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S33.E04: Who's The Sucker At The Table?

Tara Ariano
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As entertaining as it was I am thinking it was pretty dumb for Dave to play his idol for Jessica. It is way way too early to be playing an idol on someone other than yourself especially considering nobody was targeting Dave at all.  Also, being a fan of the show he has to suspect a swap in coming and who knows who will end up on his tribe.

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2 minutes ago, FlyingEgret said:

What was up with the Olde Time filter when showing the Gen-X tribe at the beginning of the show?  They aren't that old...

Yeah I thought that was weird them filtering Gen-X talking. I was like it can't possibly be brown outside until I seen a TH was in color. Please end this nonsense. 

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8 minutes ago, FlyingEgret said:

What was up with the Olde Time filter when showing the Gen-X tribe at the beginning of the show?  They aren't that old...


6 minutes ago, Marmiarmo said:

I thought the color had gone out on my TV.


That happens when they are still using Night Cameras when it's light out. You saw it once before in Second Chances season when Jeff was talking with Abi in E2, I believe.

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40 minutes ago, Etta Place said:

Okay, why did Ken vote for Jessica? He knew Dave had the idol. Did Dave tell him he might play it? I understand Dave telling CC to vote for Lucy, since her name would be the only other one out there, but why wouldn't Ken also vote for Lucy? 

That's easy.  After they found out Jessica didn't believe Ken and immediately ran to Lucy, he and Dave knew they didn't have the numbers to get Lucy out so they went into tribal together with the idea of voting for Jessica to save their skin.  They knew the other 4 from that other alliance wanted her out more than them and they would live another day.  That they didn't either have time or bother to tell C.C. about the change since she still thought their first plan of voting for Lucy was still on may be telling.

Then at tribal Dave said something like things were going "live tribal" which Probst got out of him to mean that things could change because of what was happening at tribal.  What was happening was Dave saw the light FINALLY go on in Jessica's head that she was dead meat and decided it was worth playing his idol to get her aboard and have a 4-3 majority on Gen-X.  There was no way to tell Ken of that new, on the spot plan at tribal since he wasn't sitting anywhere near him and didn't know about Michelle's the Tribal Council Whisper technique anyway.  But he didn't really need to get his vote since he had the idol.

All of this was a brilliant move on Dave's part except that tribal swaps always happen on Survivor so his new majority alliance move may be nullified almost immediately depending on the blind luck of the draw.  But it could still work out for him if Jessica is now loyal to him.  He gained one more person (for now) but he lost an idol so will the gain be worth the loss in the end is the question.

Meanwhile Jessica's ability to sustain a wide-eyed stare of total surprise for so long will make her a 15 minutes of fame legend.

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Oh noesssss. Every single one of my sexy Asian eye candy has been voted out! Bye Lucy I'll miss you Tiger Mom. However it was a no win situation for me with the vote tonight as Jessica is not only from my home town of Albany NY but she works in a building I frequent a lot so I'm keeping my eyes wide open (yeah, you see what I did there) in case I run into her...so I'm rooting for her. I would have been fine with CeCe going because she was doing a fine impression of an inanimate object at Tribal Tonight.

That was one of the biggest toasting of an idol every one SURVIVOR. What does that gain Dave...Jess is still disliked and now he probably is to. It only buys her another three days if they lose again with everyone aligned against her. A tribe swap is the ONLY thing that can save her now.

I have never seen someone so instantly paint a target on themselves as the first post merge boot as Michaela. If  girl doesn't give a damn that every guy and girl including Probst is checking out her "tatas" so she can try to win a comp then she's going to be a huge physical threat to individual immunity.

Speaking of Probst and Michaela...I don't think I have ever seen such a missed opportunity for an awesome moment of television as tonight. If Jeff had an wherewithal or even a dash of courtly behaviour he would have been standing on the edge of the surf with his famous Blue Shirt TM stripped off waiting to cover Michaela with it. That would have been the gentlmanly thing to do and he would have looked like a hero and scored huge points with the viewer.

Okay time to vent. I will tell you who "The Sucker at the Table" is...its us...the audience. After 16 years-to quote Doc Brown-My God Has it Been That Long-we are suppose to believe in an endless jungle filled with countless trees these castaway are able to find the ONE tree/rock/log where the idol or a clue is hidden? No way! The cameraman by order of production has to be doing something to guide the searcher. Why would they do this? You have to look no further than tonights tribal. Production loves the idol...they want it found and they want it played in a grandious manner so they are not going to let it go unfound. Again they LOVE the idol or it would have been a one hit wonder and gone away a long time ago (think the Medallion of Power...easily the worst executed twist in SURVIVOR).

