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Donald John Trump: 2016 President-Elect

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I wonder if there is any way to connect Trump to Putin/Russia hacking our e-mails to help manipulate the outcome of our election. It was strange to me that, during the debate, he stated he didn't even know the guy, but didn't he actually go there to visit him in person like a month or so ago? He then stated that Putin liked him and that Putin had said some very nice things about him and, given the way he was sucking up to Putin and Russia, it seems hard to believe that the two don't have some kind of relationship. I've also read in various places that it's possible Trump borrowed money from Putin/Russia, so that is another reason Putin may want Trump in the Whitehouse - he truly would be, as Hillary said, Putin's Puppet.

It would seem with all of our resources that, if Trump were involved in the e-mail hacking in some way (especially since it only seemed to affect Hillary), that we would be able to find out somehow. Our allies in Europe may even be willing to help as they don't seem to like Trump for the most part either as they know he's looney and don't know what he may do that would impact them. He's talking about making Germany and others pay us to defend them, he has these late night Twitter rants about the most absurd, childish things, he lies and lies and lies, he's a horrible diplomat, he's easily offended/agitated, etc. He is unstable all the way around. Say the wrong thing or tweet something he doesn't agree with and he'll just decide to violate whatever treaties may be in place and possibly just decide to go to war with you, maybe even launch a nuke if he felt like it.

If they could find any involvement by Trump on the e-mail leaks, that is clearly a crime and he could perhaps end up being accused of things like election tampering, espionage/treason. He'd be the one going to jail, not Hillary, and I'm sure he wouldn't like prison nearly as much as Trump Tower. Maybe he's actually being truthful when he says that the election is rigged - it's just that it's being rigged by him.

Edited by Rapunzel
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2 minutes ago, Rapunzel said:

I wonder if there is any way to connect Trump to Putin/Russia hacking our e-mails to help manipulate the outcome of our election. It was strange to me that, during the debate, he stated he didn't even know the guy, but didn't he actually go there to visit him in person like a month or so ago? He then stated that Putin liked him and that Putin had said some very nice things about him and, given the way he was sucking up to Putin and Russia, it seems hard to believe that the two don't have some kind of relationship. I've also read in various places that it's possible Trump borrowed money from Putin/Russia, so that is another reason Putin may want Trump in the Whitehouse - he truly would be, as Hillary said, Putin's Puppet.

It would seem with all of our resources that, if Trump were involved in the e-mail hacking in some way (especially since it only seemed to affect Hillary), that we would be able to find out somehow. Our allies in Europe may even be willing to help as they don't seem to like Trump for the most part either as they know he's looney and don't know what he may do to them. He's talking about making Germany and others pay us to defend them, he has these late night Twitter rants, he lies and lies and lies and is a horrible diplomat, etc. He is unstable all the way around. Say the wrong thing or tweet something he doesn't agree with and he'll just decide to violate whatever treaties may be in place and just go to war with you, maybe even launch a nuke if he felt like it.

If they could find any involvement by Trump on the e-mail leaks, that is clearly a crime and he could be guilty of espionage/treason. He'd be the one going to jail, not Hillary, and I'm sure he wouldn't like prison nearly as much as Trump Tower.

No he has never been to Russia to meet Putin. He has gone  back and forth on whether they have met or spoken.

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3 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

No he has never been to Russia to meet Putin. He has gone  back and forth on whether they have met or spoken.

Thanks for that - I couldn't remember if they met face to face or not. Seems they still possibly could have, but still to much ambiguity. They just seem to talk about each other too much to not have had some kind of relationship - even if just some phone calls or something, but who knows. Would love it if Trump were somehow tied into this whole e-mail thing though.

Or maybe I just need to turn my mind off for the night (1am here in CA) as I've been watching too much debate stuff and reading way too many articles. Everything is starting to run together a bit at this point. :-)

Edited by Rapunzel
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57 minutes ago, Rapunzel said:

I wonder if there is any way to connect Trump to Putin/Russia hacking our e-mails to help manipulate the outcome of our election. It was strange to me that, during the debate, he stated he didn't even know the guy, but didn't he actually go there to visit him in person like a month or so ago? He then stated that Putin liked him and that Putin had said some very nice things about him and, given the way he was sucking up to Putin and Russia, it seems hard to believe that the two don't have some kind of relationship. I've also read in various places that it's possible Trump borrowed money from Putin/Russia, so that is another reason Putin may want Trump in the Whitehouse - he truly would be, as Hillary said, Putin's Puppet.

