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Donald John Trump: 2016 President-Elect

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35 minutes ago, Rapunzel said:

Anyone know how old the girl is now? If she was 13 when it happened, she is likely a bit older now as lawsuits, especially civil ones, can take a while to get to court, so I'm just curious. In any case, she's quite brave for doing this and I hope it helps her get some closure.

I read somewhere that she is either 33 or 34 now. I've been reading so many of the threads here, I don't remember if it was here or in some of the other ones. Some of the comments are overlapping.

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17 hours ago, scriggle said:

Trump stokes skepticism of Colorado voting system



Trump kicked off his rally here on Sunday by encouraging his supporters to "make sure" their ballots are properly counted, saying that he is a "skeptical person" when it comes to the state's largely vote-by-mail process. He then encouraged his supporters to get a "new ballot" in person at a local polling location.

"They'll give you a ballot, a new ballot. They'll void your old ballot, they will give you a new ballot. And you can go out and make sure it gets in," Trump said.


The election is rigged! SO go vote multiple times for ME!  Also EMAIL!!!!

I'm in Colorado, and I just dropped off my completed ballot.  (You can mail it in early, drop it off at a polling place early, or vote in person on election day.)  I spoke to the two election officials who were overseeing the dropping off of ballots and I told them that I had heard rumors that after dropping off your ballot like I just did, a person could come back on election day and "void" their ballot and request a new one.  (I'm sure in 'Trump's' hopes that both votes would be counted.)  They said "absolutely not", once your ballot was submitted, you are done.  They said that two people, one from each party, are there at all times to oversee the dropoff process, to ensure that no funny business would take place.  So once again, our Republican nominee is a "liar, liar, pants on fire".

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This is the kind of thing that scares me: 

teacher to a Muslim student - Trump is going to deport you


Another time, when A.A. raised his hand to answer a question, his teacher snapped at him — “All you Muslims think you are so smart” — in front of the entire class. Then, referring to the fact that A.A. and his family were resettled in the United States on refugee visas, the teacher started ranting about Donald Trump, telling A.A.:

“I can’t wait until Trump is elected. He’s going to deport all you Muslims. Muslims shouldn’t be given visas. They’ll probably take away your visa and deport you. You’re going to be the next terrorist, I bet.”

And no, the teacher wasn't fired for this.

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  That is so heartbreaking. this child is just trying to go to school and get an education. No one deserves that kind of treatment especially not a child. that teacher needs to be fired and never allowed to teach ever again.

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49 minutes ago, backformore said:

"Trump avoided paying income taxes for 18 years, which is why YOUR taxes are so high"  that makes them think. 

He probably avoided paying income taxes for much longer than that, otherwise he would have released some tax returns. We only know that he didn't pay income tax on the years that he had to submit to the New Jersey gambling commission, and the state tax returns for that one year show the nearly billion dollar loss that would have allowed him to reduce his taxes for 18 years.  That billion dollar write off is most likely something different.  Bill Kristol said it was probably "debt parking".  Mark Cuban said that the donald's income at that time wasn't even large enough for the write off to be used for that even over 18 years.  Since I'm not a billionaire or an accountant, I can't explain it, but that billion dollars might be something even more illegal than what people are assuming. 

It may take me the rest of the day to get through the donald's deplorable list that @backformore posted above. 

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How utterly despicable.  Didn't teachers used to chastise and punish students for engaging in this type of behavior?  I wish I could say I was surprised.  Drumpf's candidacy has given carte blanche to any asshole to show his or her ass all under the guise of "not being politically correct."  As if political correctness has anything to do with treating other people decently.

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Teachers have been fired for far, far less. That kid's parents need to file a lawsuit ASAP. This is exactly the kind of case I would take on Pro Bono, without a doubt - and I know a number of other attorneys who would as well. If the ACLU gets involved, all the better.

The school and the board could, however, require them to settle disputes via mediation, the outcome of which could be binding. In a case like this, I think you may be better off having it go before a judge and/or jury rather than some random attorney mediator. It typically allows for more options and I think it would put more pressure on the school to settle.

