heather McDonald's podcast and in a later podcast, Heather said that Erika did NOT get most of her jokes.  They either upset her or flew over her head.  She may just be one of those people who don't "get" humor.  Or they take stuff literally that was meant in jest.


Delilah was on the dating app, commented on it, and the other daughter, Amelia said "she's on that to meet up with older men."  That was where people are getting that.  I have to wonder why an 18 year old would want to meet up with older men.

Speaking of perverts, did anyone notice that Delilah's "agent" was wearing a shirt that said "pervert?"  Is that fashionable these days?  How do we take him seriously as an agent?

Interesting on the Heather info, I would assume someone who is married to such a smart man would catch simple jokes quicker. No wonder she hangs around with a bunch of dancers half her age, they really seem to make her feel like a gay icon

  • Love 12

Or because she actually knows her children she knows what the can and cannot handle.

The reason I wouldn't do it is that at 15 girls/boys don't necessarily know what they can't handle. Lisar put her girl in a position of having to fend for herself in a strange city without a familiar adult at hand.  Being on your own in a city like NYC might be ok, and they might not come to any physical harm, but they could encounter situations that cause them anxiety without an adult around to help them. They could get sick, get their iphone stolen or pickpocketed, get their room broken into, the older sister could ditch the younger one or leave her on her own. Or even little things like getting ripped off by a cab or uber driver or getting lost, not to mention if there were some real scary situation happen when you couldn't get back to them. All those things can cause unnecessary anxiety for a 15-year-old and it's not necessary when Lisar as the parent can just say, "sorry you don't like it but you're coming to QVC with me anyway." There's a reason Lisar says she was worried about it and that is that parental instinct that you know also that 15-year-olds (and 18-year-olds) don't know what they don't know.  Just think how it would sound if a high school planned a trip to the city for a group of 15-year-olds for two nights with zero chaperones. It wouldn't happen.

  • Love 5
9 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

A relative of mine has a child who had to wear that head gear thingy when he was young. He developed a misshapen head from being in the birth canal too long. A neighbor who used to live next door while I was a teen also had a child who had to wear that device. Apparently, she made it a habit to lay the kid on his back. Both of these occurred back in the early 80s.

Sophia is so pretty. I would much rather hear what she had to say than the Rinna girls. Then again, best if Sophia just remains the quiet one. 

Dorit, there is nothing more important than your child's health. As if you are so damn busy. Go to your son's fucking medical appointments. 

Giggy looks like he on his last leg. 

Eileen's losses. Damn. I wish her well. 

Sometimes the quietest one in the room is the smartest.

  • Love 14

Being friends with Eileen must be exhausting.  She's still going to pick at that scab until it leaves a scar.  LVP has apologized for the affair comment.  Let it go.  You can't make your friends and acquaintances into what you think they should be.   Sorry for the loss of so many of her family but that's life.  (3 family members and 2 friends between Thanksgiving and now)  Celebrate their lives.

LVP is crude, definitely a Brit humor but she seems to enjoy life.  Good for her.  None of them seem to have any problem grabbing each others breasts or worse in front of the men. 

Erika, Erika, Erika.  Please wear undies.  Nobody wants to sit where your nekked butt has been.  I don't understand the trend with going commando.  It's unsanitary!!!!  I don't care what anyone says.

PK leering at Erika's crotch....   Men are dogs.  They may act like good boys for their wives but I would much rather they be honest and admit it!

Rinna is just so over the top all the time.  ICK

New gal Dorit,  Shes a bit odd.  I don't understand the switch with her accent but she seems to like to have fun so I will hold my opinion until I see her true colors.  Parenting styles are different and as far as the little by and not speaking and her not going to the speech therapist, "to each his own".  The tantrum however, showed me a lot about Dorit.  Whatever happened to the days where if your kid threw a fit you took them and put them in the corner?

