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Hillary Rodham Clinton: 2016 Democratic Presidential Nominee

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He definitely should be fired then. She can do so much better.

I hate Anthony Weiner so much right now, because I'll bet that Huma's email--on his cell phone--could be truly damaging.

And yet Trump gets away with ZERO transparency--not tax returns, not charitable donations (lies about them, that is), not his bankers and crooked partners abroad, not about illegally doing business with Cuba, not about Manafort probably setting up the conduit with Russia intelligence and Trump, making promises post-election (perhaps to Assange as well).... for Hillary its daily "email, email email" and for Trump --with all his incredible unethical baggage-- he just is free to keep up the drumbeat.

"Rigged system" "Crooked system" "Lying media"....right.

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Worst fucking Dem presidential candidate ever. Dems think the Senate is gone now and this will kill us downticket. That's the Clintons for you. There inability to behave ethically keeps screwing over the Dems while they just get richer and more powerful. 

3 minutes ago, Padma said:

He definitely should be fired then. She can do so much better.

I hate Anthony Weiner so much right now, because I'll bet that Huma's email--on his cell phone--could be truly damaging.

And yet Trump gets away with ZERO transparency--not tax returns, not charitable donations (lies about them, that is), not his bankers and crooked partners abroad, not about illegally doing business with Cuba, not about Manafort probably setting up the conduit with Russia intelligence and Trump, making promises post-election (perhaps to Assange as well).... for Hillary its daily "email, email email" and for Trump --with all his incredible unethical baggage-- he just is free to keep up the drumbeat.

"Rigged system" "Crooked system" "Lying media"....right.

This is Hillary's fault. She was warned to not use a private server by her staffers including Huma and she did it anyways. It was a giant fucking mess that she created for herself and according to Podesta's leaks her staffers didn't even know how bad the email mess was until the story appeared in NYT. 

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This is Hillary's fault. She was warned to not use a private server by her staffers including Huma and she did it anyways.

Well, it didn't get hacked, unlike government servers.  But, this latest "frenzy" has nothing to do with Hillary's private server.

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1 hour ago, 33kaitykaity said:

Abortion rights are under real threat.

Why is having some reasonable standards for a clinic performing an invasive medical procedure a bad thing? The numbers thrown out by the article are meaningless; if three doctors needed to merge their practices to provide the level of service demanded by a new law, that was counted as the net loss of two providers. Nor did it account for how many butchers were rightfully shut down. If there's any threat it's from escalating medical prices in general.

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3 minutes ago, Nidratime said:

Well, it didn't get hacked, unlike government servers.  But, this latest "frenzy" has nothing to do with Hillary's private server.

We actually don't know that. Her security was so shitty on her server there was no way to tell. The FBI said they couldn't find proof it had been hacked. And quite frankly, her shitty server with no security could have been the entry point into the government servers. 

This just breathed new life into the GOP. It is going to excite the GOP base who were likely to stay home. This is going to hurt Dems. Not just Hillary.

Edited by pivot
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14 minutes ago, LoneHaranguer said:

Why is having some reasonable standards for a clinic performing an invasive medical procedure a bad thing?

The GOP has passed and tried to pass a lot of laws about abortion. Which ones do you consider reasonable. Please be specific. And, even better, which do you think are not?

I can answer, too, but I'd like to hear from you, since you think they're "reasonable." What about efforts to defund Planned Parenthood?

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1 minute ago, LoneHaranguer said:

Why is having some reasonable standards for a clinic performing an invasive medical procedure a bad thing? The numbers thrown out by the article are meaningless; if three doctors needed to merge their practices to provide the level of service demanded by a new law, that was counted as the net loss of two providers. Nor did it account for how many butchers were rightfully shut down. If there's any threat it's from escalating medical prices in general.

These laws are intended to close the clinics as SCOTUS ruled earlier this year.  The ReThuglicans do not care about women's health as proven by their misogynistic leader's insistence that that there should be punishment for women who choose not to continue a pregnancy.  That's why the Supreme Court is so important and why HRC must win on Nov. 8.  


Supreme Court Strikes Down Texas Abortion Restrictions


WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Monday reaffirmed and strengthened constitutional protections for abortion rights, striking down parts of a restrictive Texas law that could have drastically reduced the number of abortion clinics in the state, leaving them only in the largest metropolitan areas.

