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Bachelor in Paradise in the Media

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20 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

Oh that was fun! 

For those of you who didn't make it all the way to #49.  It seems Tanner tweeted ( or instagramed or something) to Demi that what she did to Derek was the same thing Jed did to Hannah B.  (What most of us have been saying.)  Demi got all mad and told Tanner she could give him lessons on "going down on your wife."  Ah Demi, Chris Harrison's favorite little girl.

Chris Harrison has some interesting favorites. 

On 8/17/2019 at 1:45 AM, Quiet1 said:

No idea why you quoted me. I never said anything about Jed's girlfriend knowing if he was going on the show or not. I was alluding to Jed's ex said he lied to her (not about the show). Maybe Demi's girlfriend will do an interview & say that Demi lied to her too. I will see how it plays out & how much Demi is like Jed. I have a feeling Demi's girlfriend is not blindsided like Jed's ex was and that production is very aware of her relationship.

I quoted you for the sake of conversation. We tend to do that around here. You were referring to a music career so it was obvious you were talking about Jed and I added that Jed’s girlfriend knew he was going on the show and should have been ready for what was to come. Demi did the same thing. I don’t like Jed or Demi. They both did something wrong and if the girlfriends were in on it, they were wrong too. The only difference is that Demi did this with the blessing of the entire production team and Chris Harrison, so of course she’s a hero, while Jed is a villain. 

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1 hour ago, Wandering Snark said:

She is so classy...

Maybe that's why I'm so bothered by the praise she is getting for coming out, being her true self, and all that. 

We saw who she was when she and Jordan were sitting around making fun of the others - too old, the wrong clothes/shoes/hair, walking funny.   Yeah, it's so brave to "be yourself" except if yourself is mean and nasty, remember that everyone else is just "being themselves", so shut up, Demi!  

She's not a nice person.   And that has NOTHING to do with her sexual orientation.   

Edited by tinkerbell
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1 hour ago, alexa said:

Yup. This is why things are going to get worse for these franchises. Colton, Hannah B, and now this have high ratings. In interviews Chris Harrison says it’s because of how compelling Colton (virgin, professional football player, good looking), Hannah (strong, independent, gorgeous woman), BIP (Demi’s brave storyline) storylines are. I suggest turning the TV off, because unless the ratings go down they’re not going to change anything. 

(Note: i in no way agree with Chris Harrison’s assessments. But I can’t argue the numbers. As long as the ratings are high Harrison will push whatever narrative he wants). 

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16 hours ago, Nowhere said:

I quoted you for the sake of conversation. We tend to do that around here. You were referring to a music career so it was obvious you were talking about Jed and I added that Jed’s girlfriend knew he was going on the show and should have been ready for what was to come. Demi did the same thing. I don’t like Jed or Demi. They both did something wrong and if the girlfriends were in on it, they were wrong too. The only difference is that Demi did this with the blessing of the entire production team and Chris Harrison, so of course she’s a hero, while Jed is a villain. 

Exactly Just as I said.

I  just listened to Demi on Ali and Rachel's podcast. Did I miss something....did she find a cure for cancer?? They used the words champion, warrior, trailblazer, hero. Seriously? I think there is an unspoken rule within Bachelor Nation that everyone is going to go all out to support Demi and no one wants to appear homophobic. Good for Demi if Kristian is her soulmate. I hope they are happy. I know a lot of gay people.... I have been friends with gay people long before it was common. But I will be the first to say....this fiasco is ridiculous.