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1 minute ago, MulletorHater said:

Drumpf's candidacy has given carte blanche to any asshole to show his or her ass all under the guise of "not being politically correct."

The first thing that came to my mind was Christine Baranski as a teacher in The War.  That was a movie more than twenty years ago about 20 years before that.  the donald is bringing the wayback machine way back.

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1 hour ago, Rapunzel said:

I understood your point and I didn't interpret your post as you not believing that he could have done it. Apologies if my response caused any confusion - it was meant more as a response to what you said was your mother's opinion and also to any of the Trump supporters or others out there that think he couldn't have done something like this.

The thing is though is that my mom's NOT a Trump supporter, she's a lifelong Democrat and a huge Hillary supporter and she still thinks this.

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11 hours ago, shok said:

I think the most important result of Reid's letter will be that the Democrats on tv now have an opening to bring up the fact that Trump is under investigation too. The media sure wasn't going to on their own. In fact on CNN this afternoon they put Reid's letter up on the screen while Poppy Harlow read it aloud but they cut out the Trump/Russia paragraph. Jennifer Granholm tried to get it into her spiel but Harlow tried to talk over her and cut her off so I don't hold out much hope that any of the media outlets will talk about it unless the Dem surrogates force the issue. Reid's letter gives them a base to build on and get the info out.

It may not matter even if they do (have that opening).

The Trumpette model seems to be to attribute anything against the candidate as "media manipulation" or "people playing politics". It's all roundly dismissed without even analyzing it. 

As Trump himself said, he could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot people and his supporters wouldn't care.

I truly am beginning to think there are very few actual undecided voters. There are silent ones. People who aren't going to register/vote no matter what (fear: jury duty) and people who just don't want to comment on their actual voting/beliefs.  The fear is that those people don't want to comment because they are secret Trump voters. The one hope is maybe that some of them don't want to comment simply because they don't want to get into arguments. It's probably not at all pleasant to live in certain places and NOT be an ardent Trump support. 

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Apparently NBC's Pete Williams has said that he heard from the FBI that the e-mails they are investigating actually have nothing to do with Hillary Clinton. It sounds like most of them didn't come from Hillary, were duplicates, may not have come from her server, etc.

Why hasn't Comey been forced to resign yet? He's violated the Hatch Act - I don't even think this can be in doubt anymore. He needs to resign - and that's even going pretty easy on him if that's all that happens. Sadly, unless he gets tossed in jail, Trump will probably hire him as an advisor or something.

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7 minutes ago, partofme said:

The thing is though is that my mom's NOT a Trump supporter, she's a lifelong Democrat and a huge Hillary supporter and she still thinks this.

Yes, I get this and I never said she was a Trump Supporter. If you read my post, it specifically says:

"Trump supporters or others out there that think he couldn't have done something like this"

In any case, my initial post was never specifically directed at you - just because you quote someone doesn't mean the reply is meant just for that person. I was simply using it to show that the case against Trump has merit because it has made it this far and was not tossed out. It's not because of what just your mother may or may not believe, it was simply about the case and to give some information that can be used a rebuttal for anyone out there, Trump supporter or not, that thinks that he may be completely innocent of raping a 13 year old.

I have people in my life that have doubts about this accusation as well, and they aren't Trump Supporters either and are voting for Hillary.

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My mom is a Hillary supporter who hates Trump, but when I told her that he's accused of raping a 13 year old girl she told me there's no way that she believes that.  She believes a lot of the bad stuff about Trump but doesn't think even he would do that.


When I first heard about this a couple of months ago, I was very skeptical. Not because I didn't believe Trump was capable of it, but I assumed that if something like that were actually real, the mainstream media would absolutely be all over it - how wrong I turned out to be. It especially seems ridiculous to me that when the sexual assault accusations started to ramp up after the second debate, that his impending court case for raping a thirteen-year-old was never brought up.

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2 hours ago, partofme said:

My mom is a Hillary supporter who hates Trump, but when I told her that he's accused of raping a 13 year old girl she told me there's no way that she believes that.  She believes a lot of the bad stuff about Trump but doesn't think even he would do that.