I want to end on a positive note saying Gen X had a great strategy sending the heaviest guy up first while the whole team still had their strength. Too bad they lost anyway.

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Jessica's eyeball bugging was out of control!  

The immunity challenge was more interesting than most of the recycled challenges we've seen in recent seasons!

stop beating us over the head with the "milennials are dreamers who'd never work a 9 to 5" shtick!  That's been an incredibly annoying element of this season. I hope when they swap, that dissipates.  

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The episode was good.  The tribal was good.  David did a good job of making that TC really good television.

I'm very sad about all 3 Asian women being voted out.  It sucks. 

Michelle (?) is very good-looking.

Ken is VERY good-looking.

I took pictures of Jeff screaming as the wave hit him and I laughed and I laughed and laughed.  That was so funny man oh my god.  And everything he said and did as he tried to recover.  Oh man that was good.  He reacted so perfectly.  He didn't try to play it off like it wasn't a big thing. He was incredibly flummoxed and caught off guard and he showed it.  LOL

I almost forgot.  Michaela is like the new #icon.  I think she's awesome.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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22 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

Okay time to vent. I will tell you who "The Sucker at the Table" is...its us...the audience. After 16 years-to quote Doc Brown-My God Has it Been That Long-we are suppose to believe in an endless jungle filled with countless trees these castaway are able to find the ONE tree/rock/log where the idol or a clue is hidden? No way! The cameraman by order of production has to be doing something to guide the searcher. Why would they do this? You have to look no further than tonights tribal. Production loves the idol...they want it found and they want it played in a grandious manner so they are not going to let it go unfound. Again they LOVE the idol or it would have been a one hit wonder and gone away a long time ago (think the Medallion of Power...easily the worst executed twist in SURVIVOR).

Ah but it is not an endless jungle.  It is a rather smallish area taped off as one tribe's territory.  They can't go beyond the tribal borders the producers keep them caged in.  Given the days of hunting everyone has no doubt been doing and of which we never see, it is actually amazing no one on that tribe hadn't found the idol before that.  Especially since they could have stumbled upon the idol and/or the clue given there were two objects instead of one they could have stumbled upon.

I just realized that Dave may have accidentally (and I mean totally accidentally) gained something else from saving Jessica tonight.  She has the secret super squirrel advantage.  I would think that if she gets voted out before him she may leave it behind for Dave as a thank you now.

Edited to add that things can change in a game way down the road but for now I think Dave is in Jessica's "will" anyway and things would have to change a lot for him to not be..

Edited by green
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My Ken crush continues...I would have had the same reaction to Lucy...do not dictate to me, especially with a list of orders. This is not Stalag 17. And is Jessica as dumb as a rock? Could she not have sidled up to someone else...say Dave, and scoped out the situation? If she's an ADA, I figure the defense lawyers have a better than even chance of beating her in negotiations.

I feel for CeCe...she just seemed stunned by the game play...and she is rarely brought into the scheming. She is loyal though to Ken and Dave, and she did fight hard in the first challenge. Chris, though, is intensely valuable in physical challenges...and he still carries a big grudge...I still think he and Bret will off Jessica if they get a chance.

Lucy deserved the boot...her ethnicity had nothing to do with it.

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17 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

I want to end on a positive note saying Gen X had a great strategy sending the heaviest guy up first while the whole team still had their strength. Too bad they lost anyway.

I'd actually disagree. Though it didn't seem to playout this way not only did it tire his team out more from lugging his butt up and down there was a huge detraction of the amount of pulling power he'd have contributed to pulling someone lighter to get the pieces. It was a failed decision even if it didn't seem to cost them.

Probst vs. The Swell Swell was some of the most entertaining teevee in recent memory. It got better with each replay.

I also don't believe that Dave's move was all that 'genius'. He saved someone everyone else wanted out. He gains an ally I guess but what's she worth if they now decide to all come after an idol-less Dave because he's 'making big moves'. I don't think it will play out well even if it was a really gutsy move but I'm not sure how smart it was. I was also thinking that Ken is the kind of person that might hold a grudge that Dave didn't 'keep him in the loop' about his plan for "their idol".

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Jess wasn't stupid. She had no reason to believe Ken, the guy who has been stirring the pot, over Lucy, who has been her ally since day one. It was reasonable to be skeptical of Ken. Unfortunately, he was telling the truth, and Ken appears to be one of those people that if you slight him, he will carry a grudge. What she should have done was try and check it out with Sunday and Dave and see what vibes she got.