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7 minutes ago, nutty1 said:

I  just listened to Demi on Ali and Rachel's podcast. Did I miss something....did she find a cure for cancer?? They used the words champion, warrior, trailblazer, hero. Seriously? I think there is an unspoken rule within Bachelor Nation that everyone is going to go all out to support Demi and no one wants to appear homophobic. Good for Demi if Kristian is her soulmate. I hope they are happy. I know a lot of gay people.... I have been friends with gay people long before it was common. But I will be the first to say....this fiasco is ridiculous.


it seems to be everywhere. I really like Juliet Litman, but she seems to have blinders on for Demi. I realize the significance and struggles a bi or homosexual person would have coming out on one of these shows. However, I don’t trust this particular “messenger” at all. She’s always appeared fake, self-serving, attention-seeking and the biggest hypocrite/bully in whatever crowd she’s in. I think she’s doing all of this for the show and will move on to something else when people get bored with her. I don’t get why so few people are willing to see what’s happening here. Juliet is particularly egregious because she calls out Derek for being fake, but calls Demi brave???  

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2 hours ago, Jillibean said:

Demi was out of line, but Tanner is so detestable that he deserves whatever he gets.

36 minutes ago, thehepburn said:

TMI, but then again, who is surprised that this abusive douchebag refuses to go down on his wife?

Ok I don't follow Tanner so I'm clueless. Why is he detestable and a douchebag?

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I think it is good that the franchise is wanting to do a non-hetro storyline, I just think they picked the wrong person to go with. Demi just comes across as too fake, too "made for TV", too much a "personality" to the point that it is hard for viewers who don't just take the show at face value to know if this is even real. Since it's clear that parts of it like the "surprise" arrival of the GF are fake, it's hard not to wonder if all of it is fake. 

I think they needed someone more grounded for this story to not feel like a cheap ploy but I guess they had to go with what they had. lol 

I do wish them the best. I think most of Demi's issues come from her being young and having had a crappy upbringing. Maybe a stable relationship with a mommy replacement is what she needs to grow up. 

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7 minutes ago, nutty1 said:

Those shows are so scripted.  Though truthfully, I did not watch it. Tanner and Jade seem happy, though I only see pictures and tweets and such. 

Their 'script' was tailored just for them. Many other BN couples did the show and none of them showed such a trouble marriage

Tanner also block you if u mention that show bc the truth hurts

Edited by thehepburn
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It’s not just the actual words that came out of Tanner’s mouth, it’s how he said them and how he reacted to Jade. You can’t script things like that. He was constantly dripping with contempt for her. If someone hands you a script telling you to call your wife a bitch, you have the choice not to adhere to that. But Jade said he called her that all the time, not just on the show. He literally told her she was worthless as a wife. And PLENTY of people have been on that show without verbally abusing their wives. There was one point where Tanner was telling a story about finding out his mom cheated (or something like that) and Jade empathetically said that while she loved Tanner’s mom, what happened wasn’t fair to young Tanner. Tanner’s immediate response was to snap back that Jade’s mother sucks also. 

Then there was also the incident of their first child. Tanner was open about the fact that he wanted a boy and even made Jade do all those wive’s tale things so they would have s boy. (They didn’t). From the delivery room, he instagrammed Jade begging him to take his McDonald’s outside because it was making her sick while he laughed and waved it around at her.

While I don’t listen to her podcast, my understanding is that sometimes the things Jade says about the way Tanner behaves are concerning to the point that others feel compelled to stop and further discuss it with her. 

And as for Demi’s comment? Jade has openly stated that Tanner won’t do that. So there you go. Anyone can look happy and in love in instagram pictures. I even think Jade genuinely loves him. I just also think it’s because she doesn’t know any better and that if she had any idea of her own self worth she wouldn’t be with someone who so willingly and casually awful to her with the cameras ON.

Edited by Jillibean
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I've sometimes wondered what Jade ever saw in Tanner, because all I saw was an average looking, not particularly smart or funny used car salesman. And that was before reading the comments here. Jade seems like such a sweet-natured person, and I'm so sad for her that she is allowing herself to be verbally abused. Even worse, their children will grow up thinking that this is how a man should treat a woman.

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7 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

Jade and Tanner's children will be able to go online, see Mom's porn pictures  and read all the intimate details of their parents' sex lives. They've both set their children up  to be the  laughing stock of their school.

