Galloway Cave November 28, 2016 Share November 28, 2016 I guess they caved in and waited until December, also known as payday for the new season. 14 Link to comment
laschifosavita November 28, 2016 Share November 28, 2016 Caleb and Maddy are adorable, and I am embarrassingly charmed by them. 10 Link to comment
RazzleberryPie November 28, 2016 Share November 28, 2016 If ratings dip too low, Mykeltis guy is the one who will take a 2nd wife. 15 Link to comment
Popular Post VedaPierce November 28, 2016 Popular Post Share November 28, 2016 (edited) I always find it very frustrating watching meri dance around a topic. Like their conversation in the backyard. She just has such a hard time with plain old honesty. I always wish she is asked direct questions. There was so much left unsaid and the air was so thick with resentments they both have towards each other. Then Kody says "that was a mistake to film". Well u can't have it both ways Kody. This show cannot sustain itself on endless cake tastings. You have to explain everything or don't have a show. I'm glad the producers are pushing them. I loved it when he told her that SHE was the one that threw him out. That SHE told him to get out of her life. The long, angry look on her stupid face, when confronted with a little truth! Ugh! I'm so sick of her skirting her ownership in this mess. The catfish planted seeds in her head that turned her against everyone, that made her angry with Kody. Yeah, right. It's all the catfish's fault. Nothing is ever her fault. Still sneaky and still deceptive. Im sure the divorce played a huge roll in pushing meri into looking for love elsewhere, but then be honest about it for heavens sake! That bullshit about it being her idea, that she came up with it for the kids was just bullshit. Be honest for once! I would have so much respect for her if she just yelled at him that she was angry with him that he divorced her! That she always resented sisterwives. That she always loved him more than he loved her. She would win the show for me and finally give me someone to root for. Edited November 28, 2016 by VedaPierce 50 Link to comment
VedaPierce November 28, 2016 Share November 28, 2016 And where the hell was Robyn tonight anyway? Filing for divorce? She was missing for half the episode. No tweeting either? I bet they're working on next season's story line. Robyn leaves, Kody chases her and brings her back, re-re-commitment ceremony. 14 Link to comment
Madding crowd November 28, 2016 Share November 28, 2016 Overall, this was a boring season premier. Not interested in watching the Brown's taste wedding cakes or look at flowers. I also don't know any men who would be remotely interested in this kind of stuff. My husband had no clue what we were doing for flowers or decorations at our wedding and didn't care. I don't really like seeing kids get married that young although I understand it is normal in the Mormon religion. My own son is 19 and a freshman in college and is no way mature enough to be married. Tony seemed a bit like he wanted to be on TV and dating for 5 months is nothing. I couldn't believe Kody and Christine consulted with the other couple instead of the sister wives. If I were them I would be more interested in getting Mykelti in some kind of career or school, working at a pawn shop can't pay very well. Not everyone is cut out for college, but everyone should be able to support themselves in case the marriage doesn't work out. I would be too afraid Tony has no intention of working and expects to make money off of the show. I also wish Meri would just move on from a man who doesn't love her. Sorry, I just don't agree that Meri did something so awful. She had an online flirtation that might have but didn't lead to anything. You can't judge people for what they might do-then we all are condemned. Kody divorced her to please Queen Robyn and for no other reason. I just can't stand Kody and hope he loses his original three wives, his TV show and his celebrity status. Then he can go out and work at a fast food place or something he is qualified for. 12 Link to comment
fountain November 28, 2016 Share November 28, 2016 Tony lost me when he talked of someone else getting a mortgage for his wedding. Who says Kody has to pay for it? How does Tony know how the wedding is being paid for? Overall, I just wasn't a fan of Tony. I am sure the close time frame is to get TLC to pay. I loved it when Robyn asked are they getting married for the same reasons most LDS getting married. Nice of someone saying it out loud. These kids barely can support themselves and haven't even finished any post-secondary school. 13 Link to comment
Twopper November 28, 2016 Share November 28, 2016 Well, I sorta let myself get sucked into this episode hoping against hope that Kody's remark in the ads for the show about maybe it wasn't a good idea to film something ( I realize I don't have the quote correct) would lead to him saying that he realized filming the family was having bad effects on the family and they would now quit filming and live private lives. I know --not going to happen. Having spent about a year helping my daughter plan a fairly large and expensive wedding ( which we paid about 80% of the cost), I was mostly interested in their trip to wherever they went for the tastings. I was thinking maybe Kody didn't want to pay for the alcohol. Also I wasn't sure who was paying for this wedding. The bloody elk groom's cake seemed like they were stealing from "Steel Magnolias" with its armadillo cake; our wedding had a peanut butter chocolate groom's cake which I heard was very delish, but, being allergic, I had to avoid. Also I am behind the times, as I have not been to a wedding with a "naked" brides cake. All I could think of was "naked bride." I did think the wedding was being planned by committee, and about the time I was thinking that, Jannelle said something similar. I hope I got her name right (It has been awhile since I watched this series). I had a cat in my lap the entire time this was on (she was exfoliating my arm for most of the time) so the show only got about 75% of my attention, and I missed most of Mykelti and her fiancé. Somewhere I heard he used to be Catholic; I will watch this show if he returns to the Catholic Church and takes her, the sister wives, and the rest of the older kids with him. It also bugged me to hear the negative comments made about her and the comparison to Madison because at some point Mykelti will see the episode. Maybe they should just have a double wedding. I think I really dislike Kody more than I dislike Meri. I am sure being the legal wife meant a lot to Meri and it must have irritated her to be reminded it mattered not to him. Not too sure Robin cared for the remark that his legal marriage to her matters only for adoption purposes. Not that I was ever a proponent of legalizing polygamy, but this program has really left my very unimpressed by it and I am unconvinced that polygamy has served them well. And I hate to think of the younger kids eventually watching this on DVD when they are older, but then I think that of most of reality tv families. 6 Link to comment