  • Love 6
8 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

I could not read the bottom part of Erika's T-Shirt she wore for another boring scene with her dancers but the top part read, "My Pussy" and the bottom part said, "My (way-maybe)".  I wonder which runway designer thought a T-Shirt reading "My Pussy" would be a big seller?  

Donald Trump would love that shirt.

9 minutes ago, Giselle said:

Sometimes the quietest one in the room is the smartest.


  • Love 2
1 hour ago, GreatKazu said:

Donald Trump would love that shirt.


Actually I figured out what the shirt read-"My Pussy, My Rules".  Seems apropros given the episode.   

I was a little worried when I saw the original ratings for RHOBH, apparently they had a big jump in the seven day ratings. http://tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com/dvr-ratings/cable-live-7-ratings-for-dec-5-11-2016/

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, janie2002 said:

Interesting on the Heather info, I would assume someone who is married to such a smart man would catch simple jokes quicker. No wonder she hangs around with a bunch of dancers half her age, they really seem to make her feel like a gay icon

I don't think Tom is all the swift in social situations, I find hi to be a big old blowhard, that just likes to listen to his own voice.  When they were having the discussion at his home, about Erika speaking horribly about LVP, he tried to spin it.  Surely, he has been in video taped depositions and would know when the cameras are on, the conversation gets recorded.  I find him fairly insulting and humorless, I guess when the joke is on you that married a gold-digger, who spends your money grinding around and getting naked in front of camera crews and her glam squad, you would lose your sense of humor.

3 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I was raised on British humor, my father always watched the British sitcoms, I loved Fawlty Towers, Monty Python, To The Manor Born, etc...droll and witty writing, funny throw away lines and such, I thought everyone appreciated it until I met my second husband, it was like he was listening to a foreign language, completely lost on him so maybe Erika is the same way. That said, what ever LVP thinks her sense of humor is it is neither droll nor witty, they are just mean spirited comments not British or American funny.  I am sensing LVP is getting desperate to keep that imaginary crown on her head.

Eileen needs to stop looking so fabulous in everything she wears, hair and make up too,  LVP should take a page out of Eileen's book on how to look fabulous at any age.  Vince actually looked like he might have lost weight, he looked good.

Here is what I don't understand, I watch RHOA and their humor, directed at one another is downright insulting and sometimes terribly funny.  Erika is from Atlanta, it is not as if they don't have humor in Atlanta.  Bethenny made a career out of her Greek Chorus like comments, so it is not as if she should not have expected some humor, perhaps disguised as insults, from this endeavor in her life.  On a scale of 1-10 I would rate an LVP insult about a 3 on the Atlanta scale and a 5 on the Bethenny scale.  That is American humor and I don't find it any less mean spirited than British humor.  My only complaint about LVP's humor is at times it is not terribly original.  Her first season though, she was quite humorous and that was a season that had some humorless situations.

There was one person I found quite funny and she wasn't terribly abrasive and that was Kathryn Edwards.  She had a way of reacting to some of the contrived drama that was great.  Her falling over backwards laughing at Lisa R., dramatic moment about one person to blame, was priceless, of course Eileen and Rinna got mad at her.

  • Love 8

I think LVP thinks if she makes a comment and it is coarse (usually something about a lady part or a bum) she thinks it's funny, mostly it's not, it's just coarse.  Zoeysmom, you are right about Bethenny and her Greek chorus commentary being funny and sharp, Erika may be a little thin skinned but she should remember if you sign up for this show you have to take what is being served.  The insults fly on all of these shows and Erika is going at it with Dorit, calling her out on just about everything she says so why are her non existent panties in a wad of what LVP says, who knows.

  • Love 9
16 hours ago, Former Nun said:

SophiaUmansky.jpegSophia Umansky

I think this girl is gorgeous! 

She might not feel totally comfortable about her height and slouch a bit. Poor posture could effect her look, but overall she looks quite lovely, to me. 

11 hours ago, Drumpf1737 said:

I love that Erika is going to check Dorit next week. I hate women that try and shame other women into conformity. Tell your nasty, sweaty husband to keep his eyes front, Dorit.

