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LIVE CHAT: Election Night 2016 (11/8/2016)

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1 minute ago, Padma said:

She lost Wisconsin and Michigan? For real? (I stopped watching 1/2 hour ago. They hadn't decided yet.)  Because, if so, I agree with you, probably, he's running the table and it's game over.

No, she hasn't. They're still too early to call. 

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3 minutes ago, Padma said:

She lost Wisconsin and Michigan? For real? (I stopped watching 1/2 hour ago. They hadn't decided yet.)  Because, if so, I agree with you, probably, he's running the table and it's game over.

Nope, neither called yet. 

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8 minutes ago, scriggle said:

Still alot of votes to be counted in the Alexandria area which should go blue. NYT giving 95% chance win to HRC

Yes, but VA is counterbalanced by losing EITHER MI or WI (and it seems very possible either could be lost).

The "good news" is that MI is only 20% reported and WI only 27%.  So panic COULD be premature.

IF (big if) BOTH reverse, then Virginia alone winds up with a 268 to 268 tie if NH stays Trumped.

If either MI or WI stays with Trump, and VA goes to Clinton... then it comes down to some combo of NV and NH going with her. 

Edited by Kromm
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1 minute ago, madmaverick said:

Because people were angry.  Plus all the xenophobic hateful crap.  Same thing as Brexit.  They didn't care or know if they were voting against their economic interest.  They were mad with the establishment and just wanted to stick it to them.

Okay, I' going to stop treating this thread like it's Twitter. ( My Twitter feed with the hashtag ElectionDay is HORRIFYING, so I came here.) But I want to say something. I spent a couple of minutes chewing my lip over whether there were any Republicans in here who might want to have a say but backed away amid the liberal rending of garments.

Then I stopped worrying. Because Drumpf fanatics are not the same as Republicans. Spending two decades in D.C. among old school, principled, rock-ribbed Republicans who believed in economic conservatism, caution in matters of international engagement, and who figured social issues were a matter of privacy and not the government's business taught me to respect the GOP and validated the wisdom of a two-party system. Of the two-party system we have. This was before "liberal" was a dirty word and the person in charge of a bloated government further bloated the government while calling for the reduction of government.

Republicans are welcome to join the discussion. This is not a wolf pack; it's a friendly, largely drunk gathering of anxious souls.

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We live among racists, misogynists, and anti-semites?  Oh, and they hate LGBT too

Bear in mind that I'm an atheist but I think various doctrines of morality have also given people who aren't that hateful rather uncompromising views on issues like abortion, reproductive rights, marijuana legalization, etc. But yeah, also what you said.

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1 minute ago, junemeatcleaver said:

This country survived Jim Crow, lynchings, the Great Depression and other bad things, we'll get through a Trump presidency.

My background is in foreign policy, and the prospects of a Trump Presidency on the international stage are utterly terrifying. Like nuclear war terrifying.

Not an exaggeration. 

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Just now, xaxat said:

My background is in foreign policy, and the prospects of a Trump Presidency on the international stage are utterly terrifying. Like nuclear war terrifying.

Not an exaggeration. 

My biggest fear since the beginning has involved Trump pissing off world leaders right, left, and center. Not to mention his apparent inability to comprehend the MAD doctrine.

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I thought demographics meant Dems likely had it in the bag since the beginning.

That assumption - made by a whole lot of people with much bigger microphones than you, and thus heard by a whole lot of people - is a big part of the problem here.  Many people who aren't particularly fired up about her but understand she's a better option for them got complacent, or scared (of the tactics they'd face at the polls), and decided they didn't need to vote for her, because she'd win anyway. 

Edited by Bastet
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14 minutes ago, scriggle said:

Still alot of votes to be counted in the Alexandria area which should go blue. NYT giving 95% chance win to HRC

Yes --  forty percent of the bluest of blue votes have yet to be counted. Detroit Free press analyzed 65 out of the uncounted 80 counties, and called Michigan for HRC a half hour ago.  According to the NY Times, an estimated 2.2 million votes remain to be counted in Milwaukee and Madison, and based on the counties and vote count so far, HRC is leading by 2. 2 percent.   I'm taking a deep breath & a shot of vodka : ) 

Edited by film noire
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Senate and House isn't going well for the DEMS either. DEMS picked up 1 Senator so far, but they'll still have a minority there I think.

Similar with the House. They picked up a few Congresspeople so far, but since that was mostly in the East I think that will swing the other way. 

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1 minute ago, Bastet said:

That assumption - made by a whole lot of people with much bigger microphones than you, and thus heard by a whole lot of people - is a big part of the problem here.  Many people who aren't particularly fired up about her but understand she's a better option for them got complacent, or scared, and decided they didn't need to vote for her, because she'd win anyway. 

Nobody learned from Brexit.

Unlike them we can reverse it in 4 years. But surviving that long may be the problem.  A year from now typing the kinds of things we are on this site now may land us in jail.

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2 minutes ago, WendyCR72 said:

I thought the polls were closed there?

Polls stay open until the people already in line vote.  From what I'm seeing, there were a lot of voters left in line (in Hillary heavy areas).  They get to vote. 