Galloway Cave November 28, 2016 Share November 28, 2016 (edited) One thing I didn't understand with Christine was how she didn't know that Mykelti and Tony were dating, yet Tony had been over to the house for dinner several times. First of all, it's not like they live in Vegas, they had to drive a couple hours from St. George to get there. So Mykelti wasn't just dropping by with a casual friend. Secondly, didn't Christine talk to him during the dinners? Was there absolutely no clue that her daughter liked this guy? Even Mykelti said that her mom didn't know they had been dating for 5 months yet she had been bringing him around for a while. I know when I was that age if I had brought a guy over to my parent's house for dinner several times they would have asked if he was a good friend or boyfriend. Me thinks the whole M/T courtship and engagement thingy was scripted for the drama ($$) and Kody and Christine knew about him all along. Edited November 28, 2016 by Galloway Cave 8 Link to comment
Snarklepuss November 28, 2016 Share November 28, 2016 I knew that if I came here people would be saying exactly what I think about Tony. He's an arrogant little narcissist in training. What F-ing nerve to say they should take out a "home equity loan" to finance his marriage - Shows you how little he knows about the family and what high expectations he has. I even think he's showing signs of being a worse narcissist than Kody if that's possible. Plus there was his flip attitude when he said he "couldn't wait forever". Seriously? For what, to get laid? Why didn't Kody tell him that if Mykelti is his true soul mate she's worth waiting for? I never thought I'd find myself siding with Kody about anything. I couldn't believe the attitude of those friends of theirs either. I got married at 21 right out of college but my husband and I had a budget wedding and financed most of it ourselves. Plus I already knew him for 2 years by the time we got married and he spent plenty of time with my family beforehand. It isn't just about the couple, especially if they expect the parents to pay for it. This is the 21st century, not the 19th! I think that Mykelti not only thought she could grab some of the attention away from Maddie, but that she could guilt her parents into giving her a wedding as nice as Maddie's if she rode her coattails into it, acting like a couple of months later is not that much later. But Maddie and her fiance strike me as the types to pay for at least some of the wedding themselves. Maddie's fiance/husband is older and presumably more independent financially. The reason Christine sees Mykelti as younger than Maddie is because she is so much more immature. Her choice of a guy is only making that more painfully obvious. This is a real disaster but there's really nothing the parents can do because they're technically adults and can marry whoever they want. 17 Link to comment
AZChristian November 28, 2016 Share November 28, 2016 Well, it looks like they may actually be able to squeeze a whole season out of all the angst shown in tonight's episode. But hopefully NO MORE. 1 Link to comment
Popular Post MarysWetBar November 28, 2016 Popular Post Share November 28, 2016 Oh this is gonna be so much fun to snark about!!! Fat Tony... as I will affectionately refer to him forever from this date... he will be the best part of this season! Kodi has met his match in the grifter world. This kid reeks of a greasy used car salesman in a cheap ill-fitting polyester suit...sweating pit stains and all!! I can't help but love the chutzpah of this lil scammer, this Lil Brown in Waiting.. " there's loans you can take out on your biggie..I can find creative financing" ???? I think it sucks that the only way Janelle's boys see to get an education is enlisting. It's an honorable thing to do but I'm sure it's just a means to a way for them. No money left for college after the mother load was paid for Ms Poutypants. On to her and her scowling puss. She needs to get over her mother's catfish catfishing shit. Seriously. It's none of her business and the only reason she's pissed is her mother didn't listen to what she TOLD HER TO DO. EXCUSE ME? Get your fat ass off my couch then and back to your fancy university... momma is selling the house, screwing off alone and next time you wanna come home, theres a cot in the shed in Robins back yard you can crash on. I can't believe I'm saying this, but that scene with Meri and Kodi finished me. Noone should have to have that pain on camera. I couldn't stand how that asshole tried to put it all on her. Yes she was an idiot and got catfished but look what he did to her with that divorce! Him and his fucking confused look " what's happening? What's wrong with my marriage? I can't remember any of this?" You could tell Meri was unsure how far to go with the cameras rolling. I felt for her with that asshole and his games and her spoiled brat daughter basically shunning her like she posed for Hustler. Enough. Meri needs to cut her losses and leave that bunch. She's been publicly shamed enough and it's time to move forward. Christine is getting all the D lately for sho. She's all flirty and bubbly and just brimming with #1 wifey vibes. I feel kinda sorry for Mykelti the way all of them are talking so negatively about her wedding and yet in 7th heaven about Maddies. That's the stuff you remember forever. My favorite scene was Janelle rolling into the cake tasting place tummy first and saying how she was starving. I'm sorry. I usually don't comment on their weight but for some reason that cracked me right up. And yeah Caleb is more mature...barely... hes a thirty-something year old man. I find him doltish too..I hate those kind of men. Apologies to anyone who does have that kind of guy. Just different strokes for different folks I guess. Redneck camouflage guy just not revving up the wet bar, if ya know what I mean. 34 Link to comment