It would seem with all of our resources that, if Trump were involved in the e-mail hacking in some way (especially since it only seemed to affect Hillary), that we would be able to find out somehow. Our allies in Europe may even be willing to help as they don't seem to like Trump for the most part either as they know he's looney and don't know what he may do that would impact them. He's talking about making Germany and others pay us to defend them, he has these late night Twitter rants about the most absurd, childish things, he lies and lies and lies, he's a horrible diplomat, he's easily offended/agitated, etc. He is unstable all the way around. Say the wrong thing or tweet something he doesn't agree with and he'll just decide to violate whatever treaties may be in place and possibly just decide to go to war with you, maybe even launch a nuke if he felt like it.

If they could find any involvement by Trump on the e-mail leaks, that is clearly a crime and he could perhaps end up being accused of things like election tampering, espionage/treason. He'd be the one going to jail, not Hillary, and I'm sure he wouldn't like prison nearly as much as Trump Tower. Maybe he's actually being truthful when he says that the election is rigged - it's just that it's being rigged by him.

That would be interesting. I wish they could. There are some around him connected to Russia--Roger Stone, Paul Manafort. When he described seeing--that morning--that "classified" delivery of cash to Iran a few months back, that was very suspicious. He described one film--which either would have been from U.S. intelligence or via Russian/Iranian contacts--then when he started being questioned/doubted, he agreed with those who said, no, he must have confused it with something else. Personally, I think he described what he really saw--the $1.6 billion delivered to Iran (He even alluded to it in today's debate, briefly). I still want to know how that happened that he got that film shown to him.

He has lied about meeting Putin--though its hard to know which are the lies. He said before that he met Putin "when we did 60 minutes together".  Called out on it, he later admitted they were on the same show, thousands of miles apart, in different segments.  He HAS said he met Putin when he was in Russia for the Miss Universe pageant.  Then he admitted that  he didn't meet him then after all.  Lies, lies, hard to know what's real. 

I'd love to see him nabbed for involvement with ASsange and Putin. I wouldn't be surprised if people around him DO have  those contacts--obviously both men are doing everything they can to manipulate our democratic process to get this man elected. The outrage should be so much greater. 

Edited by Padma
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I thought I just read a news scroll that Jr. just said " the presidency would be a step down for his dad". Boy did no one in that family mature past a elementary school level?

Yeah, he's doing us such a great favor by running for President, and you know if the Dems not only win the presidency, but flip the Senate and possibly the House.... Well, yeah Donald, you did! Thanks.

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35 minutes ago, callmebetty said:

I thought I just read a news scroll that Jr. just said " the presidency would be a step down for his dad". Boy did no one in that family mature past a elementary school level?

In the "Surrogates" thread, I posted a tweet from Igor Volsky last night that stated one of Trump's sons said that on Fox. Even from a Trump, even knowing Igor Volsky is credible, I wanted confirmation. You saw right. This family. Even presidents I didn't vote for, thought did poor jobs, seemed to at least recognize on some level the honor and responsibility they'd been given. It's, imo, why they all age so much during their terms. Trump is just an opportunist and running for president is part vanity project, part business venture. He's scum. IMO, of course. 

Adding another devastating, for Trump, fact-check.

Edited by Darian
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I'm still confused about whether NAFTA is the worst deal ever, or the Iran deal is.

Iran is attacking ISIS because ISIS is Sunni and Iran is Shi'ite.  I have a feeling Trump doesn't actually understand that.  In fact, he probably doesn't know the difference between Sunni, Shia, and Kurd.

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6 hours ago, backformore said:

Trump's "poll watchers" - are they going to take photos and cross-check to make sure nobody votes twice?   Or are they there to intimidate and harass voters who "look"  like democrats? 

The second thing.  And on the post-debate show on MSNBC, Rachel Maddow wondered what these "poll watchers" would do in open carry states - will they show up armed at polling places?  Scary thought...

