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Donald John Trump: 2016 President-Elect

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  1. I enjoyed the NYT article, but if he ddnt want to be president maybe he should have tried to be a statesman the last month, rather than tell so many lies about Hillary and the "rigged system", or that "Only I can fix it".

The last few nights of protests have shown the SS that securing Trump Tower is a security nghtmare. I  feel happy thinking that he  CAN'T stay there much now. haha

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6 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

he could have likely cut into some of those votes that were given to Trump. He would have likely won over more Independents and still had a similar support from Clinton fans even if she had lost the candidacy to him. 

By the time Sanders had been "vetted" by the Repubs -- AKA Hillaried -- he would've been seen as a socialist Jew who ignored whistleblowers at the VA, sucked up military pork for Vermont,  with a wife whose financial corruption led to the destruction of a university -- Trump would've called him Dirty Bernie, talked about "Blumenthal" over and over and.... and game over.  

Edited by film noire
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Re Trump going "home" to NY on the weekends, what the hell? As noted, it would be a huge security concern and I don't even want to think what it would cost to refit Trump Tower and provide housing and office accommodations for Secret Service staff being moved hither and yon.

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8 hours ago, marymon said:

Not a stupid question... And yes they left the circle blank.

I would not be surprise if Melania lived in NY cause she doesn't want to be there  either.  They will say they want Barron to stay in his school.   

I said this too....Melania wont want to leave her beautiful gold Tower in NY....she will use Barron as an excuse to stay in NY...no way she wants to live in an old house in DC.

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3 hours ago, lordonia said:

Re Trump going "home" to NY on the weekends, what the hell? As noted, it would be a huge security concern and I don't even want to think what it would cost to refit Trump Tower and provide housing and office accommodations for Secret Service staff being moved hither and yon.

No kidding! Add to that his desire to winter in Florida at his resort, making that his Winter WH. I'm not making this up. 

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38 minutes ago, BuckeyeLou said:

I said this too....Melania wont want to leave her beautiful gold Tower in NY....she will use Barron as an excuse to stay in NY...no way she wants to live in an old house in DC.

Yeah. Neither of them do. Trump loves his phallic home. The secret service won't be at all enthusiastic about having to secure a penthouse apartment in the middle of Manhattan, that's for sure. They also won't want to be running security on weekly (daily?) motorcade procession through New York, and you can be damn sure that New Yorkers will get pissed off with 5th Avenue and the surrounding areas being closed off so Trump can go home. Can you imagine? It would be absolute chaos, completely uncontrollable. New Yorkers already can't stand him, just think how much they'll hate him when he's making their daily lives more difficult.

Yet another reason why it must be dawning on him that being president just isn't going to be fun.


By the time Sanders had been "vetted" by the Repubs -- AKA Hillaried -- he would've been seen as a socialist Jew who ignored whistleblowers at the VA, sucked up military pork for Vermont,  with a wife whose financial corruption led to the destruction of a university -- Drumpf would've called him Dirty Bernie, talked about "Blumenthal" over and over and.... and game over.  

This is what I thought back in the Democratic primaries. I thought it would be too easy to paint Bernie as a socialist and ruin his credibility. Hell, it's worked with Corbyn over here, and the UK is not nearly as anti-communist as the US (although to be fair, Sanders has a far, far more competent air than Corbyn). But now I'm not so sure. Trump's supporters ignored all of his negative qualities, because he gave them what they wanted to hear. He said he'd make their lives better (yes, many of his supporters loved him even more because of his negative qualities, but they're all a lost cause). This is the message Sanders was preaching too. And people started to listen to a guy who has been in the the House and Senate for a combined 25 years because they wanted to hear that message. They wanted to believe it, and unfortunately, they didn't believe Hillary when she tried to co-opt parts of it.

Sanders might have lost Arizona, Georgia and Florida more convincingly than Clinton, but I think he'd have won Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire and Ohio. 

I just don't think the barbs would have landed well enough, just like the Democrats' barbs didn't land well enough on Trump.

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3 hours ago, lordonia said:

Re Trump going "home" to NY on the weekends, what the hell? As noted, it would be a huge security concern and I don't even want to think what it would cost to refit Trump Tower and provide housing and office accommodations for Secret Service staff being moved hither and yon.

Yeah, like being president is a 9 -5 Monday - Friday job.  