RedheadZombie November 28, 2016 Share November 28, 2016 I've missed this show, and I'm only semi-embarrassed to admit it. I just like this family, and wish the best for them. Maybe it's because I'm an only child. One of my favorite movies when I was little was the original Yours, Mine, and Ours. I would watch it over and over again, especially the scene of settling into the house, and where each kid sleeps and which bathroom to use. It just fascinates me. I'm amazed more and more how Janelle reveals she's NOT better than the others. When Kody's first response to Mykelti's potential marriage was that Janelle is going to be pissed, I thought - wow, he's really not giving her any credit. Then Christine says the very same thing. And then we see Janelle's response. Ugh. I'm probably the only female to ever say this, but I hate wedding planning. I find it excruciating, and to be honest, I can barely tolerate brides-to-be. And after this episode, it finally occurred to me that the only person more self-involved than a bride, is her mother. Now that's not exactly true since Janelle isn't absorbed with herself, but with Madison, but good Lord. When Kody speaks the truth, as he surprisingly does on occasion, he gets a bulls eye. You've had a gigantic litter of children, therefore children will be getting married left and right. No one is attempting to steal Maddie's show - who seems to be a special snowflake on par with her half-sister. Maddie doesn't own the whole damn summer. And Janelle, no one believes that you would lift a finger to help plan Mykelti's wedding, so stop trying to deflect why you're really irritated. A few points to Janelle, though, for at least verbalizing she doesn't want to hurt Mykelti's feelings. Not that it stopped her from speculating on Mykelti's every inadequacy. I actually didn't mind Kody's requests of Tony. And I actually loved Robin putting it out there - they're rushing because they want to have sex. And from what I've learned from my LDS friends, it's certainly true for many in their faith (although it would seem many fall into the "everything, but" category". And while it makes sense in theory that if they have premarital sex, they can slow down and really decide if they want to get married, there aren't many religious fathers who are going to say that. Plus, statistics seem to show that couples who live together prior to marriage are more likely to get divorced, which seems to disagree that pre-marital sex helps anything. Either Maddie has absolutely no connection with Truely, or they re-filmed the scene. They seemed like acquaintances more than sisters. I do feel that minus Logan, Janelle's children are much less affectionate with their siblings, than the rest of the children are. Maybe it's Janelle's reserved, colder nature. But considering they were partly raised by Christine, you'd think they'd be closer. It seems that Janelle's house was mostly a free for all for the boys, and they did as they pleased. If things got out of hand and Kody wasn't there to intervene for her, Janelle just sent the boy that wasn't hers home. Maddie probably gathered at her sisters' homes, and maybe Savannah stuck with Janelle because she was the baby. I don't know. We've seen Hunter is partial to the babies, but otherwise he's not overly enamored with his half-sisters. Not that I always blame him now that the pack of screamers has added Robyn's loud and attention-hogging duo. 11 Link to comment
crgirl412 November 28, 2016 Share November 28, 2016 (edited) I watched the Hawaii episode before the premiere and was shocked at Kody's foul language. Now, I use foul language everyday but to hear him say pissy and hell (not oh my hell) and give the finger was unsettling. He is usually such a goody two shoes about that kind of stuff. He seems really tense and ready to blow. Also, he was wrong about the pork as trying to remain like Jesus. The example below is specifically about the food that we eat or don't eat doesn't bring us closer or further from God. Jesus turned all kinds things on their head which was what got people so furious: hanging out with sinners, rescuing ones livestock on the Sabbath, telling a group that whoever has not sinned can be the one to cast the first stone and it goes on and on. Peter Visits Cornelius Acts 10:9-28 9The next day as Cornelius’s messengers were nearing the town, Peter went up on the flat roof to pray. It was about noon, 10and he was hungry. But while a meal was being prepared, he fell into a trance. 11He saw the sky open, and something like a large sheet was let down by its four corners. 12In the sheet were all sorts of animals, reptiles, and birds. 13Then a voice said to him, “Get up, Peter; kill and eat them.” 14“No, Lord,” Peter declared. “I have never eaten anything that our Jewish laws have declared impure and unclean.” 15But the voice spoke again: “Do not call something unclean if God has made it clean.” 16The same vision was repeated three times. Then the sheet was suddenly pulled up to heaven. 17Peter was very perplexed. What could the vision mean? Just then the men sent by Cornelius found Simon’s house. Standing outside the gate, 18they asked if a man named Simon Peter was staying there. 19Meanwhile, as Peter was puzzling over the vision, the Holy Spirit said to him, “Three men have come looking for you. 20Get up, go downstairs, and go with them without hesitation. Don’t worry, for I have sent them.” 21So Peter went down and said, “I’m the man you are looking for. Why have you come?” 22They said, “We were sent by Cornelius, a Roman officer. He is a devout and God-fearing man, well respected by all the Jews. A holy angel instructed him to summon you to his house so that he can hear your message.” 23So Peter invited the men to stay for the night. The next day he went with them, accompanied by some of the brothers from Joppa. 24They arrived in Caesarea the following day. Cornelius was waiting for them and had called together his relatives and close friends. 25As Peter entered his home, Cornelius fell at his feet and worshiped him. 26But Peter pulled him up and said, “Stand up! I’m a human being just like you!” 27So they talked together and went inside, where many others were assembled. 28Peter told them, “You know it is against our laws for a Jewish man to enter a Gentile home like this or to associate with you. But God has shown me that I should no longer think of anyone as impure or unclean. 29So I came without objection as soon as I was sent for. Now tell me why you sent for me.” Also, Matthew 15:11 "A man is not defiled by what enters his mouth, but by what comes out of it." Edited November 28, 2016 by crgirl412 8 Link to comment