You and me both. I don't give a flying flip that Erika didn't wear panties. It's not like she intentionally flashed the group or tried to hit on PK. If she did either of those, I could see Dorit being mad. I still don't think anyone would have known about the lack of panties if not for LVP. Erika seemed to loudly state she wasn't wearing any, after the former put her damn hand up her skit. That's what I saw,  and then after it was revealed, PK kept trying for a peak. I'm not saying he's some horrible pervert for doing so, but that's on him. There is ZERO reason to try and present someone with a pair of panties, as if you're so above it all. I already really, really do not like this woman. And I'm not a big Erika fan either, but damn. 

  • Love 9
49 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

I don't think Tom is all the swift in social situations, I find hi to be a big old blowhard, that just likes to listen to his own voice.  When they were having the discussion at his home, about Erika speaking horribly about LVP, he tried to spin it.  Surely, he has been in video taped depositions and would know when the cameras are on, the conversation gets recorded.  I find him fairly insulting and humorless, I guess when the joke is on you that married a gold-digger, who spends your money grinding around and getting naked in front of camera crews and her glam squad, you would lose your sense of humor.

Here is what I don't understand, I watch RHOA and their humor, directed at one another is downright insulting and sometimes terribly funny.  Erika is from Atlanta, it is not as if they don't have humor in Atlanta.  Bethenny made a career out of her Greek Chorus like comments, so it is not as if she should not have expected some humor, perhaps disguised as insults, from this endeavor in her life.  On a scale of 1-10 I would rate an LVP insult about a 3 on the Atlanta scale and a 5 on the Bethenny scale.  That is American humor and I don't find it any less mean spirited than British humor.  My only complaint about LVP's humor is at times it is not terribly original.  Her first season though, she was quite humorous and that was a season that had some humorless situations.

There was one person I found quite funny and she wasn't terribly abrasive and that was Kathryn Edwards.  She had a way of reacting to some of the contrived drama that was great.  Her falling over backwards laughing at Lisa R., dramatic moment about one person to blame, was priceless, of course Eileen and Rinna got mad at her.

Additionally, Erika likes to think she's some sort of gay icon. She travels with her gay hair, makeup, and fashion squad. I know that reading and throwing shade tends to be more common with gay men of color, but I find it hard to believe that there isn't a member of her squad that doesn't do it even a little bit. Or when she's performing at these gay clubs. What are her reactions to the drag queens who often host these events and will be shady as fuq? If you've watched RuPaul's Drag Race, you know sly humor is very much part of gay entertainment. I think this is the reason her drag is sex, sex, sex. She doesn't get humor. There's no way she could do anything with a little humor or wit.

Her single that she's working on the music video is titled XXspensiveXX, which makes no fucking sense. Not XXXspensive.

  • Love 8
5 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I think this girl is gorgeous! 

She might not feel totally comfortable about her height and slouch a bit. Poor posture could effect her look, but overall she looks quite lovely, to me. 

You and me both. I don't give a flying flip that Erika didn't wear panties. It's not like she intentionally flashed the group or tried to hit on PK. If she did either of those, I could see Dorit being mad. I still don't think anyone would have known about the lack of panties if not for LVP. Erika seemed to loudly state she wasn't wearing any, after the former put her damn hand up her skit. That's what I saw,  and then after it was revealed, PK kept trying for a peak. I'm not saying he's some horrible pervert for doing so, but that's on him. There is ZERO reason to try and present someone with a pair of panties, as if you're so above it all. I already really, really do not like this woman. And I'm not a big Erika fan either, but damn. 

Agree. I do not care for Erika either but damn, it seems to be a bit of slut-shaming, dontcha think? Plenty of people do not wear underwear. Women just have to be careful when wearing a dress. As if Erika is the first lady on this show to not wear panties or a thong while filming.  Trying to shove panties upon someone? Seriously? 