And then our tax money will be used to rent space for secret service agents?  Renting it FROM the president!!! I guess the salary isn't enough, he wants to make additional money.

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2 minutes ago, backformore said:

Yeah, like being president is a 9 -5 Monday - Friday job.  

And then our tax money will be used to rent space for secret service agents?  Renting it FROM the president!!! I guess the salary isn't enough, he wants to make additional money.

Don't forget that all his spawn will need security details too. And his dickhead of a son in law.

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4 minutes ago, windsprints said:

For anyone wanting him to address people's unrest, etc. here's what you get! 

Ugh!  All he cares about is "Winning"....he sounds like Charlie Sheen :)  And when will he have time to run the country, when he is busy on Twitter all the time!

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JMPO but the democrats lost because they had a uncarasmatic candidate who was under investigation by the FBI and appeared corrupt.  She should have never been allowed to run.  They thought of voting in the first woman as president would trump anyone who runs on the other side.  

If the democrats had picked a candidate who had less baggage, they would have won handily. 

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1 minute ago, LGGirl said:

JMPO but the democrats lost because they had a uncarasmatic candidate who was under investigation by the FBI and appeared corrupt.  She should have never been allowed to run.  They thought of voting in the first woman as president would trump anyone who runs on the other side.  

If the democrats had picked a candidate who had less baggage, they would have won handily. 

I'm angry/saddened/nauseated by Trump's win, but I cannot deny this. As much as the problem is that many more people voted for Donald Trump than they logically, intellectually and morally should have, it was just as much of a problem that many more people just plain didn't want to vote for Hillary Clinton. And I knew this going into Election Day, but I desperately wanted to believe that, when the math worked out, she would still come out on top. Nationally, she did...

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16 hours ago, windsprints said:

This is the kind of thing that makes me ill. And really angry.

Keep Hillary tied in knots but let Trump skate? 

From quoted link:

'“I’m surprised that – if not shocked – that the FBI claims to have found no “clear link” of Trump’s Russian ties when it’s right in front of us and stretches back decades,” said Dworkin about the federal agency’s investigation exclusively in a telephone interview, “You can learn more about Trump’s Russian ties from Google, than you can from the FBI’s public purported investigation.”

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7 hours ago, film noire said:

By the time Sanders had been "vetted" by the Repubs -- AKA Hillaried -- he would've been seen as a socialist Jew who ignored whistleblowers at the VA, sucked up military pork for Vermont,  with a wife whose financial corruption led to the destruction of a university -- Trump would've called him Dirty Bernie, talked about "Blumenthal" over and over and.... and game over.  

That would have worked for the voters who had already decided that they were going to vote for Trump - but I genuinely believe that it wouldn't have worked for the voters who didn't vote. Those people didn't vote for a reason and it's likely because it was a presidential race that hosted two candidates that were generally unfavourable. And how many years do you hear about voter write ins that include a dead gorilla, Selena Gomez or a One Direction member? There were voters who actually walked into the voter booth just to throw away their vote. Why would they do that? Yes, one was sure as hell the lesser and far more qualified of the evils but for some, they outwardly refused to vote for either based on principle. I just don't think that Trump could have pulled the low blows he did with a candidate that had far less controversy surrounding them. 

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12 hours ago, FuriousStyles said:

Is anybody really surprised by this?  Trump didnt want to be President...he just wanted to win.  This was a game to him.

Yep.  He likes the attention he got, which is why he wants to continue the rallies.  He's going to end up wanting to do some real Kim Jong-Un shit - with rallies where we're all required to show up and cheer for him, and Heaven help us if we don't look happy enough to be there - his freaky supporters will attack.  

1 hour ago, BuckeyeLou said:

I said this too....Melania wont want to leave her beautiful gold Tower in NY....she will use Barron as an excuse to stay in NY...no way she wants to live in an old house in DC.