I read Lucy as liking being in control and simply seeing this as a good time to seize control, and the way to do it was to rally people to vote Jess out while she was vulnerable. Bret had Lucy's number, too, based on one of his THs about how Lucy came right up to them and started talking... but of course, it was in Bret and Chris's best interests to go along with that plan.

Ken took Jess not taking him at his word very personally and he was pissed. I figure that had as much to do with his vote for Jess as anything else.

I love David, and watching him play that idol was sweet. That said, about 90% of the time that would be a dumb move. On the other hand, he appears to be the only person on the Gen X Tribe even vaguely capable at puzzles. He was getting NO help on that one. None.

Talking about the immunity challenge... Gen X sent three guys to be lifted and do the puzzle. David seemed like the only good decision there. Chris weighed a freaking ton and Ken only half a ton, and neither appeared much help on the puzzle. Then again, I don't know that the women would have done any better.  Meh.

I like CeCe so far. She has a sense of humor and doesn't overreact. I'm hoping she can hang in there a bit longer. (That's probably the kiss of death. Sorry, CeCe.)

Finally, almost everyone except Dave and Michaela annoyed me this episode. Jesus, people. Glad I'm not on an island with you.

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She has the secret super squirrel advantage.  I would think that if she gets voted out before him she may leave it behind for Dave as a thank you

Love this. What with all the bats on the island, and I have a soft spot for Secret Squirrel. Shhhhhhh.....

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8 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

I'd actually disagree. Though it didn't seem to playout this way not only did it tire his team out more from lugging his butt up and down there was a huge detraction of the amount of pulling power he'd have contributed to pulling someone lighter to get the pieces. It was a failed decision even if it didn't seem to cost them.

Probst vs. The Swell Swell was some of the most entertaining teevee in recent memory. It got better with each replay.

I also don't believe that Dave's move was all that 'genius'. He saved someone everyone else wanted out. He gains an ally I guess but what's she worth if they now decide to all come after an idol-less Dave because he's 'making big moves'. I don't think it will play out well even if it was a really gutsy move but I'm not sure how smart it was. I was also thinking that Ken is the kind of person that might hold a grudge that Dave didn't 'keep him in the loop' about his plan for "their idol".

Yep. This is why I thought it was dumb. He gained one possible ally in Jessica while possibly losing several others like Ken and CeCe and as you pointed he now has put a big target on his back for being not only someone who will make big moves but also someone who will turn on you on a dime.

Edited by GenL
Removed Preview Talk
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Gee, Chris, what a baby.  I want to form a tribe of one.  Don't talk to me now, but talk to me, let's talk, don't talk about me.

Why did it go sepia tone there for a while?  Weird.

Yay, I like Adam.

I always laugh when people bust their tribemates for looking for an idol, but don't bother to look themselves.

Man, I'm tired of puzzle challenges.

It was kind of silly that the GenX put Chris in the chair instead of somebody light.

Jessica was really stupid go back and tell Lucy what Ken told her.

"Ken is so emotional like a girl."  Jeez, Lucy, way to be sexist.

David, playing your idol was stupid. You're next on the block.

I wonder why Ken voted for Jessica.  Just mad because she narked on him?

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59 minutes ago, green said:

Meanwhile Jessica's ability to sustain a wide-eyed stare of total surprise for so long will make her a 15 minutes of fame legend.

I joked that maybe medical had told her to keep her eyeballs aired out for a stretch of time every day so that the infection doesn't come back.

Imagine that stare if her eyes were still red though!

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I can't help but wonder if they had placed the numbered bags in order and then taken the letters out, if the puzzle would be solved for them.  I noticed that in the demonstration how to play, Bag #30 was a T (the last letter in Tonight). 

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I thought the Gen X strategy was smart, and the fact that they finished it much quicker than the Millennials would seem to bear that out. There's a very good reason, too. The men were all tall with long arms. They didn't have to be moved as much between the rows to reach the tiles. They didn't lose because of that. They lost because of the puzzle. Given how long it took, no one's strategy on the first part mattered, anyway. 

Good riddance, Lucy. You know, I make all the decisions in our household, and my husband and kids have always been fine with that for quite a few reasons. What I don't do is treat people in other situations like they're the family who depends on me to do those things. Lucy was an asshole, even more so since she blamed Jessica for the Paul vote. 

That said, Jessica had every reason to believe her. As someone already mentioned, Lucy was supposedly her ally. Ken was a dude who had every reason to lie, being on the outs. 

Smart or not, I couldn't stand to see Lucy get her way, so I am happy for David's play. And I think he did buy a majority alliance. I think Ken (and CeCe, of course) will  be just fine joining him and Jessica to form a majority alliance. Jessica is on the bottom, of course, but that's better than the alternative. 