The 5-to-3 decision was the court’s most sweeping statement on abortion since Planned Parenthood v. Casey in 1992, which reaffirmed the constitutional right to abortion established in 1973 in Roe v. Wade. It found that Texas’ restrictions — requiring doctors to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals and clinics to meet the standards of ambulatory surgical centers — violated Casey’s prohibition on placing an “undue burden” on the ability to obtain an abortion.

If Casey limited the right established in Roe, allowing states to regulate abortion in ways Roe had barred, Monday’s decision effectively expanded that right. It means that similar requirements in other states are most likely also unconstitutional, and it imperils many other kinds of restrictions on abortion. It is also sure to energize anti-abortion forces and make abortion a central issue in the presidential campaign. 


“We conclude,” Justice Stephen G. Breyer wrote for the majority, “that neither of these provisions offers medical benefits sufficient to justify the burdens upon access that each imposes. Each places a substantial obstacle in the path of women seeking a previability abortion, each constitutes an undue burden on abortion access, and each violates the federal Constitution.”

[more at link]

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We actually don't know that. Her security was so shitty on her server there was no way to tell.

Her server was never hacked. And there is absolutely a way to tell - while she did have a private server, she most certainly had IT people tending to it. It wasn't like she was firing up an AOL account and calling tech support when something went wrong.

And surely, by now, any 'hacking' of her private email would be have been made public. 

It is going to excite the GOP base who were likely to stay home. This is going to hurt Dems. Not just Hillary.

I believe you're mistaken about all those things.

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We actually don't know that. Her security was so shitty on her server there was no way to tell. The FBI said they couldn't find proof it had been hacked. And quite frankly, her shitty server with no security could have been the entry point into the government servers. 

Well, that's a lot of suppositions based on no facts. If the FBI could find no proof, then why should anyone jump to the conclusion that it was hacked?

Besides, if the server were hacked, I would think we'd see tons of her private emails  ... oh yeah, I forgot that we *are* seeing tons of emails released by the FBI, GOP members of Congress, and the media as opposed to say, Wikileaks.

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Well I don't care who's fault this.  I don't care how it happened.   I care about the results.   If Hillary can't overcome this, it's not just her who loses.  Bye Bye Women's Choice, Bye Bye Gay Marriage.  I know Hillary isn't popular but I don't know how anyone who isn't rigidly republican could be happy about this. 

Welp, I know who I'm voting for, it's a shame that some people are casting a protest vote to Johnson and Stein because that would be a nice cushion from this.   Nothing I can do until November 8th.  Unbelievable.

I heard something was filed with the DOJ against this Commey and the former something for the DOJ was BLASTING him and this maneuver as outrageous.  Time and tide will tell.  I would go right to  FBI & CIA and demand EVERYTHING they have on Trump.  Everything goes online.   Photo's recordings.   I have know doubt he's got skeletons darker than Clinton.

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I just voted and it took me an hour door to door and my polling place is 1.5 miles away. No line at all. I stared at my review screen for about a minute and triple checked it just to make sure.

I was planning on voting today but these latest moves by Comey made me even more adamant. He can go fuck himself (Comey I mean).

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Thank you GHScorpiosRule!  We need every possible vote now!

Some AA legal expert MSNBC just interviewed defended Comey because this was "consistent" with how "chatty" he's been about this case from the beginning. But he also said--in addition to that defense--that "normally" we wouldn't have known anything about this investigation until the results were announced (and that will be well after the election).

So wrong.....

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29 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

As I said a few days ago I still would rather have Tim Kaine as president than Trump or Pence.

Tim Kaine is a complete nonentity.  He doesn't even register on my radar as somebody I would be interested in.

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8 minutes ago, maraleia said:

He can go fuck himself (Comey I mean).

The President should relieve him of his duties now, and someone else should start looking into Comey's emails.  We're sort of on a news blackout locally here in Chicago, because a plane caught on fire at O'hare.  After the initial report of Comey's nonsense, I had to go for a walk.   I went to the Entenmann's outlet store, so I have Comey to blame for that. 

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If I count the time it took to walk from the public parking garage, to the Executive Office building...through the cafeteria (who knew that door was to the court cafeteria?), up the stairs...to the line one foot away...standing in line: about 15 minutes.

No touch screen ballots like we've had the past two? General elections. Paper ballot-two sided about 11x14? I know it's longer than legal size paper. And you fill in your choices like those standardized tests from school! That took less than a minute, but I reviewed them three times to make sure my choices were clear.  Then go to the scanning machine to scan my ballot-it's like depositing a check in the ATM. And I was done.

okay it took two minutes before I got my ballot because the volunteer put in the wrong letter when I gave her my name-I just had to give my name and address. That was it. Then sign the receipt her machine spit out, verifying my information, which was inserted in the folder that had the ballot.