I still think she saw this election as her way out.  I imagine her initial pre-nup wasn't great, because he's known for really shitty pre-nups.  But, then he announced he was running, and he, of course, needed his wife (who wanted no part of it) to appear to support it all.  Re-structure number one on the pre-nup.  Then, the Billy Bush tape happened.  And, of course, the best way to overcome that, to any degree, was to have his loyal wife out there, telling Anderson Cooper how much this was out of character, how she has already forgiven him, etc.  Pre-nup renegotiation number 2.  So, there, she was, she had her pre-nup probably the most favorable it was ever going to get, and not even her husband thought he was actually winning this thing.  So, once November 8th came and went, she could put in some appearances as the, of course, disappointed spouse.  Once the attention died down, she could have waited a few months and filed for divorce.  Now?  Now she's stuck as First Lady, a job she never wanted, in a house and city she has zero desire to live in, with a 24/7 spotlight she would really prefer to not deal with (her speech writer says the FLOTUS is a woman Melania admires, so she has to see what a bitch that spotlight has been for her, and likely has zero desire to experience it first hand).  As much as I joke about Trump needing to go back to his blankie and nightlight in Trump Tower, I'm guessing that's her demand.  She doesn't want to move at all, but it's not a good look for a First Lady to live full time away from the POTUS.  So she's telling him she wants frequent, regularly scheduled trips back to one of their homes, including a long winter break in Florida to avoid the DC winter. This may end up being a huge sticking point in his accepting the job.  I'm actually going to be pissed if this is what he backs out over, leaving us with Pence.  Pence is a very damaged, dangerous man.  At this point, I'd rather take the malleable Trump, who may be workable depending on who gets to him first (or kisses his ass best) on any given issue, over the certainty that Pence will roll back rights for everyone who isn't exactly like him.  Hopefully, he just throws even more pre-nup money in Melania's direction, and then she and Barron can get the hell out in 4 years.  

1 hour ago, backformore said:

Yeah, like being president is a 9 -5 Monday - Friday job.  

And then our tax money will be used to rent space for secret service agents?  Renting it FROM the president!!! I guess the salary isn't enough, he wants to make additional money.

You forgot his hour to 90 minute lunch, and two 15 minute breaks per day.  

And, yes, he will absolutely find a way to profit off of the work that needs to be done and the rent that needs to be paid to have the SSA's staying there.  He did it on his campaign with his supporters' money, and now he'll do it as POTUS, with all of our money.  Or, at least that's his plan.  I can't imagine the Secret Service will really and truly sign off on this kind of arrangement.  It's a financial, security, and logistical nightmare.  The FLOTUS and their child living away from the WH would be the same.  It's something that simply can't be done.  

Of course, I say that, and watch - he's going to get some crooked inspector who owes him a favor to check out the WH - you know, to ensure he and his family will be safe living there.  And, shockingly, there will be a number of significant issues that take a long time to correct that will make it so that he needs to find alternate housing for himself, Melania, and Barron.  And, oh, hey, he already has an office and home in Trump Tower.  He can just run the country from there, and it's not a long commute to DC for any meetings or require appearances.  

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1 hour ago, NewDigs said:

winner winner trump dinner

I love this so much!!! lol Great new phrase for when you mean the opposite of winning.

Someone over in the election anxiety support thread said they didn't know Trump's reasons for failing to pay workers. I decided to put this article here, since the other thread is supposed to be more about support. Anyway, a pretty indepth article about Trump's long history of reneging on contracts and violating labor law. (Hint: you don't get to repeatedly and flagarantly violate contract and labor law because those laws don't align with your personal "reasons" or your mood that day. Most grown ups know this.):


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Trump started in on Bernie early as "Crazy Bernie" (the old Jewish guy with the wild white hair) and "Comrade Bernie" the communist Jew.  When I saw Bernie on several occasions yelling that "We're starting a political and economic REVOLUTION!!!" I knew that up against Trump, he'd be toast.

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I'm probably not being fair, and I'll probably have to eat crow when the numbers come out about for who voted for Trump. But fuck the baby boomers. I was born in '76, and spent my entire childhood being told how GREAT the 1950's and 1960's were. Newsflash, if you have a half way decent childhood, then of course you think everything was great when you were young.

Now they're old, bitter about a changing country, and they watch Fox News and it's ilk because it tells them what they want to hear. Of course they voted for the guy promising to make America GREAT again. (Let's forget the assassinations of JFK, MFK, MLK, and Malcolm X. Let's forget about the Vietnam war, and the Jim Crow laws. Yes it was great that we had the civil rights movement. But it was horrible that we needed the civil rights movement to begin to treat people evenly).

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As far as baggage, it's not the candidate imo it's the dirty Republican campaign. It said it all to me when they swift-boated war hero John Kerry, esp when he was u against little rich boy GWB who had, I'm pretty sure we'd have seen if the files weren't destroyed, skipped out on his cushy National  Guard service for over a year.