RedheadZombie November 28, 2016 Share November 28, 2016 18 minutes ago, Galloway Cave said: One thing I didn't understand with Christine was how she didn't know that Mykelti and Tony were dating, yet Tony had been over to the house for dinner several times. First of all, it's not like they live in Vegas, they had to drive a couple hours from St. George to get there. So Mykelti wasn't just dropping by with a casual friend. Secondly, didn't Christine talk to him during the dinners? Was there absolutely no clue that her daughter liked this guy? Even Mykelti said that her mom didn't know they had been dating for 5 months yet she had been bringing him around for a while. I know when I was that age if I had brought a guy over to my parent's house for dinner several times they would have asked if he was a good friend or boyfriend. Me thinks the whole M/T courtship and engagement thingy was scripted for the drama ($$) and Kody and Christine knew about him all along. Well, at first glance it would be easy to confuse Mykelti and Tony for a lesbian couple. Tony has rather feminine mannerisms, and unless they were touchy feely, I could see Christine assuming they were only friends. Maybe Mykelti is the type who always brings home a friend? I don't know. I will give her credit for placing little value on looks and overt masculinity. She's not shallow. And she certainly seemed to glow when discussing him. I don't get it, but I believe it. And I liked that while Christine and Janelle were busily dismissing the relationship, Meri and Robyn were a lot more realistic and accepting. But then they would be less obsessed with precious Maddie - the first bride ever, with no one even allowed to get married until Maddie is wed, honeymooned, and knocked up. Give me a break. And in the first few seasons, who would have thought it would be Janelle's kid who drops out of college to become a teenaged bride first? Not me. 1 14 Link to comment
RedheadZombie November 28, 2016 Share November 28, 2016 49 minutes ago, VedaPierce said: And where the hell was Robyn tonight anyway? Filing for divorce? She was missing for half the episode. No tweeting either? I bet they're working on next season's story line. Robyn leaves, Kody chases her and brings her back, re-re-commitment ceremony. I was actually pleasantly surprised that she had been left out of the wedding planning. But then I remembered Robyn's penchant to dry heave while eating, and assumed that was the true reason for her absence. Who could enjoy sampling cake during that? 7 Link to comment
mythoughtis November 28, 2016 Share November 28, 2016 Tony was kidding about the loan. Most of the wives and Kody said so on Twitter. 1 Link to comment
LotusFlower November 28, 2016 Share November 28, 2016 I'm with all of you on Tony's creepy vibe and entitled behavior. But his mindbogglingly nervy home equity loan comment, and Mykelti's what-about-me attitude DO raise the issue of favoritism, which has always been such a prevalent theme in this series. Usually the favoritism revolves around Kody and the wives (of course), but now that the kids are getting older, it's starting to affect them. Mariah gets to go to a private school, TLC pays for Maddie's wedding, or decisions are made not based on what's right, but on what's good for the show. Mykelti seems way too immature and unsettled to get married right now, but I don't blame her for wanting what she wants. It's not like Maddie would have deferred to her parents if they had said no to her engagement with Caleb. Double standards are tough. 9 Link to comment
Snarklepuss November 28, 2016 Share November 28, 2016 (edited) 1 hour ago, Galloway Cave said: One thing I didn't understand with Christine was how she didn't know that Mykelti and Tony were dating, yet Tony had been over to the house for dinner several times. First of all, it's not like they live in Vegas, they had to drive a couple hours from St. George to get there. So Mykelti wasn't just dropping by with a casual friend. Secondly, didn't Christine talk to him during the dinners? Was there absolutely no clue that her daughter liked this guy? Even Mykelti said that her mom didn't know they had been dating for 5 months yet she had been bringing him around for a while. I know when I was that age if I had brought a guy over to my parent's house for dinner several times they would have asked if he was a good friend or boyfriend. I'm not sure, but I got the feeling Tony came over only a few times and they didn't give him the attention they would have if they knew how serious Mykelti was about him. Knowing how impulsive she is they might not have been up on taking him seriously enough. Also, the Browns seem to like to know and trust the family of the people they marry. Caleb was perfect in that they know his family. Tony's background to them is a great unknown plus he's a relatively recent convert to Mormonism. Kody acted like this impressed him but I'm sure somewhere in the back of his mind he knows it works both ways. It can also indicate a young person who is not done experimenting and may some day have a change of heart. Not knowing much about what kind of guy Tony is they wouldn't have a sense for that. Edited November 28, 2016 by Snarklepuss 4 Link to comment
Popular Post Snarklepuss November 28, 2016 Popular Post Share November 28, 2016 15 minutes ago, mythoughtis said: Tony was kidding about the loan. Most of the wives and Kody said so on Twitter. It didn't come off as kidding to me. I don't believe that. Just like I don't believe that Kody forgot everything Meri brought up in their conversation. 42 Link to comment