Grabbed my "I VOTED" sticker and I was done.

All in all, it took 30 minutes.

I have to tell you, my heart was racing and I felt just like I did when I was 18 and voting for the first time! I Really wanted my inner pettiness to come out and write 'FUCK NO!!! over Drumpf's name, but knew I couldn't because then the machine might take that as a vote for that Orangutan.

I can't  upload my sticker because the file is too large?! ??

Will do it from my 'puter when I get home.

I'm getting my booze right now because I need a fucking drink over all this email investigation bullshit that is all over the internets.

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20 minutes ago, AimingforYoko said:

Anthony effing Weiner. He's not just content to destroy himself, I guess. Although it probably won't change the outcome of the national race, it will complcate things down-ballot.

And, here I thought it would be Bill that caused the trouble for his wife!  

See, ladies--this is what happens when we marry the wrong damn man and stay with his ass longer than we should have!

I'm looking forward to Bill being the "first gentleman," but I would prefer that he stay downwind and keep his lips zipped.  

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Can someone please explain to me why the case involving Trump raping a thirteen year old girl hasn't been reported? He and Jeffrey Epstein are listed as the defendants in this case. I'm pretty sure this case exists and that I wasn't reading something fake, yet I don't understand why this doesn't get any coverage. It doesn't even get coverage on the three shows I respect on MSNBC, Maddow, Hayes, and O'Donnell.

Back to the emails, I don't get why Huma stayed with Anthony Weiner after the first scandal, but then it wouldn't be fair of me not to ask why the hell Hillary stayed with her "weiner".  My goodness, talk about bad men bringing down powerful women. Although neither man told Hillary to have a private server which is where this all gives legs to Hillary's crazed enemies. She keeps placing herself right on the edge of the roof thinking she won't fall off and that her enemies won't try to push her over. It's not logical behavior to me considering the years of witch hunts, why make it easy for your enemies. I know there are issues of trust because of those witch hunts but she's never able to escape totally unscathed so why give them any help in devising risky ways to protect herself. 

Oh and fuck Comey, from the time he came out to announce his findings and explain to the public why, he fucked up. When the hell does the FBI do that?

Glad I voted and I just hope there are enough voters like me to block out this noise.

Edited by Keepitmoving
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I posted a link to the court documents this morning on the Trump thread.  I totally agree and cannot believe that there is no coverage or outcry.  Even though it's a civil case, it still alleges that Trump raped a 13 year old girl, and there are sworn witnesses backing her up.  WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE???!!!

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Comey had to do this now?? I find that highly suspicious in its convenience for Trump. Isn't there a rule that the FBI is not supposed to make rather vague - at this point - statements of this sort that can influence an election?

Yes, there is a 60 day before an election rule and he did this a bit more than a week before the election.  Makes me want to grind my teeth.

Edited by magdalene
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I think the Weiner stench is more significant here than the email thing.   I've heard so much about Hillary's poor judgment in using a private email server, but my biggest concern about her wisdom is her inexplicable loyalty to Huma Abedin who is about as big a political liability as I've seen in a long time.   No, Abedin didn't break any laws but she linked Hillary to an incorrigible pervert now being investigated for sexting with a 15 year old girl.   As that phrase "sexting a 15 year old girl" gets repeated ad nauseum over the next two weeks, it is bound to have a negative effect on the public perception of Hillary.

She should have cut Abedin loose a long time ago.

The irony is soul-crushing.   Trump brags "grab them by the pussy," but Hillary is going to go down due to the sexual misconduct of someone else's husband.

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For a year and a half now I've been spending half of my waking hours watching/reading news about this election.  I still can't figure out why nothing sticks to Trump

Because he's not Hillary. 

When you truly understand the depths of hate for this women and actually for ALL women who fight to grab power in this country and around the world for that matter, you will be able to easily come to this conclusion.

And lets make it clear that it's not just men who hate this type of woman, it's many of our fellow women as well.  There are Trump female supporters on tape not saying it just about Hillary, but that a woman should not be president. A woman can't be president. With women like these.... Women outnumber men in this country, and the only reason we're not running the show is because we suck at supporting one another in whatever our choices may be.  This is how Trump could pull what he has and be where he is in the polls. This is how if he was the one with the private server as a former secretary of state he would still not suffer the same backlash as Hillary. I feel very comfortable guaranteeing this, not if he were still then in a position to win the presidency against a woman. They would do everything to protect him so that, that kind of power didn't get into the hands of that woman.