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2 hours ago, Chicken Wing said:

I'm angry/saddened/nauseated by Trump's win, but I cannot deny this. As much as the problem is that many more people voted for Donald Trump than they logically, intellectually and morally should have, it was just as much of a problem that many more people just plain didn't want to vote for Hillary Clinton. And I knew this going into Election Day, but I desperately wanted to believe that, when the math worked out, she would still come out on top. Nationally, she did...

The math worked for literally everyone except white people.

hillary beat Donald with minorities and college educated white women. 

Hillary has her problems, but I'm putting the blame for Donald on republicans and the people who voted for him. 

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I know that he doesn't have to disclose his tax returns as President. But since we, the American people, will be paying him a salary now (although if he's smart he'll donate it to charity as JFK did  Otherwise, even the deplorable supporters mght be interested to see his return. I mean. If they make $70,000 and pay 25% in taxes and the president gets 300,000 (?) of OUR money and pays NO taxes on it...hmmm. What's wrong with this picture?

What's the point of looking into his corruption and Russian ties now? It's too late unless they really find the ties to Putin that the Russian foreign defense minister described -- AND point out this makes Trump a traitor. Other than that? Pointless.

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I was born in the '50's and was  elementary school when JFK was shot, junior high school during the civil rights riots, in high school during the Vietnam war protests.

I've never watched FOX (and right now I'm not watching Chris Hayes Rachel Maddow because I hate MSNBC and am only watching Bill Press and Stephanie Miller).

I am not old and bitter and am insulted by your attitude.  I've met many people young enough to be my children (mine are ages 28 and 23) that believe this creep is their savior.  They, like the people that think he's going to bring back coal jobs to Pennsylvania, tell Ford they can't manufacture cars in Mexico or build a wall and make Mexico pay for it are delusional and they put everyone they disagree with into their basket of deplorables that pissed them off so much.

Honestly, as a life long democrat that was born and raised and still lives in Minnesota, it was shocking to me that Hillary only won the state by 40,000 votes.  When fivethirtyeight says my state is turning more red, I refuse to believe it, but hell we gave the country Michelle Bachmann and our self inflicted wound of Jesse Ventura.

Edited by stormy
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On 11/12/2016 at 1:38 PM, Captain Carrot said:

I'm probably not being fair, and I'll probably have to eat crow when the numbers come out about for who voted for Trump. But fuck the baby boomers.

I came of age in the 60s. You know, the hippies and flower power generation that protested the war and changed America? I lived in the San Francisco Bay Area where the love-ins and be-ins were a part of the cultural landscape. It's hard for me to process that so many people my age are Trump supporters, it really is.

Edited by lordonia
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Rewatching the Woodstock movie recently(Santana's Soul Sacrifice still kicks ass) it's hard to believe the young people seen in it celebrating a free and open counter culture lifestyle. Of course they were mostly white....

Not only is Trump now stuck with a job he doesn't want, he's surrounded by people who have no respect for him and think they can do a better job than him. W Bush of course did too, but Cheney, Rove, Rumsfield et al were like evil Obi-Wan's giving him advice and Dubya listened. The public correctly assumed their powerful influence. Trump has too big an ego to let himself be mentored or share the spotlight so it's going to be a trainwreck.

Edited by VCRTracking
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Before the civil rights movement, it was OK to discriminate

Unfortunately, we're now we're back to that. I've heard too many stories of women, POC and LGBTs being openly harassed in public days after the election by young people, teens and twenty somethings emboldened because they think they're free now to be a sexist, racist bigot asshole because one is now the elected leader of the country. Fuck Trump and I hope he gets an ulcer the size of a grapefruit after his first month in office.

Edited by VCRTracking
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Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and everyone must respect everyone else's opinions and not call anyone out.

In general, please stop trying to "win" an argument here, no one is right or wrong. nobody has to prove WHY they think/feel the way they do.

This is not a courtroom no one needs 'proof' to feel how they feel.

Remember you are welcome to ignore posters you find annoying!

If you think something doesn't belong in this thread please report it! Don't engage!

Report things you find disrespectful or off topic. Don't just quote it and point it out in thread.

We've been giving warnings/Non Warning Notices up until this point, but from here on out second chances will be harder to come by.

We are locking down the forum for an hour to give everyone a chance to see this. The threads will unlock at 4:30pm Eastern Time. 