Popular Post LotusFlower November 28, 2016 Popular Post Share November 28, 2016 21 minutes ago, mythoughtis said: Tony was kidding about the loan. Most of the wives and Kody said so on Twitter. No way was he kidding. He even went on to explain home equity loans, and said it would be nice if her dad "made it happen" for her when she wanted it. I also remember folks here or on other sites saying he worked at a bank when he was sorta introduced at the end of last season. The guy was serious. They're just spinning it on Twitter because he's probably embarrassed he came across so douchey. 33 Link to comment
Popular Post 3girlsforus November 28, 2016 Popular Post Share November 28, 2016 If they wanted to drive home the fact that Tony and Mikelti don't know each other well enough to get married, all they needed to do was say to him that clearly he doesn't know the family at all if he thinks they have equity in their houses to take a loan against in the first place. 57 Link to comment
UsernameFatigue November 28, 2016 Share November 28, 2016 I really hope this season isn't going to be endless scenes of all the little details that go into planning a wedding. I found it boring when it was my own wedding, so to sit though planning weddings for however many Brown children might end up getting married this season is not going to happen for me. I had to laugh when Christine whispered that in their church they are not used to planning weddings, because no one is supposed to know they are getting married. I actually whispered back to her "Because you aren't actually getting married, Christine!" Sheesh. So what does Tony actually do for a living? I can't imagine Mykelti's pawn shop job is going to support them. Has anyone ever asked that on the show? That would be the first question I would ask if my kid brought home someone they were serious about. But this gang is so used to not working, I guess it really isn't that important. I laughed when Christine explained how overwhelming busy they all are at planning Madison's wedding. It is just taking up all their time. Apparently there isn't a multi tasker in the entire group. I was ready to throw something at the TV with Kody going on and on about how he and Meri will have to go see Linda the counselor to fix their relationship. He seemed to think she was the only person who could save them. Certainly talking to Meri honestly, one on one seemed out of the question. I just wonder though if Linda is such a miracle worker, why does Kody have 4 unhappy wives? Other than the obvious answer - they are married to Kody. 17 Link to comment
Popular Post Celia Rubenstein November 28, 2016 Popular Post Share November 28, 2016 (edited) 'm 10 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said: I was ready to throw something at the TV with Kody going on and on about how he and Meri will have to go see Linda the counselor to fix their relationship. He seemed to think she was the only person who could save them. Certainly talking to Meri honestly, one on one seemed out of the question. "Counselor" Linda is nothing but a buffer Kody uses to keep from actually having to really dill with his wives and their emotions. She's no therapist. She's just a human shield he uses to hide behind. He is only willing to go and see her because he knows she won't challenge him or make him face himself. Then he takes credit for making an effort and goes right back to ignoring everyone's feelings. Seeing Linda is nothing but a diversionary tactic and I can't believe his wives fall for it. Edited November 28, 2016 by Celia Rubenstein Linda? Nancy? Whatever the hell her name is ... 26 Link to comment
Christina November 28, 2016 Share November 28, 2016 There was a pretty heated, but near as I can tell unsubstantiated, claim on Twitter that Tony was engaged to someone else from his Mormon temple and broke it off when Mykelti agreed to see him. Depending on the tweet, he was either seeing both of them at the same time, or the other girl found out he was trying to get Mykelti's attention and called it off. I wish I would have saved the tweets since they were arguing and deleting as they went. I didn't realize they were deleting them at first, so I didn't think to follow the tweeter's accounts to keep on top of it. May be true, may be not, but we will probably find out as the season progresses. 8 Link to comment
VedaPierce November 28, 2016 Share November 28, 2016 6 hours ago, RedheadZombie said: I was actually pleasantly surprised that she had been left out of the wedding planning. But then I remembered Robyn's penchant to dry heave while eating, and assumed that was the true reason for her absence. Who could enjoy sampling cake during that? Oh she's not dry heaving while eating anymore, lol. Looks like the delicate flower doesn't have any aversion to food anymore. ;) 7 Link to comment
AmyFarrahFowler November 28, 2016 Share November 28, 2016 These two are all about a wedding and not at all about the marriage. I've seen it a million times in couples their ages and backgrounds. Mykelti sees the attention and praise that Maddie is getting and Mykelti can't stand it. I wish Kody and Christine were upfront and told them they were on to what they were doing. Even a suggestion of pre-marriage counseling for 6 months to a year might have been helpful. This is a clusterfuck in the making. Everyone can see it except Mykelti and Tony. 21 Link to comment
ThinkerBell November 28, 2016 Share November 28, 2016 I found it interesting that in all the angst of the marriage talk, there was no discussion about how those two spoiled kids would financially support themselves. Does Tony even have a job? They are definitely counting on drippings from the TLC Gravy Train. Janelle at the cake tasting - I have never seen her so animated. Girl, settle down before you embarrass yourself over a few mouthfuls of flour and sugar. 18 Link to comment
ginger90 November 28, 2016 Share November 28, 2016 Cake tasting 1 Link to comment