Will she look on the internet? I think this link from snopes is very good at explaining it:


I don't know if I -believe- it or not--that's what a trial will do. But I certainly think its very plausible given his own description of the wild parties he went to with Jeffrey Epstein (acknowledging Epstein liked "young girls") and Trump's own lascivious nature and behavior at his modeling agency, Miss Universe and Teen USA pageants, etc.  He's so sleazy. It's shocking that not one of his  17 opponents--including HRC--has brought out just HOW sleazy and corrupt he is--yet he has managed to make Clinton "crooked" and "a liar" and "immoral".  Really amazing talent, these sociopaths.

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And, Don the Con's fuckery continues unabated.  Apparently, his own pollster is the latest in a long line of vendors the Puffy Cheeto refuses to pay.  As Rachel Maddow would excitedly say:  His OWN pollster!  Deadbeat Don Strikes Again

It appears from Drumpf's most recent FEC filing that he owes GOP pollster, Tony Fabrizio, $766,756.  The amount is listed as a "contested debt."  Now, please raise your hand if you are actually surprised?

I wonder how much coverage this will receive...

BTW--was anyone as shocked as I was when he declared that Hillary was not a good role model for his son?  Let's see:  mama is a legal prostitute who plagiarizes other people's work; dad is a piece of shit grifter and con man; siblings and their respective spouses are as vile and trifling as dear old dad is; and poor also-ran sister Tiffany is desperate to fit in.  But, Hillary is not a good role model.  That man sure does love projecting, doesn't he? 

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7 hours ago, MulletorHater said:

Well, Drumpf's hypocrisy continues to astound.  According to him, Secretary Clinton should be in jail and he would appoint a special prosecutor to look into her situation.  Meanwhile, back at the ranch, according to Newsweek's Kurt Eichenwald, Drumpf's companies often defied court orders by systematically destroying or hiding emails, digital records, and paper documents in official proceedings.

Orange Toilet Bowl--meet Kettle.

Drumpf's Companies Destroyed Emails in Defiance of Court Orders

Typical Trump - always accusing others of crimes he commits himself, always calling people names that would be best applied to himself.  Recently, he started to say that Hillary didn't have the stamina to be President, that she does one speech and then goes home and takes a nap, etc...and I noticed that his speaches didn't have the same insensity sthey previously.  

4 minutes ago, MulletorHater said:

That man sure does love projecting, doesn't he? 

Yes he does.

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More food for thought:

Was a Trump Server Communicating With Russia?


This spring, a group of computer scientists set out to determine whether hackers were interfering with the Trump campaign. They found something they weren’t expecting.

ETA: And now this from Mother Jones: A Veteran Spy Has Given the FBI Information Alleging a Russian Operation to Cultivate Donald Trump


And a former senior intelligence officer for a Western country who specialized in Russian counterintelligence tells Mother Jones that in recent months he provided the bureau with memos, based on his recent interactions with Russian sources, contending the Russian government has for years tried to co-opt and assist Trump—and that the FBI requested more information from him.

Edited by scriggle
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2 hours ago, GaT said:

This is apparently old, but I just heard about it Five Examples of How Trump’s Philanthropy Often Helps One Person: Donald Trump check out number one on the list. Wow, I can't even think of more words to say how disgusting I find this, just wow.


1 hour ago, Kromm said:


1 hour ago, scriggle said:

Why aren't the news stations reporting on this stuff?  They just show clips of Trump running his mouth and then talk to people who are pro-Trump and pro-Clinton, but the topic is usually about something Trump said (except when the tape was hot news).  I think it is time for Clinton to mention a few of these things so she can control the coverage, the way he he has been doing most of the election.

Edited by needschocolate
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I have to believe that the Clinton campaign is holding it's fire until what they have yet to drop will do her the most good, something along the lines of the Access Hollywood tape, but this time him talking about his deals in Russia, what he is getting in return for his installation in the WH.  I can just imagine that.  

