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S33.E09: Still Throwin' Punches

Tara Ariano
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Well, that was an entertaining TC.  I only wish it had a different outcome.  Kudos to the show for throwing out a bunch of different possibilities, but I figured it was just a smoke screen as to the real obvious outcome, because I did think that maybe something was going to happen. 

Sunday and Bret speak!  And Sunday actually talked strategy? But I have a feeling she's just going to be a blind sheep in the end that doesn't make any moves, or gets voted out because she overstrategizes.  Similar to Hannah.  I hope there's a shake up soon, because the merge was my last hope of the season getting exciting.  If just one alliance blindly follows each other, I'm going to get bored.

My favorite quote whenever someone is left blindside is "how the hell did that happen."  Jay also wasn't very convincing when he told Hannah it was cool that she blindsided him.  I don't think she got the sarcasm.  And no offense to Jay, but someone is always on the bottom.  Doesn't feel so good, does it?  That said, I'm glad he survived, and glad he didn't end up playing his idol.  I think he's going to need it. 

I'm done liking Adam.  He's terrible at this game, and his boot is one I will greatly look forward to.  Unless the Gen Xers deem him the perfect goat and drag him to the final 3.

I guess Hannah didn't want to win this reward that badly based on her picks for the RC.  I did love her line "so I'm not going to be a sports captain."  I was surprised Will and Zeke were the only ones who sat the challenge out.  Hannah has really redeemed herself, but I worry she's going to cause herself to pass out.

I know Taylor isn't popular, but I found him to be funny this episode when talking about stealing food.  I still can't get use to Will's deep voice.

Edited by LadyChatts
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I know this is a minority opinion but I am sad to see Taylot go. He was definitely bringing some entertainment that is fr sure.  Adam can go anytime as he is really really starting to annoy me.   Sunday has a strategic thought? Who knew.

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Can you beat somebody into submission with his own surfboard? Because I want that to happen to Taylor. It doesn't matter that he's gone. He'll be on the jury, and Probst will grind on him at the Reunion.

If I'm Adam, I'm burning the rewards thing. That is far more trouble than it's worth. I'd take any loss in his position. Poor guy looked panicked at Tribal.

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Jay is sly. But talk about idiot... Tayls. So happy he's gone. 

I feel so bad for Adam. I don't get why Jay was so pizzed after their talk in the water. Um, Jay, you guys are on the bottom. You even did the math and said 'us three'. Just can't fathom not being The Kingpin, eh.

Edited by Lamima
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That was ridiculously entertaining. I was cracking up. I didn't care who went between Jay, Taylor, and Adam because all three are schmucks at this point. But them throwing truth bombs around like that, hehe. Michelle's reactions were spot on too. I enjoy seeing the jury's reactions in this part of the game.

Also, Probst, don't ever do that impression again. You sound even more stupid than usual. 

Edited by JaggedLilPill
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I was going to be so depressed if they hadn't voted off Taylor. I wanted to reach thru my TV and smack him upside the head when he was smugly bragging about stealing the food. Bye asshat! I hope you got diarrhea from eating all that dried fruit.

why was Sunday gunning for Jessica? She is no threat in challenges or anything. 

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6 minutes ago, LanceM said:

I know this is a minority opinion but I am sad to see Taylot go. He was definitely bringing some entertainment that is fr sure.  Adam can go anytime as he is really really starting to annoy me.   Sunday has a strategic thought? Who knew.

I'm right there with you.  I didn't really like him, but he was entertaining.  Unlike some of the others left (namely Adam, who can't even see himself torpedoing his own game right before his eyes).  Sunday and Hannah are going to run out of time to determine their own fate in the game.  Unless determining their own fate is letting any chance they have slip away.   At least Jay has the idol, so he's (hopefully) safe for another week.  

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That tribal council fight was Real Housewives level of stupid. Or ANTM when they fought about Jayla stealing the other one's secret in the modeling commercial about sleeping with a nightlight on.

One vote goes Hannah's way now she thinks she's the second coming? 

Anyway cut to Zeke eating the grilled cheese sandwich...