  • Love 10
5 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

Additionally, Erika likes to think she's some sort of gay icon. She travels with her gay hair, makeup, and fashion squad. I know that reading and throwing shade tends to be more common with gay men of color, but I find it hard to believe that there isn't a member of her squad that doesn't do it even a little bit. Or when she's performing at these gay clubs. What are her reactions to the drag queens who often host these events and will be shady as fuq? If you've watched RuPaul's Drag Race, you know sly humor is very much part of gay entertainment. I think this is the reason her drag is sex, sex, sex. She doesn't get humor. There's no way she could do anything with a little humor or wit.

Her single that she's working on the music video is titled XXspensiveXX, which makes no fucking sense. Not XXXspensive.

10 to 1 that Erika watches others, her posse members, to see if they think it's funny first and then reacts accordingly but she can't do that on camera with the HWs otherwise she looks stupid. So, instead, she acts like she is above all of them, that she finds their jokes offensive because she doesn't understand what they are saying at all.

  • Love 15
4 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

Agree. I do not care for Erika either but damn, it seems to be a bit of slut-shaming, dontcha think? Plenty of people do not wear underwear. Women just have to be careful when wearing a dress. As if Erika is the first lady on this show to not wear panties or a thong while filming.  Trying to shove panties upon someone? Seriously? 

Which makes this whole commandogate smell to high heaven of a producer driven storyline! LOL

  • Love 6
8 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

Agree. I do not care for Erika either but damn, it seems to be a bit of slut-shaming, dontcha think? Plenty of people do not wear underwear. Women just have to be careful when wearing a dress. As if Erika is the first lady on this show to not wear panties or a thong while filming.  Trying to shove panties upon someone? Seriously? 

The conversation started with LVP discussing Kyle's underwear situation and Dorit suggested Kyle take them off.  Then LVP turned to Erika and slid her hand under the napkin on her lap and Erika decided to let the world know she wasn't wearing underwear.  Since Dorit has said she goes without underwear, I don't think it was slut shaming, maybe just a TMI moment from Erika.  They were all laughing at that point.

23 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I think this girl is gorgeous! 

She might not feel totally comfortable about her height and slouch a bit. Poor posture could effect her look, but overall she looks quite lovely, to me. 

You and me both. I don't give a flying flip that Erika didn't wear panties. It's not like she intentionally flashed the group or tried to hit on PK. If she did either of those, I could see Dorit being mad. I still don't think anyone would have known about the lack of panties if not for LVP. Erika seemed to loudly state she wasn't wearing any, after the former put her damn hand up her skit. That's what I saw,  and then after it was revealed, PK kept trying for a peak. I'm not saying he's some horrible pervert for doing so, but that's on him. There is ZERO reason to try and present someone with a pair of panties, as if you're so above it all. I already really, really do not like this woman. And I'm not a big Erika fan either, but damn. 

There is one, one second scene with PK looking Erika's direction, the other scene his head is moving away from the crotch shot.  He said, he saw it when they first got there, and I believe what they were saying, is how do you address it?  I do think the panties presentation was a joke and one that fell flat on Erika the clueless.  To me, it is not enough to carry the season.  Maybe it is good for Erika to be embarrassed on occasion, I suffer second hand embarrassment from her music videos. 

  • Love 11
32 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

The conversation started with LVP discussing Kyle's underwear situation and Dorit suggested Kyle take them off.  Then LVP turned to Erika and slid her hand under the napkin on her lap and Erika decided to let the world know she wasn't wearing underwear.  Since Dorit has said she goes without underwear, I don't think it was slut shaming, maybe just a TMI moment from Erika.  They were all laughing at that point.

There is one, one second scene with PK looking Erika's direction, the other scene his head is moving away from the crotch shot.  He said, he saw it when they first got there, and I believe what they were saying, is how do you address it?  I do think the panties presentation was a joke and one that fell flat on Erika the clueless.  To me, it is not enough to carry the season.  Maybe it is good for Erika to be embarrassed on occasion, I suffer second hand embarrassment from her music videos. 