Edited by Keepitmoving
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Am watching President Obama campaign for Hillary on Facebook and watching all the gendered insults in comments, but sexism has nothing to do with debunked he GOP talking points resonating. /s

I've also have seen, so far, seven or eight racist terms lobbed at President Obama. 

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18 minutes ago, Keepitmoving said:

Because he's not Hillary. 

When you truly understand the depths of hate for this women and actually for ALL women who fight to grab power in this country and around the world for that matter, you will be able to easily come to this conclusion.

And lets make it clear that it's not just men who hate this type of woman, it's many of our fellow women as well.  There are Trump female supporters on tape not saying it just about Hillary, but that a woman should not be president. A woman can't be president. With women like these.... Women outnumber men in this country, and the only reason we're not running the show is because we suck at supporting one another in whatever our choices may be.  This is how Trump could pull what he has and be where he is in the polls. This is how if he was the one with the private server as a former secretary of state he would still not suffer the same backlash as Hillary. I feel very comfortable guaranteeing this, not if he were still then in a position to win the presidency against a woman. They would do everything to protect him so that, that kind of power didn't get into the hands of that woman.

Spot on.  Sadly.

Every group that struggles for equality -- women, gays, blacks, etc -- has members whose selfishness and ignorance undermine the good work of the vast majority.   Trump's female supporters do just that.

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Someone has something on Trump.   I remember Republican Strategist Liz Mair (loathes Trump) said there are Two stories about Trump that are HORRIBLE and they haven't dropped yet.   HRC Campaign,  YOU HAVE HOMEWORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The people I spoke to are still at the Lesser of 2 evils thing.  They say they are voting for her just because he's insane.  They think she's a liar but she's head and shoulders above him.   I'm hoping that's the stance that everyone takes.

They say Comey is taking a beating on Twitter which isn't a be all and end all gage but at least some people can see through this.  While I will DEFINITELY be voting Clinton, the one thing the Media has accomplished is to make me share the Orange Horror Show's seething HATE for them.

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51 minutes ago, Keepitmoving said:

Because he's not Hillary. 

When you truly understand the depths of hate for this women and actually for ALL women who fight to grab power in this country and around the world for that matter, you will be able to easily come to this conclusion.

And lets make it clear that it's not just men who hate this type of woman, it's many of our fellow women as well.  There are Trump female supporters on tape not saying it just about Hillary, but that a woman should not be president. A woman can't be president. With women like these.... Women outnumber men in this country, and the only reason we're not running the show is because we suck at supporting one another in whatever our choices may be.  This is how Trump could pull what he has and be where he is in the polls. This is how if he was the one with the private server as a former secretary of state he would still not suffer the same backlash as Hillary. I feel very comfortable guaranteeing this, not if he were still then in a position to win the presidency against a woman. They would do everything to protect him so that, that kind of power didn't get into the hands of that woman.

And how ironic that one of the third world countries (one that my parents are from and I'm proud to call my own, despite the horrors, treatment of women and girls, not to mention the numerous rapes), ??INDIA ?? Elected a WOMAN Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi*-daughter of Jahawarlal Nehru, run the country for years and she was damned good at it and was a strong ruler.  And sadly, didn't believe that her own bodyguards would assasinate her and kept them on after she had ordered the troops to kill the terrorists holed up in the temple in Amritsar. Who happened to be Sikhs-just as her bodyguards were. 

And yet, the United States of America is still behind. It's my fervent hope that it will catch up when Hillary Clinton becomes our President.

*My dad met her when he was in the Army and told me all about her and how strong and passionate she was. I still miss her.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
STOOPID "Autocorrect"
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2 hours ago, candall said:

On the other hand, abortion rights have already been slashed and chipped away by HUNDREDS of pieces of new legislation that are so transparently unrelated to the "protection" they purport to provide, it would be hilarious if it weren't so outrageous.  Prohibited:  Any clinic with hallways which are not of a sufficient width to allow two gurneys to pass simultaneously.  (Yes, we know no one is transported on a gurney during a termination procedure. That's how we know their halls won't be wide enough.  Get it?  Wink-wink.)