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So apparently the Trump Admin have cooked up a plan to harasss Mexicans sending money home thru Western Union or Moneygram by making it a requirement that they show proof of citizenship...this in an effort to extort money from Mexico to build that stupid wall.

If those people would put their evil brainpower into actually solving legitimate problems...we'd be in a much better place.

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Ok, so let's review how some of our crucial tax dollars will likely be spent with Trump as President:

  • Safeguarding and securing Trump Tower in NYC, room and board for the Secret Service Agents who have to be there with him and his family.
  • Transportation (helicopter and/or motorcade back and forth every weekend or perhaps even more often, if he is needed in DC for a critical situation)
  • Safeguarding and securing Mar-a-Lago in FL so he can "Winter" there, with transport back and forth to DC on a regular basis because, he can't just take the "Winter" off and will need to be in DC. Also, room and board for Secret Service Agents who will have to be there with him and his family.
  • Security for all the rallies he still plans on holding to boost his ego

And the list goes on...

Yet, he's not the one for the "white, wealthy elite." That was Hillary and that's why some people didn't vote for her? How can a person honestly believe that this man is for the working class and will help improve America, bring jobs back, etc.? All he is going to do is spend a shitload in taxpayer money on these frivolous things that don't do a damn thing to improve our Country or protect its citizens (and I mean all citizens - minorities, immigrants, LGBT, etc.). How wasteful can one person be? People can lose their jobs and homes given the policies (of lack thereof) that he and his minions are proposing, yet he's going to spend a fucking fortune on things that are not at all necessary? What bullshit.

ETA: I just cant' help but be reminded of the scene in "House of Cards" when Frank Underwood wins VP and, when they refuse to live in the VP Residence, he makes them completely retrofit his house. The renovations looked to be enormous and horribly expensive (and this was for a decent sized, but not enormous, Georgetown townhouse, I believe). I can only imagine what it would cost to secure Trump Tower and Mar-a-Lago in the same manner.

Edited by Rapunzel
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Lewendowski is now saying Trump can't wait to get started on...wait for it...not jobs, not trade, not "caring" about the poor forgotten white people, but....seeking revenge on Republicans who dared not get behind his campaign. 

Yep. Those are some presidential priorities right there.

Maybe he'll be so busy kicking his own party in the teeth his first few months in office that he really won't last. Now that would be kind of fun to watch if it wasn't yet another terrifying fall into dictatorship and McCarthyism. 

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6 hours ago, backformore said:

Yeah, like being president is a 9 -5 Monday - Friday job.  

And then our tax money will be used to rent space for secret service agents?  Renting it FROM the president!!! I guess the salary isn't enough, he wants to make additional money.

I have a feeling that he thinks being President will be like being Don Draper or Roger Sterling from Mad Men. He shows up to the office when he wants to, works on the projects he wants to, gropes and sexually harasses any staff he wants to, leaves throughout the day to see whatever mistress he wants to or do whatever else he wants to, goes out for 3 hour lunches with whomever he deems important, returns when he wants to, naps often in his office, and just has to come up with one or two significant catch phrases, give a speech on occasion (meaning read a teleprompter - though, for all of our amusement, I hope he frequently goes off message like he has throughout his campaign and that his inaugural speech, first major speech and first State of the Union are him just deciding to "wing it" because, who knows what will come out of this man's mouth?), or approve one or two high profile things every once in a while to claim to have officially done his job.

Never mind that that this isn't the 60s anymore, he's not running his own company, and all Presidents have pretty much always had to put in the work since this Country was founded - even some of the most ineffective ones. It is why the job ages anyone who takes it. It is why there are many sleepless nights, it is why you cannot be away from the White House whenever you want to. It is a job with serious responsibility - not just to the US but to the rest of the World. You cannot just step away or even keep a normal sleeping schedule given the fact that you have to deal with the entire World.

I'm an attorney for world wide tech company, and even I cannot avoid starting my days very early to work with Europe and ending my days very late to work with Asia-Pacific - there are many nights I do not get to sleep at all. I also have to travel a great deal internationally, and often, after traveling for over 24 hours straight, I don't get to go to my hotel and relax for a minute and freshen up, I have to head straight to a meeting.

Any one who wants to be President needs to accept the responsibilities and the time commitment of the job - you are never off duty. You are not in control of your life. If you don't like it, then don't run to begin with.