Sorry, allow me to clarify. It came off as a bit as slut-shaming to discuss with PK how Erika seemed to be showing her privates on purpose when that wasn't what happened. If that scenario had played out in my neck of the woods, I would say plenty of women AND men do not wear underwear and that it was just an accident. I would not have acted as if what Erika purposely had her legs open to show off her goods. As for the next episode, it is just speculation since it I haven't watched it yet, but to hand Erika a gift of panties in a box seems to come off as if Dorito is trying to advise Erika to not walk around without any panties anymore because she doesn't know how to keep her legs closed.

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, Blondie said:

Being friends with Eileen must be exhausting.  She's still going to pick at that scab until it leaves a scar.  LVP has apologized for the affair comment.  Let it go.  You can't make your friends and acquaintances into what you think they should be.   Sorry for the loss of so many of her family but that's life.  (3 family members and 2 friends between Thanksgiving and now)  Celebrate their lives.

LVP is crude, definitely a Brit humor but she seems to enjoy life.  Good for her.  None of them seem to have any problem grabbing each others breasts or worse in front of the men. 

Erika, Erika, Erika.  Please wear undies.  Nobody wants to sit where your nekked butt has been.  I don't understand the trend with going commando.  It's unsanitary!!!!  I don't care what anyone says.

PK leering at Erika's crotch....   Men are dogs.  They may act like good boys for their wives but I would much rather they be honest and admit it!

Rinna is just so over the top all the time.  ICK

New gal Dorit,  Shes a bit odd.  I don't understand the switch with her accent but she seems to like to have fun so I will hold my opinion until I see her true colors.  Parenting styles are different and as far as the little by and not speaking and her not going to the speech therapist, "to each his own".  The tantrum however, showed me a lot about Dorit.  Whatever happened to the days where if your kid threw a fit you took them and put them in the corner?


MY wife knows I am a fucking dog.

I would have purposefully moved my chair with the comment, "I don't want to stare at your crotch while you air it out.'

THAT WAY? I don't have to discuss it with my wife later on and she probably like me for being a gentleman and not getting blinded by some pussy that has more miles on it than a tire off of a racecar.


Erica Joon was trying to beguile that idiot with the 'power of the pussy'.


48 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

Agree. I do not care for Erika either but damn, it seems to be a bit of slut-shaming, dontcha think? Plenty of people do not wear underwear. Women just have to be careful when wearing a dress. As if Erika is the first lady on this show to not wear panties or a thong while filming.  Trying to shove panties upon someone? Seriously? 

Well, If you buy your own panties and wear them, you don't have to worry about people getting the size, color and style wrong?

There is a certain amount of decorum that applies to every situation - NOT everyone wears panties, but not everyone wears flour sacks that barely cover their asses?

P.S. How is that 'slut shaming'?

14 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

A relative of mine has a child who had to wear that head gear thingy when he was young. He developed a misshapen head from being in the birth canal too long. A neighbor who used to live next door while I was a teen also had a child who had to wear that device. Apparently, she made it a habit to lay the kid on his back. Both of these occurred back in the early 80s.

Sophia is so pretty. I would much rather hear what she had to say than the Rinna girls. Then again, best if Sophia just remains the quiet one. 

Dorit, there is nothing more important than your child's health. As if you are so damn busy. Go to your son's fucking medical appointments. 

Giggy looks like he on his last leg. 

Eileen's losses. Damn. I wish her well. 

this scared me.

 I have been in a birth canal many times.

I am not misshapen.

  • Love 9
20 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

LVP definitely needs an update and a make-under. She dresses in 80s drag. It's ridiculous. And it ages her. I really wasn't joking when I said I spent a lot of season 1 trying to figure out if Lisa was a lesser known Collins sister.