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7 hours ago, Kitty Redstone said:

I actually thought Chris Wallace was pretty even-handed, and possibly even a little harder on Donald.  He only asked Hillary one tough question (on the relationship between donors to the Clinton Foundation and rebuilding contracts in Haiti).  She didn't answer it at all and he didn't press her on it.  He also handed her the perfect opportunity to use Russian hackers and Putin against Donald.

She really just blew Donald out of the water.  She kept her cool throughout, smiling and laughing when it was appropriate and somehow kept her eyes from rolling out of her head.  Her jabs at Donald using Chinese steel in his gaudy Vegas hotel was a thing of beauty and totally threw him for a loop.  Her remark that undocumented workers paid more federal tax than him, a paper billionaire, was also a great jab.  But of course he turned that around and blamed her for his actions.  As usual with him, it's always someone else's fault.  He should be embarrassed that he's such a whiny fucker.

I thought Chris Wallace did a pretty good job too since that was no easy task.  Plus, this time Hillary did more simultaneous talking while Trump was talking (although I think he started it (let's all go grade school!)) and ignored some of Wallace's efforts to reign in the meth fueled debate.

I thought her smiling throughout was a very effective way to show she was keeping her cool.  My eyes haven't stopped rolling from listening/watching so I would have been a major fail as a debator.

8 hours ago, Padma said:

When Trump described a C-section like that (twice), I thought, "He's memorized something someone told him and can only repeat it, he has no idea what he's talking about." Donald, "ripping out of the womb" is a surgical procedure (C-section) common at various stages of delivery when, for a variety of reasons, it is disadvantageous to woman or baby to have a vaginal delivery.  Why would he say it like that, like its some shocking thing? I guess he meant, "They perform a C-section and then kill the baby after its delivered".... I don't know, he's so unqualified and knows nothing.

I'm sure Trump has no knowledge of what any of those icky, unattractive procedures are that pertain to woman parts.  I'm sure if he saw the mother of his children looking anything less than camera ready, she'd get her walking papers.

4 hours ago, gatopretoNYC said:

Wow, I just now watched that whole Melania CNN interview. I had only seen snippets.. Damn, she is stupid. And why is her English still so poor?

Trump's been her English tutor.

18 minutes ago, starri said:

I'm still confused about whether NAFTA is the worst deal ever, or the Iran deal is.

Iran is attacking ISIS because ISIS is Sunni and Iran is Shi'ite.  I have a feeling Trump doesn't actually understand that.  In fact, he probably doesn't know the difference between Sunni, Shia, and Kurd.

The worst deal is whichever one EVER is the one he has reason to mention.  "Facts" are very fluid and sparse in Trumpville. 

Worse than not understanding these things, I don't think he cares.

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I truly wonder if the Republican party is over. Where do they go from here? Their own candidate is hostile to the party establishment. Mainstream GOP leaders are backing away from him. I thought after 2012, they were going to make an effort to be more inclusive, as their base shrinking. Three out of the past four elections have been rather close. They have to see that in order to win, they need to win over women, people of color, and young voters. Sure, Trump energized his base but did not expand at all.

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Donald:  "I'll keep you in suspense."

WTF?  Does Donald think this is a game?  Is he trying to be coy?  This isn't a reality show where the network sends out a teaser to up the ratings.  Donald's suspense statement says to me, more than anything, is that he truly doesn't understand what's happening.  Which boggles my mind.  How can someone get to the point where he's been running for the presidency of the United States of America for around 18 months and the election is less than three weeks away and he just doesn't get it in some fundamental way?

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10 minutes ago, DeLurker said:


25 minutes ago, ChromaKelly said:

I truly wonder if the Republican party is over. Where do they go from here?

I've read in several places, here too I think, that Trump and his loyalist will fracture off from the Republicans and form their own party.  And Trump TV will be their network.

It is scary as hell to me, but I'd rather they boldly self-identify.  If I am dealing with a racist, misogynistic neo-Nazi, I'd want to know up front.


I know my sister's family will be very happy about that, so they can feel good about being Republicans again.  I know they are incredibly torn over this election and I almost feel for them (except that I'm a pretty satisfied democrat and think they should just suck it up and vote Hillary).  I have the feeling that they are just going to leave that part of their ballot empty this year.