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4 hours ago, crayon78 said:

I think what he really wanted was to lose, start his media empire, have a built-in viewership base that adored him, hold rallies, and continue playing the underdog. He could say whatever he wanted with no accountability (although he does that now; let's be honest, the media barely holds him accountable for anything), and live however he wanted to. They even did a trial run of Trump TV for that one day. He thrives on those rallies, which is why he wants to keep holding them. I think he loved running for president, and if that were a job, he'd do that forever.

I agree with a lot of that, except I don't think he wanted to lose -- losing would have crushed his fragile ego -- but I do believe it's just now dawning on him that he would have been much better off if he had. Then he'd be the heroic martyr to his supporters, cheated by the "rigged system." Now that he's been elected, however, he'll have to actually do the work of being the president, which he can't do because he's manifestly unqualified, but more important, he doesn't want to do it. Being POTUS is a shitty, grueling, 24/7 job and the overwhelming majority of it takes place off-camera. I don't doubt that everyone who has run for president is almost pathologically ambitious, but they've also had a genuine desire to serve the country or at least a vision for how to do it. Donald's only vision is public adulation. He was running this little fantasy in his head where all he'd have to do is step out into the Rose Garden, say something into the microphones, and everyone would cheer. Whenever he talks about how smart he is or makes his juvenile policy statements, like, "our military is going to be so tough that no one will mess with us," I'm reminded of Kelly Kapoor.



The Trump version of this is,

Press: Mr. President! Mr. President! It's only Day 3 of your administration and you've defeated ISIS! Tell us how you did it!
Trump: Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
Ghost of Walter Cronkite: A grateful nation -- no, a grateful world -- thanks you.
Hillary Clinton [hangs head in shame]: I was so wrong to run against you.
Playboy Model [slowly licks upper lip]: Oooh.

But now he has to deal with the reality of the situation, which to him is that he's just a few days into being President-Elect and he's already had to take a long-ass tour of the Capitol and boring meetings with Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan and there weren't even any good movie stars there. He's now trying to turn it into a part-time job, thinking he's going to spend three or four weekdays at the White House and the rest of the time at Trump Tower or Mar-a-Lago. He's already so disenchanted with the duties of the job that he couldn't be bothered to attend even one Veterans Day event yesterday.

He won the election (not by the popular vote and not without the help of voter suppression, but still, he did win) and it's going to be the worst thing that ever happened to him. Putin, Ryan, Bannon, and who knows who else, will all be pulling the puppet strings in different directions, and no matter what he does someone will be critical of him, which, as we've seen over and over again, makes him mental. He's obsessed with what people think of him and he's already finding out how much the majority of Americans revile him. If there's one small bit of justice in what's sure to be a complete debacle of an administration, it's that he'll finally realize that he's never going to get the respect that he thought he could con his way into, and that knowledge is going to eat him alive.

ETA: I thought I posted this in the anxiety thread, so either I clicked the wrong thread or maybe one of the mods moved it to here. I haven't read the last part of this thread, so apologies if I'm repeating stuff that others have already said.

Edited by fishcakes
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Lewendowski is now saying Trump can't wait to get started on...wait for it...not jobs, not trade, not "caring" about the poor forgotten white people, but....seeking revenge on Republicans who dared not get behind his campaign. 

Don't forget the rallies. With their "instant gratification and adulation that the cheering crowds provide".


Being POTUS is a shitty, grueling, 24/7 job and the overwhelming majority of it takes place off-camera. I don't doubt that everyone who has run for president is almost pathologically ambitious, but they've also had a genuine desire to serve the country or at least a vision for how to do it. Donald's only vision is public adulation.

Not only that but being President combines the gruelling government work of a prime minister with the tedious duties performed by the Queen and members of the royal family.  They officiate countless ceremonies.  Pose for pictures(Think SNL skit with Reagan meeting Girl Scouts in between planning Iran-Contra). They stand at receiving lines in dull parties. Travel around to factories, mines, hospitals, etc. Talk to many, different ordinary people, give them their attention and ask them about their work, the entire day.  Melania is really going to LOVE doing all that.

Edited by VCRTracking
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28 minutes ago, potatoradio said:

Lewendowski is now saying Trump can't wait to get started on...wait for it...not jobs, not trade, not "caring" about the poor forgotten white people, but....seeking revenge on Republicans who dared not get behind his campaign. 