That's pretty much true for so many small children now.  No parental boundaries, nothing on a need-to-know basis, just 100% unvarnished, spewed-out info about their parents, permanently spread around cyberspace, in words and pictures.   

We didn't know those things about our parents, and I'm grateful. 

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3 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

My brothers and I are sure  our mother never had sex.  Dad maybe but not Mom.

When I was pregnant with my third child, I was standing outside with my oldest, who was 9 at the time.  I was just enjoying a nice fall day, but my kid obviously had something on her mind.  Finally she said "The kids at school are talking about sex."  I was surprised and said "They are?"  "Yeah.  At recess all the older kids are talking about it.  They said that sometimes adults get naked and have sex." 

Internally, I was screaming "Oh crap, I'm not ready for this conversation!"  Playing for time, I replied "Well, I guess that's true."

Looking at me with a very serious expression, she said "So you know about this stuff?"  "Yeah." 

She was quiet for a moment, then looking at me sideways, she asked "Have you had sex before?"  "Yeah."  Looking at my swollen belly, she replied "I guess you have.  Three times." 

Good Lord, the child thought she was educating me on sex!  How do I end this conversation?  I wasn't prepared to give a powerpoint presentation on the mechanics of sex, but I also didn't want to make her think that sex was bad.

No problem.  My kid obviously felt she'd done her duty to inform me that there was this thing called sex, and it sometimes led to babies.  Just to drive the point home, she ended the conversation with "So if you want any more babies, you just have to sleep real close to Dad!"

I tried very hard to hide my smile as we walked back to the house together.  I didn't have to continue this conversation, but it was so stinking cute!

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On 8/25/2019 at 12:13 AM, hnygrl said:

Is it just me, or is the whole "Demi" mess ruining the franchise for anyone else? It's so freaking wrong it angers me. I can't with these people. HER they make excuses for, HER it's a warrior, groundbreaking, living her freaking TRUTH thing. But a MAN? He's a sleaze. A dog, a f&&k boy.  So unfair. A man comes to Paradise, has a girl back home. Halfway kinda sorta maybe(?) in love with her, like with her, has feelings but no idea how strong yet, wants to date girls in Paradise to see if what he has with the girl back home is real or not.


His ass is gone. In a jeepney, not a limo or an SUV.  They might even make him walk home. He's be vilified forever and everywhere. HOW DARE YOU do this to that poor girl back home? Have you no HEART? What about the girl who is now IN LOVE with you in Paradise? HOW COULD you? YOU ANIMAL!!!!

But it's a same-sex-girl-girl thing and Princess Demi, and nobody cares. Not even the man she's sh&tting all over. HE doesn't even care she's in love with a girl back home and came to Paradise to further her brand-errr-to...fall...in love...? (high-pitched voice)

For some reason, with men? If the person she's cheating on you with is a GIRL? It's cool.  Rumor has it she even "did it" with him when the cameras were off. And that's why he was all smitten.

This girl is trash. Pure unadulterated trash. And she's using AMERICA to get her 15 minutes stretched into an hour and we're eating it up like ice cream sundaes.

I'm disgusted. Now? She and her uninvited, not even part of the 'nation' girlfriend? Get to hand out roses every week Period. And she'll probably drop to one knee at the end, you know, for those insta-likes...sooooo romantic (swoon)...luv is luv....

I hate this. I hate that JED got crucified for doing the same effing THING DEMI is doing (Yeah but she was HONEST about sh&tting all over someone who loved her so it's OKAY).

No. No it's not.

(sigh)...been wanting to get that out for days and days...thanks for listening.

Agreed. It’s absurd.

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Good interview with Tyler with Juliet Litman from The Ringer. Very laid back. He would not answer anything about Gigi. He's a great guy, he would have been a good Bachelor.  But not as pliable as they'd like, though I think with a million followers, they would have snatched him up in a minute if they could have.


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7 minutes ago, Jaclyn88 said:

Wasn’t the baby born just a few weeks ago ? 