Edited by rustyspigot
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Well, that was some odd strategy.  Tell hungry people that you stole food from them, and then throw someone under the bus and hope it will make you seem less vile, rather than making you seem like a thief AND someone who'll double-cross a potential ally who trusted you with a secret.  And in case it's not enough bizarro-world shmoozing, make it clear to them that you don't feel bad about having stolen food from them in the first place.  

Jay took quite a gamble and I would say good for him, except that his lack of self-awareness regarding the "yes, I ate the food but I would never do that" quibble with Adam.  I totally got Adam's frustration.

I was happy that Ken won immunity.  And I laughed when David offered Ken the hammock, as though winning immunity made Ken King for a Day.

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Since the vote was split, it was smart on Jay's part to vote for Taylor.  And I can see Will trying to weasel his way into the majority alliance.  It's not like them voting for Adam was going to make an impact.  Also, Will won the first IC, so wouldn't he sorta be considered a threat?  I would have loved for Adam to play his idol tonight, just so it'd be gone and out there.  Oh well, here's hoping he still gets blindsided.

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Taylor, Will, Sunday.  All morons to me.  It's a season with morons left at the end.  Such a weird game.  What does Sunday have against Jessica?  Is anyone able to follow that nonsense?  Jessica voted for Sunday?  I can barely understand Sunday's language.

I would also love to know Hannah's age, not just asking rhetorically.  She said something like, she's been a fan of the show since she was 16?

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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Just now, Ms Blue Jay said:

What does Sunday have against Jessica?  Is anyone able to follow that nonsense?  

If I was following this correctly, Jessica is only polite with Sunday saying "Good morning" and "Hi" but nothing beyond that. And since Sunday voted for Jessica before, she feels like Jessica is going to be coming after her.

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5 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Taylor, Will, Sunday.  All morons to me.  Call me an elitist if you must.  It's a season with morons left at the end.  Such a weird game.  What does Sunday have against Jessica?  Is anyone able to follow that nonsense?  

I don't know.  Going back to the Lucy vote, Jessica was the intended target, but was saved by David's idol.  She mentioned worrying about David/Ken/Jessica.  So maybe because she was on the outs there, and Sunday figured she'll be out for her/Bret/Chris at some point?

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1 minute ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Taylor, Will, Sunday.  All morons to me.  It's a season with morons left at the end.  Such a weird game.  What does Sunday have against Jessica?  Is anyone able to follow that nonsense?  Jessica voted for Sunday?  I can barely understand Sunday's language.

This is exactly what I didn't understand. All of this happened at the beginning of the game so why do you think Jessica even remembers or cares at this point? Has their been any confessionals from Jessica saying that she has any animosity towards Sunday? It just seemed like Sunday being paranoid...and to do that when your numbers are so crucial is just stupid. She can go at any point.

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4 minutes ago, ElleryAnne said:

Well, that was some odd strategy.  Tell hungry people that you stole food from them, and then throw someone under the bus and hope it will make you seem less vile, rather than making you seem like a thief AND someone who'll double-cross a potential ally who trusted you with a secret.  And in case it's not enough bizarro-world shmoozing, make it clear to them that you don't feel bad about having stolen food from them in the first place.  

I am assuming both Jay and Taylor knew Taylor was the one going home? They must have been pretty certain about it too, for Taylor to go off like he did, and for Jay to not play his idol. 

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I think Sunday was hoping to dump Jessica for Jay, but I don't think she was really thinking those numbers through. Sunday doesn't trust Jessica... OR Ken or David, so to replace those three, she'd need Jay, Taylor, and Will. That would probably alienate others.

I think Taylor was hoping his bombshell would make people vote for Adam, but for that to happen you really need to have the fight before TC rather than at it. Jay and Will knew that and took advantage to vote for who they wanted to go home and just let Tayls screw himself and Adam.

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The best was Jay's response that Taylor stealing the food wasn't cool with him, unlike it was with Adam, and he'd never eat the food...only to reveal that he had, in fact, eaten the food.

Um, yeah. Sure. Whatever works for you, bro.