You've just described a provision intended to keep down the competition against big medical centers who'd rather have patients coming to them, not something intended to keep the procedures from being performed at all, but nobody gave any thought to rural areas. That's what happens when legislators are only thinking about their campaign supporters.  

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They can't do this to us. They just can't.

The only thing that's keeping me from throwing something out the window is listening to Hamilton's "My Shot" over and over and hoping that Hillary, her supporters, and everyone else that can keep a Trump presidency from happening feel the same way.

Not gonna throw away my shot

I am not throwing away my shot

It helps. A little.

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1 hour ago, millennium said:

I think the Weiner stench is more significant here than the email thing.   I've heard so much about Hillary's poor judgment in using a private email server, but my biggest concern about her wisdom is her inexplicable loyalty to Huma Abedin who is about as big a political liability as I've seen in a long time.   No, Abedin didn't break any laws but she linked Hillary to an incorrigible pervert now being investigated for sexting with a 15 year old girl.   As that phrase "sexting a 15 year old girl" gets repeated ad nauseum over the next two weeks, it is bound to have a negative effect on the public perception of Hillary.

She should have cut Abedin loose a long time ago.

The irony is soul-crushing.   Trump brags "grab them by the pussy," but Hillary is going to go down due to the sexual misconduct of someone else's husband.

Heh. You just said "stench of Weiner" (well sort of). 

Really I'm going to take pleasure in the small things, because otherwise I'd have to cry at this new wave of bullshit.

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29 minutes ago, LoneHaranguer said:

You've just described a provision intended to keep down the competition against big medical centers who'd rather have patients coming to them, not something intended to keep the procedures from being performed at all, but nobody gave any thought to rural areas. That's what happens when legislators are only thinking about their campaign supporters.  

No, that's what happens when anti-abortion woman-hating zealots get frustrated with their inability to get Roe v. Wade repealed and too many women are exercising their right to control their own bodies.  The ReThuglicans found a workaround that allowed them to accomplish their goal of imprisoning women to the tyranny of unwanted pregnancy another way.  

It is no accident that when women have such control, their standing in a society usually achieves equality.  Things that make you to hmm... 

Edited by 33kaitykaity
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And yet, the United States of America is still behind. It's my fervent hope that it will catch up when Hillary Clinton becomes our President.

America is still behind because it's considered the leader of the free world. The power of the leader of this country IMO, is seen to be a power unlike any other power of any leader in the free world. Everyone looks to America and its leader.

So, that's some power to have and they still do not want a woman to have it.  It's not seen as the same power that Angela Merkel has over Germany or any other female leader in the world, this is why these men and unsupportive women have continued to fight against a female president of the United States of America. I figured this out a little while ago, why it's been so much quicker for other countries to put a women in power and not the supposed leader of the free world.

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But I thought the media was "biased?"  I thought it was "rigged?"  I thought the FBI was "biased?"  I thought they were part of the whoooole "rigged" structure?  I thought the FBI was "incompetent?" 

I can't blame the media much, but it's disgusting and galling that there is one level of responsibility to level an accusation at Trump, or repeat gossip.  However, that doesn't exist for Clinton.  Just fire away.  No need to investigate or evaluate.  Just repeat broad comments as if they are devastating facts in evidence, and create hysteria. 

It is fascinating that this all arose after tens of millions spent against her, decades of prying, decades of media hysteria, and decades of propaganda against her.  "There MUST be something there!!!  Because we haven't found anything yet."  And liberal Democrats believe the same fucking thing, is what's disgusting.  The notion she's evil is so pervasive, it's now believed as fact.
Her husband was found to have gotten oral sex, and - GASP - lied about it.  After 20+ years of constant investigation on other things.  Oral sex.  Didn't want his personal sex secrets part of the American historical record, oh, and his wife to know.
She was part of all the same investigations, and more because she stayed in office.  The emails came up because of Benghazi.  A total fucking partisan snipe hunt.  They found literally nothing... so they pursued this for years and years, and demanded to read her emails.  "She must be a liar, after all, because so far we haven't found anything."  They found a technical error on her part that was a FRACTION of the severity of what Rice and Powell did, who just flatly refused subpoenas requesting their emails.  She had a private server like they did.  Never hacked.  Breach of office policy, but one with 8 years' precedent.  She's evil.
And because Anthony Weiner is a pervert and married to a Clinton aide, years of investigations found innocuous emails on his phone.  Gets blown out of proportion by an eager media, and here we are.