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Count me in as thinking that was probably a bad move on Dave's part. Or at least, he's not playing the odds. Because these days they do a tribe swap more often than not, so that tribe majority that Dave sacrificed his idol for will probably be gone within days. But even if (if, if, if) there's not a swap, look at this "majority" he has. He has Jessica, who pissed off Ken and voted for CeCe, and who wasn't much an ally to Dave to begin with. He has Ken, who voted for Jessica and seems a little impatient and unsubtle in his game play. And Ken clearly didn't know he was going to play the idol (it was probably a snap decision) and clearly didn't think it was a good move, so there's going to be some friction between them. He has CeCe, who won't be happy Jessica voted for her and hardly seems in the loop. I'm saying, this could be a foursome that would be hard to keep together. And he just burned his idol with not great odds of getting it back or being aligned with the person who gets it. And he made 3 enemies out of Chris, Bret, and Sundae. He essentially turned himself and Jessica into a "power couple", not to mention his already obvious alliance with Ken. That makes him even more of a target.

On the other hand, if he just laid low and voted out Jessica, well it's true he and Ken and CeCe would be on the bottom again. But probably CeCe would have gone next. Then there'd be 6 left, close to the merge, and the majority would probably target Ken next. Dave had a good chance of making it to the merge.

But it sure made for a great episode!

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CeCe is probably thrilled Dave played his idol. At the rate these people are turning on each other and pissing each other off, she's soon going to be last on their "to vote out" list.

The long arms and kegs of the guys were an advantage in the immunity challenge, but only if they can do puzzles. Otherwise, just go for the lighter people who can spell. Or maybe clone David. (Words I never thought I'd type.)

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Michaela is one of the best characters this show has cast in years. There is something about her that combines brash confidence with competency, skill, and power. Love her, she's fantastic and I hope she goes far. She's quite literally the only millennial worth talking about.

Over on the Gen-X tribe Dave continues his redemption after what was possibly the worst debut episode character slaying by the editors I've ever seen. He obviously wasn't nearly as bad as they made him out to be. I don't think he went into tribal intending to play the idol but sussed out the situation correctly (that Jessica would get the most votes) and decided to act. Whether that was the right decision (it probably wasn't) we'll have to wait and see, but give him credit for taking a big risk and playing the game. Survivor, above all, needs people who want to play the game. Even hateable characters get points from me for trying to play (Dave is infinitely more likeable now, mind you).

Not really much else to comment on, one or two characters continue to carry this entire season in a cast of mostly dullards. Only other highlight of the episode was watching Chris utterly manhandle boy-children Jay, Taylor, Zeke et al.

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I'm rooting for Adam to hopefully go far because we both are nonprofit professionals in SF. A million bucks sure would help! ;) 

Ken is just super yummy, can't deny it. I'd probably go for manbun Joe first, but I'll take him too. :P

The most annoying thing about Lucy? That she said Ken was being too sensitive and emotional "like a girl". GTFO with that sexist shizzle. So what are you then, Lucy? Wonder what she thought of Adam crying if she watched the show tonight. Ugh.

Edited by MattDuffysCat
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For some reason I didn't think the puzzle solvers could get help.  It seems like team Millenials would have stayed there three more hours if Zeke didn't tell them what the answer was.  Has that always been allowed?

There's one guy on Millenials who's really creeping me out.  The shaggy haired dude who's not Taylor, but hangs out with that group.  He's got Charles Manson eyes.  He could play a convincing demonically possessed person.

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3 hours ago, cooksdelight said:

Who the heck voted for CC?

Jess voted for CeCe because her alliance told her that was the plan. Obviously, everyone else was fighting it out between Jess and Lucy.

It would've been nice to see Jess realize that Ken had been telling her the truth and change her vote. Ah well.

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16 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

The shaggy haired dude who's not Taylor, but hangs out with that group.  He's got Charles Manson eyes.  He could play a convincing demonically possessed person.

That would be... Justin?? (There's a Justin? ETA: Okay, he goes by 'Jay' for some reason) He is kinda shifty looking. But as for playing someone demonically possessed that eyes bugged out look from Jess today was more impressive.

Edited by Wandering Snark
Justin goes by 'Jay'
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A. Ken voted for Jessica.  If you DVRd, watch.

B. Dave shifted the balance of power.

C. Jess voted for CC, because that's how she thought her "alliance" was voting. 

The rest of the "alliance" now should realize they're not in charge

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Jess's deer in headlights look at tribal just made her look stupid. Ken warned you, you fool. 

That was an entertaining tribal but she wasn't worth using the idol.