Oh! I almost forgot about Probst telling Will that he knows he can't have any beer.* LOL

*Although if Will is 18 and they're in a place where the drinking age is 18, does that matter? I'm guessing they just want to be safe rather than sorry, but it was funny nevertheless. 

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Crash and burn Taylor.  I thought Adam had more leverage in this "MAD" theory. 

I like Hannah.  Careful about overconfidence.

Jay is sneaky as well as obnoxious.

Legal drinking age in Fiji is 18.  Not letting him drink is BS.  I happily and legally drank beer in Germany when I was 16.

Nice reward!  I smell piggy Taylor getting whacked.  

Sunday speaks!!  And goes all catty woman on us.  She really needs better numbers first.  Stupid "plan".

Rubbed it in my face?  Really Jay?  What a special snowflake you are.  He just acknowledged the obvious truth, genius.  Of course, Adam didn't know about Sunday's plan to "take control" of the game.

I'm happy Ken won and Taylor didn't get to eat more.  I hope the moldy pretzels make him sick.

So Taylor goes nuclear with The Toxic Advantage.  Adam, throw that thing in the fire right now!  Pretty sleazy to lie about Adam helping in the burial and that he ate some too.

That was good.  I would rather Jay had gone, but I'll take it.

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We went through this last year with Julia. It doesn't matter what the local drinking age is the players sign a contract which states that they are bound by U.S. laws which includes drinking alcohol.

Edited by LanceM
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Jay climbing aboard his high horse and taking Adam to task for being alive and sitting next to Taylor while Taylor stole all of the food was also one of the weirdest things I've ever seen on this show.  Thank god Adam spoke with some fucking sanity and said, You just fucking said you ate the food with him, Jay!

Here's Adam and my reaction to that one


Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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Just now, Quilt Fairy said:

I'm not sure if you're snarking on Taylor and I don't understand, but it's men that have the XY chromosome pair.

Whoops! This from a person who received awards in high school biology.

I'll change it ASAP!

By the way, did I tell Adam to STFU? I thought I did, but he needs reinforcement. 

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11 minutes ago, JaggedLilPill said:


Oh! I almost forgot about Probst telling Will that he knows he can't have any beer.* LOL

*Although if Will is 18 and they're in a place where the drinking age is 18, does that matter? I'm guessing they just want to be safe rather than sorry, but it was funny nevertheless. 

I was going to ask about this. Wouldn't the drinking age on that island be 18? Poor Will.

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Good Riddance.

I may be in the minority here, but I don't think it was the worst idea for Sunday to be thinking about targeting Jessica. Her reasoning was dumb, but from a game perspective, not the worst idea.

The way she talks, it seems that Chris/Brett/Sunday are less close to the rest of  that 9 person alliance at this point. If that is the case, then we could see Jessica/David/Ken + Zeke/Adam/Hannah come together. That is 6 of the 11 remaining votes. Sunday is right if that happens because tonight would've been the last opportunity to truly prevent it unless there is another split vote coming.

In fact, I can totally see that six-some happening. From a perspective of air time and commonalities, it does seem to be a natural alliance. It would be interesting to see where that F6 would go, though.

Jay was smart tonight, if I knew the vote was split, I'd keep the idol and cut my losses. Though in the event of a 5/4 split, your vote would only create a tie. With Will seemingly a 10th wheel on the inside, he probably knew how the votes were going to come down.

I have to say, the size of the remaining subgroups makes it very unpredictable moving forward. It is also a good sign for Jay because with an idol, he is basically guaranteed to outlast Will if a Pagonging is coming. These players seem too smart to pass up a free vote to gain power in the event you are the last one of your alliance remaining.

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Saving the food and eating it just seemed gross. I guess we don't know how long it was there, and I know they're hungry, but all I could think from the first shot is that we would hear Taylor getting sick bc yes Taylor food does actually rot on a hot beach even when you stick it in the sand

However he is still not as awful as some.of the people on previous seasons. At least they are not outright abusung one another. I think Kimberstormer first mentioned that as a relief and I agree.

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I think the only people who did not reveal themselves to be utter morons are the people who didn't get to speak (Ken and Jess, I think) and Zeke.  That includes you, Probst.  That was embarrassing.