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Third parties are never going to gain much traction in this country so long as the Electoral College exists.  The only time a new party really takes hold is by displacing a previous one that's failed.  And the last time that really happened was 156 years ago.  

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Olbermann tells Drumpf to "burn in hell", "the moral equivalent of treason", "compel him to withdraw", "find enough doctors to have him declared psychiatricaly incompetent"  "this nightmare, this fascist", "he must now not be given the opportunity to keep us in suspense",  Donald Trump Must Withdraw. Here's Why:

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18 minutes ago, atomationage said:

Olbermann tells Drumpf to "burn in hell", "the moral equivalent of treason", "compel him to withdraw", "find enough doctors to have him declared psychiatricaly incompetent"  "this nightmare, this fascist", "he must now not be given the opportunity to keep us in suspense",  Donald Trump Must Withdraw. Here's Why:


Oh Olbermann. I haven't even listened to it yet (and may edit or supplement this after I do) but just the idea of this video sounds wrong. 

While the idea of another Republican taking Trump's place leads me away from being terrified for my life, the flip side of that would be that it would create an outside chance of losing the Supreme Court, and that's not a great result either.

So what wins here? I'm conflicted. The potential Orange Dictator stepping aside and someone NOT insane but with politics I dislike almost as much stepping in? Or keeping The Insane Orange One in place, because it creates a greater opportunity (in theory) for the other side to win?

Tough choice.

Edited by Kromm
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11 minutes ago, Kromm said:


While the idea of another Republican taking Trump's place leads me away from being terrified for my life, 

I have to admit I wanted Trump to be the Republican nominee because all of the other Republicans terrify me for my life(and I'm a white female) and I figured Trump was the least electable.

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1 hour ago, atomationage said:

Olbermann tells Drumpf to "burn in hell", "the moral equivalent of treason", "compel him to withdraw", "find enough doctors to have him declared psychiatricaly incompetent"  "this nightmare, this fascist", "he must now not be given the opportunity to keep us in suspense",  Donald Trump Must Withdraw. Here's Why:

Why couldn't he have been the moderator last night. Tell us how you really feel Keith.

Edited by callmebetty
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For some reason, I developed the habit of taking my "I Voted" stickers and putting on the dashboard of my car after leaving the polling place. My car is kind of new, so I only have two stickers on display now. It's sad that there is a not insignificant chance that gesture of pride in participating the the democratic process could now be seen as "evidence" that I am trying to rig the election. Especially since I am African American.

Fuck 'em. The stickers stay.

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12 hours ago, atomationage said:

What did he say in the debate, No one treats women better than me, or no one has more respect for women than me?  He sure screwed that up.

If he dropped out now, would he mess up the GOP more, or would he be helping them?

Well, he respects women so much that he threw the botoxed-within-an-inch-of-her-life Melania under the bus.  Of course, now, the mystery is which one of them was lying?

Just a few days ago, Melania gave an interview where she claimed her husband apologized to her for the tape.  I mean, I didn't imagine that, did I?  She said, "Those words [not the actions, mind you] were offensive to me and they were inappropriate, and he apologized to me.  And, I expect--I accept his apology and we are moving on."

Now, fast forward to last night where the Tangerine Stay-Puff Marshmallow Man claimed that he didn't even apologize to his wife, who was sitting right there, because he--wait for it--didn't do anything.  Oh, and he said he didn't even know "those people."  Isn't that the point though?  He didn't know them but he felt free to let his fingers and tic-tac scented lips doing the roaming?  

Did Drumpf simply apologize for the things he was heard saying on the tape?  Or, was Melania's statement to encompass all the other stuff as well?  Confusion reigns.  I would bet dollars to donuts that Melania won't be trotted out for anymore interviews since she and her doughy husband can't keep their stories straight.  Either Drumpf didn't watch her interview or his handlers failed to brief him about it so that he could at least stay on the same page.  Or, just maybe he didn't apologize to Melania because in their marriage he does whatever the fuck he wants.

Proof positive that Drumpf respects his current wife as much as he respected her predecessors.