Four weeks! Jade must still be traumatized from the closet birth and exhausted from breastfeeding and caring for a newborn and a toddler. I hope once the baby starts sleeping through the night and Jade can get some rest, she'll finally feel strong enough to leave Tanner.

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The worst part is not even about him whining about lack of sex but about feeling left out because the new born only wants mommy. Like, you can feel it but do you need to bitch about it in public. He probably feels left out because he doesn't help out enough with the kids. Whenever someone whines about how their kids prefer the other parent, it is a sign they don't spend as much time with them. Babies or kids will always be closer to someone who gives them more attention.

I feel sad for Jade reading this post. Not because of the struggles of being a mom, but because the way she is writing like she doesn't have a spouse to share the burden.

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11 hours ago, nutty1 said:

What an ass. Poor Jade! Even if he has those feelings, he does not need to be broadcasting it. 

That is what makes me so sad.  I mean, of course new parents have a lot of mixed feelings.  They are tired, it is a new situation, things are different.  But don't put it on your wife, and tell people about it publicly.  I can't even imagine how this makes her feel.  I would feel so betrayed to have my spouse tell the whole world.  Very sad.  

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I’m genuinely curious if any person who’s ever appeared on the bachelor franchise has a current job ? Every one of their instagrams is them selling ads and/or traveling to amazing looking places . As much as I make fun of them for willing to be portrayed as hot messes on the show , I can’t help but want to join and not work another day in my life like them. ( I wonder if the fact that I’m married will put a damper on my audition .)

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3 hours ago, nlkm9 said:

It shows that pics are often nothing like what’s going on. I would never have thought he was such a total moron and so mean. It’s sad. 

But they’re not reporting it like he’s a douche bag. They’re reporting it like poor Tanner can’t get any. 

I thought they were well matched. The good thing is that Jade is the breadwinner, and can get out. She will get a big sympathy push resulting in more money coming her way. 

Jade had all of Bachelor nation after her. She can do better, but maybe she’s drawn to assholes. Hope she gets some insight. I grew to like the wild mustang very much. 

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Jade doesn't look happy in her marriage but doubt she would ever do anything about it in the forseeable future because they have two small kids and their brand is shilling stuff as a "family family". Jade is sweet and simple (I don't say it in a bad way) but Tanner seems to look down on her.

25 minutes ago, Jaclyn88 said:

I can’t help but want to join and not work another day in my life like them. ( I wonder if the fact that I’m married will put a damper on my audition .) 

You'd be fine as long as you pull a Demi.

Edited by waving feather
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40 minutes ago, Jaclyn88 said:

I’m genuinely curious if any person who’s ever appeared on the bachelor franchise has a current job ? 

Some of the old timers do.  Ashley is a dentist. Chris (Des’s husband) still works in finance. Jason Mesnick has a real job and Molly works at a radio station.  Cupcake is a dentist. Ryan was a firefighter for years. 

As far as the younger ones.....nope, can’t think of any! Actually, Nikki Ferrell is still a nurse. And the gal Chris Soules chose works. 

Is it sad I know this?

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1 hour ago, Jaclyn88 said:

I’m genuinely curious if any person who’s ever appeared on the bachelor franchise has a current job ? Every one of their instagrams is them selling ads and/or traveling to amazing looking places . As much as I make fun of them for willing to be portrayed as hot messes on the show , I can’t help but want to join and not work another day in my life like them. ( I wonder if the fact that I’m married will put a damper on my audition .)

I feel the same way.  I was looking at Becca Kufrin's instagram, and she is really no different than Lauren, Arie's wife ....she travels all of the time, and they somehow moved to California (her and Garrett).  No mention of a job, ever, and California is not cheap.  She is from Minnesota... I mean, you can't just feel that rich all of the sudden?  I like her but she even posted a picture of herself at an infinity pool in Bali and asked her followers what their favorite infinity pool was.  One follower said, you assume that us poor folks have even been to one before.  lol!  I mean, I get that the instagram thing makes them money, but honestly these people are not that famous....it seems their ads can't be worth that much?

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