I think Taylor was actually less obnoxious than Jay or Adam at this point, which is remarkable.  They're like the Four Horseman, but stupider.

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No longer Team Jay. Wow. He didn't just throw Taylor under the bus, he bombed the floor under him, a la, "Speed". I almost wanted to give Taylor a hug with the "dumb surfer" line. That was Mean Girls-esque.

I have a feeling Jay is feeling ashamed. He's young, and I think he'll learn from this. There's self-preservation, but there's also class in the midst of it. 

Edited by Dust Bunny
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Funny how Taylor is the only one that voted for Adam. He's so stupid and he tried way too hard at playing during TC. Throw doubt Adam's way but do it in a subtle way more than going full force like he did. Trying to make it look like Adam is going to take a loved away like the advantage says he can only use it for that reward. Taylor is an idiot. Good riddance. Yeah you stealing food was the thing that possibly made everyone vote for you as it's more offensive than what Adam did, so probably why Jay & Will voted for him. 

I can't root for Adam anymore. He's proving to be really untrustworthy with knowing about Taylor stealing food, bragging to Jay that he's at the bottom when you never ever tell someone that they're at the bottom of anything. People generally know if they're at the bottom of the pecking order. I will say if he's able to squeak by to the end he does have a fighting chance at winning the whole thing. The ones who aren't trustworthy usually make it all the way to the final 3.

Hannah, IDK if she's just weird or quirky. Everytime she's hit with news she has the biggest reaction to the tune of her almost hyperventilating or having a panic attack.

Now Sundai wants to control the game but IDK if she can go about it the right way. I say wait til you have all the millenials out then make your move.

I do like that these people are not focusing on Ken so much as I thought in the merge he would have a target on him but he's laying back and not making any moves which could bite him if he makes it to final 3. He's mostly being loyal to his alliance members.

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"Well, I ate the food, dude, but it's all right -- we're all brothers, and the food belongs to the universe anyway." Or something. Taylor sounded more like a hippie trapped in a millennial's body.

Though I think Jeff was mixing his metaphors there when he said that Taylor confessed he did something wrong and wanted a trophy for it? That's...sort of not what the "everybody gets a trophy" thing is about, Jeff. You Gen X-er/young boomer, you.

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So glad Taylor is gone. Ugh. A smiling liar and thief - what the world needs more of. Plus if he laughs and jokes about it and tells people what he did, why then, that makes it OK. He's a good boy for admitting what he did and therefore he should get a pat on the back and a reward! Jay is a lying weirdo, too. I thought Bret might speak up - he saw Taylor stealing the food and would have not seen Adam participating.

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I was very pleased tonight that Will and Jay were not able to be on the team that won the reward feast as they were the destroyers of Michaela's game for NO reason. In fact I don't think it would be outlandish to speculate had she been there Hannah would have picked her for the team and would have rallied and powered her team to victory and the resort/feast waiting on the other end. But alas those to smug d@#ks had to go and prematurely vote her our.

Back in episode 2 I think I remember posting that even though I had no evidence there was something about Sundae that gave off a sneaky vibe and at long last my hunch panned out when she in inexplicably plotting against Jess and fellow Gen Xer when there is plenty of Millenial fish yet to fry.

Not worried the least bit about Taylor...I have no doubt he was thrilled at the prospect of going off to make hay with Figgy at the Ponderosa for the balance of the game.  He was dumb as a box of rocks but his chill attitude was somewhat endearing.

If Ken hadn't won the immunity challenge he would have been a complete walk on role this episode. Did he even speak once?

Lastly we've come a long way since 2001 and the Australian outback when there was the unproven suspicion Kel had swiped but a single candy bar and here we have food stealing played for laughs in 2016.

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Good riddance.  So glad that Taylor is gone.  Hated his attitude towards life and the game, "yo dudes, I did it, so what, I was hungry".  I get that he was fighting for his life in the game, but so low to expose a confidence like that.  Really shows a lot about his character.  Very rarely does a player on the ropes tell everyone else about someone's idol or secret.  Michaela could have exposed Jay's idol and she didn't. 