Edited by MulletorHater
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Once again, Trump proves that his crazy knows few bounds. His debate performance didn't help because it didn't do what he needed to do, which is to expand his base. All Trump did was feed the same shit to his fans that he has from the start and they just ate it up. Of course, that's to be expected from someone as petulant as Trump, who's worse than a baby because babies can't help whining-unlike 70-year old men. 

 However, his rhetoric about refusing to accept the election results if/when he loses is scary. Knowing some of his supporters, if they get violent it wouldn't surprise me. As far as I'm concerned, if any innocent people are hurt and/or killed because of it, the blood is on Trump's hands. 

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On 10/18/2016 at 3:48 PM, Landsnark said:

How come they make it to TV to be interviewed in every different 10 minute segment on every cable news channel?  Turn on any network and wait 9 minutes.  You'll see a moron explaining how the election is rigged because Hillary doesn't have as large rallies as Trump.  Or a moron explaining how being PC must be done away with at all costs.  Or a moron explaining how Trump "tells it like it is."   And so forth.


On 10/18/2016 at 4:04 PM, Kitty Redstone said:

Because stupid, provocative people make good tv. 

It's also the reason news people find the most ignorant person they can to talk about the robbery/tornado/what have you.

"It was pandelirium!"

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7 hours ago, gatopretoNYC said:

Wow, I just now watched that whole Melania CNN interview. I had only seen snippets.. Damn, she is stupid. And why is her English still so poor?

Thats what I was wondering, why is her English so bad & the heavy accent?!  Hasnt she been in America for almost 20 years?  And to say "Boys will be boys" and that Billy Bush "egged him on", thinking that sounded "cute"...sheesh, her husband is 70 years old!  He's not a teenage boy saying dumb stuff to his friends.

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5 minutes ago, BuckeyeLou said:

Thats what I was wondering, why is her English so bad & the heavy accent?!  Hasnt she been in America for almost 20 years?  

I don't like sticking up for a Trump.... ANY Trump in any way... but I don't think it's all that fair to attack her on her English. 

Some people just don't excel at stuff like that, and it's no real sign of their actual intelligence or work ethic. And native English speakers are routinely mocked for our bad accents when we try to speak other languages, so we're open to the same criticisms. 

Edited by Kromm
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I thought having Melania speak for him was ridiculous.  First of all, she doesn't help him with his base in any way.  She's just a reminder that he's been married three times, and that he's actually a New Yorker who actually has more to do with immigrants than they  have or would want to have.  Some people are making something about Ivanka and Melania wearing black last night, like they were going to his funeral.  Tiffany wore blue.

That #TrumpBookReport thing is great, 218 so far, and there have been at least two for Making Gatsby Great again.

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Two very interesting quotes from a CNN article on Donald as a bullshit artist.  CNN article


A recent book cataloged all the synonyms for bullshit, and one of the oldest dates back to the 1400s. It originally referred to trickery and scamming, although its meaning has evolved to include general nonsense and insignificance. That word: trumpery.

Time to bring that back to daily usage!



 The press takes him literally, but not seriously; his supporters take him seriously, but not literally.

This perspective is really interesting.  Donald's followers don't care if he says ridiculous, outlandish things all the time because they don't care so much about the words, just the emotions.   I don't know if I buy it completely.  I think too many actually believe Donald will build a wall across the entire border with Mexico, Mexico will pay for it, and it will be 100% successful in keeping out illegal immigrants.  I think there are also a lot of Donald supporters who are feeding on the anger and distrust he continuously spouts because they feel disenfranchised or left behind without worrying about the specifics.  Both groups are scary parts of the electorate.  Just in slightly different ways.

As awful as this election cycle has been (and may continue to be depending on the reaction of these people when Donald loses) it will be fascinating to look back on it in a decade or so. 

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2 minutes ago, atomationage said:

I thought having Melania speak for him was ridiculous.  First of all, she doesn't help him with his base in any way.  She's just a reminder that he's been married three times, and that he's actually a New Yorker who actually has more to do with immigrants than they  have or would want to have. 

Depends on which base.

Remember, his true base isn't the religious right. Those are just the people lying to themselves about him to follow a holy mission to undo abortion rights and gay marriage.