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6 minutes ago, Silly Angel said:

Okay, I' going to stop treating this thread like it's Twitter. ( My Twitter feed with the hashtag ElectionDay is HORRIFYING, so I came here.) But I want to say something. I spent a couple of minutes chewing my lip over whether there were any Republicans in here who might want to have a say but backed away amid the liberal rending of garments.

Then I stopped worrying. Because Drumpf fanatics are not the same as Republicans. Spending two decades in D.C. among old school, principled, rock-ribbed Republicans who believed in economic conservatism, caution in matters of international engagement, and who figured social issues were a matter of privacy and not the government's business taught me to respect the GOP and validated the wisdom of a two-party system. Of the two-party system we have. This was before "liberal" was a dirty word and the person in charge of a bloated government further bloated the government while calling for the reduction of government.

Republicans are welcome to join the discussion. This is not a wolf pack; it's a friendly, largely drunk gathering of anxious souls.

This was never about Republicans for me. It's all about what a horrible person Trump is. 

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2 minutes ago, AmandaPanda said:

My blonde friend on MSNBC: Custard is not what we "call ice cream." Custard is different from ice cream. There are very important, but key differences. 

Culver's is frozen custard - we have it here in MN but it's based in WI.

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3 minutes ago, aradia22 said:

It wasn't that much of a contest, was it?

With this election apparently you never know.

Fuck right off and die Ohio.

One thing I don't get AT ALL is the blue collar support for orange asshole.  I mean I get the possible racist component of it, but he has less than nothing in common with your average blue collar worker and can't even relate to someone who wasn't born with a silver spoon up his ass.

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Seriously folks, if Trump wins this election, we're all fucked big.  Trump will put all his friends and family in powerful positions, people that are not qualified and we'll become a country ruled by a dictatorship. He will have the power to cancel all future elections, to round up Mexicans and ..... oh I hate thinking of the horrors. There will be violence, no doubt about it.

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2 minutes ago, candall said:

That's what I call real cheek.

Yep.  When I saw that tweet, I had to go back and look at her time line like "it was her I saw bragging about her write in vote earlier, right??"  Yep, it was.  People have amazing levels of cognitive dissonance.  

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If the orange nightmare wins I'll have to get a hat or a jacket or something silkscreened with "I didn't vote for him," because I know that from this point on everyone's going to be looking at white people wondering if they're one of the racist assholes who put him in power.

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Just now, hoosier80 said:

Is it really over for her?  I'm really sick.  Just sick.  

No, it's not.  So far, nothing unexpected has been called.  I feel like a broken record, but - the more populated areas take longer to count (for obvious reasons).  Hillary is favored in those areas.  So the couple percentage point back and forth in various states is not the doom some want to see it as.  I'm not saying she's guaranteed a win, but it's not remotely over, either.  Not by a long shot.  

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I just woke up from a bad dream that Hillary Clinton was losing .  but than Barack and Michelle Obama were there to calm me down and tuck me back in bed. They laughed and told me I was silly and that they had another 4 years. 

Don't anyone dare tell me anything different ! Michelle and Barack are here and that's that.

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Just now, KerleyQ said:

No, it's not.  So far, nothing unexpected has been called.  I feel like a broken record, but - the more populated areas take longer to count (for obvious reasons).  Hillary is favored in those areas.  So the couple percentage point back and forth in various states is not the doom some want to see it as.  I'm not saying she's guaranteed a win, but it's not remotely over, either.  Not by a long shot.  

Thanks, KerleyQ!

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Not everyone in OH voted for that asshole.  I got up and stood in line at 5:50 today.  I am sick and crying for what's left of our country.  Literally having the shakes and trouble breathing at times.  I cannot fathom that ass in the White House.

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Earlier this week there was a big nerdfight amongst poll aggregators. Most thought Nate Silver and 538's projection underestimated the chances of a Clinton victory. (I think she was in the low eighties with most other sites being in the nineties.)

Looks like Nate won that debate.

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I think the networks are putting off their calls of NC, OH, or FL going blue because they know if HRC wins even one of those and keeps her blue wall states, this thing is over and the click of TVs turning to something else would be audible around the world.  

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I am actually crying now.  I have daughters and I have been "grabbed" and this is vile.  My daughter has a disability and one day she'll be mocked.  I have friends who are gay...the list goes on and on..I am beyond sad.

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Just now, Pixel said:

This was never about Republicans for me. It's all about what a horrible person Trump is. 

Exactly.  I don't see how any person who respects good judgement, competency, temperament could vote for someone like Trump regardless of political party affiliation.  It's like the choice between a serious adult and someone who isn't serious and isn't knowledgeable.  Shouldn't even be a contest.

When I see people interviewed who say they are voting for Trump because 'conservative values', I don't get that as a non American. How does that trump basic character and competence in a political leader?  Is the idea of how other people live their lives going to continue to be the ruling ideology for how some vote?  Honestly, I don't see how making it all about their so called conservative values makes a country better.

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17 minutes ago, Revlonred said:

We live among racists, misogynists, and anti-semites?  Oh, and they hate LGBT too

Anyone who assumes gay marriage is safe is fooling themselves. Or even abortion.

The Supreme Court topic on this board is going to go insane soon, whoever wins tonight.

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