Wings November 28, 2016 Share November 28, 2016 Can their wanting an august wedding be a plot device by TLC? The first hour was taken up by Kody and Christine saying the same things/lines over and over . We don't know him and too fast. ToNY and the loan seemed prompted in hindsight now that they are doing damage control on twitter. The lead in made me think this episode was going to be about Meri and Kody. I got excited thinking Meri was going to let him have it given Kody's line, I don't think this should have been filmed. Ah well. I hate weddings even when I know the couple. This wedding planning is boring. I missed Fat Tony (thank you) mentioning he was not opposed to plural marrige. Gawd. 10 Link to comment
AZChristian November 28, 2016 Share November 28, 2016 7 hours ago, 3girlsforus said: If they wanted to drive home the fact that Tony and Mikelti don't know each other well enough to get married, all they needed to do was say to him that clearly he doesn't know the family at all if he thinks they have equity in their houses to take a loan against in the first place. You win the internet!!!! 8 Link to comment
fountain November 28, 2016 Share November 28, 2016 8 hours ago, mythoughtis said: Tony was kidding about the loan. Most of the wives and Kody said so on Twitter. For me you have to earn that kind of joke. You cannot just come in on your first day and try to play a joke like that, just shows Tony's immaturity even more as he just doesn't get this reality show job. But besides the comment I just had a gut feeling dislike for him. If this show becomes all weddings all the time I will tune out. These kids don't even have real jobs yet and do really seem to know themselves and are jumping right into marriage, with babies probably to come immediately after. The cost of living out there in Nevada and Utah must be super cheap because it is hard to figure out how the kids even support themselves. It seems crass to me that a lot is being blown on a wedding while other kids are joining the military for schooling. I reall y hope the kids that join the military finish the programs, someone in the family has to finish some education! 9 Link to comment
ExplainItAgain November 28, 2016 Share November 28, 2016 This show moves SO SLOW. A whole hour on the Tony issue? So much recapping and replaying of previous scenes. WHY do they have to keep bringing up the four wives thing to every business owner they meet? It's so cringe-y. I don't think it's really that shocking to people anymore. I don't know why I keep watching this. At least it's the perfect background show to do house chores and stuff - don't have to pay too much attention to it. 4 Link to comment
tinaw November 28, 2016 Share November 28, 2016 Meri has been upset since Robyn has been in the picture. VedaPierce you are so right when you say Meri should just say she is upset that Kody divorced her. I think Meri has been upset with each additional wife. Makes me wonder how much of a "Sister wife" she wanted to be. Should be an interesting season 6 Link to comment
SunnyBeBe November 28, 2016 Share November 28, 2016 (edited) So, I wonder how the public's reaction to Tony will effect Mikelti and her parents. I had a strong feeling that the viewer's reactions would be brutal and they are. The guests couple who own the pawn shop seem pretty gullible. Didn't Kody say they were doing business with them? Hmmmmmm.....? I wonder if anyone has confirmed that Tony is actually a member of the LDS church. Where did he do his mission. I must have missed that. He said he joined the LDS church at age 17. Marrying someone who cannot be a part of his church would be a huge issue. That they don't seem to care seems extremely odd to me. For all the flack that Kody gets, he seems to bend over backwards to understand his kids, listen to their voice and keep an open mind with their issues, EVEN when he disagrees with them. MANY kids don't get that. My parents were not nearly so understanding. I'm so over the Meri situation. News bulletin Meri. Most people work at their life. And they do it for as long as they live. Also, Kody's not as young as he used to be. At a certain age, you need to hire people to do work on ladders. Edited November 28, 2016 by SunnyBeBe 3 Link to comment
toodles November 28, 2016 Share November 28, 2016 8 hours ago, LotusFlower said: No way was he kidding. He even went on to explain home equity loans, and said it would be nice if her dad "made it happen" for her when she wanted it. I also remember folks here or on other sites saying he worked at a bank when he was sorta introduced at the end of last season. The guy was serious. They're just spinning it on Twitter because he's probably embarrassed he came across so douchey. Brown brand of damage control. He meant every word of what he said. 17 Link to comment
DakotaJustice November 28, 2016 Share November 28, 2016 Oh Tony was previously engaged alright - back when their engagement was first announced I checked his Facebook and if memory serves he was engaged to another chick sometime in 2015. He's probably wiped his social media by now - all I can say is that girl dodged a bullet. He's supposedly a banker. Don't get those visions of Mr. Banks from Mary Poppins in your brain, most likely he has no business degree and is an entry level teller and also sells home equity loans on commission. Hmmm. Unfortunately Meri is probably stuck - the house is in both her and Kody's name, most likely has zero equity, and she allegedly told the catfish that she looked into selling the house and was told she couldn't. I think most of that catfish essay is bullshit but my guess is Meri confided some truths to JO and this was one of them. 8 Link to comment
AZChristian November 28, 2016 Share November 28, 2016 (edited) 9 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said: Also, Kody's not as young as he used to be. At a certain age, you need to hire people to do work on ladders. Unless there are TV cameras around and Kody wants camera time. In that case, he'll be out in the middle of the cult-de-sac on top of a ladder stringing lights. Edited November 28, 2016 by AZChristian 8 Link to comment
AZChristian November 28, 2016 Share November 28, 2016 3 minutes ago, DakotaJustice said: He's supposedly a banker. Don't get those visions of Mr. Banks from Mary Poppins in your brain, most likely he has no business degree and is an entry level teller and also sells home equity loans on commission. Hmmm. The way he presents himself, I'd guess he's more like a janitor or a mail clerk in a bank. 8 Link to comment