Taylor is one of the dimmest bulbs this show has ever had, next to Woo.  I only wish that Jeff had chosen to show Jay's vote for him that said "Tails, sorry brudda" just so Taylor knew that his new best friend turned on him.  No wonder why Jay didn't play his idol.   He knew he was safe.

Why do TPTB hate Ken all of a sudden?  They loved him in the early episodes but the last two he has been non-existent.

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Ken. Oh Ken, you beautiful specimen. 

On a less shallow note, it seems that everyone is a decent human, and everyone is playing! I really like this cast.

1 hour ago, truthaboutluv said:

So I need this explained to me. Sunday wants Jessica out desperately. Sunday goes to Jay and he's all, "tell me whatever name and I'll write it". The Gen-X'ers and Hannah, Zeke and Adam decide to split the vote, tell this to Sunday and she gets emotional that there is nothing she can do and she really wanted Jessica gone instead. Um okay, how about you get Brett and Chris to agree, at which point you pull in Taylor, Will and Jay and that's the numbers because the other six were splitting the votes. Sunday talks about wanting to play the game and make a move and despite wanting to boot someone, she just folds because, "well what can I do?" Seriously...

YES! Of course she may have made that plea and we didn't see because it failed. I hope we find out. It frustrates me sometimes that people go to TC expecting the votes to land only on two (or three if splitting votes) people. When you know how literally everyone else is going to vote, you can at least make an effort to manipulate them to a third option that is even more advantageous for you. Cirie is considered a genius for doing this. Splitting votes is only commonplace now because of Cao Boi's Plan Voodoo.

1 hour ago, Ms Blue Jay said:


Perfect word for Taylor. I'm not sorry to lose him. I don't think he's necessarily a bad guy, but he did nothing for me. Taking my spec about his showmance to his thread.

1 hour ago, truthaboutluv said:

And the stupid hyperventilating everytime something major happens is really annoying. Especially since sometimes I almost feel like she's playing the role of cliche nerd girl in every teen movie rather than actually being this way. 

Y'know what? As of this episode, I'm a FANNAH.

You heard me. 

She's awkward AF, but she sort of owns that, and she seems to deal with her low stress threshold in a way that works for her and doesn't seem to irk the others. I call that good social play! Girl got game! She has solid strategy; everything she said tonight was on point (e.g., keeping Jay and Will close). She can only play as the person she is. It seems to me she's done pretty well; we haven't seen much negative said about her. 

Amazing TC. I love this season. Can we summon Kimberstormer back?

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22 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

I was very pleased tonight that Will and Jay were not able to be on the team that won the reward feast as they were the destroyers of Michaela's game for NO reason. In fact I don't think it would be outlandish to speculate had she been there Hannah would have picked her for the team and would have rallied and powered her team to victory and the resort/feast waiting on the other end. But alas those to smug d@#ks had to go and prematurely vote her our.


There was a very good reason they voted out Michaela namely that Michaela was trying to vote out Jay's allies. First by telling Adam to vote out Figgy which him and his tribe promptly did and secondly for plotting to vote out Michelle who was Jay's number one ally in the game.  She even told Jay about this plan which was just dumb.

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That was a weird TC. it's been a while since high school, so I was not getting why Taylor thought that admitting he stole food and hid it was so endearing and amusing. I am not on an island and I am not hungry, but it still pissed me off having to listen to his laughing and braying like a donkey. I did like the looks on Ken and David's faces...was trying to read their reactions and see if they changed their votes.

So, no beer for Will...and he has a beard and everything, just like a real grown-up. And Michelle, sporting the latest look from Little House on the Prairie..girlfriend still strikes me as a born predator. Just not a successful one. And Sunday...neither you nor Brett seem to have any game...running to Jay to give him info without getting anything in return...not smart, not a winning move. I like Chris, but Sunday and Brett are a pair of dunderheads...they have the Gen-X numbers, just roll with it, and get rid of Jay and Will. How hard is that to figure. 

David did well at the food challenge, and Ken and Chris really bring it..they beat the younger guys. 

I continue to root for my TV boyfriend Ken to win it all...but Chris has a nice game going, and Zeke does as well.

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