Erika could also use a make-under. If you've seen pictures of Erika from before the show, you'll notice how much younger she looks without the beat face. Erika's entire look is so over the top that it just feels exhausting. It seems like she must be doing 2+ hours of hair and makeup every time she films.

LuAnn missed her opportunity to make Countess brand snatch guards and we need them over on Beverly Hills. Snatchgate is making me wish that Phaedra Parks was there. It's going escalate and that is going to annoy me. After Erika flashed them, Phaedra would have said something like "Use a prayer cloth honey. Hide your lusty thighs from prying eyes." But Erika is pretty humorless and probably would have had issues with that too.

JUST THINK about the possibilities?  Offered in nude, tan, white and black- adhesive and Velcro backing (adhesive for all the Brazilian cuts) to keep it in place, the patterns., materials. SPORTS TEAM LOGOS!!!! Lions, Tigers, Panthers..........

"We've got your team and vagina covered!"

LOLOLOLOL, Lusty thighs. I'll have to remember that!

  • Love 4

Kyle does looked refreshed. Dermabrasion maybe.

I also think she just has more of a lightness about her-- and I like her better-- now that Kim isn't on the show.  Even the way she delivers her line in the opening montage seems like she's kind of consciously playing a role and having fun with it. 

While I don't care for Erica, I actually believe her when she says that she's fundamentally an introvert.  I don't see that as being in conflict with her Erica Jayne persona at all, and who is Dorit to say that it is?  For instance, I'm in a job where I often have to give speeches to large groups of people.  No problem.  But put me at a party where I don't know anyone: my worst nightmare!  I'd probably sit in a corner and stare at my phone or hide out in the bathroom.  I see that as being similar to Erica.  Shut up, Dorit. 

Also, because I feel like I should emphasize this: I really, really don't like Dorit.  What is it about her?  I can't put my finger on it.  The accent?  The fact that she's new?  I know this is kind of a minor thing, but I thought it was very telling when she asked Jagger, "Do you want to drive your Ferrari?"  Why not just "your car?"  There's a self-consciousness about wealth there that's super gauche.  ...Which, yes, I realize could be the tagline for this entire franchise.  Yet I have such an aversion to her that I don't feel for the others. 

Oh and I too have a toddler who is obsessed with "driving" the car, and if we stopped putting her in her carseat every time she threw tantrums about that, we'd never go anywhere or get anything done.  Not saying I'm Mother of the Year because just the other night she was in her underwear eating jam out of the jar with a spoon for dessert... but man.  Good luck with Jagger in a few years, lady. 

  • Love 8


It's my pussy, my rules

gawk at it , you simple fools

It's the same thing in my sister's pants

So stare, if you have the chance.

My vagina, my rules 

My crotch, unbridled, on display

It's all mine, not tucked away

Introverted extrovert

I have no humor, am very curt.

And stupid sayings on my shirts!

My vagina, my rulllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

(It needs to be autotuned with a electro musical score that sounds like a 13 year old on a cheap CASIO keyboard.)

  • Love 14
8 minutes ago, ladle said:

I also think she just has more of a lightness about her-- and I like her better-- now that Kim isn't on the show.  Even the way she delivers her line in the opening montage seems like she's kind of consciously playing a role and having fun with it. 

While I don't care for Erica, I actually believe her when she says that she's fundamentally an introvert.  I don't see that as being in conflict with her Erica Jayne persona at all, and who is Dorit to say that it is?  For instance, I'm in a job where I often have to give speeches to large groups of people.  No problem.  But put me at a party where I don't know anyone: my worst nightmare!  I'd probably sit in a corner and stare at my phone or hide out in the bathroom.  I see that as being similar to Erica.  Shut up, Dorit. 

Also, because I feel like I should emphasize this: I really, really don't like Dorit.  What is it about her?  I can't put my finger on it.  The accent?  The fact that she's new?  I know this is kind of a minor thing, but I thought it was very telling when she asked Jagger, "Do you want to drive your Ferrari?"  Why not just "your car?"  There's a self-consciousness about wealth there that's super gauche.  ...Which, yes, I realize could be the tagline for this entire franchise.  Yet I have such an aversion to her that I don't feel for the others. 