stillhere1900 November 28, 2016 Share November 28, 2016 13 hours ago, Christi said: Why is Cody freaking out about courting time...dont mormans have a short courtship?? Im sure plygs do... Cody's Buddha Belly is matching the future finance's. Tho FF has dimples galore, and tons of hair...he looks like a chick (not that there's anything wrong with that!) Looks like Janelle has been eating her, and everyone elses, feelings again! I thought Tony was a female.! 3 Link to comment
Cherrio November 28, 2016 Share November 28, 2016 9 hours ago, RedheadZombie said: Tony has rather feminine mannerisms, Yes ! He also looks like a girl. Being obese as a young man doesn't help either. Something tells me he has led a troubled life and can't keep a job. The weird thing is, he is not a poster boy for a Mormon convert. Far from it. He is more the unlikable version of Elder Cunningham. 2 Link to comment
Lesia November 28, 2016 Share November 28, 2016 I'm kind of new to this show. Do they ever show them attending some sort of religious services? Do they say some sort of grace before eating? How and when are their values passed on to the children? Are they homeschooled? Seems like they just do stuff, multiplied by all the wives and kids. Link to comment
AZChristian November 28, 2016 Share November 28, 2016 They only show religious services when it furthers the plot line. Services are held in one of the houses. Half the older kids aren't there, and the other half are all on their iPhones. As their spiritual leader ("prophet"), Kody teaches them by the example of his life . . . swearing, flipping the bird, etc. Their religion is just an excuse for Kody to be able to sleep with 4 women, and the women pretend to be part of that religion because they are so desperate that they will even sleep with Kody. IMO. 13 Link to comment
Barb23 November 28, 2016 Share November 28, 2016 10 minutes ago, AZChristian said: The way he presents himself, I'd guess he's more like a janitor or a mail clerk in a bank. I agree. I was waiting for Kody & Christine to ask the couple how they were going to support themselves, living arrangements, how would they afford a child? etc. but those questions never surfaced. Kody was more interested in making sure his future grands know about polygamy. 6 Link to comment
islandgal140 November 28, 2016 Share November 28, 2016 (edited) Ahhh, just when I wondered what I was going to do for fuckery when 90 Day Fiance wrapped up, I get this gem! Thank you TLC! Wasn't there speculation that Maddy and Caleb's wedding wouldn't be televised because of privacy reasons? I knew that couldn't be true. Tony looks alot like Peter Lorre, an old school Hollywood actor who basically played the weird creepy dude in movies, which might explain some people's first reaction to him so far. Tony also kinda sounds like the cartoon character Meatwad from Aqua Teen. When damn near every adult person describes Mykelti as impulsive, flighty, immature and her own mom calls her ditsy, I tend to believe them and think this rush to marriage is a very, very bad idea. Plus, Mykelti, I think you can do better. The audience doesn't know Tony, so joke or not, saying Kody should take out a mortgage to pay for the wedding was in poor taste. Especially since the Browns probably don't have enough equity in their homes to pay for gum. The world is using the phrase "Fix it Jesus" but it looks like Kody is going with "Fix it Linda" when it comes to 'marriage with Meri. That is about as honest as Meri and Kody will ever be on-screen, which ain't saying much. Kody was acting like a bad deposition witness will all his "I don't recall." Meri did seem fed up and exasperated with living in exile but still unable to take any personal responsibility or spill all the damn tea. Frankly, a messy bitch like me just wants the tea. Meri just needs to leave. She is never gonna get any love, affection or likely even sex from Kody ever again. He is just done with her after the catfish incident. If my stomach comes into a room before I do, I would not be acting a fool over cake samples on tv. Edited November 28, 2016 by islandgal140 22 Link to comment
Popular Post VioletNevermind November 28, 2016 Popular Post Share November 28, 2016 (edited) Wow, I can't believe I'm saying this, but this episode actually had a little bit of meat on its bones. Tony . . . damn, where the hell did Mykelti find this jackass? He has what my mother calls "the crazy eyes." You can see just enough of the whites on all sides of the irises to get creeped out. The 40-year-old mom in me is shaking her head and imploring Mykelti to run for the hills because I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this relationship will not work. It simply will not and that is a fact. I thought Tony had a hell of a lot of nerve suggesting that Kody n' wives take out a home equity loan to pay for their wedding (!!!). Those were the words of someone who doesn't give a shit about anyone else's feelings and has no clue how the big boy world works. If you want a fancypants wedding and you don't make fancypants money, then you cut back until you can afford it and if you still can't afford it, you buy a bouquet of flowers at the grocery store and go to the courthouse. I'm sick of this modern-day expectation that parents enter this process with a gun to their heads and are expected to pay thousands upon thousands of dollars for their precious angel to get married, taking out loans and maxing out credit cards. How about we spend that kind of money on a 50th wedding anniversary party? I digress . . . I love that Tony showed up in a wrinkled, too-small t-shirt with an unbrushed mop of hair to meet the parents. He clearly couldn't have cared less about making a good impression. I relish the fact that Kody has met his match, but I hate that yet another young, naive girl is choosing to bind herself legally to the first guy that comes along (looking at you, Duggarettes). These kids are adults and do not have to listen to Kody. Kody doesn't seem to fully realize and accept that. Half my life ago, when I had just turned 21, I did the same thing Mykelti is doing, but slightly worse. I met an unemployed, physically and emotionally abusive asshat a few years older than me, he proposed after we'd known each other for three weeks, I accepted, and a week