I loved the puzzle and the different approaches. 

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13 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

There's one guy on Millenials who's really creeping me out.  The shaggy haired dude who's not Taylor, but hangs out with that group.  He's got Charles Manson eyes.  He could play a convincing demonically possessed person.

Will, the high school kid?

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I thought the different strategies in the immunity challenge had less to do with generational differences (as have most of everything on the show so far) and more to do with the fact that it was 3 women vs 3 men doing the puzzle.

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22 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

For some reason I didn't think the puzzle solvers could get help.  It seems like team Millenials would have stayed there three more hours if Zeke didn't tell them what the answer was.  Has that always been allowed?

There's one guy on Millenials who's really creeping me out.  The shaggy haired dude who's not Taylor, but hangs out with that group.  He's got Charles Manson eyes.  He could play a convincing demonically possessed person.

Yes. They have always allowed this as far back as I can remember on the show.

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Holy cow...Michaela is Bo Jackson!

Smart, determined and athletic. I hope she goes far. 

Poor Ken.  Each week we're going to have to watch him get disappointed by the people on his tribe.  If David betrays him, he may lose all faith in humanity.  Hope this doesn't happen, though, bc I really like their friendship so far.  

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3 minutes ago, cuphead said:

Poor Ken.  Each week we're going to have to watch him get disappointed by the people on his tribe.  If David betrays him, he may lose all faith in humanity.  Hope this doesn't happen, though, bc I really like their friendship so far.  

I think Ken has shown he doesn't do well with being let down... so I fear that his not being "in" on David's idol play may be tough for him to swallow. Hopefully he'll not make a big deal out of it but Ken sometimes kinda does have porcelain under his skin.

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I totally understand why Ken voted for Jessica, and probably would have done so if I was in his place. He alerted Jessica to Lucy's plans, because he wanted to work with her and protect her by targeting Lucy. Sure, he had his own agenda wanting Lucy out, but voting out Lucy would keep Jessica in the game, and he seemed to rather work with Jessica than Lucy. However, not only did Jessica not believe him, she went right to Lucy to confirm, and even after she heard everything at tribal, she was still SO FREAKING CLUELESS that the target was really on her, that she voted for CeCe. I liked Jessica in the first episode, but this time around, I was hoping she would go home, because she was so oblivious to everything around her. Regardless of the reason David played his idol for her, I don't feel she deserved to be saved (unless she completely ups her game).

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3 hours ago, North of Eden said:

we are suppose to believe in an endless jungle filled with countless trees these castaway are able to find the ONE tree/rock/log where the idol or a clue is hidden?

I believe it.  They're not really in an endless jungle.  They have finite jungle and beach cordoned off for these people.   They always hide idols in distinctive landmarks.  

And a shell painted with their tribe insignia is hardly going to blend in.  I would guess it wasn't placed out there until someone found the clue but Ken found his painted 'shell' without a clue so they must've been there all along.  

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32 minutes ago, ForeverAlone said:

she was still SO FREAKING CLUELESS that the target was really on her, that she voted for CeCe.

What surprised me was Lucy pretty much admitted that the conversation with Ken happened when she said she was just being blunt with Ken.  And then Jessica still looked at Ken and said, "I was supposed to just believe you?"  I guess she could've meant, "I see now you were the one telling the truth but why would I have believed you at the time?"  But her bush baby eyes at the vote reading sure made it seem like she only then found out she was the target.  

I don't know any men that appreciate Lucy's style of bluntness, so I think her claim is bs.  That's not blunt, that's bossy as hell.  It's like she was pulling a Boston Rob out there but with no tact, skill or real power.  

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4 hours ago, Michel said:

A whopping three Asian women cast this season, and all of them are gone within the first four episodes.  Nice form, Show.

What is the show supposed to do differently when players are voted off for reasons having nothing to do with their race?  Step in and declare Lucy immune until X blacks and caucasions were voted off?  It's bad enough there are casting quotas.  Don't make it so we need a rainbow coalition at final tribal or something.

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I was pretty bored with this episode, then the last five minutes happened & boy did I perk up. That was great, when Dave got up & said that some people would be mad I didn't understand why, & then he played the idol. For Jessica. Caught me completely by surprise.

Anybody have any ideas as to why Michelle was wearing red over the knee socks with her bathing suit?

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I feel bad for Adam about his mom, but I was distracted when he kept referring to her as a "huge superfan." I realize that's petty of me, but the redundancy grated. Unless he was trying to tell us she's a very large woman and a superfan, she's just a superfan.

That said, Adam's like a rash. I find him irritating, yet he's growing on me.

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