Oh and I too have a toddler who is obsessed with "driving" the car, and if we stopped putting her in her carseat every time she threw tantrums about that, we'd never go anywhere or get anything done.  Not saying I'm Mother of the Year because just the other night she was in her underwear eating jam out of the jar with a spoon for dessert... but man.  Good luck with Jagger in a few years, lady. 

Except that Kim is coming back, just like last season she is a FOH again this year.

If Erika is an introvert, she sure picked a weird job, a Reality TV show where she is paid to interact with women she barely knows. She isn't an introvert, she just isn't all that smart/intelligent and has difficulty keeping up with/understanding ongoing conversations in addition to not having any sense of humor. Which is why she surrounds herself with paid suckups (her glam squad) all the time.

I suspect that Dorit was embarrassed by her sons temper tantrum on camera, hence her giving in to him so quickly. For me the jury is still out about her, I just haven't seen enough to make a decision yet. Time will tell/reveal who she is soon enough. LOL

  • Love 10

These people, quite literally, are willing to sacrifice their young to stay "relevant" in reality TV and pop culture.  I have a daughter who is also a senior in high school and who lives in a very metropolitan area. Of course I'm biased but I think she's quite sophisticated and has traveled without us but with adult chaperones. So I'm not so much bothered by two days in NYC but the dating app with the much older men?  Creepy and weird. And just.no.way.

I think Rinna gets a kick out of it because it gets attention for her annoying daughters. These girls come across as super impressed with themselves and their "wit."  Really couldn't stand them last season and nothing's changed this season!

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

Additionally, Erika likes to think she's some sort of gay icon. She travels with her gay hair, makeup, and fashion squad. I know that reading and throwing shade tends to be more common with gay men of color, but I find it hard to believe that there isn't a member of her squad that doesn't do it even a little bit. Or when she's performing at these gay clubs. What are her reactions to the drag queens who often host these events and will be shady as fuq? If you've watched RuPaul's Drag Race, you know sly humor is very much part of gay entertainment. I think this is the reason her drag is sex, sex, sex. She doesn't get humor. There's no way she could do anything with a little humor or wit.

Her single that she's working on the music video is titled XXspensiveXX, which makes no fucking sense. Not XXXspensive.

Erica cannot hang around other women because she thinks she better then them all - she doesn't have the intellect, chops  or sense of humor to hold her own in social situations amongst them.

I can see her at her next goon squad gathering whining about how she was picked on for not wearing underwear and how the women made her feel cheap - they laughed at her black and white dress, too.

She has a major league problem with self esteem - PK might have seen the stains  from all the smoke that her buddies blow up her ass?

Her 'creative director' is a fucking leech and an opportunist and a yes man.

Money can't buy you class, but you can sure rent people that will tell you anything you want to hear?

  • Love 10
8 hours ago, imjagain said:

I think the Hamlin girls would be OK in NYC.  As someone pointed out their spoiled but I wouldn't say sheltered.  I guarantee Rinna has let them makes decisions about what they will and won't do.  Like go with her to QVC. The girls (especially the 18 yr old) have a clear idea of what what they want. Right or wrong,  she's looking for a rich older man to get with. 

NYC is a great place,  for years I have gone  with my children and at least one of my sisters on a yearly trip.  It's exciting and I love it. My soon to be ex MiL,  hates NYC and always acted as if every year she'd never see me again.  Years ago I asked her why she hated NYC so much? She had a close friend whose 14 year old sister ran away from home to NYC.  The poor girl was   was found 3 months after she left home naked and murdered in an abandoned building. This is way back in 1971 and the story  was so horrid that it really scared my MiL.  I reminded her that life was still dangerous but we (me&family)  take precautions.  And enjoy the excitement of the city but I would never purposely  put my self in a dangerous situation.  And can't live scared of life. 