Why can't the Democrats do this?  Can you imagine what the Republicans would do to Trump if he was running as a Democrat?  I get it that we're smarter than the right, and better educated, and more sophisticated and mature, and we "go high,"  but for fuck's sake... have the balls to open their bellies when it's appropriate.

Oh, also... where is yesterday's story that Bill Clinton earns too much money and is mean when he asks the rich to donate to charity?  Poof.  Gone.  It wasn't an actual story.  The new story is that Huma Abedin wrote emails.  Cuz ratings.

Edited by Landsnark
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No, Abedin didn't break any laws but she linked Hillary to an incorrigible pervert now being investigated for sexting with a 15 year old girl.   As that phrase "sexting a 15 year old girl" gets repeated ad nauseum over the next two weeks, it is bound to have a negative effect on the public perception of Hillary.

RIght, and if they even think of playing up his sexting a fifteen year old by trying to link it to Hillary,  I say let the 24/7 news coverage on the civil case against Trump raping a 13 year old girl begin. COMMENCE to START! LOL, I got that line from a movie and I can't remember which one but it was hilarious. Where the fuck is it? Because I've know about it for some time and have long been waiting for coverage. In addition let's have nonstop rolling of the tape of him in Trump Tower shouting up the escalator at a 10 year old girl THREATENING her that he would be dating her in x amount of years. Go ahead, let them play out the Weiner pervert role  in connection to Hillary because the only thing that gives Trump an edge on the pervert issue is that his last name is not Weiner.  

Edited by Keepitmoving
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41 minutes ago, LoneHaranguer said:

You've just described a provision intended to keep down the competition against big medical centers who'd rather have patients coming to them, not something intended to keep the procedures from being performed at all,<snip>

Except the GOP legislators pushing for these ridiculous, harmful laws admit they want to ban abortion. You're making excuses for them they don't bother to make. 

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So caught up over all the deets and basically, in convoluted fashion.   Hillary has to take heat for the perversion of her aides, husband.   That's really what it all boils down too.   Huma or whatever her name is,  used a laptop to e-mail Hillary, however Huma's pervert husband, used that same laptop for god knows what.   Nonsense.  Ugh.

I'm going to mass and PRAYING something about Trump comes down the pike.

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All I know is, I'm tired of living in fear of the future.  I figured I would hold my breath for the next eleven days, and then it would be over, and all the worries would fade like the Millennium Bug panic.

It's uncanny how evil always triumphs.

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Comey's disclosure shocks former prosecutors


"It is not the function of the FBI director to be making public pronouncements about an investigation, never mind about an investigation based on evidence that he acknowledges may not be significant," Akerman added. "The job of the FBI is simply to investigate and to provide the results of its investigation to the prosecutorial arm of the U.S. Department of Justice. His job is not to give a running commentary about any investigation or his opinion about any investigation. This is particularly egregious since Secretary Clinton has no way to respond to what amounts to nebulous and speculative innuendo.”



Democrats are also pushing for the FBI to take a closer look as they do those probes into the connections between Russia, the release by WikiLeaks of Podesta's stolen emails and several operatives who have worked for and around the Trump's campaign.

Several current and former DOJ, FBI and intelligence community sources earlier this month told POLITICO they have little doubt that federal law enforcement was looking into all of those questions. And on Twitter, Miller wrote that while the FBI “is undoubtedly investigating” those links, it was doing the right thing by staying mum on the matter.


“They shouldn’t be commenting on investigations! But that should apply to all. Instead, Clinton consistently treated differently/worse,” the former Obama DOJ spokesman added.


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It's uncanny how evil always triumphs.

Well Nothing is final until November 9th so I'm still hoping that things go the way we want.  I think Hillary still very much has a chance.  Everyone I spoke to said they are still voting for her.   

Whatever happens, I hope the DOJ, FBI and CIA find enough to hang Trump with, an RNC cronies or two can take the fall with him. I'm going to go throw a quarter in a well.

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1 minute ago, Advance35 said:

Well Nothing is final until November 9th so I'm still hoping that things go the way we want.  I think Hillary still very much has a chance.  Everyone I spoke to said they are still voting for her.   

Whatever happens, I hope the DOJ, FBI and CIA find enough to hang Trump with, an RNC cronies or two can take the fall with him. I'm going to go throw a quarter in a well.

I hope you are right.   But it burns that Trump gets yet another chance to climb up on his mountain of shit and gleefully crow to his minions.   

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