later, we were married and I was living with him in his childhood bedroom at his mother's apartment. My parents and friends begged me, some literally on bended knee, not to do it, but I didn't listen. I was In Love™ and thought I knew better than everyone else. Of course it was a disaster and we divorced and I had no one to blame but myself. My mom and I call those three-and-a-half years my Twilight Zone Years. I know all about mistakes and the impact that early ones have on the rest of your life. Sometimes as parents, we have to allow our grown kids to make mistakes without our interference if we want to maintain a relationship with them. Mykelti is hard-headed and is clearly starved for attention (who can blame her?), so she'll have to learn the hard way anyway. When real life hits her right between the eyes one day and she comes to her senses, she'll look back and wish she'd listened to those boring grown-ups. Hopefully, the marriage won't be too terribly bad before Tony inevitably fucks up in some major way and it all ends. For now, I'll enjoy watching Kody twist in the wind. Lord knows he deserves it. Oh, and Kody? The fact that you think they're not going to have sex just because you asked Tony not to (which was super creepy, by the way) is absolutely adorable. I almost felt some sympathy for you in that moment before I remembered what a joke of a husband and father you are. Edited November 28, 2016 by SuzyLee 36 Link to comment
CofCinci November 28, 2016 Author Share November 28, 2016 (edited) 10 hours ago, Snarklepuss said: What F-ing nerve to say they should take out a "home equity loan" to finance his marriage - Shows you how little he knows about the family and what high expectations he has. It does show how little he knows about the Browns. There is no home equity! Tony seems like a scummy narcissist that is only using Mykelti. I should hate the guy but I can't help but to root for him to continue to annoy Kody. Why cant Mykelti and Tony just have sex? Edited November 28, 2016 by CofCinci 7 Link to comment
DakotaJustice November 28, 2016 Share November 28, 2016 Forgot to mention that either Tony or (more likely) his father was arrested in St George in Sept 2015 for DUI and failing to yield to a pedestrian. Yup. 4 Link to comment
AZChristian November 28, 2016 Share November 28, 2016 There is no Linda. The therapist is Nancy . . . AKA the only woman making money off of Kody Brown who is not (as far as we know) sleeping with him. She probably doesn't have - or need - any other clients. 9 Link to comment
Snarklepuss November 28, 2016 Share November 28, 2016 12 minutes ago, SuzyLee said: Wow, I can't believe I'm saying this, but this episode actually had a little bit of meat on its bones. Tony . . . damn, where the hell did Mykelti find this jackass? He has what my mother calls "the crazy eyes." You can see just enough of the whites on all sides of the irises to get creeped out. The 40-year-old mom in me is shaking her head and imploring Mykelti to run for the hills because I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this relationship will not work. It simply will not and that is a fact. I thought Tony had a hell of a lot of nerve suggesting that Kody n' wives take out a home equity loan to pay for their wedding (!!!). Those were the words of someone who doesn't give a shit about anyone else's feelings and has no clue how the big boy world works. If you want a fancypants wedding and you don't make fancypants money, then you cut back until you can afford it and if you still can't afford it, you buy a bouquet of flowers at the grocery store and go to the courthouse. I'm sick of this modern-day expectation that parents enter this process with a gun to their heads and are expected to pay thousands upon thousands dollars for their precious angel to get married, taking out loans and maxing out credit cards. How about we spend that kind of money on a 50th wedding anniversary party? I digress . . . I love that Tony showed up in a wrinkled, too-small t-shirt with an unbrushed mop of hair to meet the parents. He clearly couldn't have cared less about making a good impression. I love that Kody has met his match, but I hate that yet another young, naive girl is choosing to bind herself legally to the first guy that comes along (looking at you, Duggarettes). These kids are adults and do not have to listen to Kody. Kody doesn't seem to fully realize and accept that. Half my life ago, when I had just turned 21, I did the same thing Mykelti is doing, but slightly worse. I met an unemployed, physically and emotionally abusive asshat a few years older than me, he proposed after we'd known each other for three weeks, I accepted, and a week later, we were married and I was living with him in his childhood bedroom at his mother's apartment. My parents and friends begged me, some literally on bended knee, not to do it, but I didn't listen. I was In Love™ and thought I knew better than everyone else. Of course it was a disaster and we divorced and I had no one to blame but myself. My mom and I call those three-and-a-half years my Twilight Zone Years. I know all about mistakes and the impact that early ones have on the rest of your life. Sometimes as parents, we have to allow our grown kids to make mistakes without our interference if we want to maintain a relationship with them. Mykelti is hard-headed and is clearly starved for attention (who can blame her?), so she'll have to learn the hard way anyway. When real life hits her right between the eyes one day (and it's coming), she'll look back and wish she'd listened to those boring grown-ups. Hopefully, the marriage won't be too terribly bad before Tony inevitably fucks up in some major way and it all ends. For now, I'll enjoy watching Kody twist in the wind. Lord knows he deserves it. Oh, and Kody? The fact that you think they're not going to have sex just because you asked Tony not to (which was super creepy, by the way) is absolutely adorable. I almost felt some sympathy for you in that moment before I remembered what a joke of a husband and father you are. @SuzyLee, you get best post so far from me in this thread and all of them have been great so far so that's high praise! Nail on the head to everything!! 10 Link to comment
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