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1 minute ago, 33kaitykaity said:

I have to believe that the Clinton campaign is holding it's fire until what they have yet to drop will do her the most good, something along the lines of the Access Hollywood tape, but this time him talking about his deals in Russia, what he is getting in return for his installation in the WH.  I can just imagine that.  

They're kind of out of time. It's got to be soon (in the next few days) if that's the case.

Polling seems to indicate that most bombshells seem to take a full week to affect polls. In theory the same should be true of actual voting.

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Well, isn't this precious?  Peter Thiel, a billionaire, actually called a press conference to explain

why America just lurrvvvs Donald Drumpf!  He seems to indicate that Drumpf would deliver a "much needed dose of humility in our politics."

Now, while you're scratching your head and wondering if you're seeing things, ponder this.  Is the drug problem a lot more serious in America than we originally thought?  Or, maybe this guy has a great sense of humor?

Billionaire's Press Conference for Drumpf

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Rachel Maddow started her show tonight by talking about some lawsuits brought today against the Trump campaign and the RNC.  The suits argue that these groups have violated the 1871 Klan Act.  She also talked about the ringing endorsement Cheetos has received from the modern KKK and showed some clips of some really awful people at Trump rallies chanting anti-Semitic slurs and taunting the press.  I don't know why these lumpen trumpen and Cheetos' ties to white supremacists, as well as his complete disregard for the Constitution and democracy, don't get more play.  I fervently hope that his ties to Russia gets more attention, and quickly.  This man is a menace.

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3 minutes ago, MulletorHater said:

He seems to indicate that Drumpf would deliver a "much needed dose of humility in our politics."

Does he mean that everyone else would be forced to experience humility as Cheetos reminds us on a daily basis how we're all not worthy of his excellence? 

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8 minutes ago, MulletorHater said:

Well, isn't this precious?  Peter Thiel, a billionaire, actually called a press conference to explain

why America just lurrvvvs Donald Drumpf!  He seems to indicate that Drumpf would deliver a "much needed dose of humility in our politics."

Now, while you're scratching your head and wondering if you're seeing things, ponder this.  Is the drug problem a lot more serious in America than we originally thought?  Or, maybe this guy has a great sense of humor?

Billionaire's Press Conference for Drumpf

You don't think Trump has humility?  He has GREAT humility!  The best!  Nobody has better humility, believe me!

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I wonder how Trump would have done running against a run-of-the-mill random Democrat, not someone with all the baggage of Hillary Clinton? Would the traditional evangelical right still have written off all his disgusting stuff that's usually dealbreakers for them? Would his complete and utter lack of knowledge and real policies still go unchecked?

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He seems to indicate that Drumpf would deliver a "much needed dose of humility in our politics."

I know language evolves, but humility still means "a modest view of one's own importance," right? 

Maybe he meant "humiliation," as in the national shame that such an odious man is a presidential candidate.

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1 hour ago, Kitty Redstone said:

Rachel Maddow started her show tonight by talking about some lawsuits brought today against the Trump campaign and the RNC.  The suits argue that these groups have violated the 1871 Klan Act.  She also talked about the ringing endorsement Cheetos has received from the modern KKK and showed some clips of some really awful people at Trump rallies chanting anti-Semitic slurs and taunting the press.  I don't know why these lumpen trumpen and Cheetos' ties to white supremacists, as well as his complete disregard for the Constitution and democracy, don't get more play.  I fervently hope that his ties to Russia gets more attention, and quickly.  This man is a menace.

"lumpen trumpen" Ha! This has a better vibe than "deplorables" and fits nicely with his white supremacist appeal. 


Have you forgotten about the swiftboating of war hero, Kerry or the trashing of Gore for being coldly "intelligent" and not one you'd have a beer with or what about Biden who was accused of plagerism or Obama who they accused of not being an American, let alone being anti-American? It doesn't matter what Democrat runs, they will find something to destroy them even if they have to make it up, they will be targets and something "horrific" will be ginned up against them. The Clintons are a lesson to all Democrats. If you are successful, you are target number one.