As for the immigrants thing?  His fans seem to ignore/somehow believe his claims that he only used cheap migrant labor because "the evil Democrats" somehow ensured he had to. However that worked. Magic spells maybe?

But there is a part of his base who admire that he bags successive hot trophy wives. That he's sexually aggressive. That he's willing to USE immigrants then crush them under his heel, because that reinforces how much "lesser" they are (to him and his supporters). The New York thing is a problem sure, but every time he overtly yells about bankers, this part of his base scents Jew-hating, and they're suddenly okay with him being the self-declared thorn in the sides of the Devils they've always hated. Never mind the reality that Donald's career has actually be a succession of him partnering with various banks over various deals (and it's only now, years later, after he's screwed most of them over that the only place left for him is to villainize them instead). 

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13 hours ago, Rapunzel said:

Kellyanne just said Trump would accept the results of the election because he's going to win it. Yeah right - not after tonight you poor, ignorant woman. I wonder how much time she spends trying to make sure she's never alone with Trump.


13 hours ago, random chance said:

Well to give her credit it is an excellent way to weasel out of the question!

(Should have quoted - re Kellyanne saying he'd accept it because he'd win.)

And he just rolled that line out at his now-happening Ohio rally.

"I will accept the results of the election (pausepausepause) IF I WIN!"

Cue rapturous applause from  the Trump-bots.

And now he's doubling down on when it's okay to contest an election. WIth lots of examples. Wonder how long he can hold the crowd's attention with that.

Edited by NewDigs
"If" not "When"
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People are saying he looks pale and ill: His handlers made him quit with the spray tan.

People were saying he wasn't sniffing and seemed low energy: He was going through withdrawl.

He was tweeting at 5:am: They gave him back his phone and coke.

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9 minutes ago, ChromaKelly said:

It still scares me that he's projected to get 42% of the popular vote. WTF?

Blame the 50% expected turnout overall, but the much higher percentage among his supporters.

Also, fear of Jury Duty.

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17 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

People are saying he looks pale and ill: His handlers made him quit with the spray tan.

People were saying he wasn't sniffing and seemed low energy: He was going through withdrawl.

He was tweeting at 5:am: They gave him back his phone and coke.

Well, he was doing some sniffling last night and he seemed quite thirsty.

Someone joked last night that his tranquilizers wore off 20 minutes into the debate and that his team has yet to master an extended release formula.  Poor thing--NOT.

His pancake makeup was a poor match and HD television is definitely not his friend.  Meanwhile, Secretary Clinton looked well put together and rosy cheeked.  Plus, she smiled and laughed quite a bit.  She exuded confidence and schooled that petulant titty baby last night.

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6 minutes ago, MulletorHater said:

Well, he was doing some sniffling last night and he seemed quite thirsty.

Someone joked last night that his tranquilizers wore off 20 minutes into the debate and that his team has yet to master an extended release formula.  Poor thing--NOT.

His pancake makeup was a poor match and HD television is definitely not his friend.  Meanwhile, Secretary Clinton looked well put together and rosy cheeked.  Plus, she smiled and laughed quite a bit.  She exuded confidence and schooled that petulant titty baby last night.

She positively glowed with confidence. I loved the way she strode over to shake Chris Wallace's hand with a big grin while the cheeto faced shitgibbon stood there glowering. Also did anyone notice that he turned his back on Melania when she went over to congratulate him? Meanwhile Hillary was smiling, laughing and high fiving her supporters.

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Probably the wrong thread, but I agree that HRC looked fantastic last night - as she has in all the debates and at the convention. Her smiling or nodding attentively when Trump or Wallace were talking was a nice contrast to Trump's belligerent pouting.

Just now, madmaverick said:

I don't recall a figure in public life in recent memory so deserving of ridicule and to be despised. 

Yup, and we've had some doozies lately.

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petulant titty baby

I never heard that phrase until it was used on Bojack Horseman. It sure does bring a visual! On the flip side I've heard the phrase "going tits up" fairly often but never really thought about the implications until a friend who never heard it before was appalled.

I used to roll my eyes at people who said they'd leave the country if so-and-so won the election, but I get it now. I don't know how I would stand four years of "that I can tell you believe me! Tremendous! Bigly!"

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