I'm sure the Hamlin girls were more about taking selfies in great restaurants,  shopping and  bragging on Instagram that they were on their own in the city. 

I can see why your MIL was traumatized. My mom came from Africa to go to college in NYC at age 17. She lived in the city as a single woman for years actually decades without incident. She moved to Pittsburgh with my dad and was mugged a month after they moved. She still managed to live there and raise a family. Your MIL was just scarred permanently and perhaps not curious enough to research to figure out if what happened to her friend was common.

It's interesting that when you're not in a really resilient place that logic goes out the window. My mom was hysterical and livid when my dad kept getting and taking calls during my grandma's funeral. Normally that would be obnoxious, but the funeral was the same time as an active environmental disaster and my dad is an expert on the subject. My mom will complain about it to this day. And we remind her of the circumstances. She'll respond "It didn't stop it from happening. Did it?"

  • Love 3

Dorito.... too busy (doing what? what exactly does Dorit do besides practice her fake accent?) to take her own son to speech therapy, but not too busy to become obsessed with Erika's "snatch" and buy her some ugly underwear in the next episode. It's not like Erika was sitting there with her legs wide open and her skirt hiked up. She had a napkin over her legs at one point too.

  • Love 5

Yeah, I completely did not see flashing, and see nothing but slut shaming. Erika's (why not spell it with a C like Lucci?) sense of humor sucks (still think LVP and perv were haughty in declaring that shit "ohh ho ha, it's British, dahling!"). But Lisa was totally onto the no panties thing and completely humiliated a "friend" by openly showing everyone and laughing in a freaking restaurant. Who DOES that? The gal playing to the camera and being above everyone ... that's who.  

I normally really like Lisa, but now second guess if her friend is PK and whatever woman he snags. If Dorit is canned she should know that Lisa will toss her to the curb in a heartbeat in order to stay in the company of the wealthy man. Look at Lisa and Yo. Despite Yolanda claiming that Mohammed was pissed, I'm will to bet that they're back in their happy social circle (minus Yolanda). $$$ is everything.

  • Love 4
13 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Yes, it's the idea of someone who purports to love her dog, joking about sticking anything up the dog's backend. 

Darling, it's the tops in British humor!  This is not the first of her pets LVP has giggled about anally violating.  (For the record, I'm not "offended", I just don't find it amusing.

13 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

Don't take the humour thing so literally. Not all Brits have the same humour, just as not all Americans have the same humour. British humour is often self-deprecating and aggressive. It's not something they made up about themselves to appear funnier - it's a legitimate stereotype about Brits. The words they use and even the spirit of their jokes can easily be seen as offensive in American society and maybe even in Canadian society (though as a Canadian, I don't personally feel that things are extremely PC here but that could bias to my personal experiences). But there is definitely a stereotype that Americans have a sensitive sense of humour and are easily offended.

True!  British comics and chick lit writers can be hilarious, in a style which one can recognize as "British humor."  I just don't think LVP can compete :)

11 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I was raised on British humor, my father always watched the British sitcoms, I loved Fawlty Towers, Monty Python, To The Manor Born, etc...droll and witty writing, funny throw away lines and such, I thought everyone appreciated it until I met my second husband, it was like he was listening to a foreign language, completely lost on him so maybe Erika is the same way. That said, what ever LVP thinks her sense of humor is it is neither droll nor witty, they are just mean spirited comments not British or American funny.  I am sensing LVP is getting desperate to keep that imaginary crown on her head.


I was LOLing when the poor clerk in the jewelry store was trying his hardest to ignore their "rubber" comments, which weren't funny at all.  Then LVP had to drag him into it, with her "Oh, am I misbehaving?" or some comment like that.  I liked that he continued to ignore her.  It's one thing to make jokes that just fall flat - read the room people!  Everyone doesn't have to laugh at you just because you think you're hilarious.

  • Love 3

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