It is sad to be reminded of past duping of the public (also remembering Lee Atwaer, Bush 1 and Willie Horton/Michael Dukakis). I've always leaned Democratic, but used to have a "favorite" moderate Republican in the running--though, inevitably they lost. Looking back over years, I'm saddened to think our country would have been better if Democrats had won every time--while whenever Republicans were in office, they took the nation backwards. I like the IDEA of a two-party system. But in practice, it actually seems to have made the country worse, not better.

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According to Tony Schwartz who wrote Art of the Deal, Donald had nothing at all to do with raising his kids except provide the money for their upkeep. Ivana raised all those kids. So, take that bullshit about him being a wonderful father out of the plus column.

I want to see this man financially, emotionally and physically destroyed, that's how much I detest him. Yes, he's mentally ill but he's evil and I can have sympathy for someone that's mentally ill, but I can't have any sympathy for a madman that is hell-bound to be so destructive to so many just so he can rule supreme and bathe in the power. He's not one iota different than Kim Jong-Un, or Putin, or Rodrigo Duterte in today's world or of Adolph Hitler, Benito Mussolini or Joseph Stalin of yesterday's world.

The election will be over in 8 days, Donald Trump will not be our President. He will not go away quietly. He will protest, call 'foul', pound the table that it was rigged and that Hillary should be in prison. But, he won't have any say in the matter, his fate is sealed at that point and he will be a non-issue really. My satisfaction will be knowing that for a person with the mental disorder 'narcissistic personality disorder', that being ignored, disregarded, or not acknowledged in the least by anyone any longer is his worst fear and will be his own personal hell.

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1 hour ago, ChromaKelly said:

I wonder how Trump would have done running against a run-of-the-mill random Democrat, not someone with all the baggage of Hillary Clinton? Would the traditional evangelical right still have written off all his disgusting stuff that's usually dealbreakers for them? Would his complete and utter lack of knowledge and real policies still go unchecked?

I wonder how this would have gone if the Dem was a man.

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18 minutes ago, random chance said:

I wonder how this would have gone if the Dem was a man.

I'm tempted to say, "easy win for Dems." And yet....who would have thought that 9 Republican governors and 5 Republican senators (past or present)--with all their experience and financial and PR resources--would have all been defeated by Donald Trump?

I'm convinced Bernie would have fared even worse than Hillary. Trump had already started in on him as a "communist" and there were those speeches Bernie gave, so passionately, proclaiming "an economic and social revolution!" Trump would have made 65 million people think "Bernie Sanders = Karl Marx" (and, yes, religion would have factored in there, too.)

He's very talented in manipulating people, both in one-to-one and in crowds. On one hand, it's really fascinating to have watched the first 21st century charismatic leader to deceive and con 60 million people.  (On the other hand, of course, it's tragic.)

Edited by Padma
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18 minutes ago, Padma said:

"lumpen trumpen" Ha! This has a better vibe than "deplorables" and fits nicely with his white supremacist appeal. 

It is sad to be reminded of past duping of the public (also remembering Lee Atwaer, Bush 1 and Willie Horton/Michael Dukakis). I've always leaned Democratic, but used to have a "favorite" moderate Republican in the running--though, inevitably they lost. Looking back over years, I'm saddened to think our country would have been better if Democrats had won every time--while whenever Republicans were in office, they took the nation backwards. I like the IDEA of a two-party system. But in practice, it actually seems to have made the country worse, not better.

I wish there were many parties, like there are in other countries, and that those elected to serve their constituencies would form coalitions and actually get shit done. 

It's unfortunate that the Republicans have moved so far right that they refuse to do anything, but they have largely been like this for most of my adulthood.  Bill Clinton was my gateway drug into American politics way back when (I quickly outgrew his centrism) and it was nothing but gridlock and investigations for the last six of his eight years.  I still remember with revulsion that fucker Gingrich and his Contract on America.  Nothing will change until the people that vote these obstructionists in finally get fed up and kick them to the curb for something better.