Yep. Those are some presidential priorities right there.

Maybe he'll be so busy kicking his own party in the teeth his first few months in office that he really won't last. Now that would be kind of fun to watch if it wasn't yet another terrifying fall into dictatorship and McCarthyism. 


What??? It's to be expected since he's just that petty but if he doesn't repeal ACA,  immediately deport everyone, and doesn't build a wall I wonder how the media will handle this. What will FOX News do? Will they start to turn on him and push for Pence? 

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I remember reading in one of these threads that Orange would just up and leave in the middle of a dinner party, leaving Ivana with their guests who would be shocked at his rudeness. I can't wait for that to happen at a state dinner. This man cannot feign polite interest in other people, and there isn't enough time before the heat death of the universe to teach him the etiquette he needs. 

Edited by NinjaPenguins
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14 minutes ago, ulkis said:

@KerleyQ, why do you think Melania was/is looking to divorce?

She probably isn't. But the idea of being Donald Trump's wife is very gross to many of us.  Seriously, not enough money in the world....

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I remember the old Toyota slogan in the '80s: "You asked for it, you got it, Toyota."

As far as I'm concerned, that describes Trump as president. Can't live in NYC part time. Can't be without secret service. Can't run out on foreign dignitaries, etc. If we had a sane VP, I'd be all for him crying uncle and quitting, but Mike Pence is even scarier.

So...he wanted this job. He's got it. Suck it the hell up. Either way, we're the ones that got and will continue to get screwed.

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My mood is growing immensely better with each post made about how Trump is going to hate the day to day stuff as President . Keep going. I can't wait for the first late night twitter complaint.

Edited by callmebetty
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5 minutes ago, callmebetty said:

My mood is growing immensely better with each post made about how Trump is going to hate the day to day stuff as President . Keep going. I can't wait for the first late night twitter complaint.

I think they'll be taking twitter away from him any day now. I'm no political expert but I don't see how he can keep it.  I don't ever expect him to be what I consider Presidential but he can't be having twitter wars with the writer of Modern Family again.  Eyes of the world are on him as never before. 

 I've truly want to be wrong because I want him to keep it so bad.........

Edited by windsprints
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Still thinking about this famous Onion headline from 8 years ago, and the line "generally having to please more than 300 million Americans and cater to their every whim on a daily basis." Or in this case, fulfill promises to improve their lives.  It's all the glimmer of amusement I've got.

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15 minutes ago, moonb said:

Still thinking about this famous Onion headline from 8 years ago, and the line "generally having to please more than 300 million Americans and cater to their every whim on a daily basis." Or in this case, fulfill promises to improve their lives.  It's all the glimmer of amusement I've got.

See my favorite Onion blurb is still from 2000 :

Vote, voter wasted accompanied by a picture of some kid wearing a Nader shirt. 

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17 minutes ago, windsprints said:

I think they'll be taking twitter away from him any day now. I'm no political expert but I don't see how he can keep it.  I don't ever expect him to be what I consider Presidential but he can't be having twitter wars with the writer of Modern Family again.  Eyes of the world are on him as never before. 

 I've truly want to be wrong because I want him to keep it so bad.........

I think that's when it will get really interesting because nobody has ever told him what to do. He will not allow anyone to tell him what to do. He doesn't want to follow etiquette and be "handled" by advisers. If he turns over most decisions to Pence and his staff the second the low approval ratings come in he'll be irate that they made him look bad.  I think he might have a complete meltdown and this could become extremely turbulent.

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Reading news from here in the UK, our government seems very concerned about Trump and his ties to Russia and Putin. They're saying it could spark a diplomatic crisis.

How the feck has this been allowed to happen? President Trump and his special relationship with Vladimir Putin!

What's to stop him from making promises that the American government can't keep?

I don't see this ending well.

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I find it hard to look at pictures of Orange, but I saw one at Daily Kos where he is sitting next to President Obama and looks utterly deflated, complete with the thousand yard stare. I'd laugh and wait out the eventual surrender if I wasn't aware that Elmer Gantry was second in line for the job. 

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Michael Moore, a smart man, and actually smarter than the pollsters and most of the media because he predicted that Trump might win while everybody else was going "no way" has been saying that Trump is basically so ignorant that he might do something that is illegal for the president to do. And then he would have to resign.  

How I hope Moore could be right again!

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