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8 hours ago, Nidratime said:

Have you forgotten about the swiftboating of war hero, Kerry or the trashing of Gore for being coldly "intelligent" and not one you'd have a beer with or what about Biden who was accused of plagerism or Obama who they accused of not being an American, let alone being anti-American? It doesn't matter what Democrat runs, they will find something to destroy them even if they have to make it up, they will be targets and something "horrific" will be ginned up against them. The Clintons are a lesson to all Democrats. If you are successful, you are target number one.

No, haven't forgotten. But you're right, they would probably dig up some kind of "dirt" on the Democrat and still play it like well Trump isn't as bad as this person. Bleh. 

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Although the rabid hatred evidenced among Trump supporters might be specific to Clinton, I think he would be doing as well against any Democrat. He got a lot of votes in the primaries (the most ever! yuuuuge!!) and the general ,  contrary to conventional wisdom , is going the same way. My hope is that there are enough thoughtful Republicans who will vote their conscience. The silent majority isn't Trump supporters, it's Clinton supporters. Or God help us.

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The opinion piece by John Dean re Watergate vs the email scandals made me think of Nixon's good old enemies list. President Trump would likewise immediately hand over government to his various alt right lackeys and spend his time siccing the FBI on everyone, Republican or Democrat, who had publicly spoken out against him.

My voodoo curse for Trump is that Melania and Ivanka both permanently gain 50 pounds.

Edited by lordonia
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12 hours ago, Kitty Redstone said:

Rachel Maddow started her show tonight by talking about some lawsuits brought today against the Trump campaign and the RNC.  The suits argue that these groups have violated the 1871 Klan Act.  She also talked about the ringing endorsement Cheetos has received from the modern KKK and showed some clips of some really awful people at Trump rallies chanting anti-Semitic slurs and taunting the press.  I don't know why these lumpen trumpen and Cheetos' ties to white supremacists, as well as his complete disregard for the Constitution and democracy, don't get more play.  I fervently hope that his ties to Russia gets more attention, and quickly.  This man is a menace.

Her show was simply awesome!  I've known for some time about Drumpf's support from the KKK, but it's still horrifying when I saw how Rachel methodically laid it out.  That's why I've lost my patience with pundits who try to insist that most of Drumpf's supporters are people who are simply angry about an economy that left them behind.  That may be true on some level for some of them, but why fake the funk?  Or, maybe those pundits slept through the whole "birther" movement, and other attempts to delegitimize the first Black president.  It wasn't even that long ago that a Black man was thrown out of a Drumpf rally and was called a "thug" by the Orange One.  Except the guy was a supporter.

We've unfortunately been inundated with Drumpf's rallies and the level of anger and hostility is hard to miss.  Even the GOP convention was a hate-fest, replete with chants to "lock her up!" while Christie (where is he these days?) proceeded to try Secretary Clinton in absentia for crimes against humanity.  It should also be noted that a lot of Black delegates who would normally attend the convention stayed home this year.

I'm starting to see a little bit more about the Drumpf campaign's Russian ties.  What infuriates me is that there are credible sources within the intelligence community who can confirm these ties; yet, Comey refused to sign off on it.  WHY?!  What makes Drumpf even more dangerous is that he is receiving security briefings.  This is one of the reasons one of my Republican friends said she was voting for Hillary.  She said that although she can't stand either Hillary or Drumpf, at least when Hillary is in the Situation Room, she won't capriciously start a war because her feelings are hurt.

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If you want to set your head to spinning, imagine if Donald Trump had run against someone like Donald Trump - imagine that Hillary used Donald's tactics.  She would have such a wide variety of nicknames to use for him - Lying Donald, Corrupt Donald, Rapist Donald, Russian Donald, Cheating Donald, Tax-cheating Donald, Wife Beating Donald, Bankrupt Donald, Delusional Donald - she would blurt out "opinions as fact" statements, like - "He is the biggest tax cheat in the history of our country" "He has raped many, many women"  - "He is not releasing his tax returns because he took money from Russia / donated to the KKK / only makes $27,000 a year / is claiming his mistress's children as dependents" - "Donald's paid for more abortions that Planned Parenthood has" 

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